Which manufacturer of sheet backing for laminate is better? Which substrate is better for laminate: a comparative review of different types

Sheet backing for laminate flooring is an essential attribute flooring, which simultaneously performs several functions to ensure a long service life of the floor. When choosing a damper, you need to take into account a number of features that affect many characteristics of the coating. One of the most important criteria– optimal layer thickness.

Is a substrate always needed?

Laminate is made from artificial materials, which have significant disadvantages:

  • sensitivity to mechanical influence;
  • warping.

Only a laminate underlay can offset these disadvantages. After all, the heat and sound insulation properties of the floor, moisture resistance and its service life depend on its presence. In this case, the damper layer must meet certain requirements:

  • The material must be neutral to interaction with chemical reagents, especially alkaline ones;
  • The bactericidal properties of the lining should exclude the possibility of mold developing under the coating;
  • The material must be inedible for insects and mice;
  • The structure of the damper must ensure ventilation of the floor;
  • The lining under the laminate is designed to neutralize the serious load on the locking system of the lamellas.

In addition, the backing layer is able to eliminate minor unevenness on the rough base, and also act as a shock absorber, softening impacts while walking on the surface. Based on all of the above, it becomes clear that a substrate is simply necessary when installing a laminated coating.

Substrate thickness

The thickness of the substrate can vary over a significant range: from 0.8 to 10 mm. Each type should be used only in accordance with the condition of the subfloor, as well as the thickness of the laminated boards. The sizes of the underlay layer discussed below are the most common:

  • Underlay for laminate 2 mm. A thin damping layer that has excellent shock-absorbing properties. Most often used for laying lamellas, the thickness of which does not exceed 5-6 mm;
  • Underlay for laminate 3 mm. This type The lining reduces the noise level when walking on the surface, and is also suitable for the “warm floor” system. Often it already comes complete with class 32 and 33 laminate;
  • Underlay for laminate 5 mm. A thick damper that is used in commercial premises. Improves performance characteristics coating, extending its service life.

Tip: This material is used for laying lamellas whose thickness exceeds 10 mm. Because laminate flooring is floating, thinner boards on a too thick underlay will sag.

Determining the optimal damper thickness

Many experts say that the thickness of the backing layer should be approximately 3 mm. This is enough to level out minor defects on the rough base and provide shock absorption. However, with significant height differences of 3 mm, the damper will be practically useless. But this does not mean at all that a thicker lining will be able to solve this issue.

The fact is that the soft backing material on which the laminate is laid can cause breakage of the locks located at the ends of the connected lamellas. This often happens during the operation of a floor laid on an uneven screed. As a result, large cracks appear on the surface, which subsequently leads to individual planks being torn out of the floor.

When using dampers made of artificial materials such as polyethylene or polystyrene, it is better to give preference to small thicknesses up to 3 mm. Such materials quickly deform and become thinner in areas of greatest mechanical load. This can lead to gaps between the laminate and the base. Therefore, the greater the thickness of the flooring, the more gaps will form between the boards and the screed.

If the thickness of the coating together with the synthetic underlay is not sufficient to bring the floor to the same level as another room, it is better to take cork flooring slightly thicker. Firstly, it is slightly deformed and pressed, and secondly, it has a significantly longer service life. This need arises when renovating private homes.

Often the floor levels in the corridor and rooms are different, which leads to the appearance of small thresholds. This problem can be eliminated by dense substrates 3-4 mm thick.

Types of dampers and their sizes

The thickness of the laminate substrate depends not only on the size and thickness of the lamellas, but also on the type of materials used. Therefore, before purchasing flooring, you should study its varieties:

  1. Izolon. This type The material has excellent water resistance, so it can be installed in rooms with high humidity. There are several types of isolon:
    • With a thickness of 1 to 1.5 mm. It is produced in rolls, the width of which is 80-90 cm;
    • With thickness from 2 to 10 mm. Available in the form of tapes with a width of up to 50 cm;
    • With thickness from 20 to 60 mm. Most often produced in the form of rectangular slabs.
  2. Foil material. It is made on the basis of isolon, in addition, it contains a thin layer of foil, sometimes on a self-adhesive basis. The damper perfectly retains heat and resists moisture. Available in rolls up to 120 cm wide and up to 5 mm thick;
  3. Cork flooring. A very durable material with good sound and heat insulation. There are several types of it:
    • In the form of a canvas with a thickness of 2 to 4 mm. It is treated with a special antiseptic, which prevents the development of mold under the floor;
    • Elastic cork flooring. Has good sound insulation. In this case, the layer thickness varies from 1 to 5 mm;
    • Bitumen-cork damper. Durable coating, capable of withstanding heavy loads. As a rule, manufacturers produce substrates with a layer thickness of up to 5 mm.
  4. Composite lining. Consists of 3 main layers: film-polystyrene-film. Usually sold in rolls with a layer thickness of 3 mm;
  5. Expanded polystyrene material. One of the cheapest dampers with a thickness of 0.5 to 6 mm. However, with prolonged use, it can become thinner, which will lead to damage to the floor.

Laying features

After you decide on optimal size flooring and its type, you will have to install the floor covering. The process is quite simple, so even a beginner who has never repaired a floor can handle it. It is only important to follow the instructions, which will allow you to install the flooring efficiently.

The sheet is laid in two stages:

  1. First stage
    • Before starting work, the rough base must be cleaned of dust and dirt and then dried;
    • Then it is necessary to provide additional waterproofing of the floor;
    • For this purpose, durable plastic film, which is placed on top of the base;
    • To cut off excess film, use regular scissors;
    • It is important that the film overlaps the walls;
    • During the installation of the material, the waterproofing layer may move out. Therefore, it is advisable to fix it with tape.
  2. Second stage
    • Now you need to place the backing perpendicular to the slats. This is necessary so that during installation or operation of the floor covering it individual elements did not move;
    • As with the waterproofing film, the backing should overlap the walls to form a bowl;
    • If the interlayer has a corrugated surface, it is advisable that it be laid facing subfloor. Then this will help level the base;
    • In the case of a foil damper, it is desirable that the foil be turned upward;
    • When laying a rolled layer, connect adjacent sheets using masking tape;
    • To fix individual slabs of cork or pine needles, you need to use either a stapler or glue.

Important! It is strictly not recommended to lay the damper in several layers to level the base. This can lead to very disastrous consequences. Firstly, under the influence of the load on the coating, the floor will sag, and lock system will be damaged, and secondly, the layers of the litter may move relative to each other, which will lead to the formation of voids under the floor.

If you follow all the rules for choosing a substrate, as well as the method of laying it, the floor covering will serve you for at least 10 years. In this case, the damper layer will provide good level noise and heat insulation. Moreover, a high-quality layer significantly reduces the load on the interlocking joints between laminated slabs, which allows the floor to remain “new” for a long time.

Between the floor covering and the base there must be a material that dampens noise, ensures heat retention, and helps level the surface with small level differences on the main floor. For laminate, modern industry produces various substrates that are almost impossible to make with your own hands.

Accordingly, a spatial thought arises about how to choose a substrate for a laminate from the existing proposals on the construction market. It is necessary to take into account not only the quality of the product and the reputation of the manufacturer, but also focus on the functionality of the material. That is, understand exactly why you need the underlay, on what basis, for what specific brand of laminate, for what room, and so on.


Important! There is an opportunity to watch a video about choosing a substrate, there are certain instructions and recommendations, but without a competent approach you will not succeed. Therefore, you need to try to thoroughly understand the types and types of substrates, and then run to the store to buy the goods.

Special materials used as such a substrate resist impact noise well and provide high-quality thermal insulation, then you will no longer need it.


Some manufacturers of laminates (namely the floor coverings themselves!) put on the market ready-to-use panels, to which a backing and moisture insulation are attached to the bottom. These are laminates of 32-33 classes of some brand brands with an already integrated substrate.

This is an expensive material, and if you bought something exorbitantly expensive, then look first at the laminate itself before running to the store for a backing. In this case it is not needed.

More details


This is to avoid getting into trouble and falling into a trance at the sight of the variety of substrates offered.

Polyethylene foam materials laid under laminate panels can be:

  • Chemically cross-linked, foamed or gas-filled;
  • Physically cross-linked, a reagent is added to the material during the manufacturing process.

Cork can be:

  • Made from natural pressed crumbs;
  • Bitumen-cork;
  • Bitumen-cork with a kraft base;
  • Cork with rubber additives.


Which substrate to choose for laminate flooring is a highly specialized question; the answer to it depends on many circumstances and factors. , what you will lay it on, in which specific room, who will walk on it and how many times a day, and so on.

With a perfectly level base surface, you need to take care of the outer surface of the floor covering, on which you will directly walk. And if there are serious differences in the level of the base, more than 2 mm/1 meter, then a substrate even with a thickness of five or more millimeters, regardless of the quality and materials, will not save.

Also today, it is customary to pay more attention to the environmental friendliness of materials, and in the substrate segment, the leader in this regard is not cheap cork. Therefore, focus on your own budget and proceed from the existing conditions.

Relatively new material– laminate – is occupying an increasingly prominent place in the market building materials as one of the most inexpensive materials, which is easy to work with. At the same time, it gives excellent results in terms of visual perception of the floor covering, ease of maintenance and durability. But such a result is only possible with a high-quality finishing coating and a correctly selected substrate for the laminate.

Functional purpose of laminate substrate

To successfully use this type of coating, there are a number of requirements that must be adhered to. They relate, first of all, to the formation of a floor “pie”, a multilayer device that compensates weaknesses finishing coating and ensuring the long-lasting performance of the floor’s full functional purpose. To do this, before laying it, a substrate for the laminate is formed, which is assigned the following tasks:

  • steam protection, the purpose of which is to protect the floor cake from air moisture coming from below;
  • insulating function - minimizing heat loss from the floor screed, which is especially important when the floor slabs of the first floor are located above a basement intended for storing food, with a special thermal regime;
  • sound insulation – relevant for second and higher floors;
  • leveling out defects in the rough screed, which is especially important when using laminate as the final floor covering.

Our readers will have to choose which is the best underlay for laminate flooring. To understand the problem, let’s find out what laminate is.

The basis for the manufacture of such boards is wood-fiber board increased strength. The surface is covered with a layer of melamine or acrylate resin, which is protective layer. A decorative layer of paper under a transparent coating can imitate any surface from wood to stone. Bottom layer made of waterproof paper due to impregnation, protects the board from moisture. A number of manufacturers have mating elements covered with a layer of wax.

Selecting a substrate

The substrate is a multilayer device, but taking into account the properties of the coating material, special attention attention is paid to its ability to smooth out the effects of various types of irregularities on the surface of the bearing plane of the base.

Non-woven fiber substrates

This is perhaps the best choice as a substrate for laminate flooring. Fiber underlays for floors differ from all their competitors not only in terms of price/quality ratio, but also in better physical characteristics.

The Triotex company is engaged in the production of these substrates, and has already established itself as a reliable supplier of quality materials.

Advantages of fiber substrates:

  • Excellent moisture insulation - the substrate is covered protective film, which does not allow getting wet;
  • Sound insulation - due to its structure, the material almost completely absorbs sound;
  • Thermal insulation - in terms of its thermal insulation properties, non-woven fiber can compete with cork coverings;
  • We perfectly smooth out small irregularities - the main purpose of the substrates. And substrates from the Triotex company cope with this better than anyone else.

Among other things, fiber substrates are not subject to rotting and “sinking” over time.

Installation is one of the simplest among competitors. Unlike others fragile materials(corks, pine needles, polystyrene foam), just roll out the material on the floor and cut it in the right places.

The flooring from the Triotex company is suitable for any purpose - for leveling the floor before laying laminate, for soundproofing and insulating it.

Cork materials

Crushed natural material cork as a substrate is formed into rolls on a fabric basis, the thickness of the material is 2 – 10 mm. Thanks to your physical properties, is popular due to its ability to smooth out pinpoint irregularities, leveling their impact on the laminate.

Cork backing also works well when laid over wood floors. In this case, surface preparation consists of removing old paint using scrapers or special staff, intended for this purpose. To do this, you need to secure squeaky floorboards with additional screws or nails to the floor joists. Chips and cracks must be repaired with putty of a special composition for wood.

When laying the substrate, the usual technology for such cases is used. Purlins of sheet material are laid on the floor, with joints allowed, both in width and length, which must be glued together with construction tape . Attention! When laying the substrate, local swelling and bulging are unacceptable. It should fit snugly to the floor throughout the entire area of ​​the room.

The positive qualities of this material include its low allergenicity. Being an agglomeration of natural material and the same binders, it is initially environmentally friendly. This allows the use of such material in living quarters, children's rooms, kitchens and other similar places.

Among others positive qualities note the following:

  • long service life, reaching 30 years with strict adherence to surface preparation technologies where the cork substrate is used and its actual installation;
  • resistance of the material to deformation; after removing the load, relaxation of the material layer occurs within 2 – 2.5 hours;
  • soundproofing properties - the porous structure and elasticity of the source material effectively dampen both penetrating sounds and vibration waves from operating electrical equipment and devices. Already with a layer thickness of 2 mm, the material dampens sounds up to 12 - 14 decibels;
  • thermal insulation properties - low thermal conductivity determined its use for insulating walls, ceilings, floors and other multidirectional planes;
  • the material is an antiseptic of natural origin, not exposed to fungi and lichens, and also does not serve as food for domestic rodents.

A unique property is the ability of cork to reduce radioactive background and harmful effects other building materials.

A negative factor is the high price of cork materials, which is successfully compensated by its set of positive characteristics and durability.

In addition, the low thermal conductivity of this substrate prevents its use for any heated floors.

Coniferous substrates

This material is made from wood shavings and chips coniferous species that have undergone steaming. When pressing products, no extraneous binders are used; the resin contained in the wood itself acts as such. The materials used and the production method reasonably allow us to consider coniferous substrates as an environmentally friendly material.

The main forms of release are rolls and plates. The latter are packaged in packs of 7 square meters with a card size of 59 x 89 cm and a thickness of 3.5 - 7 mm. When laying as a substrate, the seams are taped with construction tape.

Initially, this material was intended for use as a sound insulator, but the identified ability to dampen shock and vibration loads led to its use as a substrate for various finishing floor coverings.

Coniferous underlay for laminate flooring has a number of valuable positive qualities:

  • high sound insulation ability creates comfortable indoor living conditions;
  • the use of a coniferous underlay allows the floor to retain heat;
  • the density of the tiles allows you to significantly level out the unevenness of the base when laying both on a concrete floor and on a wooden one;
  • when installing a coniferous substrate, there is no need for additional adhesives, tools and devices;
  • the absence of synthetic additives, adhesives and modifiers allows this material to be classified as environmentally friendly;
  • During operation, the coniferous substrate holds its shape well, does not sag, retaining its shape for at least 15 years.

A significant disadvantage of the material is its ability to become moldy in the presence of moisture.

That is why we mentioned above the need to use vapor protection in the substrate. In addition, when using coniferous material, protection from moisture is needed between it and the laminate to prevent it from entering during wet cleaning.

Foamed polypropylene

This material is the most popular of the class of synthetic products for use as a substrate for the finishing floor covering, including laminate.

The structure of the material has a bubbly structure, which explains its low thermal conductivity and sound insulation properties.

One of the reasons for the high popularity of foamed polypropylene is its low price, which does not indicate its insufficient quality. It withstands quite successfully laminated coating and holds heat and sound tolerably.

The release form in the form of rolls or sheets is made with a wavy surface, which ensures ventilation of the space under the laminate. In addition, with a thickness of 3–5 mm, the underlay successfully copes with uneven floor subfloors.

One of the disadvantages of polypropylene substrates is the destruction of bubbles under repeated loading. The consequence of this is the flattening of the material with the loss of its basic qualities.

Recently, foil substrates have been widely used, and the metallization can be one-sided or two-sided. Such material works at the installation site like a thermos flask, effectively retaining the heat of the floor. The thickness of the substrate in this case is 2 – 5 mm.

To avoid isolating the laminate from heating elements When installing heated floors, the substrate must be placed under the heat sources, preventing its leakage into the base of the floor. At the same time special meaning it is necessary to give quality to the surface of the subfloor, regardless of the material of its manufacture.

Extruded polystyrene foam

The second type of substrate made from synthesized materials is extruded polystyrene. This material is endowed with significantly higher strength properties and is capable of long time bear significant loads.

Release form: greenish mats or plates.

A distinctive feature of polystyrene foam materials is their high density, which gives the air bubbles in them additional strength. Under constant heavy loads, the slabs do not sag or deform. The same quality reliably smoothes out peak loads in areas of uneven floors.

For a heated floor, the main purpose of the substrate is thermal insulation to prevent heat loss. The use of substrates on the floor slabs of the first floor, separating it from the basement, is especially important. This allows you to maintain the microclimate in the basement, which is necessary for storing supplies and reduces energy consumption for heating the building.

The order of laying the substrate

This operation must be started from any corner and proceed as in the case of installing floor tiles:

  • If you are using a sheet backing, place its first card in the corner, making sure that the corner is not skewed. If there is one, mark the cutting line for the entire row and cut with a stationery knife according to the markings;
  • when working with roll material– make the last joint with an overlap of 7–10 cm and, using a ruler, cut along the double layer of material to the entire length. By removing narrow sections, we obtain a perfect joint even with uneven cutting;
  • glue all joining edges with tape along the entire length, forming a sealed underlay covering the floor;
  • secure the backing with tape to the perimeter walls.

Once the underlayment has been laid, you can install the laminate boards.

  1. When installing a topcoat made of this material along the structure wooden floor must be removed old paint. After this, it is advisable to tear off one or two boards and check the condition of the supporting elements - the lag. If rotting is detected in at least one place, you will have to completely dismantle the old covering and replace the damaged joists. At the same time, check the sufficiency of thermal insulation and, if necessary, replenish its level using expanded clay, blast furnace slag or foamed sand. Re-cover the floor with the same boards (if there is no need for replacement), carefully secure them with screws, recessing the heads into the body of the boards.
  2. When installing heated floors, you need to take into account that most heat transfer fluids are afraid of uneven floors, especially film ones. And substrates are not a salvation here. The right thing to do would be to install self-leveling screeds reinforced with fiber shavings and no longer think about unevenness. Forced repairs with replacement of mats will cost many times more.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the requirements of SNiP so that the floor level in all adjacent rooms is the same. This is easy to take into account when building a house. And when performing repair work in a separate room, you should remember that the minimum thickness of a laminate with a backing made of simple polystyrene foam is 7–8 cm, and take this into account when carrying out work.

Review of the best of the most popular

To recommend you the best substrates, we took into account the opinions of representatives of manufacturers of the most popular laminate brands, analyzed reviews of craftsmen and users on specialized Internet resources and construction forums, and technical characteristics of materials.

Selection criteria

We made the selection based on the parameters below, which we suggest you use as a guide when making your choice.

Noise absorption

This means the absorption of “impact” (reflected and transmitted) noise. Reflected noise is what you hear when you walk on the floor; transmitted noise is what your neighbors below hear. Let’s be clear right away: NO underlayment will save YOU from the noise of your neighbors underneath you, it’s YOU who saves them from the rumble of your heels.

Relation to moisture

Substrates from different groups react differently to moisture. Please note that an indispensable condition for the warranty on laminate from the manufacturers is the presence of a waterproofing film with a thickness of 200 microns.

Thermal insulation

This indicator is important if the floors are located above basements, unheated garages, aisles.

Density, thickness

For laminate flooring, the ideal is the most solid base possible. In this case, wear on the locks will be minimal. The softer and thicker the substrate, the faster the coating will deteriorate. If the thickness is greater than the optimal(!) 3 mm, then there is a high probability of cracks appearing due to wear of the locks.

Reaction to unevenness of the main floor

The denser the material (and cork has the highest density), the worse its leveling abilities and the more carefully the base should be leveled. You can’t even out a large radius curvature with anything!

Service life

Under an expensive laminate with a lifespan of 15 years, it is not economically feasible to lay a cheap polyethylene backing that will wear out in a couple of years.

Suitable for use with heated floors

This characteristic is relevant for those who plan to lay laminate flooring on heated floors.

Ease of installation

Some types of rolled substrates (cork, in particular) tend to curl up when laid. In this case, it is better to take sheet material.

The best manufacturers (brands) of substrates

Famous manufacturers laminates, it is strongly recommended to use branded substrates for your products. Otherwise, they reserve the right to refuse to consider a claim if one arises. However, they all favor cork substrates from Portugal and VTM brand extruded polystyrene. Excellent reviews of Parkolag and Izoplin from both installers and buyers. NPE substrates from Quick Step have proven themselves well in operation. But the domestic analogue will provide you with “bubbles” and “waves” after installation. We also do not recommend extruded polystyrene from Russian and Chinese brands: their product descriptions overstate their characteristics.


Place Name Average price Nomination Description Our rating
The best natural substrates
1. Premium Cork, Portugal 90 rub./m2
(2 mm) 145 RUR/m2
Natural cork Highest density
Lowest thermal conductivity
The material is “technical cork” made from compressed cork tree bark. It has great resistance to deformation, good noise and vibration absorption, and excellent thermal insulation properties. Installs exclusively on thick film. Sold in rolls and sheets. Not recommended for heated floors. 9 out of 10
2. PARCOLAG (Parkolag) 95 RUR/m2
Bitumen-cork Best Features Ventilated backing. It is craft paper impregnated with natural bitumen with natural cork topping (granules 2-3 mm in size). It is characterized by high noise absorption, excellent noise and moisture insulation. Roll material. 9 out of 10
3. Isoplaat 55 RUR/m2 Better thermal insulation, acoustics, leveling Fiberboard based on coniferous resins for sound insulation. Levels uneven subfloors up to 4 mm. Characterized by high thermal insulation, natural ventilation, vapor permeability. Effective damping of “impact” noise, sound dispersion, moisture resistance. 9 out of 10
The best extruded polystyrene substrates
1. VTM, IsoPolin (Isopolin) 55 RUR/m2 Best price-quality ratio Material: polystyrene film. This rigid structured XPS underlayment falls somewhere between cork and polyethylene in terms of installation complexity and cost. Excellent sound insulation, minimal moisture absorption. Excellent thermal insulation properties that are maintained at high humidity. 10 out of 10
The best polyethylene substrates
1. Tuplex 99 RUR/m2 The most technological Mod composite material, consisting of polystyrene foam granules between two layers of polyethylene of different thicknesses. It has excellent moisture and sound insulation properties. The membrane design of the lower layer of Tuplex allows you to ventilate the space under the laminate: moisture seeps inside and then is discharged under the baseboards. 9 out of 10
2. Izolon PPE 35 RUR/m2 The cheapest substrate Heat-resistant, finely porous substrate made of foamed “cross-linked” PPE. Surpasses NPE in all respects. 8 out of 10
3. Foil Izolon PPE 56 RUR/m2 Foil Insulating substrate Izolon PPE with a layer of foil 14 microns thick applied to one side. 7 out of 10

The best natural substrates

Let us immediately clarify that the natural origin of the substrate is in this case does not provide any environmental benefits, since there will be a laminate on top of it, which, as is known, is an artificial material.

Cork backing Premium Cork (Cork)
Rating 9 out of 10

Photo: vopros-remont.ru

Average price in Russia: 90 rub./m2, thickness 2 mm (145 rub./m2 - thickness 3 mm)

Advantages: One of the best substrates made in Portugal and Spain. Very high density means that both itself and the laminate locks are resistant to deformation under load. Due to its high damping properties, the floor will not “play” over time. Due to its very low thermal conductivity it is good insulation floors above unheated rooms. Since it dampens noise well, it will become great solution for children, game rooms. Can be used with high-class laminate without requiring replacement for 25 years. Unlike its Chinese counterpart, it does not crumble, is easy to install and use, and does not harm the laminate.

Flaws: High price. Noisy on a poorly leveled base. Best used on wooden floors, plywood, chipboard. Absorbs moisture, therefore requires concrete waterproofing and is not recommended for wet areas and kitchens.

Typical reviews
“We need to remove the base under the cork more carefully! I encountered this..."
“...hard to lay down. When the roll ends, the cork tends to move back strongly, and there is a fear that it, crumpled, will fall under the laminate.”

Rating 9 out of 10

Photo: strmnt.ru

Average price in Russia: 95 rub./m2, thickness 3 mm

Advantages: High noise absorption, wear resistance, and very high moisture insulation make this ventilated substrate one of the best. Cork powder, which retains its elasticity, contributes to the long service life of the laminate, and bitumen prevents the penetration of moisture from the concrete screed. The presence of air exchange prevents the formation of condensation, fungus, and mold. Maintains linear dimensions under very significant pressure and when changing temperature and humidity conditions. A reliable substrate that will be an excellent solution for expensive brands of laminate and will serve for many years without causing problems.

Flaws: Cannot be used under heated floors.

“Compared to technical cork, the mixed version is more versatile and more wear-resistant. Wins in terms of barrier to entry excess moisture».
“As a substrate, I always liked Pargolag, about which I heard a lot of stories, like it stinks of bitumen in an unchildlike way, etc. All this is nonsense.”
“I bought a parkolag for laminate flooring. Great! And there’s no smell, and thiiiiiiho...”

Isoplat (Isoplaat startfloor barlinek)
Rating 9 out of 10

Photo: bug.ua

Average price in Russia: 55 RUR/m2 (thickness 5 mm)

Advantages: An ideal substrate for heated floors due to its absolute safety when heating. Thanks to its porous structure, it has good noise and sound absorption, acoustic and thermal insulation properties, heat resistance. The special structure of the bottom layer allows air to circulate freely, providing ventilation properties. In addition, thanks to antiseptic impregnation, it is protected from fungus and mold. In terms of elasticity, thermal conductivity, resistance to compression, sound absorption, durability and naturalness, it is similar to cork. As for thermal insulation, due to the thickness of Izoplat it is 3 times higher and comparable to soft insulation.
Flaws: Slabs of smaller thickness are not available.
“I have 5 mm isoplaat under 33 laminate. Elastic, warm to the touch, dampens noise well. With two small children, the neighbors downstairs simply don’t hear us (their opinion).”

The best extruded polystyrene foam substrates

VTM, IsoPolin (Isopolin)
Rating 10 out of 10

Photo: skill-spb.ru

Average price in Russia: 55 RUR/m2 (thickness 3 mm)

Advantages: A stable base for laminated floors, making even diagonal laying of laminate flooring convenient. Thanks to its closed, moisture-proof pores, it is ideal waterproofing. Optimally selected density is expressed in a sufficiently high resistance to external pressure and at the same time the absence of strong rigidity. The latter quality compensates for floor unevenness up to 3 mm and enhances sound insulation: the impact noise absorption rate is close to cork. Specifications similar to Isoplat plates. Mechanical pressure does not have a destructive effect on the structure, so VTM and IsoPolin substrates do not lose their high heat and sound insulating properties over time. Service life more than 10 years.

Flaws: Not suitable for rooms with high intense traffic and load (dance halls, fitness clubs, etc.). Not suitable for heated floors.

“In terms of laying properties and resistance to subsidence, XPS substrates and Isoplats are almost identical.”
“As a builder, I can say: it’s pleasant and easy to work with; many customers require just such a substrate.”
“In the Olympic Village... there is a huge demand for this substrate among understanding people.”

The best polyethylene substrates

Rating 9 out of 10

Photo: ekopol.kiev.ua

Average price in Russia: 99 rub./m2 (thickness 3 mm)

Advantages: Tuplex underlay adapts to the shape of the base, smoothing it out minor defects. Excellent absorption impact noise, muffling the sound of his heels. This quality allows us to recommend Tuplex for both residential premises and offices. Due to low compression (14 times less compared to foamed polyethylene), it retains its shape well and prevents the laminate from sagging. The unique structure of the material allows moisture to be removed naturally, but this advantage is reduced to zero if there is waterproofing film. Suitable for heated floors.

Flaws: The heating efficiency of heated floors is lower compared to traditional thermally conductive substrates due to the dissipation of part of the air.

“The best...thing I've worked with is Tuplex. Very easy to install."
“I heard complaints about him. The main idea: polystyrene foam balls deform over time... This may not be true, but it’s worth thinking about.”
“...tried compression, but it doesn’t recover. Although the annotation says something else.”

Izolon PPE
Rating 8 out of 10

Photo: www.web4market.biz

Average price in Russia: 35 RUR/m2 (2 mm)

Advantages: Good heat and noise absorption parameters of “cross-linked” polyethylene with closed pores, its environmental friendliness, elasticity and elasticity, increased moisture resistance and hydrophobicity, inertness to “chemistry”, bacteria and relative cheapness make the Izolon PPE substrate (not to be confused with Izolon NPE!) preferable for use in residential and public spaces. These qualities can be maintained by Izolon PPE for a long time under any operating conditions. Does not deform under load, does not burn and does not emit toxic substances. Over time, it does not collapse, does not lose stability and strength, unlike gas-filled polyethylenes Izolon NPE, Penofol, Poliizol, etc. The service life under normal conditions is more than 25 years. Optimal solution for heated floors.

Flaws: Despite the good thermal insulation performance, you should not count on thermal insulation of the floor with a material thickness of 2-4 mm.

“If you take Izolon, then PPE is white with very dense small bubbles, but not our NPE!”
“Compared to cork, Isolon has much worse compression and recovery.”

Foil Izolon PPE
Rating 6 out of 10

Photo: www.dom-laminata.ru

Average price in Russia: 56 RUR/m2

Advantages: In addition to the advantages of Izolon PPE, the foil layer, which is a reflective thermal insulation, enhances heat and vapor barrier properties and reduces heat loss by 97%. Important: the higher the temperature difference between the subfloor and the room, the higher the effectiveness of foil thermal insulation. For the first floor with a concrete floor, foil-coated Izolon PPE is useful; for an apartment on the fourth floor there will be no gain in temperature. But as insulation, it goes well with infrared heated floors.

“For the foil to give a noticeable effect in heat reflection, the temperature must be around 60° C. Therefore, foil on foam... a successful marketing move...".
"...living in plastic bag requires constant ventilation."

Which underlay is better to buy?

Even professionals often have a diametrically opposed attitude towards the same group of materials, and most often it is poorly reasoned. Our rating of the best substrates does not give a definite answer to this question - the choice is yours. Study the characteristics of the material and choose the one that best suits your tasks, the degree of evenness of the base and your financial capabilities. However, keep in mind that thicker does not mean better; the thickness of the substrate should not exceed 3-4 mm, unless greater is allowed by the laminate manufacturer.

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Any person who buys an apartment or makes renovations in it faces the question of purchasing flooring. There are many options for laying the floor, one of the popular ones is laminate. This material is considered durable and inexpensive. In order to lay it correctly, all stages, including preparatory ones, must be followed. It is at this stage of work that the question arises, which substrate for the laminate is better.

Laying backing

The use of the underlay is based on the characteristics of the floor covering material itself. It is made from waste from wood processing plants. That is, sawdust is pressed under the influence high pressure and temperature.

A decorative layer is applied on top of the finished sheets, replicating the texture of the wood. Then, the entire surface is coated with varnish to increase service life. On the underside of laminate boards there is a layer of polymers that protects the material from moisture and mechanical damage.

Locks are installed on all sides of the resulting panel for fastening, so laying the laminate is easy. Place the boards on the screed.

Pay attention! The difference in unevenness on the floor should not be more than 1 mm per 2 linear meters.

At the same time, you cannot lay the boards directly on concrete, otherwise when walking they will knock on the screed and quickly wear out. . It is for these purposes that a lining was developed, which acts as a shock absorber and also increases the level of sound insulation in the room. It also provides the necessary level of vapor barrier so that the coating does not deform during operation.

Which underlay for laminate is better based on its features?

There are different options for laying between the floor and the coating:

  • from cork;
  • polymers;
  • foil;
  • pine needles;
  • combined options.

To choose a substrate for laminate flooring on a concrete floor, you need to take into account the features of each of the listed types.

Cork covering

The main advantage is environmental friendliness. Even in a children's room you can safely use a cork lining; it does not highlight any harmful substances. This material also has a long service life, good shock absorption and sound insulation.

Besides positive points, there are also negative ones. These include:

  • high price;
  • It is afraid of moisture, so it is not used for heated floors.

Made from oak bark chips. Sometimes they use not only natural material, but also add rubber or bitumen, which reduces the cost.

Thus, it is advisable to use such a coating for dry rooms, without installing heated floors. Most often, cork is combined with inexpensive laminate to make the overall cost of the flooring optimal.

Polyethylene foam backing

Laminate backings (sheets) are made from polyethylene foam in several versions. They all have positive aspects, which include:

  • High ability to keep moisture out;
  • Retains heat well;
  • Not susceptible to bacteria and various chemicals;
  • Light weight and low price.

However, there is a drawback that outweighs all this - a short service life and rapid loss of shape. That is, such a substrate will be acceptable in a room with high humidity and on a floor made of boards, which itself requires periodic repairs.

Expanded polystyrene

The material is recognized as the golden mean in price and quality. This option consists of two layers: polystyrene foam and foil. There are also extruded (single-layer) ones.

The underlay is easy to install, does not allow sound and heat to pass through, hides various floor defects, and at a price it is an affordable option for many consumers. There is only one drawback - during long-term use it can lose its shape.

If you are choosing a laminate underlay for a heated floor, which is better suited for such a covering, then polystyrene foam is a suitable material for such structures.

Made from wood

This option is made from natural materials and is able to “breathe”, but the price is much higher. Despite the cost, sheets made from waste from the woodworking industry are in great demand due to their durability and thermal insulation qualities, by which they are compared with soft insulation.

For example, the coniferous underlay for laminate has the following customer reviews:“I don’t often write reviews, but this backing was simply amazing. I have had it for more than three years, during which time it has not caused any allergies or any other problems. I thought that the coating would start to “walk”, but nothing like that happened. Very pleased."

Another review:“One friend laid out such a natural base for himself and was unpleasantly surprised by the aroma from it. I couldn’t stand it, I took it to the store, as it turned out, pine needles perfectly absorb all odors. We replaced it with new packaging, everything was fine with it.”

Thus, it is quite difficult to accurately answer the question of which laminate underlay is better. For each buyer, a correctly selected option will be good based on the purpose of use, the humidity in the room and the planned cost of money.

Which underlay for laminate (price per m2) will be more profitable

When deciding which option from the whole variety is most suitable, we suggest looking at a table with approximate prices.

ImageCompany (article)VarietyPrice (RUB/sq.m)
TepofolFoam (2 mm)15
TepofolFoamed (4 mm)30
WicandersCork (2 mm)120
Tuplex (RT-011)Combined (extruded polystyrene foam and two layers of polyethylene film)130
SteicoNatural pine needles (7 mm)575
Coeksribas (CR-105-10)Cork (10 mm)514

And also when choosing, you can look at the rating of manufacturing companies, according to buyers:

  • The best natural substrates. Premium Cork (Portugal) is in first place; this material has a high density and low density. Made from compressed cork tree bark. Price: 90 rub. per sq. meter (2mm). Next comes PARCOLAG (bitumen-cork version). Refers to a ventilated material. Price: 95 rubles with a thickness of 3 mm.

  • Buyers selected VTM and IsoPolin from extruded polystyrene. This gasket is considered the best in terms of price and quality ratio. She has high performance on noise and heat insulation. Price: 55 rub. per square meter.

  • Among the polyethylene options, consumers highlighted Tuplex, costing 99 rubles. The substrate is made from modern materials which allow the space to be ventilated.

Thus, when you are thinking about which laminate underlay is best to choose, you can rely not only on the material of manufacture, but also on user ratings, as well as pricing policy.