How to choose the right quality plastic windows? What types of plastic windows are there and which products are of the highest quality? How to choose high-quality plastic windows.

Plastic windows are already everywhere, in government agencies, homes, schools, kindergartens, even in dachas and construction trailers they install plastic windows. Are they all the same? Of course not. The only thing they have in common is the production material – plastic, and the presence of glass. How to choose plastic windows for a house, apartment, or cottage? You need to disassemble the window to understand which one is worth the attention and money spent on the purchase, and which one will have to be replaced soon.

Actually species plastic windows there are a lot of them, in order to systematize them, you need to divide the window itself into 2 main components: a double-glazed window, that is, glass, and a plastic profile. Each of these components characterizes the window and determines how it will work, whether it will provide the desired temperature conditions and how long it will last.

To divide profiles into types, you need to understand what they actually consist of. The basis of the profile is a PVC frame. A profile is a frame with reinforcement. The frame is not solid, it is divided into chambers. Each of the cameras has its own purpose. The first chamber is designed to drain condensate, the second is for placing a reinforcing metal strip, the third is for securing fittings. Therefore, there is no smaller than 3-chamber profile.

The number of chambers can be increased to 6, but this directly proportionally affects the thickness of the frame, that is, the mounting width of the profile. Thus, the minimum thickness of a plastic window frame is 58 mm; this is a window with a 3-chamber profile and the possibility of using a 3-chamber double-glazed window. It is technically possible to provide more cameras in a 58 mm thick profile, but not necessary. Why?

Based on the thickness of the frame, profiles are divided into 3 classes:

  • 58-62 mm, smallest class;
  • 64-76 mm, middle class;
  • From 80 mm, premium class.

These classes determine the energy efficiency of the window and its other characteristics. Which plastic windows are best to install? High class guarantees warmth in the room? Within the same class, windows have the same characteristics. Therefore, using more glass, respectively increasing the number of chambers in a double-glazed window, it will not be possible to achieve less heat loss or gain in energy savings. So, for a 58 mm profile, a 3-chamber double-glazed window is considered optimal; a 4th chamber is an unjustified cost.

Thus, the number of cameras in the profile has little effect on the characteristics of the window, with the same installation width. To increase the thermal performance of a window, you need to choose a wider profile with more chambers.

The next important component in the characteristics of windows is the thickness of the outer wall of the plastic in the profile. It must be at least 3 mm, an error of 0.2 mm is allowed.
Profiles with a thinner wall, the so-called thin-walled or object-shaped, have a number of reduced characteristics:

  • Impact resistance is significantly less.
  • Thermal performance indicators are significantly lower.
  • Strength welds And corner connections less.
  • The service life of such windows is reduced.

Such profiles still have a right to exist. They will the best option V interior partitions, windows between adjacent rooms. At the same time, the use of such a profile in large structures, for example, in the exit part to a glazed balcony, is also not desirable. A thin wall may not withstand the load, the frame will spin and the door will stop closing.

Profile reinforcement

The plastic itself is not able to withstand heavy loads from glass or external pressure. Therefore, to strengthen it and have a stable geometry, a reinforcing metal insert is used - a reinforcing profile. All manufacturers have different ones, they have different designs, but they should serve their purpose equally. Therefore, there are several requirements for this profile:

  • The thickness of the metal must be at least 1.4 mm. Thinner reinforcement may not withstand the load and cause the base to sag.
  • The profile is made of galvanized steel; ordinary steel is not suitable.
  • The quality and thickness of the reinforcement determines which double-glazed window can be installed. The thicker the reinforcement, the heavier the double-glazed window it will withstand.

Characteristics of double-glazed plastic windows

The main part of the window, which determines its heat retention characteristics, is the double-glazed window. A double-glazed window is a glass unit hermetically connected along the contour, between which there is an air chamber. It can be filled with air or inert gas.

Depending on the characteristics of the glass itself, windows are also characterized. Thus, when using ordinary glass, thermal conductivity and impact resistance will be the lowest. At the same time, translucency is at a high level. Which plastic windows are better if you look at the characteristics of the glass? There is no single answer; you need to select glasses according to their characteristics.

Selective glass. On sale you can find energy-saving double-glazed windows that use glass with selective spraying. Such glass transmits short-wave radiation while blocking long waves.

I-glass. The use of glass with i-coating (silver ions) in double-glazed windows is gaining popularity. Silver ions are sprayed onto the inner surface of the glass. Warm air the room does not go out into the street, and UV radiation does not penetrate into the room. The translucency of i-glasses does not decrease.

Solid spraying at the glass production stage makes it possible to obtain the so-called k-glass. Its characteristics are similar to i-glass, but slightly lower. But glass with such coating is not afraid of atmospheric influences, and can be installed on the outside, unlike i-glass.

This is thermopolished glass made using the float method. Colored glasses are used as light-protective glasses that regulate sunlight. The translucency of such glasses is lower. In the summer heat, the room is not heated by the sun, which allows you to sunny rooms more enjoyable to spend time with. If you spray the glass, they will be energy saving.

Interesting to know:

  • The lower the thermal conductivity of glass, the warmer the room in winter.
  • The thicker the glass, the larger the plastic profile will be needed.
  • A wider distance between the glasses will ensure lower thermal conductivity of the glass unit.
  • If the chamber between the glasses is filled with gas rather than air, the double-glazed window will have lower thermal conductivity.
  • A single-chamber double-glazed window using energy-saving glass filled with inert gas will have lower thermal conductivity than a double-chamber glass unit made of ordinary glass. At the same time, their cost is approximately equal, or even a single-chamber one will be cheaper. This way you can save money without losing on quality.

How to choose fittings for plastic windows

Often, the buyer is deprived of the opportunity to choose fittings for his window, because manufacturers offer windows with ready-made fittings. However, you need to pay attention to the following components:

  • The possibility of micro-ventilation, which is very important in winter, because when ventilating, you have to open the windows wide, releasing precious heat.
  • It is better to provide a multi-stage tilt of the chair (the opening part of the window).
  • Children's castle.
  • Blocking the rotation of the handle of an open window. This function allows you to get rid of the problem of a window hanging on one hinge when, with the window already open, you turn the handle in a different direction.

Which plastic windows are best for your home?

For middle zone In Russia, the issue of energy saving is very relevant. You have to spend a lot of money on heating in winter. This problem especially affects owners of private houses. Windows are the second most heat-loss part of a house structure after the roof. And if the roof can be insulated already during operation, then it won’t be so easy with windows; they will most likely have to be replaced. Therefore, it is better to initially choose high-quality energy-saving windows for your home.

For a heated veranda with large window openings, windows in the bedroom, or children's room, it is best to choose a middle-class profile with an increased number of cameras. Two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows with energy-saving glass. The chambers are filled with gas. This is a rather expensive solution, but it will reduce heating costs.

What windows are best to install in the kitchen? If the kitchen is exclusively a kitchen, then you can get by with a lightweight version of the window, a regular window with a 2-chamber double-glazed window. If there is a kitchen-living room, it is better to increase energy saving by using, for example, i-glass.

Dormer windows are a separate continent in the world of plastic windows. Ordinary double glazing cannot be used as dormer window. There are other requirements for the quality of plastic, reinforcement, glass and fittings. And they are all upgraded compared to a regular window! What kind of plastic windows are better to install in the attic, besides those specifically designed for this purpose?

Dormer windows are almost always energy efficient. When choosing this design, attention should be paid to the opening mechanism. The glass on the roof gets dirty more and more often. It will have to be washed or cleaned frequently, so the ability to wash the glass without climbing onto the roof of the house is also important. Soundproofing the window will be a nice addition.

Plastic windows: which ones are better to choose for an apartment?

In the apartment except glazed balconies, there are no buffer zones that can serve as an additional energy-saving component. Therefore, to ensure comfort in the rooms, you need to correctly choose the best plastic windows for your apartment.

Rooms with a balcony. If the balcony is rarely used in winter and is not heated, it is enough to glaze it with an ordinary plastic window with a double-glazed unit, or a single-chamber energy-saving one. Windows and doors facing the balcony require the same glazing. If there is a “mini-room” on the balcony and a heater is installed, it needs to be glazed, just like a room without a balcony. And for the opening between the room and the balcony, a lightweight window with a single-chamber double-glazed window is suitable.

Rooms without a balcony require insulation. It’s better not to skimp on the window here. For central Russia, the most acceptable option would be to install a 4 or more chamber profile, with a 3-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window.


The popularity of such a product as metal-plastic window structures can be explained by their attractive appearance. Despite the fact that consumers are increasingly choosing this option over wooden or aluminum windows, there is not much information about the product. Therefore, you should carefully understand which plastic windows are the best. , and by what parameters they should be selected.

To make an informed choice, first of all, it is important to navigate design features and principles of operation of this mechanism. After all, the level of noise insulation, heat conservation and the passage of dust and moisture depends on how high the quality of the purchased window is. If you understand the question of which plastic windows are better , then they will serve you for as long as possible, performing all their functions.

Do you want to choose high-quality plastic windows? The German company is famous for its windows with excellent heat-insulating properties.

Read also consumer reviews about Brugmann windows in our material at the link.

Read more about how to choose fittings for plastic windows and which manufacturers to give preference to.

Selecting a profile

This element is the main part of the metal-plastic window structure. The service life and efficiency of the window, its insulating characteristics, and aesthetic appearance depend on its quality.

There is no fundamental difference between profiles from the world's leading manufacturers. Therefore, when choosing which plastic windows to install, focus, first of all, on a certified profile that meets GOST and other standards.

When studying the characteristics of a profile, attention should be paid to such a concept as reinforcement. This technological process transforms the profile from ordinary plastic into metal-plastic, making it more durable and rigid. The essence of this process is as follows: a steel or galvanized profile is placed in the inner chamber of the profile. The thickness of the latter varies from 0.5 to 2 mm. This parameter must be selected based on technical requirements.

Reinforced profile

The best plastic windows differ more complex design. Thus, a high-quality product from leading manufacturers is characterized by a wall thickness of 3 mm. It will not bend, deform, or form cracks.

A high-quality profile must be made of galvanized steel, since this metal makes the structure lighter, secures the shape of the window as much as possible, and also protects the window from sudden temperature changes. If the manufacturer uses non-galvanized metal, there is a high probability that such structures will begin to rust long before installation.

Depending on the wall thickness, the profile can be classified into one of three classes:

  1. Class A. In such structures, the thickness of the internal walls is 2.5 mm, external - 2.8 mm. This best windows for residential premises, since they cope with the function of thermal insulation as efficiently as possible.
  2. Class B. This option is most often used in non-residential premises, since it retains heat an order of magnitude worse. The thickness of the outer wall is 2.5 mm, the inner wall is 2.0 mm.
  3. Class C. Products for which there are no particularly strict requirements.

Wall thickness of class A profiles

Wall thickness of class B profiles

The thicker the profile, the better and more durable the structure.

As for materials, most often this component is made of PVC. The latter is absolutely environmentally friendly and is not prone to deformation. It is not affected by temperature changes, high humidity, acids, or solvents. From PVC you can create structures of almost any shape, which will be distinguished by uniform color, texture, and absence of odor.

If you choose the right profile, you can install windows , which will last up to 50-60 years.

Choosing accessories: functionality and brand

This category includes various hinges, brackets, and other connecting elements. All of them are responsible for opening/closing the window. Since this action can be carried out more than 50 thousand times during the service life of the structure, then right choice fittings are extremely important.

Before you decide which windows to install , You should carefully study the offers of different brands that have been offering similar products for several years. A modern window performs a number of important functions, so the selected fittings must meet the following requirements:

  • ensure maximum convenience and practicality of the window design;
  • create a single whole with the structure, a mechanism that will optimally distribute the load on the window sashes.

Practice shows that today the most reliable manufacturers are German brands.

The importance of choosing a double-glazed window

The answer to the question, which plastic windows are of the highest quality? , quite complex. And much of the right choice depends on the double-glazed window. This structural element is responsible for noise and thermal insulation. It is a set of glasses separated by special sealed chambers.

When choosing a double-glazed window, you should pay special attention to the thickness of the glass. According to existing standards this indicator should be at least 4 mm. But, often, in an effort to save money, manufacturers offer the buyer glass 3 mm thick. This is considered a gross violation of quality standards.

Another important point in this matter is the number of cameras. The most common option is a double-glazed window.

There are also three- and four-chamber options. They are used in regions with particularly cold climatic conditions. The best choice would be polished M glass. Manufacturers also offer fireproof and energy-saving options. When choosing, always pay attention to the country of origin. Today, domestic brands are not yet able to compete with recognized global companies.

Thus, we can safely say that there are no secondary details in modern window designs. It is important to take into account every little detail when choosing which plastic windows are best installed in an apartment or house. Even the smallest components of poor quality can lead to the fact that the structure cannot properly perform its main functions.

Today on the market there are huge amount window products. Which plastic windows fall into the category of the highest quality and how do high-end products differ from cheap counterfeits? When choosing plastic windows, you need to be guided by the main characteristics and reputation of the manufacturer. The cost of products does not always correspond to their quality, since sellers often unreasonably inflate the price. Also, do not overpay for those design features that are not useful to you in your particular conditions. What do you need to know about plastic windows in order to choose a quality product?

Main characteristics of plastic windows

Plastic windows consist of the following elements:

  • window block and frame (profile) made of PVC;
  • double-glazed windows (glass chambers);
  • seal;
  • window fittings.

Each component has technical characteristics on which the performance of the window as a whole depends. Let us dwell in more detail on what indicators each of the elements should correspond to.


High-quality PVC windows are produced under the control of the ISO 9001 standard and have an appropriate certificate.


The profile, made of high-quality polyvinyl chloride, is resistant to mechanical, chemical and thermal influences. Its service life is 50 years.

What indicators determine a good PVC profile? Before choosing a manufacturer, familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the product.

  • Profile width. It all depends on purchasing power. The wider the profile, the better and warmer it is. One caveat: a wide profile must have more stiffeners, otherwise the strength of the product will suffer.
  • Number of thermal insulation chambers. For good thermal insulation, it is better to choose a profile with at least 5 chambers. In areas with very low winter temperatures, it is better to consider options where the chambers are filled with inert gas.
  • Reinforcement. For rigidity, the PVC profile is reinforced from the inside with steel inserts. A solid contour is more durable, but if thermal insulation properties are a priority, then it is better to install windows with an open contour - they are warmer.
  • Country of origin of the profile. Traditionally, German products are considered to be of high quality. But often such windows are produced in Russia according to German technology. In this case, the price should be lower.

How to choose a double-glazed window?

The glass unit is selected in accordance with the requirements necessary for your conditions. Here are the designs of double-glazed windows:

  • single-chamber – two glasses;
  • two-chamber – three glasses;
  • three-chamber – four glasses.

An important detail is the thickness of the glass and the distance between the glasses. The larger this value, the better the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the window. On average optimal thickness glass fluctuates around 4-5 mm (the outer one can be thicker than the inner one), and the distance between them is approximately 10-16 mm with a total thickness of at least 30 mm.

In addition, the cost of the window will be higher if you install glass with advanced capabilities:

  • energy saving;
  • armored;
  • sun protection;
  • reinforced;
  • hardened;
  • self-cleaning.

The profile color is traditionally white. If you choose poor quality PVC, it may fade in the sun and acquire a yellowish tint. In addition to white, you can install windows in other colors. In this case, the paint is applied to the surface of the profile or added directly to the plastic mass during the manufacturing process. There is an option like lamination - a colored film is glued to the profile.

What is a seal?

The seal plays a significant role in thermal insulation and participates in the drainage system, ensuring the tightness of the window. It should go along the perimeter of the valves and fit snugly to both surfaces. The following materials are used for its production:

  • rubber;
  • silicone;
  • special rubber;
  • rubber plastic.

The material must be elastic, soft, but resilient, resistant to external influences. It is better to install a seal made of ethylene-propylene-thermopolymer rubber (EPDM).

Choosing accessories

The fittings ensure the opening of the window sashes. Installing good fittings means extending the service life of the window as a whole and protecting yourself from unpleasant surprises. The opening mechanism can be simple - rotary, or more complex - tilt-and-turn; with slot opening (winter ventilation). High-quality fittings are made from high-strength alloy steel. At the client's request, the windows can be equipped with anti-burglary fittings, handles with locks and locks, and hidden anti-drilling linings.

Good fittings are resistant to corrosion, have a smooth ride and an optimal ratio of metal and plastic in the design.

The leading manufacturers of accessories for plastic windows include the following companies:

  • Siegenia-Aubi;
  • Roto;
  • Maco;
  • Winkhaus.

Window design

The cost of PVC windows directly depends on their design. There are rectangular and square windows, you can install profiles in the form of arches and semi-arches, hinged and sliding models, with fixed and opening sashes. Large windows are mounted from several glasses, separating them with aluminum profile bars to give strength. Modern manufacturers are ready to fulfill any whim, of course, for your money. The more non-standard window you want to install, the more opening and rotary mechanisms, the higher the final cost of the product will be.

Manufacturers and prices

Which manufacturers are considered the best? In Russia, about ten companies engaged in the production of PVC windows have proven themselves well. Products of both domestic and foreign origin are in demand. All of them occupy their niche in terms of price-quality ratio, which makes it easy to choose the appropriate option.

  • VEKA profile, Naro-Fominsk district, Gubtsevo village. The products have been awarded the German quality mark, and production control is carried out under the auspices of European technologies. TO undoubted advantages VEKA windows include stable quality and a wide range of products. The disadvantages are the high cost, which is determined not so much by the quality as by the brand.
  • REHAU profile, Gzhel. Today, the company is a leader in the Russian sales market in terms of the number of products produced. Advantages of the REHAU profile: high quality and manufacturer’s guarantees, large range of products. The disadvantages include the high cost of the products.
  • KBE profile (KBE), Voskresensk. Another German company engaged in production in Russia. At the same time, on a par with high quality, characteristic of the first two manufacturing companies, the KBE profile today has a slightly lower price, which is explained by successful marketing moves.

These manufacturers occupy leading positions in the plastic window market. In addition to them, the following companies are included in the top 10 with varying degrees of success.

  • Profile SALAMANDER, Türkheim, Germany. Pros: European quality control, control of dealers by the manufacturer, profile design. Cons: cost of production.
  • Profile "Mont Blanc", Elektrostal. The advantages include: low cost, large assortment, quality products. Disadvantages - no ISO certificate.
  • Profile Kaleva, Moscow. Pros - great design, full cycle production. Cons: no quality management certification.
  • Profile Proplex, Podolsk. This is a Russian company that has created a full production cycle. Advantages of the profile: low cost. Disadvantages: outdated designs, lack of international certification.
  • Profile Deceuninck, Belgium, branch - Protvino.
  • SOK profile, Syzran. The company does not have its own profile, but produces it at the plant of the Profine concern (KBE). Windows are characterized by traditionally high European quality, but a small selection and unreasonably inflated cost of finished products.

In general, the question “which windows are best to install?” there can be no clear answer. It all depends on the conditions in which they will be used. For residential premises, in areas with low winter temperatures, more expensive designs are chosen, and in other cases you can save on the number of cameras and double-glazed windows, fittings and characteristics of the glass. Before installing windows, they determine for themselves the characteristics that they must meet and turn to leading manufacturers who have a good reputation and all the relevant documents on quality standards.

The period when Russian consumers sought to quickly replace woodwork in windows with plastic is a thing of the past. With him they went into oblivion and minimum requirements to PVC windows: so that it is beautiful and does not show through from all the cracks. Today, many customers choose plastic windows thoroughly, according to many criteria, but not all. Let's talk about this.

When choosing windows, the consumer pays attention first of all to its cost, methods of opening/closing, difficulty in caring for the glass and frame - other criteria fade into the background. In fact, this approach threatens significant troubles during operation in the future. After all, a window is the most important structural element of a house. It should:

  • Protect the premises from the effects of natural phenomena: rain, snow, hail, heat, frost, wind;
  • Ensure that sunlight (daylight) enters the room, which imposes certain requirements on the size of the window and quality characteristics glass unit. Thus, too small window openings lead to darkening, and too large ones contribute to overheating of the room in hot sunny weather (in winter it can be the opposite, cool);
  • Retain moisture, in any quantity, from the street and do not let it inside. Water is the enemy of both an apartment and a private wooden house, since indoor dampness is an excellent environment for the proliferation of mold and fungal growth. In order for a window to hold water even during a flood outside, it must be chosen correctly - the slightest mistake can lead to significant financial losses;
  • It is good to dampen sound waves coming from outside. Little attention is paid to this function, but it is key to the health of all family members. The clearly audible sounds of the city spread throughout the apartment, which negatively affects the psycho-emotional state of both adults and children. Irritability, lethargy appear, performance decreases, and other health problems arise;
  • Keep out dust and pollen from flowering trees, which is important for allergy sufferers;
  • Promote the flow of fresh air into the room, constantly, without ventilation. In modern windows, designers have provided a ventilation valve that allows the room to breathe even when the window is closed. This solution makes it possible not to ventilate the room in severe frosts, saving heat;
  • Protect owners from intrusion uninvited guests through the window opening. It is only at first glance that it seems that plastic windows are fragile. In fact, special frame designs and fittings make this possible without difficulty. Therefore, owners of individual houses and apartments on the first floors need to install burglar-proof windows. The same advice is needed for owners of a balcony or loggia.

From the above functions it is clear that attention when choosing metal-plastic window it is necessary to pay attention to its many elements. Practice shows that many consumers are poorly versed in the design of Euro-windows. Exacerbating the problem is the abundance of manufacturers with many models that have different characteristics for each design part.

At the same time, external similarity does not guarantee that the windows have identical quality and performance characteristics. Therefore, before signing a contract, it is necessary to clearly understand what the window gives to the owners: comfort and coziness or a headache.

General design of a plastic window

To navigate the terms discussed below, let’s consider what elements a window consists of:

  • The frame is a supporting structure made of polyvinyl chloride, reinforced with a metal plate. The inside is hollow to reduce weight, with PVC partitions to create rigidity;
  • The sash is a plastic frame for installing double-glazed windows;
  • Double-glazed window - a sealed structure of several glasses;
  • Glazing bead - plastic strip for attaching a double-glazed window to the sash profile from the room side;
  • Fittings - a set of parts that hold the sash on the frame, allowing it to be opened, closed, and also fixed in certain positions;
  • Sealant - an elastic strip of elastic material for sealing a double-glazed window and adhering the sash to the frame;
  • Impost is a plastic support for sashes, placed vertically. It can also be a reinforcement for glass if it is of a large area. Possible here different options installations: vertical, horizontal, cross-shaped;
  • Amplifiers are a metal supporting structure inside a plastic profile. Loops are placed on it, shut-off valves and other fittings.

Characteristics by which you need to choose windows

Many customers believe that there is nothing complicated about how to choose the right plastic windows for an apartment. It's hard to agree with this. Thus, when determining the characteristics of a window in an arbitrary manner, a situation often arises when the glass unit required for the room does not fit the selected profile - the installation width is not enough. We have to start all over again.

Therefore, it is necessary to select windows in a certain sequence and for each room separately.

  1. The type of window is determined (rectangular, with an arch, one, two or three sashes, etc.).
  2. Methods for opening the doors in each room are selected.
  3. A double-glazed window is selected depending on where the windows face: street or courtyard, north or south, according to the following indicators: number of cameras; glass thickness; the width of the structure as a whole and the chambers separately; type of glass.
  4. The installation width of the profile is calculated for the double-glazed window.
  5. Selected in random order: profile; seals; accessories.
  6. The design of the window is selected (color of the plastic profile).
  7. The manufacturer is selected based on the price factor and the formed requirements for the window.

Window view

Many customers don’t think about what types of windows there are. But they can be selected both by shape and by the number of sashes.

According to the form. Modern technologies make it possible to produce windows from plastic of any design, which allows architects and designers to give an apartment or private house a sophisticated look that fits perfectly into the facade of the building or the interior of the room. The standard rectangular shapes were replaced by triangular, trapezoidal, round and arched. In addition, windows of original shapes began to be installed more and more often.

Triangular. A triangle-shaped window is mainly used in country houses and cottages in attic space, regardless of whether the premises are residential or non-residential, it gives the building a finished and very beautiful appearance.

Recently, designers are increasingly using this window design when decorating a room in the high-tech style. There are attempts, and successful ones, to fit triangular windows into the “classics”.

However, there is one pitfall here - they are an order of magnitude higher than rectangular windows.

Round. A round porthole window is very rare and not because of the price - it is almost at the level of a rectangular window. Difficulties arise when choosing a room in which to place them. The original architectural solution in private buildings is still found in the bathroom located in the attic and in a number of hotels, also in the bathrooms.

Perhaps over time, designers will offer circle-shaped windows in other rooms of private buildings.

Arched. At their core, arched windows are a combination of round and rectangular windows, where upper part represents part of a circle. The price is not much higher than rectangular ones, which does not greatly affect the overall cost of construction. Therefore, they can increasingly be seen in cottages and country houses. In places of worship: churches and Gothic temples, such windows dominate.

Trapezoidal. Trapezoid windows are widely used in Western countries. In Russia, they are also beginning to gain popularity, as they fit well into both the interior of the room and the design of the facade. Buildings with such windows look original and elegant, while ensuring optimal illumination inside the premises.

Rectangular. Rectangular windows are a classic of PVC windows. Standard, unified dimensions, minimal consumption of profiles, fittings, glass and seals make them the cheapest of all types of forms. In addition, installation is the simplest and cheapest. All this has made windows with right angles the most popular form of window opening.

Original form. Windows of exclusive shapes are becoming more and more common, where designers play with both the appearance of the building’s facade, the features of the wall (brick, wood or concrete), and the style of the interior of the room. They are expensive, but the end result is worth the money spent on installing unusual windows.

By the number of doors. After choosing the shape of the window, it is easier to decide on the number of sashes in it. Manufacturers offer: single-, double- and triple-hung windows.

Attention: according to the number of valves, specialists and experts are divided into separate groups balcony blocks(a window with a door) and windows of balconies and loggias (as a rule, they combine several types of sashes).

Single leaf. Single sash windows are the cheapest. There are blind (do not open) and opening ones. They are installed mainly in Soviet-built apartments with a small window opening.

Currently they are used in country houses or non-residential premises. IN multi-storey buildings architects do not plan to install them - they cannot provide a comfortable level of living in a medium-sized room, not to mention large rooms, such as a living room (hall).

Bivalve. Already from the name it is clear that the window structure has two sashes. This is the most common type of window, allowing you to combine universal performance characteristics with reasonable price. Therefore, they can be found both in a skyscraper and in individual house, residential sector and office.

In the overwhelming majority, one leaf of the structure is solid, the second is opening, which is associated with its cost. Two trends aimed towards each other: a decrease in the cost of PVC windows and an increase in the level of well-being of the population have led to the fact that an increasing number of consumers are installing windows with both opening sashes.

Tricuspid. Triple-hung windows have no particular advantages over double-hung windows. Additional impost takes up to 10% luminous flux, simultaneously making the entire structure heavier, which requires a more rigid profile. Higher frame strength can be achieved only by increasing its width. This in turn increases the cost of the window compared to a structure of the same size, but with 2 sashes.

The doors can open in various combinations:

  • one extreme;
  • both extreme;
  • average;
  • all three.

Windows with 3 opening sashes are rare. The reason is the very high price.

Choosing a method for opening the doors

A very important point is the choice of methods for opening the doors. This directly depends on:

  • quality of room ventilation;
  • convenient access to all elements of the window when caring for it - washing the outside and lubricating the seals;
  • cost of window construction - installing locking mechanisms on one window sash increases its cost by 8-12%.

According to this feature, windows are:

Deaf. This window has both pros and cons. The positive aspects include:

  • low cost;
  • ease of manufacture;
  • high reliability - there is simply nothing to break.

There is one minus, but a very significant one - there is no access for care. Therefore, it can often be seen in a balcony block, where the door allows you to ventilate the room, and the balcony or loggia provides the opportunity to wash the profile and glass unit.

Fixed windows are also installed in high-rise buildings. Here, due to safety precautions, it is strictly forbidden to open the doors on the upper floors. In order not to lead the owners into temptation, they install windows that do not open. They are washed by teams of industrial climbers. Blind structures are also installed in shopping and entertainment centers;

Rotary. Such windows open into the room along a vertical axis. This is the simplest and most cheap option opening window design - completely repeats the design principle of the Soviet “joinery”.

Makes it easy to maintain windows and ventilate rooms. The disadvantages include the inability to fully use the window sill (arrange vases with flowers) and the danger of falling into open window for small children and animals.

Folding. Open inward along the lower horizontal axis. Used for ventilation. Has a mechanism for fixing the sash in a certain position. It is rarely found in its pure form, mainly in attics, due to the difficulty of caring for the frame and double-glazed windows on the street side. The cost corresponds to a window with a swing sash.

Swivel and tilt. The most common option for opening the doors is a combination of a swing and tilt locking mechanism. A wide-open window allows access to the elements of the window structure from the street side - it opens by turning the handle 90 o towards the hinges.

Tilting the window makes it possible to ventilate the room with minimal use of the window opening space. It opens by turning the handle 180 o. The micro-ventilation mode is available when the handle is turned from the initial (closed) position by 135 o (or minus 45 o from full ventilation).

This mode allows for air exchange in the room without moisture getting onto the windowsill in rainy weather, when the wind throws raindrops on the window panes. The mode is also important for winter, when ventilation is not accompanied by cooling of the apartment.

Sliding. Due to a special mechanism, the sash comes out of the frame and moves parallel to the window, which allows it to be opened in conditions limited space. Installed in small rooms, as well as:

  • on balconies;
  • in loggias;
  • on verandas, etc.

The doors can be moved both in one and in different sides, moving along the guides. In combination with sliding sashes, folding mechanisms are often installed. In this case, it becomes possible to ventilate the rooms by simply tilting the sash.

Innovative. This method of opening the sash does not quite live up to its name. Appeared innovative technologies allow windows to be opened wide not only inwards, but also outwards. For example, you need to wash the windows - open them inwards, just ventilate them - open them outwards. In this case, there is no need to rearrange all flower pots. A special mechanism fixes the window open to the outside in a certain position, which does not allow the wind to play with it.

Practice shows that for a children's room and bedroom you need to choose windows with a tilt-and-turn mechanism with a micro-ventilation function. At the same time, the nursery should have a locking handle with a lock, which will not allow a curious child to open the door on his own.

For the living room and kitchen, the sliding window option is preferable. It gives a lot of light and does not interfere with ventilation or washing windows.

We looked at what types of plastic windows there are, which ones are best to choose for different rooms depending on their functional purpose. But this is just the beginning of the journey. Next comes the selection of windows based on structural elements.

Choosing a double-glazed window

Many may be surprised that when choosing elements of a window structure, a double-glazed window comes in 1st place. But there is a simple explanation for this: the glass part of the window opening occupies 80-85% of the entire window area. And this is the sound and heat insulation of the room, as well as its illumination, i.e. those parameters that shape the level of comfort in the apartment.

Therefore, you can choose a quiet, warm and airtight window only if you have made the right choice of glass unit.

Glass unit elements and their functions

The first double-glazed window appeared back in 1865. Since then, changes have been made to its design several times, until in 1970 it acquired modern look— currently 9 out of 10 windows are produced using this technology. Note that the principle of constructing a double-glazed window has been preserved. The changes concerned methods of fixing glass and ways to achieve tightness of the space between the glasses.

The technical solution inherent in the design of a double-glazed window is simple: two (three or more) glasses are separated by a spacer metal or aluminum frame. To seal the space between the glasses (called a chamber), double protection is used:

  • Made from butyl tape - placed under the spacer frame. An absorbent is poured onto it, absorbing excess moisture inside the chamber, which protects the glass from fogging and freezing;
  • The plastic mass of theocol permanently seals the chamber and assembles the entire structure into a single whole.

Let us note an important point: the distance between the glasses cannot be more than 2 cm. If this requirement is violated, the double-glazed window turns into an ordinary double window. Therefore, an attempt to improve the characteristics of a single-chamber double-glazed window is possible in the only way: to increase the number of cameras, i.e. combine not two, but three or four glasses in a bag.

For reference: increasing the number of chambers in a double-glazed window to four or more has no effect, only making the structure heavier and sharply increasing the cost of the window.

The number of chambers is a key parameter of a double-glazed window

Physics belongs to the exact sciences. One of its laws states that heat is transferred using infrared rays and air convection. In the sealed frame of the double-glazed window, the condensation is minimal, which is why heat is retained in the room. Naturally, with an increase in the number of chambers, the transfer of heat from indoors to outdoors becomes even more difficult. A good example this is the coefficient of heat transfer resistance:

  • single-chamber double-glazed window - 0.28-0.32 m 2 K/W;
  • two-chamber - 0.48-0.52 m 2 K/W;
  • three-chamber - 0.66-0.74 m 2 K/W.

Therefore, in warm Southern and Central Europe, single-chamber packages are mainly installed, in Central Russia - two-chamber ones (cold winters), and in Siberia and the North - three-chamber ones.

Single chamber Double-glazed windows are the simplest and cheapest option for glazing a plastic window. It is lightweight, therefore, the double-glazed window is held more securely in the sash, and the entire window is held in the window opening. Among the advantages is a high level of transparency, which allows the room to be well illuminated with daylight.

Among the disadvantages:

  • Insufficient thermal insulation. At a temperature of -25 o C they begin to let in the cold and freeze (fogging with subsequent freezing of glass is associated with design features such packages);
  • Weak level of sound insulation, which does not allow its use in a children's room and bedroom in noisy areas.

It is advisable to install a Euro-window with two glasses in warm latitudes, on the balcony, in service and technical rooms. Recently, single-chamber double-glazed windows with inert gases in the chamber and low-emission glass have become popular.

They are close to two-chamber packages in terms of thermal insulation, while being significantly cheaper than the latter. However, the problem of sound insulation is not solved. Therefore, single-chamber packages with argon are well suited for the bathroom and kitchen, and in private houses for the corridor and hallway.

Double chamber double glazed windows - ideal option for the bulk of the Russian population. Its design of 2 chambers formed by 3 glasses is 30-35% better in all respects than a single-chamber package. Its price is naturally higher, but additional costs pay for themselves very quickly. Such windows are installed in all types and types of buildings: residential, public, industrial, in cities and in rural areas.

Three-chamber Double-glazed windows allow you to escape from frosts of 40 o C and below. Up to a critical point, there is practically no difference between a two-chamber and a three-chamber window. Therefore, there is no point in placing a package with 4 glasses in places where frost exceeds 40 o C only occasionally.

The fact is that the three-chamber package is very heavy, and this requires a wider PVC profile and a stronger reinforcing tape (it may not withstand the weight of the sash at the hinge attachment points), which greatly affects the price. In addition, light transmission is difficult. There is always not enough of it indoors - during a long day of reading without artificial lighting, the eyes get tired very quickly.

Glass thickness

The thickness of the glass installed in the Eurowindow has virtually no effect on the thermal conductivity of the package as a whole. Heat transfer resistance coefficient of a two-chamber package with 4 mm glass ( standard thickness) is only 0.02-0.03 m 2 K/W lower than that of the same package with 8 mm glass, which is almost imperceptible.

The situation is completely different with changing the thickness of the glass when protecting the room from excess noise. Here the use of thicker glass gives significant results. However, there is one very important thing: simultaneously increasing the thickness of all the glasses does not have an effect - they still resonate. Glasses in one package should be of different sizes:

  • for residential premises in rural areas, a thickness of outer glass of 6 mm, middle and inner glass of 4 mm each is sufficient;
  • in residential areas of the city they install packages with a combination of glass thickness of 8-4-4 mm;
  • in houses with increased external noise sources, packages with outer glass of 8 mm, middle glass - 6 mm, inner glass - 4 mm are suitable.

However, window sashes with such glass are very heavy, which will require reinforcement load-bearing structure with a corresponding increase in the price of the window. The designers proposed a solution in different thicknesses of the air gap between the glasses, which prevents the occurrence of resonance in the inner glass, which we will discuss below.

Width of the double-glazed window as a whole and individual chambers

When choosing a double-glazed window, its thickness and the width of the air chambers play an important role. It affects:

  • on the level of thermal insulation;
  • degree of protection of the premises from street noise;
  • impact resistance of glass;
  • double-glazed window price;
  • the cost of the window as a whole.

The width of the double-glazed window depends on the thickness of the glass and the air chambers between it, but should not exceed 6.0 cm. People who are poorly versed in the selection of double-glazed windows think that the thicker the glass and the greater the distance between it, the more comfortable it is in the room. However, this is not entirely true.

Firstly, the thickening of the glass has little effect on the ability of the Euro-window to create a barrier to heat loss from the apartment. At the same time, an increase in the weight of a sash with thicker glass causes a sharp increase in the cost of the window structure, which does not pay off until the end of its operation.

Secondly, there are minimum and maximum restrictions on the width of the air chamber. For example, with a window area of ​​more than 2.0 m2, the width of the air gap is less than 5 mm leads to deformation of the glass into the chamber at low temperatures, as a result of which its strength is reduced by 45-50%. If the thickness of the chamber exceeds 20 mm, all the advantages of the double-glazed window are lost - it begins to work like a double-leaf wooden window.

Various studies have shown that the optimal chamber width is 10-15 mm. In this case, it is possible to vary the thickness of the chambers in one package, which leads to an increase in the level of noise protection. For example, a double-glazed window with 6-4-4 mm glass and the width of one chamber is 6 mm, the other is 12 mm, in terms of sound absorption efficiency it is not inferior to a double-glazed window with 8-6-4 mm glass.

Glass type

We are all accustomed to ordinary glass. However, in double-glazed windows it is the same in chemical composition, but very smooth and even in thickness float glass. It retains heat well and dampens noise, and has sufficient strength. However, the market offers new products every year when window glass with different characteristics appears.

Please note: float glass is produced in a bath filled with molten tin, onto the surface of which liquid glass is poured. The glass crystallizes, but the tin remains in liquid state, resulting in a smooth surface and ideal thickness.

Low emissivity glass. This name for glass arose because of its ability to transmit long waves and retain (reflect) short ones (light passes through, heat is reflected back).

Such properties of a double-glazed window appear after sputtering silver or rare earth metal ions onto the glass surface (referred to as i-glass). If tin or indium were deposited, we have k-glass. i-glass has higher thermal protection indicators than k-glass, which is reflected in its cost. But the increase in price is compensated by a significant increase in the level of thermal insulation. Filling the air chambers with inert gas further enhances this ability.

As a result, a single-chamber double-glazed window with i-glass and argon in the chamber has a heat transfer resistance coefficient higher by approximately 0.06 m 2 K/W than that of a two-chamber standard package. The situation is the same with a two-chamber double-glazed window - the coefficient is higher than that of a three-chamber one.

Attention: low-emissivity glass must stand alone in a bag and be located indoors with a layer of spraying inside the chamber - it is afraid of mechanical influences and sudden temperature changes.

Solar control glass. In southern climatic zones there is a need for protection from direct sun rays owners of the home, furniture, wallpaper, etc., when curtains or blinds are not a solution to the problem. In these cases, mirrored and tinted glass helps. An energy-saving package with i-glass (k-glass transmits UV rays) that reflects the sun's rays can also be solar-protective.

Impact resistant glass. Quite often, it is necessary to have very strong glass in double-glazed windows - the upper floors of skyscrapers, where strong wind, first floors with windows accessible to burglars, public buildings, etc. Here it is possible to install double-glazed windows with triplex, tempered glass and an impact-resistant film applied to the surface of the double-glazed window.

Triplex is a multilayer glass with a special polymer film between them. The thickness of such glass ranges from 5 to 40 mm. The more layers of glass and film, the stronger the triplex. When damaged, such glass does not shatter into fragments, but is held in place by a film. Can withstand impacts up to 135 kg (strength class A2).

Another important property of triplex is its ability to block ultraviolet rays and increase the heat and noise protection of the window. Tempered glass includes sheet float glass that has undergone rapid cooling (after heating to 690 o C). Experts recommend installing it in attics, winter gardens, glass roofs, etc.

Price factor

The price of a double-glazed window is influenced by many factors:

  • glass thickness;
  • its type;
  • number of air chambers;
  • total area of ​​the package;
  • the type of gas that fills the chamber.

In this situation, there is an opportunity for significant savings in the family budget. To do this, professionals advise creating requirements for double-glazed windows for each window. In one case, a simple single-chamber package is sufficient (kitchen), in another, a window with good sound insulation is needed (for rooms with windows facing the roadway), in a third, double-glazed windows with reflective glass, etc.

Selecting a high-quality double-glazed window is necessary according to several parameters:

  • Use a tape measure to determine compliance with the geometry. To do this, you need to measure the diagonals of the package. A difference in measurements from 0 to 3 mm shows that the manufacturer complies with the standards;
  • The thickness of the glass unit can vary within 1 mm - measured with a caliper;
  • The displacement of the glass relative to each other should not exceed 1 mm - this can be checked with a construction square.

In addition, you should pay attention:

  • for the presence of glass markings - its absence indicates simple glass;
  • on the integrity of the glass and the insulation layer of the package - there should be no chips or cracks, and the outer sealant should be smooth and neat;
  • for the presence of water and steam in the air chamber.

Profile mounting depth

For the double-glazed windows selected for each window opening, it is necessary to select a PVC profile of the appropriate width, which in the language of specialists is designated by the term “installation depth” (measured from one front wall to another at the widest point). Here, the customer should under no circumstances follow the lead of the company’s representatives, who will persuade and insist on one type of profile for all windows.

It may turn out that you need a mounting depth of three sizes, but there are only two standard sizes. In this case, one or more windows can be installed of a different brand. In any case, it will be much cheaper than agreeing with the installers' arguments. Quality indicators are unlikely to suffer in this case - the overwhelming majority of manufacturers have similar plastic characteristics.

The minimum profile width is 48 mm (mainly for fixed windows). Used for single-chamber packages installed in non-residential premises. In the residential sector, a 58 mm profile is needed for windows with two glasses of 4 mm thickness each. As the sash becomes heavier due to thicker glass, the required profile width increases, up to 65 mm.

For a double-glazed window with 4-4-4 mm glass, a profile with an installation depth of 70 mm is installed. As the weight of the glass increases, the installation depth automatically increases, up to 90 mm. Three-chamber bags are placed on very wide (over 90 mm) profiles with strong reinforcement. The maximum possible profile depth is 127 mm.

PVC profile

The warmth, silence and comfort in the apartment largely depends on the chosen profile. It can have different wall thicknesses, different numbers of chambers (not to be confused with the air chambers of double-glazed windows), different shapes of fittings and a variety of designs. The influence of these indicators on the operational characteristics of the window was studied in the work: "". Here we consider in detail which plastic windows are the best in quality.


A small but very important element of a plastic window is the seals. The tightness of the window depends on their quality. They are made from natural rubber, silicone and rubber. Rubber The sash is pressed well against the frame and does not allow moisture to enter the room. heavy rain, not in the fog. However, the service life of such a seal is the lowest - 5-7 years.

Longer, up to 12 years, service life silicone seals. With proper care, they last up to 15-16 years. They are not afraid of extreme heat and frost - they do not deform or crack.

Service life of natural rubber up to 10 years. Requires constant care - lubrication. If the procedure is ignored, you will have to change it after 7-8 years.


The fittings provide opening/closing of the window. Must be durable, made of high-grade steel with anti-corrosion coating to withstand significant loads. If you use products from unknown manufacturers, there is a high probability that the handles will constantly break, and the sashes will sag and cling to the frame and impost. According to reviews on forums, the brands “Winkhaus”, “Roto”, “Maco”, etc. are trustworthy.

After selecting all the elements of the window structure, you need to pay attention to the slopes and window sill. They must fit into the interior and be affordable for the owners. There are no other requirements for them.

Selecting windows by price

The StroyGuru portal has already written more than once that a situation has developed in the plastic window market where the consumer significantly overpays for the brand. Currently you can find windows with high performance characteristics, not inferior to the leaders of various ratings, but at the same time with a lower price.

As a guide, here are the prices for windows from little-known manufacturers, but with good technical and operational characteristics:

  • for the kitchen and bathroom - from 3,600 to 6,800 rubles/m2;
  • living room, children's room and bedroom - 6,500-7,800 rubles/m2;
  • cottage - 9,000-21,000 rub./m2;
  • attic, balcony - 4,800-6,000 rubles/m2.


In conclusion, let us remind you how to choose plastic windows - expert recommendations:

  1. the type of window, the number of sashes and methods of opening and closing them are determined;
  2. depending on the noise level, climate zone and type of room, the type of double-glazed window, the number of glasses in it, the thickness and type of glass for each window opening are determined;
  3. The installation depth of the plastic profile is selected for the double-glazed window;
  4. Based on financial capabilities and requirements for the PVC profile, a window manufacturer is selected;
  5. Seals and fittings are ordered.

The right choice will ensure many years of coziness and comfort in a room with plastic windows.

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This article is about how to choose the right new windows for your apartment. It just so happens that the customer usually completely shifts the function of choosing windows to the seller. My task is to tell you what you should pay attention to when buying, and what factors do not have any impact important. Let's get started.

Our goal is to purchase a warm, practical and durable window.

Point by point

  1. What window parameters should we choose?

There are several of them:

  • Frame material Currently, they are made from metal-plastic (PVC with metal liners that increase the rigidity of the profile), wood (glued together from lamellas and processed protective compounds) and aluminum;
  • Position and number of opening and blind doors;
  • Manufacturer of frames and (in the case of metal and metal-plastic products) profile structure;
  • Manufacturer and design of window fittings;
  • Number of double glazing chambers;

Camera in in this case called the air gap between the glass in a sealed double-glazed window. The number of chambers is one less than the number of glazing threads: a double-glazed unit with two glasses is called single-chamber, with three – two-chamber, and so on.

  • In case of special requirements for a double-glazed window, its functionality. It can be energy saving, sun protection and noise protection.


  1. Which frames are better - plastic, wood or aluminum??

If you're on a limited budget, use plastic ones. Why? Here are the arguments in their favor:

  • Service life less than 50 years;
  • No special care requirements. The surface of the PVC profile can be safely washed using any cleaning agents, including weak solutions of acids and alkalis. Only abrasive agents are undesirable: their frequent use will make the glossy surface of the profile rough and cause it to get dirty faster;
  • The range of permissible operating temperatures is from -60 to +60 degrees, which allows them to be used in any region of our wide and vast country;

Plastic windows perform their functions in any climatic zone of the country - from Crimea to Yakutia.

  • Possibility of painting in any color (including the entire volume of plastic) or pasting with decorative film (including textured one, which very reliably imitates wood).

Why are competing solutions bad against this background?

Disadvantages of wooden frames:

  • The price of a window is high (at least one and a half times more expensive than when using PVC), even when using cheap softwood. The use of noble breeds increases it at least twice more;

  • For washing window frames You can only use soapy water or special detergents;
  • The surface of the frames must be periodically (at least once a year) treated with a protective emulsion, compensating for the evaporation of the protective impregnation.

Choosing an aluminum profile means an unjustified increase in heat loss: aluminum is a metal with high thermal conductivity. Each frame will become a bridge of cold, facilitating heat leakage, and in extreme cold it will also be covered with frost (which, at the first thaw, will turn into water dripping onto the floor).

Warm aluminum profiles exist, but they are the same combination of metal and plastic, only at a higher price than PVC frames.


  1. How to choose a window design - position of blind and opening sashes ?

I would formulate my experience with plastic windows different designs as follows:

  • The blind sash at the top of the window is very inconvenient even with its considerable height: it is difficult to clean from the outside. Much more practical is an opening sash that spans the entire height of the window opening. An exception is if the window is so high that the lock handle located in its middle will be at a height inaccessible to the owner;

  • It is extremely undesirable to increase the width of the opening sash beyond 70 - 75 centimeters. It will begin to sag under its own weight;
  • A window more than 1.5 - 1.6 meters wide should be made three-leaf. In this case, the opening sash should be located in the middle, between two blind ones. Alternative solution- two opening doors at the edges of the opening.

This configuration of the shutters will again help to wash the glass from the outside without the risk of falling out of the window.


  1. Which plastic windows are best to choose based on profile type??

The main advice when choosing windows for cold regions is to look at the width of the profile. It can be equal to 60, 70 and 90 mm.

The greater the width, the less heat will be lost through the frames.

60 mm profiles are the most affordable; but in the 70 mm category only high-quality products from renowned manufacturers are offered.

  1. What is affected by the number of air chambers inside the profile??

On the thermal conductivity of frames and sashes. More chambers mean less heat loss. The mechanism for reducing losses is quite obvious: inter-chamber partitions limit the convection of air inside the frame, carrying thermal energy between the outer walls of the profile.

  1. Who produces the highest quality plastic profiles for windows?

The Germans are the companies Rehau, Veka and KBE. All these manufacturers have their own profile production factories in Russia, so they can offer competitive prices for their products.


Perhaps this statement looks seditious, but with the same width and number of air chambers, products from different manufacturers (including profiles from famous German companies and inexpensive products from Russian and Chinese brands) differ little from each other in terms of performance characteristics.

The fact is that all products entering the domestic Russian market undergo mandatory certification. It eliminates the profile's non-compliance with environmental requirements or low ultraviolet resistance.

German profiles have only one important difference from competing products - greater rigidity with respect to bending loads due to the greater thickness of the metal embedded part. However, rigidity is important mainly for large window areas and significant wind loads, and even then to a rather limited extent.

Let me give you an example of the glazing of your own. Two panoramic windows with an area of ​​13 square meters each assembled on an inexpensive Hauteck profile made in China. The glazing withstands the strongest winter winds characteristic of coastal areas without any incidents.



  1. What do you need to know when choosing accessories? Whose products are worth taking a closer look at? ?

Here, on the contrary, the manufacturer is very important: during the operation of windows, the fittings experience significant loads, therefore, the duration of trouble-free operation of the window as a whole depends on the thoughtfulness of its design and the quality of the metal.

Here are four manufacturers that have built an impeccable reputation in this market sector:

  • Siegenia-Aubi;

  • Roto;
  • Maco;
  • Winkhaus.

As a rule, window sellers themselves offer to include fittings from one of the manufacturers I have listed in the window package. This is understandable: why do they need unnecessary problems with dissatisfied clients?


  1. How to choose accessories based on functionality ?

Here is the set of functions that I consider a reasonable minimum:

  • Blocker of erroneous actions. It does not allow you to turn the handle of the open sash, completely freeing its upper edge from the hinge;
  • Transom mode (tilting the sash towards you). The tilted sash will allow you to ventilate the room in windy and rainy weather without flooding the window sill with rainwater;

  • Micro-ventilation mode - fixing the tilted sash in intermediate positions. Installing sealed plastic windows instead of wooden ones for an apartment means a violation of the well-thought-out system of ventilation of rooms through the windows: the ventilation ducts continue to work, but the influx completely stops.

As a result, an increase in humidity leads to the appearance of condensation on glass, frames and slopes, and after it - black spots of fungus. Micro-ventilation provides a constant dosed flow of fresh air without the risk of cold drafts: the cold flow mixes with the ascending air heating device under the window with warm air;

If the windows are already installed, micro-ventilation can be provided by installing a window clamp on the frame and sash. This product costs 100 - 200 rubles; You can screw it to the window in 5 - 10 minutes.

  • With a significant width of the sash, a microlift is very useful - a simple device that lifts its edge when closing;

  • The sash must be secured not only with a central lock, but also with pressure rollers at the top and bottom. Otherwise, the top and bottom of the sash will inevitably move away from the frame, leaving gaps in the seal for cold air from the street;
  • In cold regions, another instruction for choosing accessories is important: its pressure rollers must have “summer-winter” modes. Turning the oval roller changes the pressure of the sash: in winter it is pressed more strongly, which compensates for the decrease in the linear dimensions of the profile during cooling, in summer it is pressed less, which eliminates deformation of the seal.

Turning the eccentric roller allows you to adjust the sash pressure.

Double-glazed window

Number of cameras

  1. Which plastic windows to choose based on the type of glass unit - single-chamber, two-chamber or three-chamber ?

It all depends on the climate zone.

In warm regions (Crimea, Kaliningrad, Volgograd and Krasnodar regions), single-chamber double-glazed windows are most in demand.

In areas with a temperate and moderately cold climate (the center of the country, the near Trans-Urals and most of Far East) the assortment of sellers is dominated by windows with double-glazed windows.

In the Far North (primarily in Yakutia and Chukotka), three-chamber (4 strands) glazing predominates.

Energy saving

  1. What is it - energy-saving double-glazed window?

One of the glasses in its composition has a metal coating (a multilayer coating based on silver and titanium oxides just a few molecules thick), which has limited transparency in the infrared spectrum. At the same time, glass transmits up to 90% of visible light.

What does this give?

In winter, when the temperature in the apartment is higher than outside, the coating reflects infrared rays towards the heated room, reducing heat loss. In summer, energy-saving glass filters sunlight, eliminating the thermal part of the spectrum, and reduces the heating of rooms on the sunny side.

An inert gas, rather than air, is often used to fill an energy-saving double-glazed window (most often, inexpensive argon plays this role). Due to its lower thermal conductivity and higher viscosity compared to air, it further reduces heat loss due to convection.

It is useful for a potential buyer to know several interesting facts, one way or another related to energy-saving double-glazed windows.

  • The market offers two types of energy-saving glasses: hard-coated k-glass is produced by applying a metal layer to a hot substrate, and i-glass with a soft layer is produced by emission of metal molecules in a vacuum onto a cold surface. I-glass is characterized by greater translucency and lower permeability to infrared radiation, but its coating is very unstable in relation to mechanical stress;

On the left is an open balcony door, on the right is an energy-saving double-glazed window. As is easy to see, it hardly obscures the field of view.

This problem can be solved extremely simply: even at the stage of assembling the double-glazed window, i-glass is mounted by spraying inside.

  • Sputtered k-glass is strong enough to be used in single-strand glazing;
  • A single-chamber energy-saving double-glazed window is a quarter warmer compared to a double-chamber package with plain glass and 40% warmer than a regular single-chamber one. At the same time, the cost of a single-chamber energy-saving and a two-chamber conventional package is approximately equal, and the weight of the first of them is one and a half times less, which reduces the load on the profile and increases the service life of the fittings;
  • A double-chamber double-glazed window, including two i-glasses, is approximately equivalent in terms of thermal insulation quality brickwork 70 centimeters. At the same time, the second i-glass in the package increases its thermal insulation qualities by only 2-3%;

  • Argon in an energy-saving package increases its thermal efficiency by 8 - 12%, and in a regular package - by only 4;
  • Over the course of a year, due to the molecular diffusion of argon through the sealant, up to 3% of its total volume is lost;
  • It is impossible to determine the presence of argon in the chambers of a double-glazed window by eye: you will have to completely rely on the honesty of the seller. But I-glass is easy to recognize by looking at the reflection of a match or lighter in the glass: the metal coating shifts the reflected image to the red part of the spectrum;
  • Due to its lower permeability to infrared rays, i-glass heats up five to seven degrees more than usual. Therefore, to reduce heat loss in winter, a double-glazed window must be installed with this glass inward, and to reduce heating of the room in the summer months, it must be installed outward.

In my attic (let me remind you - with a total window area of ​​26 m2 with a room area of ​​60 m2) single-chamber packages with one i-glass are installed. Climate zone— Crimea, Sevastopol. Average temperature January - +3, the minimum winter temperature I observed was -20C.

Two facts indicate the effectiveness of energy-saving glazing functions:

  • The flooring opposite the open balcony door, brightly illuminated by the sun, heats up several degrees more than the adjacent area of ​​the floor, illuminated through the glazing;
  • At -20 outside, to maintain a comfortable +20 in the attic, 4.1 kilowatts of thermal power (28.47 watts per cubic meter) is enough, which is noticeably less than the calculated value for heating systems modern houses with insulated facades.

The photo clearly shows the thermal power of the inverter air conditioner - single source heat in the attic.

Light protection

  1. How does a light-protective glass unit work?

Partial permeability in the visible part of the spectrum is ensured by a method already familiar to us - spraying metal coating a few nanometers thick. Glass can have translucency in the range from 30 to 70% and have an arbitrary color - blue, green, gray, brown, and so on.

The main function of light protection is to reduce the insolation of the room on the south side of the house. However, in addition, the owner also receives protection from immodest glances from the street: the spraying has a metallic sheen and, thanks to mirror effect does not allow you to see the interior of the room from the outside until street lighting brighter than the inner one.

Light-protective and energy-saving glass can be combined into one double-glazed unit. This solution is popular in the south of the country.

Noise protection

  1. How to choose the right plastic windows facing a busy street ?

The main problem for you will be noise from the street. The solution is a two- or three-chamber noise-insulating double-glazed window. Noise protection is provided by two factors:

  • Different glass thicknesses (typically 4 and 6 mm);
  • Different widths of spacer frames forming air chambers between the glasses.

You can also combine any type of glass into a noise-protective double-glazed window - ordinary, light-protective and energy-saving.

After assembly, finalize with a file

  1. What to do if you have already installed windows that do not suit you with their functionality?

Here is the list typical problems inexpensive windows that are installed by builders or offered by dealers in the lowest price category:

  • Lack of tightness due to lack of pressure rollers. It is treated by replacing the set of accessories. The replacement itself costs up to 1000 rubles per window. The cost of fittings is quite predictably determined by its manufacturer and functionality;

  • Lack of tightness due to deformation of the seal. Eliminated by replacing the seal on the frame and the opening sash. The seal is welded to the profile only in the corners and is usually easily removed from the groove with your own hands, and to install new insulation you can use a blunt steel spatula;

  • The absence of a micro-ventilation system is compensated for by the installation of the window clamp or supply valve that I have already mentioned;

There is an easier way to organize ventilation: just cut a couple of pieces of insulation, 3-5 centimeters each, on the frame and sash. It is cut out on the frame from below, and on the sash from above: then all the dust from the street will not be transferred by the supply air into the living room, but will settle between the frames.

  • It’s easy to turn a double-glazed window into an energy-saving or sun-protective one by gluing a film with the appropriate functionality onto the glass. The glass is washed clean and generously moistened with water and the additive liquid soap or baby shampoo. Then the film with the liner removed, cut to the size of the glass, is pressed against it and smoothed from the center to the periphery rubber spatula or plastic card.

A glass unit with a film glued on will look neater if you remove it from the frame before applying the sticker. To dismantle it, it is enough to remove the glazing beads around the perimeter of the glass, prying them off with a knife or steel spatula. When installing, the glazing beads are pressed into the frame and achieved with a rubber hammer.