Arabic name Said: meaning and characteristics. Female version - Saida

When a child is born, he must be given a name. But not everyone knows that only the right choice will help you find yourself and contribute a piece to the list. Among the numerous names there are Slavic, Jewish, Mongolian, Indian, Arabic and so on. We will talk to you about the name Said. It was initially believed that it was of Turkic origin, but this version has recently been refuted. Now they claim that Said has Arabic roots and means “happy” or “blessed.” There is also a slightly different translation - “hunter”. What kind of qualities does the person called Said have? The meaning of the name is characterized by a certain number. In numerology, each of them shows the characteristics that a particular person possesses.

The number of the name Said is eight. Main feature People with this number are determined. Already from early childhood little Said sets himself certain tasks that he strives to accomplish, despite the difficulties. Due to their increased sense of purpose, the owners of this name are quite demanding of both themselves and others. This already begins to manifest itself from the school period. It is at this time, which is characterized by an eight, that he tries to surround himself only with those children who meet his requirements.

But if in adolescence this does not cause any special complications, then later such a person may have problems, since not everyone likes overly demanding people. However, these are not all the traits that Said possesses. The meaning of the name endowed its owner with prudence and rationality. He makes his decisions guided by logic and cold reason. He will never act under the influence of emotions. All his actions are calculated to the smallest detail.

When characterizing this name, one cannot fail to mention the professional areas most suitable for Said. He is endowed with an excellent analytical mind, excellent natural intuition, which helps him find a way out of any, even the most When choosing a profession, it is these qualities that Said must take into account. The meaning of the name suggests that he will feel excellent and can work as a teacher. He can do something scientific activity. Such people make successful politicians.

As for the female version, it has completely different characteristics. But at the very beginning it is necessary to say what the name Said means. The answer is completely different from the meaning of the male version, since it means “happy.” Such girls are active and very mobile. They are quite friendly and sociable with all the children. From early childhood, girls show curiosity about everything around them. Perhaps this helps them achieve high performance in school. With age, they clearly express scrupulousness in business and organization. These qualities help you achieve a lot in life. Not least on the list of characteristics is the sociability that Saida possesses.

The name makes some differences for persons whose birth occurred at a certain time of the year.

So, for example, autumn girls with a similar name are distrustful. They have self-control and calmness. They are difficult to anger or lose their temper. But those who were born in winter period, have an explosive nature.

The name Saida is a name Arab origin. It is believed that The name Saida means "happy" or "fortunate", and it comes from the word ﺴﻌﻴﺪﺓ. There is also a version that the meaning of the name Saida is “lady” or “mistress” (from Arabic سيدة), but this version is less popular.

Meaning of the name Saida for a girl

Little Saida is an amazingly responsible and neat child. This is very surprising, because Saida is a very mobile and active girl, and this is an extremely rare combination. She is a positive baby and loves noisy and fun games. She cannot be called a touchy child, but rather the opposite. However, if Saida took something to heart, she will be upset for a long time. It is worth noting that Saida usually has a lot of friends and comrades. Almost everyone wants to be friends with her, but only a few become truly close. This becomes especially noticeable as Saida grows up.

Saida studies quite successfully, although most of her knowledge is superficial. She gets good grades because she has to, but she only has truly deep knowledge in her favorite subjects. It is worth noting Saida’s desire to learn everything new. Her curiosity is one of the reasons for her successful learning and quick assimilation of information. This is also the reason that you should definitely try Said huge amount hobby. Sometimes it may even seem that she is completely incapable of taking a serious approach to business, but this will only be until Saida finds “her business.”

The health of the owner of the name is quite good, although she does not get sick much less often than most people. Saida simply ignores many health problems, which her positive attitude to life. Weak point her health most often happens respiratory system. With this in mind, Saida should take it more seriously preventive measures in the cold season.

Short name of Said

Saidka, Saya, Saika.

Diminutive pet names

Saidochka, Saidushka, Saidonka, Sayechka, Sayushka, Sayenka.

Saida name in English

IN English Saida's name is spelled Saida.

Said's name for international passport- SAIDA.

Said's church name(V Orthodox faith) not certain. The name Said is not church name. This means that at baptism Saida will necessarily receive a name different from the worldly one. She will use this church name during church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Said

The character of adult Saida does not change much in relation to childhood. Her positive and active nature is still noticeable, although she becomes colder and more careful with strangers. It is also worth noting that adult Saida tends to be skeptical about people’s words until they prove their worth with deeds. If little Saida trusted people a priori, now she demands proof. Changeability is still characteristic of Saya. It is characterized by inconstancy in many respects, although it is rather creative search. However, inconstancy does not apply to friendship and favorite things. Here Saida is more of a retrograde.

Saida's work is most often associated with her creativity. She is a very extraordinary and at the same time responsible person, which is the key to her success. It is worth noting Saida’s respectful attitude towards her colleagues, but only towards those who deserve it. But Said has an extremely negative attitude towards parasites and idle talkers. Another interesting feature of Saida is her easy-going attitude towards her work. She does her job with such enthusiasm that she doesn’t feel tired at all. Working with her is a great pleasure. There is a lot to learn from her.

As for Saida’s personal life, one can note her maximalism. She quickly makes a decision about the possibility of a relationship, so fans of the long “siege” should not even begin. One can also note the jealous character of the owner of the name. She is a terrible possessive woman and her lover will have to endure this if he wants to be with her. Family life It’s very interesting to be with Saida, because she knows how to fill her with a million joys. She is a great mother and housewife, but she definitely will not become a housewife. He loves to receive guests and just as much to visit. This is especially true for relationships with relatives, who are particularly warm and friendly.

The secret of the name Said

Saida's secret can be called her cautious attitude towards people. Many do not notice this due to her cheerful and positive character. She is so skilled at casual small talk that she seems very open. However, this is far from the case. Getting into Saida's inner circle of friends is very difficult. She truly trusts only time-tested relationships.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Leo or Aries.

Totem animal- Panther.

Name color- Red.

Tree- Sycamore.

Plant- Tulip.

Stone- Chalcedony.

In the distant past, people, naming their newborn children, tried to put some special meaning into the name, charge it with the energy of higher powers and make it a kind of talisman. Many of the ancient names have not only survived to our time, but have also organically taken root in many cultures. One of these is male name Said.

Name meaning, character

This name is Arabic in origin. But they give it to boys in many Muslim cultures. This version of the name is the most popular, but there are also similar options: Saud, Saad, Saadat, Asaad, Saadi, Saduddin, Masud, Sadullah. All of them have a similar or identical translation into Russian.

In addition to sonority, beauty and sufficient hardness of sound, the name Said has a very good meaning. Its meaning in translation from Arabic is “happy.” This name suits an active person with strong character, who likes to take on difficult, but interesting things for himself, and who is not alien to the spirit of competition. Such people always get their way. If a boy was born under the sign of Aquarius, Scorpio or Capricorn, then this name will suit him especially well.

Friendship and love

WITH early years The boy is sociable, but he does not allow everyone into his circle of confidants. Usually Said has several trusted friends who appear in childhood or adolescence, remaining for life. This person does not like conflicts with others, and resolves all disputes through diplomacy. At any age, communication with him leaves those around him with a feeling of calm, balance and harmony.

So the name Said fully justifies its meaning - its bearer often looks happy and contented. True, passions and contradictions may rage inside, but no one except those closest to you will be privy to them.

Said's love relationships are not easy. Being deep and affectionate by nature, he quickly becomes imbued with feelings and surrounds the girl with tender care. In return, he expects an equally strong response, or at least gratitude. But if Said receives neither one nor the other, he becomes depressed and withdraws into himself. If the relationship does not go smoothly, he is sincerely sad or jealous. IN family relationships He tends to suppress his wife. For one who bears the name Said, the meaning “happy” will come true if he can find soul mate, which will accept this contradictory character as it is.

Profession and success

Since childhood, Said has been active, full of energy and resourceful. He likes to learn new things and try himself in different areas: study, sports, creativity, study foreign language. True, parents should not allow their son to take on several things at the same time - otherwise overwork is inevitable, followed by irritation and apathy.

The fate of the name Said endows a person with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully, smooth out contradictions and reconcile those at war. With such abilities, you can succeed in any business where high-quality communication is necessary: ​​from a teacher to a diplomat. It will be no less successful professional activity businessman or scientist. The lucky name Said reveals its meaning in interesting, active activities aimed at creation. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s solo or team work.

What does the name Said mean?

This lucky name also has a feminine version, formed by adding the vowel sound “a” to the end of the word. This naming is very beautiful and melodious. It means “happy”, “lucky” and is suitable for an active, open, sociable girl born under the sign of Aquarius or Leo.

Saida quickly grasps new things, shows interest in music and dancing, and loves to make an impression. She always studies in detail the business she takes on, even if at first it did not arouse her enthusiasm. For this reason, she is able to achieve success in any chosen activity. But most of all, professions where she can show her natural artistry will suit her.

Saida: love and friendship

Adoring attention since childhood, she literally blossoms when in the company of people. Saida likes to impress and conquer. She is the soul of everyone family holiday, friendly or corporate party. People are drawn to her, sometimes without understanding why.

In love relationships, she is often proud and jealous, which means: the name Said creates a difficult fate for its owner. On the other hand, this girl has good taste and will certainly choose the best life partner. The perfect couple it will be calm for her, patient man, which will help her smooth out the contradictions in her character.

You can notice a lot of similarities between the names Said and Saida. Derived from the Arabic word for “happy,” they will certainly give their bearers bright personality characters and lives full of events.

Saida This is a person with idealistic inclinations, a bearer of such qualities as affection, amorousness, the desire to see a “standard” in everything that catches the eye. But this is also increased demands on others, which quite often has no real basis. Such a person sincerely believes that if the “absolute” exists, then everyone simply must strive to achieve it. It is impossible to convince him otherwise; he “stops” only when the “fuel” – his own resources – runs out.

The meaning of the name Said attracts parents who dream that their daughter will be in the center of attention throughout her life, independently achieve her goals, and conquer those around her with her femininity and special charm.

Each interpretation of the name facilitates the formation of an idea about the growing daughter, how positive and negative traits character.

It should be noted that the meaning of the name Said for a girl indicates the unique character of the owner. From the first years of her life, the baby demonstrates her importance and confidently argues with her elders.

A patient attitude on the part of parents is important; a temperamental girl does not tolerate pressure, she should be communicated with as an equal. She never ceases to amaze with her self-control, under no circumstances will she allow a scandal; hysterics, from the point of view of a self-confident girl, are a manifestation of weakness.

Self-esteem and the opinions of others are of particular importance; throughout his life he strives for self-improvement and does not stop there. Adaptation at school worries parents and children at all times; the meaning of the name Said for a child excludes worries; The girl’s confidence allows her to easily take the position of leader.

Classmates respect me and try not to get into conflicts. Self-love does not allow the girl to study poorly; most subjects are easy. She is naturally endowed with creative abilities, which need to be developed with early age, it is possible that the girl will enjoy popularity and universal recognition.

Shows artistic ability in his free time with my own hands creates original outfits. During school and student years without participation creative personality Not a single theatrical production takes place; he plays leading roles. A cheerful person radiates positive energy, it’s impossible to get bored when you’re around her.

A freedom-loving girl strives to gain independence early; a broad outlook, combined with organizational skills, allows her to start earning money early. Belongs to the category of people who are confident that they are able to change their fate, are not afraid of difficulties, and achieve their goals by any means.

Quite often he allows excessively harsh behavior, does not hesitate to prove that he is right, and argues with representatives of older generations. A sociable girl periodically makes new friends, whose opinions matter in certain situations. However, he prefers to deal with problems on his own and does not tolerate pity.

Of primary importance for believers is the origin of the name Said, which influences the decision regarding compliance with a particular religion.

Arab origin, as evidenced by history, allows Muslims to make a decision with confidence, but Orthodox Christians should not be left out of the original choice.

The mystery of the name has a unique influence on fate, popularity continues to spread among different nations. Having found out where it came from and whose name the daughter will bear, you can begin choosing a talisman; The etymology is unambiguous - “happy”.

Characteristics of the name Said

Determination is the quality that attracts the characteristics of the name Said. The girl will achieve her goals without outside help. A difficult character often becomes the cause of misunderstandings, but with age a woman learns to control her emotions and make a worthy impression.

It is very difficult to assess the pros and cons of a self-confident woman; on the one hand, harshness and stubbornness are a disadvantage, on the other, a quality without which it is impossible to achieve success in the modern world.


You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, where do you go? quality is more important and the convenience of clothing, rather than the correspondence of its style to the fashion of today.

The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Saida, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in such forms that they can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria.

Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away.

But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to give up even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.


Attractive cheerful girl turns out to be the center of attention of any company. This means having a special charm that captivates the stronger sex.

It is very difficult to compete with a self-confident beauty; she is used to achieving her goals by any means necessary. Pays attention to wealthy men, loves expensive gifts.

A creative personality is fickle, periodically changes fans, and for a long time cannot decide what he should be like. ideal man. He mercilessly criticizes his chosen ones, does not forgive betrayal, and shows amazing ingenuity in order to take revenge.


Agree to marry exclusively a wealthy man who is able to provide a decent living from the first days. Combines career and family. This means that under no circumstances will she agree to the role of a housewife.

The husband is proud of his spectacular wife, who at any age pays due attention to her own appearance: impeccable hair and makeup, an original wardrobe, perfect figure. After the birth of children, she does not forget about the true purpose of a woman and makes every effort to preserve her beauty.

The husband must not only earn well, but also consult with his powerful wife on any matter, otherwise divorce is inevitable. For a strict mother, the progress of the children matters; she does not allow them to idle, and forces them to educate themselves. Special significance has a relationship between a spouse and parents, whom he cares for throughout his life.

Creative professions are the true calling of a bright woman, which means she will achieve success in the theater. Original ideas allow them to attract the attention of management, the girl does not get lost, uses every chance to achieve a worthy position in society.

Ability to quickly respond to non-standard situations, defending one’s own point of view, and lack of fear of risk are traits that make one feel confident in the business sphere.

Having organized his own business, he confidently eliminates competitors. An authoritative woman feels confident in the chair of a leader and does not forgive negligence in the performance of official duties.

Numerology of the name Said

The number 9 in numerology is ambiguous and contradictory. It intertwines the qualities inherent in all other numbers from 1 to 8.

Nine can bring both great happiness and attract unfavorable events. In order to correctly use the positive characteristics of this symbol, you need to become familiar with some of the nuances of the number and its interaction with other numerological symbols.

Consider the meaning of a single nine, without linking it to specific situation or without a relationship with its accompanying symbols, is at least meaningless. So, for example, the meaning of the number 9 on any date for two people with birth dates 1 and 3 will be sharply different.

To understand what exactly this figure means for you on a certain day, you need to make a personal calculation for each specific case.

Influence of 9 on a person’s character

The meaning of 9 in the date of birth is very large. People whose date contains this number have a craving for knowledge of everything unknown and mysterious. Their character cannot be called soft.

If such a person has given his word, he will keep it, no matter what the cost. Nines strictly adhere to their principles and set high goals for themselves, which they achieve thanks to their perseverance and determination.

The presence of 9 in a personality characteristic means that this person has extraordinary mental abilities and can use them for the benefit of all humanity, unless 3 or 8 are missing in his code. Three and eight can direct the full potential of nine to satisfy personal interests and seek benefits.

Seven, on the contrary, can greatly enhance existing abilities and bestow a person whose date of birth contains the numbers 7 and 9 with truly unique talents.

The value of one in the numerology personality chart of a nine is also positive. It gives a powerful energy impulse and promotes the rapid implementation of ideas.

In the field love relationship Nines often act as initiators; their passion flares up instantly and burns with incredible power. However, feelings fade away as quickly and suddenly as they flared up.

Before settling down and deciding to tie the knot, such people will have time to fall in love a hundred times and be disappointed in love just as many times. But if, after all, they chose someone, this person can be envied. They simply cannot find a more faithful and sensual partner.

If we consider the number nine from the point of view of the capabilities inherent in it, it will be difficult to overestimate the full potential of this number.

If a person can understand and evaluate his limitless possibilities, which the nine endowed him with, truly grandiose prospects will open up before him. However, you should know that this meaning of this symbol is true only in the presence of noble motives.

Under the auspices of the Nine, the most ambitious plans are carried out, the craziest ideas are realized. If you discard thoughts about material gain and think only about the good of humanity, you can achieve unprecedented heights in your activities.

Learn to perceive sincere gratitude and love as the highest reward for your work, and then the doors to a life filled with happiness and abundance will open before you.

Fateful characteristics of nine

The fate of a person under the auspices of the nine is very changeable . It cannot be said that it is easy for Nines to earn a large fortune or achieve some heights professionally.

This is not because they are unable to earn money or lack sufficient determination. It's more likely they just don't put it material assets at the top of the hierarchy of their needs.

These are most often spiritual individuals who value more the attention and respect of others. Therefore, the fate of people-nines is most often connected with public activities.

The number 9 in a person’s destiny means that he is protected higher powers, who will provide any assistance exactly as long as he follows his spiritual destiny.

So, for example, the presence in the life of a person-nine 2, 4 or 6 (this could be close people around him, the number of a house, apartment, car, etc.) has a stabilizing effect on his fate. This is expressed in the fact that awareness of one’s goal and mission comes much earlier and a sense of responsibility for one’s decisions appears.

Five, on the contrary, introduces some uncertainty into the fate of nine and pushes them to rash actions. To neutralize the destructive influence of the five, you need to have great willpower and a strong character, which is not always characteristic of the nine.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Carnelian.
  • Name day by Orthodox calendar doesn't celebrate.
  • Horoscope - Scorpio.

The name Said is a wonderful monument of oriental writing. It can tell a lot about the history of Islam and the culture of Muslim states of the Middle East, about the formation of religion in these states and throughout the world.

A name is an integral part of every person. This is the first word he hears in his life. Therefore, it is important to know what a given name means.

The name Saida is translated from Arabic as “lady”. It is a variant of the name Sayida, which in turn represents female form named Sayyid, which means “responsible, boss.”

The history of this name is unique. The name Sayyid originated in the Arabian Peninsula. This is the name given to the descendants of Ali, the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad and the first imam. In the pre-Muslim period, the title of sayyid was held by elected officials, for example, tribal leaders. This position did not provide any special rights or privileges, but being chosen for it was always considered very honorable. At one time, the uncle of the prophet Abutalib was the sayyid of the Quraish tribe - future father the great Caliph Ali. That is why the descendants of Ali were called Sayyids.

Being a sayyid in a Muslim country was considered very prestigious. The fact is that there are two main branches in Islam: Shiism and Sunnism. One of them - Shiism, in essence, is the veneration of Caliph Ali and his descendants, in contrast to Sunnism, where the descendants of Ali are not held in such esteem and anyone can become an imam educated person. The Shiites believe that only a descendant of Ali, a sayyid, can become an imam.

There was a rule according to which the title of sayyid could be transmitted not only through the male line, but also through the female line. Therefore, many rulers took Sayyid daughters as wives in order to ennoble their offspring. The newly-minted sayids tried to emphasize their origin and added the word “sayid” to their names. Hence there are many derivative compound names: Sayidali, Sayidamir, Sayidhasan, Sayidhussein, Sayidmurod, etc.

In the Middle Ages, each Muslim region had a ruler appointed by the caliph - the amir. In the 9th century, the regions of Transoxiana were placed under the control of four brothers from the Samanid dynasty. Soon one stood out among them, who subjugated all the other Samanid amirs. His rank and high position needed to be emphasized somehow. Therefore, the senior ruler began to be called al-Amir al-Sayyid - “chief amir, chief commander.”

The Samanid state fell, the dynasty ended, but the title of al-Amir al-Sayyid remained. The conquerors of Maverannahr, the Karakhenids, added it to their other titles, thereby, as it were, establishing themselves as the legitimate heirs of the Samanids. Since then, each new dynasty, having seized power in the main khanates of Central Asia, retained the title of al-Amir al-Sayyid. Gradually this name took the form of Amirsayid or Mirsayid. The last Emir of Bukhara, Mirsayid Alimkhan, was considered a descendant of Ali on his mother’s side.

Thus, the name Said is one of those names that previously only the descendants of Caliph Ali, and therefore the Prophet himself, could possess. Therefore, she who bears this name has every right be proud of him.

Sources: Gafurov A.G. Leo and Cypris (about eastern names). Muslim names. Dictionary-reference book.