Smart home: blinds control. Automatic blinds Gate control, curtains and blinds

Blinds have firmly established themselves in the Russian market as an excellent means of protecting windows from sunlight and prying eyes. But the choice of mechanisms and materials for their manufacture is so wide that it is quite difficult to make a choice right away.

Vertical blinds

This type has been used most often lately. The control mechanism of such a design is quite multifunctional, allowing you to finely adjust the lighting in the room, transmit diffused soft light or completely illuminate the room.

It is based on the following elements

  • slats,
  • runner,
  • weights,
  • connection and control chains,
  • rope for control.

The slats are attached to the cornice, which acts as a load-bearing element. The cornice can be plastic or metal, but the latter is preferable, since plastic ones can simply deform under the load of the slats. In addition, plastic tends to turn yellow and absorb dust.

The slats are attached to the cornice with runners and thus people walk on it. They are made exclusively from plastic, and the service life of the structure as a whole depends on the quality of workmanship. If the quality of the material is low, over time the mechanism begins to jam, the slats become not parallel and fall out.

The weights are designed to place a small load on the structure with a downward traction force so that it does not sway from the wind. They are made of plastic or metal, but are still present in plastic ones metal elements. Plastic in in this case They win - inside them there is a metal ball that is not subject to corrosion, unlike an all-metal one.

The connection chain is designed to fasten all the lamellas from below. Fabric blinds use plastic chains, while metal and plastic blinds use metal chains.

To control the position of the lamellas, a chain and an adjustment rope are attached. They rotate the slats by degrees and raise or lower the canvas as a whole.

Horizontal blinds

This is a traditional type of window protection, which is perfect for functional rooms - kitchens, bathrooms, leaving the space on the window sill free. On plastic windows These are installed quite simply, without making additional holes, and they are also easy to install in attics.

Among the constituent elements of this design are lamellas that can rotate around their own axis using a turning rod. They are located at the same distance, on a small rope ladder attached to the cornice from above.

The control rope is pulled through each lamella, therefore it allows you to raise the canvas to any required height. The material used to make such blinds can be exactly the same as for vertical blinds. Therefore, you need to care for them in the same way, depending on the material.

Roller blinds

In fact, they are also called, since they are already somewhat different from the usual understanding of blinds. This design is based on a fabric wound and twisted on a pipe. The canvas can be up to two meters wide, and its height can be adjusted with a chain. When the roll is assembled, it rolls neatly over the window and does not take up much space.

The blocks can be mounted either on a window or on a wall, since the blocks are quite small and compact. Often this choice is made for bedrooms and children's rooms - the canvas materials allow you to show your imagination and beautifully decorate the window, and the absence of strict lines will give the design a cozy look.

The fabrics are made from fabric treated with agents to extend their service life. These products include antistatic agents, antibacterial impregnations, as well as compounds that repel dust. As a result, you get a canvas that will not wrinkle or become dirty if you periodically clean it correctly.

Roller shutters

This type of structure is popular not only for protecting windows, but also for protecting doors. In Europe they are actively used to protect garages.

The mechanism is based on a fabric of lamellas, which are interconnected and create a solid fabric. In this way, the web can be rolled up and wound onto the shaft. But since the lamellas are made of metal or plastic, the strength is quite high.

The shaft is located in a box that is installed above the window. The canvas is fixed on two guides, so it is not possible to open the window from the outside when the roller shutters are closed. Inside the room it opens thanks to one of the mechanisms.

The mechanism is based on a drive, which can be a crank, belt or cord - these are varieties manual drives. But there are also electric drives that are controlled remotely. Such roller shutters are most often installed instead garage doors, since they can be opened from a distance without leaving the car.

Other varieties

Among other types that may confuse you when choosing in a store, you should highlight interframe and attic ones. Essentially, these types of blinds work according to the same mechanism as horizontal ones, but differ in the installation location.

The first ones are installed inside the frame, between the glasses. In this case, the control chain is led indoors, but for this it is necessary to make a hole in the frame. Their advantage is complete invulnerability to dust, as well as absolutely free space on the windowsill.

The second ones are created specifically for inclined windows and are made of aluminum. The difference from the standard horizontal stroke is the presence of a guide cable that will hold the structure regardless of the angle of inclination of the window. And since skylights usually tilted, such structures are indispensable for them. To make structures lighter, lamellas can be made from special lightweight composite compounds coated with a layer of plastic. Then the blinds perform their functions, while reliably protecting the window and extending its service life compared, for example, with plastic or fabric ones.

We use Arduino to make automatic system opening and closing blinds with sound or button activation.

This Arduino blinds project will allow you to automate the opening and closing of blinds using just an Arduino and a stepper motor. With this project, you can save time on the process of opening or closing the blinds, and you can also impress others. For this tutorial we will need the following parts:

The design of this Arduino automatic blind system is quite simple and there are two ways to activate the curtains:

  • Using a sound sensor (microphone) to control it using hand claps;
  • Using buttons to open/close curtains.

Step 2. How does it work?

The operation of this system is very simple. Arduino accepts input signals from a sound sensor (microphone) or buttons. It then controls the stepper motor accordingly via a Darlington driver for the motor. Stepper motor attached to the curtain control handle and thus rotates and opens/closes the curtains.

Step 3. Connect and configure the stepper motor

The project should always be tested first before final assembly. Let's start with the engine. The motor is connected to the 4 wires of the driver as shown in the pictures above. Depending on the direction of rotation, the driver must be connected accordingly.

The first button on the right will activate the motor to rotate in a specific direction (you can change this in the code below). Press the button 4 times and it will return to its original position as it will rotate 90 degrees with each press. The middle button blocks the circuit so that the first button cannot activate the motor.

The LED turns on when the engine is locked. The last button will return the motor to its original position no matter where it is when pressed.

int pin=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); int steps = ( (HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW), (HIGH,LOW,LOW,HIGH), (LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH), (LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW), ) ; int numofroun=1; //Change accordingly to your needs int current=1; int type=3; int place=0; int lastLockState = LOW; long lastLockTime = 0; int LockState; int Lockreading; bool lock=true; int lastPauseState = LOW; long lastPauseTime = 0; int PauseState; int Pausereading; bool paused=false; bool pause=false; int lastReturnState = LOW; long lastReturnTime = 0; int ReturnState; int Returnreading; void setup() ( for (int num=0; num<5; num++) pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); for (int num=5; num<8; num++) pinMode(pin,INPUT); } void reset(){ for(int num=0;num<4;num++) digitalWrite(pin,LOW); } void stepper() { for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} if(type==0) {++place;} if(type==3) {--place;} delay(2); } void button1() { Lockreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Lockreading != lastLockState) { lastLockTime = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastLockTime) >50) ( if (Lockreading != LockState) ( LockState = Lockreading; if (LockState == HIGH) ( lock=false; if ((place!=1536*numofroun)&&(place!=1024*numofroun)&&(place! =512*numofroun)) (type=abs(type-3);) ) ) ) lastLockState = Lockreading; ) void button2() ( Pausereading = digitalRead(pin); if (Pausereading != lastPauseState) ( lastPauseTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastPauseTime) > 50) ( if (Pausereading != PauseState) ( PauseState = Pausereading; if (PauseState == HIGH) ( Pauseled=!Pauseled; pause=!pause; if (Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);) if (!Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,LOW);) ) ) lastPauseState = Pausereading; ) void button3() ( Returnreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Returnreading != lastReturnState) ( lastReturnTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastReturnTime) > 50) ( if (Returnreading ! = ReturnState) ( ReturnState = Returnreading; if (ReturnState == HIGH) ( type=3; while (place>0) ( for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} --place; if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; delay(2); } reset(); } } } lastReturnState = Returnreading; } void loop() { if (lock==true) {button2();button3();} if (!pause) { if (lock==true) {button1();} if (lock==false) {stepper();} if ((place==2048)or(place==0)or(((place==1536*numofroun)or(place==1024*numofroun)or(place==512*numofroun))&&(type==3))) {lock=true;reset();} if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; } }

Step 4. Setting up the Arduino blinds circuit

After testing the stepper motor, you can use the above wiring diagram to make the final prototype. Once you're done you can simply change the input (button) to the sound sensor. Code below:

int pin=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); int steps = ( (HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW), (HIGH,LOW,LOW,HIGH), (LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH), (LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW), ) ; float numofroun=4.5; //Change accordingly to your needs int current=1; int type=3; int place=0; int claps = 0; long detectionSpanInitial = 0; long detectionSpan = 0; long spancondition; bool spanconditioncheck=false; bool lock=true; int lastPauseState = LOW; long lastPauseTime = 0; int PauseState; int Pausereading; bool paused=false; bool pause=false; int lastReturnState = LOW; long lastReturnTime = 0; int ReturnState; int Returnreading; void setup() ( for (int num=0; num<5; num++) pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); for (int num=5; num<8; num++) pinMode(pin,INPUT); } void reset(){ for(int num=0;num<4;num++) digitalWrite(pin,LOW); } void stepper() { for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} if(type==0) {++place;} if(type==3) {--place;} delay(2); } void sound() { int sensorState = digitalRead(pin); if (sensorState == 0){ if (claps == 0){ detectionSpanInitial = detectionSpan = millis(); claps++; } else if (claps >0 && millis()-detectionSpan >= 50)( detectionSpan = millis(); claps++; ) ) if (millis()-detectionSpanInitial >= 400) ( if (claps == 2) ( lock=false; if ((place !=1024*numofroun)&&(place!=512*numofroun)) (type=abs(type-3);) spancondition=millis(); claps = 0; ) void button1() ( Pausereading = digitalRead(pin ); if (Pausereading != lastPauseState) ( lastPauseTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastPauseTime) > 50) ( if (Pausereading != PauseState) ( PauseState = Pausereading; if (PauseState == HIGH) ( Pauseled=!Pauseled; pause=!pause; spancondition=millis(); if (Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);) if (!Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,LOW);) ) ) lastPauseState = Pausereading; ) void button2() ( Returnreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Returnreading != lastReturnState) ( lastReturnTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastReturnTime) > 50) ( if (Returnreading != ReturnState) ( ReturnState = Returnreading; if (ReturnState == HIGH) ( type=3; while (place>0) ( for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} --place; if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; delay(2); } reset(); spancondition=millis(); } } } lastReturnState = Returnreading; } void loop() { if (lock==true) {button1();button2();} if (!pause) { if ((lock==true)&&(millis()-spancondition>1000)) (sound();) if (lock==false) (stepper();spanconditioncheck=false; ) if ((place==2048*numofroun)or(place==0)or(((place== 1024*numofroun)or(place==512*numofroun))&&(type==3)))( lock=true; reset(); if (!spanconditioncheck)( spancondition=millis(); spanconditioncheck=true; ) ) if (current==3) (current=0;) else ++current; ) )

Step 5. Final steps

It is better to use foam to make a holder for the motor (1, 2) and the blind handle (3). Because in some houses many people prefer not to drill the walls, later you can use double sided tape to lock everything in place.

We also have a pause button in case your room gets too loud - then you can lock it so the curtains don't go crazy.

Pay attention! You may have to adjust the potentiometer on the sound sensor to adjust the sensitivity.

Watch below a demo video of the final result of the project when controlled by clap:

Step 6. Alternative version using buttons

If you don't like sound controls, you can just use the buttons. In this case, you only need two buttons: activation and return to the starting position (since we no longer need a pause). Activation is the same as before, and the reset button will return the curtain back to its original position. The code for this version is below:

int pin=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8); int steps = ( (HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW), (HIGH,LOW,LOW,HIGH), (LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH), (LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW), ) ; int current=1; int type=3; int place=0; int lastLockState = LOW; long lastLockTime = 0; int LockState; int Lockreading; bool lock=true; int lastReturnState = LOW; long lastReturnTime = 0; int ReturnState; int Returnreading; void setup() ( for (int num=0; num<5; num++) pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); for (int num=5; num<7; num++) pinMode(pin,INPUT); } void reset(){ for(int num=0;num<4;num++) digitalWrite(pin,LOW); } void stepper() { for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} if(type==0) {++place;} if(type==3) {--place;} delay(2); } void button1() { Lockreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Lockreading != lastLockState) { lastLockTime = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastLockTime) >50) ( if (Lockreading != LockState) ( LockState = Lockreading; if (LockState == HIGH) ( lock=false; if ((place!=1024*4)&&(place!=512*4)) (type= abs(type-3);) ) ) ) lastLockState = Lockreading; ) void button2() ( Returnreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Returnreading != lastReturnState) ( lastReturnTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastReturnTime) > 50) ( if (Returnreading != ReturnState) ( ReturnState = Returnreading; if (ReturnState == HIGH) ( type=3; digitalWrite(pin,HIGH); while (place>0) ( for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} --place; if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; delay(2); } digitalWrite(pin,LOW); reset(); } } } lastReturnState = Returnreading; } void loop() { if (lock==true) {button1();button2();} if (lock==false) {stepper();} if ((place==2048*4)or(place==0)or(((place==1024*4)or(place==512*4))and(type==3))){lock=true;reset();} if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; }

Demo of how it works below:

That's all. You can use your imagination and improve the project.

For centuries, people have protected their homes from bright sunlight and indiscreet glances with the help of curtains, blinds, drapes and drapes. However, everything is changing, and traditional means have been replaced by blinds, which are more practical and functional. In today's review by the site's editors, we will look at what horizontal blinds on windows are, their structure, operating principle and much more.

Read in the article

A little history

According to the official version, horizontal blinds were invented in 1760 by the Englishman John Webster, but they were patented in America 80 years later by his namesake John Hemton. However, the history of the design for protection from the bright sun began much earlier. The prototype of the first horizontal blinds can be considered a frame into which wooden plates were inserted at a certain angle. From the inside it was possible to observe what was happening on the street, but from the outside it was practically impossible to see what was happening in the house. Over time, the design was improved, and vertical, horizontal, roller and other blinds began to be produced, and from a variety of materials.

The good sides of horizontal blinds and their disadvantages

Thanks to regular improvements in the design of blinds, this type of curtains, so to speak, is becoming increasingly popular. Regardless of the type, these products have their advantages over traditional curtains. The indisputable advantages of blinds include the following:

  • space saving;
  • light weight;
  • functionality – protection from bright sun and immodest glances;
  • the ability to control the direction of the light flux and adjust the lighting intensity;
  • ease of installation;
  • ease of management and maintenance;
  • affordable price.

Roller fabric curtains “Day/Night”

The cost of horizontal blinds for windows may vary depending on the slat material, size, manufacturer, control system and region of sale. Most companies producing light protection structures indicate the price of horizontal aluminum blinds per m².

All functions you select can be linked to a specific time and they will work automatically at the appointed hour. You can also connect a weather and gloom sensor.

Scenario "Morning": A few minutes before you wake up, the blinds will rise or the external roller shutters will open slightly to let sunlight into the room, and the heated floor in the bathroom, electric kettle or coffee machine will turn on. The system is customized to suit your wishes.

Scenario "Night": When it gets dark, the light in front of the entrance will turn on, the roller shutters will be lowered for the night, and the heating will go into economy mode.

Hurricane scenario: In case of strong wind, rain, hail, or hurricane, the roller shutters will automatically lower and protect the windows from damage.

Scenario "Sunny": In the hottest weather, roller shutters or blinds will be lowered to avoid overheating the rooms and to protect the flowers on the windowsills from direct sunlight.

Lighting control

Using a remote control, wall switch or smartphone touchpad, you can control the lighting in any room of your home (even if you are not at home - at work, on vacation, on the road). You can also adjust the level of illumination - bright light for a home celebration, soft and dim for a family evening.

Scenario “Home Cinema”: As the film begins, the lights are dimmed, blinds, roller blinds or external roller shutters are lowered to prevent the sun from shining on the screen.

Scenario "Party": The bright lights are turned on and the curtains are closed so that from the street it is not visible what the owners and their guests are doing.

Heating and air conditioning control

In a “smart” home, you don’t have to worry about being cold or hot. The air temperature is adjusted automatically using thermal sensors. If the temperature exceeds the set comfort temperature, the air conditioner turns on. If it becomes colder than necessary, the heating of the room is turned on. You can set different air temperatures in each room - you always want the bathroom to be warm, but it’s better to sleep in a cool room.

To save on heating and heating of a large house, we recommend including blinds, which will protect the rooms from overheating, and roller shutters, which will become an additional barrier to the wind and cold air.

Simulation of presence on site

All elements integrated into the system create the effect of the presence of people in the house. This preventive measure is aimed at diverting attention away from your home when you are on vacation or on a business trip.

Scenario "Vacation": If you are absent for a long time, the system will turn on and off the lights, music, and raise and lower the roller shutters according to a given schedule, creating the illusion of your presence and scaring away possible criminals.

Automatic blinds– this is the convenience and ease of any manipulation. They open and close with one press of a button on the remote control. Of course, small blinds on one window are easy to close and open manually.

But controlling the blinds on the skylights in the winter garden or on the panoramic windows of the conference room is no longer easy. In this situation, the only way out is to install an electric motor with a control panel, which will allow you to remotely open and close the slats.

Advantages of automatic blinds

  • Convenience and comfort of using light-protective structures.
  • Ability to control structures located at high altitudes and in other hard-to-reach places.
  • Simultaneous adjustment of blinds in a room with a large number of windows.
  • Integration with Smart Home systems.

Buying automatic blinds is an ideal choice for large window openings. This solution is in demand in home cinemas, greenhouses, press centers, meeting rooms and other premises.

Design features of electric blinds

For automatic operation, the blinds are equipped with an electric drive, which is installed in the cornice. The motor power is selected in accordance with the size, design and other characteristics of the blinds. The electric motor is controlled using an electronic unit. The design can be equipped with a light sensor, which sends a signal to automatically move the lamellas in accordance with the brightness of sunlight.

The electric drive is installed on almost all types of window blinds:

Expensive automation models have programming capabilities. This makes it possible to configure the opening and closing of the blinds in a fully automatic mode, depending on the season and personal preferences. It also allows you to create the effect of presence if there is no one in the house.

The control panel can interact with the electric drive:

  • wired;
  • via radio signal;
  • via 220 V network (“intelligent control”).

Automatic blinds price

The cost of electric blinds depends on the size and type of design, selected materials, and type of automation. You can get a free consultation on the specifics of your choice and calculate the cost of products by phone or by calling a measurement engineer to the site.