How to open a furniture salon: business plan and recommendations. How to open a furniture store? How to sell furniture to order

Owning your own business is the dream of almost every person. And today, aspiring entrepreneurs are often interested in the question of how to open a furniture store. After all, before investing money, you need to find out how profitable such an enterprise can become and what success depends on.

Is it profitable to open a furniture store?

If you are wondering how to open a furniture store, you are probably wondering whether such a business can really be profitable. Everyone needs furniture, be it a family moving to new apartment, boss opening an office or a new restaurant.

Therefore, of course, such an enterprise can become profitable. But, as in any other business, it requires careful calculation, analysis of the market and competitors, as well as attention to detail and creative, but sober thinking.

What documents will be needed?

A furniture store business plan must include costs for registering activities. To begin with, you will need to register tax service. The easiest way would be to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur, on the other hand, if in the future you are going to expand your business or cooperate with large companies, it is better to register a limited liability company.

In order to sell furniture in the premises of your choice, you will need permission from some government agencies. In particular, you will have to undergo a fire inspection and an occupational safety inspection. All collected documents will need to be sent to the city council, where you will be given permission to trade.

There is another option - to register a franchise. Today there are many large companies, which offer partnership, a proven advertising promotion system and, of course, support in everything. Work with famous brand following an established scheme is much easier than starting a business from scratch. But there are some disadvantages here - you will have to carefully comply with all the terms of the contract.

Deciding on a market niche

Don't know where to start a furniture business? First of all, you should think about who exactly you want to see as buyers. Of course, today there are many opportunities for business development.

Maybe you want to sell relatively cheap furniture that will attract clients of low and medium income? Or will you offer premium products, catering to wealthy people? If you have a large room and sufficient start-up capital, then you will always be able to set aside a separate room for expensive, high-quality furniture, while simultaneously selling cheaper goods.

There are other options - you can choose a narrow, but at the same time low-competitive niche. For example, you can offer furniture for offices, hospitals, pharmacies. Wicker garden furniture, which is much cheaper, is becoming quite popular today. Or you can sell glass furniture, natural wood, any other material. In any case, before starting a business, it is worth studying the demand and, of course, the level of competition.

Where to rent a room?

The choice of premises for a store is extremely important stage business development. Location matters. Where is the best place to locate a furniture store? It is more advisable to rent premises in a busy place so that the store is always in sight of city residents.

Thanks to quality advertising campaign And positive feedback customers, your company can become truly popular. But there are some requirements that are worth considering. Of course, electricity and water must be connected to the room.

Don't forget about quality system heating and ventilation. In addition, the building must have a wide, large entrance, since trucks will often come to you. And do not forget that you will probably need a large warehouse, because not all sets of furniture can be displayed in the store.

Room design

Knowing how to open a furniture store won't be successful if you don't pay attention to the nuances. For example, the design of the room is extremely important. After all, you will be selling furniture, and therefore the decor should be elegant and cozy.

So, for walls it is better to choose discreet pastel colors, decorate them with photographs of furniture samples. Take care of the lighting, too, as buyers need to see what they are about to purchase. If your store has furniture different styles, then you can group the goods based on this.

How to sell furniture correctly?

Of course, you will need to find furniture suppliers. Difficulties with this are unlikely to arise, since there are enough manufacturers today. However, you will have to carefully monitor the quality of the goods supplied. Try to find the optimal price-quality ratio that would attract new buyers.

Of course, for good sales It's not just the quality and ambiance of the store that's important. Salespeople play a big role - you will have to hire 1-3 employees depending on the size of the enterprise. Consultants must be held to strict standards.

For example, sociability and ease of communication are necessary qualities for any seller. In addition, employees must have a good understanding of the features of a particular product, know technical specifications etc.

IN ideal you must also arrange for furniture to be delivered to your home. You will also need here additional staff who can assemble the products. The cost of this service may be included in the price of goods or paid separately.

Manufacturing of custom furniture

Yes, selling furniture can be a truly profitable venture. But what if the client needs some specific and rare item? Or do you need furniture of non-standard sizes? Or maybe the buyer wants to purchase a table made of a special type of wood? In this case, your store either refuses to provide customers with such a service, or orders the required products from the manufacturer.

Business in Russia. Guides to starting a business in the regions.
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* The calculations use average data for Russia

If you are looking for an idea to start your own business, you should pay attention to a furniture sales business. Many entrepreneurs do not consider this option because they consider the furniture sector to be too expensive, complex, long to pay off and, most importantly, highly competitive. However, in practice the opposite is true.

Russian furniture market

Despite the unfavorable economic situation, domestic market furniture (primarily upholstered) is growing steadily. Over the past four years, its annual growth rate has averaged 5%. Although literally ten to fifteen years ago the situation was completely different. Then new furniture purchased only after the old one failed. Now our compatriots are looking for a new sofa or armchair because the existing furniture is out of fashion or out of style. Favorable trends in the furniture segment are due to two main reasons - the growing welfare of the population and the presence of international furniture companies.

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According to researchers, the share of imported furniture on the Russian market is increasing every year by 45%. The increase is achieved through the supply of components, since importing finished furniture is too expensive. Logistics costs directly affect the cost of production and, consequently, its market value Same. However, domestic producers do not feel disadvantaged. There is a large number Russian companies, whose furniture is in great demand in a certain price category(mainly low and middle price segment). Again, if we look at the 90s, the situation then was exactly the opposite. After the Iron Curtain was removed, the domestic market was flooded with foreign-made products. Russian furniture companies were helped, oddly enough, by the economic crisis of 1998, when consumers simply could not afford to buy foreign furniture and preferred cheaper Russian ones.

The second economic crisis, which occurred exactly ten years later, again played into the hands of domestic companies, which were able to offer their clients not only optimal combination affordable prices and good quality products, but also a uniform standard of service and, no less important, walking distance to furniture showrooms.

Now the economic situation in the country is close to the situation in 2008. Furniture manufacturers and sellers are already noticing a sharp decline in demand for expensive products and an increase in interest in domestically produced furniture. On the other hand, there is still a construction boom, which significantly increases the demand for furniture. Therefore, experts advise entrepreneurs who are just entering this market to rely primarily on domestic manufacturers, choosing proven brands, good quality (even without designer delights) and affordable prices.

Furniture store formats

First of all, you need to decide on the format of your future store. The classification of such outlets is rather arbitrary. However, within its framework the following formats can be distinguished:

    Standard furniture store. Its assortment includes an average of 200-250 product items, and its area ranges from 300 to 1000 sq. m. meters. The furniture products presented there cover all major product groups (furniture for the bedroom, kitchen, office, upholstered furniture, office furniture).

    Exhibition hall. This store format is suitable for expensive exclusive furniture, often made or imported to order. Each trading position in such a room is usually presented in five to six different variations.

    Furniture hypermarket. The area of ​​such a store is from 1 sq. km, and the assortment includes over 1000 trade items. The widest selection of furniture is presented here (usually in the middle price category): hallways, walls, office furniture, kitchen furniture, bedrooms, etc.

    Specialized store. Stores of this type sell furniture of one specific product group (usually in sets): office, bedroom, upholstered, kitchen, etc.

The format of the furniture store you choose directly depends on the starting capital and the characteristics of the regional market. Assess the level of competition in your city, identify direct and indirect competitors, paying attention to special attention largest chain stores. The mid-price segment is considered the most profitable, but here the life of individual retail outlets is significantly complicated by such “monsters” of furniture retail as Ikea, Hoff, etc. We do not consider a furniture hypermarket in this article, since organizing such a business requires large investments. This segment includes international and federal networks. The exhibition hall is not the best best option in the context of the looming economic crisis. The cost of renting a room for it may be too high with a relatively small selection and high prices for furniture. The standard format is represented mostly by regional networks, although federal players are gradually beginning to oppress them. A highly specialized store also has some disadvantages if we consider it as a business, but they can be leveled out by finding your niche and correctly forming the assortment.

Until recently, the main part of the Russian furniture market was upholstered furniture. However, now the situation has changed significantly. As manufacturers and sellers themselves note, in the home segment the share of bedroom and children's furniture, stationary beds, and living room furniture is increasing due to a decrease in the segment upholstered furniture. This is explained by changes in the way of life of our compatriots. If before this furniture was more of an aesthetic nature and served as interior decoration, now the consumer gives preference to simplicity and functionality. But in the office segment and HoReCa (restaurant and hotel industry), on the contrary, upholstered furniture is becoming more and more in demand: the number of people who prefer to spend their free time outside the home is increasing, and accordingly, the number of establishments where a person can relax and have a good time is growing .

We are drawing up a business plan for a furniture store

After you have chosen the format of your future store, you need to conduct several marketing studies, determining the market capacity and target audience. When determining the capacity of the furniture market, keep in mind that the turnover in this segment is comparable to the turnover building materials. It is estimated at 300 billion rubles (data for 2013). Knowing the capacity of the regional market, you can determine the level of competition in your region.

The next step is to determine how much money it will take to open a furniture store. The main expenses include repairs to the retail premises, lighting, and production of signs. In the total budget, this expense item accounts for up to 45%. Exactly how much money you need depends on the location of the premises, its area, condition, selected building materials, store design, etc. The next significant expense item is inventory. Its share in the total budget is also estimated at 40-45%. The amount of expenses depends on the price category, the number of product groups that you will have, and the positions within each group. The remaining part of the budget (15-20%) is working capital, which includes rent for two months, as well as the monthly wage fund for your employees.

Ready ideas for your business

To open a small specialized furniture store you will need from 3 million rubles. The payback period for such a project is estimated by experts to be at least two years.

Documents for opening a furniture store

In order to open a furniture store, you first need to choose a suitable organizational and legal form of operation own business. That's what it's called legal status subject economic activity and their choice of how to use the property. For small businesses, the best forms of ownership are individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. We will not dwell in detail on the advantages and disadvantages of one form or another. Let's just say that for a small furniture store it is quite enough to register as an individual entrepreneur with the INFS. In this case, you will need to choose a form of taxation. In addition, please note that in order to carry out your activities you must select OKVED codes. There may be several of them, but there is only one main one! The activities we are considering include the following codes:

52.12 - Other retail trade in non-specialized stores;

52.44 - Retail trade of furniture and household goods;

52.44.1 - Retail trade in furniture;

52.48.1 - Specialized retail trade office furniture, office equipment;

52.48.11 - Retail trade of office furniture.

Ready ideas for your business

When choosing OKVED codes, focus not only on those types of activities that you plan to engage in immediately at the very beginning of your work, but also those that may be relevant to you in the future. These may include, for example, the following:

36.11 - Production of chairs and other seating furniture;

36.12 - Production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises;

36.13 - Production of kitchen furniture;

36.14 - Production of other furniture;

51.15 - Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of furniture, household goods, hardware, cutlery and other metal products;

51.15.1 - Activities of agents in the wholesale trade of household furniture;

51.47.1 - Wholesale household furniture, floor coverings and other non-electrical devices;

51.47.11 - Wholesale trade of household furniture;

51.64.3 - Wholesale trade of office furniture.

If some codes are missing from this list, this may subsequently cause difficulties when expanding the scope of your activity. You will have to make changes to the registration documents, which involves additional inconvenience and loss of time.

The list of documents that are submitted to the registration authority (INFS, located at the location of the individual entrepreneur being opened) includes: an application for state registration individual as an individual entrepreneur in form P21001, a receipt for payment of the state fee for registering an individual entrepreneur, an application for transition to a simplified taxation system in form No. 26.2-1 (optional), a copy of the applicant’s passport. Registration documents can be submitted either personally or through a representative by proxy. In addition, you can send everything necessary documents through the “Electronic Services” service or by mail in a valuable letter with a list of all enclosed documents. If all documents meet the requirements, then within five days after submitting them you will receive documents on individual entrepreneur registration.

In addition, you will need to prepare a number of documents necessary to conduct such business activities:

    permission from Rospotrebnadzor employees to locate (this document provides the right to start the operation of the facility);

    production and sanitary control program (opening a furniture store is possible only if you have this document, which is designed to optimize the execution process at the enterprise sanitary rules and norms);

    sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, issued for a specific period by employees of Rospotrebnadzor, determines the compliance of the premises of the facility with the current norms and rules that are presented for of this type enterprises;

    agreements on the removal of solid household waste and other garbage;

    execution of contracts for carrying out deratization, disinfestation, disinfection work, which involves the execution sanitary works for the extermination of pathogens, rodents, insects;

    regulatory documentation for a furniture store;

    drawing up an agreement for the provision of laundry and dry cleaning services for washing work clothes;

    drawing up a contract for disinfection work for vehicles;

    an agreement for regular disinfection and cleaning of ventilation and air conditioning systems;

    official agreement for the disposal of fluorescent (mercury-containing) lamps.

Depending on the region and the specifics of the business, other documentation may be required to open a furniture store.

Furniture store premises

Even at the time of registration documents, start looking for premises for a store. It should be located on the first line and under no circumstances in the courtyards between houses. As for the region, the choice here is not so important. For good and high-quality furniture, people are ready to travel to the other end of the city. And in any case, they will need delivery of purchased furniture to their home, even if the store is located in the same area where they live. When inspecting suitable premises, take into account the requirements and standards defined by law. Thus, industrial goods stores can be located in residential, public or separate buildings, in shopping centers and complexes. If the store is located in a residential building, then the entrance to the premises must be isolated from residential apartments. Norms for the area and height of premises are not regulated, and it is not recommended to use premises with a ceiling height of less than 2.5–2.7 m, with the exception of utility rooms.

Ready ideas for your business

If you find a room on the ground floor, then take into account that according to the standards, it is allowed to place shops in premises without natural light, but the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1./ must be observed. Hygienic requirements to natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings"(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on 04/06/2003), where Table No. 2 shows the standardized indicators of natural, artificial and combined lighting depending on the purpose of the premises. For example, for the sales floors of furniture and sports stores, the minimum level of artificial illumination is 200 lux.

After the premises have been found and a lease agreement has been concluded, you need to obtain the conclusions of the fire inspection and sanitary inspection. The presence of a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological service is the main condition for obtaining permission to operate a store by local authorities and executive branch. To receive a certificate of fire safety the entrepreneur needs to establish fire protection systems in the store premises, provide a sufficient number of fire extinguishers, as well as an emergency exit.

An ordinary furniture store does not require any design delights. It is enough to have fresh renovations and maintain cleanliness in the sales area. Additional benefit furniture stores – no need to buy additional trade equipment. It will be enough to have a counter for the seller and cash register. The latter, by the way, must be registered. In addition, if you plan to hang a sign on the facade of the building where your store is located (and you cannot do without it), you will need to obtain permission from the landlord. Please note: a sign on the facade of a building containing the name of the company and its type of activity is not advertising, and therefore it can be placed without any permits or contracts. But if your sign is located at a different address, then its placement must be agreed upon with the authorized body.

Choosing a furniture supplier for a store

When searching for suppliers of goods for your point, consider several basic requirements for future partners and the products they offer. First of all, the furniture you purchase should be different good quality and affordable prices. Pay attention to reviews about the company you have chosen and its working conditions. Reviews can be found on various websites and forums on the Internet. Of course, you shouldn’t trust them blindly, since many of them are custom-made (that is, they are advertising in nature), but they can still give a certain idea about the supplier. Try to work only with trusted suppliers who have been in the market for a long time. You should not get involved with new companies, even if they offer extremely favorable working conditions. Due to currency fluctuations and consumer preferences, it is best to work with domestically produced furniture. Goods can be taken from suppliers for further sale or purchased at wholesale prices. Don't forget to ask the supplier for certificates for the products they provide.

If you have a preference specialized store, then you will have more suppliers, because you will need to provide a variety of assortments, despite the limited number of product groups. Of course, on average price segment hard to find original options furniture by design and execution. But there is Russian manufacturers, which produce transformable furniture in small quantities, as well as various designer models. The prices for such furniture are slightly higher than average, but you can offer those who wish to choose the option they are interested in from the catalog and bring it to order. Such a service will be in demand, since original and, most importantly, compact furniture (transformable and built-in) is in high demand.

Take time to plan the arrangement of furniture in the sales area. Try to ensure that all models are clearly visible and that price tags are readable from any distance. At first glance, these are small things. But cluttered furniture makes it difficult for people to move around the store and causes them irritation. As studies show, when store visitors do not find what they are looking for, in most cases they immediately leave the store without turning to a sales consultant for help.

Furniture store staff

By the way, since we’re talking about sales consultants, let’s say a few words about the furniture store staff. The success of your business and your profits directly depend on it. Preference should be given to people who have experience in this field, but newcomers should not be neglected. After a little training, which you can do yourself, as well as a careful study of the store's assortment, many of them are in no way inferior to experienced sellers. Many furniture chains conduct entire exams for newly recruited employees, asking them questions about the assortment, selection of furniture for certain interior, materials used in production, color scheme etc. Small stores do not have the means to hire trainers, but you can independently monitor the work of sales consultants by visiting from time to time trading floor. As a rule, a salesperson's salary consists of a salary and a percentage of sales, the amount of which depends on the fulfillment of the established sales plan. This is the best option for financial incentives for employees.

Expenses and profits of a furniture store

The total cost of opening a specialized furniture store is from 3.5 million rubles. Don’t forget to budget for advertising costs – your profits directly depend on them. Print media is suitable for promoting a furniture store mass media(specialized publications), radio, television and outdoor advertising.

The revenue of a furniture store in a small town with a population of up to 500 thousand people, according to various sources, ranges from 2.5-3 million rubles per month. The average markup in the furniture business on products sold is 30-40%, and the net profitability is estimated by experts at 7%. Accordingly, it is possible to recoup all expenses in 2-2.5 years.

It is widely believed that the furniture business is not subject to factors such as seasonality. In fact, it is not true. Based on the sales results of individual furniture stores and retail chains peak sales occur between September and December. Then there is an increase in consumer interest in furniture between March and June. Summer is a “low season” both for the furniture segment and for other stores in general.

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In general, to open a small grocery store in small town it will take about 200 thousand rubles. In large cities this amount will be higher due to higher rental costs. At...

First of all, a beginner needs to take into account that the furniture market has already taken shape. And if 15-20 years ago it was possible to bring any furniture and find a buyer for it, now it is difficult to guess the client’s needs. Therefore, you need to study the market and focus on those segments of the population that you want to serve. The BIBOSS portal was told about the intricacies of this business by a market luminary with many years of experience, general manager Furniture store chain “Vash Byt” Farid Safin.

Where to start?

To begin with, experts advise conducting marketing research. See what your competitors are selling, what their advantages and disadvantages are. Entrepreneurial intuition must work. First of all, you need to understand what niche you want to occupy. There is a strong stratification of the target audience. There are those who buy expensive imported furniture. There are those who come only from functional features furniture - design and manufacturer are not important for them.

Beginning entrepreneurs, as a rule, do not have large capital and the opportunity to occupy large retail spaces for samples. Therefore, it is advisable to start working with the economy and middle class, where the bulk of buyers are concentrated.

You can consult with those who have been working in this market for a long time. They can be manufacturing partners who produce furniture and know what is in demand. In Russia, such manufacturers are established companies that contain marketing services, constantly study demand, go to exhibitions.

By the way, visiting furniture exhibitions is a good way to study the market. Manufacturers display current and new furniture there and monitor the reactions of visitors. There is a lot at the exhibition ordinary buyers, and representatives of retail chains, they enter into contracts with manufacturers for the supply of furniture.

Working with a supplier, you can find out what furniture is in demand in the region. Because demand varies depending on the region. Somewhere one color and model is popular, somewhere else another. For example, in Tatarstan, where there are many Muslims, green, calm tones are held in high esteem. But furniture models throughout Russia are basically the same. Only Moscow and St. Petersburg stand apart - there is a demand for advanced models there. The most cutting-edge modern trend is first mastered in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and then goes to the regions. Therefore, if you are opening a store not in these capitals, then it is better not to immediately bring it here unusual furniture- It is unlikely that it will find a buyer.

How to beat your competitors? We need to find those models that can compete in price and quality with those already on the market.

Farid Safin

If we talk about us, we have been working in the market for a long time and cover all categories of clients - from economy class to VIP clients. In our showrooms you can view catalogs of expensive furniture; we display some samples of Italian and Belarusian furniture high quality. The client places an order and we contact the manufacturer. Orders of expensive furniture are infrequent, so keeping all models in the store is unprofitable, since rent retail space doesn't come cheap.

Investment volume

Farid Safin

General Director (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

As for finding funds for the launch, it is better not to count on government support. Today in Russia, producers and agribusiness are primarily supported. It is believed that trade is already sufficiently developed and organized, so this industry is not subsidized. There is only hope for banks that participate in programs to support small and medium-sized businesses. They lend to businesses at reasonable interest rates.

Farid Safin

General Director (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

But there are nuances. Based on personal experience, I can say that all banks require collateral - premises, apartment, car. At the same time, today the direction of furniture trade is considered a risky business. Recently we wanted to take out a loan, the bank seemed to be happy with everything, there was collateral, but later they told us that the furniture business was risky and they refused the loan. Therefore, not everything is so simple. It’s better to find an investor, partners who are ready to invest in the business and develop together.

What are the running costs of the business? You need to have a warehouse supply of furniture, rent and maintain warehouses where loaders work for the acceptance and release of furniture, and storekeepers. Nowadays accounting systems are computerized, so programmers are needed. Plus transportation costs, including delivery of furniture from the manufacturer - from factories and factories.

How to optimize costs? You can outsource something - for example, programming services, rent warehouses with a ready-made staff of movers, or even work with “wheels” - pick up furniture directly from the factory and immediately deliver it to clients. The advantage of small businesses is that they do not need to maintain a large office staff: dispatchers, commercial service, accounting, management. Many entrepreneurs initial stage All these functions are performed by himself - he is a freight forwarder, a manager, a dispatcher, and an accountant. But even as you grow, it is better not to overstaff, this will allow you to optimize costs.

On average, the running costs of a furniture showroom at the initial stage, with a minimum quantity service personnel, amount to 100-150 thousand rubles per month. But this amount does not include rent - it depends on the area. In large Russian cities, on average - from 800 to 1500 rubles per sq.m.

Step by step instructions

In your activities you will be required to interact with a number of contractors and suppliers. First of all, these are furniture manufacturers. You can contact them directly. But when sales volumes are small, this is difficult, because manufacturers are interested in large orders. Therefore, it is easier for small companies to work with dealers and wholesalers.

Farid Safin

General Director (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

Our company has a wholesale department. We bring furniture from all over Russia, as well as from China, from Belarus, from the Baltic states and release it from our central warehouse in small quantities for small entrepreneurs - they take the assortment that they need. This is convenient for beginning entrepreneurs, especially since they can take into account our trading experience, because we know in which region which furniture is in demand, and we give our recommendations.

If a person once bought furniture in one retail chain and was completely satisfied with the quality and price, next time he tries to go to the same store. A connection is created between the seller and the buyer that is maintained for years. There are regular customers in our network who have been buying furniture from us for many years and bringing their children.

The main quality for a seller is the desire to work. If a person thinks that the furniture will sell itself, and he can sit on the sofa and read, waiting for the buyer to come up and place an order, then you don’t need him. Today there is a wide selection of furniture in different showrooms. And the seller himself must interest the buyer. Most often, after 2-3 months of internship, a person masters the assortment and can already cope well with sales. Developed companies have their own personnel department, which recruits and trains personnel.

Farid Safin

General Director (founder) of the Vash Byt group of companies

We try to ensure that people work in our company stably, constantly. This is what happens. Most of our employees have been working, if not since the founding of the company, then on average for 10-15 years. To do this, we constantly use a motivation system and periodically review it so that it is attractive to our employees. We have a 13th salary, there is a trade union organization that maintains contacts with many institutions - for example, sanatoriums, and you can get discounted vouchers. People can receive vacation pay and sick pay. We hold corporate events - and new year holidays, and March 8, and May 1. IN New Year We summarize the results of the work and announce the best employees, give gifts and certificates of honor.

In shopping centers, you will be forced to adhere to a set work schedule. In free-standing salons, focus on the mode acceptable for a particular area of ​​the city.


There is no need to obtain special permissions. Hygienic quality certificates are needed, but usually they are supplied by the manufacturer themselves.

Today, there are two main types of taxation used by entrepreneurs engaged in retail trade - Single tax on imputed income and a simplified taxation system. UTII is calculated depending on the area. “Simplified” depends on turnover, that is, the tax is paid depending on how many goods are sold. And the choice of type of taxation depends on the traffic of the outlet. There are retail outlets with high traffic, there are high rents, but also returns per sq.m. turnover is also high. In this case, it is better to pay UTII. If the areas are large, but the traffic is low, the rent is low - a simplified system works better here.

Opening checklist

The opening of a store in a separate building must be covered as an event. If the store is designed for the scale of the area, its residents need to know about the opening. Usually, when opening a store, they create a beautiful display of furniture, hang balloons at the entrance, and attract animators who will welcome and entertain guests and children. Such events are not complete without gifts - even if they are small, so that when they come home, people will tell their family and neighbors about your store.

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The first thing a novice entrepreneur needs to decide on is. It is much easier to achieve success in a business that arouses your sincere interest. If you have ever thought about how to start a furniture business, then it is quite possible that this is where you should try to realize yourself.

Furniture has always been in demand. It can be produced both for the VIP segment and for a wide range of consumers. Everything will depend on your desire and business strategy. However, let's start from the very beginning.

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The situation in the furniture market

The growth of housing construction and the development of mortgage lending have led to the fact that the demand for furniture has increased significantly over the past ten years. At the same time, even on the domestic market one can observe an extremely small number of domestic producers. And this despite the fact that Russia occupies one of the leading positions in the world in terms of timber reserves.

Due to the small number of producers, profitability furniture production quite high. If you develop your furniture business wisely, profitability can reach 40% per year. However, to achieve such impressive results, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

The market is now moving towards specialization. And if consumers rush to large stores, where they can buy everything at once, then manufacturers try to focus on producing a specific type of product. This makes it possible to work on product quality, its properties, ergonomics, design, etc.

Until recently, furniture restoration services were in great demand. However, with the growing prosperity of the population, this service remained in demand only in the antique furniture segment. Inexpensive products are easier to replace with new ones.

Decide on the product range. The following groups of furniture can be distinguished:

  • by operational purpose: household or for public places
  • according to technological characteristics: collapsible, sectional, non-dismountable, built-in, bent or wicker
  • By functional purpose: cabinet furniture, furniture for sitting and lying, furniture for working and eating

You can also choose to specialize in antique, children's, upholstered furniture... It all depends only on your production capabilities and range of interests.

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Where to start

The first thing you should do if you decide to start a furniture business from scratch is to write a detailed business plan for furniture production. This will help you draw up an action algorithm for the near future, choose the right strategy and tactics of behavior, and correctly calculate the next steps. In addition, if you do not have your own start-up capital, a business plan will be required when taking out a bank loan.

To understand how to open a furniture business, be sure to read current research on both the all-Russian furniture market and the regional one. This will help you choose the target audience, determine the price level and find out which suppliers and distributors you can cooperate with.

To conduct business legally and not be afraid of inspections, you will need to register legal entity. This is a costly business both in terms of time and money, but the days of underground business are irrevocably gone.

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What to choose: individual entrepreneur or LLC?

If the scope of the business is small, then when choosing a form of ownership you will have to choose between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC. It is easier to register an individual entrepreneur, but upon closer examination, a Limited Liability Company has many significant advantages. First of all, individual entrepreneur is responsible for its activities with its own property, and in case of bankruptcy risks being left without funds. The owner of an LLC risks only his own contribution, the minimum of which is 10 thousand rubles. In addition, an LLC is less often perceived as a fly-by-night company than an individual entrepreneur. In addition, if you register an LLC, you can always hire a director of the enterprise and work on other projects, occasionally monitoring its activities.

On the other hand, if you are not too confident in your abilities, you can first register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, maintaining financial statements it will be easier. In case of expansion, it will always be possible to change the form of ownership.

Go boldly!

So, we already know where to start a furniture business. The business plan is ready, the legal entity is registered. What to do next? Start taking action!

You already know what kind of furniture you will produce and what you will need for it. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase equipment and hire personnel.

If you do not have experience in this field, find yourself an assistant who is well versed in production technology: at the initial stage, his advice will be a great help in getting on your feet.

A knowledgeable person will tell you exactly what machines and tools you will need to implement your plans, and will help you recruit knowledgeable staff.

Choosing a room

At first, it is better to rent the premises in which you will locate your production. It is important to take into account the transport interchange, the condition of the structure, including temperature and humidity conditions.

The recommended air temperature at which the raw materials will not be damaged is 18 degrees Celsius, relative humidity should range from 55 to 70 percent. Humid air will cause the wood to swell and the paintwork to tarnish, as well as lead to the appearance of mold.

The minimum “set” of premises in your production is a workshop, a warehouse for finished products and an administrative room.

Knowing the expected quantity of products, you can determine the volume of purchases. Choose your suppliers responsibly: both the price and quality of your products will largely depend on this. It is better to choose several trusted points where you will purchase basic materials and accessories. Otherwise, if supply disruptions occur, production will stop, resulting in production downtime leading to losses.

Sales and promotion

No matter how high-quality products you produce, you will not be able to conduct successful commercial activities without a competent sales policy. It is important not only to create your own furniture business , but also to keep it afloat, and, if possible, develop it.

The success of any enterprise is related to certain circumstances. What is important is how interesting the company’s products are for consumers and how competitive they are.

At the same time, when starting a business from scratch, the main thing is to do this right choice in favor of one direction or another.

There are many options for starting a new business. Each of them is attractive in its own way and has certain advantages.

Advantages of the furniture business

In terms of development prospects and profitability levels, the furniture business from scratch occupies one of the first places. According to studies of consumer activity, the volume of furniture purchases over the past two years has not only not decreased, but also increased.

There is a decline in sales of luxury furniture. And even then, this decrease is very insignificant. And sales of mid-range and economy-level furniture have increased. This trend continues and is likely to continue in the coming years.

The fact is that buying furniture is perceived as a serious purchase, along with a car. However, unlike a car. Buying furniture is more affordable. Therefore, investments in the furniture business seem correct and economically justified.

Why starting a furniture business is profitable

Starting your own business is always a responsible decision. Therefore, every entrepreneur wants to insure themselves. In the case of this business, some of its features serve as such insurance:

Sales stability

Furniture sales do not fall depending on the time of year. They do not depend on foreign exchange rates and the cost of natural resources. Along with clothes, furniture is an item that will always be needed. Therefore, she is a sales leader.

A market snapshot taken at any time of the year will show that the level of furniture sales remains stable.

At the same time, important point is the availability of offers. Furniture prices have increased, but not critically. It is still accessible to the public, unlike cars. This is also due to the fact that most of these products are produced in Russia.

But this circumstance also has a negative connotation for a newcomer to the furniture business. It's highly competitive.

However, it is surmountable. There are hundreds of furniture options. Therefore, you can always find your niche and work within it, receiving stable decent money;

Possibility of small investments

Furniture production involves completely different levels investments. There are several market segments in which you can work. If we talk about low-budget investments, then such a business is available to everyone. At the same time, own production The good thing is that it can be gradually developed. You can introduce new technologies, purchase equipment and obtain more interesting and varied products;

Lack of a large number of documents

To start a furniture business, you don’t need to complete a lot of paperwork. An individual entrepreneur can also organize his own enterprise. At the same time, there are no special requirements for production premises. It is enough to comply with general fire safety and sanitary standards;

Selection of suppliers

Thanks to a large number suppliers of upholstery materials, various fillings, accessories and other things, everyone will be able to choose the most profitable options.

What you need to open a furniture business

Of course, starting a new business from scratch requires investment. However, the volume of these investments depends on the capabilities of each businessman. Therefore, it makes sense to talk about general conditions organizing such a business:

First of all, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur. The costs of this procedure are small and limited to several thousand rubles. At the same time, using the services of various companies is completely optional;

You will need to choose a tax system. The most acceptable is the imputed income tax system. Thus, the entrepreneur will pay a fixed amount annually. Nothing more will be required from him.

Everything is done with the help of multifunctional centers that design everything necessary documents. To do this, you only need an application and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Will need production premises. In order to save money, it can be rented on the outskirts. After all, this is not a place of sales. Therefore, such premises should not be located in the city center or in close proximity to it.

We must not forget that such a room must meet the requirements fire safety. Otherwise, this is fraught with large fines and suspension of the enterprise.

It is necessary to provide methods for removing waste and delivering products to retail outlets. Thus, the location of the production facility should be convenient, and the room itself should be spacious.

A competent choice of suppliers of fittings and upholstery materials will save you good money. Each of these suppliers strives to find a new client and cooperate with him indefinitely. Therefore, it always makes sense to negotiate the terms of discounts and other privileges.

Also, it will be necessary to hire assemblers and other personnel. In order to reduce the cost of paying them, you should set them a minimum wages. Its level is established by law and the salary cannot be less than it. And the rest of the income, the employees will have to earn.

The point is to tie the level of earnings of employees of an enterprise that is opened from scratch to the level of productivity of their labor.

The more an employee completes in a day, the more money he will receive at the end of the month. This approach seems to be the most justified. Subject to good faith, the employees themselves will be interested in it, first of all.

In this way, it will be possible to seriously stimulate them. Ultimately, this will lead to increased productivity and, consequently, increased sales. In addition, performance discipline will increase, and interest in the results of work on the part of the team will also increase. These circumstances will create exactly the conditions that are necessary for the sustainable development of a new business.

In general, it should be noted that the furniture business is a promising industry. This market segment is constantly evolving, new models and new developments are appearing.

The quality of services and final products improves. Therefore, being inside and understanding the ongoing processes and following them means creating a full-fledged, effective and profitable business.

At the same time, the level of investment is determined by each investor independently. However, in order to reduce risks, it is not advisable to use all your capabilities at once. It makes sense to let the business and the conditions in which it will develop prove itself.