Easy evening makeup for blue eyes. Secrets of makeup creation for blue eyes - step-by-step instructions with photos

Dream about stylish short haircut? Before grabbed the scissors, it is worth understanding if this image will go to you. Otherwise, you risk in the next six months to shed tears, each time approaching the mirror. We decided to go from the opposite and tell, who are categorically not suitable short haircuts. Of course, to solve the fate of your hair and only you. But it is better to weigh all the "for" and "against".

Short haircuts vs bad leather

Sut off long hair, you seek emphased accents. The focus is on your face, and if your skin is far from ideal, you risk hard. Your skin is prone to inflammation? Or is it there are irregularities, scars? The nose blues from excitement? Believe me, you'd rather not cut, otherwise all these small-wing details are usually presented before the eyes of others. At least postpone a visit to the hairdresser until you decide the skin problems.

Short haircuts vs thin

It would seem that model appearance guarantees you an attractiveness with any hairstyle. But, as practice has shown, not always! If you do not have enough rounded forms, then the short haircut will turn you into a real boy. For example, Agnes Dane, which is considered to be a legislator of fashionable haircuts, would be much more feminine wondered with flushed hair at least with hairstyle.

Short haircuts vs fullness

Yes, the choice of haircut depends on the figure directly. For example, if you have wide shoulders or a bulk short neck, a short haircut will make them visually more massive. Ladies with gorgeous forms need to be even cautious - the haircut can disrupt the proportion. The head will visually look small on the background of a full figure. But long hair, on the contrary, will help you look luxuriously if you are the owner of lush forms.

Short haircuts vs fuzzy oval faces

Yes, no matter how sad, but any, even the most insignificant, lack of contour will become much more noticeable with short hair! If you have a second chin, a little "swam" soverees, or you just recovered a little, it is better to leave dreams of a haircut for later. In the meantime, proceed with Facebilding!

Short haircut VS lack of care

If you decide on a haircut for considerations of time saving, then immediately change my mind. Yes, the complete absence of cosmetics in combination with short hair can deprive you femininity. An exception, again, make up girls with perfectly smooth skin, dark eyebrows and eyelashes. In other cases, you risk becoming turned into a non-heavy tip.

Short haircut vs long nose

Alas and ah, in your case it is better to stop your choice on the hair of medium length with soft waves. A short haircut will only turn your highlight into an annoying flaw.

Short haircuts vs long face

Unfortunately, the attractiveness of a non-standard person can be "destroyed", daring to a radical change of image. The face is visually even more stretched out, which will definitely not add to you points!

Short haircuts vs courageous facial features

Your task is to soften the face by making it more feminine. And the short haircut will only emphasize your "masculinity"! Also abandon the haircut, if you prefer a purely male clothing form.

Short haircuts VS femininity

Surprisingly, the face with very feminine features may noticeably fade with a short haircut! Do not trust? Look at the photo! Yes, the haircut in this case looks quite well, but imagine if the face framed the hair? Do not deprive yourself of beauty!

Short haircuts VS square or round face

If you do not have a task to intentionally emphasize the form of a person, it is better to give up this experiment.

Short haircuts VS Unusual features

Well, sometimes you can literally "cut off" your charm with hair! Therefore, before taking for scissors, spend the test (we will tell about it below).

How to find out if you will go short haircut? Make calculations!

To protect yourself from an unsuccessful experiment, spend a kind of test. Collect your hair into a sniffing tail without a sample and look at yourself in the mirror. Like reflection? Then risen!

The second method suggested a guru of hair care - John Frida, who came up with an arithmetic formula! Take advantage of a ruler and pencil. Turn to the mirror in the profile and make a pencil to the chin, after which I measure the distance from the pencil to the uhmka. According to the formula, if the distance is less than 5.7 centimeters, you will go short haircut, if more - alas, no.

Corotnic: unsuccessful stars experiments

Do you think celebrities with their ideal faces can afford any haircut? We decided to show you the most shocking changes in the appearance of stars. Let's remember whose short haircut shocked us.

About the relatives with short female haircuts add up differently. Someone considers them very attractive, stylish and practical. Other they seem less feminine than long hair. In any case, at least once in the life, every woman thinks about trying short.

In this article, we will look at the main types of short female haircuts. And we will pay attention to the nuances of the selection of haircuts for different forms of the face, taking into account the type of hair, as well as the common style of the female image.

In this article:

  • »Oval face form - any, even ultra-shrewing haircuts;

  • Download the correction scheme of an oval face form ..
  • »Rhombid face shape - a haircut should be volumetric in the field of temples and painshing. Also fit the option with the rear strands, long to the niza chin. The best haircuts for the shape of the face rhombus are cascading short haircuts Italian and whim. As well as laid with Garson. Also well suited Bob - Kare and Graduated Care.

  • Download the diamond form correction scheme.

How to choose a short hair haircut in structure and hair type

  • »Thin hair - suitable haircuts Gavrosh, cascade and caprication, Italian, Garson, Kara and Kare on the leg;

  • »Thick hair - any haircuts, both with even and with a billed cut. If the hair is disobedient, give preference to haircuts with "naughty nature", - Caprice, Garson, Gavrosh;

  • »Wavy and curly hair looks perfectly in many short haircuts except Sasson and a group that suggest a smooth hair structure.

How to choose a haircut for short hair for the growth and set of shapes

The pattern of choice of short haircuts, taking into account the complex and growth simple: the higher the larger figure, the volume should look like a head. Otherwise, it turns out the effect of a small head against the background of a large figure.

For low and slender girls, short haircuts are an excellent choice.

Women with secondary buildings are also not limited in choosing a haircut.

Do not know your type of shape? Complete a free test ..

The decoration of the head, the haircut is in the literal and figurative sense the top of the entire image. Therefore, it is impossible that the haircut existed separately from the overall style.

1 of 6.

The main trends in fashionable short haircuts, and how to choose a image?

This season, short haircuts beat all records in popularity. However, a short haircut is worth choosing carefully. After all, this long hairstyles are easy enough to change if something does not suit you. And short hair should first grow up to change again. Therefore, pay attention is literally on everything: your image, age, hair features and much more.

Short haircuts in style and image

Short hair is good with sportswear, both business and evening dresses, as well as with the style of Casual. In a word - very universally. But, there are nuances:

Slim girls and women who are forced to observe a fairly strict dress code at work, do not choose the hairstyle of the type of page, Garson or Pixie. Especially if the clothes are dominated by trousers. So you will be like a boys, and create the impression of the "gloomy", even if you have been working in this area at the same time;

If the employment proposal arrived after you decide on a bold experiment, choose more feminine outfits;

Provisional staining looks great on short hairstyles. But, do not forget that the color of the hair you have chosen (especially shades of blue, yellow or red) should be the same tone as the selected clothes. The worst of all looks at the combination of different shades of one tone that do not fit each other. For example, blue, cold podium hair, with a jacket in a tiger saturated blue-yellow print create a complete imbalance. And it smells here not to smart provocation, but a bad taste.

Choice of haircuts

Classical Kare turns representatives of the beautiful sex in the Girls of Middle Age. If you exceeded forty - it is quite good. But if you are not yet 25, you should not add extra year. So this short haircut recommend mom. But grandma - in no case. After all, if a woman is following the 50 fashion trends, she should not fall into a retro style. It is better to choose a fairly short hairstyle on the type of Pixie, and put it with strands by adding light and volume. More advice on the selection of short hairstyles, depending on age, you can.

By type of face

If you have a round or square face, a short haircut with straight shallow, will make it even more noticeable. The correction of the facial oval by hairstyles is the basis of the basics when making the necessary choice. Asymmetry, oblique elongated cheeve, graduation, volume in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Makushka or, on the contrary, the focus on the lower strands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears - all this is capable of radically change your appearance, balancing the proportion of the face. Read more about it can be read

Beautiful and well-groomed hair is the key to the success of any woman, but hairstyles for short hair are not very popular due to the lack of skills in their creation. Length does not matter while creating a bright and stylish image. Moreover, already dozens of years in the trendy world allocate stylish women's hairstyles that emphasize individuality.

Council. Do not confuse naturalness and narrowness. So seductively believing in the statements of stylists that light carelessness is in trend. The whole problem is that such simple naturalness of stars in photographs is achieved by long and thorough preliminary preparation. No wonder the biggest chic is considered to be as natural so that no one suspects how much strength, time and often funds are spent on creating such an image. Even at 20, when the naturalness is so sweet and easily achievable, you will not be able to impress light carelessness by spending in the morning for a non-shaped hair chapel. But the effect does not follow it dirty - always please. With age, the situation will only be exacerbated. Love your hair and take care of them, then the effect of natural beauty will be provided to you.

Actual short hair haircuts

The predatory image is easy to create on short hair using punk-punk. To build it, you need:

  • Separate your hair into two equal parts and separate the top central from the bottom, fixing the hairpins to be perfectly smooth sample. Mousse is applied to the lower part and the tail is made.
  • The upper part of the hair is spinning towards the forehead cone.
  • High tail.
  • Obtain both parts (top and bottom) towards roots, separately every strand to achieve negligence.
  • Parts are connected in the center using the hairpin.
  • The tail in the beam is hidden behind the top staple.

80s again in fashion?

In the 1980s, volumetric lush hairstyles used popularity. Icons Style - Madonna and Michael Jackson. In addition to huge bits, used dressings with sparkles.

Today it is necessary to pay attention to the hairstyle, which has a short length of the front and behind, and at the top of the head the volume from elongated curls. It differs from the course of laying variability. Top hair can be stacked differently. They can chaotically drop one side or stand vertically. Such a hairstyle is suitable only to bold girls who wish to make an image bright and unforgettable. The haircut is inconvenient by the fact that it must be laid daily. Without laying, she will not look.

The chemical curling was also popular. What a lucker it was, the better. The main volume was at the top of the head.

Romantic image can be created by a hairstyle "nest". For such styling with short hair, you will need shignon and overhead strands.

Any hairstyle can be decorate with bright bandages, bows and waters. The appropriate makeup will improve the image and will help look stylish even in boring weekdays.

Tip! The style of the 80s simply recreate using lacquers for laying and other fixing means during the pure. What he is more, the better.

Hairstyles in retro style for every day

Retro hairstyles are filled with romanticism, sensuality and elegance. Neat waves reached us today.

To create large waves best use hair curlers

What should be hairstyle in retro style?

  • Hair is not lush, but surrounding;
  • Waves can be made any part, even to allocate bangs;
  • Haircuts are made with sharp lines;
  • Long bangs most often laid the side;
  • Waves to do better on large curlers;
  • Lack of sophisticated braids;
  • As accessories, you can use rims from fabric, large flowers, wide training, hats or veil, ornaments with feathers.

To create a simple hairstyle in retro style, you can complement any haircut to the fashionable decoration. For example, spectacularly looked pure combed straight hair, on top of which a wide hoop of bright acid color or tissue colorful rim.

Kare - the perfect haircut for hairstyles in the style of the 30s

Another view of a simple hairstyle - fastened by lacquer. The sample must be on one specific side, where the landed bang is neatly laid.

To create waves on short hair it is better to apply special devices. Triple curls allow you to make any waves at the desired distance. The easiest way to create a Kudrey is to boot on the curlers. However, on short hair is a complex process, so a haircut with an extended square is suitable.

On the one hand, the hair can be collected and stuck, thus open the face of a gentle wedding image: styling with short hair is supplemented with an elegant diadem

Tip! If there is no time for daily laying and creating waves, you can ask the masters to make a spectacular retro haircut in the hairdresser. It does not need special care for it, and the festivity will add various beautiful accessories.

Do not know what haircuts are now in fashion? We will tell you - the same as ten years ago, just the stylists come up with some new chip every year, put new accents, putting a bet on different things. In this manifold, it is difficult to figure out, but still you can allocate the best. We present to your attention 30 haircuts that you just can't do not try!

1. Kare with bangs

If you have straight hair, then this haircut is for you. After all, it will emphasize the shine and smoothness of your hair, and changing the laying, you can create a new image every time according to the case.

But the owners of curly hair should not ignore this haircut! Waves only emphasize your freedom!

Karea looks great regardless of hair length

2. Kare without bangs

Beautiful haircut that looks great both on straight hair and on wavy. You can twist your hair inside or out, straighten, put the "triangle", beat into creative mess. Show fantasy! Assume with a hairdresser who will tell you how long and the form is suitable for you.

3. Classic genre - good good bob with clear contours

Yes, this haircut still does not lose its relevance, and if you have not tried it yet - I urgently correct the situation! Especially since the beans you can look elegant and feminine with hair of any length.

4. Add texture: Bob with soft circuits and bean

If you lack romance - boldly choose this haircut, especially since the variations of the mass. And in the absence of romance you definitely will not suspect!

5. Haircuts with elongated side strands

You can make strands one or different lengths, straighten your hair, emphasizing the cutting line, make a careless laying ... experiment!

6. Trendy haircuts that you have to try: oblique bangs

Hairstyles with bangs on the oblique is still in fashion. And it is not surprising, what else will add your way of such mysteriousness?

7. Grunge

If you like to look throw, bright, extravagant and stand out from the crowd, then it's just obliged to try a grunge-style haircut. And if you suddenly need to turn into a more modest person, nothing prevents you from removing the increased "loafness", scarms hair.

8. Down with symmetry!

Yes, asymmetry is again in fashion, it does not please you?

9. Trendy haircuts: Cascade

Do you think the cascade is hopelessly outdated? Are you mistaken? This haircut persistently does not give up its position, while remaining the most popular not one decade. If you have not tried it yet, then manage it. And suddenly, someday the cascade will give way to something new, and you do not have time to enjoy the variety of laying?

10. Graduation

Excellent option for wavy hair, but if you have straight hair, do not despair! You can also "play" with this haircut. Lack of hair with help tools for styling or underscounter wax separate strands.

11. Fashionable haircuts: Make an emphasis on bangs

You can add a sophistication image, straightening bangs, or choose a hooligan image, but then there are some separate strands of bangs or simply swallow it.

12. Trendy haircuts: "Whisting the top!"

13. Trendy haircuts that you have to try: add volume!

It is now relevant than ever, so do not forget to ask your hairdresser to make you such a haircut. The shorter the haircut is the easier to add the head volume.

14. Fashionable haircuts for climbing hair

If you have curly hair, it's time to start to demonstrate their world! Fashionable short hairstyles are emphatically emphasized by every Lokon, you can only catch admiring glances.

15. Trendy haircuts: androgin style

Do you think this style only for sports girls? Try! With this hairstyle you can look great and in the evening outfit.

16. Increased lochhood

Possible negligence is back in fashion, and you are on your hand! Ask your stylist to cut you in this way that the hair looks like you just woke up. Laying such hairstyles takes a few seconds. Processes a little wet hair mousse, try to rapid hair, boldly add them chaos. You are ready for the feats!

17. Military Iroquois

If you are a strong, independent girl, then you just have to surprise those surrounding fashionable haircut! And the stylists of the whole world have tried to make you from what to choose, admire.

18. Trendy haircuts: PANK style

If you adore the avant-garde style and you like to be the center of attention, then look at the punk style. Haircuts are a bit resemble the previous ones, but here the length of the hair on the back of the head is minimized. You can also put it in the form of an idea or make a "painka", combing the hair forward, like bangs.

19. Back in the 80s

Sometimes a new one is well forgotten old, right? Why not recall the bright images of the 80s, the haircut of that time was distinguished by short hair from the sides and behind and long on top. With this fashionable haircut, you definitely do not stay unnoticed.

20. Trendy haircuts: Retro style

21. Not for the lazy - "Sisun"

A haircut that appears on the horizon, it goes into oblivion, again in fashion. Yes, the laying here should be particularly thorough, but if you are not afraid of difficulties, then you just have to try this haircut!

22. Aurora

Do you think this is the same cascade? You are mistaken, haircut Aurora, unlike the cascade, is suitable for absolutely all girls! Yes, and a kind of hat you can lay as your soul! Conclusion: you need to try!

23. Short Pixie

This haircut entered several years ago, but still is at the peak of popularity. You have not yet decided to follow the example of Hollywood beauties, ruthlessly operating with long curls? Or maybe worth?

24. Pixie for middle-length hair

Pixie is not synonymous with short hair, so boldly run into the hairdresser to make an ultra modern haircut!

25. Nadya Cap

Actual haircut of the new season, which sin does not try. True, she does not suit you if you have a round or square face.

26. Garson, Garson!

A haircut that Mirau Twiggy returned with a victorious procession. And it is not surprising, this haircut is suitable as a business woman and young hooligans, it all depends on the laying.

27. Shag-ah!

The perfect haircut for thin and rare hair, allowing to increase the volume of the chapels. If you have such a problem - try Shag-mischive!

28. Creative.

For "creative" are characterized by shaved hair, and you can do it both on the one hand, and from two, or "cut" only hair on the back of the head.

29. "Puffs" haircuts

Add to your hairstyle layers to seem thicker. You just owe at least once to do it and surprise the resulting volume!

30. Trendy haircuts: Made in Korea

Korean fashionista propose to follow their example and make a gorgeous haircut for medium hair.

If you still do not decide on a fashionable haircut, here are you some ideas for inspiration collected from all over the world!