Ciliary ciliary body. Ciliary muscle


So, alcoholism is a chronic disease characterized by a person’s pathological need for alcohol.

The main category of alcoholism prevention is a healthy lifestyle. There are two leading directions for eradicating drunkenness and alcoholism - corrective and compensatory. Social experience shows that the problem of alcoholism in general is solved not through treatment, but from the perspective of prevention, which should be carried out through a complex of legislative, administrative, legal and organizational measures.

Social service workers resolve issues such as obtaining a passport, reinstatement at work, living arrangements, etc. The outpatient drug treatment service also resolves issues related to preventive treatment and the work of psychotherapeutic groups. This distribution of forces and resources helps to carry out a targeted rehabilitation effect on patients with alcoholism and facilitates the management of the rehabilitation process. Alcoholism, as a rule, leads to social isolation of the patient. His family, work and other social relationships are disrupted. Therefore, I would like to draw special attention to the importance of the psychotherapeutic complex. The problem of alcoholism is extremely relevant for our country. The etiology and mechanisms of the disease require additional study. As is known, the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, in addition to treating the disease, which is currently ineffective (up to 80% of relapses), it is necessary to eradicate the causes of this problem. A relatively simple way out of this situation would be to radically increase the prices of alcoholic beverages, which would reduce their availability. And some doctors, speaking about alcoholism, wanted to advise: “everything is fine - if in moderation.”


1. Anisimov L.N. Prevention of drunkenness, alcoholism and drug addiction among young people. Moscow, “Legal Literature”, 1998, 124 pages

2. Babanyan E.A., Pyatov M.D. Prevention of alcoholism. Moscow, “Medicine”, 2000, 321 pages

3. Velichkovsky B.T., Kirpichev V.I., Suravegina I.T. Human health and environment. Moscow, 1997 154 pages

4. Gonopolsky M.Kh. Alcohol and personality destruction. Moscow, “Science”, 1997, 142 pages

5. Durkheim E. Suicide: a sociological study. Moscow, 1994 221 pages

6. Igonin A.L. About alcoholism in dialogues. Moscow, 1999, 147 pages

7. Lebedev B.A., Dunaevsky V.V. Alcohol and family. Leningrad, “Medicine”,

8. 1996, 190 pages

9. Markov V.K. Bad habits. Moscow, AST 2010.201 page


11. Levin B.M., Levin M.B. “Imaginary needs.” 1987 138 pages

12. Ed. Morozova G.V., Urakova I.G. and others. “Algolism.” 1987, 183 pages

13. Rudzitis G.E., Feldman F.G. Chemistry textbook-10. 1991 131 pages

14. Shikhirev P.N. “Live without alcohol?” 1988 139 pages

15. Yagodinsky V.N. “About the dangers of nicotine and alcohol.” 1989 120 pages

16. Great Soviet Encyclopedia, Moscow, "Soviet Encyclopedia" 1971.277 pages

17. Bratus B.S., “Psychology, clinic and prevention of early alcoholism”, Moscow, 1984, 145 pages

18. Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Part 1. M., 2000.183 pages

19. Kapustin D.Z. “Men's health” - translation from English. M., 1996.132 pages

20. Kasmynina T.V. “The influence of alcohol on the body of half a child.” M., Education 1989. 165 pages

Alcoholism is such a terrible and, unfortunately, familiar word to many. A disease that kills not only drinking man, but also those who are nearby. In the selection of books about alcoholism you will find answers to the questions: How to stop drinking? What to do and how to behave if your loved one is an alcoholic? How to deal with addiction? The authors of books about alcoholism are professional narcologists and psychotherapists; they summarize their many years of practical experience and provide useful advice and recommendations for the treatment or prevention of this addiction.

The book describes an experiment, a psychological study in which 160 young men participated. The process of formation of addiction is considered, which begins with beer alcoholism and can serve as an impetus for the development of other addictions.

Alcoholism is not a death sentence! — Dmitry Vashkin
This book was written for loved ones whose friend or relative has become addicted to alcohol. She will be able to help you understand the reason for what happened and protect your dear people. It will help prevent addiction from worsening if it already exists.

The book outlines sequential algorithm which will help solve the problem of alcohol addiction. With its help, you can assess the reasons for the appearance of this addiction and formulate a plan to free yourself from it. All recommendations have been tested in practice.

This book was written by a fairly well-known narcologist and will be extremely useful for those who value the life of a person who is dependent on alcohol. By examining the possible difficulties, you can create a plan that will help you overcome your addiction.

The author of the book has developed a unique method for combating alcohol addiction. This method is recognized as very effective among many specialists and is popular throughout the world. It has been translated into two dozen languages ​​and is a bestseller.

The book was written by a practicing healer who devoted many years to working as a psychotherapist in a clinic for getting rid of alcohol addiction. He created a unique method of healing the whole body and creating positive attitude to life.

The Easy Way to Live Without a Hangover - Allen Carr
This book will help you get rid of alcohol addiction by eliminating the most important thing - the reason why a person drinks. It will teach you how to overcome stressful situations and enjoy meetings with family and friends without drinking alcohol.
The book examines real stories of ordinary people who were able to get rid of addiction themselves. It contains many useful tips to combat problems that cause the desire to drink. It also talks about coffee addiction.

Alcoholism – global problem modern society. He ruins many people's lives every year. This book will help you get rid of this addiction. In it you can find a lot of useful advice not only for the person who is sick, but also for those around him.

Drunkenness is a problem that has brought destruction to families since ancient times. These are frequent scandals, lack of funds and broken health. After reading this book, you can learn simple rules that will help you avoid this disease.

How and how much a person drinks alcohol does not matter. By the nature of the binge, one can only assess the work of its internal organs. But main problem alcoholics are more of a state of mind. This book will help you figure out how to cure it.

Frequent consumption of alcohol contributes to addiction to it and makes it difficult to live without it. Alcoholism is only the fault of the person who drinks due to the inability to make changes in their life. The main question of the book: “Why do people drink?”

Alcoholism. Tricks and subtleties - Alexander Valentinovich Starikalov
Alcoholics are people who constantly drink alcohol, but they cannot stop drinking alcohol on their own. They have no opportunity to stop after the first glass. The book examines all the nuances of the lives of such people.

Alcoholism: 100 questions and answers - Drozdov E. S. Zenchenko E.I.
This is a fairly well-known book by drug addiction specialists that examines the problem of alcohol addiction from a scientific point of view. Its main goal is to popularize healthy image life. It addresses the most popular questions about drunkenness.

Babayan E. A. Drug treatment service and organization of treatment of patients with alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse. - In the book: Abstracts of the 2nd All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference on the clinical issues, prevention and treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction. M., 1978, p. 3-13.
Babayan E. A., Gonopolsky M. X. Tutorial on Narcology.-M.: Medicine, 1981.-304 p.
Babayan E. A., Pyatoe M. D. Prevention of alcoholism. - M.: Medicine, 1981. - 63 p.
Banshchikov V. M., Korolenko T. P. The problem of alcoholism (medical and psychological analysis). All-Russian Scientific Medical Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists.-M., 1973.- PO p.
Bakhrakh D. A. Administrative and legal measures to combat drunkenness. - M.: Legal literature, 1973.-52 p.
Bedny M. S. Medical and demographic study of population. - M.: Statistics, 1979. - 322 p.
Belitskaya E. Ya. Problems of social hygiene.-L.: Medicine, 1970.-399 p.
Beisenov B.S. Alcoholism: criminal legal and criminological problems. - M.: Legal literature, 1981. - 200 p.
Belyaev I.I. Essays on psychohygiene.-M.: Medicine, 1973.-230 p.
Bokin V.P. A program-targeted approach to conducting an experiment to improve the system of prevention and organization of the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism. - Health. Russian. Federation, 1980, No. 8, p. 10-13.
Bratus B.S. Psychological analysis of personality changes in alcoholism. - M.: Moscow University Publishing House, 1974.-96 p.
Former V.F., Belousova E.A. Technical progress and efficiency of use of funds in the wine industry. TsNIITEI food industry.-M., 1973.-15 p.

Glazyrin V.V. Labor and civil measures to combat drunkenness.-M.: Legal literature, 1973.- p. 71.
Grinavtseva V.P., Murashkin R.N., Rybalsky M.I. Some issues of combating alcoholism at industrial enterprises. - Health. Russian. Federation, 1976, No. 2, p. 8-15.
Grinina O. V., Kudryavtseva E. N., Kopyt N. Ya. Medical and social examination of the family of a chronic patient. 2nd Moscow med. int. - M., 1974. - 54 p.
Ghukasyan A.G. Chronic alcoholism and the state of internal organs. - M.: Medicine, 1968.-362 p.
Zaigraev G.G. Problems of preventing drunkenness. - M.: Znanie, 1980. - 64 p.
Zaporozhchenko V. G., Kopyt N. Ya. Factors leading to alcohol abuse and the development of alcoholism. - Health. Russian. Federation, 1975, No. 6, p. 22-26.
Zenevich G.V. The insidious enemy of women’s health.-L.: Knowledge, 1975.- 32 p.
Idelchik X. I., Aruin M. I., Nesterenko A. I. I All-Russian Congress on Combating Drunkenness. - Sov, health care, 1972, No. 2, pp. 61-65.
Izutkin A. M., Tsaregorodtsev G. I. Socialist lifestyle and health of the population. - M.: Medicine, 1977. - 232 p.
Kazantsev M.A. The fight against drunkenness and alcoholism using civil law methods. - L.: Knowledge, 1974. - 28 p.
Kamenkov K. A. Alcoholism as a social and hygienic problem. - In the book: Problems of social hygiene / Ed. E. Ya. Belitskaya. L.: Medicine, 1970, p. 366-388.
Kanep V.V. Modern medical and social aspects of substance abuse. - In the book: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress in Varna. Sofia, 1973, p. 123-129.
Kachaev A.K. On the influence of chronic alcoholism on the somatic morbidity of the population. - In the book: Problems of alcoholism / Ed. G. V. Morozova. M., 1970, p. 18-20.
Kachaev A.K. On the ways and methods of identifying patients with chronic alcoholism. - In the book: Questions of social and clinical psychoneurology. T. 2. M., 1973, p. 130-134.
Kirichenko L.F. Some data on the incidence of chronic alcoholism. - In the book: Alcoholism. Kyiv, 1970, p. 10-12.
Kovalenko P.I. The state of anti-alcohol assistance in the Ukrainian SSR.-In the book: Alcoholism. Kyiv, 1970, p. 3-5.
Complex social-hygienic and clinical-social studies. 2nd Moscow honey. Institute / Ed. Yu. P. Lisitsyna. M., 1980.-197 p.
Kopyt N. Ya. On methodological approaches to the study of alcoholism. - In the book: Proceedings of the 6th International Congress in Varna. - Sofia, 1973, p. 531-532.
Kopyt N. Ya. State and prospects of scientific research on the study of alcoholism as a social and hygienic problem. - In the book: Comprehensive socio-hygienic and clinical-social studies. 2nd Moscow honey. int. M., 1980, p. 110-114.
Kopyt N. Ya. Main directions in the fight against alcoholism. - Health Russian. Federation, 1981, No. 11, p. 15-21.
Kopyt N. Ya., Gudzhabidze V. V. The influence of alcohol abuse on some indicators of public health. - Health Russian. Federation, 1977, No. 6, p. 25-28.

Kopyt I. Ya.. Sidorov P. I., Skvortsova E. S. On the organization and effectiveness of anti-alcohol education in. - Health Russian. Federation, 1979, No. 9, p. 26-29.
Kopyt N. Ya., Muratova I. D., Sidorov P. I., Skvortsova E. S. Causes and features of alcoholism in adolescence: Scientific review / Ed. Yu. P. Lisitsyna. - VNIIMI, 1980. - 60 p.
Korolev V.V. On the tasks of anti-alcohol propaganda. - M.: Knowledge, 1974. - 30 p.
Krasik E. D. Materials for the organization of alcoholism prevention. - In the book: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. T. 3. M., 1974, p. 186-195.
Kudryavtsev V.N. Offenses: their causes and prevention. - M.: Moscow worker, 1977. - 78 p. .
Levin B. M. Social portrait of an alcoholic. - In the book: Opinion of those who care. - M.: Politizdat, 1972, p. 63-133.
Lisitsyn Yu. P. Population health and modern theories of medicine. - M.: Medicine, 1982. - 326 p.

Lisitsyn 10. P. Complex social and hygienic studies, their place and prospects. - Sov. health., 1973, No. 6, p. 16-22.
Lisitsyn Yu. P., Kopyt N. Ya. Alcoholism and drunkenness as a social and hygienic problem. - M.: Znanie, 1976. - 44 p.
Lisitsyn Yu. P., Kopyt N. Ya., Zaporozhchenko V. G. Social and hygienic aspects of ethnopathogenesis and organization of the fight against alcoholism. - In the book: Proceedings of the 6th All-Union Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists (December 16-20, 1975). T. 1. M., 1975, p. 73-76.
Loransky D.N., Orlovsky L.V., Shalimov V.F. et al. Social and hygienic aspects of anti-alcohol education of the population. - In the book: 6th All-Union Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. T. 1. M., 1975, p. 79-81.
Lotova E.I., Pavluchkova A.V. On the history of the creation and activities of the All-Union Society for the Fight against Alcoholism. - Sov. healthcare, 1972, No. 2, p. 65-69.
Lukomsky I.I., Entin G.M. Issues of organizing the fight against alcoholism. - M.: Medicine, 1973. - 78 p.
Milyukov V.D. Alcohol is the enemy of a healthy lifestyle. - M.: Medicine, 1980. - 32 p.
Morozov G.V. On current trends in research on the problem of alcoholism. - In the book: Abstracts of the 3rd All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference on the clinical issues, prevention and treatment of alcoholism and substance abuse. M., 1980, p. 3-6.
Morozov G.V., Kachaev A.K. Epidemiology and etiology of chronic alcoholism. - In the book: Problems of alcoholism. Vol. 2. M„ 1971, p. 5-10.
Nagaev V.V. Some aspects of the social approach to the study of the problem of alcoholism.- Sov. healthcare, 1972, No. 9, p. 10-16.
Naydenov O. F. Experience in the work of drug treatment rooms and inpatient departments at industrial enterprises. - Health Russian. Federation, 1977, No. 7, p. 18-22.
Nikitin G. A. Alcoholism and the problem of heart attack in young people. - In the book: Modern aspects cardiovascular pathology and metabolic diseases. M., 1973, p. 105-108.
Obukhovsky K. Psychology of human drives. - M.: Progress, 1972. - 240 p.
The main directions of the republican scientific research program for the study of alcoholism: Methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR/10. P. Lisitsyn, N. Ya. Kopyt, V. P. Bokin, L. G. Rosenfeld. - M., 1980. - 48 p.
Ostashevskaya N. G. Drug treatment assistance to the city population. - Kyiv: Health, 1978. - 47 p. Pavlov V.M., Sidelnikova G.Ya., Burtsev A.L. Hypertension in alcohol abusers. - In the book:
Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. T. 3. M., 1974, p. 249-252.
Pashchenkov S. Z., Dyachenko S. S., Akhmina N. I. Some issues of heredity in chronic alcoholism. Scientific review of VNIIMI/Ed. N. P. Bochkova. - M., 1974.-63 p.
Penyacheva G. A. Alcoholism and cerebrovascular accidents at a young age. - In the book: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. T. 3. M., 1974, p. 260-261.
Perevedentsev V.I. Alcohol and free time. - In the book: Opinion of those who care. - M.: Politizdat, 1972, p. 152-176.
Petrakov B.D. Mental morbidity in some countries in the 20th century: Social and hygienic study. - M.: Medicine, 1972. - 300 p.
Popov Yu. V., Schubert V. Ya. Experience in organizing anti-alcohol work in industrial enterprise. - Health Russian. Federation, 1975, No. 3, p. 19-22.

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Pykhov V. G. Economics, organization and planning of alcohol production. - M.: Food Industry, 1973. - 250 p.
Pyatnitskaya I. N. On the nosological boundaries of alcoholism. - In the book: Proceedings of the 3rd All-Russian Congress of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists. T. 3. M., 1974, p. 68-71.
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Stegunin S.I., Shchennikova A.I. On the methodology of epidemiological study of the causes of the spread of chronic alcoholism. - In the book: Epidemiological studies of chronic infectious diseases. - Kuibyshev, 1974, p. 6-9.
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Faculty of Economics

Department of Economics


in the discipline: “Fundamentals security vital activity"

on the topic: "Alcohol,its effect on the human body»

Completed by: student6t group E-Z-13-31

Toropova Alina


Bashlakova O.I.

Odintsovo – 2015


1. The truth about alcohol

2. The harm of alcohol


List of used literature


The fact that it is very difficult to stop drinking is a false idea, a taste that one should not succumb to.

L.N. Tolstoy

In our time, there is no topic more relevant than human health. They write a lot about this, they say, this topic does not leave TV screens. Of course, it indicates all the reasons that undermine our health and cause deterioration in health, in the first place alcohol or smoking. I decided to prove in my essay how dangerous alcohol is. I know that I will have to study a lot of literature, I need to know the structure of the human body well, I will have to listen to the opinions of people who abuse alcohol. But I think that all this is worth it, once and for all, to realize for myself what many years ago teachers, parents and the media imposed on me. Hopefully knowing this topic well will help me resist the urge to try and get drunk. I will probably be able to convince others that our health, our longevity is in our hands, and there is always a counteraction to bad habits. Let's look at the statistics.

State drinking establishments have done their job - drunkenness has become a disaster; Slackers, robbers, rowdies have become a reality in Rus'. But Russia was not yet in trouble. By historical references, in Russia by 1905 they consumed 0.57 buckets of wine per person per year; in France – 4.76 buckets, in Germany – 1.87. Now in the world they drink 25 billion bottles of wine per year (5 per person), in Russia - 0.5 liters.

Millions of people are withdrawn from active life, families are breaking up, the number of orphans is increasing, and drunkenness is developing into a tragedy. The statistics from Kostroma are sad: in 1998, the total number of births was 1060, the number of births with pathologies was 20%, children with Down syndrome - 5%, children with Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome - 1%; There are 10 children with developmental pathologies. In one sobering center in Kostroma there are from 12 to 20 people every day. Before filling the vessel with a drink sparkling with thoughts and dreams. It is transparent and clean. A small drop of doubt is the basis for future thoughts. The decision is yours. But with a splash of wine, my essay will be remembered.

1. The truth about alcohol

In terms of the degree of significance, the delayed influence over the centuries on health, worldview and lifestyle for each person individually, and for a significant part of society as a whole, there are hardly many factors that could be compared with alcohol in terms of the strength and breadth of impact. Alcohol, in moments of good mood and forgetfulness from daily affairs, demands and inexorably takes away the most precious thing a person has - his health, and this is life itself.

Naturally, no one drinks alcohol with the intention of hastening illness, getting injured, or committing a hooligan act. People view alcohol primarily as a means of relaxation, short-term pleasure. This is where the insidiousness of alcoholic drinks lies, creating an illusion, a mirage of well-being and happiness. That is why only the truth should be written about alcohol, and nothing but the truth, no matter how harsh it may be. This must also be done because bottles or vials with the strongest poison acquired successful sonorous names, winemakers gave them an attractive color, taste and aroma, and sales workers even today paste bottles with such bright labels that their shine attracts the attention of even young children.

In the traditions of many peoples, alcohol is covered in legends, it was deified and sung and endowed with healing properties. Many traditions and customs are directly or indirectly associated with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Sociological studies conducted over 30 years have shown that a significant part of the population does not have a clear understanding of the dangers of alcoholic beverages for health, family and society, for everyday life and work communities. Alcoholism is based on alcohol abuse, which can be interpreted in a broad way. According to experts, alcoholism is a medical and social problem. The concept of alcoholism includes not only medical and biological, but also social content. From a medical point of view, alcoholism is considered as a disease that develops on the basis of prolonged inept consumption of alcoholic beverages. As a disease, alcoholism is characterized by a pathological craving for alcoholic beverages leading to mental and somatic disorders of the individual. Alcoholism is based on alcohol abuse, which can be interpreted in a broad social sense as inappropriate somatic consumption of alcoholic beverages, accompanied by antisocial behavior of the individual. The consequence of this is violation of labor discipline, conflict in the family, arrests to the police, delivery to a medical sobering-up center. Depending on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the degree of abuse, the following groups of people are distinguished:

1. Consuming alcoholic drinks rarely.

2. Consuming alcoholic beverages in moderation.

3. Alcohol abuse.

A study of the prevalence of alcoholism and drunkenness at a number of industrial enterprises made it possible to establish that the majority of workers consume alcoholic beverages, of which a significant proportion (about 20%) abuse them. Of the total number of alcohol abusers, approximately 1/3 are people with expressive and initial signs of alcoholism who require special anti-alcohol treatment.

The largest proportion of abusers is at the age of 30-39 years (40.2%), the smallest age is 50 years and older (12.1%), however, a comparison of the corresponding intensive indicators does not reveal significant groups. A survey of men taken to sobering-up centers showed that more than 50% of them had signs of alcoholism, many of this number were not registered with a drug treatment clinic. About 40% of those examined were classified as alcohol abusers without signs of alcoholism. Alcoholism is one of the vices most jealously hidden by a person. In any case, few people regularly drinking people He even admits to himself that he is an alcoholic. But according to the authoritative opinion of experts, special attention should be paid to such people who

Was drunk at least four times a year;

Goes to work drunk;

Must live to be able to work;

Got injured while drunk;

Got behind the wheel after drinking;

After drinking, he does things he would never do sober.

If a person meets at least six of these points, then we can assume that he is on the threshold of alcoholism and falls under two points - a novice alcoholic in need of treatment. There are a large number of facts on the basis of which a diagnosis of alcoholism can be made. Every person who is prone to drinking alcohol must get rid of this destructive attachment with complete objectivity and self-criticism. If the answer is negative or attempts to overcome it on your own prove powerless, you should seek medical help.

2. The harm of alcohol

Alcohol has a great influence on people's lifestyles. Persons who abuse alcohol are 1.8-2 times more likely to experience injuries at work and at home; they are often the perpetrators of antisocial acts. Approximately 76% of acts of petty hooliganism, 82% of criminal offenses, more than half of hooligan acts and cases of unmotivated cruelty are committed annually while intoxicated. Alcohol abuse is one of the common causes of divorce, congenital deformities, melody of families, adultery and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. In families where one of the spouses abuses alcohol, a number of household responsibilities fall on other family members, children, and parents. Drinkers spend more time watching TV or with people like themselves, and are less likely to engage in physical education and sports with their children, study, etc. Thus, alcohol abuse is not a personal matter; it affects the family and production of the people around him. Alcohol consumption also affects people's performance. It has been established that taking 75 g of vodka reduces labor productivity by 15-17% because within 20 minutes after drinking alcohol, muscle strength decreases by 22%. Even for a person who drinks moderately, the next day after drinking alcohol, work productivity drops by 4-5%, and for a drinker who is in a state of hangover, work capacity can be halved. Alcohol reduces the attitude towards work, leads to an underestimation of the environment, causes emotional imbalance, impulsiveness, and a tendency to take risks. Alcoholics' interest weakens; they are distracted from solving creative problems; thoughts about finding alcohol and creating conditions for drinking alcohol are imposed. Troubles associated with drinking, being late, absenteeism, family discord, and conflicts in the team distract people from work.

American scientists have found that alcohol causes inevitable general damage to the psyche, which is probably even more insidious than the damage caused to the liver, heart and other important human organs. Over time, alcohol abuse changes the activity of brain cells, has a detrimental effect on the nervous system, cerebral cortex and disrupts the balance of the hormonal system. An alcoholic, especially at an early or middle stage, can still work, but his work productivity decreases, and mental instability leads to inflating small problems into insoluble tasks, deprives him of the ability to effectively cope with stress, and prevents him from seeing the real state of affairs. Alcohol abuse is one of the causes of death: premature death is directly related to the effects of alcohol, and secondly, a person under the influence of alcohol can be injured or even die. Death is caused by acute ethyl alcohol poisoning. As forensic practice shows, young and middle-aged men are more often affected. Fatal alcohol poisoning can occur after drinking about 0.5 liters of vodka, and sometimes even less. The size of the lethal dose largely depends on the characteristics of the body, on the degree of addiction to alcohol, on the quantity and quality of snacks, etc. With an unfavorable combination of all these facts, severe damage to the nervous system occurs. Then sleep sets in, the respiratory center is paralyzed, and the person dies. Sometimes vomiting occurs. Vomit may end up in respiratory tract larynx, trachea, bronchi, block them and cause death from suffocation.

There are cases when people are intoxicated and suffer from hypothermia, which also leads to death. One of the consequences of alcoholism is suicide, which is caused by frequent conflicts while drunk or personality changes, mental degradation of a person who abuses alcohol. Injuries often occur as a result of road traffic accidents. According to the World Health Organization, 1,000 people around the world die every day as a result of car injuries. The perpetrators of accidents are most often the victims themselves. At the same time, 44.4% of men who fell under the wheels of cars were intoxicated, and 6.3% of women. Alcohol inhibits the cells of the cerebral cortex, and as a result, responses are inhibited, which leads to death.

3. The influence of alcohol on juvenile delinquency

Among the offenses, minors play a small but very specific role. A growing body cannot withstand the destructive effects of alcohol. Studies have shown that in adolescence, a stable craving for alcohol is formed 8 times more than in an adult. Alcohol leads to severe behavior disorder in adolescents and contributes to their aggressiveness. Teenagers who try alcohol early are extremely excitable and irritable.

By disrupting brain function, alcohol makes a teenager uncontrollable and his behavior unpredictable. Under the influence of alcohol, first of all, such qualities as restraint, politeness, the ability to adapt personal desires to the requirements of the team are lost, rudeness and disregard for generally accepted norms of behavior and morality appear. Penetrating into the body of a teenager, alcohol disrupts mental activity, weakens memory and logical thinking. A teenager in a state of intoxication cannot curb his emotions and is unable to cope with temptations, so drinking alcohol among teenagers often leads to conflict situations and clashes with the law. Criminological research and judicial practice have proven that drunkenness is one of the factors contributing to the persistence of juvenile delinquency. Studies have shown that thefts committed by sober teenagers in 30% of cases had only one goal - to get money to buy alcohol or to get alcoholic drinks.

Juvenile delinquency is characterized by aimless spending of time, lack of aesthetic interests, participation in companies with socially negative behavior, and a common addiction to alcohol. Ultimately, teenagers who start drinking alcohol early degrade socially and avoid social work, which often brings them into conflict with the law. The main reason for adolescents to drink alcohol is a bad and very contagious example for them of “adult life”, a drunken environment, examples of ritual consumption of alcohol at home or away. It was found that 70% of minors who committed an offense while intoxicated tasted alcohol for the first time at home. Unfortunately, the environment often turns out to be the environment where minors learn vicious traditions and are introduced to alcohol early. A dysfunctional atmosphere in a family of alcoholics and drunkards has a huge impact on the psyche and character of a child. Relationships in such families are devoid of sincerity and attention from drinking parents - shouting or physical violence. Numerous studies have shown that parents who are alcoholics often develop difficult teenagers who are prone to delinquency and crime. The bad example of parents and the adult environment, established alcoholic traditions in the family, neglect and loneliness of adolescents create a psychological background for the use of alcohol by children and adolescents, and, consequently, crime.


The fight against alcohol and, above all, prevention, especially among children and adolescents, is one of the main tasks of improving the life of our society. And it depends on the drinkers themselves whether they want to maintain their health.

The essay I wrote is of great practical importance.

Firstly, I myself learned a lot about the destructive effect of alcohol on the body. After reading a lot of additional literature and analyzing the collected material, I realized how harmful one glass of wine can be to the body.

Secondly, this work will help other schoolchildren study this topic in more detail, will help some avoid trying all this on themselves, and teach how to deal with bad habits, if someone already has them.

Thirdly, is it difficult to fight bad habits? Of course, but if you approach this matter with all seriousness, get in the right mindset for the fight, learn some techniques, then almost every person will be able to break bad habits. When starting to work on yourself, your main efforts need to be focused on developing positive habits: not only not drinking, but during this time developing a positive habit in yourself. Well, the most difficult thing is to be able to overcome temptation alone with yourself, when the word is filled with treacherous thoughts, and the desire to survive is all-consuming. This is where a person gets to know himself, tests and strengthens his will, develops self-discipline, and improves self-organization. I endured, I once kept my word to myself, which means I learned to control myself.

If you have taken everything into account and understood everything, then make one more effort and decide never to touch a glass! Remember: health, joy of life and happiness are in your hands.

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