Cement and gypsum plaster – which one to choose? Which plaster is better - gypsum or cement? Difference between gypsum and cement plaster.

In order to decide which plaster to choose - gypsum or cement, you need to know the characteristics of one and the other mixture, its destination, and also fully understand the purpose of such finishing. Both one and the other solution serve to level the surface, but when different conditions may behave differently.

Below we will talk in more detail about these components and how best to use them, and also watch the thematic video in this article as a supplement.

Various plasters

Note. The word “plaster” in Russian means: a) a finishing layer that is formed by a hardened liquid mass; b) the mixture itself, which is used for this purpose; c) the process of such finishing itself.


  • All mixtures of this type can be classified according to their binding components, for example, it can be gypsum, cement, or polymers in the form of polystyrene or acrylic. In addition, the material is produced in dry (powder) and liquid (paste) form, packaged in bags or buckets, respectively. Also, for smoothing the surface for painting.
  • Gypsum plasters are intended for finishing works in rooms with normal humidity (40%-60%) and without the possibility of flooding the surface with water. The main advantage of such plasters is that they harden very quickly, for example, the universal KNAUF ROTBAND with a layer of 40 mm can dry in 48 hours. Also, the surface finished with such material is easier to sand with sandpaper or diamond mesh.

  • The most popular plaster with cement binding components, which you can use to level the wall with your own hands, is mixtures from CERESIT, which can also be fireproof (used for masonry and finishing of stoves). For exterior work, such a solution is usually used for sealing and leveling insulation (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam). The finish is not afraid of water, dampness and temperature changes.
  • But if necessary, then cement putties should not be used; the price of such a finish will be too high. In this case, it is more rational to use cement-sand mortar, which is not only cheaper, but also mechanically stronger.

  • The most convenient for finishing work, among which there are mixtures with latex and acrylic binders. So, if the former are used exclusively for interior work, then the latter are universal and can be used both indoors and outdoors (instructions for use are printed on the packaging by the manufacturer).

Note. Based on the above, it can be determined what gypsum plaster differs from cement - these are binders that are soluble or insoluble in water.
That is why gypsum is suitable only for interior work, and cement is used for both indoor and outdoor work.

Finishing work

To figure out which plaster is better - gypsum or cement, let's look at how the finishing work of leveling the walls occurs. Imagine that you need to level a wall with differences in plane, where you cannot do without beacon profiles and the average layer thickness will be 40 mm.

In such a situation, you can use one or another type of putty (only internal work is considered), but a cement-sand mortar will cost you much less.

As a result of this finishing, you get a very durable surface, although it takes three weeks to harden, but in most cases it is worth it. After hardening, you can use any finishing or universal putty that will lay down a layer of no more than 2 mm - you will save money and gain a durable surface. But there is a serious disadvantage here - this is the time during which the solution hardens, and this cannot be afforded in any case.

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to apply gypsum plaster on cement plaster, and here the answer is clear - of course, yes, only before application it is necessary to cover the surface with a layer of primer to create optimal adhesion conditions. But if we are talking about outdoor work, then this option is unacceptable, and not because the interaction of two mixtures is required, but because gypsum is afraid of moisture, and it will deteriorate outside. The same can be said about rooms with high humidity, for example, if you plaster the ceiling in a bathroom with plaster, then that’s all right, but for the walls it’s “a waste of money” - water will ruin them.

So, gypsum plaster on top cement finishing, this is a completely acceptable option for interior work in rooms with normal air humidity. Moreover, if you need to putty on a ceiling or wall before painting, feel free to use two mixtures and do not believe anyone who says otherwise. The fact is that cement is the most common building binder component, and it interacts with almost all building materials.

Quantity of material

In the top photo you see a wall with beacon profiles installed on it, but the surface there is relatively flat, without any significant differences, so the total thickness of the layer can be determined by one beacon. But this is not always possible, and calculations are somewhat more difficult to make - let's see how this can be done so that the price of the material is clear in advance.

Imagine that you need to level a wall 2.7m high and 4m wide. In this case, we will use the rule of 1.5 m in length, which means that the beacons will have to be placed no further than 135-140 cm apart. In this case, we will need at least 4 profiles, where we need to find out the average thickness for each of them. To do this, take the most long distance from the crest of the lighthouse to the surface and the smallest, and then find the arithmetic mean.

Imagine that on one profile the arithmetic mean is 2 cm, on another - 3 cm, on the third - 4 cm and on the fourth - 5 cm in depth. This means that the total thickness of the layer will be (2 + 3 + 4 + 5) / 4 = 3.5 cm. On average, 8.5 kg of mixture is consumed per square of putty with a layer of 10 mm, then in our case 1 m 2 will need 8, 5*3.5=29.75 kg or almost a bag (30 kg).

In this case, the entire wall will require 2.7 * 4 * 29.75 = 321.3 kg or 31 bags of gypsum or cement putty. But here it’s up to you to decide what is better - to level the wall with cement-sand mortar or putty mixtures.


At this point, you know how gypsum plaster differs from cement mixture, so you can make the choice yourself, depending on the circumstances. The most important thing is that your choice matches the humidity conditions under which the surface will be used.

Plaster is used to level walls. At the same time, the question often arises: which mixture is better to choose - cement or gypsum? Plastering walls is a costly process, both in terms of labor intensity and money consumption. Therefore, it is understandable that any owner would want to choose a material that will create reliable adhesion to the base, will not crack, will not fall off, and will last for many years. It is quite difficult to unequivocally answer the question of which plaster is better - gypsum or cement - to cover walls. Each mixture has its own advantages, disadvantages, and features.

Plaster is used for work outside and inside the house. Its task is to eliminate defects in the base and level it. In addition, it creates protective layer, which prevents the penetration of moisture, the spread of fire, and heat loss. The main task that plaster must cope with is to prepare the wall for further finishing.

When choosing a mixture, it is necessary to take into account its purpose and composition. According to its purpose, plaster can be ordinary or decorative. Conventional mixtures are used for interior or exterior work; they can also be universal or special. Decorative compositions allow you to create a relief, structural or Venetian coating. Mixtures of different compositions are offered for sale. The most popular are gypsum and cement plaster. To better understand which one to choose, you need to understand their main characteristics.

Features of the gypsum mixture

The basis of gypsum plaster is gypsum with various fillers that help reduce consumption and plasticizers that improve adhesion to the surface. A gypsum-based solution is used to level surfaces and prepare them for subsequent finishing. It is not used in wet areas. Depending on the size of the filler, fine-, medium-, and coarse-grained mixtures are distinguished. To obtain a thin layer, use a fine-grained composition. To level out large differences and eliminate large defects, a coarse-grained mixture will be required.

Gypsum plaster is usually used for interior work. For external ones it is better to take cement. Although there are gypsum compositions that, by adding additional components to them, cope well with the influence of negative factors. However, they will cost more than cement ones.

The solution can be applied in a fairly thick layer, and it will not crack when drying. Therefore, it can be used to eliminate even large defects and damage. Advantages of gypsum plaster:

  • Environmental friendliness. It does not contain harmful components, is not aggressive, and is absolutely harmless.
  • Vapor permeability. Due to its porosity, gypsum regulates the humidity in the room: it absorbs excess and releases moisture when necessary.
  • Creates a sound and heat insulating layer. This is especially true in panel houses.
  • Effectively removes unevenness.
  • Plastic and easy to apply.

It is not recommended to use gypsum plaster in rooms without heating. It is convenient when working in hard-to-reach places, as it dries quickly. In addition, if the layer is perfectly even, then it does not need to be puttied.

If you decide to use a gypsum mixture, then you need to take into account its inherent disadvantages:

  • it sets quickly, so you cannot prepare a lot of solution at once;
  • with a large layer thickness it may shrink;
  • does not “fit” well on metal;
  • how better quality, the higher the price.

An important advantage of the gypsum mixture is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to cement, it will require 1.5 times less for the same area.

Features of the cement mixture

In residential, utility rooms, for internal and facade works Cement plaster is often used. The binding component is cement, the strength of which is determined by the brand. Sand is used as a filler. The quality of the solution largely depends on it. Sand is considered good if it contains dust, silt, and clay impurities. Therefore, river or quarry sand is usually used.

Its coarseness affects the finished plaster. If the particles are large, it will be difficult to obtain a smooth surface and you will have to grind it for a long time. On the contrary, particles that are too small cause the cement plaster to crack after drying.

The ratio of sand and cement is affected by the required strength of the mortar and the brand of cement. Usually it is 1 in 3 or 4. Polymers help improve the plasticity of the solution. Increases vapor permeability slaked lime. Cement plaster has the following advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • you can buy a dry mixture, and it’s also easy to prepare it yourself;
  • suitable for work inside and outside the building;
  • has high adhesion;
  • creates a durable coating;
  • tolerates humidity and temperature changes well.

The cement mixture takes much longer to dry than the gypsum mixture. Therefore, you can have time to eliminate minor defects on the surface. In addition, this property allows you to dilute a lot of solution at once, reducing preparation time. Disadvantages of cement mortar:

  • The application process is very labor-intensive and long. Classic technology involves the implementation of 3 layers: spray, primer and grout. They also take time to dry.
  • The cement mixture does not adhere well to plastic or wood.
  • Due to the high density of cement, additional load is created on the base. It must be calculated in order to be taken into account before plastering.

Gypsum or cement: what to choose?

It is difficult to say unequivocally which plaster is better. The choice of mixture depends on the characteristics of the room and the tasks that will be solved with its help. To level the walls in a living room, when preparing them for wallpapering, painting, or creating a relief pattern, it is better to use a gypsum composition. To restore walls in the kitchen and bathroom, if necessary, strengthen and level them, it is recommended to use cement mortar. Such a surface will be resistant to any impact, durable, and reliable.

Regardless of what mixture is used, to obtain high-quality plaster layer it is necessary to take into account the influence of certain factors. First of all, the weather affects the plaster. Plastering should be carried out at positive temperatures and normal humidity. From draft and strong wind drying is accelerated. These factors increase the unevenness of moisture removal, as a result of which the surface cracks.

The cause of poor quality is often the heterogeneity of the mixture. This often occurs due to inaccurate adherence to proportions when mixing independently. May lead to cracking big difference in thickness: a thin layer dries faster. To improve adhesion and protect walls from fungus, applying a primer should be a mandatory step before plastering.

Previously, to level the walls or ceiling in an apartment, one single method was used - finishing the surfaces with cement mortar.

Today, to solve such problems there are various ways, one of which is the use of gypsum plaster, which allows easily and quickly correct various shortcomings working area.

What is this type of mixture?

Gypsum plaster is produced in the form of a dry (sometimes ready-made) mixture, the basis for which is natural gypsum, containing lime and perlite additives.

Ready mix looks like a pasty mass and is used to perform interior decoration premises.

To apply the solution, both manual and machine methods are used.

Which is better - cement or gypsum?

The question often arises: which plaster to choose? Let's try to figure this out.

Cement mixture is more common used for outdoor work. Its main component is lime, which acts as a plasticizer. It makes the solution more plastic and prevents cracks from appearing on the frozen surface.

Cement mixture, unlike gypsum, has increased stability to the influence of moisture and low temperatures, and can be used for a longer time.

However, gypsum plaster superior to cement in environmental friendliness. When using a gypsum mortar, the finished surface has a smooth structure, while a cement coating requires finishing procedures.

Among main distinctive properties of both mixtures the following can be distinguished:

  • cement plaster has a lower price;
  • the main advantages of gypsum mortar are high adhesion and plasticity, this greatly facilitates plastering work;
  • The main disadvantage of cement mortar is the need to apply a minimum layer with a thickness of 20 mm; in the case of a gypsum mixture, this figure is 5-10 mm, depending on the manufacturer.

Comparing gypsum and cement taking into account the nature of the finishing work, we can say that for external plastering it is more suitable option- This is a cement mortar, while for interior decoration it is better to choose a gypsum mixture.


Today in the production of gypsum mixtures many manufacturers compete that offer various options products. Each type of mixture has its own technical specifications and properties. Below will be presented brief overview some types of plaster.


Rotband plaster from Knauf is used for construction and interior repair work.

Well suited for finishing bathroom walls, as well as smooth wall surfaces and ceilings in residential premises. Can be applied to walls made of any material.

Mixture composition: gypsum powder with light filler and polymer additives that improve adhesion. Consumption per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm – 8-8.5 kg. This type mixtures has high rating among consumers.


  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high-quality adhesion;
  • vapor permeability.

The disadvantages include the need to use a special primer in cases where the plaster is applied in several layers, as well as the high cost of the mixture.


Some consider it a domestic analogue of Knauf, differing lower cost. Used for leveling surfaces when minor repairs, and for carrying out major work, when finishing procedures are carried out from scratch.

Can also be applied when creating decorative elements, arches and reliefs. The consumption rate per 1m2 is 8 kg.


  • using this mixture, you can level the walls with one layer up to 60 mm thick. However, experts recommend applying no more than 30-40 mm for more convenient plastering work;
  • the soft solution is plastic and easy to apply;
  • plaster is a pure white color (some mixtures may have a pinkish, light gray or beige tint).

The disadvantage of Volma is the use of gypsum from various deposits in its production, which in some cases negatively affects the quality of the plaster.


Depending on the type, it can be used for applying thin decorative layers on surfaces of various types.

Whether it be bases made of cement, concrete, plasterboard, chipboards and other materials, or for surface leveling both indoors and outdoors.

Consumption: 2.4 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm.


  • impact resistance;
  • vapor permeability;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • resistance to influence atmospheric phenomena and ultraviolet;
  • frost resistance.


Designed for leveling vertical and horizontal surfaces(ceilings, walls). Contains a special additive – perlite, due to which the setting time of the solution is reduced. The average consumption with a layer thickness of 5 mm is 4.5 kg per 1 m2.


  • plastic;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of use;
  • more light weight, unlike other materials.


  • the finished mixture is suitable for use for a short time (50 minutes);
  • inferior in strength to drywall and cement mortar;
  • the need to use a primer when carrying out plastering work.


Used for leveling walls and ceilings inside dry rooms.

This plaster can be used to treat any type of surface.

Consumption: 9 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm.


  • ease of use, the plaster is easy to apply and level;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • After rubbing, the surface acquires a smooth structure and does not require the application of putty.


Facade plaster is used for applying on durable and reliable surfaces not exposed to moisture. Material consumption is 9.5 kg per 1 m2 with a layer thickness of 10 mm.

Advantages: in this regard, the performance of the “Starateli” mixture is almost the same as that of previous types. To these we can only add accessibility and reasonable cost of material, which are achieved due to the fact that this product is produced by a domestic manufacturer.

Why prime walls before plastering?

This question has several answers:

  1. During the priming process, dust and grains of sand are removed from the surface. In addition, the primer fills small cracks.
  2. The adhesion of the surface to the plaster solution improves.
  3. The likelihood that the walls will become damp in the future is reduced.
  4. Correctly selected and applied primer will increase the service life of the plaster coating.
  5. When choosing a primer with antifungal properties, the treated surface will be protected from the formation of mold and bacteria.

Finishing work to level surfaces is carried out various materials. Depending on the location of the surface, the purpose of the room, environment compositions with different properties are needed.

What kind of plaster would be better suited gypsum or cement, should be decided in each case individually. A correctly selected high-quality composition will ensure a long service life and aesthetic appeal. plaster finishing. How to choose a suitable solution, what are the advantages and disadvantages of different compositions, we will consider below.

Types of compositions

The surface leveled with plaster is ready for finishing

The plaster solution has various areas applications. The most obvious are:

  • surface leveling;
  • improvement of heat and sound insulation;
  • fire protection.

The modern construction market offers various types ready-made mixtures for finishing walls, ceilings, interior and exterior works. Plaster solutions are divided into 2 groups depending on the layer of application:

  • regular or basic coating. Used when carrying out rough work;
  • decorative Various mixtures to create a finishing touch.

The main way to classify plaster mixtures is to separate the solutions according to the constituent substance:

  • cement;
  • lime;
  • clay;
  • gypsum.

Of course, there are various modifications of the compositions, except for the 4 main ones. They are obtained by mixing the main components and adding various additives, additives and plasticizers.

Due to their practical properties, the most popular compositions are gypsum and cement plasters.

Quality criterionPlasterCement
Base materialgypsumcement
at manual way application10 17
with mechanized8 12,5
Drying timeup to 7 daysup to 4 weeks
ShrinkageNo1 - 2 mm/m

Characteristics of the cement mixture

Cement mixtures have high adhesion to the base

The convenience and optimality of cement plaster is difficult to overestimate; this type of mortar enjoys deserved popularity among both experienced craftsmen, and for novice builders:

  1. Durability of the coating. This is the main quality of cement plasters; the surface is resistant to mechanical stress and reliable.
  2. Excellent adhesion. Cement mortars fit perfectly on almost any base; it is enough to treat the surface with a primer.
  3. Moisture resistance. Cement plaster is not afraid of the effects of precipitation and high humidity, therefore they are often used when repairing facades and finishing surfaces in specific wet areas.
  4. Price. This composition has a completely budget price tag compared to other compositions.

Given that this budget option, you should not choose a solution based only on the cost of the product: compare the material consumption and pay attention to the performance properties.

The main disadvantage of cement mortar is its poor adhesion to wooden, plastic or painted surfaces.

Due to the serious weight of plaster, it is rarely used on ceilings.

For the same reason, you should calculate the load on the walls of the building during finishing.

The plastering process itself is quite labor-intensive, despite the fact that it takes place in several stages, each of which requires a pause in work.

Practice plastering at positive temperatures

In order for the plaster layer to be as durable as possible and serve for many years, you should adhere to some rules in work:

  • plaster the surface at a temperature from + 5 to +30 0 C;
  • be sure to treat the surface with a deep penetration primer;
  • to apply an additional layer, wait until the previous one has dried;
  • conduct plastering work on construction beacons;
  • Do not take on large volumes if you have no experience in this area.

Gypsum based mixture

Gypsum plaster mixture consists of gypsum itself and plasticizers. It is usually applied in 1 layer by hand or machine. The scope of application of gypsum mortar is quite extensive, although it has limitations. This type of plaster is used for finishing:

  • brick walls and concrete slabs;
  • internal dry rooms;
  • for leveling the surface for gluing or painting.

Finishing the surface with gypsum mortar will eliminate the need for puttying works. Quality work with gypsum makes the surface absolutely suitable for decorative finishing.

Advantages of working with this type of composition:

The material is warm and dries quickly, requiring a maximum of 3 days to complete the work.

The disadvantages of gypsum plaster include the inability to use the solution in rooms with increased level humidity.

Slightly higher price tag than cement mortars, which counts towards the fact that there is no need to use putty.

Preparation of solutions

First the dry ingredients are mixed, then water is added.

It is not enough to just choose cement or gypsum plaster; to use it, you must properly prepare the solution. Each type of plaster has its own recommendations for the mixing process.

The bulk components of the cement composition are mixed dry. Sand and cement are poured in thin layers and then mixed.

After the dry ingredients are thoroughly mixed, water is added to them. Now the liquid mixture is thoroughly mixed.

You can also prepare cement-gypsum plaster. This solution will set much faster and drying time will be reduced. But at the same time, the strength of the layer will also change, it will become more fragile. For more information on how to make the mixture, watch this video:

Gypsum solutions are mixed for a short time. It takes no more than 5 minutes to prepare a working portion of the composition. Usually, gypsum dough is first prepared, which is subsequently diluted with water to the required consistency.

Question: which plaster is better - gypsum or cement - is relevant when carrying out major and repair works construction work. These binders are a popular basis for ready-made mixtures for leveling, lining and preparing surfaces before finishing decorative finishing. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, choose correct option not easy. The main guidelines are: price, operating conditions, ease of installation and timing of its completion.

Being universal, cement-sand plaster Well suited for both external and internal work. It is not afraid of dampness and temperature changes and is often used for leveling walls, slopes and other surfaces (even unheated and basement rooms), finishing in conditions of high humidity, processing concrete structures in order to increase thermal insulation properties. This ideal option masonry mortar when constructing buildings made of aerated concrete or foam block. Distinctive features cement mixture has high adhesion, durability and strength, it should be chosen when carrying out capital construction or for restoration according to old surface(subject to compatibility of materials). This point is important: cement does not adhere well to plastic, wood or painted surfaces.

Significant application limitations include the complex application process and long drying time. The work is carried out in several stages: spraying, throwing, rubbing and grinding. Get perfect flat surface using cement plaster is difficult, not everyone has the necessary skills, whereas with gypsum such problems do not arise. It takes a long time to dry - up to 3 weeks, even if a thin layer is applied. The resulting surface is porous and poorly suited for subsequent decorative finishing (dark, needs puttying and sanding). In general, cement mixtures are not decorative, with the exception of types with special additives.

Gypsum-based plasters are more plastic and do not shrink; as a result, this is an ideal option for leveling interior walls. They dry much faster, additional putty is not necessary, their structure is already quite smooth. The main color of gypsum plaster is white, it does not show through wallpaper or paint. At the same time, it easily comes into contact with coloring pigments, it can be chosen as an independent decorative finish, and it takes the desired shape, including three-dimensional patterns. Their low weight makes it possible to apply gypsum mixtures without the risk of overloading structures, and only poor water resistance prevents them from being called universal. When exposed to moisture, gypsum is destroyed, so this plaster is not used for exterior work.

Comparative Benefits Review

The advantages of cement-based mortars include:

  • Strength and durability. They are best suited for restoration and exterior finishing work and withstand mechanical and other external influences well.
  • High quality adhesion to aerated concrete, smooth surfaces of natural or artificial stone, previously plastered walls. This is an ideal plaster for foam blocks (both masonry and finishing), its consumption on porous material is minimal.
  • Low cost, cement types of plaster are 1.5–2 times cheaper than gypsum. This applies to both ready-made building mixtures, and those involved themselves.
  • Moisture resistance is the main advantage of cement mortars. It is this property that allows them to be used as plaster for slopes, cladding of bathrooms, toilets and kitchens. Gypsum under the same conditions is permissible only with subsequent protection of the surface with tiles. This ability also allows you to use cement compositions for outdoor work.

The advantages of gypsum plaster are:

  • Quick and easy installation. They dry twice as fast as cement ones, with the same layer thickness, and are easy to process.
  • No shrinkage processes. When hardening, the risk of cracking is minimal compared to cement plasters.
  • Plasticity: the solution takes a certain shape without much effort or is distributed along the wall with required thickness layer.
  • Environmental friendliness and vapor permeability. This is a “breathable” plaster, safe for humans and favorable for the indoor microclimate.
  • Sound and heat insulation abilities. The porous and lightweight structure retains heat better than others and prevents the penetration and spread of noise.

Thanks to the listed properties, gypsum mixtures do not require reinforcement (except for layers of 50 mm or more), and do not drain from vertical walls and hold the given shape well. Their use significantly reduces repair time; construction skills are not required for the work. Reviews testify in favor of gypsum in terms of cost savings, due to its minimal consumption. Inferior in strength and moisture resistance cement-sand compositions, they benefit from decorativeness and ease of application. But you can definitely choose which one is needed: gypsum or cement plaster only if you take into account all external factors.

Characteristics and properties

An important parameter is material consumption; cement mixtures are cheaper, but are also required in larger volumes. When leveling significant surface deviations, it is advisable to calculate the thickness of the layer; in some cases, it is more advisable to choose drywall. In particular, gypsum plasters are not suitable for creating layers over 50 mm (they are applied in several stages and take a long time to dry), and cement plasters, in addition to complex and time-consuming application, will make the wall heavier. To decide which mixture is better, you should take into account all the operating properties and operating conditions. The main parameters of binders are given below.

Characteristics and propertiesPlaster base
CompoundGypsum, plasticizersCement, sand, possibly a small proportion of lime
Approximate consumption per 1 m2 for manual application of a layer, 10 mm thick, kg9–11 17
The same with mechanized, kg7,5–8,5 11–14
Curing speed2–3 days (maximum - 7, when a particularly thick layer dries)3–4 weeks
ShrinkageAbsent1–2 mm/m
Moisture resistanceProcessing required special compounds, gypsum does not tolerate high humidityHigh
Average cost of 1 kg of finished plaster mixture, rubles25–30 15–20

To summarize, it can be noted that plasters made from a cement mixture are more suitable for exterior work and cladding rooms with high humidity, and gypsum plasters are more suitable for interior decoration. But we should not forget about exceptions: on the market building materials There are many formulations with modifying additives. They can speed up the drying time of cement mortars and enhance their plasticity, insulating properties and decorative properties.

In turn, dry gypsum mixtures are available for sale, intended for preparing walls in the bathroom (for example, Rotband), with their help for repairs in sanitary zone carried out in a matter of days. There is no point in giving clear preference to any one material; before purchasing, carefully study its characteristics and conditions of use.