How to hang photo wallpaper in the corner of a room. How to properly apply wallpaper on corners

Modern wallpaper is hard to call a cheap finishing material - vinyl, non-woven, vinyl on a non-woven base, textured and paintable... You will admire the result of wall covering for the next 5-10 years. Most often, problems arise with how to glue wallpaper in the corners. Let's figure it out together.

Types of wallpaper - choosing the latest materials

Paper wallpaper – timeless classic repair. Their unfading popularity is due to two factors - low cost and wide range. However, it should be understood that rolls of paper, no matter how beautiful pattern they were not decorated, they remain a very short-lived material, and there is no point in gluing them in the hope of a long service life.

In just a year or two they will lose their former attractiveness, and if there are small children or animals in the house, this process can speed up significantly. However, this minus can be used to your advantage in cases where you need to make light cosmetic repairs in a rented apartment, or when you like to experiment with the interior.

Vinyl wallpaper on paper based– more durable option finishing. The front side, which bears the bulk of all operational loads, in this case performs a layer of polyvinyl chloride. And he has a lot of positive qualities:

  • it can be washed repeatedly, even with the use of detergents;
  • foamed vinyl up to 10 times;
  • vinyl does not fade, does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • the decorative effect in the case of silk-screen printing or thick wallpaper (varieties of vinyl) is comparable to the most expensive finishing materials.

Paper-based vinyl wallpaper lasts much longer. Among the disadvantages, you should remember about the airtightness of vinyl, however, if you wish, you can find more on the market modern varieties finishes that do not have this problem. Vinyl rolls on a paper base are glued in the same way as regular paper wallpaper, so for most people it will not be difficult to glue the canvases without special preparation.

Just keep in mind that the vinyl layer significantly increases the weight of the canvas, therefore, ordinary wallpaper glue will not work here; you need glue for heavy wallpaper.

The fact is that the glue is applied only to the wall. There is no need to apply it to the canvases and wait for them to absorb it and swell. To ensure perfect joints, very careful marking is required. Non-woven wallpaper is another type of finishing material made only from non-woven material. Wallpaper can have a textured pattern, but, as a rule, it is a smooth canvas with interesting patterns. They are glued in the same way as the previous version.

Where to start gluing - do we do it the old fashioned way?

Traditionally, the most difficult places in the gluing process are the corners. In most cases, they are far from ideal, therefore, if you start gluing from the corner of the canvas joint to joint, you can get a significant vertical distortion. Many people mistakenly believe that distortions can be avoided if windows or doors are taken as the starting point for gluing the walls, they say, they are probably perpendicular to the floor.

However, this is not always the case - you can check window and door frames for errors using the most ordinary plumb line. It is quite possible that you will be surprised how you ever got along with such a curvature. The tradition of gluing from the window began, first of all, because of the need to glue paper wallpaper overlapping. If you glue them clockwise from the window, the joints will not be so noticeable. However, in the case of vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, this is absolutely not necessary.

Ideally, if at least one corner is level, you can start from there. But it is best to make careful markings along the perimeter of the walls, focusing on the plumb line. In this case, you will see the overall picture in advance, and the curvature of the corners will not be so noticeable against the background of perfectly vertical canvases. If you make markings and glue wallpaper on a non-woven basis, then it makes absolutely no difference where you start - from the window or from the middle of the wall.

How to glue wallpaper in corners - be patient!

The first rule for perfect gluing in corners is not to glue the whole canvas into a corner. In most cases, this is fraught with inconsistency with the next canvas and the formation of folds. If you have chosen an expensive type of finishing, for example, vinyl wallpaper type silkscreen with complex pattern, then it is best to pre-level the corners using plaster or putty, depending on what kind of unevenness we are talking about.

If the deviations are not so noticeable, then minor irregularities can be hidden using overlaps. To begin with, we glue the canvas onto one of the walls, which abuts the corner, so that it extends onto the adjacent plane by a maximum of 4 cm. Please note that the corner should be very carefully coated with glue so that the canvas has maximum adhesion to the surface. Using a spatula or the blunt side of a knife, carefully press the sheet in the corner - act carefully so as not to tear the sheet. Then use a rubber roller or sponge to get rid of any air bubbles.

The next important step is gluing the canvas to the adjacent wall. To begin, take the measurements again - you need to ensure that the edge of the new canvas closest to the corner overlaps the one already glued by 2-3 cm, while the edge farthest from the corner fits flush with the new one.

Then, using a plumb line, we determine the vertical line that runs in the overlap area from top to bottom. Carefully mark it with a pencil and, using a ruler and a sharp knife, cut through two layers of wallpaper at the same time. The excess of the top fabric will fall off on its own, but remove the remains of the bottom fabric by slightly bending it top layer. Reapply glue to the bent edge and press it firmly against the wall. If you did everything correctly, the result will please you.

How to glue wallpaper on the outer corner - subtleties and nuances

With the help of overlap, the problem with gluing external corners is also solved. Only the process looks a little different. The first canvas is glued so that one edge wraps around the corner a few centimeters. During the alignment process, it is likely that you will have to make several cuts to avoid wrinkles. Press the material firmly onto the base using a sponge or spatula and allow time for the glue to harden slightly. Then cut the strip folded at the corner so that only a thin edge remains, no more than 1 cm.

Before you begin gluing the second canvas, take measurements using a plumb line to determine the edge farthest from the corner. Focusing on it, we glue the second canvas so that there is an overlap of no more than 5 mm in the edge closest to the corner. This way you will get an invisible joint of the canvases.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Wallpaper – universal finishing material, the main advantage of which is the relative ease of working with it. You can successfully handle gluing them yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists. But if the decision is made to transform appearance rooms on our own, it is important to understand how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners. It is this part of the work that presents the greatest difficulty.

Preparatory activities

Criteria for choosing wallpaper for uneven walls and corners

If there is no desire or opportunity to level the base, you need to approach it more carefully.

  • The material for curved surfaces should be loose, so that those joints at which the overlapping strips will have to be glued are not noticeable. Non-woven fabrics work well.
  • The pattern should be small and frequent or completely absent.
  • The unevenness of the walls will help hide the material with a relief structure.
  • For heavily damaged surfaces, paintable fiberglass wallpaper is suitable.

Materials for work

Regardless of the type of canvas chosen, before gluing it is necessary to prepare the following tools and materials:

  • rolls in the required quantity;
  • wallpaper glue suitable for the selected type of wallpaper;
  • roulette;
  • a long metal ruler or a piece of profile;
  • plumb line;
  • pencil;
  • construction knife or sharp paper blade;
  • rubber roller, brush or clean cloth.

Advice: do not start gluing wallpaper from the corner; to start work, select a flat part of the wall.

Experts have their own secrets for gluing corner elements.

  • We glue with an overlap. When gluing wallpaper end-to-end in a corner, there is a risk that the sheets will diverge after drying and a gap will appear that cannot be eliminated unnoticed.
  • We do not glue the whole canvas, even if the corner is perfectly even. Otherwise, after drying, folds and distortions will almost inevitably form.
  • Coat the wall with glue. It is in the corners that the probability of material falling behind is especially high, so this rule applies to all types of canvases: paper, non-woven, vinyl.

Wallpapering the inner corners

To paste the inner corner, follow the following procedure.

  • We measure the distance from the edge of the strip that was last glued to the wall to the corner. We add 2 cm to the resulting value. We cut the canvas, bend it according to the added allowance and transfer it to a wall greased with glue. The excess should go to the adjacent side. The pasted sheet must be smoothed with a roller or rag so that all the air comes out from under it.
  • We also bend the second sheet by 2 cm and glue it on the other side of the corner so that the allowance overlaps the previously glued sheet. The correctness of gluing of this canvas must be checked using a plumb line. When smoothing the sheet, we try not to press those same few centimeters of allowance.
  • We don’t need two layers of wallpaper, they will stand out, so we apply a long ruler to the corner and cut the layers along it with a construction knife. Then remove the excess topcoat.
  • Having lifted the top layer, remove the lower sections, coat its edge with glue again and press it firmly against the wall, squeezing out the air. This method allows you to get a very smooth joining seam.

Wallpapering the outer corners

To wallpaper outside corner, you need to calculate the width of the canvas so that the sheet, going around the protrusion, passes to the adjacent wall by 2–5 cm. Having measured the required width of the canvas, cut off the excess part. We remember that if we use too wide a strip, we will inevitably get folds and wrinkles.

  • We apply glue to both the wallpaper and the wall. We apply the sheet to the protrusion so that the canvas wraps around it, as in the next photo. If the material is dense, you need to make small cuts to ensure good contact with the corner.
  • We press the sheet at the top. We make a cut at the bottom of the excess canvas. If the material for gluing is smooth, smooth it with a roller; if it is embossed, press it with a cloth. The part of the strip that has gone around the bend can be cut off, leaving a small edge.
  • We take the next sheet or the remainder of the previous one and paste it in the same way on the adjacent wall. The canvas should overlap the first layer. Using a plumb line, we check the verticality of this strip and, if necessary, combine the pattern. Carefully smooth the canvas.

The technology of wallpapering corners is complicated only at first glance. Wallpapering walls will help create a cozy homely atmosphere in the kitchen. Thanks to modern developments, this finishing material, and in particular non-woven wallpaper, can compete with plastic in strength and durability. At the same time, they are more environmentally friendly, allow air to circulate and are easier to work with. The only thing you will have to tinker with is to figure out how to glue the wallpaper in the corners.

Choosing suitable wallpaper for the kitchen

Correctly selected wallpaper is already half the success. By saving on quality, you can greatly lose in durability, and in a year or two you will have to do repairs again.

Non-woven wallpaper is one of the best options for the kitchen

Non-woven bases are more convenient when it becomes necessary to change the wallpaper. To do this, you just need to remove the vinyl layer, and the new canvas can be glued to the old finish.

Let's look at what types of wallpaper there are, and whether they can be used to cover the kitchen:

  • Paper wallpaper- not a suitable option for the kitchen. In conditions of temperature changes, high humidity or dryness, the paper deteriorates and the design fades. Having decorated the kitchen paper wallpaper, in such a microclimate one cannot count on their long service life.
  • Paper backed vinyl– more durable material. They can be washed and glued for painting. Such wallpapers do not fade in the sun and are resistant to moisture. The gluing technology is the same as for paper ones. But since vinyl makes the canvas heavier, glue is chosen for heavy wallpaper. It should also be kept in mind that not every vinyl covering breathable.
  • Vinyl on non-woven base– are highly durable thanks to non-woven fabric as a lining. There is no need to be afraid that they will tear or shrink. This type of wallpaper is glued end to end. Due to the fact that the glue is applied only to the wall, the repair process saves energy and time.
  • Non-woven wallpaper– thanks to their dense structure, they perfectly mask unevenness and cracks. They allow air to pass through well, without turning the kitchen into a “greenhouse”. Perfectly suitable as a base for painting. During the gluing process they do not stretch or tear. Easy to care for, they can be washed and vacuumed.

Required materials and tools

To properly hang wallpaper and not be caught off guard by the lack of necessary tools, before repairing, check that you have everything you need.

You will need:

  • wallpaper,
  • glue,
  • assembly knife,
  • scissors,
  • spatula,
  • plaster,
  • building level,
  • plumb line,
  • sponge,
  • rubber roller,
  • ruler,
  • pencil,
  • brush.

Pencil – essential auxiliary tool for wallpapering corners

Subtleties of wallpapering corners

Wallpapering is a simple matter, but it also has its own subtleties. As a rule, difficulties arise if you do not know how to glue wallpaper in the corners. When at least one corner turns out to be crooked, as it is glued along the wall, an increasing distortion of the canvas will be observed relative to the surface of the floor and kitchen windows or ceiling.

You should not rely on the doorway as the starting point for wallpapering the walls. Check with a plumb line that it is truly perpendicular to the floor. There is a high probability that the frames are also installed with an error, which will lead to misalignment and the corner will be swollen.

The tradition is to start decorating walls with wallpaper from door and window openings originates from the need to glue overlapping paper wallpaper so that the latter is less noticeable. With the advent of vinyl and non-woven materials, such a need has disappeared, since the fabric is glued end-to-end.

Smooth corners are much easier to paste than curved corners.

For large irregularities, some tricks will help

Before you start working with wallpaper, it would be correct to building level Level each corner with plaster. Minor unevenness can be dealt with by slightly overlapping or cutting off an extra piece of fabric.

Trimming wallpaper in corners (video)

Wallpapering interior corners

A corner properly wallpapered does not wrinkle, the edges of the canvases do not diverge, forming a gap. To achieve such an accurate repair, they resort to some tricks.

To do this:

  1. A layer of glue is applied to the wall. If the wallpaper is non-woven, you do not need to apply glue to the back side.
  2. The edge of the canvas is placed on the adjacent wall with an allowance of 1-2 cm.
  3. The wallpaper is pressed tightly against the wall using a sponge. If the canvas wrinkles, make cuts with scissors towards the swellings and straighten the material.
  4. After this, they begin to cut the canvas, which will lie in the corner from above. Using a ruler and pencil on the reverse side, put it in mirror image that overlap that went onto the adjacent wall, and cut off this excess.
  5. The cut fabric is glued so that the cut edge ends up exactly in the corner.

Detailed instructions for wallpapering interior corners

Wallpapering external corners

Often the kitchen design is designed in such a way that doorways It is necessary to paste over the protruding outer corner as well.

Wallpapering corners is not an easy task when the walls are highly curvature

To do this:

  1. Take measurements from the top and bottom starting points for the wallpaper to the corner plus 3 cm to wrap it.
  2. Cut the wallpaper to the required dimensions.
  3. Apply glue to the walls with a brush.
  4. The edges are pressed tightly against the wall, making cuts where wrinkles form.
  5. If the pasting is done with non-woven material, the top layer is cut along the corner and a narrow strip is carefully removed.
  6. A new sheet on the adjacent wall on the other side of the corner is glued over the non-woven edge.
  7. Go over the joints with a rubber roller.

That's all the tricks on how to glue wallpaper in corners. Knowing these subtleties, there should be no difficulties with kitchen design. Such simple solutions will help create cozy interior kitchens.

How to glue wallpaper in corners (video)

Very often, in houses with relatively smooth walls, the corners have certain defects, so before gluing wallpaper in the corners, they need to be leveled.

If we neglect this, then facing material It will lie unevenly, which will ruin the appearance of not only the walls, but the entire room.

Today, to create beautiful interior, apply various types rolled finishing material.

They differ from each other not only in color, but also in the material of manufacture.

Every year, non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are becoming more and more popular.

They are considered environmentally friendly, so they are often used in bedrooms and children's rooms.

And thanks to its excellent resistance to high humidity and easy maintenance, this material is often used to cover walls in kitchens and hallways.

Preparing the base for wallpapering

Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers, unlike paper ones, are quite expensive, so they do not stick for 1 year.

To ensure that the rolled material lays flat and does not peel off over time, a series of preparatory activities which include the following steps:

  • dismantling old finishing;
  • plastering;
  • puttying.

Before you start gluing external or interior wallpaper in the corners, you need to remove the old finish.

If this is not done, then after a while bubbles and wrinkles will form under the new wallpaper.

And if thin paper wallpaper is used when gluing, then the pattern of the previous cladding may appear on it.

Dismantling of old wallpaper is carried out in the usual way. kitchen knife or a spatula.

If during the work there are difficulties in peeling them off, then the finishing surface can be treated with heated water and wait 10-20 minutes until the material gets wet.

The next step is to level the walls and corners with plaster.

It is applied in layers.

The thickness of one layer should not exceed 6 mm.

At the same time, the number of such layers depends on the degree of unevenness of the walls.

On last stage- puttying is carried out, with the help of which the finishing surface will acquire the required smoothness.

For this, 2 types of putty are used: starting and finishing.

The second is distinguished by a more saturated white color and less grain.

After the finishing layer of putty has dried, the walls must be sanded with sanding paper to remove minor defects.

After sanding, the walls are primed again.

At the same time special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the corners, since these places are most exposed to moisture and microbes.

Pasting internal and external corners

Non-woven wallpaper is more manageable than paper wallpaper, so it is easier to work with.

Before gluing wallpaper in the corners, you should understand that for ordinary roll material one type of glue is used, and for non-woven wallpaper - a completely different one.

Therefore, the choice of one or another adhesive composition will depend on the type of wallpaper used.

At the same time, with paper wallpaper, glue is applied both to the finishing surface and to the wallpaper itself, and with non-woven and vinyl wallpaper - only on the wall.

The technology for gluing external corners is somewhat different from finishing internal ones.

How to cover an inner corner?

So that after the wallpaper has dried, internal corners no folds have formed, pasting should be done not with one solid canvas, but with two: one canvas on each side.

To do this correctly, you first need to measure the height of the wall, set aside and cut the required length of the canvas (wall height plus 20-30 mm for allowances).

Then, just before gluing, the wallpaper needs to be bent lengthwise into two parts: one part (the main one) will cover one plane of the corner, and the second (about 40 mm wide) will go onto the adjacent side.

This should be done very carefully so as not to inadvertently damage the non-woven or paper wallpaper.

After this, using a roller or rag, the canvas is smoothed with smooth movements from top to bottom.

In this case, you need to watch carefully so that no air bubbles form under the wallpaper.

At the next stage, the second side of the corner is glued.

This is done with a slight overlap (about 25 mm) onto the previously glued canvas.

Then, according to the mark, using a stationery knife, 2 layers of wallpaper are cut simultaneously, after which the excess parts are removed.

If this procedure is done correctly, then you will definitely like the result of the work.

How to cover an external corner?

If the outer corner is fairly even, then you just need to wrap the fabric and continue finishing.

If you have a crooked protrusion, then wallpapering is done overlapping.

To do this, first glue the canvas to one side of the corner, with a small margin (25 mm), which will extend onto the second plane.

If the folded edge lies with folds, then it can be cut in 3-4 places.

After this, as in the previous case, the stock is cut plumb, as close to the protrusion as possible.

As a result, you will get only a slight overlap, which will be practically invisible.

Wallpapering corners is a rather complicated procedure that requires patience and precision.

However, if you approach the work with all responsibility, taking into account all the rules and wishes, you can be sure that the result will be no worse than if paper or non-woven wallpaper was glued by a specialized team.

Glue modern wallpaper- it’s not a difficult matter. Even a novice repairman can handle this. But, if installing canvases on smooth walls is easy and simple, then you will have to tinker with the corners. It is the corners that become the stumbling block that slows down the entire process and requires a lot of effort. More often than others, non-woven wallpaper or vinyl sheets on a non-woven basis are used in repairs.

Features of the material

Wallpaper consisting entirely of non-woven fabric is easy to install and durable. They are made of non-woven cellulose with the addition of synthetic components. The cellulose component gives the wallpaper elasticity and breathability, while synthetics add strength. Such wallpaper is much more difficult to tear than paper-based vinyl, for example. In addition, they do not wrinkle at all and there are no folds left on the surface.

Non-woven vinyl wallpaper has the same properties. The only difference is that the canvases do not “breathe”, since vinyl does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, before gluing them to the walls, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with antibacterial primer or use glue with fungicidal additives. These measures will prevent the appearance of mold and mildew.

Non-woven wallpaper has a number of advantages over other coatings:

  1. Their feature is good adhesion to glue and to any wall material. Such canvases do not need to be treated with an adhesive; it is applied only to the walls. The same applies to non-woven vinyl.
  2. A useful quality of non-woven fabric is its resistance to stretching. The material does not shrink after the glue dries, and the dimensions of the canvas do not change. Thanks to this, the joints do not diverge, and the seams between the strips remain invisible. This feature is especially useful for wallpaper intended for painting, since painting makes all wall defects even more noticeable.
  3. Non-woven fabric cannot be washed, but can be dyed. But cellulose-based vinyl can even be cleaned detergents, it also lends itself well to coloring.
  4. Due to the bulk of cellulose fibers, such wallpapers level the walls and hide small unevenness. Durable synthetic components are resistant to tearing, which allows non-woven wallpaper to reinforce walls. They prevent cracking by holding the plaster in place.
  5. Non-woven wallpaper is easy to remove; its two-layer nature allows you to leave the backing on the surface and use it as a base for new coatings.

Installation of wallpaper on walls

There are several ways to glue wallpaper (you can easily see them from photos or videos). One of them involves initially gluing all smooth walls, and then the corners. Other artists advise starting from the most visible corner in the room. There is no consensus on this issue - everyone can glue at their own discretion.

Wall preparation is mandatory for any method. The old coating must be carefully removed and cracks filled with putty. Then the walls are covered with a special primer or wallpaper glue. Only after the primers have completely dried do they proceed to pasting the walls.

At the location of the reference point, draw a vertical line; this must be done with a plumb line or a building level. The first strip is cut from the roll, the length of which is equal to the height of the wall plus 5-7 cm. The wall is carefully coated with glue and wallpaper is applied. Level the canvas with a plastic spatula or wallpaper roller, focusing on the vertical.

Advice! It is better to use a special glue with a color indicator - in liquid form this composition has a pink tint, and after drying it becomes colorless. This allows the adhesive to be applied evenly to the wall without leaving any “gaps.”

At the baseboard and under the ceiling, the wallpaper is cut with sharp scissors or a construction knife. Move on to the next lane.

How to glue wallpaper in corners

In order to properly cover corners, you first need to understand their types. The angles are:

  • Internal - each room has at least several such corners (in standard layout- four). A very important factor is the correctness of these areas. If the angle is uneven, has differences, or “sinks,” the wallpapering method will differ from the standard one.
  • External corners in apartments began to appear more often with the advent of drywall - these are various niches, arches, columns and others decorative elements. This also includes door and window slopes, if, of course, it is planned to apply wallpaper to these areas.

Easy way

It is easiest to paste over absolutely flat angle. Unfortunately, these are quite rare. These are either plasterboard structures or walls prepared for painting (plastered perfectly smooth and even).

In this case, the wallpaper is glued in the same way both in the inner and outer corners - they are simply wrapped in a single piece of wallpaper. The main thing is not to stretch the coating; after drying, it can return to its original size and shape. If there are small wrinkles on the wallpaper, you can make several horizontal cuts in the corner. This will help to even out the coating, and the cuts will not be noticeable after drying.

Important! No matter how even the corner is, it is better not to use the method of covering it with a solid canvas if it is joined to external wall. In corners located near external walls, condensation appears more often - the wallpaper can peel off and become deformed.

Standard method for gluing corners

It is safer to glue wallpaper in the corners using the “overlapping” method. Its essence is as follows:

  1. After pasting the adjacent wall, measure the distance to the corner at three points.
  2. Based on the largest of the three values ​​obtained, the strip is cut off - its width is equal to the largest number plus 2-3 cm for overlap.
  3. The wall is coated well with glue, especially paying attention to the corner (it is better to use a brush).
  4. The prepared piece of wallpaper is applied to the corner, aligning the joint with the previous sheet.
  5. The overlap formed on the adjacent wall is carefully pressed, tucking the wallpaper into the corner with a plastic spatula.
  6. For a tighter fit, the edge of the wallpaper can be trimmed - make short horizontal cuts every 5 cm.
  7. Trim the bottom and top edges of the wallpaper using a metal spatula and sharp knife.
  8. From the narrowest point of the overlap, retreat about one centimeter towards the corner and make a mark.
  9. Focusing on the mark, draw a vertical line in this place using a plumb line or level.
  10. Prepare the next strip (if necessary, select a pattern).
  11. A strip is applied to the wall coated with glue, aligning its edge with the previously drawn line in the corner.
  12. Level the strip, expelling air and excess glue. Cut under the ceiling and near the floor.

Corner processed! Moving on to pasting flat wall until the next corner - the procedure is repeated. In this way you can glue external corners with different types of wallpaper.

Advice! Considering the considerable thickness of non-woven wallpaper, the overlap may be too noticeable.

In this way, you can paste over those corners that will be hidden by furniture or curtains, and choose a different method for finishing the rest. You can also try cutting off only the top layer of wallpaper.

It is not necessary to glue the slopes with wallpaper; the video shows how they can be beautifully trimmed at the corners:

Corner cutting method

If the walls are to be painted, there should be no overlaps on them. Paint will make the thickening of the wallpaper too noticeable; another method will be needed here. This method is suitable for both internal and external corners.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Repeat the first seven points from the previous instructions - the strip is glued with an overlap to the next wall. Only in this case the overlap is made larger - 5-7 cm.
  2. A distance equal to the width of the roll minus one centimeter is retreated from the corner.
  3. Using a plumb line or level, draw a vertical line at this point.
  4. Cut a strip from the roll and apply it to the wall coated with glue, aligning the edge with the drawn strip.
  5. The second edge is placed on the previous strip with an overlap, the wallpaper is pressed and leveled.
  6. Carefully push the wallpaper into the corner with a spatula, leveling everything again.
  7. In the middle of the overlap, apply vertically metal ruler, take a very sharp knife and, without breaking it, draw a line along the edge of the ruler. It is very important that the line is drawn in one motion.
  8. Remove a piece of the upper fabric, bend the edge of the lower one and also remove the excess.
  9. Both edges are coated with glue and folded end to end. You can pull the canvas a little in the right direction so that there is no gap or overlap.
  10. Roll with a roller for joints.

This method helps to make the connection of the canvases invisible. It also works well on external corners, in niches and on slopes.

Advice! It is better to use a small metal spatula 10-15 cm instead of a ruler

Due to the unevenness of the corners, the ruler may not fit tightly to the wall, and the cut will turn out crooked. The spatula must be moved along with the knife, avoiding breaks in the cutting line. How to properly trim wallpaper in the corners can be seen in the video: