How long can plaster last without heating? Plastering in winter

When starting renovations in a house or apartment, one of the required tasks will be plastering the walls. Often repairs fall on winter period, so owners need to know at what temperature the walls can be plastered.

You will also need to learn how to carry out the work correctly so that the solution does not crack or simply fall off. The article will provide all the rules and recommendations on temperature conditions for work and conditions for applying plaster.

Preparation and conditions

The easiest way to finish walls with plaster is in the warm and dry season

In summer, the procedure for plastering walls inside a building is greatly simplified, since the humidity is low and the temperature allows the solution to dry quickly and not deform.

In winter, you will need to follow certain rules.

Firstly, the humidity in the room where the renovation is being carried out should be no higher than 8%.

Secondly, the temperature of the solution itself should be at least +8 degrees.

When plastering slopes on openings and corners of a building, you need to know that they are most exposed to cooling, so it is better to carry out work before the start of the winter period.

Excessively high room temperatures will lead to improper drying of the mixture and the appearance of defects

If there are no windows and doors, then they need to be inserted. After this must be carried out insulation work. When working in a living room, you need to remove old finishing materials and, if necessary, remove some of the old plaster.

Additionally, it should be noted that it is possible to putty walls in winter if the temperature near the floor is no less than +8 degrees, and near the ceiling no more than +30 degrees.

If the room temperature is more than 30 degrees, the solution will dry out quickly and, as a result, dry out. Due to this, the strength of the plaster is lost, it begins to crack and may fall off over time.

Heating and drying

Gypsum plasters take a long time to dry, within 2 weeks.

Any putty requires thorough drying after application, and different types Construction mixtures contain various binders that need to be dried under certain conditions.

Lime-based plaster requires a small amount of carbon dioxide to dry and harden. Drying the solution using the quick method is prohibited, since the solution will lose its elasticity and develop many cracks.

Limestone, and also dries completely within 2 weeks. At this time, the building should be ventilated 2-3 times a day. Drying is carried out not after a separate area has been plastered, but when the work is carried out in the entire room or along the entire wall.

If the composition contains cement, then such mixtures will dry faster, in just a week. When using materials with cement, there is no need to ventilate the room, since cement requires moisture, which is in the air.

After the putty layer has dried, the room must have a constant temperature of at least 8 degrees

At home better heating to dry the walls after plastering, use stove heating or central heating. If opportunities to use such heating systems no, then it is necessary to temporarily heat the room.

For these purposes, air heaters and heat guns. With such equipment, the mortar on the walls will dry out within a week if the room temperature is 25-30 degrees.

After drying heating elements you can remove it, but make sure that the temperature in the building is at least 8 degrees Celsius. This allows the walls to remain warm and not become stained with moisture. Detailed Process watch in this video:

Air heaters can be used as heating devices.

Those who plaster walls in a room where there is no heating and it is winter outside need to add special additives that allow the solution to be applied and maintain its properties even in negative temperature.

You can familiarize yourself with the additives and their scope of application using the table:

AdditivesDescriptionCooking methodUsage
Chlorine waterIt is most often used for exterior work, but you can also putty walls inside a building. Plaster with this additive can be used at -25 degrees.To make the additive, you need to heat the water to 35 degrees, then add bleach at the rate of 15 kg of mixture per 100 liters of liquid. The water is stirred until the mixture is completely dissolved in it. Next, leave for 1.5 hours to infuse. After a while, the additive can be poured into a container and used in the quantity required. It is forbidden to heat the composition by more than 35 degrees, otherwise the chlorine will evaporate.It is prohibited to use unsettled water with chlorine, otherwise the plaster will crack. With the additive, cement-based solutions are created, which are used for application to walls made of brick, concrete, and wood. For a high-quality solution, you need to mix 1 part of cement, 1 part of the resulting additive and 6 parts of sand. You only need to work with the additive wearing a respirator and gloves. After drying, the chlorine evaporates and has no effect on humans.
PotashA solution with the addition of potash is used for plastering mesh elements, reinforcement and other metal parts. Potash will not allow the metal to corrode. The additive is used for cement mortar, possibly with the addition of clay and lime.To prepare plaster, it is allowed to use low grade cement. The volume of potash itself depends on the temperature in the room. If the room temperature is down to -5 degrees, then potash is added in a volume of 1% of the total amount of dry mixtures. If the temperature is lower, then you need to add 1.5% and 2% at temperatures lower than -15. The clay should initially be dried a little, then mixed with sand and cement, then water and potash are added.A ready-made solution with potash is used for an hour. During application, the mixture must be in an insulated container, and the person performing the work must use appropriate protective equipment.
Ammonia waterThe additive is produced in factories in the form of a finished liquid in a sealed container. When diluting, the temperature of the additive and water should not be more than +5 degrees, increasing the temperature, ammonia will evaporate.To make an ammonia additive, you need to add 3.16 liters per liter of solution (25%) ordinary water. If a different solution (15%) is used, then 1.5 liters of ordinary water are needed per liter. An additive is added to cement mortar, to which you can add sand and lime. Ammonia should not be used with gypsum or clay.The finished solution can be applied to very cold walls; the temperature in the room can be down to -30 degrees. It is recommended to carry out work using beacons.

Knowing what additives are used, you can plaster indoor walls even at subzero temperatures. The solution will stick well and not lose its properties. For more information about additives, watch this video:

Everything sets quickly, so you need to prepare the solution in the amount that will actually be used within an hour. The mixture itself must be at a temperature of at least +5 degrees.

Having become familiar with the temperature at which walls can be plastered inside the house, the work will be simplified, and time, labor and effort will not be wasted.

Indeed, often due to ignorance of temperature indicators, the plaster begins to crack, various defects appear, or simply falls off in pieces.

For those of us who have done our own construction own home One of the main problems is winter work. At what temperature can you plaster outdoors? We will find the answer to this question.

The basic requirements for plastering work are specified in SNiP 3.04.01–87 “Insulating and finishing coatings” and SP 82-101-98 “Preparation and use of building mortars”, which stipulates what permissible temperature for plaster.

Air temperatures below +5°C make it possible to use solutions only with antifreeze additives– chemical hardeners, which enable the plaster to gain its design strength at minus temperatures. Chlorine water, potash and ammonia water are recommended as such additives.

Chlorine water

A solution mixed with chlorine water can be used down to -25° C. The additive is prepared as follows: bleach is added to water heated to 35° C in a proportion of 15 kg/100 liters and stirred until completely dissolved. The composition is allowed to sit for 1–1.5 hours, poured into a sealable container, and used as needed. Cement and complex plaster mortars are prepared using chlorine water; brick, concrete, and wood are plastered.

IMPORTANT: when working with chlorine compounds it is necessary to wear a respirator and complete set workwear, including rubberized insulated gloves and boots.


Potash solution is used for cement, cement-clay and cement-clay lime mortars. The volume of the modifier in the solution is calculated based on the air temperature: above -5°C potash is added to 1% of the volume in dry form; at -5 - 15°C 1.5% is required; if the temperature is lower, add 2% modifier.

A mixture of cement, powdered clay and sand is prepared in a ratio of 1:0.2:4 to 1:0.5:6. The finished composition is mixed with an aqueous solution of potash.

The proportion for a composition of cement and lime is 4:1 by weight.

Cement mortar is prepared in a ratio of 1:3. The mixture is produced using an aqueous solution of potash salt at a temperature of ≥+5°C.

IMPORTANT: The solution is used within an hour and stored in an insulated container. Work in a respirator and a full set of protective clothing!

Ammonia water

The additive is produced industrially; under construction conditions it is diluted with water to the required concentration, at a temperature of water and modifier no higher than +5°C, in order to prevent ammonia from evaporating. The finished solution should have a concentration of 6%; for this, 3.16 liters of water are added per liter of the factory 25% composition; the 15% composition is diluted with 1.5 liters of water.

Ammonia water is used as a modifier with cement and cement-lime plaster.

IMPORTANT: It is prohibited to use ammonia water as a modifier for compositions containing gypsum, clay and purely limestone.

When working on concrete take cement mixture composition 1:2 – 1:4; on brick, slag concrete and wood they work with cement - lime - sand mixture composition 1:1:6 – 1:1:9.

To dissolve lime, the temperature of ammonia water should not be lower than +5°C. Depending on the temperature of the environment, the temperature of the solution is changed: at -15°C - solution +2 - +3°C; at -25°С solution ≥+5°С. Plastering with compounds modified with ammonia water is possible down to a temperature of -30°C.

In addition to these three modifiers for winter work, potassium chloride and sodium chloride are also used, but their use can lead to efflorescence after defrosting. The above methods for preparing winter plaster have been time-tested, but they should only be used for small areas. individual house difficult: the process is busy, it is difficult to maintain the required proportions of solutions.

Modern materials

Agree, when modern technologies We often use ready-made building mixtures: it’s simpler, faster, and more economical. The construction industry is in need of an extension finishing works for the winter period.

Ready-made dry building mixtures for sub-zero temperatures are the answer to this request. Foreign and domestic companies produce many plastering compounds for winter, and the list is regularly updated. Companies HENKEL, VETONIT, BERGAUF, TERTA, REMIX in their product line have mixtures for performing work at temperatures down to -10°C. These frost-resistant plasters, with different compositions, have several positive characteristics:

  1. Durability (manufacturer's warranty for 10 years).
  2. Waterproof.
  3. Temperature conditions for use range from -50 to +70°C.
  4. High ripening speed.
  5. Elasticity.
  6. No efflorescence.

TO negative qualities This may include the severity of the finishing layer (above standard), difficulty in working; a small number of surface designs: as a rule, these are “bark beetle”, “fur coat” and two types of pebble plaster with small and medium-sized grains. Questions: is it possible to plaster in winter, at what temperature outside can you plaster - these do not arise with new products.

Preparing the wall

What determines the durability of winter plaster? When plastering a facade in winter, high-quality preparation of the facade wall plays a huge role. The base must be thoroughly cleaned of ice, remaining mortar and efflorescence, degreased and dried.

You cannot use water for cleaning - in the cold it will freeze and become ice. When laying masonry with filling the joints with mortar (not “waste material”), notches must be made on the facade. The prepared surface is primed to increase adhesion, and some primer compositions do not require it, which is noted in the material data sheet.

Plaster work in winter

The temperature range of water for mixing the plaster mixture is from +20 to +35°C. It is forbidden to prepare the solution at temperatures above +15 and below 0. Before preparing the plaster, the mixture is heated to a temperature above zero.

Solutions set quickly, so plaster composition prepared mixtures are prepared as needed, avoiding cooling below +5. The rules for mixing the mixture and working with plaster compositions may change in accordance with the manufacturer’s technology. The rules prescribed in the instructions for the material must be followed strictly if you want to get a high-quality coating.


To the question: is it possible to plaster walls in winter, we answer with confidence - it is possible. But work in winter conditions requires additional effort and financial costs. If we're talking about about the construction industry - yes, working with winter mixtures extends the construction season, and is especially beneficial in northern regions with a short period of positive temperatures.

If we are talking about an individual developer in middle lane Russia - yes, in winter it is easier to find a team of builders to complete turnkey finishing, the cost of the work will be somewhat lower. But, if you do not have the skills of a builder and want to do the plastering yourself in the winter, think about whether it would be better to wait until spring or entrust the work to professionals?

As you know, plastering a facade in cold weather is not an easy task, because the process of constructing a building often continues in winter time. In this regard, the question arises at what temperature the surface of a building can be plastered and what rules should be followed.

Plastering walls, if necessary, in winter is possible when using heated solutions and at a temperature of no more than -15°C. If you need to carry out the plastering process at the lowest temperatures, you will need to thoroughly heat the surfaces of the walls and other partitions.

The main requirements for the process of plastering facades in frost include:

  1. Maintaining the humidity of walls and other partitions, which should not exceed 8%.
  2. Maintaining the solution during plastering of slopes (doors and windows), niches and others structural elements buildings undergoing the fastest cooling, with temperatures exceeding +8…+10°С. However, if possible, it is still recommended to carry out these manipulations with the above elements before the onset of cold weather. Because to maintain a temperature level of + 10°C in the premises, additional enhanced insulation will be required.
  3. Plaster (at average room temperature) on the external floors of a building in frost at a height of 500 mm from the floor level should be at least +8°C; at the same time, near the ceiling it should not exceed +25...+30°С, because at higher temperatures, the solution can quickly dry out and crack, losing its strength.
  4. External plastering work at temperatures environment below 5°C can only be carried out with a solution containing chemical modifiers that can make it susceptible to hardening in frost and help achieve the design strength. It is also possible to plaster in winter with a mortar containing ground quicklime.
  5. It is possible to plaster external walls that were built using the freezing method and that, due to manipulations with the façade plaster, have thawed the wall to a depth of at least half of it. In this case, the use warm water to speed up the warm-up process façade walls ok and liquidation, thus, ice from them is strictly prohibited.

Frost-resistant plaster mixture, its advantages and specificity

Plastering in winter (especially when compared with ordinary summer plaster mortar) has an abundance of advantages and differences, of which the key ones are:

  1. A large number of defrosting cycles, allowing to ensure an impeccable appearance of the façade of the building even after 15-20 years of operation. Ordinary plaster at the same time, it is guaranteed to last only a few years, after which it will gradually begin to crack, fall off and require local ceiling repairs.
  2. Wide range of temperatures. Frost-resistant plaster successfully withstands cold temperatures down to -50°C, and also feels good at +70°C; this makes it extremely reliable for use in any regional zones of the country.
  3. The excellent “elasticity” of the finishing consistency prevents the appearance of cracks during temperature changes, which entails a reduction in money spent on repair and construction work on the building.
  4. Fast drying period. Due to its special texture, the frost-resistant plaster mixture begins to harden just 2-3 hours after application, and it will take only a day for it to dry completely.
  5. Increased degree of water resistance. Due to its moisture-proof characteristics, the frost-resistant solution is considered almost a surrogate for water-repellent plaster mixtures, which makes it universally suitable facing material for façade exterior works.

Preliminary preparation of the surface of facade walls for plastering the facade in cold weather

Before plastering the walls of a room that requires such manipulation, you need to prepare everything in advance. To do this you must:

  • caulk all the gaps between the windows, door frames and walls;
  • in a warmer period, plaster the slopes in advance;
  • glaze the windows;
  • doorways must be installed ahead of time with tight cover;
  • interfloor and attic floors insulate.

An acceptable alternative is to set up a special unit at the construction site where the solutions will be heated, but it is more profitable to prepare the mixtures directly on the territory of the manufacturer and deliver them to the construction site packaged in packs, i.e. dosed.

In local conditions, fine sand is used to create a solution, which, after sifting, is heated in a container over a fire or other heating surface. Without a doubt, plastering in winter is a very serious matter, so lime should be taken ground and freshly slaked, otherwise it will carbonize during transportation; or use lime paste.

The complexity of the operation, which lies in the dilemma at what temperature it is possible to plaster, when using slaked lime, is a large generation of heat during operation, which entails, accordingly, an increase in humidity in the room. Help the plaster mortar on the wall to overwinter least losses The use of antifreeze additives will help.

In terms of consistency, the main composition of the finishing mixture includes cement, lime and sand (in a ratio of 1:1:4). The use of salts when plastering a facade in frost is dangerous, as efflorescence may occur after drying.

In winter, plastering of both wooden and concrete (or brick) facades can be done using special technologies, which will not allow the mixture to freeze when performing finishing and facade work.

Features of temperature conditions for applying plaster mixtures. Recommendations for plastering in winter. Specifics of street plastering works. Consequences of temperature violations.

We plaster in winter and summer

It is customary to carry out plastering in the warm season.

The information below gives an idea in what temperature range it can be operated. plastering work and how to extend the construction season.

The information is subjective provided that the solutions contain the appropriate modifiers in the required proportions.

Features of plaster

The proportions and composition of the binders determine the name of the plaster mortar:

  •   Plaster;
  •   Gypsum-lime;
  •   Calcareous-sand;
  •   Lime-cement;
  •   Cement-sand.

Used as a filler various types sand Special additives guarantee different technical specifications mixtures and a wide range of application temperatures.

Separately, there are dry gypsum sheet plasters - plasterboard (gypsum board).

At what temperature can you plaster walls inside a house?

The working conditions for gypsum plasters are temperature range from +5˚ to +30˚C.

If the walls of a building are frozen in winter, then plastering inside can only be done after the wall has thawed to half its depth.

In winter, in buildings with heating, the air should be heated above +10˚C indoors, then the use of solutions does not require the addition of antifreeze modifiers.

If the temperature is from +5˚ to +8˚C, the mixture when poured should have values ​​not lower than +8˚C.

If the air in the house is above +23˚C, it is necessary to evenly moisten the plastered surface.

In summer, during dry, hot times at temperatures above 30˚C and humidity less than 50%, it is necessary to maintain humidity in the plastered areas and add special plasticizers.

Is it possible to live in an unheated room in winter?

There are lime-cement, lime plaster mixtures, the air temperature when working with them is from -10˚ to +25˚C.

When plastering with such mixtures, the heating of the solution itself and the application surface should not be lower than +5˚C.

The mixture should be prepared in a heated part of the building, when the temperature drops below +5˚C during the day, and at night

At what temperature is it possible if there is no heating

Work on plastering buildings can be carried out at sub-zero temperatures. Mixtures are used that contain cement and sometimes lime, with the addition of anti-frost components:

To reduce labor intensity, it is better to prepare aqueous solutions of the necessary percentage and pour them into the prepared composition.

It is prohibited to use potash, calcium nitrate with urea or sodium nitrite as frost-resistant additives when plastering buildings with high (above 60%) humidity or operating at temperatures above 40 °C.

More complete information on the preparation and use of plaster mixtures is presented in SP-82-101-98 and SNiP 3.04.01–87

Plastering a wall outdoors

Plastering outdoors is carried out if the temperature is from – 30˚ to +5˚C, taking into account the above requirements and there is no wind. When using water-based mixtures without frost-resistant additives - not lower than +5˚C.

Temperature conditions inside the house

Installation of sheet gypsum plasters can be carried out on:

  •   metal lathing;
  •   wooden frame;
  •   glue pad.

Installation on metal frame It is better to carry out at a positive temperature to avoid sweating in places of contact with metal.

Installation on adhesive base, as well as priming and filling of joints, it is best to carry out when the air inside the building is heated to at least +10˚C.

What happens if you don’t comply with the temperature regime?

When deviating from the temperature regime, briefly and within small limits, the plastered walls lose their flatness and take on wave-like shapes. More severe violations of the technology entail loss of layer strength, decreased adhesion to the load-bearing layer, the appearance of cracks, even to the collapse of the layer.

If factory-made plaster mixtures are used, read the factory instructions. Plastering inside the house is best done at temperatures from +10 to +30˚C. Plastering outdoors in the range below +5˚С must be carried out in calm weather or with the installation of a protective vestibule. When adding antifreeze modifiers, you must be careful.

Useful video

"Nature has no bad weather", I would like to say the same thing about various renovation work. IN modern times There are a lot of technologies and tools that will help make repairs at any time of the year, and plastering in winter is no exception.

Is it possible to plaster in winter?

Plastering walls allows you to provide adhesion to finishing materials and improve the quality of surfaces, level them and give the room a finished look. This is labor-intensive work, but it is very important for those who strive to improve their quality of life.

Construction/repair operations often take place in the winter. Thanks to proper organization future work, you can always plaster. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is some conditions for preparing the compositions and drying.

It should be taken into account acceptable standards at winter work. There are few of them, but each of them is required to be taken into account. Permissible humidity and air temperature must be taken into account. The humidity level should not exceed 8 percent, and the composition should not be colder +8 degrees. Thawing should occur to a depth of more than half the wall. You should also level all slopes in the room with plaster. It is prohibited to use hot water to remove ice from walls or accelerate the heating of frozen walls.

Features of working at sub-zero temperatures

Work outside must be carried out at a temperature above -5 degrees. But work also with significant low temperatures possible if you use a solution with chemicals, which are added to the composition during cooking.

The usual solution is not applicable in cold weather, since it does not harden, but freezes. This will cause the plaster to fall off as it gets warmer. Plaster compositions with modifiers harden in the cold, so they do not lose performance characteristics even when applied in winter.

The object where it is planned to apply plaster must be prepared without fail. Slopes and frames of doors and windows are plastered in advance. A draft negatively affects the quality of the plaster in the future, so it is necessary to glaze the windows and close the entrances tightly. Attics and spaces between floors must be insulated.

Conventional plaster composition indoors in winter is used if average temperature heat - 8 degrees. Temperature is measured next to outer wall, from the floor level by half a meter. The ceiling should not be more than 30 degrees, as the solution will dry out too quickly. This will lead to cracks and loss of strength.

Most suitable option is the presence of DSP. In this situation, the contractor does not have to worry about work in the winter season, since all possible restrictions are excluded. This is comfortable and allows you to quickly, efficiently and effectively perform plastering.

Drying plaster in winter

Depending on the type of plaster, the duration of its drying, as well as the drying method, also depends.

  1. For lime plaster you need a minimum of carbon dioxide. Accelerated drying is prohibited in this situation, as the composition will lose strength and crack.
  2. The gypsum-based solution dries in approximately 7 days. For gypsum plaster, it is necessary to ventilate the room, but the main thing is not to create drafts. That is, in winter a small crack in the window is enough.
  3. Compositions with cement and lime-cement dry in about 14 days, while additional ventilation won't be needed. This is due to the fact that the solution requires moist air.

The optimal heating for any type of plaster is central. In its absence, you need to think about a temporary one. This way you can ensure comfortable working conditions and drying of the surface.

A large volume of work requires the use of air heaters. These devices allow you not to think about the question of whether it is possible to perform plastering inside the building in winter. Such devices heat the air to comfortable temperature even in large rooms. Their use allows you to dry the plaster in 7 days at temperatures above 30 degrees.

At the moment of drying, the wall dries to a humidity of 8%. Need to install temperature regime at 8 degrees Celsius so that the walls do not cool down and become stained. Plaster with added lime takes about 10-15 days to dry, and this is provided that the room is ventilated 2-3 times per hour!

Compositions for plaster in winter

gypsum plaster Forman 12: minimum temperature of the mixture base from +5 degrees

Premises without heating and external work at low temperatures are carried out using special plastering compounds.

  1. Chlorine water is added to the mixture, which allows work to be performed at -25˚C. Moreover, you don’t need to be interested in plastering techniques brick walls this composition. The technology is the same as in the case of conventional solutions. There is only one feature - you should not apply large layers.
  2. Potash does not form efflorescence and does not expose metals to corrosive destruction. So he - perfect way plastering of reinforced structures. It provides maximum protection from the environment and other factors. Based on potash, you can make mortars containing cement, cement with clay and cement with lime. You should buy low grade cement. The amount of potash administration is calculated depending on the air temperature. At -5˚ 1% is enough. At lower temperatures, it is recommended to introduce more than 1.5%. In this case, you need to inquire about the air temperature in order to make a suitable plaster solution.
  3. Ammonia water is a homemade inoculant. It should be added to the finished mixture. In this case, it is necessary to introduce ammonia and ordinary water with a temperature no higher than 5 degrees Celsius, since with more high temperature the ammonia evaporates. If the concentration of ammonia in water is 25%, then 3.15 liters of ordinary water are added to 1 liter of plaster mortar to achieve a working additive of 6%. If ammonia is 15%, then 1.5 liters of cool water will be required for 1 liter. The modifier is stored in sealed containers. Suitable for this glass containers with traffic jams. This will protect the product from loss of ammonia as it evaporates. Preparing to plaster walls for laying tiles or other finishing material, you need to understand that ammonia water is suitable for various types mortars containing cement, except cement-clay. With their help, you can prepare surfaces for cladding in the winter season. Lime-gypsum compositions should not be used.
  4. Ammonia solutions are suitable for working at -30˚, but unless absolutely necessary, you should not try to work in such conditions. These are too extreme conditions for performing the work, since the contractor will not be comfortable plastering and working with the mortar.

When grouting concrete surfaces, plaster mortar with cement is used in proportions of 1/2 or 1/4. In the case of cinder block, brick and wood, it is better to use cement-lime-sand mortars prepared in a ratio of 1/1/6 or 1/1/9.

Lime is diluted with ammonia water at a temperature of more than 5 degrees Celsius. When the outside air temperature is below -15˚, the solution should be between 2 and 3 degrees Celsius. At a frost of -25, the solution should be no cooler than 5 degrees Celsius. Plastering at lower temperatures is not recommended due to the extreme conditions.

Working with plaster in winter using an ammonia modifier is great option, since after freezing the plaster will retain its strength and will not peel off. After the onset of a thaw, the layer will dry out without losing its strength.

In winter time you can do the work, but it should be understood that the procedure will require a lot of money and time, unlike plastering in the summer. But when the right attitude to work, you can do it quality work. The technology itself is no different from plastering in the summer, only the solution changes.

Taking into account the standards for preparing winter mortars, drying and maintaining the coating in the first days after applying the plaster, the surface will remain smooth and beautiful for many years.