Rules for installing snow guards on the roof. Installation of snow guards on the roof

It was established that on the roof of a house with an area of ​​only 40 square meters. m can accumulate about 5-8 tons of snow. If there are no snow guards on the roof, then you can imagine what will happen to a person passing by when a huge mass of snow suddenly falls on him. IN in this case the owner of the house may be punished, including criminal liability, because according to the laws Russian legislation, the owner of the property is fully responsible for the surrounding area of ​​his home. In addition, snow melting can cause serious damage to both personal property and that of others.

Types of snow guards: corner, lattice, tubular.

Some don't give special significance anti-collapse devices, worrying that they will spoil the design of the roof, but in fact this opinion is wrong, since such systems, on the contrary, add touches of completeness. Due to the fact that snow guards are safety devices, their installation should never be neglected. Accordingly, many will have the question of how to install snow guards on the roof correctly, because not everyone has the opportunity to hire expensive specialists. Moreover, sometimes the price for their services far exceeds the cost of the device itself. Before proceeding directly to the installation of snow guards, you should understand what types they are divided into.

Types of snow retention systems

  1. Lattice snow guards are the most popular because they are considered the most effective. This is the best option for both high-rise city buildings and private country estates. An important advantage is that this type of anti-collapse device can be installed on almost any roof, regardless of what roofing material it is covered with. This system is usually made of metal and has the form of a lattice. It is mounted either on suspended or nailed supports.
  2. On a roof made of metal tiles and corrugated sheets, you can attach plate (corner) snow retainers, which are made of the same material as the coating. This is the most budget option. However, their installation is possible only on a roof whose slope angle does not exceed 30 degrees, otherwise they will be ineffective.
  3. Snow stops look very similar to hooks. Installation of snow stops is carried out mainly on roofs with soft roofs, or they are used as additional elements that enhance safety in winter period. Currently, they are made from transparent plastic, which makes them invisible.
  4. Tubular snow retainers are in no way inferior to lattice ones and are a universal, modern and highly effective device that prevents the sudden removal of snow from the roof. This design is a connection of several pipes with special bracket supports. They can be installed on roofs made of corrugated sheets, tiles, and also great option for standing seam roofing.

Thus, it turns out that the most optimal options There are two types of anti-fall systems: lattice and tubular.

For some, the first system is suitable, and for others, the second. But in order to install the selected snow guard on the roof, you need to know that there are individual rules installation for each type. If you decide to produce it yourself, you will need to stock up on a standard set of tools that will be suitable for installing both devices. It includes:

  • ladder;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • level.

Rules for installing tubular snow guards

Installation diagram of a tubular snow retainer.

These anti-collapse systems can be installed either on a roof under construction or on a finished one. They can be located on the roof in checkerboard pattern and horizontally in one or more lines. Install them over skylights, driveways or walkways. Under no circumstances should they be placed above the eaves overhang.

Tubular snow retainers are attached perpendicular to the sheathing with special brackets, which, in addition to the fastening function, play the role of a distributor of uniform load on rafter system, which prevents snow guards from being “torn out” from the roof. The brackets are directly secured with metal screws. They should be located in places where they are load-bearing walls. The distance between the fastenings directly depends on the angle of the roof and the length of the slope. Usually this is about 0.5 m or 4 fastenings per 3 meters. They should be mounted end-to-end, and they must be exactly level.

If the roof slope is long, then such security systems must be installed in several rows. When installing tubular snow guards, rubber washers must be placed between the roofing material and the supports. This measure will ensure tightness in the places where the fasteners pass and prevent leaks. In addition, such washers allow you to adjust the installation plane.

Rules for installing lattice snow guards

Recently, with the advent of tubular systems in private construction, lattice snow retainers are increasingly used only for tiled roof. To install lattice systems, it is necessary to purchase universal either hanging or nailed supports, through which they are placed on the roof. Nail-on supports are attached to the roof sheathing with self-tapping screws, and suspended supports are attached by hanging them on the sheathing using a special metal hook. Unlike other snow guards, lattice systems can be installed directly along the edge of the eaves.

In the conditions of the Russian winter with heavy precipitation, snow guards on the roofs of houses become mandatory elements of protection against falling snow. The danger of snow falling off the roof during thaws in winter and spring is quite high. To reduce it, special devices are used - snow retainers.

What is a snow guard

These elements could be found on the roofs multi-storey buildings, V Soviet times a net was installed there, which many, unknowingly, considered to be a device to prevent people from falling from the roof.
Currently, snow retainers are actively used in private construction. Although many believe that these elements spoil appearance buildings and refuse to use them. This is not an entirely correct position.

What determines the need for installation

It must be said that the snow does not choose where to fall from the roof. An avalanche can fly both to the ground and to the millionth car parked next to the house. In addition, humans are also at risk of falling under this avalanche. Neither position in society nor the amount of income plays a role here.

Another purpose of these elements is to protect windows in the attic. It is worth noting that modern snow guards look absolutely harmonious on buildings. They are metal brackets to which pipes and grilles are attached.


The main parameters for choosing snow guards are as follows:

  • Type of roofing material;
  • Roof angle;
  • Square.

Depending on the type, these elements can be classified into one of four groups:

  • Lattices;
  • Plates;
  • Dots;
  • Pipes.

The most effective and common type is a lattice snow holder. Its design is very simple and unpretentious. The gratings are attached to special supports, which are suspended or nailed to the edges of the roof. This design allows you to hold not only snow, but also ice. When the snow accumulation disappears, the grate cuts the layer.

Tubular elements can be used on almost any roof. They consist of two pipes, which are fixed to 3-4 steel supports. They retain a lot of snow, preventing it from falling off the roof in a layer. You can choose any color for the pipes. It is possible to paint them in a color similar roofing so that the snow retainer does not stand out.

Plate structures are most often used on metal roofing. In this case, the roof slope should be no more than 30 degrees. And for soft roofs, point elements are used, installing them in several rows.

Pros and cons

The advantages of using such structures on the roofs of houses are as follows:

  • Protection of windows, property located near the house, gutters from destruction;
  • In the case of property insurance, home insurance companies may refuse if a snow retention structure is not installed on the roof.

On the other hand, snow trapped on the roof of a house puts additional stress on the roof. This leads to the fact that the roof will have to be repaired more often. You can avoid unnecessary expenses if you clear snow from your roof in a timely manner.

Each type of snow retainer has its pros and cons.

  • Tubular can withstand heavy loads, and when the snow melts, moisture flows into the drain. Can be used on roofs with a slope of up to 60 degrees. But installation of the structure is complex and requires a lot of effort, time and knowledge.
  • The grille looks beautiful, complementing the decorative elements of the roof. Capable of effectively retaining snow and ice. But under heavy load it can bend.
  • The plates cannot withstand heavy loads. Therefore, in regions where precipitation is heavy, it is not established.
  • Point fastenings (hooks, yokes) do not have the ability to withstand large loads in principle, but they slow down the fall of snowballs, breaking them.

Dimensions of snow guards on the roof

Standard dimensions of elements: length – 3 meters, distance between fastenings – around 1.2 meters.

Snow guards for corrugated roofing

Corrugated roofing requires additional protection from snow and ice. This material has a very smooth surface and the snow leaves it easily. In addition, frozen snow can damage the corrugated sheeting by scratching the coating. As a result, the protective galvanized layer is damaged and rust may appear.

To protect against snow on this roof, snow guards made of pipes, plates or gratings can be used. Installation is carried out after the sheathing has been reinforced. The structures are secured against snow through the material.

The mounting holes on the reverse side are secured and sealed. For this purpose, special rubber linings are used. Fastening is carried out only in places of the lower part of the wave, which is directly connected to the sheathing. Otherwise, the sheet may become deformed.

Snow guards can also be attached to finished roof. In this case, it is necessary to either strengthen the sheathing in advance, or part of it will have to be dismantled.

In this case, it is worth making sure that the bolts penetrate deep into the sheathing, otherwise the structure will not be fastened properly. And at the first snow melt it will lose its strength. Corner snow chocks are secured through the wave.

Estimated cost

The cost of the structure itself depends on the size of the pipes, the height, thickness of the brackets and fasteners, as well as the type of roof on which they can be used. The material of manufacture and the manufacturer are of no small importance.

The most common are tubular snow guards. Sets of these elements, 3 meters long, with all the necessary fasteners, will cost on average from 1100 to 5500 rubles.

Installing snow guards is quite simple, installation of the structure for corrugated sheets does not require much effort. You can do the work yourself. But it is important to understand that if you install the elements incorrectly, there is a risk of damage metal structure, which will lead to negative consequences.

By seeking installation services from specialists, such problems can be easily avoided. The cost of installation work varies from 2000 to 5000 rubles. The list of services includes:

  • Visiting the site, drawing up a drawing, making the necessary measurements;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Installation of the structure.

How to attach snow guards to the roof

Installation is best done in conjunction with the creation of the roof. In some cases, it is possible to install stego-retainers not along the entire perimeter of the roof, but in certain places: above paths and parking, loggia and attic windows.

The snow guard is installed at a distance of 50-80 centimeters from the overhang of the cornice. It is impossible to attach it to the overhang itself, otherwise it may collapse under the load of snow. The exception is when the cornice is formed by the ends of the roof rafters. The work is carried out in the following order:

Preparatory stage.

  1. An installation diagram is drawn up. The roof is measured and the fastenings of the retainer elements are calculated.
  2. Determine the size of snow catchers. For mansard roof It is more advisable to install short elements, and for a double-sided one - long ones.
  3. The roof is being marked. Fastening the structure.
  4. The holes on the catchers are determined. They may be noted during production. If they are not there, you should retreat 3 centimeters from the edge of the element.
  5. Holes are created on the roof surface.
  6. Snow guards are attached to the roof. Screwing is done with screws; check that they are securely fastened.

After the installation is completed, the fastening areas should be degreased and painted.

Advice! It is necessary to choose snow guards only from trusted, well-known companies.

Most of Russia's territory is located in climatic zones, which are characterized by snowy winters. For this reason, the traditional Russian hut is associated with a sharp triangular roof consisting of two slopes. This geometry ensures independent descent of snow masses and rainwater. Pitched roofs with a slope of 30 degrees or more are still relevant in our area, therefore, to protect against spontaneous evacuation of snow from the slope, snow retainers are used on the roof.

Types and design

The purpose of snow retainers for the roof is to keep snow from falling off the slope in an avalanche, which is dangerous to human life. They retain snow masses, but allow water formed during melting to pass through.. Snow guard on pitched roof installed during installation of roofing material. Based on their design features, they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Snow barriers. Snow barriers are called interlocking fences. With their help, the snow remains on the roof slope until it naturally melts. When using this device, the possibility of a complete or partial collapse of the snow layer is completely excluded. Snow blocking structures include corner snow retainers and yokes.
  2. Snow cutters. Snow cutters are devices that do not hold the snow on the slope, but divide the layer into smaller parts, the speed and force of which falls is less. They do not protect against the collapse of the roof's snow cap, but they make this process safer. This type includes tubular and lattice types of snow retention devices.

Important! To determine which snow guard for the roof fits better In general, you should find out the amount of average annual precipitation falling in the construction area, the area and steepness of the slope. The structure that retains snow is installed along the overhang of the slope, however, for reasons of economy, it can be limited to places where the melting of snow masses is most dangerous.

Snow retention goals

When choosing a roof configuration, builders give preference steep slopes, effectively coping with the removal of atmospheric precipitation. However, this quality becomes a problem in winter when the water becomes solid state. During this time, homeowners limit snow from falling off the roof. Snow retention measures serve the following purposes:

Tubular snow guards

A tubular roof snow retainer is a system of brackets connected to each other by two rows of pipes, the diameter of which is 10-30 mm. The bracket for fixing the device on the roof is a metal plate equipped with a mounting shelf and holes for pipes. A tubular snow guard is mounted along the roof slopes above load-bearing wall Houses. It divides the roof layer into plates, the fall of which will not cause harm to a person.

Pay attention! To give the snow guard structure strength, the lower tube is placed at a height of no more than 3 cm above the surface of the slope, and the distance between the tubes is 8-10 cm. For roofs with slopes steeper than 60 degrees, tubular snow guards are installed in two rows with a step of 2-3 meters , since the energy of the rolling snow is too great.

Since the distance from the first row of snow guards to the roof overhang is 40-50 cm, they are invisible against the background of the roofing material. Manufacturers produce models made of galvanized steel, coated with paint, in harmony with the popular colors of metal tiles, corrugated sheets and bitumen shingles.

Lattice snow guards

Snow guards on the roof in the form of a lattice attached to the roof slope with brackets are called lattice. They are made from high quality alloy steel that is corrosion resistant. The height of the grid of such models reaches 10-20 cm, the efficiency of snow retention depends on this indicator. This design popular due to the following qualities:

>Important! If the roof is subject to a heavy snow load, the snow retention grid when exposed to icy layers large size bends and breaks. For such severe conditions, manufacturers recommend using a hybrid design consisting of longitudinal pipes inserted into brackets and a grid welded to them.

Corner snow guards

On roofs with a slight slope, the design of which does not allow the snow cap to roll down, and in regions with little snow in winters, corner snow barriers are used. They look like corners made of galvanized steel with fastening shelves 20-30 cm long and up to 10 cm high. Most often, corner snow guards are mounted on roofs covered with seam, corrugated sheets, sheet metal and metal tiles with a slope of no more than 20 degrees.

Pay attention! The technology for installing corners for snow guards will differ from the installation of other types of devices. They are placed along the roof slopes in 2-3 rows along the roof slope, observing a checkerboard pattern. The distance from one row to another should be 50-100 cm, depending on the width of the slope.

Despite the low efficiency, the convenience of this type of snow barriers is that you don’t have to go to Leroy Merlin. You can purchase sheets of metal at any construction market and make devices for retaining snow on slopes the right size yourself, saving more than half the cost. Installing corner snow guards is easy; they are fixed directly to the roofing material using a screwdriver.


Yokes are called point snow holders that look like a triangle with a long bar for fixing on a slope. Since they are used for installation on roofs covered with soft roofing materials, based on bitumen mastic having a rough surface, their ability to retain snow mass is small. Yokes do not prevent snow from falling, but only reduce the speed and energy of the fall. Installation of this type devices have the following features:

  1. As a rule, yokes are used in combination with other snow-supporting structures (tubular and lattice snow barriers).
  2. The yokes are placed along the roof eaves in a checkerboard pattern in several rows. The recommended step between adjacent elements is 50-60 cm, and between rows - 50-100 cm.
  3. Installation of yokes is carried out exclusively during the laying of roofing material. The location of a row of snow retainers is marked on the sheathing, their fastening strip is fixed to the boards with self-tapping screws and masked with bitumen shingles.

Roof yokes are bought in large construction stores(Leroy Merlin, OBI) or made independently from sheet metal. Purchased models look neater and more attractive, but are not much more efficient than homemade ones. Using yokes on soft tiles experienced roofers consider it a reinsurance measure, since the rough structure of the coating copes with retaining snow on its own.

Video instructions

Every winter, snow that suddenly falls from roofs causes trouble and sometimes accidents. It injures people and also damages property. This could be avoided if building owners installed snow guards on the roof.

Basic designs of snow stops

Installation of snow guards should be carried out only after choosing a suitable design. Among others, we can distinguish the lattice variety, which has the form of brackets rigidly fixed to the roof, with lattice compartments located between them. Such structures are made from rectangular corners, as well as pipes and frames. Cross members act as reinforcement. If it is necessary to lengthen the structure, shorter sections must be joined together.

Roof snow guards, the types of which are described in the article, can be tubular. In this type, the brackets are fixed to the roof sheathing or rafters. They pass through them metal pipes. Depending on the distance between the pipes and the space between the down pipe and the roof, it will be determined how much snow the roof can support. this device. If it is known that the structure should be more powerful, then the strength can be increased by reducing the distance between the pipes.

For reference

Snow guards on the roof, the types of which can be very different, must evenly distribute the load of snow on the roof surface. In the case of tubular snow stops, their installation should be carried out along the line of the load-bearing wall.

Features of snow stops in the form of hooks and corners, as well as plate structures

Snow hooks are hooks that will not hold much snow, so they are suitable for roofs that require regular cleaning. They are chosen for soft structures, which are coated or any other similar materials. Typically, snow retainers in the form of hooks are used as a complement to other devices for similar purposes.

Do-it-yourself installation of snow guards can easily be carried out by any home craftsman; plate or corner structures are no exception, which perform their function on metal roofs, as well as structures made of galvanized steel or European tiles. They are made of the same material as the roof covering, which can be called an advantage, while their inability to retain a large volume of snow is a disadvantage.

Consumer reviews about the features of choosing snow guards

The maximum slope angle for soft roofing coverings cannot be more than 15 °; such roofs are flat, so dangerous snow shedding from them is quite rare. This indicates that installing snow guards in this case will not be too difficult. Among other things, roughness is a good reason to reduce the power of snow stoppers. soft covering. According to buyers: the rougher the surface, the smaller the slope angle will be, therefore, the risk of snow falling is reduced.

Installing snow guards comes with many benefits. These designs, as users emphasize, ensure uniform melting of precipitation. An avalanche is practically impossible; among other things, the load of solid precipitation will be well distributed over the entire area. If we talk about disadvantages, these designs do not have any. And if some parts of the roof are damaged when the snow melts, then the snow retainers were installed unprofessionally.

Snow guard installation technology

IN large assortment Today, stores offer snow guards for the roof; the installation features of these structures will be mentioned below. However, if you are not sure that you can cope with the work yourself, then it is best to turn to specialists. For example, hooks can only be installed during the slab stage, but not after that. The design requires fixation under the coating itself, otherwise the system will not be able to hold snow. Hooks are not installed on the finished surface, since additional roofing will have to be done.

It is advisable to design the work at the stage of building construction or during the process of covering, as well as roof repair. If you decide to install snow guards on metal tiles, then lattice structures will be the best solution; this method is the most effective and simple. Such a snow stop system will be able to hold pieces of ice and snow. A lattice barrier can cope with heavy snow if chosen correctly structural elements. Using hanging supports or nailing elements, metal grill must be installed directly to the edge of the roof. The roof covering does not matter; it is quite possible to install a snow stop of this type on any roof.

The peculiarities of the installation of snow guards also lie in the fact that the hanging supports are hooks that do not need to be screwed. They must be fixed to the sheathing, while nailed supports are installed in the rafter area, most often this is done on a soft roof. If we're talking about Regarding plate snow retainers, they are a budget version, although they are made of a material similar to roofing. Reliable protection This cannot be achieved using these inexpensive devices; among other things, their use on roofs whose slope exceeds 30° is unjustified.

Installation of a tubular structure

Installation of the structure involves the implementation of a certain algorithm; it involves marking along which the support brackets will be installed. In this case, you should use a hammer drill, with which you can create holes; screws are installed in them. Snow retention pipes are attached to the holes in the bracket. In order to make the length suitable, the elements are joined together, and one-sided crimping must be used. The joints are strengthened. Similar actions should be carried out on each side of the building along the entire perimeter. In conclusion bolted connection is being checked.

Installation of snow guards on metal tiles and corrugated sheets

If the installation of snow guards will be carried out on the above-mentioned coverings, then fences should be formed that are installed on the load-bearing sheathing. They are fixed towards the end, for this you should use 8x50 mm screws. In order to ensure higher fastener density and reliability, the holes should be sealed with rubber. Optimal distance between fastenings should be selected depending on the slope of the slope and length. This parameter can vary from 0.5 to 1 m.


Do-it-yourself installation of snow guards can also be done on a counter element. For this, a counter element is installed, and the snow guard itself is attached to the base using hex bolts with dimensions 8x25 mm. The fastening must be installed in those places where the sheathing is continuous.

The modern owner should know about the benefits of using snow guards in the fight against natural elements. The article contains useful information about the criteria for selecting snow retainers for the roof and about the intricacies of installing the system on a metal tile roof. You will get acquainted with popular types of snow retention systems, from tubular and angle, to lattice and rope.

A method for extending the life of a roof

The need for a snow retention system

To the roof country house there are many requirements, it must be reliable, practical and beautiful; Another mandatory characteristic of a roof is its safety. This is the quality roofing structure worsens sharply during the cold season in places characterized by long and snowy winters.

Weightless, fluffy snow flakes, falling on the roof, have the unpleasant property of lingering on it and, over time, compacting. For short term The snow layer grows to a considerable thickness, having time to thaw several times and then freeze again. As a result, a dense and heavy layer of snow with layers of ice is formed, ready to slide (and slide!) off the roof surface at the most inopportune moment. If at this time there is a person, animal or, for example, a parked car under the roof, falling snow can cause (and, unfortunately, often causes) considerable damage. Plants planted near homes may also be affected.

Recently he was fluffy and light...

The problem of sudden snow melting is common for residents of northern countries, and snow retention on the roof of a house is standard solution problems. For this purpose, snow retainers are used, special devices that do not allow the snow to completely disappear at one time. In addition to preventing sudden snow melting, the device also performs some additional functions:

    Makes the roof easier to clean from the snow.

    Protect drainage system from violating the integrity of connections and breaking off fasteners.

    During the thaw keep snow off the roof, allowing it to melt and flow down the drains safely.

    Protects canopies and awnings buildings (falling pieces of ice, compressed snow and icicles can seriously damage them).

    Additionally protectsparesroofingwowdesignyu during stormy gusts of wind.

Solving the problem

Operating principle of roofing snow blocking systems

The installation of snow guards on a metal tile roof is especially important - a smooth polymer surface cannot seriously prevent the snow mass from sliding off. If bottom layer snow has turned into an ice crust (which happens in 70-80% of cases), when it melts it will inevitably damage the surface of the sheet. Scratches will become sources of corrosion and the roof will not last as long as it should.

Three factors influence the choice of snow retention system:

    Slope angle.

    Snow cover amount, characteristic of this region.

    Type of roofing.

The snow guards on sale can be divided according to the operating principle into two groups:

    Snow cutters. This design is designed to let snow through in small portions, piece by piece. The principle of its operation is not to stop (and accumulate) a layer of snow, but to divide it into fragments. Advantage of the design: a large mass of snow does not accumulate on the slopes, loading the rafter frame. It fades gradually and is not capable of causing damage. Another plus is that snow cutters can be mounted on roofs of any steepness.

One of the options for placing snow guards

    Snow barriers. They completely block snow melting; To prevent the accumulated snow cushion from deforming the roof and rafter system, the snowdrifts will have to be removed manually on a regular basis. Installation of snow retention barriers is justified only for durable, solid bearing capacity, designs.

Roofing snow retention systems: popular design solutions

As a rule, snow blocking systems are purchased at the stage of housing construction, simultaneously with the roofing material (but nothing prevents you from purchasing them later). You can choose products from one of the following types:

    Lattice. Such designs are widespread and are successfully used for different types roofing, including metal tiles. There are several types of products on the market, differing in complexity of execution and features of supporting parts. Relatively high gratings can perform additional function: serve as a safety barrier in summer, during repairs.

The capabilities of the lattice system at a glance

On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer roof repair services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Corner(lamellar). Budget option, which can be chosen if snow accumulations are insignificant. Angle-type snow guards are easy to design and install, which makes them popular, including for metal tiles. Looks like a galvanized steel corner; wide range of shades of protective polymer coating allows you to select products that best match the color of the roof. They are allowed to be used on roofs whose slope angle does not reach 30°.

Corner snow guard

    Tubular. If snowy winter is common, the tubular structure will become perfect choice, especially for seam or metal roofing. With frequent and prolonged snowfalls tubular structures It is recommended to install in several rows.

Tubular design

    Spot(tow ropes). Relatively new look devices for regions with light and medium snowfalls. They evenly distribute snow pressure across the roof and additionally serve as support for the feet. Various roofing materials require the use of products of a certain shape; snow retainers suitable for soft roofs cannot be installed on metal tiles.

    Made from polycarbonate ( gear). They are a type of point snow retainers; The products are transparent, non-corrosive and easy to install.

Budget option

    Horseshoe snow guards. A type of point system; has a characteristic curved shape and is made to fit certain metal tile profiles, which makes installation easier.

    Snow retainers-logs. The original systems that protected alpine dwellings from snow and in some places have survived to this day; in the modern version, the role of logs is performed by metal pipes with a diameter of 130-150 mm. The tubular design effectively holds the snow layer, confidently coping with high pressure.

Criteria for selecting and calculating the system

In order for the snow blocking system to adequately perform its functions, the type, number and location of snow blocking devices is calculated based on the rules of SNiP Proper installation involves drawing up a project for the location of blocking elements on the slopes. This approach helps to avoid that unpleasant situation when it turns out that under drilled hole there is no sheathing.

Video description

About Finnish polycarbonate snow guards in the following video:

System parameters are calculated based on the following conditions:

    Roof type and angle of inclination. The greater the angle, the more pressure the snow will exert on the system. If the angle exceeds 15°, experts recommend installing tubular-type snow guards as the most reliable.

    Surface area of ​​slopes and type of roofing material.

    Precipitation in winter in this area. Developed maps and tables showing average values snow load by region.

The result of the work is a diagram of the arrangement of snow retention elements on this type of roof. It defines the following parameters:

    Type of snow retention elements.

    Mounting location. The system is installed in parallel eaves overhang, and the first row is placed above the load-bearing wall; this helps to minimize the load on the overhangs. The remaining tiers are installed one and a half to two meters from the first.

Places for mandatory attachment of snow guards

    Number of rows and pitch between fastening elements. The distance between the brackets is determined by the length of the slope and the magnitude of the slope (the stronger the slope, the closer the parts are located to each other).

    Fastening order. Tubular, lattice and plate-type systems are installed in rows; rope and corner - in a checkerboard pattern.

    Color. If focusing on a snow retention system is not part of your plans, snow retention systems are matched to the color of the roof or one or two shades darker than it.

    Equipment. The kit must include roofing screws and gaskets made of special rubber. They make the attachment points airtight.

Video description

About tips for choosing snow guards in the following video:

Tubular snow guards for metal tiles

Metal tiles, due to their properties, are affordable, popular and therefore more widespread than other roofing materials. But its surface is smooth, sensitive to temperature changes, and is not capable of holding melted snow for any long time. This property makes the installation of snow guards on a metal tile roof an urgent necessity. The following types of snow guards are suitable for metal roofing (as well as corrugated sheeting):

    Lattice. Reliable, easy to install, varied in design.

    Lamellar. Suitable for slopes with a small angle of inclination, they are more often used where winters are short and with little snow.

    Tubular. Leading in frequency of use.

Universal tubular snow guard

Tubular structures are considered to be the most universal category. They are designed for high pressure, are reliable in operation, and safely separate the snow layer into small fragments. They are also widely used in the protection of tiled and soft roofs. Tubular snow guards on metal tiles are mounted following several rules:

    Parts are fastened through the roof.

    Installation is carried out after sheathing reinforcement, basics for securing system parts.

    To prevent the metal tile sheet from becoming deformed, a hole is drilled in the concave (lower) part of the wave, in the place adjacent to the sheathing.

    Mounting locations sealed with rubber gaskets.

If you choose plate or corner snow retainers, you do not need to reinforce the sheathing, since they are mounted directly into the sheet. Choosing models of snow guards that work on the principle of snow cutters allows you not to worry about timely cleaning of the roof - even in a strong snowstorm, the snow will melt off in safe portions.

Video description

About the rules for installing snow retention devices in the following video:

Additional types of snow guards for metal tiles

In addition to the ubiquitous tubular snow blockers, other types of snow blockers can be installed on metal roofing, including:

    Lattice. The design resembles tubular systems, only the role of retaining pipes is performed by a grid, the size of which (height) can vary. Such barriers hold back snow well, but sometimes they can bend under its weight. The grille copes especially well with its role on steep roofs (when the slope exceeds 35-40°).

    Corner(lamellar). If the roof slope is small (up to 30º), and there is little snow in winter, you can limit yourself to installing a corner system. Corner snow guards have a height of up to 6 cm; on the roof they are arranged in several rows in a checkerboard pattern. The system is not designed to withstand high pressure, and the roof will require periodic manual cleaning.

    Spot(yokes, hooks). They are used mainly on flat, rough (soft) roofs. On metal tile roofs, point systems are used as an addition to gratings and pipes.

The plate system is ideal on low-slope roofs

Order turnkey installation of snow guards

The price of snow guards is comparable to the costs of periodic roof cleaning and repairs, which are inevitable in case of uncontrolled snow melting. Installation of snow guards on the roof is a popular service provided by many construction organizations, often in parallel with the installation of the roof. Turning to specialists allows you to obtain complete protection of the roof structure and the surrounding space. The price for installing snow guards is calculated per linear meter; it depends on several parameters:

    Roof type and roofing material.

    House heights, difficulty of access to the roof.

    Vida selected system snow retention.

    Scope of work(depends on the size of the roof and, therefore, the number of snow retention elements)

    Necessities preparatory work.

Contacting the company allows you to get additional benefits:

    The quality of the system is affected installation time, the best option in terms of price/quality ratio can be obtained simultaneously with the installation of the roof.

Installation of tubular system brackets

    The system is installed according to manufacturer's recommendations, which increases the service life of the structure.

    Equipping the roof with snow retainers involves obtaining a work guarantee(and sometimes on the material). If a defect is identified during this time, it will be corrected free of charge. If during warranty service problems do not arise, and, with a high degree of probability, they will not occur in the future.


Snow falling from the roof is a pressing problem for a large part of Russian territory. Modern technological solutions in the form of installing snow retention systems can reduce the dire consequences to a minimum. For a metal roof the best solution will be the installation of reliable tubular snow retainers by professional builders.