Modern materials for walls. Types of walls What are the walls in an apartment?

The types and thickness of the walls of the house may be different, but in any case they must be strong, durable and provide the necessary thermal protection and sound insulation. You can learn about the types of walls and the choice of their thickness from this article.

Types of house walls

The main purpose of the external walls of a house is to protect premises from atmospheric factors and act as load-bearing structures.

Walls are classified according to their purpose:

  • external;
  • internal.

In addition, depending on the loads they experience, they can be:

  • load-bearing structures on which floors or roof elements rest;
  • non-load-bearing ones, which perform only a separating function.

The purpose of the walls also determines the features of their design.

Exterior walls They are almost always load-bearing; they are usually constructed of greater thickness, often multi-layered, using insulation.

Internal walls houses divide it into separate rooms and can sometimes be used as load-bearing rooms. They are usually thinner, especially if they are not load-bearing. For them, sound insulation is more important than thermal insulation properties, which determines the choice of appropriate building material.

Types of walls according to construction material

When choosing a building material for building a house, efficiency, comparative labor intensity and ease of construction are also important. Each building material from which the walls of the house will be built has its own advantages and disadvantages, so your choice must be based on the requirements that you place on your future home and, of course, based on your financial capabilities.

Based on the building material, the most common types of walls are:

  • brick continuous or effective masonry;
  • from lightweight concrete blocks(gas blocks, foam blocks);
  • from ceramic blocks;
  • from natural stones(from blocks of sawn shell rock or rubble stone - limestone, sandstone, granite, etc.);
  • wooden;
  • monolithic (concrete, expanded clay concrete or slag concrete);
  • adobe(adobe);
  • glass
  • combined(from two or three materials in different combinations).

Brick walls

Brick walls are strong, durable and fire-resistant; they are not susceptible to insects and rot. They are usually chosen during construction big houses(with an area of ​​at least 100 m2), intended for year-round living.

A wide variety of bricks, both ordinary and shaped, make it possible to build from them structures of complex configurations, to implement a wide variety of architectural solutions and decorative elements.
The walls of a house built of brick, due to its fire resistance, can be quite safely adjacent to stoves and fireplaces. Inside brick walls, unlike walls made of many other materials, smoke and ventilation ducts.

The disadvantage of such walls is their relatively large weight, so they require a solid foundation. It is advisable to begin finishing them no earlier than a year after laying them - to give them the opportunity to “settle”. They have a fairly large heat capacity and thermal inertia - they retain heat for a long time and warm up for a long time (they keep cool in summer, warm in winter), but on the other hand, if the house has cooled down in winter, it will take a long time to heat it up.

Walls made of ceramic blocks

Due to their porous structure, ceramic blocks made of porous ceramics, in comparison with bricks, have advantages: lower volumetric weight and lower thermal conductivity coefficient. The volumetric weight of ceramic blocks is approximately 2 times lower than that of brick, and their thermal conductivity coefficient is approximately 1.6 times less. This material allows you to make the walls of the house lighter, warmer and reduce the load on the foundation. In addition, thanks to the porous structure of the ceramic block, the walls “breathe”.

Even a relatively thin wall made of ceramic block is not inferior in thermal properties to a thicker brick wall and meets building standards. Its thickness can be 35-54 cm, and this will be quite suitable existing standards on thermal protection of buildings.

Walls made of ceramic blocks can be single-layer, two-layer or three-layer. Just like brick ones, they can be built with insulation (preferably external), followed by brick cladding or plaster.

The water absorption of porous ceramic blocks is usually on par with that of conventional bricks. Also, they are characterized by good sound insulation, are non-flammable, and are practically not susceptible to fungi and mold.

Ceramic blocks can be used for the construction of load-bearing walls (in houses no more than three floors high) and for internal partitions.

Wooden walls

Walls made of wood have been erected for centuries. Wood is the traditional and most environmentally friendly material for the home: it “breathes”. Up to 30% of the air per day can circulate through wooden walls in a closed room. In dry weather, they give up accumulated moisture, and in damp weather, on the contrary, they absorb its excess.

In addition, the resins and oils that wood contains unobtrusively fill the house with a pleasant aroma and have antiseptic properties.

Disadvantages of wooden walls:

  • they are flammable, can be damaged by insects and pests, and can also be subject to rotting, and therefore require treatment with all kinds of impregnations (and this is “chemistry”) and structural protection from all these factors;
  • before finishing begins, they must “settle” (especially from logs), and the settlement is up to 10%, which is significantly more than that of stone or frame (3-1%);
  • their construction requires certain qualifications and experience.

If you do not have the skills to build wooden walls, then it is better to entrust it to professionals. If you decide to build a wooden house on our own, then you need to hire at least one person as an assistant who has experience in such construction and carpenter skills.

Frame walls

Construction of frame houses is one of the fastest and relatively inexpensive ways to build your home. Frame walls- these are practically the lightest, compared to other types. Their advantage is their resistance to deformation and the ability to withstand a fairly large number of freeze-thaw cycles (practically unlimited).

The costs of their construction, compared to other types, are minimal, and besides, interior and exterior decoration can begin immediately after construction, without waiting for the house to settle.

Cellular concrete walls

Walls made of cellular concrete(aerated concrete or foam concrete, etc.) are characterized by increased thermal insulation, since all types of this material contain air in closed pores. They are 2.5-3 times warmer than those made of ceramic bricks of similar thickness and 3-3.5 times warmer than those made of silicate bricks. Enclosing structures made of this material are fireproof (do not burn at all) and have good sound insulation properties.

Blocks made of cellular concrete can be easily sawed (even with a regular hacksaw), planed and drilled. You can easily screw screws into them, hammer in nails or dowels (although you can just as easily pull them out). Thanks to this ease of processing, cellular concrete allows the production of walls of various configurations.

Also, in gas and foam blocks you can quickly cut grooves and channels for installing electrical wiring or pipes for heating or water supply, holes for sockets, switches, distribution boxes etc.

Walls made of cellular concrete are resistant to insects and fungi, and their vapor permeability is even higher than that of wood.

In addition, it is worth mentioning an important fact in our time of crisis that a wall made of cellular concrete costs 2-3 times less than a wall made of brick, which has the same resistance to heat transfer. In addition, walls made of this material are built faster, since one such block can replace 15-20 bricks, and accordingly the laying time and required quantity solution.

Finished walls made of aerated or foam concrete do not require additional leveling or special finishing costs.

Disadvantages of cellular concrete:

  • they can absorb moisture, especially aerated concrete;
  • low bending strength - when the house settles, cracks may form on the walls.

For the construction of walls, the following types of cellular concrete are most often used: aerated concrete, foam concrete and gas silicate. They differ from each other in composition and manufacturing technology.

The non-autoclave method of producing foam concrete causes higher shrinkage during operation (2-3 mm/m) than that of aerated concrete produced by the autoclave method (0.3 mm/m).
It is more expedient to use foam concrete blocks for the construction of internal partitions and outbuildings(garages, sheds, etc.).

For load-bearing walls of residential buildings, it is better to choose autoclaved aerated concrete, as it has a higher load-bearing capacity.

Gas and foam concrete also differ in the nature of the surface. Foam concrete has a smooth surface and plaster does not adhere well to them - it is necessary to use plaster mesh or various primers.
Aerated concrete walls have a porous surface, since during production such blocks are not poured into molds, but are cut with special strings. The plaster fits perfectly on such a surface.

Expanded clay concrete walls

For expanded clay concrete, the starting material is expanded clay (foamed and fired clay), water and cement. Expanded clay has fairly high strength with low weight.
Walls made of expanded clay concrete, due to the peculiar structure of the material, have higher sound and heat insulation than conventional concrete, chemical resistance to the effects of aggressive environments, as well as low weight.

Disadvantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • fragility compared to conventional concrete, which leads to a narrowing of the range of their applications;
  • relatively high surface porosity and, as a consequence, increased moisture absorption and the need for reliable waterproofing of such walls.

Walls made of monolithic expanded clay concrete are constructed in almost the same way as those made of slag concrete. This requires special collapsible formwork, which is usually made of wooden panels.

In addition, ready-made expanded clay is used for construction. concrete blocks.

Walls made of natural stones

Limestone – shell rock

Walls made of shell rock used to be erected mainly in the areas where it was mined, but nowadays they are also building from this building material in other places, the main thing is that delivery should not be too expensive.

Limestone - shell rock is a natural, environmentally friendly material that is used for laying walls in the form of blocks, which are cut out in the following sizes - 390x190x188, 490x240x188 and 390x190x288 mm or in the form of rubble stone from sawing waste.

Shell rock walls are erected one block thick (400-500 mm). The masonry is carried out in a two-row manner with alternating spoon and butt rows. When laying, use sand-cement, lime or -clay solutions. Masonry interior walls(non-load-bearing) and partitions are made in half a block.

In addition, combined masonry is often made of shell rock and brick: the inner row is made of shell rock, and the outer row is made of brick (regular or facing) with insulation placed between them (mineral wool or polystyrene foam).

Rubble stone

Such walls are sometimes constructed during the construction of basement floors. For these purposes, dense types of natural stones are usually used: granite, sandstone, limestone (recrystallized), etc. In some cases, the entire walls of a house are built from rubble stone (for example, from waste from sawing shell rock).

The laying of such walls is usually carried out using cement or lime mortar (laying slab limestone or waste shell rock) with bandaging of the seams, carefully selecting stones with or without jointing (for plaster).

Adobe walls

Walls made of adobe blocks have been built since time immemorial. Until recently, it was believed that such walls were a thing of the past. But due to the increasing interest in our time in the construction of ecological housing, interest in adobe is returning, especially since the building material is literally under your feet (you just have to put your hands on it).

To make adobe, clay or loam and even black soil are used, as well as organic additives - straw (translated from Turkic adobe actually means “straw”).

Walls made of adobe can be of several types:

  • from rectangular blocks;
  • from hand-molded adobe (usually oval);
  • frame - adobe.

Walls made of rectangular adobe blocks

In the first case, adobe blocks are made using wooden rectangular shapes, dried, and if the required quantity is available, the laying of walls begins. As a masonry mortar, you can use a mixture of sand and the material from which the adobe blocks were made (clay, loam).

Walls made of hand-molded adobe

In the second case, adobes are formed by hand, usually of an oblong oval shape (loaf shape) and the walls are laid with fresh, not dried adobes. In this case, the laying of the wall is carried out in three stages, constructing a third of the wall at one time, followed by drying the laid mass. Laying with this method is most often performed not horizontally, but at an angle to each other in the form of “braids” or “spikelets”.
This the old way construction of walls made of adobe, which, nevertheless, was used in the construction of houses even in the 60s of the last century, and the constructed houses are successfully used today.
This method requires a large number of people to simultaneously produce a sufficient volume of adobes. Clay or loam is soaked in advance and mixed with fine straw or chaff. Subsequently, adobes were made by adding long straw to the clay (chernozem) prepared in this way and shaping them by hand.

Frame adobe walls

In the third case, it is first made wooden frame house, and after that the entire space between the frame elements is gradually filled with clay mixed with straw with a tamper, using wooden formwork. Such houses, built at the beginning of the last century, decorated with modern exterior decoration, are still in use today.

Adobe is a warm, environmentally friendly material. A house with adobe walls is always cool in hot weather and warm in winter. This type of wall is the most environmentally friendly.

Glass walls

The walls of a house that are entirely made of glass are quite rare. Although it may well be an option.

An example of this type could be a “showcase wall,” when one of the walls of the room is made in the form of continuous glazing, such as a window on the entire wall.

Another option could be a wall made of glass blocks, familiar from Soviet times and returning in our time in a new quality. Glass blocks are hollow glass blocks weighing from 2.5 to 4.3 kg, consisting of two compressed parts, each of which is made of thick glass (6-7 mm).

Thanks to the air inside the glass blocks, their walls have enough good warmth- and sound insulation.

The outer surface of glass blocks can be varied: corrugated and smooth, transparent and matte, as well as multi-colored. Typically glass blocks are square or rectangular in shape, but can come in other geometric shapes. and even round.

Glass blocks can withstand significant changes in outside air temperature. They are quite durable and quite difficult to break, and their sound insulation is at the level of a brick wall of the same thickness.

Another option for glass walls can be structures made from bottles. This is, of course, an unusual and very original building material - bottles cemented into blocks, but such walls and entire houses exist and function perfectly.

House wall thickness

The thickness of the walls depends on their design, material and calculated winter temperature - the average temperature of the coldest five-day period during the year. Their minimum thickness is accepted provided that the temperature in the living room will not be lower than +18 o C with normally operating heating.

The thickness of the internal walls must be at least 1/15 of the height of the wall from the waterproofing to the bottom of the floor beams.

To reduce the thickness of the walls and at the same time increase thermal protection, thermal insulation materials (insulation) are included in their design ( mineral wool, polystyrene foam and others). Moreover, they are located both inside and outside.

Laying the walls of a house requires certain skills, but anyone can master masonry with the necessary theoretical knowledge and some practical skills.

Video on the topic

Below you can watch a video about choosing materials for building a house.

There is still no clear answer to the question of what material is best to make the walls of a residential building from. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Builders and designers cannot come to the same opinion regarding the choice of the most optimal product for making walls. The thing is that in each specific case the best material must be selected based on the purpose of the building, its configuration, climatic conditions locality and financial capabilities of the owner. In our article we will look at the most common wall materials, describe their properties, pros and cons, and you yourself can choose the best one based on construction conditions.

Factors influencing choice

A quarter of all construction costs go towards the construction of walls. Since incorrectly selected material for wall construction can lead to even greater expenses in the future, when choosing it, it is worth considering the following factors:

  1. If you want to save on arranging the foundation by making a shallow, lightweight version, then choose a lightweight material for the walls. Additional savings in the case of using lightweight elements for the walls of the house will be during transportation and installation, because it can be done with your own hands without the use of expensive lifting equipment.
  2. Choose building materials with good thermal insulation characteristics. Otherwise, cold walls in winter will cost you dearly in heating costs.

Advice: best to do thermotechnical calculation taking into account the climatic conditions of the construction region. This is the only way to be sure that you have chosen the right material and wall design. So, in northern regions In our country, even walls made of materials with high thermal insulation properties need insulation.

  1. If you use piece materials, for example, brick, to build the walls of a house, then a significant share of the costs will be the cost of paying masons. Even if you do all the work yourself, take into account the time and physical costs. It is much more profitable and faster to build from large-sized elements. The highest speed of wall construction is found in houses built using frame-panel and frame-panel technology.
  2. When choosing building materials for walls, it is worth considering how easily they can be finished and whether they need it at all. For example, walls frame house OSB can not be finished at all, but simply painted, but a house made of logs needs thorough finishing outside and inside.

To understand what to build your house from, you need to understand the characteristics of building materials, so next we will describe the properties of each of them, list the advantages and disadvantages.


A house built of brick can last a century, or even a century and a half. There are many varieties of bricks, differing in important operational and technical characteristics.

Thus, silicate and ceramic types of bricks are used to build walls. Let's look at their features:

  • Ceramic brick made from baked red clay. This is a durable, moisture-resistant, environmentally friendly material. There are full-bodied and hollow brick. The more voids there are in a brick, the higher its thermal insulation performance.
  • Sand-lime brick made on the basis of lime, sand and some additives. It can also be solid or hollow. The latter option is lightweight and has improved thermal insulation properties. Solid silicate products have good sound insulation properties, but high thermal conductivity.

This wall material is also divided into front and ordinary:

  • It is better to build the walls of a house from ordinary brick. Products may have minor defects in the form of cracks and chips, but due to this their price is more reasonable. In addition, for interior wall masonry, the appearance of the product is not as important as for exterior masonry.
  • Facing brick (facing)- This is the wall material used to decorate the facade. All products must have the correct geometric shape, smooth or textured surface, and be free from flaws and defects. Price face brick higher than that of its ordinary brother.

The strength of this wall material is directly related to its grade, which can be from M 75 to M 300. The number indicates the load that one square centimeter of the product can withstand. The higher the brand, the more specific gravity products. To build 2 or 3 storey house, a brick of grade 100-125 is enough. To make the foundation and plinth, products with grade 150-175 are used.

Also, when choosing a brick, it is important to take into account its frost resistance, that is, the number of freezing and thawing cycles that the product can withstand without damage and reducing strength by no more than 20%. This indicator is marked with the letter F and a number from 15 and above. For warm regions, you can use products with a frost resistance grade of 15; in colder latitudes, bricks of the F25 grade are used. For facing work, a brick with a frost resistance of at least 50 is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of brick

Among the advantages of this wall material, it is worth listing the following:

  • Impressive service life.
  • Aesthetic appeal.
  • Unlimited possibilities in terms of design and implementation of complex projects.
  • The material is not susceptible to corrosion, damage by fungi and microorganisms.
  • The product does not burn.
  • High sound and heat insulation characteristics.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • Due to their small size and high specific gravity, laying brick walls takes a long time and costs a lot.
  • Under brick walls, it is necessary to build a solid, buried foundation, and this entails increased costs for materials and excavation work.
  • In most cases, brick walls need to be additionally insulated.

Ceramic blocks

Ceramic block is a material made from a mixture of clay and sawdust, after which the element is fired in a kiln. This is a fairly durable product that allows you to quickly build the walls of a house. The strength of ceramic block is so high that it can be used to make multi-storey building. The inside of the material has a porous structure, and the outer surface is corrugated. For a hermetic connection, the ends of the material have grooves and ridges.

The height of the ceramic block is a multiple of the rows of brickwork, and other dimensions can be different. Thus, it is possible to build from ceramic block according to projects that are designed for brick. But the speed of construction is much higher, since one ceramic block measuring 238x248x500 mm, which weighs 25 kg, is equivalent to 15 bricks, each of which weighs 3.3 kg. In addition to increasing the speed of construction, the cost of mortar is reduced, because less of it will be needed.

Important: the width of the ceramic block can be 230, 240 and 250 mm, and the length can be in the range of 250-510 mm. Along the long side of the product there is a tongue-and-groove lock.

Walls with a thickness of 380 mm or more made of this material do not need insulation, since the thermal conductivity of the product is only 0.14-0.29 W/m²x°C. Marking of wide blocks is M 100. If you need to make thin but strong walls, you can take elements marked 150. The frost resistance of ceramic blocks is at least 50 cycles.

Pros and cons of ceramic blocks

The advantages include:

  • Low specific gravity and high strength significantly expand the scope of use of this material.
  • Installation of large-sized products is carried out quickly and without unnecessary labor costs.
  • Saving mortar due to the size of the elements and the absence of the need to make vertical seams.
  • The frost resistance of ordinary ceramic blocks is higher than that of ordinary bricks.
  • Good fire resistance. The product is fire resistant for 4 hours.
  • An optimal microclimate is created in a room made of ceramic blocks, since the walls can “breathe” and regulate air humidity.
  • A house can last a century and a half without losing its thermal insulation characteristics.

This material also has disadvantages, among which the following are worth mentioning:

  • The price of ceramic blocks is quite high.
  • Since these products are relatively new on our market, it is difficult to find a good mason to do the masonry.
  • This brittle material must be stored and transported very carefully.

Gas blocks

This material has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. In terms of thermal conductivity, a wall made of an aerated block with a width of 300-400 mm is not inferior to a multilayer brick structure. Walls made of aerated blocks maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions indoors. The material is not susceptible to rot and has an impressive service life. The thermal insulation qualities of an aerated block are 3 times greater than those of a brick wall.

Aerated concrete is quite lightweight, so it is easy to transport and lay. It can be easily cut with a regular hacksaw. required sizes. Laying of elements is carried out using mortar or special glue, of which a little is required. The smooth, even surface of aerated concrete blocks is easy to finish. Aerated concrete is considered environmentally friendly and non-flammable. It has fairly high frost resistance.

Attention: density characteristics are important for aerated concrete. This figure can be in the range of 350-1200 kg/m³. For an ordinary residential building, it is enough to take elements marked 500-900.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas blocks

This wall product has many advantages:

  • Laying walls from aerated blocks is 9 times faster than laying bricks.
  • The low thermal conductivity of the product is a big plus in its favor.
  • Aerated concrete has high fire resistance; even when burning, it does not emit harmful substances.
  • The porous structure of the material contributes to high frost resistance.
  • In terms of vapor permeability, aerated concrete is comparable only to wood.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  • Low bending strength.
  • The material is susceptible to cracking.
  • Hygroscopicity. After moisture is absorbed, the thermal insulation performance of aerated concrete decreases, so the facade needs a protective finish.
  • Floor slabs and beams cannot be laid directly on gas blocks, so before laying them you will have to make a monolithic reinforced belt. This entails additional costs and time.


Many people who decide to build a house choose wood. This natural material is environmentally friendly. It creates a favorable microclimate in the house, maintains optimal humidity and saturates the air with healing phytoncides. A wooden house is warm in winter and not hot in summer, since wood has good thermal insulation characteristics.

A wooden house can be built from the following products:

  1. The log can be natural or rounded. In the latter case, the material has the correct shape and smooth surface, but requires additional protective treatment, since the natural protective resin layer, which is located under the bark, is removed during the rounding process.
  2. You can use glued (profiled) and sawn or planed timber. More quality houses are obtained from laminated veneer lumber, which has special grooves and ridges for a tight fit of the elements. Sawn timber is more often used to make frame houses.
  3. Frame-panel houses are made of OSB, chipboard, and moisture-resistant plywood, which are attached to the frame. Insulation is installed inside the wall.

Main advantages wooden houses– their environmental friendliness, comfort and reasonable price. A lightweight foundation can be made for such a house. Disadvantages - fire hazard, shrinkage.

Read the article to the end and you will find out: what materials are best used today for building the walls of a house, what are their advantages and disadvantages. And also: at the end of the article - interesting reader survey regarding this issue.

Let's figure out what houses are built from nowadays. Or more precisely, what materials are used to build walls. We will present the information “without water” and in a structured manner. First, we will consider the most popular building materials, and then those that are used less frequently.

Of course, each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, we will also talk about this. So…

Popular materials for building walls of a house

There are a lot of them. Let's start with the most proven and reliable option.

Ceramic brick (red)

Made from clay - an environmentally friendly material. Firing gives it a red color and improves its strength properties.

Previously, houses were built mainly from brick. And they performed well. We can say briefly about this material: it is a classic... Time-tested.

Pros of red brick:

  • high strength;
  • reliability;
  • ability to withstand heavy loads for a long time.

Disadvantages of brick:

  • high cost of material;
  • complex and expensive masonry (requires highly qualified workers);
  • relatively large time costs for construction.

Red brick houses are always in price. They are reliable, durable, and warm enough (for wall thicknesses of 60 cm or more). Such a house, after construction, can be sold at a good price after 25 years. Because brick houses and serve for 100 years.

Ceramic blocks (porous ceramics)

Modern material for the walls of the house. Essentially the same red brick, only with numerous voids. It is made by firing the same clay. However, this creates voids in the material, which significantly improve its thermal insulation properties. In addition, sawdust is added to the starting material during production. When fired, they burn out, resulting in the formation of microscopic pores.

Advantages of porous ceramics:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • large-format blocks (laying is done quite quickly);
  • less weight (and therefore less load on the foundation).


  • high price;
  • reduced load-bearing capacity and strength (compared to solid ceramic bricks);
  • increased fragility (especially noticeable during transportation, loading/unloading);
  • easily absorbs moisture.

By the way, one point should be noted regarding the strength characteristics... Manufacturers often claim that porous ceramic blocks(used for the construction of load-bearing walls) correspond in strength to concrete grade M100. For example, you can often hear that “the strength is the same as that of ordinary solid red brick.” However... in practice this does not always work out. U different manufacturers The strength of porous ceramics may vary. Therefore, you need to be vigilant when purchasing.

Despite its shortcomings, this material is now very popular. Used for the construction of luxury houses.

Aerated concrete

The material is a type of cellular concrete. It is made from quartz sand, cement, and special gas generators. In addition, lime, gypsum, as well as slag and other industrial waste are used. The output is a material with an open porous structure (pore diameter is approximately 1...3 mm).

Advantages of aerated concrete:

  • small weight;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • ease of machining;
  • good strength;
  • relatively low price.

Disadvantages of aerated concrete:

  • strongly absorbs moisture (due to the open porous structure);
  • increased fragility (a reliable foundation is required to prevent even small subsidence).

Now the popularity of aerated concrete is at its height. After all, for a relatively low price you can get a warm and quite durable house. Due to the low thermal conductivity, it is possible to build walls that are much thinner than, for example, in the case of red brick. This further reduces the cost of masonry materials. In addition, the cost of labor for workers is noticeably lower. Houses made of aerated concrete are built relatively easily and quickly.

Foam concrete

Also a type of cellular concrete. Unlike aerated concrete, this material has a closed porous structure. It is made from sand, cement, foaming agent and water.

The technology for making foam concrete is quite simple. Production does not require expensive equipment. And it must be said that this fact is not only a plus, but also adds an important minus: there is a lot of foam concrete on the market made by dubious private companies (handicraft production). Accordingly, the quality of such material cannot be high.

Advantages of foam concrete:

  • light weight;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • ease of processing (easy to drill, saw);
  • Due to its closed porous structure (the pores are closed), foam concrete does not absorb moisture as much as aerated concrete.

Disadvantages of foam concrete:

  • poor vapor permeability (walls “do not breathe”; a good ventilation system is required);
  • almost no bending;
  • Over time, it shrinks significantly (which means cracks may form).

Despite significant disadvantages, foam concrete is used for the construction of residential buildings. This material is also used for sound and heat insulation - walls, roofs, floors, etc.


Natural material, time-tested. Houses have been built from wood since ancient times. This material has not lost its popularity even today.

And there is different technologies construction of wooden houses. So, they can be built from a log house (the old method) - when the trunks are cut to the required length, locks and grooves are made in them, and then they are laid to create walls.

There is also a method of construction from rounded beams. In this case, the logs are processed in production to a smooth surface and marked. In this case, the beams can be planed, sawn, or glued.

Advantages of wood:

  • relatively affordable price (compared to other expensive materials);
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • excellent thermal insulation characteristics;
  • aesthetic and attractive appearance;
  • no need to build a strong foundation;
  • a fairly long service life (with proper construction and care) - naturally, different types of wood have different wear resistance;
  • ease of machining.

Disadvantages of wood:

Despite the shortcomings, houses built from wood have been and will always be in value. It’s nice to be in a wooden house, you can breathe easily. It is cozy and comfortable. In a word - tree.

Shell rock

This is an absolutely environmentally friendly material of completely natural origin. The rock of this stone is porous, carbonate. It consists of pressed shells. Hence the name - “shell rock” (also called “shell rock”, “limestone”).

The stone can vary in density, shape, type and number of shells that form its base. Accordingly, the strength, aesthetic and other characteristics of different shell rocks can vary greatly.

However, in general, the following can be said about the pros and cons of this stone.

Benefits of shell rock:

  • complete environmental friendliness (exceeds even wood, since it requires impregnation with special protective substances);
  • does not accumulate radiation (usually it is below the sensitivity level of measuring instruments);
  • relatively low price (except for delivery);
  • high speed of construction (for example, it can be cut into blocks measuring 490x240x188 mm);
  • dense stone has quite high strength (suitable for constructing load-bearing walls).

Disadvantages of shell rock:

  • increased ability to absorb moisture (especially in porous and low-strength stone) - higher than that of ceramic bricks;
  • the dimensions of the blocks are inaccurate, significant deviations are often observed (due to the fact that the blocks are not stamped, but cut out);
  • the thermal conductivity is inferior to brick, aerated concrete, wood and some other materials;
  • heterogeneity in density and strength is often observed (the material is completely of natural origin).

People's attitude towards this stone is ambiguous. In some regions, most houses are built from this stone. In others, they practically do not build due to existing significant shortcomings and give preference to other building materials for the construction of walls. Of course, this is also due to the fact that delivering stone to some regions can be expensive and unprofitable.

Other building materials for wall construction

Now let's list what is used less often. Moreover, there are also advantages here.

Expanded clay concrete

It is made by pressing from a mixture of water, sand, cement and expanded clay (which is made from clay). Additionally, the blocks can have voids of different volumes and shapes (for example, rectangular, cylindrical).

Masonry is usually done using reinforcing mesh (every 3-4 rows).

Advantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good strength (higher than, for example, aerated concrete);
  • relatively low price;
  • environmentally friendly (in fact, the basis is clay);
  • small weight (due to the presence of porous and light material - expanded clay);
  • The manufacturing technology is quite simple (you can make it yourself);
  • durability (time-tested);
  • good vapor permeability (walls “breathe”).

Disadvantages of expanded clay concrete:

  • Increased water absorption (needs waterproofing, protection from external atmospheric influences);
  • A solid foundation is required;
  • The presence of cold bridges (thin seams are problematic to make due to significant deviations in the size of the blocks);
  • There is “handicraft” material with low quality(due to the simplicity of manufacturing technology).

It should also be noted that expanded clay concrete is quite versatile. Suitable for the construction of load-bearing walls in low-rise construction, and for the construction of partitions, floors, ceilings. This material is often used simply as insulation.


Refers to lightweight concrete. Another name is also used - wood concrete blocks. Cement, water, organic aggregates, chemical additives. Moreover, they can be used as fillers (80-90% of the total volume). different materials - wood chips(often), flax or hemp fire, cotton stalks, etc.

Chemical additives are used to eliminate negative influence organics on the cement hardening process. These could be: liquid glass, calcium chloride, aluminum sulfate, etc.

Advantages of wood concrete:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity (you can do without insulation);
  • good fire resistance (does not support combustion, and when exposed to fire it only chars);
  • speed of construction of walls (blocks of sufficiently large sizes);
  • high bending strength (has the ability to restore shape after exposure to loads - due to the presence of wood particles);
  • a strong foundation is not required (as, for example, for aerated concrete);
  • You can easily screw screws into walls and hammer nails (they hold securely).

Disadvantages of wood concrete:

  • protection from moisture is required (due to the presence of organic substances in the composition);
  • in some regions the material is difficult to find;
  • the price may be clearly inflated by the manufacturer (this is why making wood concrete with your own hands is popular).

In general, we can say that this is a pretty good building material for building walls. Moreover, if desired, you can make it yourself.

Used for low-rise buildings (usually up to 3 floors). These can be both residential buildings and commercial buildings.

cinder block

This stone is produced by vibration pressing or natural shrinkage of slag concrete mortar is used. The binder is cement, the filler is metallurgical slag.

However, it must immediately be emphasized that currently all stones that are made by vibration pressing from concrete mortar are considered to be cinder blocks. In addition to slag, the following can also be used as filler: granite screenings, broken bricks, hardened cement, broken glass, etc.

In this case, the resulting blocks can be either solid or with voids (which in turn can be of different shapes and sizes).

Pros of cinder block:

  • does not burn;
  • not afraid of temperature changes;
  • long service life (about 100 years);
  • affordable price;
  • good sound insulation;
  • retains heat well (due to the porous structure), although in this regard it is inferior to some other materials (for example, aerated concrete);
  • high strength;
  • building walls is simpler than, for example, laying bricks (the size of the blocks is much larger).

Disadvantages of cinder block:

  • Hygroscopic (capable of absorbing moisture by 75%) - waterproofing is needed;
  • The walls still need insulation;
  • The composition may contain substances of dubious origin that can have a toxic effect on the human body (production waste makes itself felt);
  • the environmental friendliness of the blocks depends on the integrity of the manufacturer;
  • the high strength of the material makes it difficult to lay cables and pipes in it;
  • the walls have an unpresentable appearance (therefore finishing is required).

In general, we can say that cinder block is a good material for building walls. It is also used for laying foundations and constructing partitions.

However, many are stopped by the question of harmfulness. Therefore, for residential buildings they often prefer to use other options - brick, aerated concrete, etc. A cinder block is for outbuildings, garages, fences.

Building materials for house walls: draw conclusions

As you can see, today the market offers many options to solve this issue. The house can be built the way you want - not only in appearance, but also in thermal insulation, strength and other characteristics.

So choose optimal material for building the walls of the house and... for work.

And now, as promised, a survey among our readers.


What is the best material to build the walls of a house from? What do you think?

External wall structures are classified according to the following criteria:

The static function of the wall, determined by its role in the structural system of the building;

Materials and construction technology determined by the building’s construction system;

Constructive solution - in the form of a single-layer or layered enclosing structure.

According to the static function they distinguish (Fig. 4.4) load-bearing walls (4.3), self-supporting walls(4.4) and curtain walls (4.5).

Fig.4.4. Classification of external walls according to load-bearing capacity: a – load-bearing; b – self-supporting; c - non-load-bearing

Non-load-bearing walls are supported floor by floor on adjacent internal structures of the building (floors, walls, frame).

Load-bearing and self-supporting walls perceive horizontal loads along with vertical ones, being vertical elements of rigidity of structures. In buildings with non-load-bearing external walls, the functions of vertical stiffeners are performed by the frame, internal walls, diaphragms or stiffening trunks.

Load-bearing and non-load-bearing external walls can be used in buildings of any number of floors. Height self-supporting walls limited in order to prevent operationally unfavorable mutual displacements of self-supporting and internal load-bearing structures, accompanied by local damage to the finishing of the premises and the appearance of cracks. In panel houses, for example, it is permissible to use self-supporting walls with a building height of no more than 4 floors. The stability of self-supporting walls is ensured by flexible connections with internal structures.

Load-bearing external walls are used in buildings of various heights. The maximum number of storeys of a load-bearing wall depends on the load-bearing capacity and deformability of its material, design, the nature of the relationships with internal structures, as well as on economic considerations. For example, the use of lightweight concrete panel walls is advisable in buildings up to 9–12 floors high, load-bearing brick exterior walls in mid-rise buildings, and steel lattice shell walls in 70–100 storey buildings.

Based on the material, there are four main types of wall structures: concrete, stone, non-concrete materials and wood. In accordance with the construction system, each type of wall contains several types of structures: concrete walls - made of monolithic concrete, large blocks or panels; stone walls - brick or small blocks, walls made of large stone blocks and panels; wooden walls - chopped, frame-panel, panel and panel.

External walls can be of single-layer or layered construction. Single-layer walls are erected from panels, concrete or stone blocks, monolithic concrete, stone, brick, wooden logs or beams. In layered walls, different functions are assigned to different materials. Strength functions are provided by concrete, stone, wood; durability functions – concrete, stone, wood or sheet material ( aluminum alloys, enameled steel, asbestos cement, etc.); thermal insulation functions - effective insulation materials (mineral wool boards, fiberboard, expanded polystyrene, etc.); vapor barrier functions – roll materials(pasting roofing felt, foil, etc.), dense concrete or mastics; decorative functions - various facing materials. An air gap may be included in the number of layers of such a building envelope. Closed - to increase its resistance to heat transfer, ventilated - to protect the room from radiation overheating or to reduce deformation of the outer cladding layer of the wall.

Study and analyze the above material and answer the proposed question.

Brick binding

Chain (double row):
a - cut,
b - facade A.
Spoon (multi-row):
a - cut,
b - facade Masonry schemes

With air gaps With internal insulation Brick walls of well masonry

From interlocking bricks located in checkerboard pattern From interlocking bricks located in the same plane With horizontal diaphragms made of cement-sand mortar
Axonometry of well masonry Brick wall with lightweight concrete filling

Vertical section Examples of plinth designs

From concrete stones to trim
Lined with stone blocks
Brick with low tide
Brick faced Cornice designs

Hemmed On an outrigger Brick With precast concrete slab Vertical section outer wall using wood

Types of cobblestone and chopped walls Connections and wall inserts

Chopping log walls"in the paw"
Corner connection of cobblestone walls "in oblo" Corner connection of block walls with a dowel
Connection of internal and external walls

So, dear reader, the outlines of your house are already visibly outlined by the foundation, built under all load-bearing vertical structures (walls, columns, partitions). New worries and troubles arise. First of all, about the walls of the house. You already know from the project what material, design, and dimensions they are supposed to be. But much seems unclear. So let's talk about walls. The choice of materials and wall structures depends on the climatic conditions of the place, on the purpose and temperature and humidity conditions of the enclosed premises, the number of storeys of the building, the availability of local building materials and their technical and economic indicators, taking into account the transportation distance, on the appearance and architectural design of the facades of the house.

In Rus', for a long time, for the construction of civil buildings, churches, monasteries and other structures, wooden, stone, and later brick structures. Beautiful mansions, hipped and multi-domed churches, beautiful and original, were created. It is enough to mention the magnificent St. Basil's Cathedral, made of brick (the correct name is “Intercession Cathedral, on the moat,” 1555-1560). No less beautiful and amazing achievement is the construction of the 22-domed Church of the Transfiguration (1714) in wood at the Kizhi churchyard.

Of course, in the old days, when there were no thermal engineering calculations, the thickness of the walls was often excessively large. For modern low-rise cottage construction, in addition to traditional stone, brick and wood wall solutions more efficient materials and design solutions are used: lightweight concrete, ceramic, lightweight, layered brickwork, wooden frames, panel boards and others using lightweight insulation. These structures can significantly reduce the weight of walls, improve their economic performance, and speed up construction.

Let's get acquainted with the basic requirements for walls. The selected wall structure must have the same durability as the house as a whole, and perform two main functions: protecting from the adverse effects of the external environment (rain, snow, wind, sun, overheating) and load-bearing - to withstand the load (weight) transferred to them from overlying structures, equipment, furniture.

Depending on the location in the building, walls are of two types: external and internal. The latter also serve as partitions.

External walls must have sufficient (according to relevant standards) heat-protective qualities: design resistance to heat transfer (frost resistance in winter, protection from overheating by the sun in summer), vapor permeability and air permeability, that is, they must provide the necessary temperature and humidity conditions in the premises at any time of the year. Depending on the required degree of fire resistance of the house, the walls must have a flammability group and a fire resistance limit not lower than those established by fire safety standards. Both external and internal walls must have sufficient (according to relevant standards) soundproofing properties.

These and some other requirements that you need to pay attention to when choosing a project and coordinating the designs of different elements of the house are sometimes contradictory. It is necessary to select materials and designs that satisfy, if possible, everyone technical requirements and the most economical solutions. According to their design, walls can be divided into solid, consisting of a homogeneous material, and solid, consisting of various materials. The former perform both enclosing and load-bearing functions, while the latter perform either load-bearing or enclosing functions.

Let us first consider the constructions stone walls, most often used in cottage construction - from brick, concrete, ceramics, as well as from sandstone, limestone, and shell rock. In low-rise stone buildings, the dead weight of the walls together with the foundations is 50-70% of the total weight of the building, and the cost of the walls is up to 30% (with simple architectural details) of the cost of the entire building. This shows how important it is to skillfully choose the type of walls, especially external ones.

Brick walls

They are laid out from artificial stones - with a nominal size of 250 120 65 mm, excluding tolerances of 3-5 mm. The bricks are laid with the long side (25 mm) along the facade (along the wall) and are called spoons, or the short side - across the wall - and are called pokes. The spaces between bricks filled with mortar are called seams. The normal thickness of a horizontal seam (between rows) is 2 mm, a vertical seam (between bricks) is 10 mm. Often builders use much thicker seams, which is extremely undesirable, because this reduces the heat-insulating qualities and strength of the wall and violates the modularity of dimensions.

In cottage construction, solid ordinary or red clay bricks are used, fired with a volumetric weight of 1700-1900 kg/m3 and less expensive silicate or white bricks (volume weight - 1800-2000 kg/m3). For ease of use, the weight of one (solid) brick is from 3.2 to 4 kg. The thickness of homogeneous (solid) brick walls is always a multiple of half the brick and is built in 1/2; 1; 1 1/2; 2; 2 1/2 bricks, etc. Taking into account the thickness of vertical joints of 10 mm, brick walls have a thickness of 120, 250, 380, 510, 640 mm or more. This depends primarily on the winter design outdoor temperatures.

The placement of bricks in the masonry of walls is carried out with a certain alternation of spoon and butt rows in order to obtain a bandage of vertical seams.

The most widespread are two-row (chain and Russian) and multi-row (spoon) masonry systems. In a two-row, spoon rows alternate with bonded rows, forming on the façade, as it were, two repeating chains of rows.

In a multi-row system, three to five spoon rows alternate with one splice row. The outer and inner parts of the walls are laid from whole bricks by a qualified mason, and the middle of the backfill (backfill) is filled broken brick and filled with liquid solution. This method of laying is simpler than chain laying, so labor productivity is higher, and a larger volume of backfill reduces the cost. Before laying, the brick must be wetted, for example by dipping it in a bucket of water. Otherwise, especially on hot days, water from the mortar will be absorbed into the bricks, poorly connecting them to each other, creating conditions for the destruction of the wall.

Some types of bricks, ceramic and lightweight concrete stones, small concrete blocks (solid or with vertical voids) are somewhat larger in size than ordinary bricks. For example, their height can be 88, 140, 188 mm in order to coordinate individual matching horizontal rows and seams when laying together with ordinary red brick cladding.

When laying a wall of stones with slot-like voids, it is necessary to lay out the stones so that the slots are parallel to the wall, that is, perpendicular to the heat flow. The laying of walls made of natural stone, which is given a regular, larger than brick, shape (by sawing or chiseling), is carried out using a chain system, mainly for unheated buildings in areas where this stone is a local building material.

Solid bricks are durable, but in terms of their heat-protective qualities they are significantly inferior to effective multi-hole and ruffled bricks, which are more porous (volume weight - 1100-1300 kg/m3). Brick grades used are 50-150; grades of mortar (binder) from 10 (lime) to 25 (cement) for different types of masonry and structural elements. The masonry is carried out using heavy volumetric weights of more than 1500 kg/m3), the so-called cold (cement-lime, sand) or light (slag), warm mortars. Solid brick walls made of solid brick a thickness of more than 380 mm is considered impractical, because such dimensions of the brick and its large volumetric weight (mass) make continuous masonry uneconomical. The thickness of the outer wall of cottages, which is determined according to thermal calculations, is excessive in terms of strength. It is sometimes used only at 15-20% of its load-bearing capacity. Therefore, in cottage houses, lighter, more efficient bricks and heterogeneous (layered or lightweight) systems are used wall masonry, and also ceramic and lightweight concrete stones.

Masonry of sand-lime bricks, which have a smoother surface than clay ones, is usually carried out without external plaster and with unstitching. The same solution can be recommended for red brick masonry using special facing clay bricks.

Combination of red clay and silicate masonry white brick can provide an interesting artistic solution for facades. However, sand-lime brick should not be used in places exposed to increased moisture, such as cornices and plinths. In rooms with wet processes (bathrooms, swimming pools), the masonry of walls and partitions should be solid, plastic-pressed clay bricks.

A common and economical design of external walls is the so-called well masonry, in which the wall is laid out from two independent walls half a brick thick (external, verst and internal), connected to each other by vertical brick bridges every 0.6-1.2 m, forming closed wells . When laying wells, they are filled with insulation: slag, expanded clay, lightweight concrete with compaction. To prevent the insulation from sagging over time, the versts are connected by horizontal jumpers through 3-4 rows: bonded rows, mortar diaphragms in height every 0.5 m, anchors made of strip (1.5-20 mm) or round (diameter 6-8 mm) steel , coated with anti-corrosion compounds (cement laitance, bitumen).

More industrial and faster work are masonry systems in which wall insulation is replaced by less microscopic thermal inserts made of slag concrete, foam concrete, and foam silicate. The width of the thermal inserts is 40-50 mm less than the distance between versts in order to form gaps that are filled with mortar.

Quite economical are masonry made of solid bricks, consisting of two walls with closed air gaps 40-70 mm wide. At the same time, brick consumption is reduced by 10-15%; the outer wall consists of half-brick rows of trays, and the inner wall, depending on the required thermal protection, is 250 or 380 mm. The walls are connected using the methods indicated above, and the outside is plastered to reduce air infiltration. When filling the air cavities with mineral felt, the thermal efficiency of the wall increases by 30-40%.

To improve the thermal insulation qualities of walls, it is also possible to use thermal insulation boards(plasterboard, foam concrete, wood-shaving), installed on wooden (necessarily antiseptic) bars, mortar beacons and other methods from the inside. For thermal insulation and airtightness, it is recommended to cover the inside of the slabs, facing the masonry, with aluminum foil, kraft paper, etc. In a similar way, the walls are lined from the inside with boards. The tile insulation can be attached to the wall directly on the mortar. The outer surfaces of walls insulated from the inside also need to be plastered.

Important note, dear reader. Internal load-bearing walls and load-bearing partitions(on which beams or floor slabs rest) should be laid out from solid clay or silicate bricks, with a minimum sufficient (!) wall thickness of 250 mm (sometimes 120 mm). The cross-section of the pillars must be at least 380-380 mm. For heavy loads (check locally), load-bearing pillars and partitions should be reinforced with a wire mesh with a diameter of 3-6 mm through 3-5 rows of masonry in height. The partitions are laid out with a thickness of 120 mm and 65 mm (brick “on edge”). If the length of such partitions is more than 1.5 m, they should also be reinforced every 3-5 rows.

Load-bearing partitions can be constructed (except for rooms with wet processes) from lightweight concrete, gypsum concrete and other slabs with a thickness of usually 80 mm, from boards and other materials suitable for local conditions, using appropriate finishing.

For facing facades, which is carried out simultaneously with the laying of walls, it is best to use facing ceramic bricks, which are somewhat more expensive than usual, but in appearance, texture, color and permissible deviations in size, they are of the highest quality. In this case, there is no need for painting for three to four years.

The laying of external walls should begin from the corners of the building. From the outside mile. To better maintain the straightness of the walls and the evenness and horizontality of the rows of masonry, it is necessary to use a plumb line, a stretched cord-mooring and a vertical strip-order with markings on it for each row of brick and seam in height.

Wall elements

Base- the lower part of the wall from ground level to floor level, at least 500 mm high, enclosing the underground space of the house. The base is subject to moisture from atmospheric and ground moisture, snow, and mechanical stress, so when constructing it, durable, water- and frost-resistant materials (stone, concrete, red iron ore brick) should be used.

The outer surfaces of the base can have different textures and finishes; smooth and embossed, including from a thick layer cement plaster with cutting into rustications imitating stone masonry, lined with natural stone, hard rock, ceramic tiles on cement mortar, the composition is one part cement to three parts sand. At a level of about 150 mm above the adjacent blind area, a layer of anti-capillary horizontal waterproofing should be installed around the entire perimeter of the plinth, consisting of two layers of roofing felt, roofing felt or cement screed.

The plinths of layered walls should be made of solid brickwork or other durable, frost- and moisture-resistant materials.

Pickup- lightweight base. A thin wall between the foundation pillars, under the lower part of the veranda wall, insulating the entire space, protecting from moisture, snow, etc. It is made of the same materials as the main wall, for example, one or half brick; is buried into the ground by 300-500 mm. On clayey, heaving soils, under the fence they arrange sand cushion thickness 150-300 mm.

The cornice ends the top of the wall and is called the crowning cornice. It is designed to protect the wall from slanting rain, excessive heating from the sun, and also to drain water flowing from the roof. In addition, the cornice usually decorates buildings, giving the composition a finished look. Therefore, its shape, height, reach and color are largely determined by the general architectural solution facade.

Cornices stone walls of simple shape can be laid by gradually overlapping each row by no more than 1/3 of the length of the brick (80 mm). The total offset should not exceed half the wall thickness. If the cornice is large and has a complex configuration, with brackets, special prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs and beams should be used, cantilevered into the wall and secured with anchors. Cornices are often used on outlets rafter legs or fillies; they are open and hemmed.

Undoubtedly, various architectural details, belts, intermediate and crowning cornices introduced into the planar design of facades can improve the aesthetic appearance of cottages. Lined with brick or other elements, such as concrete, but simple in design.

Smoke and ventilation ducts for low-rise buildings, they are usually installed in internal walls 380 mm thick, lined with smooth red solid brick. The cross-section of these vertical channels for stoves is taken to be 140-270 mm, and for ventilation channels from kitchens, restrooms, and bathrooms - 140-140 mm.

Ventilation living rooms- through the windows. Each stove (or fireplace) must have its own separate smoke channel. Internal surfaces For better traction, the channels should be clean and smooth, rubbed (it is important not to forget about this) with clay (not cement) mortar. Leveling and grouting of the walls is carried out with a clean wet rag when laying channels through five to six rows of bricks.

Smoke ducts from different stoves in the attic are combined into chimneys, which extend above roof level. If a combustible structure is adjacent to the wall at the location of the smoke ducts, for example wooden beams ceiling, then in this place the walls of the chimneys (120 mm) are thickened to the height (thickness) of the ceiling fire regulations up to 380 mm.

Ventilation ducts (each room has its own duct) are also combined into ventilation pipes, which lead above the roof.

Other structural elements of walls, such as lintels - horizontal, arched, arched above door and window openings, we will consider later, together with the floors of buildings.

Wooden walls

Wooden walls are traditional in the construction of low-rise buildings in Russia, have excellent sanitary and hygienic properties, have low fire resistance and fragility, and are susceptible to rotting.

Wooden frame, requiring large quantity First-class forest, after about 30-40 years, as a rule, warps and becomes unusable. The construction of cottages with solid wooden walls is rare in modern practice. However, installing a second floor with wooden walls and a first floor with brick gives good results.

Types of wooden walls: chopped logs, cobblestones, frame and panel walls, as well as frame-panel walls. Frame and panel walls used in simple factory-made houses and garden houses. The logged outer walls of residential buildings built in the middle climatic zone must be made of logs with a diameter of at least 220 mm, have a careful groove (the width of the longitudinal oval groove of the upper log into which the “hump” of the lower one is inserted is approximately 2/3 of the diameter of the log).

The felling (assembly) of log walls is done “dry” without tow, then the logs are marked, the frame is dismantled and assembled on tow on a prepared foundation. Caulking should be done twice: the first time during assembly. The second - 1-1.5 years after the cessation of shrinkage and shrinkage of the logs. A row of logs laid around the perimeter of a house is called a crown. The crowns are mated to each other using inserted wooden tenons of rectangular or large cross-section, located along the length of the log at a distance of 150-2000 mm in a checkerboard pattern. Nests for tenons, due to the shrinkage of logs by approximately 3-5%, should be made 20-30 mm deeper than the height of the tenons (120-150 mm).

The connection (conjugation) of longitudinal and transverse walls is made using various types of notches - “into the bowl”, “into the cloud”, “into the paw”, “frying pan”, etc., then insulating some of them with boards nailed from the outside.

Walls made of wooden beams they are erected with less labor, since all the cuts, dowels, and dowels are already made at house-building factories and plants. Therefore, an individual developer can buy and build such walls on his own.

The thickness of the beams, depending on the climatic region, that is, on the winter design temperature, is taken for external walls to be 150 (t = -30 C) or 180 mm (t = -40 C), for internal walls - 100 mm, with the height of the beams being the same for external and internal walls - 150 or 180 mm.

Between the crowns of the beams, a heat-insulating material is laid - caulking made of tow or felt. For better drainage of water from the horizontal seam between the beams, a chamfer 20-30 mm wide is removed (planed) from the upper edge of each beam. Felt strips should be cut 20 mm narrower than the width of the beams. To reduce conductivity between the beams, you can install grooves, ropes, and stuff triangular slats. For fastening crowns (beams) in height in advance drilled holes dowels and dowels are inserted (similar to those discussed above for log walls). Connections (intersections) of external walls in corners and with internal walls are designed in a similar way.

Unlike log walls, block walls are assembled into a log house immediately on prepared foundations of the usual type. To improve the protection of block walls from biological destruction of wood and from atmospheric influences, the walls can be sheathed on the outside with boards (diameter 25-40 mm) or facing bricks(diameter 88.12 mm). This will make the walls warmer, and with brick cladding, more fire resistant. It is better to make plank cladding horizontal, which makes it easier to install the insulation. Fastening using wooden beams and metal clamps.

Sheathing and cladding of cobblestone and log walls should be done after they have completely settled - no earlier than 1-1.5 years after their construction.

Diversity architectural elements and details of country houses have always been characteristic of buildings built at the beginning of the 20th century.

So, dear reader, you have now become more familiar with some of the basic provisions for constructive solutions for walls.

Now you can professionally conduct conversations with builders, choosing certain options for wall structures, watching the progress of construction.