Calla white sail. Ethiopian calla

Among the people, the zantedeschia flower is often called calla, the same name is sometimes used in botanical reference books. Calla zantedeschia - a prime example of strict beauty, when, without any hint of terry, curly, variegated colors, just one petal-veil and a powerful pistil form a flower that is stunning in its decorative qualities.

Zantedeschia, bulbous calla (Zantedeschia) belongs to the Aroid family. Natural climatic conditions: arid regions of South Africa.

This plant can serve as a talisman for the happiness of the inhabitants of the house. Her yellow flower girded with a funnel-shaped white veil. Yellow is the color of inspiration, joy, creativity, and white is the color of purity. Thanks to the beautiful calle, the atmosphere in the house resounds with joy, opposes the dull, pessimistic mood of people. Zantedeschia is able to increase a person's immunity with emotional exhaustion and stress, dejection and despondency. It is good to have it for those who feel vulnerable because of their feelings, afraid that someone will laugh, offend him. The flower protects the human heart from such blows.

Calla not only helps to heal the body, but protects it from the appearance of new diseases. And above all, calla protects the main organ - the heart - from diseases.

Botanical description of zantedeschia

The genus is named after the Italian botanist F. Zantedeschia. Zantedeschia, has 6 species. All types of plants are similar in their own way. botanical description and differ only in size and color of some parts of the flowers.

The plant forms a compact bush. Leaves on petioles up to 60 cm, broadly heart-shaped, about 20–25 cm long and 18–20 cm wide. The leaves are green, with long white strokes-spots (Eliot z.) on the upper side or narrower, lanceolate, pure green (s . Rehmann).

As you can see in the photo, Zantedeschia has an inflorescence-cob with a veil, about 15 cm long, of various colors, ranging from white to almost black:

Often there are two-color varieties. This type of bulbous calla differs from the widespread rhizomatous calla in that zantedeschia requires a dry and cool dormant period after flowering.

These calla lilies bloom for a long time - 4 - 6 weeks. May re-bloom at the end of summer. AT open field grow up to 90cm, in a room no higher than 30cm.

Most often, zantedescia Eliot and s. Remann.

How to care for a zantedeschia flower at home

Difficulty growing: average.

Accommodation: zantedeschia - shade plant, grown mainly in open ground, takes root well in room conditions. Indoors, it can be placed both in a bright place and in a shaded one. It is best to put this plant on a window facing north or east.

In summer, zantedeschias feel good in the garden, in the moving shade of trees. When planting in open ground, they build up powerful tubers, give a lot of babies.

Lighting requirements: bright diffused light with some direct sun rays(in the morning or evening).

Temperature requirements: optimally 22–23 °C. The tubers need a cool wintering with a temperature of about 12 ° C, they can be stored in sawdust or slightly damp peat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Before new landing tubers need to be regularly taken out and inspected, rotten parts cleaned, dried and treated with brilliant green.

Watering, spraying: from spring to autumn, when caring for calla zantedeschia, it should be plentiful, moderate in winter. For irrigation, it is desirable to use soft water. room temperature or warm. They react positively to spraying and high humidity. You can keep the pot in a wide pan with water.

Top dressing: from February to June, while caring for zantedescia at home, every 10-14 days you need to feed the plant with a special fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. A high proportion of phosphorus in the fertilizer is the key to successful flowering. Nitrogen fertilizers (for decorative leafy plants) will only stimulate leaf growth.

Transfer: annually after a dormant period, the tubers are planted in a fresh substrate, if possible without dividing. The larger the tuber, the more flowers it produces. Planting depth - 5 cm. Immediately after planting, zantedescias form a root system and only then begin to build up green mass.

Substrate: 2 parts of sod land, 1 part of compost or humus, 1 part of leafy soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of sand.

Reproduction. Zantedeschia reproduces well by seeds or offspring. Offspring grow after flowering.

The offspring formed on the plant must be removed regularly, otherwise the flowering process will be disturbed.

Pests and diseases. With improper care, whiteflies settle on zantedeschia. When watering, place the pot with the plant in a container with warm water for 2-3 hours.

Possible problems: without a dormant period does not bloom. When buying tubers, pay attention to their size and condition - the tuber should be round, firm to the touch, but not dry, without mechanical damage(inter-tuber cuts are allowed).

Note: calla lives 3-5 years, flowering gradually weakens and the flower needs to be replaced. After flowering, cut off the flower stalks, and enjoy the already deciduous plant for another 2 - 3 months.

These photos show how to care for zantedeschia:

Ethiopian calla zantedeschia: description and cultivation features

Calla zantedeschia Ethiopian Calla aefiopica L. or calla belongs to the Aroid family. Origin: Africa.

It's beautiful flowering plant, giving a first-class cut in industrial floriculture and long-term flowering in rooms.

Pay attention to the photo - calla zantedeschia Ethiopian has large, wide, arrow-shaped juicy leaves 60–80 cm long, on fleshy tender petioles:

The flowers of the Ethiopian zantedeschia are original in their structure. A large flower arrow ends with a wide asymmetrical bell of white or yellow color. This "case" is surrounded by a narrow cob, consisting of tight-fitting nondescript flowers. Roots cord-like, fleshy. They depart from a juicy tuberous rhizome, around which develops during the year a large number of offspring with small weak leaves.

See what a zantedeschia flower looks like in these photos:

reproduction features. Calla is propagated by seeds or offspring. Seedlings are grown throughout the year in ordinary bowls filled with crushed expanded clay, sand. The largest offspring are separated from mother plant in June-July after flowering and planted in wide low pots.

Growing features. Shade-tolerant and moisture-loving, prefers acidic, humus-rich soils. Pots are placed in wide pallets and kept on the north and east windows. Callas bloom at the age of two in autumn (November) and bloom all winter. When caring for calla zantedescia at home, from the beginning of flowering, foliar fertilizing with microelements (boron, zinc, manganese, molybdenum, potassium iodide, copper) is periodically given and often sprayed clean water. After flowering, the leaves turn yellow and the growth of callas stops, although the roots continue to develop. During this period, all offspring are removed at the base of the bush, as they weaken the plant and delay flowering. Yellow leaves cut out. After resting, calla lilies develop powerful leaves and begin to bloom, subject to the rules of care. Calla is planted in a mixture consisting of peat soil, clay-turf and humus with the addition of sand (1: 1: 1: 1/2). Calla grows splendidly in pure peat.

In boxes, it can be planted along with Kredner's begonia, and with other ornamental plants. To take care of the zantedeschia flower as carefully as possible, in the summer it is kept on outdoors, and in the fall they bring it into the room. During the period of leaf development, abundant watering and top dressing are needed. In hydroculture, it grows well for many years in gravel, expanded clay, peat, on various nutrient solutions at pH 5.0–6.0. The first days after planting the offspring, water is supplied to the substrate, then a nutrient solution of 50%, and after 2-3 weeks - 100% concentration. The air temperature should be approximately + 15-17 ° C, humidity - 80-85%. With more high temperature and a lack of light, calla leaves stretch out, break easily, acquire a light green color, and the number of flowers decreases sharply.

Here are photos of caring for Ethiopian zantedesia at home:

Zantedeschia or Calla belongs to the Aroid family. It is native to the humid regions of Africa and South America. The genus is named after a friend of the scientist who discovered it.

These plants are grown both in gardens and indoors, and beautiful flowers callas are actually a leaf that will grow around a flower.

Calla varieties

The genus includes only 8 species, and only 3 are cultivated.

This is a white zantedeschia, expelling very tall stems with flowers. Unlike other species, it has a root, not a bulb.

this is a relatively low calla (about 65 cm), which has a pink "flower". root system represented by a tuber. In autumn, leaves fall from the flower and a period of calm sets in.

Also not a very tall view, reaching half a meter in height. This calla has both a flower and a blanket around it of a bright yellow color.

It is a mixture of plants of a certain variety, the flowers of which will have a different color.

Calla planting and care in the open field

This flower needs some comfort, so you need to learn how to care for zantedescia before planting.

For growing in the garden, calla lilies are planted in May. Before planting, the roots or tubers should be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned of rotten places, and smeared with brilliant green, they should also be dipped for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.

The site for planting should be well dug up and fertilized with mineral fertilizer, the amount of fertilizer is about 30 grams per 1 m 2. Next, planting is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 cm, the distance between the bulbs is around 40 cm. The next 15 days do not need to be watered, the plants will have enough moisture after planting. Shoots, most likely, will not be fast - from two weeks to a month.

Watering adult plants should be moderate, but constant. Fertilizers other than those applied before planting are not required. In case of insufficiently acidic soil, watering with diluted vinegar or citric acid can be carried out.

The plant should be planted in a free, open area, but what's better is that trees are planted nearby that can cover the calla during the hot hours of the day.

Zantedeschia care at home

At room conditions, caring for homemade zantedeschia is also not particularly difficult.

The flower is not very picky about temperature or humidity. The temperature of cultivation in summer should be around 23 degrees. In winter, you can allow a decrease to 15 degrees, but not lower. Zantedeschia does not like drafts, and it also needs to be protected from direct sunlight, but, nevertheless, it needs to be placed in a bright place.

In winter, if the calla is about to bloom, it needs to be provided with additional illumination, so that the daylight hours are 10 hours. Watering should be carried out carefully so as not to get water on the tuber, and in the interval between waterings, the earth should dry out.

Fertilizer is carried out every fifth watering. For this you need to use liquid balanced top dressing. The substrate for planting requires acidic, about 6 ph, you can add sphagnum or peat to the soil.

To distill the plant, you need to take a tuber with a diameter of at least 5 cm and plant it in a pot with a diameter of 25 cm. The planting depth is 5 cm. The soil, after the tuber falls asleep, must be watered with a diluted fungicide.

Care after flowering for calla lilies with roots and calla lilies with tubers are different. Ethiopian zantedeschia, which has a rhizome, passes into a period of calm in the heat, its growth becomes slow, the leaves turn yellow. Watering during this period should be limited, and the flower should be placed outdoors, where there will be a lot of sun, but there will be no rain. In early July, the zantedescia is cleaned of dead leaves and offspring, and then transplanted, fertilizer and watering begin.

How to store callas in winter

If your zantedeschia grows in the garden, then in September its roots will need to be dug up and kept together with a clod of soil in a dry, cool room, sometimes watered a little. Zantedeschia with a tuberous rhizome begins to turn yellow and dry after flowering.

In the garden, such a calla is kept until last week September, and then carefully dug up, the tubers are washed and dried. For two weeks, the plants are kept at a temperature of about 8 degrees, during which time the roots absorb useful material from stem and leaves. The dead top of the flower is then removed.

Tubers before storage, you need to soak for half an hour in a solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and dry again. Storage should be carried out at a temperature of 6 degrees. Do not put the bulbs in plastic bags as they need to breathe.

If it is not possible to store the root calla as a tuber, then the roots are slightly dried and stored as bulbs. When growing zantedescia in a pot, you can not take it out for the winter, but watering must be stopped.

Diseases and pests

  • Among the diseases of zantedeschia, the flower most often affects rot.
  • Gray rot most often appears from the soil or diseased neighboring flowers, and bulbs can also be diseased.
  • To destroy brown rot, you need to stop watering the calla and reduce the temperature, damp upper layer it is advisable to remove the soil and replace it with dry.
  • Aphids may also be affected, in which case you can simply wash the flower with soap or use special preparations.
  • If your zantedescia does not bloom, then the reason may be watering during the dormant period, or you just young plant and you have to wait a year or two. Also, flowering is absent with an excess of nitrogen fertilizers.

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Ethiopian calla is a very elegant decorative flowering plant. Its distinctive feature is that it is not the flowers of the plant that attract attention and cause admiration, they are small, yellowish, inconspicuous, collected on the cob, but a snow-white funnel-shaped collar enveloping them.

An amazing flower can be grown at home in a pot or in an open field garden. When cut, the Ethiopian calla remains fresh for 10-14 days, which is why florists like to use it in bouquets.

Ethiopian calla is the commercial name for a perennial herbaceous plant Ethiopian Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia aethiopica), belonging to the genus Zantedeschia (Zantedeschia), the Aroid family (Araceae). The flower is also called Calla and Arum.

Ethiopian Calla homeland - South Africa, where the flower grows mainly in marshy places. In nature, there are specimens of Zantedeschia 2.5 m high. For cutting in the garden or at home, it usually grows up to 1 m.

The leaves of the plant are basal, they are collected in a rosette. The form sheet plate heart-shaped, color green. The leaf can be up to 50 cm long, up to 20 cm wide.

Inflorescences of miniature yellow flowers are 10 cm long. They are formed on a long peduncle, towering above a rosette of leaves. The inflorescence is wrapped in a funnel-shaped bract-leaf. Usually this coverlet is painted in a snow-white color (which is why the flower is called the Calla), but in some varieties of Ethiopian Calla it is yellow or pink. Flowering occurs from November to May. If you provide the flower with proper care at home, it will bloom annually.

Home-grown Ethiopian Zantedesia does not smell, but from garden flowers grown under the sun, a delicate sweetish aroma emanates.

Numerous varieties of Ethiopian Calla differ in height, leaf size and color of the bedspread. as home decoration, garden plot, as well as in floristry, the following are most often used:

  • "White Sale" - a white blanket, wide;
  • "Green goodness" - the cover is white inside and green along the elongated part;
  • "Pink Mist" - Pink colour cover;
  • "Red Dizaer" - a white blanket and red flowers collected in inflorescences.

How to grow Ethiopian calla

Despite the exoticism and external fragility, Zantedeschia is not a whimsical plant. It's easy to grow.

Caring for Ethiopian Zantedesia at home involves an annual transplant. The plant is transplanted shallowly into the soil with humus and peat. The initial temperature for a transplanted flower is about 10 ° C, then it is increased by 5 degrees.

Many are interested in the issue of calla reproduction. This can be done by seeds or vegetatively, whichever is more convenient.

Seed propagation is relevant for the mass cultivation of flowers. Freshly harvested seeds germinate in boxes on racks in warmth (20-25 °C). They dive in one and a half to two months. Young plants planted in turf, peat, sand and leafy soil (1 part each) are kept at a temperature of 15-18 ° C and watered abundantly. After a year, they are transplanted into larger pots.

Around the maternal shoot of an adult zantedesky, processes are formed, which are used to vegetative propagation at the beginning of summer, when the plant is in a dormant period. Shoots with 1-2 roots are planted in a bowl with a diameter of 8-10 cm. The composition of the substrate is turf (2 parts), leafy ground, peat and sand (1 part each).

During the first week, they need abundant watering, which is done several times a day, and regular top dressing. By the end of summer, they should be firmly rooted, and after that they can be transplanted into a greenhouse or large pots.

Ethiopian domestic calla is susceptible to pest attack. If it is found on it spider mite, aphids or scale insects, it must be treated with an insecticide.

The elegant Ethiopian calla is a poisonous plant. Its juice, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause irritation, and if ingested, swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and larynx, food poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea. When caring for her, you must observe safety measures.

Properly organized care for zantedeschia - pledge of health and beauty of the flower. It will delight the eye, growing on the ground or in a pot, as well as cutin a bouquet. Photos often show design options for bouquets with callas.