When sow strawberries to seedlings in. Proper landing of strawberries Seeds: Secrets of successful germination and sediment care

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Strawberry is one of the most fragrant and delicious berries.

To please yourself and native good crops of this beroda, a number of conditions that gardeners often refer to the rules of success. They are as follows:

  • in high-quality landing material;
  • in the right choice of a landing site;
  • in the right definition of landing time.

To say what rule is defining here - difficult. All because only comprehensive observance of all these conditions allows you to get the most delicious and large-scale strawberries.

Small strawberry seeders.

Blank of seed material

Eat strawberry growing is a difficult and troublesome business, possessing both the advantages of which there are many and disadvantages, and their significantly less. Let's start with advantages. An incomplete list of them may be:

  • the gardener of the gardener knows the variety of strawberries and its competitive advantages in advance;
  • even the novice gardener can independently prepare seeds;
  • it is possible to develop a strawberry disembark scheme to have ripe berries at any time. To do this, combine seeds with various temporary framework of ripening berries.

Of the disadvantaged strawberries grown from seeds - the presence of possible diseases that can manifest themselves both during the growth and flowering of bushes and in the ripening process of the berry.

Collection time

Seed harvesting is carried out at the end of the summer season from the largest and selected berries. The upper layer of meatsy berries is cut, and the rest is tricious on the fabric, where the drying is carried out. Experienced gardeners are recommended to do this with sunny weather.

Storage conditions

Dried seeds are stored in paper bags. Storage temperature - room.

Important! Seedly selected seeds with proper storage can maintain their high qualities to germinate for at least 4 years.

Dates of planting seeds

Sowing seedlings - this procedure consists of these steps as the preparation of the seeds themselves, as well as the preparation of soil material. Important importance Experienced gardeners-gardeners attach to favorable days of landing, observing the lunar calendar.

Favorable days

Regarding favorable terms, these are periods of time that comes to a growing moon, as well as on a fertile zodiac sign.

Seedlings grown in greenhouse.

For the conditions characteristic of the middle strip of Russia: it is best to sow in late February or early March. In this case, seedlings will be ready for landing in the ground from April to July (depending on the variety).

How to sow in January?

The January Sowing of Strawberries in the seedlings preceded the preparation period, which lasts at least three months, ranging from the stratification of seeds (placing them in conditions of cold no more than 2 ° C) to activate the growth properties. Seeds should be stored in conditions of high humidity. To do this, they are placed on a wet marlevary tissue with constant wetting so that the fabric does not dry. And only a month before January, seeds need to be dried.

At the bottom of the sewing tank should be drainage (thickness of at least 2 centimeters) from the layer of stones. Strawberry requires the best soil for growth. Therefore, it is necessary to use only a high-quality soil mixture, scattering it over the drainage layer in 15 centimeters.

Sowing strawberry seed is not well.They are laid out in the grooves of pre-moistened soil. After the seeds are decomposed, a little soil is sprinkled from above. It remains only to wait, when the first shoots appear, not forgetting with watering and feeding.

Nuances sowing in February

As for the February crops on the seedlings, the way and the January Sowing requires the same preparation of seeds, however the searches that require additional backlight. If in the first three days after germs, there is a round-the-clock lighting, then in subsequent days it is necessary to reduce the time of artificial lighting. The seedlings preferably with luminescent light, as light from incandescent lamps for this procedure is not suitable due to heat release.

The root seedlings need more space: the transplant process.

In addition to compliance with the seed and timing of plant landing for this garden berry, it is important to comply with agrarian requirements for its cultivation and therefore the next subsection of the review is devoted to the recommendations on the agrotechnical characteristics of this culture.

It is best to sow seed in a flat container with a soil, and only then make a transplant seedlings into separate pots when 2-3 sheets will be formed in sprouts. This happens no earlier than 6 weeks after the seed sowing is made.

Wherein raspberry strawberry varieties need to dive in a capacity of at least 6 centimeters in diameter, And fine varieties - in the pot with a diameter of 4 centimeters. Landing into the ground should be carried out from a two-month age when 3 or 4 sheets appear on the outlet on the sockets, or as otherwise they are called garbage gardeners.

Useful video

As a rule, it is difficult for beginners to master the rustling of strawberries. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from failures, experienced gardeners are recommended, not to heat all the seeds at once, but leave the part in the reserve in order to have the possibility of placing in case of failure.

After all, a couple-triple weeks after recommended crops of sowing is not critical (especially for strawberries). However, any gardener should have a supply of seeds, as they say on all life situations that are practically impossible in advance.

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Decaying under the snow, Facelia makes one more useful for the future crop - saturates the soil of phytoncides, protecting bushes from diseases.

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Dates of sowing strawberries for seedlings

For plants is characterized by high durability of the development of sockets 1, 2 and 3rd orders at the time of the digging;

Seeds of varietal strawberries can be purchased in the store. And if there is an opportunity, you can specifically select the best ripe berries with the most remarkable bushes of strawberries to use their seeds for sowing. To obtain seed selected berries, strawberries, I crush on paper and then dried it well; So staring seeds to sowing.

Before you put the repairing strawberries with seeds, you need to properly choose the sowing soil and prepare trays or cups for young plants. In order not to make a mistake in the choice of soil for this berry culture, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made mixture in a flower shop. The optimal option can be a "universal" substrate, which has an average acidity value.

Capture the processed seeds can be with a toothpick or a sharpening match. True for seedlings can serve as a common box, plastic cups or peat pots, fillers in which there should be loose soil. It is convenient for the use of strawberry cassette seedlings, at which you do not need to measure the distance between seedlings. The seeds sown in the container should be moistened and put into the refrigerator for a period of several weeks, and only then you can put them in a warm place.

Vintage strawberries, as well as any other gardening plant, depends on the quality of seedlings. Therefore, it is very important to make seed falling, carefully monitor their irrigation and feeding. Landing strawberries Seeds is becoming increasingly popular, but since this plant is very capricious, then sowing strawberry seeds to seedlings requires very close attention.

To comply with the humidity mode, the container should be covered with a perforated transparent film. Holes in it are needed to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

For landing into the ground under the autumn, strawberry seeds are seated to seedlings in April - May. Such seedlings will be ready for transfers to the garden by early August.

Strawberries - a delicious berry that grows everywhere in the gardens. Even on the most tiny areas, there is almost always a place to bed of this berry culture.

Once the strawberries were collected, bushes begin to form a new crop. Therefore, in no case cannot be made of leaves. Instead, the time of another important procedure - mulching occurs.

With the appearance of 2-3 real leaves, the seedlings are peeling into seaside cassettes with 5x5 cm cells or in peat cups of 8x8 cm. As a rule, it is trained in 1 month after the appearance of germs, in March. Seedling from strawberries is thin and gentle, so the picking is quite laborious, but it is not necessary to worry about this.

More than 1/3 of the plants do not lay the flowering kidneys, i.e. Initially, low productivity factor is located. All of the above negative moments can be avoided if the Garden Strawberry Foreign Plantation in March - July, Using the Freshly heated seedlings. The main advantages of seedlings in containers, with a closed root system:

The seeds of strawberries belong to the light-growing (which perfectly germinate in the light, without requiring mandatory to cover their soil layer). Taking into account this circumstance, I was convinced that for strawberries it is possible to apply a more reliable and controlled method of germination of seeds, unlike the usual method - the usual sowing of seeds into the soil that does not give any guarantees to gently. Therefore, instead of the traditional technology of sowing seed strawberries, I propose to use the method tested by me. It is also suitable for the light-growing seeds of other plants.

Despite the fact that the ground is sold usually packaged in plastic bags, it is just in case to disinfect. To do this, you can use a pale pink solution of manganese or any other soil fungicide. After this simple manipulation of the landing mixture for sowing the repair strawberries, seeds are ready.

The process of sowing can be performed in two versions:

Important moments of growing strawberry seedlings, varieties

Preliminary processing of soil

Before growing strawberry seedlings, they should be armed with the necessary knowledge, so that the seedlings have risen together, the seedlings have been preserved strong and not exceeded, and were transplanted in the ground.

The film can be removed when the first pair of real leaves appears.

Stratification of seeds

Thus, you can allocate two main periods when strawberry seeds seed seedlings are January, February and April, May. Although, depending on climatic conditions, deviations from these deadlines may be.

About the love of the plant speaks many varieties with the most different characteristics, the size of the flavor of the berries, the timing of fruiting.

In order for the spring you could land up the young bushes of strawberries in His garden, it is best to sow it at seedlings in January - the first half of February.

Sowing seeds

Mulch rows all summer and already until November. Laying the mulch layer 3-10 cm. A month later, the mulch goes into the soil, so the procedure must be repeated. In the fall, it should not be removed from the strawberry beds - let it remain there to reinforce.

It should be remembered that the more dense placement of the sawn plants, impairs their light mode because of which the plants are pulled out.

Plants are grown in a disinfected substrate, which eliminates the presence of soil pathogens causing rot;

In case of artificial eye shower, seed seeds can be started in January. I usually sow strawberries in February-March, when the duration of the day is already significantly increased.

Appearance of shoots, care


Prepared soil must be poured into the container, to dissolve and compact with a plate. Then the grooves are cut into which they will also need to place seeds with a wet mat or tweezers. The distance between the seeds should be at least 2 cm. If several seed varieties are planted in one container, the rows must be signed.

For growing strawberry seedlings, you should know:

Optimally transplanted at a permanent seedlings in the three-four present leaves stage.

Video about how to care for seedlings:

Selection of strawberry varieties

Spank strawberries with a mustache, more precisely, the root outlets that are formed on them. However, given the features of some varieties, the berry is very often multiplied by seeds.

  • Before the seeds fall into the ground, they need to be stratified, that is, to remove into the refrigerator for a day, where they will pass pre-sowing preparation. Such a procedure is necessary that the plant resulting from seeds have increased resistance to frost and various diseases. This, so to speak, hardening.
  • Special attention is paid to the prevention of diseases. The most dangerous diseases are the wilting of the bush, the rotting of the fruit, the spottedness of the leaves and the mildew.
  • It is possible to carry out 1 feeder of seedlings, about 2-3 weeks after dive, a solution of complex mineral fertilizer, at a concentration 2 times lower than the recommended one. The frosts of seedlings of strawberries are not afraid, so since April it can be kept in temporary film shelters.
  • Due to the preservation of active root hairs, a high degree of adaptation is achieved during transplantation;
  • Before sowing, harvested strawberry seeds separated from paper. In mandatory, soak them for two or three days in snow or rainwater, changing it twice a day. At the same time, the seeds of strawberries are destroyed by germination inhibitors that slow down the growth of the embryo.
  • As mentioned above, the best time when the seeds of the repair strawberries should be placed, this is February. In the tray or cups, it is necessary to pour 5-7 centimeters of the soil mixture. For these purposes, you can use the "universal" substrate or ideally a mixture of 30% of sand, 30% of the rigor peat and 40% vermiculite.
  • On the soil, fused into the container, impose a layer of snow with a thickness of approximately 1-2 cm. Right on it unfolds the proceding seeds with strawberries. In this case, the law of physics, the snow when melting goes into the water and delays seeds with him. In the event that a certain amount of seeds remain on the surface, they can be imposed on top of it.
  • Sowing time
  • For amateur cultivation, you can recommend strawberry varieties:
  • For the successful planting material, you need to know some features of growing strawberries from seeds.

We will try to figure out when to sow strawberries to the seedlings and how it is then to care for it to get a good harvest.


How to plant and grow strawberries from seed yourself?

When the stratification is passed, we prepare the soil - we embarrass the fertile soil into a low tray and shed it with warm water. Seeds need to be decomposed on the surface, leaving the distance between them in 2-3 cm. The decomposed seeds gently take it so that they closely pressed to the wet ground. Just do not indulge them in the soil - so they just rot.

The necessary knowledge of the cultivation of strawberries from seeds


Landing and care: basic rules

Preparation and sowing of strawberry seeds, and increasing germination

The harvest is proceeded in the morning when the turgor plants are highest.

Strawberry grows on any fertile soils. Neutral loams, sandy are preferably preferred, unwanted too wet or too dry soil. Clay and sandy soil improve, bringing organic fertilizers (humid, compost, overwhelmed manure).

Getting a higher harvest, due to large-partness and high weary of the berries.

As soon as the seeds proceed and the roots of the embryo begin to appear, each seed with the help of sharpened matches and land in the box filled with loose sinky soil. For sowing strawberries, I use a mixture of coarse sand, peat and biohumus as a substrate. All components of the substrate take in the same amount. Instead of biohumus, you can use humus, but then it needs to be taken in double quantity.

  1. The main care for the sprouted seeds is sufficient illumination. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that lights should be greater at a larger temperature. This refers to the premises in which the sun's rays penetrate and warm only one, turned to the window of the tank side. For better lighting, you need to use special lamps imitating sunlight. And of course, the more heat and light will be, the more moisture will evaporate, and therefore it is necessary to ensure that the soil with the seedlings did not drive.
  2. Preparation of soil

Kokinsky Early

In this case, it is possible to start the crop after the soil cools.

Strawberry seedlings landing on a permanent place of growth

Seeding of claimed or new strawberry varieties is sometimes unnecessarily expensive, much more expensive than the number of berries that one bush will give.

For germination, strawberry seeds need heat - a temperature of about 25 degrees. When dried up the earth, it is necessary to spray with water, and the film sometimes lift and ventilate about 5 minutes.

Garden strawberry is an intense culture, and after the first 3 years of good fruiting the number and size of the berries begins to decrease, and their taste is to deteriorate. Observing the rules of the crop rotation, periodically updating the bushes (raising seedlings from seeds again) or initially picking up a "long-playing variety or a hybrid, this problem can be successfully solved.

Suitable precursors for this culture - onions, carrots, parsley, radishes, salads, celery, dining room beets, dill, garlic.

Strawberries are unpretentious, and labor costs are minimal for its cultivation. In addition, repairing hybrids are increasingly popular, because They fruit from spring to late autumn, bringing a good crop.

Strawberry seeds lay out over the surface of a wet substrate at a distance of 2 cm and more from each other; The depth of their seal is no more than 0.5 cm.

Video: Landing strawberry seeds at seedlings


Strawberry repairing - cultivation of seeds

Standing young plants can be started from 28-30 days

As seedlings grow, some activities need to be carried out so that the sprouts are strong and stronger. Periodically, you need to pinch the sprouts and shorten the excessive root root system. If the seeds were planted into a common capacity, they need to be seeded in a separate pot, so that the roots do not intertwine.

. In order to grow seedlings of strawberries, it is necessary that the type of soil should be mixed - fertile, and at the same time light. Such qualities arise due to the mixture of the following ingredients: peat, sand and turf. 25% of the remaining components are added to 50% of the turf of the land.

Corrado, Mediterranean

To accelerate the germination of strawberry seeds, they can be placed five to six days to the room, where the temperature is not higher than + 5 degrees.

The seed method of reproduction is much cheaper, but it seems difficult and inaccessible to many.

On the germination of seeds usually takes about 3-4 weeks. When the sprouts appeared will cause strength and achieved 3 cm high, you can remove the film.

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It is not worth growing strawberries after eggplants, potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, pepper - it will fade and suffer from viral diseases.

Sow correct With the appearance of two real leaves, pick the best seedlings of strawberries into individual pots, and the rest searched in the box more freely.

After the appearance of germs. To do this, you can make seedlings on the glazed balcony or in a greenhouse. Starting with 10-15 minutes a day, increasing the time for five minutes once a week. After the seedlings achieved the age of two months, they should be siping, rejecting weak plants. The young strawberry loves rich watering, but painfully perceives the fluid in the root system. From this strawberry, often falls like fungal diseases. The cacific strawberries in an open ground is planted, when the night temperature will stop falling below 10 degrees.


Strawberry: Seed Sowing Method

Two months later, after the cultivation of seedlings of strawberries from seeds, you need to think about the way to transplant the sprouts into the open soil. But before that they need to harden so that the plants do not start to root from an unusual climate. It is started to endure on the open air of the container with seedlings and leave first for a few minutes, and then the clock.

Differences in Seeds

Festival, middle

Remote strawberry

The bottom box of the refrigerator is suitable for this or a glazed unheated loggia, a greenhouse. If there is an opportunity, then the seeds can be sprinkled with snow.

Varietary seeds can be selected at an affordable price in the trading network or collect themselves.

For the normal development of seedlings, it is necessary to ensure that additional illumination will be advised - 2-3 hours will last every morning and the same evening.

How I grow seedlings strawberries

In January. Deadline - February. It is to be beyond to eat in the same year. Consider now - berries, now, you can not wait, only for the next year. Lobelia or petunia sowed? Similarly, sow and strawberries, on the guy, under the film.

At the permanent place, strawberries are transplanted not before the end of May, with 6 real leaves. The landing scheme is single-line: the distance between the plants in the row is 15-20 cm, between the rows - 60-70 cm. After planting, the plants are fed and mulched with peat or humus.

Seedlings of strawberries are grown in the sowing boxes with a depth of 5-7 cm. The substrate is selected light, "breathable", with a high peat content, pH 5.5-6.5. For 2-3 days before sowing, it is shed, simultaneously conducting disinfection. At home, you can use a hot solution of manganese.

The developing seedlings need a lot of light. And the higher the temperature of the seedlings, the light should be more.

In order to achieve a good yield of this kind of strawberries, it is necessary to conquer "berry" water-soluble fertilizers. During the growing season and flowering, they will have to make them 10-12 times.

Options for disembarking may vary, it is possible to produce it at the end of May, but then to the greenhouse conditions, i.e. under cellophan. Well, if planted in June, then in open soil, without heating.

Lord, middle

In addition to stratification, seeds can be soaked on a day in a solution of manganese or any growth stimulator.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are now being popular grades, so the skills of growing seedlings of strawberries from seed will be useful to lovers of this berry.

After about a month, strawberry seedlings fasten enough to disperse on a separate pot. It is very important during the recruitment not to plunge the heart of young plants.

Development and fruiting strawberries grown from seeds

Little, but seit on top of a wet earth, cover the film. How to start appearing shoots, ventilate. When two real leaves appear, pick up cups.

The classic method of growing strawberries - on the garden covered with a dark underfloor material (Loutrasil or polyethylene). Then the roots of strawberries are well warmed, and plants develop better. To do this, 2 rows of 2 rows of 25-30 cm from the edge are cut out in a strained and fixed on the prepared garden bed, with a row of 45-50 cm. In the cutouts make recesses in which seedlings are planted.


Strawberry from seeds - Vintage per year

Since strawberry seeds are rather small (if the manufacturer did not drive them), it is almost impossible to spend point seed. Therefore, the seeds simply scatter on the surface slightly compacted substrate; The 50x50 cm box is consumed about 1 g. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with dry, washed and disinfected river sand with a layer of no more than 1-2 mm, then spray from the pulverizer with water. For the first spraying and further 2-3 irments, it is pre-use solutions of biologically active substances such as humat or epin.

Watering the seedlings of strawberries should be moderate; With excessive moisture of the substrate, shoots and formed sockets are ill, black and dying.

Cook seedlings of strawberries are ready for landing into open ground, if there is no less than three leaves, two of which should be well developed, and the third can be in the infancy.

The seed market presents many varieties of fine strawberries. The cost of them is not very big, so they are accessible to the ordinary consumer;

Cardinal, Medium Power

Seying seeds in the ground is needed at a distance of 2 - 5 cm. Fold them from above, without embelling to depth.

From an economic point of view, an independent seed blank is beneficial. To do this, the bushes choose the bushes, the desired variety, or just like to taste and the size of strawberries.

When the time comes to land at a permanent place, do not forget to teach plants to change the temperature in advance. So that the seedlings hardened, they need to start gradually ending on fresh air. You need to start from one hour, gradually bringing this time to 4 hours.

Free video seminars about growing strawberry / strawberry

You can also use another method of "insulation" of the root circle of plants - mulch the soil with a rewind, leaf opeglades or straw.

Immediately after sowing and spraying, the sowing drawer is hermetically covered with glass or film. To germinate seeds, the light is not needed, and the optimal temperature should be 23 ... 250c. At home, the boxes can be put on batteries.
Before planting young plants in the ground, I spend their hardening, installing pots and boxes with strawberry seedlings outdoors in the shade. Gradually teach them to the hot sun, and then landing the fried and grown outlets of strawberries in the garden.
Strawberry Many refer to the most beloved and useful berry cultures - after all, its fragrant berries are not only very tasty, but also very medicinal. Even the leaves of strawberries possess therapeutic properties!

About how to plant strawberry seedlings correctly, we already know. Further step is the landing in open ground. To do this, make a depression in the soil to 10 cm deep, which should be more than several centimeters than the height of the cup. If seedling is in a plastic cup, it is better not to shake it. And cut the side and gently reach the entire sprout with the root system. Well, if seedling is in a peat cup. Then it is necessary to twist it before disembarking. After lowering the sprout in the hole, the Earth gently sprinkles the roots of growth and is compacted on top.

For planting strawberry seeds, seeds of their own production can be used, which are collected from non-hybrid varieties. Then the offspring will be the same as the parent bushes. But before the landing, it is necessary to conduct tests, and choose the best varieties and copies;
Bogota, late
It is possible to do this with a toothpick, sharpened matches or small tweezers.

A well ripened berry is removed from the bush and give it still to lie down. After that, the top layer with seeds is considered a knife, smear them on paper and dried. Store dry seeds in paper bags before sowing them on seedlings.

To plant a young strawberry for a permanent place is best from the second half of June. At the same time, you first need to prepare a landing space. The land needs to be filled with a measurement at the rate of 3 buckets on each square.

During the growing season, 2-3 feeders organic fertilizers with trace elements are carried out.
How to care for shoots

When growing seedlings in the described method already soon, in August of the same year I get the first berries from young bushes. These seedlings are fruit to the coldests, and the next year they no longer differ from adults, abundantly fruiting plants.

Strawberries and useful, and beautiful. The breeding seeders of the world are derived from the grade of garden strawberries not only with white, but also with pink flowers; Not only with red, but also with yellow berries.
In case the landing in the open ground was made early in spring. That gardeners will be able to try berries from the new harvest this summer. Although he will not be so abundant, as in subsequent years. In general, it is possible to make a fallout seedlings until the end of summer, i.e. August. The crop, of course, this year will not be then, but the next year all efforts will be rewarded with abundant fruiting.
The shops also present the varieties of large-scale strawberries, but their value is large enough. However, the desire to have severe and healthy plants with large and delicious berries attract gardeners and gardeners.

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Before the appearance of germs, the soil must be sprayed from the sprayer, not allowing dryness.

Dates of sitting seed strawberries depend on whether seedlings are intended for spring or autumn landing in the soil.

In February. Right to the ground is not covering the soil. Mail with glass and water spray.

Looky. Well, you didn't think about it before

Using Sideratov
Shoots usually appear on the 7-20th day after sowing. As a rule, the average germination in varieties of strawberries - 80%, in hybrids it is slightly lower - 60%. Since the appearance of the seedlings, the boxes are rearranged into a bright place.

If there is no desire to mess around with growing strawberry seedlings, then its seeds can be sowed right in the garden, on the garden. To this end, you need to choose the best ripe berries and insert them shallow into the ground. In May of the next year, a "brush" of strawberries will appear on the garden. These shoots will need to be searched so that they do not oppress each other. But the harvest in the same year does not expect from such seedlings. Yes, strawberry sockets obtained by this way there will be much worse quality than the grown seedling house.
Unlike ordinary strawberries, blooming and fruiting every year (in spring and early summer), the repair strawberry blooms and fruits continuously. Therefore, the whole season on it can be simultaneously seeing flowers, and many berries of different degrees of maturity - from green to ripe. Grow the removable strawberries is a pleasure, so she won great popularity in the world.
The cultivation of removable strawberries from seed recently is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners. And there are a number of good reasons for this, because this type of berry is fruits from the very beginning of summer and to deep frosts. Moreover, the taste qualities of the fruits of each new crop do not deteriorate at all, as well as its number. In this article we will share recommendations on the rules of landing the repair strawberries by seeds.
Landing strawberry seeds to seedlings require preparation. It includes activities such as pre-germination. This allows you to control the germination of seeds and screening the defective.
Yellow miracle, repairing

There is a practice to withstand seeds in a transparent package on the sunny light in a wet environment, and when the seedlings appear, planting it into the ground. Well established himself sowing on peat pills.

The main difference in these timing is that from the seedlings planted under autumn, the next summer will be a full-fledged yield of berries.
Sowing strawberries is for patient ... in February ...

Already late, but himself guilty ... I will do how I did ... Learn !!!)))) take a glass of one-time, Max 200g ... Slightly seal the soil --- put in the center of the seed (you can couple), land --- on the cm-half below the edge, you fall asleep to the root of the snow, you close the food film - and in a warm place ... no ventilations --- after a week we will go --- as needed, you will simply be delivered .... Berries will be, But a trifle, a normal berry --- on the next year

When and how to sow on seedlings seeds of removable strawberries?

◄Bez gmo

Usually from sow in the first few days after collecting strawberries. Oilseed radiation, mustard, firelines are used as sidewards. Putting them in the strawberry bears, leave in the garden for the winter. It is better not to raise them in the fall - let it work in summer, and in winter.

Girlfriend not for everyone

The first days after the appearance of shooters, glass or film are open for several hours to remove excess condensate, and when the cotyledon is turned off (about 2-3 days after the appearance of shoots) remove completely.


Benefits of seedlings from seeds
Constantly blooming and fruiting bushes of removable strawberries with an abundance of flowers and bright berries are an amazing spectacle. It is not surprising that the repairing strawberries (including the curved) is often used in landscape design and in flower beds, grow as a balcony plant, as a potted culture.


Preparation for sowing

Zmey Gorynych

Water for soaking is used or rain, or Taluy Snezhny, and it is necessary to change it several times a day.

when to sow strawberries?

elena Orlova

Snow White, decorative

Tatyana Ivanova

The first shoots may appear on the 14th day, but very often strawberry seeds begin to germinate only three to four weeks. There are cases of seedlings after 35 to 40 days.

Andrei Tyulin

From the spring planting berries either will not be completely or the crop matures absolutely meager. Only removable varieties can please with enough berries at the end of summer.

steam Monstercraft.

This year sowed in January, Mae landed on the garden. Back to that week, until the snow fell, ate berries.


Strawberries do not need to strategy, do not listen to nonsense, she is so beautifully sowing sowing superficial, do not fall asleep and of course not before February it is necessary to sow
In hot sunny weather, they, grown next to the bushes of strawberries, give them a shadow and protect them from the heat.
This stage is one of the most important: hurry to remove glass or film dangerous, because You can put the gentle searches, especially if they are additionally shoved. At the same time, it is impossible to be late - the increased humidity needed to germinate seeds is destructive for shoots - it provokes their mass death from gray rot and black legs.
Until now, in Russia, there are mainly fresh seedlings of strawberries, which traditionally planted in late August - early September. However, in this period, it is difficult to ensure satisfactory survival and further high yield for the following reasons:
Recently, many varieties of fine-cooled and large-scale removable strawberries have appeared on sale, which is very plenty and fruits from spring to late autumn, extremely yield and decorative.
In order for sowing seeds to be crowned with success, it is important to choose the right time for sowing, to know the composition of the nutrient mixture, take a series of precautions. Sewing seed is best to do in the first days of February. Future berry bushes landed in this period will begin to be fron in the first days of June. An excellent place to grow seedlings of strawberries can serve as a glazed balcony or a winter garden with artificial illumination.
This contributes to the destruction of germination inhibitors, which affect the slowdown in the growth of the embryo. Seeds are laid out onto toilet paper or filter tissue with a thin layer, on the plates that you need to put into the cellophane package to create a special wet microclimate. This design must be installed in a warm place available to the sunshine. When sprinkling the seedlings of strawberries from seeds, you need to proceed to the searction process.
If experience in the cultivation of strawberries from seeds was crowned with success, after a year the number of bushes of failed strawberries can be enlarged twice by dividing them after the end of fruiting, and from varieties, giving mustache, the landing material is better to take from the bushes of the third year of life.
In the first weeks, the seedlings need regular irrigation, but they are so thin that it is better to do this with a small syringe, dripping a few drops next to the seedlings.
In order for the departure to the soil, the seedlock of Rasp and had a developed root system, real leaves and gave the first berries in the current season, then sowing strawberry seeds is better at the end of January or in the first decade of February. Difficulty with such a crop is the need for additional lighting.


We always sow in February. As a last resort - the beginning of March.


February in April dive at the end of May land


When snow falls, Siderats are simply indispensable! Dry winding stems sticking out over the cover, attracting more sunlight, as unlike white snow, have a dark brown color. And all the dark on the sun is heated faster. Snow around the skes melts, pits and water flows down to the roots, moistening the soil.

Often the question arises in front of the gardes: is it possible and how to do it? It is also quite simple, no more difficult than what.

About when to sow strawberries to seedlings is best and how to do it next.

Many gardeners consider landing the strawberry seeds with a disadvantageous and labor process. Opinion erroneously. Although strawberry seeds have small sizes, they spare and become strong and healthy bushes.

Fruits of garden strawberries

For the right sowing it is necessary to conduct preliminary work: hold a package with seeds in the refrigerator for one month. For home cultivation, seeds should be planted in early February. This month, the day day is already long enough. If you need earlier sowing, use daylight lamps, as this culture needs sufficient lighting.

Seeding seeds in the soil should be used without additional applying the soil from above. To achieve the required level of humidity, cover the seeds with a film and do not remove until the first shoots appear.

The picking should be started after the sprouts are formed two three leaves. Move them into small pots for further dive into bulk packages for growing.

The main advantage of breeding strawberries with the help of seeds is the lack of disease. Unlike the mustache, seeds do not transmit disease inheritance.

That is why this method is optimally suitable for breeding expensive varieties allowing you to keep bushes healthy.

It is necessary to germinate seedlings at home. It entails the care of shoot care and requires careful and neat work. If you decide to make your summer cottage plot, it should not stop you, because without care and harvest will be appropriate. About when to sow strawberries under the seedlings and what items you need in the process you will now learn.

Independent mining seeds

If you purchased seeds in the store you can skip this section. But we recommend familiarizing yourself with the for the sake of general development and further decisions: to buy or extract yourself.

Choose large healthy and fruiting bushes of the desired variety. Berries must be ripe.

Growing strawberries on agrovolok

Collect seeds should be made from the base and middle part of the fetus. Spread the collected seeds on the napkin and leave to dry. Do not leave seeds under the right sunlight - our goal is to dry, not fry.

At the end of the drying process, overtake the remaining substance between the palms and separate the seeds.

The answer to the question when sowing is the storage of seeds of about six months. If there are fluorescent lamps (additional lighting), it is possible to start landing in January. Is there no lighting equipment? Getting Started at the end of February early March. Before landing, store seeds in a dry dark room in a glass container.

There is another solution. Having gathered in June, the harvest of delicious strawberries, harvest the seeds, plant them and in the fall. Then you will have excellent seedlings for planting in open ground.

Preparatory work

If you decide to bring your bushes in order, or bought expensive seeds of elite varieties of berries, before sowing they need to be prepared anyway.

Seeds are prepared independently, you should first soak 24 hours before landing in the box. In this you will help the fabric well holding moisture, such as a towel. Match one side of the fabric, decompose the seeds and cover the other part from above. Next should be twisted all the spirals, put in the croke and leave in a warm place.

Vintage berries

Thus, it is possible to improve the "Mare Data". You can proceed to a direct disembarkation in the container.

Selection of soil and landing box

The size of the container depends on the number of seeds for planting. Suitable small box or a bloom. In any case, a drainage hole should be present at the bottom.

Let's go to the soil. What better grow in? The basis should perform a clayjit or broken red brick. Only then fall asleep fertile soil. You can buy ready-made bias in the store, or prepare yourself: mix peat and sand in a ratio of one to four. Optionally, you can add biohumus.

If the land you typed on the site, it is necessary to produce its squeezing. The process is simple:

  • Preheat oven to 120 degrees
  • Cover the baking tray
  • Lower the ground with a thin layer
  • Leave an oven for 45 minutes.

The process is repeated several times until all the earth will pass heat treatment.

This option eliminates the influence of various microbes and diseases for shoots, and growing in the same soil, where the landing is planned is undoubtedly better than other ways of the soil harvesting.

Indeed, the thermal method is one of the most reliable to disinfect the soil. But, we want to note that in addition to malicious bacteria and microorganisms in the ground there are also useful.

Therefore, the procedure of roasted in the oven is worth spending 15-20 days before the date of the seed landing. It is necessary that useful bacteria manage to develop in the soil.

The optimal type of soil: Forest land, which is mixed with a small number of peat. It is necessary that the mixture as a result is light and crumbly, so the amount of peat depends on which material is available at the disposal of the gardener initially.

Sowing time

Let's start sowing. Plant seeds should be at a distance of 5 centimeters in neatly made in a row of furrows. Do not sprinkle the earth. To avoid seed offset during watering, use a spraying pulvezer. In the people, it is called "springs".

Ripening fruits

Strawberry seeds are no less hanging from moisture and heat than an adult bush. Therefore:
  • Control the soil moisture. Do not dry her, but do not overflow.
  • Construct the semblance of the greenhouse. Cover the box with a seedlock, and better use the glass.
  • Install the box with a seedler and the place is most lit throughout the day.
  • Perform daily ventilation excluding condensate formation.

Two weeks later, you will notice the first sprouts of the future berry. As a rule, germs occur unevenly and in different time intervals.

The use of glass as a lid for a box with a seedler is really very convenient, it helps to regulate moisture.

So, if it is completely dry, it is time to pour your pets. And if it is so wet, that it is not visible through it, then you need to carry out an air.

First searches

The first greens is formed on the stem in the distance of two centimeters from the ground. The overweight sheet will put the stalk on the ground, which will lead to additional root formation. Tip: Cover the growth point by adding to the base of the Earth. So your bushes will develop stronger due to increased root formation.

After the formation of the familiar eye of the foliage of strawberries, the seedlings need to dive - produce a separate landing.


It often happens that the roots of several bushes intertwined each other. In this case, it is necessary to wet them and divide with a dining force.

When diving, special attention should be paid to two things:

  • Humidity of the soil
  • Growth point.

Determine the humidity is easy: a little deepen the wand in the ground and pull back. With sufficient moisture, the hole will keep the shape and not to crumble.

With a growth point, you need to be careful and not to sprinkle it during the work. In other words, put a landing at a depth of similar initial growth. Follow this rule and when in open soil and beds.

In the first case, you need to plant bushes at a distance of five cm one from the other and in the aisle. It is very important to retreat as much from the edge of the box. After all, if the roots become resting in its wall, there will be few benefits for them.

When using glasses, you also need to make drainage holes. There should be 3-4 pieces, distributed evenly along the bottom. You can buy ready-made containers. They are usually more dense and stable, and the drainage has already been made.

Very important not buy or not Use too big glasses. In this case, rotting can begin, as the roots will not get all moisture. And it can begin to stagnate in the upper layers of the soil.

One important advantage - to transplant the transshipment method, and this is much less injured by the plant. Consequently, and it takes on a new place it is faster.

Preparation for open soil

Since the start of work before the final transfer of seedlings in the ground takes place about nine weeks. Last week before landing, it is necessary to start to temper the seedlings, preparing to move to the open soil.

Daily, in the afternoon, exhibit seedlings to the balcony. And every day, increase the time of stay seedling outdoors. At an average daily temperature + 10 °, an extreme night for seedlings can be fully on the balcony.

Here is the finish line. You can transplant seedlings on the bed. Next, the very different story begins. History of fertilizer and care of bushes and achieve maximum yield. We hope that thanks to our recommendations you will get wonderful bushes of strawberries who please you with their yield for more than one year.

Bonus information for avid dachens and gardeners

Consider methods for stratifying expensive varieties. Such varieties are usually initially planted with individual pots, which removes the question of picking. But other subtleties remain, requiring your attention - landing.

Prepare the soil by analogy described above and select suitable pots. Leave two three centimeters of space for subsequent roasting snow. This is not a typo, it is snow.

Young healthy bushes

Type from the street of snow and pour it on top of the prepared soil for some more centimeters.

Only then proceed to the planting process. You will need a match or toothpick that you want to wet for sticking seeds to a stick. Clamp one seed and put on top of snow.

This action is called stratification. Differently speaking, you recreate the growth conditions of plants close to natural indicators of our latitude. Sundaying, the snow drags the seed into the soil to adapt it to our conditions from the very beginning.

After all the seeds lay on the snow, install the pots with them on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

Strawberries - a delicious berry that grows everywhere in the gardens. Even on the most tiny areas, there is almost always a place to bed of this berry culture.

About the love of the plant speaks many varieties with the most different characteristics, the size of the flavor of the berries, the timing of fruiting.

Spank strawberries with a mustache, more precisely, the root outlets that are formed on them. However, given the features of some varieties, the berry is very often multiplied by seeds.

We will try to figure out when to sow strawberries to the seedlings and how it is then to care for it to get a good harvest.

Dates of sowing strawberries for seedlings

Most often, amateurs searmed strawberries outlets, which are located on the plant mustache. They take them either from their plants, or acquire in nurseries, in stores, in the markets.

Seeding of claimed or new strawberry varieties is sometimes unnecessarily expensive, much more expensive than the number of berries that one bush will give.

The seed method of reproduction is much cheaper, but it seems difficult and inaccessible to many.

Varietary seeds can be selected at an affordable price in the trading network or collect themselves.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are now being popular grades, so the skills of growing seedlings of strawberries from seed will be useful to lovers of this berry.

From an economic point of view, an independent seed blank is beneficial. To do this, the bushes choose the bushes, the desired variety, or just like to taste and the size of strawberries.

A well ripened berry is removed from the bush and give it still to lie down. After that, the top layer with seeds is considered a knife, smear them on paper and dried. Store dry seeds in paper bags before sowing them on seedlings.

Dates of sitting seed strawberries depend on whether seedlings are intended for spring or autumn landing in the soil.

The main difference in these timing is that from the seedlings planted under autumn, the next summer will be a full-fledged yield of berries.

From the spring planting berries either will not be completely or the crop matures absolutely meager. Only removable varieties can please with enough berries at the end of summer.

In order for the departure to the soil, the seedlock of Rasp and had a developed root system, real leaves and gave the first berries in the current season, then sowing strawberry seeds is better at the end of January or in the first decade of February. Difficulty with such a crop is the need for additional lighting.

For landing into the ground under the autumn, strawberry seeds are seated to seedlings in April - May. Such seedlings will be ready for transfers to the garden by early August.

Thus, you can allocate two main periods when strawberry seeds seed seedlings are January, February and April, May. Although, depending on climatic conditions, deviations from these deadlines may be.

Video about how to care for seedlings:

For the successful planting material, you need to know some features of growing strawberries from seeds.

Important moments of growing strawberry seedlings, varieties

Preliminary processing of soil

Earth for sowing seeds should be well diskmed by any available way. It is possible to hold it half an hour under a quartz lamp or disappear at a temperature of + 150 degrees in the oven also at least half an hour.

In this case, it is possible to start the crop after the soil cools.

Stratification of seeds

To accelerate the germination of strawberry seeds, they can be placed five to six days to the room, where the temperature is not higher than + 5 degrees.

The bottom box of the refrigerator is suitable for this or a glazed unheated loggia, a greenhouse. If there is an opportunity, then the seeds can be sprinkled with snow.

In addition to stratification, seeds can be soaked on a day in a solution of manganese or any growth stimulator.

Sowing seeds

Seying seeds in the ground is needed at a distance of 2 - 5 cm. Fold them from above, without embelling to depth.

It is possible to do this with a toothpick, sharpened matches or small tweezers.

Before the appearance of germs, the soil must be sprayed from the sprayer, not allowing dryness.

There is a practice to withstand seeds in a transparent package on the sunny light in a wet environment, and when the seedlings appear, planting it into the ground. Well established himself sowing on peat pills.

Appearance of shoots, care

The first shoots may appear on the 14th day, but very often strawberry seeds begin to germinate only three to four weeks. There are cases of seedlings after 35 to 40 days.

In the first weeks, the seedlings need regular irrigation, but they are so thin that it is better to do this with a small syringe, dripping a few drops next to the seedlings.

To comply with the humidity mode, the container should be covered with a perforated transparent film. Holes in it are needed to prevent the accumulation of condensate.

The film can be removed when the first pair of real leaves appears.

Optimally transplanted at a permanent seedlings in the three-four present leaves stage.

Selection of strawberry varieties

  • Desna, early
  • Kokinsky Early
  • Corrado, Mediterranean
  • Festival, middle
  • Lord, middle
  • Cardinal, Medium Power
  • Bogota, late
  • Queen Elizabeth, repair
  • Yellow miracle, repairing
  • Snow White, decorative

If experience in the cultivation of strawberries from seeds was crowned with success, after a year the number of bushes of failed strawberries can be enlarged twice by dividing them after the end of fruiting, and from varieties, giving mustache, the landing material is better to take from the bushes of the third year of life.

Traditionally, the garden strawberry breeds the rooted sockets and the division of the bush. But in cases of growing susceptible varieties, the optimal method of reproduction is the cultivation of seedlings from seeds. This is not quite a simple thing - there are certain nuances and subtleties in it, without complying with the plants will not be able to get. Let us dwell on the rules and methods of sowing strawberry seeds.

Collection and preparation of strawberry seeds for sowing

Strawberry seeds can be purchased in the store, but their germination can be very bad, since it has no more than one year in this culture. To avoid this problem and get enough sowing material seeds can be collected independently. In any case, before sowing, they must be prepared in a certain way.

How to collect seeds

For sowing, strawberries cannot be used hybrids, since they do not retain their varietal features with this method. Therefore, seeds are collected only from varietal plants. You can do this in different ways - we describe two ways to collect seeds. The first one is older:

  1. Healthy and harvest bushes are selected by the most ripe and large berries.
  2. With the help of a scalpel or acute blade, a thin layer of peel with seeds is neatly cut off.
  3. The resulting sections are dried for several days, decomposing them evenly on the plate. Do it in a well-ventilated and warmed by the sun.
  4. When the cuts are dried - they collect seeds from the plate, if they stick - scraped with a knife.

The method of collecting seeds using a blender:

Video: Collection of strawberry seeds with a blender

Dates of sowing

Seeds of strawberries have a bad gesturity. Without prior preparation, shoots may appear after 1-2 months. In total, the growing seedlings ready to transfer to six months. Therefore, to obtain a harvest this year, seed seeds follows no later than February - March. If it is supposed to grow strawberries in heated greenhouse to obtain a winter harvest, then seed seeds can be seeded in June - July.

Preparation of soil

For growing strawberry seedlings, special soil is required, which is easy to prepare independently. For this, it is enough to mix three components:

  • cherry earth - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

And also in this mixture, it is good to add wood ashes (one glass on the bucket of the mixture) and biohumus (one liter on the bucket of the mixture). In order to destroy potential pests and causative agents, the exposure to the heat treatment should be subjected to heat treatment, for example, to rolling in the oven for half an hour. And of course, you can buy a ready-made mixture in the store.

Available ready for applying soils for strawberries and strawberries

Preparation of seeds to sowing

Strawberry seeds who have passed special training can take a week after sowing. The percentage of germination is also rising.


Under stratification in the botany, a long-term maintenance of seeds is understood at a certain temperature in order to increase their germination.

This process is usually combined with hardening of seeds, which lies in alternate excerpts at low temperatures and in room conditions. The duration of stratification can be from two weeks to three months. Typically, the seeds are evenly scattered with a thin layer on a moistened cotton disc and cover the same disk from above. Place the resulting design in a plastic container and placed in the refrigerator. Periodically (no less often than every other day), the seeds should be opened by opening the container cover for several minutes, and also approximately once a week leave it for a day at room temperature. Throughout the process, constantly monitor the preservation of moisture, pouring water to the bottom of the container if necessary.

During the entire stratification process, the moisture preservation is constantly monitoring, if necessary, water to the bottom of the container


A good way to increase the percentage of germination and acceleration of seedlings is the bubbling of seeds in a warm (+ 25-27 ° C) water for 2-3 days. For this purpose, seeds are poured into a water tank with water, they lower the end of the hose from the aquarium compressor there and include it. After the bombing is completed, the seeds are dried and used for sowing.

Barbing seeds are carried out in warm (+ 25-27 ° C) water for 2-3 days


If there is no compressor, then the seeds in front of the sowing can be simply soaked in water (it should be used rain or melting water) for several days. For this, the same design is suitable as for stratification. Only in this case the container is placed in a warm place, for example, on the heating battery. It is possible to improve the method by replacing the water with a solution of one tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 500 ml of water. The duration of soaking in this case is reduced to two days.


Sowing germinated seeds significantly reduces the time of shoots. For the extension of strawberry seeds simply increase the soaking time (if the soaking was carried out in hydrogen peroxide, then after two days, the seeds were washed and continue to germinate in clean water) until the moment when they start to cross. After that, they are planted with one of the ways described below.

After the seeds of strawberries begin to cross them plant them in the soil

Methods of sowing seeds

Each gardener has its favorite way of sowing strawberry seeds. Consider the most popular.

Sowing toilet paper

There are two variants of this method and both are not recommended for use, since with their help you cannot grow prepared seedlings, but only small sprouts that require further transplant.

In a bottle

For this option take a plastic bottle and cut it along two halves. The bottle is covered from the inside with several layers of toilet paper and well moisturizes it. Then the seeds lay on the paper at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. On the bottle, we dress the package and placed in a warm place. When the seeds are sprouting, the roots and first leaves are formed, the sprouts are transplanted into tablets or soil.

The bottle from the inside is littered with several layers of toilet paper, which is well moisturized and seeded on her seeds

In snail

The film is cut out with a strip of 10-12 cm wide, lay it on the table and on top of the 3-4 layers of toilet paper. Her abundant moisturize and in two centimeters from the top edge laid seeds with an interval of 2-3 cm. After that, the strip is folded into the roll and fasten the scotch. The finished snail is placed in a container with a small amount of water at the bottom. Next arrive in the same way as in the first version.

The film is cut out with a strip of 10-12 cm wide, lay it on the table and on top 3-4 layers of toilet paper

In snail with soil

This method found a fairly widespread distribution in the cultivation of seedlings of various cultures. It is as follows:

Video: Snails folding

In peat tablets

With this progressive method for landing, special peat pills are used, which can be bought in the store. They are made of a compressed peat, impregnated with nutrients and microelements. To maintain the shape of the tablet placed in the mesh. The product diameter varies from 23 to 72 mm, and the height is about 2 cm. In the center of the upper end there is a recess intended for sowing seeds. The main advantage and advantage of the method is that the plant in it lives from the moment of sowing the seed and to disembarking the finished seedlings in the ground. Moreover, seedlings are planted along with a tablet, which eliminates the injury of the roots and provides 100% survival rate of plants. The order of sowing is:

To coconut tablets

Such tablets made from coconut peat (70%) and coconut fibers with chips (30%) and nutrient-impregnated with nutritional solutions are an even more advanced tool for growing seedlings. Unlike peat tablets, coconut:

  • do not save and better hold the form;
  • faster absorb moisture;
  • do not form a crust on the surface:
  • have better air permeability;
  • for a long time do not decompose and can be used several times.

The order of sowing to coconut pills is no different from sowing in peat pills.

Video: Overview of peat and coconut pills

In boiling water

Of course, in fact, seeds are not planted in boiling water. When they say, they mean seeding into the soil, politically hot (approximately 80 ° C) with water. It looks like this:

  1. The container is filled with nutritional soil.
  2. Abundantly watered its hot water from the little watering can.
  3. Immediate strawberry seeds immediately.
  4. Cover them with black film.
  5. Close the container with a lid and wrapped with warm things (plaid, blanket, etc.).
  6. After 1-2 hours, the container is released from insulation materials and placed in a warm place to germinate seeds.

High temperature contributes to the softening of the solid shell of the seed, which speeds up their germination and increases the percentage of germination. Stratification and soaking at the same way do not need.

In hydrogel

This is a new polymer material that has recently become used to grow seedlings. Its main feature is the property to hold a large amount of moisture. Hydrogel granules are able to absorb water weigh 300 times higher than their own. This allows for a long time to maintain the required level of humidity of the gross seeds. For growing strawberry seedlings, it is better to combine the use of hydrogel with nutrient soil. For sowing seeds on the bottom of the container, the keyned granules of the hydrogel layer 3-4 cm are poured, the soil layer with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm is poured on top and seeds produce seeds in the usual way.

Video: Sowing strawberry seeds in hydrogel

Rail strawberry seedlings, though not quite simply, but is quite accessible to the novice gardener. Having mastered one of the most liked ways, it will always be able to provide himself with the landing material in the required quantities.