How is the contract for the carriage of passengers and baggage characterized? Sample contract for the provision of transport services concluded between legal entities

in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Carrier", on the one hand, and the citizen, passport (series, number, issued), living at the address, hereinafter referred to as " Passenger", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as " Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement", as follows:

1.1. In accordance with this agreement, the Carrier undertakes to transport the Passenger and his baggage to the following destination:, issue the baggage to the Passenger or another person authorized to receive it, and the Passenger undertakes to pay the established fee for travel and baggage transportation.

1.2. The conclusion of this agreement is certified by a ticket, as well as a baggage receipt.

1.3. The passenger has the right, in the manner prescribed:

  • transport children with you free of charge or on other preferential terms;
  • Carry with you free hand luggage within the established limits.

1.4. The fare and baggage fee is: rubles.

1.5. Travel and baggage are paid in the following order and within the following periods: .

1.6. The Carrier undertakes to deliver the Passenger and his luggage to the destination within the time period determined in the manner prescribed.

1.7. Departure and arrival times vehicle: .


2.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of transportation obligations, the Parties bear responsibility established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the transport charter or code.

2.2. The parties to this agreement provide for the following liability for violation of their transportation obligations: .


3.1. For a delay in the departure of a vehicle carrying a Passenger or a delay in the arrival of such a vehicle at its destination (except for transportation in urban and suburban services), the Carrier shall pay the Passenger a fine in the amount established unless it proves that the delay or delay was due to force majeure , eliminating malfunctions of vehicles that threaten the life and health of passengers, or other circumstances beyond the control of the Carrier.

3.2. If the Passenger refuses transportation due to a delay in the departure of the vehicle, the Carrier is obliged to return the carriage fee to the Passenger.


4.1. The Carrier is responsible for the safety of baggage that occurred after it was accepted for transportation and before delivery to the Passenger or the person authorized to receive the baggage, unless it proves that the loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of baggage occurred due to circumstances that the Carrier could not prevent and eliminate which did not depend on him.

4.2. Damage caused during the transportation of baggage is compensated by the Carrier in the following amount:

  • in case of loss or shortage of luggage - in the amount of the cost of the lost or missing luggage;
  • in case of damage (damage) to luggage - in the amount by which its value has decreased, and if it is impossible to restore damaged luggage - in the amount of its value;
  • in case of loss of baggage handed over for transportation with a declaration of its value - in the amount of the declared value of the baggage.
The cost of baggage is determined based on its price indicated in the Seller's invoice, and in the absence of an invoice, based on the price that, under comparable circumstances, is usually charged for similar goods.

4.3. The Carrier, along with compensation for established damage caused by loss, shortage or damage (spoilage) of baggage, returns to the Sender the carriage charge collected for the transportation of lost, missing, spoiled or damaged baggage.

4.4. Documents on the reasons for the baggage (commercial act, general form act, etc.), drawn up by the Carrier unilaterally, are subject in case of a dispute to be assessed by the court along with other documents certifying the circumstances that may serve as the basis for liability of the Carrier, Sender or Recipient of the baggage .

4.5. The Carrier is responsible for harm caused to the life or health of the Passenger in accordance with the rules of Chapter 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


5.1. In everything else not regulated in the agreement, the Parties will be guided by the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the norms.

Passenger carriage contract price. The price in the contract of carriage is understood as freight charge. Transportation fee public use is established on the basis of tariffs approved by state executive authorities or local governments. In other cases, freight charges are charged by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by law or other legal acts.

There are categories of passengers who are exempt from paying freight charges or who have certain benefits or advantages in terms of freight charges. Expenses incurred in connection with this are reimbursed to the transport organization from the corresponding budget (Article 790 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Parties to the passenger carriage agreement. The parties to the contract for the carriage of passengers are the carrier and the passenger. Carriers can only be commercial legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who have a license to transport passengers.

Passengers can be any individuals. Transport charters and codes contain definitions of the concept of “passenger”. For example, according to Art. 2 of UZhT, a passenger is “a person traveling on a train with a valid travel document (ticket) or having a travel document (ticket) and who is on the territory of a railway station, train station or platform immediately before or immediately after the said trip.”

Passenger carriage agreement form. The contract in question requires a written form. The conclusion of a contract for the carriage of a passenger is certified by a travel ticket, purchased, as a rule, earlier than the date and time of departure of the vehicle indicated on it. The form of the ticket is established in the manner prescribed by transport charters and codes.

Travel tickets can be in the form of presenter or personal documents. In the first case, the transport organization is obliged to fulfill the contract in relation to any passenger who presented a ticket upon boarding (transferring the ticket to another person is allowed only before the start of transportation). In the second case, the transport organization is obliged to fulfill the contract in relation to the passenger whose name is indicated on the ticket (transferring the ticket to another person is not allowed). Personalized travel tickets are used primarily on air transport and on trains (except for commuter trains).

On certain types urban transport, the contract can be concluded by implicit actions of the passenger without issuing a ticket: passage through the turnstiles in the metro, payment of the fare with a token, magnetic card.

A lost or damaged travel ticket can be replaced by the carrier if this is provided for by the relevant transport charters and codes. So, in accordance with Art. 82 UZhT, the carrier issues the passenger a travel document (ticket) to replace the lost or damaged one if the passenger provides the necessary evidence of purchasing the lost or damaged ticket for a specific seat on the corresponding train.

Types of passenger carriage agreement. Agreements for the carriage of passengers are divided by type of transport into agreements for rail, road, inland waterway, sea and air transportation.

Obligations of the carrier under the contract of carriage of passengers.

Under the contract for the carriage of passengers, the carrier is obliged to:

1. Provide the passenger with a seat according to the ticket.

If the passenger is not provided with the seat indicated on the ticket, he has the right:

  • require the carrier to provide another place, at least more high category, without charging additional payment, and if the cost of the seat is lower than the cost of the purchased ticket - demand compensation for the difference in the cost of travel;
  • extend the validity period of the travel document and travel by the next means of transport;
  • demand termination of the contract and return of the fare if the passenger does not agree to be provided with another seat or depart by the next means of transport;
  • demand the application of a measure of liability (compensation for damages).

2. Deliver the passenger to the destination within the time limits specified by transport legislation.

As a rule, such terms are determined by the schedule of the corresponding mode of transport. If specific deadlines are not established, the carrier is obliged to deliver the passenger to the destination within a reasonable time (Article 792 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In the event of a delay in the departure of a vehicle carrying a passenger or a delay in the arrival of such a vehicle at its destination (with the exception of transportation in urban and suburban services), the passenger has the right to:

  • demand the application of liability measures: payment of a fine in the amount established by transport charters and codes, compensation for other losses, as well as compensation for moral damage;
  • demand a refund of the carriage fee (if the passenger refuses to carry the vehicle due to a delay in the departure of the transport).

The carrier is released from liability if he proves that delays or delays occurred due to:

  • force majeure;
  • eliminating vehicle malfunctions that threaten the life and health of passengers;
  • other circumstances beyond the control of the carrier (clause 1 of Article 795 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

3. Ensure compliance with other rights of the passenger.

According to paragraph 3 of Art. 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a passenger has the right, in the manner prescribed by the relevant transport charter or code:

  • transport children with you free of charge or on other preferential terms;
  • carry with you free hand luggage within the established norms (hand luggage means the passenger’s personal belongings, which, due to their size and weight, can be easily placed in specially designated places in a train carriage, airplane cabin, on a ship, or other vehicles );
  • hand in luggage for transportation for a fee according to the tariff.

Current charters and codes provide passengers with more rights, in particular:

  • the right to stop along the way and change the route without changing the destination (Article 83 of the UZhT);
  • the right to free use of the services of rest rooms, mother and child rooms, as well as a place in a hotel during a break in transportation due to the fault of the air carrier or in the event of a forced delay of the aircraft (clause 2 of Article 106 of the VK);
  • the right to occupy along the route free space in a carriage of a higher category in the manner established by the rules of transportation (Article 83 of UZhT), etc.

The passenger has the right to cancel the contract before the start of transportation. In this case, a distinction is made between forced (due to illness, flight delay, etc.) and voluntary refusal. In the first case, the passenger is refunded the money paid for the unused ticket. The consequences in the second case are proportional to the amount of time remaining before the departure of the vehicle.

For example, in accordance with Art. 83 UZhT, when returning an unused ticket for travel on a long-distance train, a passenger has the right:

  • no later than eight hours before the train’s departure, receive a refund of the fare, consisting of the cost of the ticket and the cost of a reserved seat;
  • less than eight hours, but no later than two hours before the train’s departure, receive the cost of the ticket and 50% of the cost of the reserved seat;
  • less than two hours before the train departure, receive a refund of the cost of the ticket (the cost of the reserved seat in this case is not paid).

If you are late for transport, the passenger has the right to renew the travel document for another vehicle without additional payment or to receive a refund of the fare or part thereof. Specific consequences are established in transport charters and codes. Thus, a passenger can renew the validity of a travel document (ticket) for another train, subject to additional payment of the cost of a reserved seat due to being late for a long-distance train within twelve hours or due to illness or accident within five days from the departure of the train for which the travel document was purchased ( ticket). And in case of cancellation of the trip, you will receive the fare back minus the cost of the reserved seat (Article 83 of the UZhT).

The procedure for filing a claim against the carrier.

Unlike the carriage of goods, it is not necessary to comply with the preliminary pre-trial procedure when filing a claim against the carrier under a contract for the carriage of passengers. Thus, in railway and air transport, filing a claim against the carrier is considered as a right, and not as an obligation, of the passenger (Article 126 BC, Article 122 UZhT).

In accordance with Art. 126 VK, a passenger, within 6 months from the date of the occurrence of the event that served as the basis for filing a claim, has the right to submit a statement to the carrier in the event of loss, shortage, damage (spoilage) of luggage, delay in its delivery, as well as termination at the initiative of the carrier of the contract for air carriage of a passenger. The expiration of the 6-month period established by the VC gives the carrier the right not to accept a statement from the passenger about violation of the air carriage agreement. But the carrier has the right to accept the claim if it recognizes the reason for missing the deadline for filing a claim as valid (clause 2 of Article 126 of the VC). A similar rule is provided for in Art. 123 UZHT. With regard to the right to go to court, judicial practice proceeds from the fact that missing the deadline for filing a claim is not grounds for refusing to accept statements of claim, since this is contrary to Art. 46 of the Constitution and the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights.

When transported by inland waterway and road transport, the mandatory claim procedure also applies to the carriage of passengers and luggage (Article 161 KVVT, Article 158 UAT). In inland water transport, claims against carriers can be brought within the limitation period. In road transport, the claim periods are the same as for cargo claims: 45 days for claims related to the payment of fines, and six months in all other cases (Article 163 of the UAT). If the claim is rejected by the carrier or the response to it is established deadlines not received, the passenger has the right to go to court.

Obligations of the passenger under the contract of carriage of passengers.

Under the passenger carriage agreement, the passenger is obliged to:

1. Pay the established fare.

Payment is confirmed by travel documents (tickets). The passenger is required to have a travel document and present it en route at the first request of persons authorized to check travel documents. Travel documents lost by passengers are not renewed if their restoration or identification cannot be confirmed by the carrier, and the money paid for them is not returned.

If a passenger evades payment of the fare, the carrier has the right:

  • demand the application of a measure of liability in the form of payment of a fine, the amount of which is determined by the legislation on administrative offenses;
  • demand payment of the fare to the nearest station (port).

The passenger must purchase a ticket for further travel to the destination, otherwise he will be removed from the flight (removed from the train).

2. Do not damage the property of the vehicle.

If the transport property was damaged by a passenger, the carrier has the right to demand the application of liability measures:

payment of the cost of lost or damaged property in the manner established by transport charters and codes, rules for the transportation of passengers.

3. Comply established rules transportation.

The rights of the carrier and the responsibility of the passenger in the event of non-compliance by the passenger with the rules of transportation are determined in the relevant rules.

A contract for the carriage of passengers and baggage is an agreement by virtue of which the carrier undertakes to transport the passenger to the destination, and if the passenger checks in the luggage, also deliver the luggage: to the destination and hand it over to the person authorized to receive the baggage, and the passenger undertakes to pay the established fare , and when checking in luggage - also for carrying luggage (Article 786 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

2. Features of the contract. A contract for the carriage of a passenger is a special type of contract of carriage, which has the following specific features:

The contract for the carriage of a passenger is a consensual contract;

Delivery of the passenger's baggage is formalized by a real contract (valid from the moment the baggage is handed over to the carrier);

The conclusion of contracts for the carriage of passengers and baggage is certified respectively by a ticket and a baggage receipt in the form established by transport legislation;

The passenger has the right to carry children with him free of charge or on other preferential terms, as well as to carry hand luggage free of charge within the established limits;

Passenger rights as individual are also provided for by the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights.

3. Responsibility of the parties. Under a contract for the carriage of a passenger, in addition to the general grounds for the carrier’s liability, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and transport legislation also provide for rules of special liability. Thus, for a delay in the departure of a vehicle carrying a passenger, as well as for a delay in the arrival of such a vehicle at its destination (with the exception of transportation in urban and suburban services), the carrier pays a fine to the passenger. The amount of such a fine is determined by the relevant transport charter or code. For example, for rail transportation such a fine is three percent of the fare for each hour of delay, but in general no more than the cost of travel (Article 110 of the Charter of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation), for air transportation - twenty-five percent of the minimum wage for each hour, but not more than half the cost flight (Article 120 of the Air Code), etc.

The carrier, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is exempt from liability for delay in the departure of a vehicle carrying a passenger if it proves that the delay or delay occurred due to force majeure, elimination of a vehicle malfunction that threatens the life and health of passengers, or other circumstances beyond the control of the carrier (Art. 795). In any case, the passenger refuses to carry the vehicle due to a delay in the departure of the vehicle, the carrier is obliged to return the carriage fee to the passenger.

The carrier's liability for harm caused to the life or health of a passenger is determined by general rules compensation for harm (Chapter 59 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

89. Contract for the carriage of goods

A contract for the carriage of goods is an agreement by virtue of which the carrier undertakes to deliver the cargo entrusted to him by the sender to the destination and deliver it to the person authorized to receive the goods (recipient), and the sender undertakes to pay the established fee for the carriage of goods (Article 785 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The contract for the carriage of goods is the main transport contract ensuring the movement of goods. The contract is paid - the size and procedure for the carriage fee is determined by the parties, and the fee for the transportation of goods (as well as passengers and luggage) by public transport is determined on the basis of tariffs approved in the manner established by transport charters and codes. Transportation carried out by a commercial organization is recognized as transportation by public transport if it follows from the law or other legal acts that this organization is obliged to transport goods, passengers and luggage at the request of any citizen or legal entity. A contract for the carriage of goods by public transport is a public contract.

The reality of the contract for the carriage of goods follows from the need for the initial delivery of goods for transportation.

The subjects of the contract for the carriage of goods are the consignor, carrier and consignee, and the consignor and consignee may be one person. Carrier (shipping company, railway etc.) - a professional organization, a legal entity operating on the basis of a license. The subject matter of the contract for the carriage of goods qualifies this agreement as a contract in favor of a third party - the consignee.

The consignee, although not a party to the contract of carriage, nevertheless has the following rights and obligations:

The right to demand the carrier to release the cargo;

The right to claim compensation for damage due to loss, shortage or damage to cargo;

Obligation to accept cargo from the carrier.

The contract for the carriage of goods requires written form. The conclusion of a contract for the carriage of goods is confirmed by the preparation and issuance to the sender of the goods of a consignment note (bill of lading or other document for the cargo provided for by the relevant transport charter or code).

The subject of the contract for the carriage of goods follows from the main obligation of the carrier - to deliver the entrusted cargo to the destination point within the prescribed period and transfer it to the authorized person (the consignee). The legal status of the consignee, his basic rights and obligations were discussed earlier.

The carrier is obliged to provide the sender of the cargo for loading within the period established by the contract of carriage, serviceable vehicles in a condition suitable for transportation of the relevant cargo. The sender of the cargo has the right to refuse submitted unsuitable vehicles.

The carrier and sender of the cargo are released from liability for failure to deliver vehicles or failure to use provided vehicles if this occurred due to:

Force majeure, as well as other natural phenomena (fires, drifts, floods) and military actions;

Termination or restrictions on the transportation of goods in certain directions established in the manner provided for in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the relevant transport charter or code (Article 794).

about providing transport services in a person acting on the basis, hereinafter referred to as " Customer", on the one hand, and in the person acting on the basis of, hereinafter referred to as " Executor", on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties", have entered into this agreement, hereinafter " Agreement”, about the following:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor, on the basis of applications, undertakes to provide transport services to the Customer, namely passenger transportation by passenger vehicles, within the territory.

1.2. The Contractor provides services under this agreement on its own or by third parties using its own or rented cars.

1.3. The Customer undertakes to pay for the Contractor's services for the transportation of passengers, carried out under this Agreement, in the manner and within the terms provided for in this Agreement.


2.1. The Contractor undertakes:

2.1.1. Ensure provision at any time of the day required quantity technically sound passenger cars with drivers at the points and times specified by the Customer.

2.1.2. Before the date of each month, provide the Customer with a Certificate of acceptance and transfer of services on the transportation work performed during the previous month, as well as an invoice for payment for the work performed.

2.1.3. Guarantee the Customer the provision of the services specified in clause 1.1, clause 1.2 of this Agreement at the approved tariffs in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement.

2.1.4. Inform the customer about changes in tariffs for the Contractor’s services in in writing no later than days before the introduction of new tariffs. At the same time, the Contractor reserves the right to unilaterally and without prior notice to the Customer temporarily increase the tariffs during the period of federal holidays.

2.2. The customer undertakes:

2.2.1. Pay for services under this agreement in the amount, on time and in the manner provided for in this Agreement.

2.2.2. Guarantee the Contractor's compliance with the rules by passengers transported by the Contractor under the Customer's orders traffic, driver requirements, as well as their compliance public order. The possibility of a passenger being in a car in a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, causing the latter harm to the car, or committing other actions that threaten the safety of the driver, other passengers and road traffic is excluded.


3.1. The customer, at least one hour before the intended trip, places an order passenger car through the Contractor's dispatch service. Orders placed after the specified deadlines are considered urgent and are carried out by the Contractor without guaranteeing the availability of a free car and compliance with the start dates of the trip.

3.2. 15 minutes before the intended trip, the Contractor must inform the Customer about the details of the delivery of the car (make, color, license plate number of the car).

3.3. Disputes and disagreements arising from this Agreement or in connection with it will be resolved by representatives of the parties through negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the dispute is referred to the judicial authorities.


4.1. The cost of services provided by the Contractor is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 1, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

4.2. Settlements between the parties under this agreement occur in the following order:

4.2.1. For calendar days from the moment of signing this agreement, the Customer transfers to the Contractor’s bank account a sum of money in the amount of rubles as a deposit for the services provided by the Contractor.

4.2.2. The amount of the deposit is taken into account in settlements between the Contractor and the Customer, and the balance remaining after settlements is carried over to the month following the reporting month.

4.2.3. At the end of the reporting month, before the date next month The Contractor issues an invoice to the Customer for services performed for the reporting period, and also provides a Service Acceptance Certificate. The Service Acceptance and Transfer Certificate is signed by the parties within days from the date of receipt of the Certificate by the Customer.

4.3. Based on the provisions of Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of services under this Agreement is not subject to VAT taxation, the amount of tax is not presented to the Customer, and invoices for the sale of the Contractor’s services are not prepared.

4.4. Payment for the Contractor's services under this Agreement can be made by the Customer in the following ways:

4.4.1. by bank transfer to the Contractor's bank account using the details specified in the invoice for payment;

4.4.2. for cash payment to the Contractor's cash desk.

4.5. Full payment for services under this Agreement is made no later than the date of each month for the past month.


5.1. The fact of proper provision of services under this Agreement is confirmed by the Certificate of Acceptance and Transfer of Services signed by the Parties.

5.2. Services under this Agreement are considered to be performed properly and on time if, within calendar days from the date specified in the Service Acceptance and Transfer Certificate, the Customer has not handed over the signed Certificate to the Contractor and has not provided written claims and/or objections to the Contractor.


6.1. The parties are responsible for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and the Charter of Motor Transport.

6.2. The parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this Agreement if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances or extraordinary events that arose after the conclusion of the Agreement, which the parties could not foresee and prevent.


7.1. This agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by authorized representatives of the parties and is valid until “” 2019 and can be extended by 1 calendar year in the event that neither Party declares its intention to terminate the Agreement.

7.2. Early termination of the Agreement is possible at the request of one of the Parties after settlement of all settlements. The initiator of termination of the Agreement is obliged to notify the other Party of his decision no less than days before the date of termination of the Agreement.


8.1. All disputes that arise between the parties during the implementation of the terms of this Agreement are resolved through negotiations, and if agreement is not reached, in Arbitration Court.

8.2. The parties have the right to transfer their rights and/or obligations under this Agreement to third parties without the written consent of the other party.

8.3. Any changes and additions to this Agreement will be an integral part if they are in writing, duly executed and signed by both parties or their legal representatives.

8.4. All annexes, amendments and additions to this agreement signed by the parties take precedence over the main text of this Agreement.

8.5. This Agreement is drawn up in two original copies having equal legal force, one for each of the Parties.

8.6. The terms of this Agreement, additional agreements thereto and other information received by the Parties in accordance with the Agreement are confidential and not subject to disclosure



Executor Legal address: Postal address: INN: KPP: Bank: Cash/account: Correspondent/account: BIC:



Performer _________________


for the carriage of passengers by road transport to order

"__" ______ _____ G.

PE _________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Carrier”, represented by _________________________________________________, acting on the basis of a certificate, on the one hand, and WTC “Listok” LLC, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by ______________full name, acting on the basis of the charter, on the other hand, entered into an agreement on as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1 Based on this agreement, the Carrier provides the Customer with a vehicle: a bus brand ____________________ state number ______________ for the transportation of passengers along the route: ___________________________________________________________________________

1.2 Departure time: ___:___ - “___” ____________ ____g.

1.3 Arrival time: ___:___ - “___” ____________ ____g.

2. Rights and obligations of the parties.

2.1. The carrier has the right:

2.1.1. Cancel flights of his vehicles under circumstances that he could not foresee and which he could not prevent, returning to passengers (or the customer of services) the funds they paid for transportation.

2.1.2. Limit or stop transportation in the event of a natural disaster, epidemic, epizootic or other emergency situation.

2.1.3. Cancel the movement of vehicles if there is a threat to the life or health of passengers.

2.2. The carrier is obliged:

2.2.1. Instruct drivers on the Rules of the Road and the Rules for the provision of passenger road transport services.

2.2.2. Ensure staff compliance with road transport legislation.

2.2.3. Provide the driver with the necessary documentation.

2.2.5. Ensure the timely delivery of the vehicle at the specified time and place, according to the order, for boarding passengers and departure, and the corresponding visual information.

2.2.6. Ensure passengers travel to their destination along the route without additional costs in the event of trip termination due to technical malfunction vehicle.

2.3. The customer has the right:

2.3.1. Fill out an application for the transportation of passengers by road transport to order no later than 3 days before transportation.

2.3.2. Make changes to the application in in writing directly or by fax signed by authorized persons.

2.4. The customer is obliged:

2.4.1. Timely pay for services for transporting passengers by road transport to order.

2.4.2. Compile a list of passengers in two copies (for the carrier, the customer) before the start of transportation.

2.4.3. Familiarize passengers with the conditions for receiving transport services.

2.4.4. Inform passengers in advance about the time and place of delivery of the vehicle and inform them about possible additional services.

2.4.5. Allow passengers listed on the list to be carried, check that the packaging and stowage of the cargo comply with the requirements for ensuring its safety during transportation.

2.4.6. Ensures the departure of passengers according to the request.

2.4.7. After providing the transport service, sign waybill and an application for the transportation of passengers by road transport to order, noting the distance traveled by the vehicle, the start and end time of the journey, and in case of a change in the schedule, the reason for it.

3. Payment procedure

3.1. Payments for the transportation of passengers are carried out in accordance with the Certificate of Completion of Work.

3.2. Payment is made by transfer to the Carrier's bank account within 3 (three) banking days from the date of presentation of the invoice.

4. Responsibility of the parties

4.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the guilty party shall compensate the other party for all losses incurred in the amount of actual damage caused.

4.2. For late payment for services for the transportation of passengers by road transport to order, the Customer pays the Carrier a penalty in the amount of double the NBU discount rate of the total amount of debt for each day of delay.

4.3. The parties are released from liability for partial or full fulfillment of obligations under this agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances (natural disasters, war, earthquakes, fires, floods, etc.), if they directly affected the performance of this agreement. The parties are obliged to notify each other about these circumstances immediately, but no later than 3 days from the moment they occur.

5. Procedure for changing and terminating the contract.

5.1. Any changes, additions, or annexes to this Agreement are an integral part of it and come into force if they are made in writing and signed by authorized persons.

5.2. Early unilateral termination of the contract by the Carrier may occur in the following cases:

5.2.1. Payment for services for transporting passengers by road transport to order was not made in a timely manner.

5.2.2. The driver of a vehicle may refuse transportation if the passenger: Is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Disturbs public order. Presents baggage prohibited for transportation or baggage that does not meet the established standards in terms of dimensions. Violates other requirements of the rules for the provision of passenger road transport services.

5.3. In the event of unilateral termination of the contract by the Carrier due to the fault of the passenger, the payment for transportation services is not refunded.

6. Other terms of the agreement

6.1. In the event of an increase in prices for fuels and lubricants, spare parts, materials, an increase in taxes and other fees that are included in the cost of transportation, the Carrier has the right to raise the price for the service of transporting passengers by road to order, which is formalized by an additional agreement.

6.2. Disputes arising under this Agreement are settled through negotiations or resolved in the Economic Court.

6.3. On issues not covered by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of Ukraine and the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

6.4. This agreement for the carriage of passengers is drawn up in 2 copies having equal legal force.

6.5. An agreement concluded by fax has equal legal force as the original.

6.6. The agreement comes into force from the moment of signing by the parties and is valid until “___” _______________ ____.

7. Legal addresses of the parties.

7.1. Carrier:

7.2. Customer:


WTC "Leaf"