How to connect a domestic sewage pumping station. Domestic sewer pumping stations: types, design, installation examples

Thanks to penetration modern technologies in various areas, today it is possible to solve many problems at lower costs. And the implementation of some tasks has become easier. The installation of a sewage pumping station is an opportunity to ensure the transportation of wastewater from a private home or office. Thanks to this equipment, a solution to the main problem is provided - the absence of a slope for effective wastewater drainage.

It is not always possible to transport used water and sewage from buildings by gravity due to the lack of slope. If it is absent or very small, then the use of natural drainage when discharging sewage can lead to clogging of the system. The same result can be counted on when the system contains small cross-section pipes. Clogging of the sewer occurs when inclusions such as:

  • sand;
  • gravel.

Their presence leads to a decrease in the efficiency of washing off fats and other deposits from the pipe walls. Therefore, to ensure effective wastewater disposal, the best solution is to install a sewage pumping station. Its use in private homes and offices for drainage has several advantages:

  • ease of maintenance;
  • The equipment can operate automatically.

Selection of KNS

If the owner decides to install a water pumping station for effective wastewater disposal, then when choosing it it is necessary focus on the following parameters:

  • degree of wastewater contamination;
  • fraction and structure of inclusions.


Modern CNS are of two types:

  • station with capacity;
  • high-performance stations equipped with a level sensor.

If we talk about compact-sized SPS equipped with a level sensor, then, in fact, they are small-sized devices that emit a minimal noise level during operation. They can be installed directly behind the toilet or washing machine. Depending on the required power, the sewer station may have several receiving pipes and one outlet valve.

Currently popular models of QNS are those with large toilet entrance and several washbasins. Their installation can be carried out in any premises where difficulties arise with the transportation of wastewater. For example, if drainage points are located below the level of the sewer main, then in such cases the only possible and the right decision is the installation of a pumping station. The use of such equipment provides the opportunity to minimal costs arrange the bathroom and kitchen.

Elements of KNS

Included in the pumping station includes three components:

IN modern models KNS main details made from polymer materials. This makes it possible to eliminate the occurrence of corrosion processes on their surface. When constructing such a system, it is installed in the ground at a certain depth or in a mine equipped in a special way.

Depending on the requirements of the owner, as well as the characteristics of the object, the equipment of the pumping station may include two pumping units. This option is chosen when pumping station installed in a private house. If it is located in office space or in an industrial plant, it can include up to 5 pumps.

For domestic purposes, several are most often used different types pumps and various mechanisms. Experts recommend using pumps to create a sewerage station, having a cutting edge, thanks to which the clogging of the system by large pollutants stops. Application of similar solutions to industrial enterprises can cause the pumping station to fail if solid inclusions from plastic and concrete enter it.

Installation of pump station

When performing work on the installation of such pumping stations, they are guided by requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85. This document records:

Features of installation of pump station

The sewage pumping station should be located at the general level. In this case, the most effective technique drains. When a sufficient quantity of wastewater has accumulated in the station’s tank and the sensor is triggered, wastewater is released to the disposal site. A special feature of this process involves installing a sewer check valve. It is necessary to prevent the water column from returning to the receiver.

Alarm systems High-performance sewage pumping stations can be equipped. It will operate in cases where the pumping equipment used in the systems cannot cope with the incoming volume of wastewater. The alarm will also be triggered if the installations fail. Some stations may include temperature level sensors, and in addition, meters of the pumped volume of wastewater.

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the drainage system, pumping stations can be equipped with a backup power source. For the reason that the power of the pumping station is quite high, and the starting currents for pumping equipment required high enough, installation required powerful battery. Therefore, when choosing a power source for the KNS, use gasoline generators or units running on diesel fuel. In this case, even in the event of an emergency power outage, the station will operate as usual.

KNS service

As part of a high-performance pumping station there is a filtration system, which is represented by a pre-cleaning capacity. Heavy fractions, as well as large objects, accumulate in it. They are there before they enter the pumping chamber. Such designs usually provide a hatch through which people, using a shovel, ensure effective cleaning of the receiver. For the reason that not only household waste, but also waste water, For efficient work equipment, it is necessary to clean the receiver once a month.

Alternative solutions

Although sewerage stations in private homes and offices began to be used not so long ago, nevertheless, there is already a large selection alternative options, which are effective and at the same time affordable. One of them is submersible drainage sewage pumps. The main purpose of this equipment is to pump water from the basement from the ground floor. These pumps can also be used to pump out wastewater from cesspools.

If you purchased such equipment, then with a little modification you can make a sewer station on your own. To do this, you only need to purchase a container from polymer material and some plumbing equipment:

  • valves;
  • fitting;
  • sewer pipes.

Models of sewerage stations based on fecal waste are currently available on the market. drainage pumps. They are offered in large assortment. Among the models offered you can find installations equipped with cast iron knives. Some models have cutting edges made of stainless steel and steel. The performance of these systems varies greatly, so you can choose suitable option to your home or office.


Not in all cases when creating sewer system It is possible to build a well or bury a container to drain wastewater into the ground. In such cases, the solution to the problem is to install a water pumping station. With their help, even from a building that has a sewer system with a slight slope of pipes, it is possible to ensure effective removal of used water and wastewater. Offered on the market large selection of models pumping stations. They vary in cost, performance and size. Therefore, every owner of a private home or office can choose the appropriate equipment.

Often, owners solve the problem of draining wastewater from a building by installing a tank in the basement for temporary storage of wastewater. Here the best option there will be use of sewer console type stations. In such cases, the container is installed in cabinet furniture in the basement. The dry installation method is used, which eliminates damage to walls or floors during the work. After this, you can connect plumbing fixtures, washing machine and use them without experiencing any problems with the disposal of used water and wastewater. All wastewater will be efficiently drained from the building and then pumped to the recycling site.

), differ in their types and designs.

There are two main types of pumping stations: industrial and household, which in turn differ: in the material of the housing, and in the type of installation, etc. You will read about this in another article, and today our task is to convey to you the principle of operation, based on from the KNS device.

The operating principle of a sewer pumping station is to accumulate sewage waste in a tank and periodically pump it under pressure into a pipeline, through which it will flow to the very central branch of the sewer pipeline.

CNS schemes also differ from each other - they can be supplemented:

  • a grinder for sewage pumping station, which grinds large waste feces into a homogeneous mass;
  • heating devices that are necessary in areas with predominant low temperatures, etc.

But the basic components are always the same.

This is a reservoir, the purpose of which is, in principle, clear to you. Here we can only clarify that it can be made from various materials resistant to rot and rust, i.e. plastic, concrete, reinforced steel, etc. By the way, the material of the KNS body plays one of the important roles in constructing the price of this unit.

The second most important element of the sewer pumping device is the submersible fecal pump itself, which is brought into operation when the waste liquid rises to the response level of the level sensors for the pumping station (floats).

After turning on the pump, the waste is pumped into a distribution chamber with valves that allow you to control the release of liquid into the pipeline, and components such as check valves will not allow it to return back.

Here is the basic principle of operation of a pumping station with submersible pumps. The only thing I would like to dwell a little on is some of the elements of the SPS device, namely, the above-mentioned float switches, because they, in essence, control the operation of the pump - they turn it on and off.

There are always several floats - three or even four. This was invented for the so-called safety net, and not for some kind of show-off for visitors.

The operating principle of the float switches of the sewage pumping station differs in the following:

  1. launches submersible pump when wastewater has accumulated to the set level;
  2. turns off this device when the water in the reservoir drops to the minimum level, namely, 50 cm from the bottom of the housing;
  3. launches spare suction equipment when the level of liquid waste exceeds the one marked, preventing an emergency;
  4. signals in the event of an emergency situation, i.e. raising feces to the level of the supply pipe. The signal is visible on the console of the control cabinet of the pumping station and can be repeated with an audible warning.

So that there is no emergency situations, do not throw waste that contains polystyrene foam, polyethylene and other non-degradable elements into the sewer, as they can damage all equipment.

Some devices are equipped with a grid for collecting large debris, but it does not always save you from unwanted clogging.

For large stations there is a hatch through which you can go down the stairs. Also, through it, the pumping units themselves are raised to the surface, if necessary.

There must also be ventilation for the pumping station, otherwise interesting odors will not take long to appear, but getting rid of them will take much more time.

After installation and connection of all pipes, as well as power supply to the pumping station, put the unit into operation only with an employee of the company where you purchased this device. This is necessary so that if even one part breaks down, the entire device will be taken back or replaced with a new one.

A sewerage pumping station (SPS), designed for pumping wastewater, is a whole complex technical devices, which also includes special tanks. Such stations are used in cases where it is not possible to transport wastewater through the sewer system by gravity. For example, you cannot do without a station if the bathroom is located below the level at which the sewer pipe is installed.

Today you can purchase sewer stations of various modifications, which differ in technical characteristics, design, and scope of application. That is why, before proceeding with the selection of such installations, if the need arises for them, you should understand them design features, principle of operation, as well as get acquainted with the main types of such equipment and the differences between them.

General information

Depending on the complexity of the design and performance characteristics Sewage pumping stations can be divided into three main categories: simple, medium and complex. It makes no sense to use complex water pumping stations for a private home, since such expensive installations are characterized by high performance, significantly exceeding the volume of wastewater accumulating in a private building. Complex category water pumping stations are equipped with industrial enterprises, in the process of which they generate large number waste water

To service private homes, it is advisable to use household pumping stations, which are characterized by their compact dimensions and affordable cost. When choosing a specific modification of a water pumping station for a home, the expected volume of wastewater, the degree of its contamination, as well as the type of contaminants that are present in such waters are taken into account. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the topography of the area where the station will be installed, as well as the depth of the sewer pipes.

Device diagram

Different types of pumping stations for sewage differ from each other in design, but regardless of the modification, their main elements are a pump and a sealed tank into which waste products are collected. The reservoir with which the sewage pumping station is equipped can be made of concrete, plastic or metal. The task of the pump that is equipped with the sewerage station is to raise wastewater to a certain level, after which it flows into the storage tank by gravity. Once the tank is filled, the wastewater is pumped out and transported to a disposal site.

Often, the design of a household pumping station includes two pumps, the second of which is a backup and is used in cases where the main one fails. Sump stations serving industrial and municipal enterprises with large volumes of wastewater are required to be equipped with several pumps. Pumping equipment for pumping station can be various types. Thus, domestic sewage pumping stations, as a rule, are equipped with pumps with a cutting mechanism, with the help of which the waste is crushed. fecal matter and other inclusions contained in wastewater. On industrial stations Such pumps are not installed, since solid inclusions contained in wastewater manufacturing enterprises, getting into the cutting mechanism of the pump, can lead to its breakdown.

In private homes, mini water pumping stations are often installed, the pumps of which are connected directly to the toilets. Such an aesthetically designed water pumping station (a real mini-system equipped with a pump with a cutting mechanism and a small storage tank) is usually installed directly in the bathroom.

Serial models of sewage pumping stations are equipped with polymer tanks that are buried in the ground, while the neck of such a tank for sewage pumping stations is located on the surface, which facilitates routine inspections, maintenance and repair of the tank, if the need arises. The neck of the storage tank before the start of operation of the pumping station is closed with a lid, which can be made of polymer material or metal. The connection of such a tank to the sewer system, through which wastewater flows into it, is carried out using pipes. To ensure that wastewater flows into the storage tank evenly, a special bumper is provided in its design, and a water trench wall is responsible for ensuring that no turbulence occurs in the liquid medium.

The equipment of sewer pumping stations for a private home includes: control devices and automatic control mechanisms. Additional elements that are supplied to industrial sewage pumping stations and installations for servicing a home sewer system include:

  • a source that provides backup power supply to the equipment included in the pumping station;
  • pressure gauges, pressure sensors, elements shut-off valves;
  • equipment that provides cleaning of pumps and connecting pipes.

How does KNS work?

The CNS has a fairly simple operating principle.

  • Wastewater from the sewer system enters the receiving part of the installation, from where it is pumped into the pressure pipeline.
  • Through a pressure pipeline, wastewater is transported to a distribution chamber, from where it is then pumped into the treatment plant system or into the central sewer system.

To ensure that wastewater does not return through the pipeline to the pump, the pumping station is equipped with a check valve. If the volume of wastewater in the sewer pipeline increases, an additional pump is turned on at the station. If the main and additional pumps for the pumping station cannot cope with pumping the volume of wastewater, then a device is automatically turned on, signaling the occurrence of an emergency situation.

The operating principle of industrial pumping stations provides automatic control such installations that provide float-type sensors installed on different levels station receiving tank. A CNS equipped with such sensors operates according to the following principle.

  • When the level of wastewater entering the tank reaches the level of the lowest sensor, the pumping equipment remains turned off.
  • When the tank is filled with wastewater to the level of the second sensor, the pump automatically turns on and begins pumping the wastewater.
  • If the tank is filled with waste to the level of the third sensor, the backup pump is turned on.
  • When the tank is filled to the fourth (topmost) sensor, a signal is triggered indicating that both pumps involved in the pumping station cannot cope with the volume of wastewater.

After the level of wastewater pumped out of the tank drops to the level of the lowest sensor, the system automatically turns off the pumping equipment. The next time the system is turned on, the backup pump is activated to pump wastewater out of the tank, which allows both pumping devices to operate in a gentle mode. The station’s operation can also be switched to manual control mode, which is necessary in cases where the pumping station is being maintained or repaired.

Types of pumping equipment for pumping stations

The main and most important element any sewerage pumping station is a pump whose task is to pump out domestic and industrial wastewater, sludge and liquid medium coming from storm sewer. The main types of pumps that are used to equip pumping stations are:

Submersible pumping equipment, related to pressure-type devices, during operation is constantly in the liquid medium it pumps, so the body of the devices of this type made from materials that are resistant to the aggressive effects of substances contained in wastewater.

Among the advantages of submersible pumping equipment used to equip the pumping station are:

  1. no need for a specially designated installation location, since such equipment is located in the medium it pumps;
  2. high reliability;
  3. ease of use;
  4. no need for frequent maintenance;
  5. ability to function effectively even when low temperatures;
  6. spontaneous cooling internal elements equipment carried out by the liquid medium pumped by it;
  7. versatility, which lies in the fact that pumps of this type can also be installed on the surface of the earth.

Using cantilever pumps located on the surface of the earth, industrial pumping stations are serviced. To install such pumping equipment, it is necessary to prepare a separate concrete site and correctly install pipes to it, so it is best to trust the implementation of such a responsible procedure to qualified specialists. The advantages of cantilever-type pumping equipment include:

  • high reliability;
  • ease of maintenance and repair (since the pump is located on the surface of the earth);
  • the ability to change the performance of the device, which is carried out by replacing the electric motor and other structural elements.

Surface self-priming pumps, which can be used to pump even heavily contaminated media, are used to service pumping stations of industrial and municipal enterprises. If we talk about the advantages of pumps of this type, then these include:

  • ease of maintenance, which is ensured by a retractable design;
  • the possibility of pumping wastewater containing solid inclusions;
  • ability to work even with negative temperatures when equipped with special heating element;
  • maximum tightness of the housing, which is ensured by a double mechanical seal;
  • ease of installation and dismantling.

In order to install the pumping station, it is necessary to first prepare a pit to accommodate the station’s storage tank. The depth of the prepared pit should be such that the neck of the storage tank protrudes 1 meter above the ground surface. When preparing a pit, you should also take into account that at its bottom it is necessary to equip sand cushion 1.5 meters thick. After preparing the pit, a storage tank is placed in it, to which all the necessary pipes are connected. The final procedure for this stage of installation of the pump station is filling the pit with sand and compacting it layer by layer.

Further installation of the SPS consists of adjusting the stroke of the floats, which must be located in the tank at certain levels. So, the first (lowest) float is installed in the container at a level of 0.15–0.3 m from its bottom. The remaining floats, if the SPS device provides for their presence, are installed in the container in increments of 1.5 meters. You can see how the floats should be positioned in the SPS tank using photos that are easy to find on the Internet.

Levels are controlled using float sensors, which provide timely start and stop of pumps, as well as alarm levels

After the entire structure of the SPS has been assembled, the station is connected to the power supply, for which well-insulated cables are used. A test run of the station, the purpose of which is to check the operability of all its elements, is carried out using clean water coming from the water supply system or storage tank.

To get an idea of ​​what the assembled station should look like, take a photo of the pump station or a video demonstrating the process of its installation.

Both domestic and industrial sewage pumping stations require regular maintenance to maintain efficiency and extend the life of the equipment used. Maintenance involves the following procedures.

  1. First, the equipment is inspected and the condition of the pumps, shut-off valve elements is checked, and the parameter values ​​reflected by the control panel of the pumping station are checked. If during operation the pumping equipment makes a lot of noise and vibrations, it is removed, inspected, cleaned and washed.
  2. To clean and rinse pumping equipment, as well as the station body, brushes and plain water, and do not use any detergents. When flushing the pump station using water supplied from a hose, it is important to ensure that the liquid does not get on the control panel and pressure gauges.
  3. After dismantling the pumping equipment for inspection, cleaning and flushing, reinstallation should be carried out in such a way that all devices are securely fixed to the automatic pipe coupling.
  4. Maintenance sewer pumping stations also involves checking the catchers that protect pumping devices from hitting them inner part large garbage.

We offer professional and qualified installation of underground equipment, including various types KNS: fiberglass, polypropylene, polyethylene. The total depth of the product can reach 7 meters. And the diameter is two meters. The complexity of the work depends on the composition of the soil and the groundwater level. In general, these jobs are hazardous and require special tool, special equipment and additional equipment. As a rule, JCB 4CX backhoe loaders are used to install pumping stations up to 3.5 m deep. And for work at great depths, large wheeled or tracked JCB JS160 excavators are used. At high level Groundwater is dewatered locally using wellpoints.

Before performing work it is necessary carry out all necessary survey work: engineering drilling, soil sampling, determination of the appeared level and the steady level groundwater. After this, a project for the production of work is drawn up with reference to real estate objects, including horizontal and vertical sections of equipment on site. Before starting work, a contract is signed installation work with a work schedule. The site must be ready for installation and all necessary approval certificates must be signed. Immediately after completion of work and commissioning, we sign an acceptance certificate for equipment and work with the customer. From this moment the warranty obligations for the work performed begin.

The cost of installing a pumping station

When calculating the cost of installing a complete pumping station, the following are taken into account: the remoteness of the site, the complexity of the equipment, the groundwater level and the type of soil. In general, we can say that the installation of a 3m high pumping station will cost 35 thousand rubles without taking into account materials and additional work. More accurate calculations any professional contractor will give it only after visiting the site.

As a rule, the installation of an underground pumping station includes:

  • Excavation;
  • Strengthening the walls of the pit, formwork;
  • Installation of reinforced concrete slab;
  • Leveling the base with sand and compacting;
  • Leveling equipment, anchoring;
  • Backfill.

Where we install water pumping stations in the Moscow region. Geography of work.

Moscow, together with the Moscow region, is dispersed over a large territory. Each area has its own soil conditions and installation requirements. Our installation department has extensive experience in every district of Moscow and the Moscow region. Let's install modern equipment at your facility in any of the cities: Korolev, Ruza, Balashikha, Krasnoarmeysk, Sergiev Posad, Bronnitsy, Krasnogorsk, Serpukhov, Vidnoye, Krasnoznamensk, Solnechnogorsk, Volokolamsk, Lobnya, Stupino, Voskresensk, Losino-Petrovsky, Fryazino, Dzerzhinsky, Lukhovitsy, Khimki , Dmitrov, Lytkarino, Chernogolovka, Dolgoprudny, Lyubertsy, Chekhov, Domodedovo, Mozhaisk, Shatura, Dubna, Mytishchi, Shchelkovo, Yegoryevsk, Naro-Fominsk, Elektrostal, Zheleznodorozhny, Noginsk, Yubileiny, Zhukovsky, Odintsovo, Zaraysk, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Zvenigorod , Pavlovsky Posad, Ivanteevka, Podolsk, Istra, Protvino, Kashira, Pushkino, Klimovsk, Pushchino, Klin, Ramenskoye, Kolomna, Reutov.

Currently, most industrial enterprises, as well as private residential sectors, are equipped with a sewerage station. This is necessary for forced drainage of waste and industrial waters. For example, if the bathroom is located below the main line, then the option of removing wastewater by gravity disappears by itself. Let's take a closer look at what a sewer pumping station is and how this device works. In addition, we will consider the key points of installing equipment without the involvement of specialists.

General concepts and information

Currently, three types of CNS are sold depending on the design: simple, medium and complex. If you want to organize wastewater disposal in a private home, then it hardly makes sense for you to purchase complex sewage pumping stations. Firstly, it is very, very expensive, and secondly, their productivity significantly exceeds the amount of wastewater that will accumulate in your place. In most cases, the simplest QNS is sufficient, but if we're talking about about a large industrial enterprise, then it makes sense to give preference to more complex designs.

Domestic sewage pumping station: design

Depending on the manufacturer, the KNS equipment may be disabled. To put it clearly and briefly, such a pumping station is a sealed tank with a fecal pump. What is it for? storage capacity, It's clear. Waste products are collected there. The material can be different: concrete, plastic, metal. The purpose of the pump is to raise wastewater to a certain level, then the outflow is realized by gravity. Often the design involves several such pumps. One is working, and the second is a reserve one, which is needed to support the pumping station in working condition in the event of failure of the main one. In addition, there is a piping system with valves to control the pumps. The pipes can lead to treatment systems or drain water into the central sewer system. Another integral part of the design is the float switches, almost the same as in cisterns toilets. They work simply - when the drains reach a certain level, the system turns on and the water is pumped out.

Operating principle of the CNS

Let's take a closer look at how the device functions. It’s worth noting right away that there is nothing complicated. When the wastewater level rises to a certain point, the float switch sends a signal to the receiving tank into which the waste is pumped. It is worth noting that there are submersible pumps there. When they are turned on, the wastewater is sent to the distribution chamber through a pressure pipeline. By opening the water, they go either to treatment plant, or into the central sewer. To prevent wastewater from flowing back into the distribution chamber, a check valve. This is how CNSs work. Sewage pumping stations are equipped with a ladder through which maintenance is carried out. The hatches in the upper part of the unit are sealed, which prevents odors from penetrating into the maintenance area.

Types depending on power

Mini-stations are a very simple device that connects directly to the toilet. Low power pump (no more than 400 W), fecal submersible, with cutting tools. Essentially this is good decision for the dacha.

There are also medium KNS. Sewage systems of this type are equipped with a polymer tank and a submersible pump. They are in greatest demand due to their high versatility. They are suitable both for a summer residence and for use in an industrial enterprise, in contrast to small and large pump stations. If the device is intended for use in living conditions, then most often one pump with cutting elements is mounted. For industrial use, pumps do not have cutting elements; there are 2 of them.

As for large water pumping stations, they are used in large industrial enterprises and in urban sewerage systems. The pumps in this case are multi-channel, without cutting tools.

If you decide to choose a sewage pumping station, then be careful. There are several important details, which you should always pay attention to. But first, check the following points:

  • depth of the system;
  • pump performance;
  • type of pump (with cutting tools, single-channel or multi-channel running wheels);
  • the material from which the pump body is made;
  • body diameter.

You need to understand that today manufacturers make cases from polypropylene and fiberglass reinforced. There are also housing options made of polyethylene, concrete and steel. But the last two are more expensive. The metal will also corrode.

In order for the “filling” of the station to serve as long as possible, all its elements must be stainless. If seismic activity occurs, the housing must be heavy-duty. For northern regions necessary additional insulation, the burial depth may also have to be increased. So the sewer systems will serve faithfully for a long time.

What is good about the Grundfos sewage pumping station?

This manufacturer is considered the market leader in the production of modern pumping stations. It is worth paying attention to the wide range of Danish products. Here you can find both mini-sewage stations and a “wet well” modification, etc. For example, the manufacturer gives a guarantee of about 50 years on the mini-station. This is despite the fact that the installation requires virtually no maintenance. In addition, you can buy a product to order.

Let's take a look at technical specifications Grandfos Integra. The installation itself is quite large, its height can range from 4.5 to 12 meters. Pneumatic cylinders provide a seal, and the tank is made of fiberglass, so it is very durable. Of course, we can safely say that KNS, originally from Denmark, are considered one of the best. This is due not only to the build quality, but also to the use of advanced technologies.

How to create a project?

Before you begin directly installing the equipment, you need to calculate everything. And the first thing is water consumption. To do this, you need to take the minimum and maximum expenses, and as a result you will get the average. Next you need to decide on the power of the pump. To do this, it is worth calculating the height of the rise of the drains, taking into account the losses of the heating pipeline and air.

But it doesn't end there. It is also necessary to draw up a general operating schedule for the station, and the figure obtained as a result of the functional calculation should be slightly larger than the usual calculation. It is important to understand that there are different pumps. Some are designed to work for short periods of time under load, others vice versa. We must not forget about the occurrence of overloads, which the submersible pump must withstand. The more often they occur, the more powerful the unit is needed. At the final stage, we determine the volume of the receiving tanks and can proceed directly to installation.

pumping station

Before installing the main equipment, you will need to supply concrete slab, to which the base is attached. Her minimum thickness should be 30 cm. Special anchors can be used for connection. Then you can proceed directly to installation. To do this, the first thing you need to do is dig a pit of appropriate depth and diameter. If they appear groundwater, then you will need to make a foundation. Then you can install the station and attach it to the slab, and then fill the SPS with soil.

In most cases, the installation of a sewage pumping station takes place without any problems. As noted above, for northern regions where soil freezing is significant, additional insulation will be required. It could be sheets of foam or something like that. If we are talking about installing a mini-station, then basic plumbing skills will be enough. The main thing is to ensure tight connections and correctly. At this point, the installation can be considered complete.

About the advantages of CNS

Of course, it is not always advisable to install a sewage pumping station. If you have a normal central sewer system, then there is definitely no point in this purchase. However, most private sectors require CNS. And this is an obvious fact. Let's look at the main advantages that a sewer station has. Firstly, this kind of structure very effectively saves living space, since the equipment is located on the street. Another big plus is the complete automation of the process. After you complete the construction of a sewage pumping station, you can almost forget about this structure. Of course, the installation requires periodic maintenance. KNS is completely harmless to environment, which is important, especially if the device is installed on an industrial site. Some models have purification filters, so wastewater can be sent directly into the ground.

Some interesting points

If you buy a complete sewage pumping station, then it is easier to entrust its installation to specialists. They will install the pipeline for you and do the necessary tests. If you decide to do everything yourself, then be prepared to work hard. It’s unlikely that you can do it in a day or even a week, especially if you have to dig the pit by hand. However, you can save a significant amount and gain valuable experience. By the way, as for equipment prices, Sanicubic (France) with a capacity of 15 kW will cost you about $5,000. In this case, wastewater will be sent directly to the ground after treatment. But Homa Saniflux from Germany - the equipment is very expensive, about $18,000. Domestic manufacturers supply KNS at a slightly lower price.


So we looked at typical sewage pumping stations. As you can see, this is quite an expensive technique. However, in some cases this is the only option available. Although we can say that many craftsmen themselves make something like a CNS, however, it costs an order of magnitude cheaper. It always makes sense to purchase a sewer station in half with a neighbor. This option is extremely relevant for a summer residence or a large private sector. This way you can save a significant amount of money, and installation will be easier with third-party support.