Do-it-yourself polymer self-leveling floor. Method of pouring polymer floors, consumer reviews and prices for materials

On our website you can buy materials for self-leveling floors with various special properties. The range includes compositions for the following objects:

  • garages, parking lots, hangars;
  • warehouse complexes;
  • production and repair shops of food, chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries;
  • medical institutions;
  • kindergartens, schools, institutes;
  • shopping and entertainment complexes;
  • administrative and office buildings, etc.

The scope of application depends on the chemical composition and characteristics of the self-leveling coating. For each product in the catalog we have placed detailed description and recommendations for use.

Types of self-leveling polymer floors

Polyurethane floors

Polyurethane-based flooring has been used for a long time and has proven itself to be one of the most reliable and durable. These are universal formulations with wide scope applications. With their help, you can create a variety of coatings: thin-layer, quartz-filled, colored, sports and others.

The main advantages of polyurethane floors:

High adhesion– the compositions have excellent adhesion to concrete, wood, and metal, provided that the surface is first primed with an epoxy or polyurethane primer.

Elasticity– you can buy self-leveling polymer floors for use under conditions of constant deformation, shock, and vibration loads. This effective solution for industrial areas where machinery and equipment are intensively used.

Resistance to temperature changes– the minimum coefficient of thermal expansion allows such coatings to withstand significant heating and freezing. The operating temperature range for self-leveling polymer floors is from -60 to +140°C.

Mechanical strength– polyurethane coatings withstand intense pedestrian and traffic loads well, but are somewhat inferior in this regard to epoxy coatings.

Epoxy floors

Polymer coatings are universal, reliable and durable. Such compositions are tougher than polyurethane ones, and therefore more effectively resist abrasion, static, and mechanical loads, but the cost of self-leveling floors of this type is also higher. Epoxy coatings recommended for food and beverage enterprises chemical industry, for objects agriculture. The fragility of epoxy floors does not allow them to be used under conditions of significant shock loads, vibrations, or on moving bases.

The main advantages of the compositions:

Durability– epoxy floors are 50% more resistant to abrasive wear than polyurethane. They are successfully used in areas with heavy pedestrian traffic, in places where heavy vehicles and warehouse equipment pass. The coating retains its aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Chemical resistance– epoxy self-leveling floors are not susceptible to the effects of water, gasoline, machine oils, alkali solutions, acids and other chemicals.

Environmental friendliness– one of the main advantages of our polymer self-leveling floors is their environmental safety. The compositions do not contain organic solvents, do not have an unpleasant odor and do not emit toxic substances after drying. Due to these qualities, they are recommended to be laid in workshops food industry, V educational institutions and at healthcare facilities.

UV resistance– polymer coating for concrete floors does not turn yellow under the influence of direct sun rays. For example, the self-leveling floor AQUAPOLYMERDEKOR PLUS can be used even outdoors.

Our offer

Prices for materials for self-leveling floors from LKM POLYMER are indicated in the catalog and in the price list on the website. We also offer the services of specialists in installing coatings at the Customer’s site. We have modern technologies at our disposal, all necessary tool and qualified employees with extensive experience in carrying out such work.

You can buy self-leveling flooring in Moscow by placing an order on the website at any time of the day or night. Telephone numbers for contacting company specialists are listed on the page. When contacting us, each buyer can receive free advice on the range of products, assistance in choosing materials and completing the order.

A more modern and unpretentious coating than polymer self-leveling floors, in modern construction quite difficult to find. This technology successfully passed the “run-in” on industrial facilities and reached the private sector.

The general process of their installation requires knowledge of work technology, compliance with safety precautions and care when mixing components.

Technical characteristics and coating features

Polymer self-leveling flooring is a modern finishing coating based on polymer compounds that provide the final material with a range of unique properties. The use of polymers in construction is not uncommon, but it was their inclusion in liquid and bulk compositions that made it possible to significantly increase strength, impact and decorative qualities.

Among the advantages of polymer floors, one can highlight a long service life, which correct installation and compliance with the rules of use, is more than 15-20 years. The coating is resistant to high and low temperatures, chemicals and various solvents.

During wear, the polymer floor does not generate dust or emit harmful substances, not subject to combustion and transmission of open flame. The elasticity of some types allows the use of such floors in industries and places where there is a risk of heavy objects falling. Hygiene, environmental friendliness, ease of cleaning and maintenance allow it to be successfully installed in medical and children's institutions, in the household and food industries.

The polymer base can have a glossy and shiny surface, or a completely matte or colored one.

The solidity and absence of seams when installing polymer self-leveling floors eliminates the formation of harmful fungi and the penetration of moisture under the coating. After laying and polymerization, the floor is completely suitable for machine cleaning using any detergents.

The disadvantages of such a floor include the technology of its construction, or rather strict adherence to all technological stages. Quality control must be carried out with each batch and pouring of the liquid mixture. The main disadvantage is the lack of possibility of reasonable repairs.

That is, to carry out partial renovation outer covering It is more or less possible, but to eliminate all the cracks and scratches you will need to dismantle and pour a new floor.

Types of coating and choice of composition for the private sector

The general classification of polymer-based floors is based on the type or composition of the coating. The substance included in the composition largely determines the strength, elasticity and wear-resistant qualities of the floor after pouring.

The main types of compositions used for flooring

Polymer self-leveling floors are divided into the following types:

  1. Epoxy is the traditional and most common type of self-leveling floor. The final solution is obtained by mixing two components - a colored epoxy base with a hardener. Epoxy flooring is highly durable and resistant to moisture and temperature.
  2. Polyurethane is a floor with high elasticity, wear resistance, high point tensile strength and impact. Mainly used for installation in production areas and places with an increased risk of damage to the base. In some cases, it is possible for the device to wooden surface or wooden floor foundations.
  3. Epoxy-urethane - a coating that took useful qualities two main types. It has high abrasion resistance and is mainly used for laying pedestrian paths, transport routes, etc.
  4. Cement-polyurethane - used in areas where exposure to aggressive environments in the form of chemicals is possible, high temperatures or a couple. The structure of the floor effectively protects the surface, preventing substances from destroying the supporting base.
  5. Methyl methacrylate is the most durable and frost-resistant variety. It is used for installing self-leveling floors in open spaces, in places with a lot of precipitation and natural irritants. It has a complex laying technology and fast polymerization.

Depending on the outer layer, the polymer coating can have a matte, glossy, transparent, rough or decorative surface. Perhaps a combination of a transparent-glossy or rough-matte surface.

For installation in apartments and private houses, polymer epoxy is usually used. The trains fully meet the requirements for the load generated, possible traffic intensity and cost.

Choosing a polymer floor and possible costs

Making a choice polymer coating for the floor, one should proceed from the technical equipment of the room, brand concrete covering, humidity level and required strength properties.

For example, a decorative polymer self-leveling floor on an epoxy basis would be better suited for a bathroom or toilet, garage or covered parking near the house, that is, for rooms with high humidity and possible exposure to chemicals.

For installation in a workshop or playground near the house, it is better to choose polyurethane-based solutions, since such a composition, after hardening, copes better with impact loads and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

A complete set of products for preparing a self-leveling floor from a domestic manufacturer

If we base our comparison on a domestic or foreign manufacturer, then first of all we should focus on the price/quality ratio. No one will argue that most foreign companies offer a higher quality product, but the prices for their formulations are at a completely different level.

Domestic manufacturers, for example “KrasKo” or “TeoKhim”, produce quite competitive mixtures that have proven themselves only with better side. In terms of price to quality ratio, the composition of these companies is much more profitable, since operation for private purposes does not involve the creation of such heavy loads that these floors can withstand.

The cost of both types of polymer self-leveling floors is approximately the same and depends more on the pouring technology, the thickness and method of constructing the underlying layer, and compositions for preparing the base.

On average, the consumption of polymer self-leveling floor per 1 m2 is in the region of 300-500 g for the underlying layer, 1.2-1.7 kg for the leveling and facing layer. This consumption is valid for a thickness of 1 mm when applied to concrete base, treated with primers.

Two-component polyurethane composition from a Russian company

For comparison, we have collected data in a table that shows approximately the price ratio for self-leveling floors of both types from different manufacturers.

General preparation of the surface and necessary tools

The general technology for pouring and installing self-leveling polymer floors consists of preparing the load-bearing base, checking its quality, treating the surface with a primer, applying a base or underlying layer, pouring and leveling the finishing coating.

For grouting cracks, seams and other deep damage, it is better to use only recommended mixtures from the manufacturer

Preparatory actions for working with the base will include the following steps:

  • deletion old cladding and floor finishing;
  • cleaning construction waste, cleaning from dirt and dust;
  • elimination of severe damage to the concrete surface and deep cracks.

Dismantling of old finishing is carried out using hand tools and handy accessories. Construction waste is collected in thick bags and taken to a landfill. Subject to availability greasy stains, drops of paint or oil, use solvents and carefully remove the sagging.

To carry out further work and install polymer self-leveling floors with your own hands, you will need to check the base for the degree of moisture in the concrete, check its strength and carry out a visual inspection for serious damage.

The moisture level or residual moisture content of the concrete for new screeds is checked special equipment. If it is absent, the check can be performed in a simple way– polyethylene material is glued to the surface of the concrete base.

Paint shoes are used for free movement through liquid solutions

If after a day moisture has settled on the film and the floor is wet, then it is necessary to dry the surface for some time and repeat the test. Otherwise, you can check the strength with a sclerometer and perform an inspection.

If there are deep cracks, sinkholes and potholes, they are cleaned, primed and grouted with putty from the manufacturer of the self-leveling polymer coating or with a composition according to its recommendations.

The final stage of preparation is checking the level of differences. This can be done using the usual bubble level with appropriate markings. Permissible deviations should not exceed 2-3 mm per 2-2.5 m of surface. A more precise value is indicated on the packaging of the polymer floor.

Tool for distributing mortar over the surface of the base

To perform further finishing works You will need to prepare two clean rollers with a pile of 12-16 mm, paint pads and a needle roller, a metal squeegee and a steel spatula up to half a meter wide. When kneading and mixing components, it is recommended to use a drill with an attachment or a mixer with a power of at least 1 kW.

As personal protection It is mandatory to use gloves, construction glasses and overalls. For some floors, the use of a respirator will be required, as they contain volatile components that evaporate during polymerization.

General sequence for two-component mixtures

Carrying out further work on applying primer and coating with your own hands will require preparation working area, where the mixing and preparation of the solution will be performed.

It is better to cover the floor surface plastic film, prepare protective clothing and solvent in case the liquid mixture gets on your skin or spills.

It is advisable to entrust the preparation of the mixture to a separate person who will mix the components while another applies and levels the mixture.

Do-it-yourself polymer self-leveling floors - priming and applying a base layer

Do-it-yourself polymer self-leveling floors are made using the following technology:

Flooring technology may have a slightly different look when using solutions that involve the use of quartz sand, applying more layers or laying decorative elements.

For example, some compositions involve sprinkling the surface with purified sand already at the stage of priming the base. Others may contain an additional sanding step to improve adhesion, etc.

The types of self-leveling polymer floors, their advantages and areas of application are described in.

Now it makes sense to learn about the technology of filling them, especially since it is quite unique and has many important nuances.

In addition, readers may be interested in reading reviews of similar flooring from people who have already tried them everyday use, and also navigate approximate level prices for such materials.

Pouring polymer floors involves several characteristic stages of work, carried out in a strictly defined sequence, in compliance with installed by the manufacturer systems of technological requirements.

It is clear that different types of coatings may have significant differences in the nuances of preparing the mixture and the timing of its use, the time intervals for drying each layer, the use of special additives, fillers or coloring pigments.

However, the approximate sequence of actions is the same for all types of self-leveling polymer floors.

As an example, we will consider the technology of pouring a two-component epoxy-based coating of the Elakor-ED system, which is widely used in industrial and private construction and includes all necessary components for all stages, and deserved the most positive reviews consumers.

Materials and tools for work

The amount of material is indicated based on filling 10 square meters. meters of floor with a thickness of 2.5 mm (this is the minimum acceptable layer for this system). So, high-quality pouring of a polymer epoxy floor will require:

  • Two-component primer “Elakor-ED 2K/100” - 3 kg.
  • Self-leveling floor "Elakor-ED" - 25 kg (7 kg per base layer, and 18 – on the main one).
  • Purified quartz sand, fraction 0.3 – 0.6 mm – 23-25 ​​kg.
  • Finishing polyurethane varnish "Elakor-PU - Lux" - 1.2 - 1.5 kg.

The necessary tools are prepared in advance:

  • Spatulas of different widths, from 200 to 600 mm.
  • Sintepon rollers with a pile of 10-15 mm.
  • Needle roller.
  • Squeegee with adjustable gap.
  • Drill with attachment for mixing construction mixtures. The drill must have speed control and reverse.
  • If a large area is covered, you will need attachments for work shoes - paint shoes.
  • A hard synthetic broom, a powerful vacuum cleaner (preferably an industrial one).
  • Containers for mixing the component solution.
  • Hand and face skin protection must be used.

Preparing the base

The pouring work begins with preparing the base. Polymer floors can be poured onto a concrete screed, a wooden surface, or old tiles, but any type of surface requires careful inspection and appropriate preparation.

One of the most important requirements is the horizontality of the surface. Epoxy flooring has self-leveling properties. However, large level differences will lead to serious overspending. expensive material and a general increase in the cost of coverage.

It is considered acceptable to have a height difference of up to 1 mm per linear meter. If it is larger, it makes sense to first eliminate it with a leveling screed.

  • The concrete floor should not have unfixed cracks, deep potholes, or crumbling areas.

Absorbed oil or other stains are unacceptable - they are hollowed out to clean concrete, followed by filling of potholes.

For repair work use polymer putties, which can be supplemented with quartz sand.

Residual moisture cement base should not exceed 4%. If work is carried out on fresh concrete, the minimum curing period should be at least 4 weeks.

  • When covering a wooden floor, pay special attention on the stability of the base - it should not “play”.

The tree must be cleaned of dirt, old paint, sanded and polished. Relative humidity wood is allowed up to 10%.

  • When laying on tiles, be sure to tap all the tiles to identify those that are loose.

They should be removed from the general masonry, and the resulting recesses should be sealed with putty.

Immediately before applying the primary primer layer (no more than 2 hours), the entire floor surface must be once again cleaned of debris and dust with a powerful vacuum cleaner.

Conditions for floor pouring work

The pouring technology requires compliance with certain operating conditions:

  • The air temperature in the room and the surface of the base is within +5...+25 degrees.
  • Air humidity – no higher than 80%.
  • The optimal temperature of the components when mixing them is 15-20 degrees.
  • To prepare the solution, you must choose a place that will eliminate the possibility of accidental splashes on the surface to be poured.

The purpose of priming the floor is to clog the pores of the concrete, improve adhesion, and prevent peeling or swelling of the future coating.

In the case under consideration, the primer is a two-component composition; in other systems, a ready-made deep penetration primer is often used.

The required amount of component “B” is added to component “A” and thoroughly mixed, using both forward and reverse direction of rotation of the drill. Optimal speed is 500 rpm.

After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, wait for 2-3 minutes. to release air bubbles, and you can get to work.

  1. The soil is spread like a snake over the surface and evenly distributed with a synthetic padding roller.

If areas with increased absorbency are identified, they are immediately re-primed. It should be uniform and even glossy surface. The primary layer of soil will require from 18 hours to a day for polymerization.

  1. If required, at this stage you can seal small irregularities by mixing epoxy putty or even a small amount of the base composition of the self-leveling floor with 1-3 parts of quartz sand.
  2. After the primary layer, a second protective layer of soil is applied, which is immediately sprinkled with a small amount of sand.

A day later, preferably no more, they move on to the next stage.

Creating a Base Layer

The base, underlying layer will become a reliable basis for the finishing, front surface. It will completely seal all remaining pores, hide all unevenness and differences. It is also poured in two steps.

  • First, a generous layer of epoxy primer is again applied to the surface, which is spread with a spatula so that no puddles form. Quartz sand is poured in excess on top of the unhardened soil (about 1.5 kg per square meter).
  • After 15-18 hours, excess sand is removed with a stiff brush, and the surface is dust-free.
  • Prepare the basic composition for pouring the floor.

There are some subtleties in its preparation - first, component “A” is mixed in the forward direction and reverse, and then, without stopping rotation, component “B” is poured in.

An absolutely homogeneous composition should be achieved.

After mixing, again 2-3 minutes for aeration - and the mixture is immediately put to work. Leaving it in the container for more than 10 minutes is contraindicated.

  • The composition is poured onto the floor in even strips and distributed to the required thickness using a squeegee. In some hard-to-reach places you will have to use a spatula.

Average consumption is about 400-500 ml per square meter.

If you plan to decorate the floor with polymer inclusions (chips), then they are laid at this stage. It is better to carry out work wearing paint shoes on your feet and avoiding shuffling movements.

  • After leveling the spilled mixture, it is given 15-20 hours to harden.

This layer will become the “face” of the future floor, so great care is required when pouring it. In addition to its decorative function, this layer also bears the main mechanical load.

The composition is mixed in the same way as described above, but the amount of mixture per square meter will be greater - at least 1 liter per square meter at a surface temperature of about 20 degrees, or even 1.8 liters at 5 degrees.

With a smaller amount, the self-leveling effect may not be achieved. Preliminary leveling is also done using a squeegee.

Time is limited - the prepared epoxy mixture must be worked out in 30 - 45 minutes.

10-15 minutes after the composition is evenly distributed over the surface, but no later than half an hour, rolling with a needle roller occurs, which will free the layer from possible air bubbles.

Polymerization will last about a day, but the floor should be subjected to mechanical stress no earlier than after 4-6 days. During this period, the surface must be open, but protected from dust, dirt, and liquid.

A good addition would be to apply protective coating made of polyurethane transparent varnish. It is applied twice in a thin layer using a roller or brush. Its polymerization will take another day, and after 3 days the floor will be completely ready for full use.

After all layers have completely hardened, cuts are made around the perimeter of the room. expansion joints, which are sealed with a special sealant.

How much does the material for polymer self-leveling floor cost?

For example, prices for several popular systems of polymer self-leveling floors of various types:

System brand Brief description Consumption per sq. m (with a thickness of 2.5 mm) Packing Price (rub/kg)
"Elakor-ED" 2.5 kg comp. “A” - bucket 20 kg. comp. “B” – 4 kg canister 225
"Elakor-PU" polyurethane two-component composition 2.5-3 kg copm. “A” - bucket 18 kgcomp. “B” – 6 kg canister 245
"Elakor-ED Transparent floor" epoxy two-component self-leveling floor 2.1 (thickness up to 2 mm) copm. “A” - bucket 20 kgcomp. “B” – 10 kg canister 350
Evropoll "Pro database EP" transparent base two-component epoxy composition for the preparation of highly filled quartz mixture comp. “A” - bucket 20 kg. comp. “B” - 5 kg canister 200
Duracon TR System-205 Methyl methacrylate coating for medium and high loads, anti-slip effect 3.3 (with a layer of 6-8 mm with saturation with quartz sand) universal compound - containers of 180 kg. 295
-//- -//- -//- Hardener Duracon catalyst, 25 kg canisters 645

Floor coverings in this design are becoming increasingly widespread in civil and industrial construction. The reason for this is factors such as their exceptional strength and durability. In addition, polymer self-leveling floors are distinguished by extremely simple execution technology, which allows you to make them yourself.

The combination of words “self-leveling floor” or 3D floor is familiar to many, but few know what these terms mean. How to arrange such coverings, how environmentally safe and durable they are, and how to make them yourself. Those wishing to acquire such a progressive floor covering would like to find out these and many more questions.

About the advantages and disadvantages of polymer self-leveling floors

Like any engineering solution, installing a floor from polymer materials has a number of advantages, but is also endowed with certain disadvantages.

The advantages include the following properties:

  • the elasticity of the coating, which determines their ability to withstand building vibrations, both seismic and seasonal;
  • resistance of the polymer coating to any reagents and high humidity;
  • fire safety;
  • simplicity of manufacturing technology, allowing you to make the coating yourself;
  • ease of maintenance and care;
  • long life cycle of polymer coating;
  • despite the very smooth surface, such coatings are non-slip;
  • many design options, including original drawings and patterns.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • high-quality polymer flooring is really expensive, but in terms of reliability and durability it has no equal. There are no comprehensive statistics on their operation yet, but practice shows their high performance. Of course, if the installer does not chase the cheapness and does not purchase the material low quality, which is exposed to harsh ultraviolet radiation. As a result, cloudiness of the composition, the appearance of yellowness and loss of visual perception are possible;
  • installing a polymer floor requires a very flat and strong base;
  • Problems arise when you want to replace the floor covering with another one. The high adhesion of the material and its strength characteristics make its dismantling almost impossible; the next coating will have to be installed on top of the polymer one;
  • the polymer layer is very sensitive to the humidity of the base, which should not be higher than 4%. During the installation process, the temperature in the room should not change by more than two degrees.

Classification of polymer floors

Materials can be separated according to various signs. The most commonly used classification is based on the materials used:

  1. Self-leveling floors from epoxy materials are the most popular due to their high elasticity and strength characteristics of the composition.
  2. Self-leveling polyurethane floors are characterized by increased durability.
  3. Methyl methacrylate coatings are characterized by rapid hardening and increased coating strength. Most often used in industrial premises.
  4. Floors for the same purposes are made from urea, and there is no need to stop production, since they are applied by spraying.
  5. Polyester-based solutions are the cheapest and most unreliable method of installing self-leveling floors, which cannot guarantee a positive result.

How much does a self-leveling floor device cost?

The technology used to install polymer flooring is simple. The main labor costs fall on preparatory work. The final success of all work depends on quality preparation. Therefore, the price in each specific case depends on the amount of preparation and its content.

Therefore, in the market for services for pouring polymer floors, the price per square meter of floor ranges from 350 to 600 rubles and is determined after a thorough inspection of the facility.

Self-leveling floor technology

Before purchasing materials, you should decide on a number of points:

  • type and purpose of the premises;
  • the magnitude of possible floor loads;
  • the need to introduce decorative elements into the coating composition;
  • desire to give gender certain properties– antistatic, anti-slip and others;
  • cost optimization taking into account the price-quality ratio.

Tools for installing self-leveling floors

During the work you will need:

  • container for preparing plastic mass with a capacity of at least 20 liters;
  • drill with adjustable speed and a special nozzle for mixing self-leveling floor components. You need to select a nozzle according to its length - it should ensure mixing of the mass to the bottom;
  • a spatula designed to distribute the mixture in hard-to-reach places;
  • a spatula in the form of a squeegee for uniform distribution of plastic mass over the supporting surface;
  • needle roller - to remove air bubbles from the plastic layer;
  • studded soles - for moving around the poured space with the least impact on the fill layer.
  • a solvent used to wash tools from plastic residues. It must be selected following the instructions on the packaging of the base material.

In addition to the above, you need to stock up on rubber gloves to protect your skin.

Calculation of the quantity of materials

Self-leveling floors come in different thicknesses; the average value is 1.5 – 3.0 mm. Also, the amount of material depends on the use of filler, or what quartz sand is used for.

The calculation is simple: 1 square meter of floor surface will require 1 liter of polymer mixture with a layer thickness of 1 mm. Accordingly, the requirement for the planned thickness is recalculated. The result must be multiplied by the density of the composition, which is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Typically it is 1.25 - 1.40 kg/liter. Wanting to reduce consumption, the manufacturer often includes filler in the composition, achieving a density of up to 1.70 kg/liter.

With a filler in the composition, plastic consumption is halved.

Preparing the base for a 3D floor

The main requirements for the supporting surface on which polymer floors are installed are their strict horizontality and humidity level. Therefore, for a concrete floor it is better to use a semi-dry screed, on top of which you need to make a leveling screed up to 5 mm thick. This will allow you to get a fairly even horizontal surface. In the leveling screed material, fiber shavings should be used as a reinforcing additive. The finished floor must be thoroughly dried. Next:

  • surface concrete screed need to remove dust with an industrial vacuum cleaner;
  • remove grease stains and dirt, using solvents if necessary;
  • when working with an old concrete base, you need to cut out the detected cracks and fill them with epoxy compound and only after that make a leveling screed;
  • the porous surface must be treated with sealing - this is a solution with strong penetrating properties.

It is traditionally believed that the surface of an old wooden floor is not suitable for polymer self-leveling floors. However, with some preparation, this is quite possible in a residential environment. To do this you need:

  • open the floor, inspect the joists, and, if necessary, replace or repair unusable ones;
  • close the floor, further strengthen the fastening of the boards;
  • remove old paint;
  • seal cracks in the boards and gaps between them with wood putty, dry, sand the repair areas with emery cloth;
  • remove dust from the surface, arrange a leveling self-leveling screed.

Further steps are the same for both concrete and wooden bases.

Surface primer

What kind of primer is needed? concrete material gender is always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging of the base material. These recommendations must be followed scrupulously. The primer is applied to the surface with a fine-haired roller or, for small areas, with a paint brush. Quartz sand is added to the soil composition. This increases the adhesion surface of the main floor and the base. After the primed surface has dried, you need to apply a second layer of primer.

Application of polymer coating

Stirring of the finishing composition is carried out in accordance with the instructions on the packaging. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the maximum possible uniform mixing using a drill with an attachment.

After mixing is complete, the resulting mass must be poured onto the floor and spread over the supporting surface using the rule. After this, the applied layer is carefully rolled with a needle roller. This operation is necessary to remove air bubbles and distribute the plastic mass evenly over the floor surface. Moving on the floor during the pouring process is only possible on needle soles.

If signs of thickening of the composition appear, work with it should be suspended. On the surface of the layer you need to place decorative elements of the 3D floor: shells, coins, pebbles, etc. that the performer wants to see on his floor.

The final transparent layer of coating is applied after the previous one has hardened. Movement on the newly created surface is possible on the second day after pouring, full operation – on the eighth day.

Scope of application

Self-leveling polymer floors can be used in premises of any purpose, both domestic, industrial and office.

The main limiting parameter for installing 3D floors is their high cost. But at the same time there are such positive points, as high strength, durability, as well as beauty of execution.

The simple technology of the device allows you to do them yourself. Good luck to you!

Polymer floors have gained considerable popularity due to their excellent technical specifications and excellent performance. This coating can be installed not only in industrial premises, but also in private houses and apartments. Making polymer floors with your own hands is not very easy, but if you carefully follow all stages of the work, you will definitely get a high-quality smooth coating that will last for many years.

What base is suitable for pouring?

You can make a polymer floor covering with your own hands on almost any type of base. But each of them has its own device features:

  • Wooden base. To fill a wooden floor, you will first have to level it. Usually an electric planer is used for this. If necessary, failed logs should be replaced, and all gaps between them should be treated with an adhesive composition;
  • Concrete base. If there are significant unevenness on the surface, before pouring the clean floor, it is necessary to make a screed. At the same time, the reliability of the polymer coating is concrete floor will always be higher than wooden base;
  • Tile. If necessary polymer composition Can even be poured onto tiles. It must be well secured, so before starting work, each of the tiles must be tapped. To ensure high adhesion of the polymer mixture to the tile, it is advisable to sand the base.

Preparing the wooden base

Of course, making a self-leveling coating yourself is quite problematic, since you will have to do a considerable amount of work preparing the base for pouring the polymer.

First you need to make sure that the warping is level. Check this using a regular level. Permissible deviation the value is considered to be 4 mm. To make polymer self-leveling floors on a wooden base with your own hands, you need to:

  • Remove all skirting boards;
  • Clean off the old coating: varnish, paint, adhesive. For this you can use grinder. If you don't have one, use a regular spatula and wire brushes;
  • It is imperative to take into account the humidity of the ceiling; it should not exceed 10%;
  • Find and treat all defects: chips, dents, cracks and crevices. All existing flaws must be sanded with sandpaper;
  • Clean the base from construction debris and dust;
  • Then degrease the coating using cleaning powders;
  • Next, treat the defects with special building compounds.

Preparing the concrete base

If you are going to install the coating on a concrete base, you will have to complete the following preparatory steps:

  • Measure the humidity, it should not be higher than 4%;
  • Then be sure to check the compressive strength of concrete, the indicator should be above 20 MPa;
  • If the concrete base was recently poured, work on installing the polymer mixture can be carried out no earlier than after 25-28 days;
  • Remove outdated floor coverings;
  • Remove any contaminants from the surface: mastic, oil and glue stains, varnish and paint;
  • Clear the surface of debris;
  • Fill cracks and dents using mortar with resin;
  • Treat small cracks and crevices with adhesive;
  • Level the base using a sander;
  • Then check the floor's levelness using a level.

To level the surface, it is best to use leveling mixtures that are made on the basis of special binder components. And remember that any coating must be durable, dry, clean and intact, without any cracks. If you pour a polymer composition onto a flexible base, the self-leveling floor will not last long.


Before making a polymer floor with your own hands, be sure to prime the surface. This will increase the adhesion of the base to the polymer. To close all the pores in the coating, it is necessary to apply the primer several times. Process concrete surface It is best to use two-component mixtures with mineral fillers.

Priming rules:

  • The base must be impregnated with primer in a well-ventilated area;
  • The composition should be applied with wide brushes or rollers;
  • The next layer of primer must be applied after the previous one has completely dried;
  • The polymer mixture can be poured onto the base one day after pre-treating the floor with a primer.

Dilution of dry polymer mixture

Typically, mixtures for polymer floors are divided into two components, which are located in two containers. To dilute the composition, you need:

  • Take a deep container for mixing the components;
  • Mix the ingredients according to the proportions indicated in the instructions;
  • To obtain a homogeneous mass, mix the emulsion well using a construction mixer;
  • Since the polymer begins to harden very quickly, it must be used immediately after dilution.

Important! Please note that when mixing the components, a reaction occurs, which results in the release of heat. To ensure that the quality of the self-leveling floor does not change, be sure to place the container with the composition in another container with cold water.

Pouring the floor

Now you need to install the self-leveling polymer coating on the floor. This process is very responsible, so try to strictly follow all the steps:

  • Pouring the composition onto small area, straighten it out immediately. To do this, use a squeegee;
  • When you apply the emulsion, go over the surface with a needle roller, then air bubbles will not form on the floor;
  • The layer thickness should not be less than 1 mm, otherwise the surface will be fragile;
  • When the coating has completely dried (from several hours to several days), treat the surface with polyurethane varnish.

Important! To produce high-quality pouring, it is desirable that there is no draft or temperature difference in the room. These factors may subsequently affect the service life of the coating. It is advisable that the room temperature should not be below 10 degrees.

The video shows in more detail all the stages of the work of pouring a polymer floor.

Installation of a polymer coating is a labor-intensive process that requires high-quality performance of all stages of the work. If you manage to competently implement the whole range of work in compliance with the pouring technology, the appearance flooring will not change even with prolonged use.