I dreamed that my wife was pregnant from another man. The magic of numbers

Very often it is girls and women who can be seen at the computer reading the interpretation of dreams. But the man with the dream book is no exception. Dreams do not always reflect real events that happen to you or your family. It is very difficult to understand what exactly a certain dream promises; without a dream book it is almost impossible. This is what a pregnant woman dreams about

It is very difficult for a husband to understand a wife, which is why you will have to turn to interpreters for help.

Short value

You should not immediately panic because of such a dream, because this will not help the matter, and the dream book will not reveal itself. First, pay attention and find out some points: do you even have a beloved woman? If so, find out if she is actually expecting a child. If he is waiting, then for whom exactly? After this already you can run to the interpreter and find out what such a dream promises:

Dream about wife's pregnancy

Seeing your pregnant wife in a dream means your life has moved to a new level, a new stage of life has begun. Perhaps right now the most important part of your life begins, much more responsible than the previous one. Dramatic changes are now possible: a change of workplace, place of residence, or even country of residence. Perhaps you will begin to think differently, and your lifestyle will follow your thoughts. You can become ardent healthy lifestyle enthusiasts, or you can fall in love with sports, and your home will become gym. Such a dream may indicate a change in occupation.

In a dream, you saw your wife give birth to a baby - if you are working on some project, or you have been assigned a responsible job, then it will be successfully completed and will bring the desired result and profit. However, you should beware of obstacles on your way. Luck is on your side and, most likely, most problems will be solved on their own, the work will be completed successfully, you will feel moral satisfaction and receive financial rewards.

A dream in which your wife lost your child. The planned transaction may not take place, or the work will be completed unsuccessfully and the expected result will not be achieved. Pregnancy - ideas and plans are in your head, you have been planning something for a very long time, you are worried about the implementation of all plans and the quality of the work.

If a woman deliberately terminates her pregnancy in a dream, her plans and hopes for the future will be unjustified.

The wife became pregnant from her lover or ex-husband

Your wife will most likely change her job or, in general, her type of activity, a dream tells you about this, in which she is carrying a child that is not yours (from her lover or someone else). A woman will devote herself entirely new job, will devote not only his working hours to it, but also his free time. Even though this job will pay very well, you will not be happy with the lack of attention, you will miss the attention of your wife.

  • A man dreamed of his pregnant wife, who had been pregnant for a long time, however, you just now learned that the child is from your lover - pretty soon you will be shocked by the family secret. This news will shock you to the core, but it is somehow connected with the type of activity of your wife.
  • Very bad value has a dream in which you rejoice over the loss of a child from your lover. Your wife will have opportunities to advance further as a specialist, however, you will stand in the way and prevent her from doing so. She really wants to take this position and she is ready to do a lot for it. If you are really determined to stop her, get ready for the fact that the relationship will not be the same.
  • Seeing a pregnant wife in a dream from her ex-husband- some unfinished business. Such thoughts torment you about unfinished business, your subconscious says. The fear of losing your wife does not leave you. You think that that relationship is not over, and at any moment she can return to him. You are a little afraid to talk about this fear and your thoughts with your wife. Don't do this, ask directly about her ex and her answer will immediately calm you down.

Your ex-spouse is pregnant

If you saw in a dream your ex-wife who was pregnant, you still have some feelings for her. The connection with this woman is not completely broken, and her appearance in your dream indicates this. The pregnancy of your ex-wife indicates that very soon you will forget about her.

It’s quite scary to wake up and realize that your ex in the dream was pregnant. But this fear is not justified. Such a dream could mean see you soon with her, on it you can hear information that is very important to you.

Do not worry if in a dream your ex-wife has already given birth to a child from you, and she became pregnant during her relationship with you. The dream only indicates that she has not forgotten you and her new love very much like you, maybe not in appearance, but in character you are similar. If she is really pregnant, then the dream only conveys a picture of reality, but the child is in no way connected with you.

Ex-wife claims that her lover's child is yours

A woman with whom you were previously in a relationship may resort to some kind of meanness in order to receive benefits and money, this is evidenced by a dream where she passes off someone else’s child as yours. You will receive some kind of advantageous, at first glance, offer, however, you should not contact her, it is best to refuse to participate in this. She thought of everything in advance, well, and for her you are the solution to all her problems, no more and no less. All the benefits are just an illusion; for you, of course, she will make good money from it. You shouldn't mess with her.

A rather bad sign is a dream where a woman gave birth to a child and claims that he is from you. All her problems require solutions, but she decided to do everything with someone else’s hands, she is ready to lie to you always and everywhere. She is ready to push the blame onto you, as if you were the cause of all the troubles, causing a feeling of guilt. Ask her directly what matters need to be resolved. Who is the culprit of all this and should answer for everything - a lot will become clearer.

Gender of the child

The gender of the unborn child plays a big role not only in real life, but also in the world of dreams. Depending on the gender of the baby, the meaning of the dream will change.

Did you dream that your wife was pregnant with a boy? Such a dream promises great troubles and problems. If in a dream you dreamed that ex-wife is expecting a boy, there will be great excitement in the family. The dream book contains an interpretation of a dream in which both the ex-wife and the present wife are pregnant with a boy. This dream speaks of an upcoming important choice.

The dreamer will have to make an important decision that will affect his future life and fate in general.

A rather pleasant surprise or unexpected news awaits a man who dreamed that his wife was pregnant with a girl. But if your ex-wife becomes pregnant with a girl, get ready for an unpleasant event or for small obstacles in achieving your goal.

Very good value promises a dream where your wife is carrying twins. Such a dream foreshadows great family joy and happiness. Perhaps your wife really is pregnant.

Interpretation of sleep from other dream books

There are many dreamers. Some of the most accurate and popular interpreters expressed their opinion about this dream:

  • Miller - a dream in which the wife is pregnant, but in reality there is no wife, warns the man that in the near future he will be very ashamed because of some of his actions. If a man’s wife is really expecting a child, then the dream predicts a fairly easy and successful birth.
  • Noble dream book - changes await you. Changes in almost all areas of life.
  • Italian dream book - a dream in which a woman is pregnant promises an exacerbation of some chronic disease or simply a deterioration in health.
  • Felomena is a pleasant gift you will receive in the near future. A little patience.
  • Medieval dream book - if a wife gained weight during pregnancy - success in all the man’s endeavors.

Don't rush to conclusions. To avoid what the dream book prophesies, think, analyze everything and compare it with reality. Why did you have this particular dream? It’s worth thinking about this too, in order to do everything right and not make a mistake.

Attention, TODAY only!

A dream in which a man has to see his ex “in position” will certainly surprise him and raise many questions. Why do you dream about a pregnant ex? The interpretation of such a dream may also be of interest to a woman who saw herself pregnant in a dream. ex-lover his young man. Despite the apparent simplicity and unambiguity, in fact, such a dream has a huge variety of different interpretations depending on the dreamer himself or the dreamer, his or her actions, emotions and behavior of the pregnant woman.

For men, such a dream gives conflicting interpretations depending on the dreamer’s marital status.

A bachelor has a dream

For the now confirmed bachelor, a former pregnant object of desire foreshadows a new acquaintance, which will radically change his outlook on life. Of course, he will not change his radical views overnight, and certainly not necessarily that his marital status will somehow change after such an acquaintance - although this option also cannot be ruled out - however, a man should prepare himself mentally. Soon he will have to reconsider his priorities. Change can be both pleasant and terribly difficult and time-consuming. The dreamer should be prepared for both options.

A lonely man has a dream

A lonely man, but thirsty for love and attention, has a dream in which his pregnant woman appears ex-girlfriend or wife, portends a meeting with a pleasant representative of the opposite sex. However, such a dream can also be a harbinger of love failure due to the dreamer’s internal insecurity. He should pull himself together, gather his will into a fist and not miss the fortunate chance to make his future much happier.

A man in love has a dream

For a person who currently has a lover, a pregnant ex-girlfriend or wife dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings. Also, such a dream may foreshadow the restoration of previous relationships, an attempt to “return everything to normal.” Not a single dream book can say unequivocally whether such an attempt will be successful or will turn out to be just a new mistake. However, the fact remains: the dreamer will face difficulties in relationships, and only he will have to decide which relationships to keep and which ones to break off forever.

A married man has a dream

For a married man, a pregnant ex-girlfriend or wife in a dream predicts quarrels and conflicts. A major scandal can significantly spoil valuable family happiness, but in this case nothing threatens the relationship. With proper understanding and mutual trust, it will be possible to overcome the difficulties that have arisen and return to their former, calm and measured life. In addition, such a dream foreshadows problems at work and financial troubles. Overcoming them will require a lot of effort.

Who is the child's father?

A dream in which a man has to find out whether his ex-wife or girlfriend became pregnant from him foreshadows a delicate, awkward situation. The dreamer risks being at a disadvantage through his own fault.

Dream interpretations for women

For women, such a dream rarely portends joyful events.
  • An unmarried girl who sees her boyfriend's pregnant ex in a dream will experience sadness and anger due to jealousy. It is possible that she will have to fight for her personal happiness.
  • For a married girl, a dream in which a pregnant ex-girlfriend or her husband’s wife appears foreshadows a quarrel with a stranger who is neither a family member nor a close friend. You shouldn’t pay attention to this kind of squabbles; it’s better to save your nerves by not giving importance to such trifles.
To summarize, we can say that a dream in which a pregnant ex-girlfriend or wife appears cannot be called overtly favorable or portends exclusively unpleasant events.

The dream is a kind of danger signal, forcing you to pay attention to your personal life. This is discussed in more detail in the video about what a pregnant ex dreams about.

This dream should be interpreted in the context of sleep. The fact is that pregnancy can be both a negative and a positive sign, giving joy to some people, and dashing hopes of becoming parents to others.

If a man dreamed that his wife was pregnant, it could be prophetic dream. Especially if the next day the gynecologist tells you about it or you see the test used. However, everything needs to be seen in the context of a specific life situation.

If you dreamed that your wife was expecting a child while she was sick and this was out of the question for now, then this indicates a deterioration in her health. Therefore, to understand why such a dream occurs, try to find the answer to one of the following questions.

Do you want to become parents or not, is there a threat of divorce, or maybe one of you no longer lives under the same roof? Does your spouse’s age and health allow you to become a mother and how long did you see her? This is what a pregnant wife dreams about most often.

If you want to become parents

There are many couples who want a child, but it doesn’t work out. Therefore, a dream about your wife’s pregnancy may predict another unsuccessful attempt to conceive a baby. Especially for those who have tried all the methods and can’t achieve results.

If the dreamer relies on fate and believes that they may not need a child, then seeing a pregnant wife in a dream means that the test will be positive. Especially on early pregnancy, when the belly is not yet visible.

Pay attention to how much the dream setting corresponds to the real one and whether there is a small animal or child in it. Then, as he writes modern dream book, there is a possibility of motherhood. It is often indicated by fish in an aquarium (often round), kittens and puppies, especially in the hands.

Seeing a pregnant wife who left you means worries on her part. It is possible that she is very worried about separation or breakup, real or imagined betrayal.

However, such a dream usually does not precede actual pregnancy. Modern books they write that now the wife may be thinking about her life, preparing for some important event for herself, and is also very worried about something.

Sometimes such a dream predicts illness or troubles and tears for you.

If you dreamed of a pregnant wife whom you yourself abandoned, then she is very worried about this.

Often such a dream also predicts an interesting situation for her, which she is most likely trying to hide from you.

This dream can also predict the spouse’s drunkenness, various experiences, tears, and regrets. Often such a dream refers to a wife’s illness, both physical and mental.

Pregnancy of a sick woman and a healthy one

This category includes dreams in which both spouses are not young or cannot have children for various reasons, the wife suffers from alcoholism, drug addiction, physical or mental disorders. Usually the dream book interprets a pregnant wife in such a situation as a burden, misfortune, illness and even death for this woman.

Modern books indicate that you will soon learn about a dangerous diagnosis, some mental disorders and weirdness. There was even a case described when a husband saw his pregnant wife before she jumped out of a window after drug withdrawal.

Therefore, after such a dream, when pregnancy cannot possibly be possible in real life, you should pay attention to the state of your spouse’s health, or at least try to find out about it if you do not live together.

If your wife is suffering physically and is very dangerously ill, then pregnancy in a dream predicts a deterioration in her health and even imminent death if we are talking about a serious and fatal illness.

For women whose dream was seen by a spouse suffering from mental disorders and addictions, such a dream promises strangeness and scandal in the house. So relatives should prepare for unpleasant surprises.

If your wife is healthy but does not live with you, her pregnancy predicts unexpected news about her. It is possible that you will learn about her interesting position or plans for the future. In some situations, the dream book writes that you can meet her in transport or simply learn about her from relatives or just friends.

An awkward and unattractive pregnant woman with a very large belly usually dreams of troubles and quarrels. Such a dream predicts a scandal with your current wife due to different plans for the future. But, if you have recently reconciled with your wife, her pregnancy may mean unusual plans or a surprise.

It may be related to interesting situation, about which you do not yet know, and about an idea, the implementation of which will take a long time. For example, a wife may want to take a driving course or get medical education. So the spouse will have to be patient for the sake of the happiness of his other half.

If you dreamed of a pregnant wife who is suffering from toxicosis, then in reality she faces severe poisoning or a situation that will be extremely unacceptable for her.

This dream predicts various experiences and troubles. If you want well-being, try to avoid suspect foods and avoid eating expired or slightly unpleasant-looking foods.

The most detailed description: “dream book of a pregnant wife dreaming of her husband” - everything from professionals, which is relevant in 2019.

Almost any popular dream book can explain why a pregnant wife dreams. This is a sign of nurturing an important idea, in which the wife plays an important role. The family develops, and relationships reach a higher level of spiritual intimacy.

To get the most correct interpretation about your wife’s pregnancy in a dream, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • this is the pregnancy of the current spouse or ex;
  • the child of the dreamer or another man (for example, a lover or ex-husband).

If a man dreams that his current wife is pregnant, it means that the family will undergo changes.

The interesting position of the ex may mean a common cause or meeting that will affect the dreamer’s future life (perhaps the woman will report important information about a new promising position).

Seeing your wife pregnant in a dream means the beginning of a new stage in life. He can be much more responsible than the previous one. It is possible to change your place of work or even your residence, even changing your country of residence. A radical change in lifestyle (if you led a nightclub life, you will become ardent healthy lifestyle enthusiasts) or type of activity.

Seeing that your wife has given birth to a baby means that a long-planned project will very quickly bear positive fruit, despite the fact that there will be a lot of obstacles to its implementation. But all of them will be smoothed out by an incredible combination of circumstances, and you will receive moral satisfaction and financial profit.

If a man dreams that she lost a child in a dream - bad sign. An important deal may fall through, or a new business may almost immediately become unviable. Pregnancy represents gestation important ideas, long-term planning, experiencing all the sensitive moments about changes. Termination of pregnancy in a dream means the collapse of all plans and hopes.

Seeing in a dream how a wife is carrying someone else’s child (for example, from a lover) means a change in the type of activity of the spouse. She will have to change jobs, and she will give it all the time, not just working hours. This will make you very angry and upset, but the financial compensation for this state of affairs will be significant.

  • If your husband dreams that his wife has been pregnant for a long time, and you just found out that this is her lover’s child, it means that some family secret will soon be revealed. She will be connected with the family of your missus, but she will shake you to the core.
  • An alarming dream in which your wife lost her lover’s child, and you are happy about this state of affairs, is a bad sign. You will become an obstacle to the realization of her capabilities as a specialist. At the moment, she is ready to move mountains for an important position, and if she is prevented from doing this, the relationship will be seriously damaged.
  • Pregnancy from an ex-husband means unfinished business. But this is what your subconscious says, and not the real state of affairs. You are afraid that the past relationship is not over and she may return it. But these are just your fears that you are embarrassed to talk out loud with your spouse. Ask her a direct question about your ex - and you will immediately calm down.

If your ex is pregnant

Waking up with horror, realizing that your ex is pregnant, does not happen every night. But in reality it is not as scary as it seems at first glance. Such a vision may mean that you will have a communication or meeting where you will receive important information.

Perhaps you still have some feelings. After all, the fact that you see her in a dream may mean that the connection has not yet been completely broken. But her pregnancy indicates that you will soon forget her.

If you see that your ex has already given birth, and you understand that this is a child from your previous relationship, do not worry. The dream only says that her new love is echoes of a past life with you. If in reality she is pregnant, then such a dream is a reflection of reality, and the child has nothing to do with you.

If such an unpleasant story happened in a dream, it means that this woman is ready to resort to meanness for the sake of financial gain. She will offer you a very profitable project, at first glance, which is worth refusing. She has everything thought out the smallest details, and you are only needed to solve her problems. All benefits offered are illusory, beware of deals offered by your ex.

A woman gave birth to a child from her lover and says it’s yours - a bad sign. She will try by hook or by crook to force you to solve all her problems, passing them off as yours and causing a strong feeling of guilt. Ask her a few direct questions about what the matter is and who should be responsible for what they have done - then a lot will fall into place.

Freud said about dreams with pregnancy that the dreamer either longs for the birth of his own children, or is very afraid of fatherhood - answer honestly to yourself what you want from life, and act based on your own interests. This is what his dream book says: a pregnant wife can mean good sexual health and the ability to quickly conceive a baby. All that remains is to listen to your true desires.

In general, dreams in which the husband saw pregnancy carry an important message that you can begin to implement new projects and try to realize old dreams.

Bearing life in a dream can also be due to the fact that you have not fully found yourself, and are trying to turn back time in order to be able to regain lost time. In this case, the dream will not be filled with hope and joyful expectation, but will be filled with anxiety and worry.

In this case, you need to pull yourself together and look at life straight - you cannot return the past, but your future life can be corrected.

Why does a pregnant wife dream? When you dream that you see your pregnant wife, it means that something completely different will soon begin in your life. new stage, during which you have the chance to significantly change your life, you just have to be careful not to make the same old mistakes.

If you dreamed of a pregnant wife, this dream predicts that you will be able to get something that you have had to work hard on for a long time and have put a lot of effort into it.

I dream that your wife is pregnant from someone else, this is a signal that in reality you have an unpleasant feeling of the instability of your position, and outside help is required.

When in a dream you wife says she's pregnant, you must ask your loved ones for the help you will need soon, only they can help you in this matter.

Dreaming pregnant wife with twin girls if in a dream you know that your wife is pregnant with twins, this is a sign that in reality you are very willing to help others and you are ready for selfless giving to others.

Why do you dream brother's pregnant wife? When you dream that your brother's wife is pregnant, this is very negative sign, usually associated with your social life. This may also mean that misunderstandings and big quarrels await you with people with whom you are friends and who do not really depend on you.

If your husband dreamed of a pregnant wife, this may be a sign that you will be able to be a witness and even the culprit of someone’s joy or good news

When in a dream you see your ex-wife who is pregnant, such a dream is a harbinger of great worries and worries, probably related to the fact that they envy your success in some area; your friends will try to work, which can harm or at least devalue your merits and lead to you not feeling the expected satisfaction due to your successes.

If in a dream you see your ex-pregnant wife standing in line with you, this is a sign that your financial situation will soon improve significantly, so that you can finally enjoy the stability you desire.

Dreaming about your ex-husband's pregnant wife means that you will not be able to satisfy your most important dreams, at least not very soon, and you will have to really put in a lot of effort.

A thin pregnant ex-husband's wife is a successful sign, for they promise success in the emotional sphere, and if you are not currently in any relationship, this may be a harbinger that in the near future you will meet someone whom you will love with reciprocity and create a happy and lasting marriage with this person.

If your lover’s pregnant wife appears in your dream, this may mean that in reality, in connection with some kind of specific problem you will suffer significant losses and not necessarily financial ones.

When a married woman sees her lover’s pregnant wife in a dream, such a dream is a very unfortunate symbol that serves as a warning, informing that you or someone in your immediate circle may be at risk of a very serious illness.

Perhaps everyone is curious about the interpretation of dreams. It’s not often that you manage to remember what exactly you dreamed about, but if you do manage to do so, sometimes you surprise yourself.

For example, it is very strange to see a pregnant ex-wife, employee, close friend or ex-wife in a dream best friend. Should we be wary and how should we react to such signs?

To correctly evaluate a dream, you need to decide on several points:

  • who exactly is in the dream - ex-wife, colleague, lover, acquaintance, classmate;
  • what sensations the dream evokes - confusion, joy, surprise or anger;
  • who dreams of a pregnant woman - the man himself or his current companion.
This vision has two completely opposite interpretations. According to a psychologist's dream book David Loff, if a guy dreams of a pregnant life partner, he is unsure of himself. The partner fears that he is passive in his sexual life and therefore will not be able to procreate.

But Vanga’s dream book says the opposite: if a guy dreaming of a pregnant girl, you should not hesitate to formally propose to her. Such a dream is a sign from above that a man is already ripe for starting a family and is ready to take responsibility for its fate.

If a man dreams of his pregnant significant other, it means that, realizing it or not, he is thinking about a possible addition to the family. But different dream books give somewhat contradictory explanations.

In particular, the interpretation depends on the emotions experienced in the dream. If a man feels comfort and even joy, then pleasant changes await the family. But pregnancy is not necessarily any positive event or news. If a man experiences fear, he is probably afraid of unplanned conception and is not yet ready to bear children.

The explanation differs from generally accepted interpretations dream book of Sigmund Freud. An Austrian psychiatrist argued that if a man dreams of a pregnant significant other, he subconsciously wants a child from her. This indicates his complete readiness for new role father.

An extraordinary situation that has a psychological background. If a woman dreams husband's pregnant ex-wife, which means she is seriously worried about a possible divorce.

Most likely, your ex has not come to terms with the separation and is hatching a plan to return to the relationship with your partner. For a wife, such a dream is a kind of warning: you need to be on your guard.

According to Gustav Miller's dream book, if a man dreams of a pregnant lover, this may portend an imminent illness of his wife. In addition, for businessmen such a dream means a serious failure in work - the cause of problems in business will be unscrupulous partners, conspiracy among colleagues, betrayal. Be careful and don't do rash things. Weigh every step.

If a man sees a pregnant classmate in a dream He is probably seriously worried about future fatherhood. On a subconscious level, he is gnawed by doubt: can he cope with the role of a father?

Such a dream must be interpreted, taking into account the nature of the relationship between the man and the woman he dreamed about. For example, if a man dreams of a close colleague in the situation, almost all dream books give one interpretation: he can safely make plans for the future, because wealth and success will certainly await him.

In Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book it is noted that after such a dream all business expectations will be justified.

It also matters behavior, appearance pregnant in a dream. If she behaves calmly, is in no hurry and looks attractive, the dream foreshadows the implementation of absolutely any plan, as well as quick and easy earnings.

If a pregnant woman is nervous and fussing This means that mistakes are possible in running a business. This is a kind of dream warning that things will not go as easily as we would like. But the result of the endeavors will still be positive.

If a man has a tense or even hostile relationship with a pregnant colleague, the dream is unfavorable. It indicates that someone is pushing him into a framework, preventing him from moving through life and developing independently. Such a dream may portend betrayal by colleagues, failure at work, or the implementation of a new major project.

The situation when a current girl dreams of her boyfriend’s pregnant ex seems paradoxical, but, alas, not uncommon. Psychologists explain this extremely simply.

The fact is that girls, for the most part, are accustomed to comparing themselves with the previous passions of their boyfriends: appearance, character, behavior in everyday situations and, especially, relationships with a specific man.

Ex-wife or girlfriend in position in a dream - to unfinished business. Dream Interpretations say that this “incompleteness” may concern two points: either the relationship between former partners has not yet been fully completed and has every chance of renewal.

Or the man has some unfulfilled promises and obligations to the woman.

In a dream, a man can see not only a close woman pregnant, but also a stranger. And it's very good sign. According to Yuri Longo's dream book, such dreams indicate that a man is ready to change his life for the better.

Pregnant stranger in a dream promises quick favorable changes, new useful acquaintances and successful endeavors. This is especially true in the business sphere. If you see a pregnant woman in a dream, very soon you will have to work on a new idea, and this endeavor will be successful.

In addition, it is quite possible to increase your salary and even move to a new job, more prestigious and better paid.

Seeing a pregnant relative in a dream means an important event in life. Moreover, the closer the degree of relationship with the woman, the more serious the changes. But the nature of the changes will depend on the emotional background of the dream.

If the dream brings joy, probably a favorable stage is beginning in your life: new strong attitude, highly paid work, new opportunities for self-realization.

If pregnancy in a dream causes you condemnation, beware of slander and envious people. Also, do not take on unnecessary obligations and do not commit rash acts that can play into the hands of ill-wishers and ruin your reputation.

In general, a dream where there is pregnant woman, are interpreted differently. And although in most cases it has a positive explanation, it may differ in each specific case.

The generally accepted interpretation needs to be adjusted based on the nature of your relationship with the pregnant woman and your emotional state after waking up. This is the only way to count on a reliable understanding of the dream.

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A dream in which a man has to see his ex “in position” will certainly surprise him and raise many questions. Why do you dream about a pregnant ex? The interpretation of such a dream may also be of interest to a woman who saw her boyfriend’s ex-lover pregnant in a dream. Despite the apparent simplicity and unambiguity, in fact, such a dream has a huge variety of different interpretations depending on the dreamer himself or the dreamer, his or her actions, emotions and behavior of the pregnant woman.

For the now confirmed bachelor, a former pregnant object of desire foreshadows a new acquaintance, which will radically change his outlook on life. Of course, he will not change his radical views in an instant, and it is certainly not necessary that his marital status will somehow change after such an acquaintance - although this option cannot be ruled out either - however, a man should prepare himself mentally. Soon he will have to reconsider his priorities. Change can be both pleasant and terribly difficult and time-consuming. The dreamer should be prepared for both options.

For a lonely person, but thirsty for love and attention, a dream in which his pregnant ex-girlfriend or wife appears, foreshadows a meeting with a pleasant representative of the opposite sex. However, such a dream can also be a harbinger of love failure due to the dreamer’s internal insecurity. He should pull himself together, gather his will into a fist and not miss the fortunate chance to make his future much happier.

For a person who currently has a lover, a pregnant ex-girlfriend or wife dreams of quarrels and misunderstandings. Also, such a dream may foreshadow the restoration of previous relationships, an attempt to “return everything to normal.” Not a single dream book can say unequivocally whether such an attempt will be successful or will turn out to be just a new mistake. However, the fact remains: the dreamer will face difficulties in relationships, and only he will have to decide which relationships to keep and which ones to break off forever.

For a married man, a pregnant ex-girlfriend or wife in a dream predicts quarrels and conflicts. A major scandal can significantly spoil valuable family happiness, but in this case nothing threatens the relationship. With proper understanding and mutual trust, it will be possible to overcome the difficulties that have arisen and return to their former, calm and measured life. In addition, such a dream foreshadows problems at work and financial troubles. Overcoming them will require a lot of effort.

A dream in which a man has to find out whether his ex-wife or girlfriend became pregnant from him foreshadows a delicate, awkward situation. The dreamer risks being at a disadvantage through his own fault.

The dream is a kind of danger signal, forcing you to pay attention to your personal life. This is discussed in more detail in the video about what a pregnant ex dreams about.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
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Interpretation of the dream wife, spouse in Miller's dream book

If a single man dreams that he is married, difficulties in communicating with the fair sex await him in reality, and a breakdown in already established relationships is possible.

Someone else's wife dreams of a quarrel with her husband.

If a woman dreams of her lover’s wife, whom she has never seen in reality, this is a reproach to her conscience and a signal that their relationship will be revealed.

If you fought with her in a dream, the man for whom you fought will have to make the final choice, and it will not be in favor of the sleeping woman.

If you dreamed about the wife of a lover who does not exist in real life, there will be a big scandal involving the husband or his relatives.

A man dreams that his wife is pregnant - in reality she will cause him unexpected troubles.

If you dreamed about your wife giving birth, it means you have to make a very important decision together.

If you dream that she gave birth - listen to what she says in reality, today she will be able to give you a very good advice, this time her intuition will not let her down.

The death of your wife is a dream about her illness or your betrayal, which she will not be able to forgive.

If you saw her funeral in a dream, you will have a lot of troubles related to your family in the near future.

I dreamed about it deceased wife- there will be problems with children.

Dreaming of beating your wife means reconciliation with someone with whom you are in a quarrel.

A quarrel with her in a dream foreshadows the illness of one of you.

If in a dream your wife left for someone else, your jealousy in reality is baseless and offensive. Moreover, the more openly and shamelessly she leaves for another, the more honest this woman is in her relationship with the opposite sex in reality.

However, if you dream that your wife has become a prostitute, the dream has nothing to do with her fidelity, but concerns ordinary human decency, against which she, to put it mildly, will sin.

Losing your wife, looking for her in a dream means her new hobby, in which there will be no place for you.

If a husband hides his wife in a dream, realizing some kind of danger, then in real life he will have to use some kind of trick to solve the problem associated with her.

I dreamed of a husband and wife in bed - a pleasant journey in a romantic spirit awaits.

If you dreamed about a wife according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Seeing a cheerful and contented spouse in a dream means joy, good news.

I dreamed about it unknown man with your wife - receive an invitation to a wedding or other big celebration.

A living wife dreams of a deceased one - shared sadness is coming.

If a man who is about to get married dreams that his future wife is crying, she will not be happy with him.

However, to see her in tears literally on the eve of the wedding - good sign, indicating that the choice of the sleeper was made successfully.

The wife of a real lover dreams of a showdown, a scandal in this family. It is quite possible that this dishonest relationship will be terminated on the initiative of the man.

If the wife of the person you love tried to hit you in a dream, you may become pregnant.

A man dreams that his pregnant wife gave birth to a son - days are coming that are very successful for a new beginning or project.

If she gave birth to a daughter, he will have to big expenses. This will happen a little later, so any opportunity to put aside finances is definitely worth taking advantage of.

The dream of your wife leaving means that you will have to sacrifice something for her.

If she left for someone else, such a dream warns you that you are too strict with her, a scandal is brewing.

I dreamed that the husband left his wife - she would receive a small, but unexpected and pleasant surprise from him, although perhaps this would be preceded by a quarrel.

The meaning of the wife's dream - Hasse's dream book

Seeing your own wife in a dream means you will receive help and receive support.

Quarrel with your wife - in reality your relationship will become even stronger.

Sleeping with her is a pleasant experience.

The wife's pregnancy symbolizes her illness.

If you saw in a dream that your wife is giving birth, she will provide you with invaluable help in reality, give practical advice, or simply support you in time.

If you dreamed that your wife died, you will be very sad about something, and a major quarrel may happen.

Kissing her in a dream means a breakdown in relationships, a scandal.

I dreamed of a wife with a child - expect family problems.

If in real life a woman has a lover, and she dreams of his wife being sick or crying, this relationship will soon be interrupted.

A dream in which the wife of your loved one was very cheerful and friendly indicates that a major quarrel will occur between you in real life.

Why does a wife dream - esoteric dream book

If in a dream a husband left his wife, then for a man such a dream will mean a quick affair on the side without continuation. Such a dream calls on a woman to be more lenient and wise, since her husband deserves a more favorable attitude.

If a man dreams that his wife has left him, then he makes completely unfounded claims against her, and this can end in an unpleasant showdown.

Unfortunately, your friend’s wife dreams of something unfortunate about him, try to help him eliminate all possible risks.

I dreamed about my brother’s wife – a black cat will run between you.

Carrying your spouse in your arms in a dream means her illness, which will be severe and long-lasting.

If a man bought flowers for his wife in a dream, in reality he will do something very difficult for her heart.

The deceased wife appears in a dream as a warning about a possible misfortune with the sleeping person or with their common children. All possible precautions should be taken.

If a spouse dreams that his now living wife has died, then he should think many times about the consequences of an affair that could happen on his side in real life very soon. They can be very serious and irreversible.

A drunk wife dreams of a very stormy romantic night that she will give you.

Kicking your wife out of the house in a dream means an unplanned day off will happen.

Why do wives dream, Longo’s dream book

For a man, a dream in which his wife leaves him foreshadows a period of increased nervousness, painful suspiciousness and discord in business. It’s better not to plan anything serious for the next two days.

If the wife left with someone else, such a dream plot indicates even deeper internal instability and the need to take a time out in reality and take a break from business.

Beating your wife in a dream means profit.

To see in a dream from the outside how a husband beats his wife is a sign of insult and resentment.

If you dreamed about being drunk, you will learn something new and unpleasant about her.

If in a dream a man kicked his wife out of the house, in reality he will experience a psychological breakdown.

I dreamed about a friend’s wife - this family will quarrel over you.

Arguing with your wife in a dream - receive support and protection.

If you dreamed about your lover’s wife, you will break up with him, and your separation will be scandalous and ugly.

Shooting your wife - such a dream plot foreshadows that your wife will receive information that is very undesirable for you, and in the most unfavorable form for you.

In general, the murder of his wife, committed in a dream by the dreamer himself, indicates his negative actions directed against her (deception, betrayal, insult, etc.).

If you dream of a dead wife, make a mistake, act rashly.

If she cries, trouble may happen to your children.

If a man saw in a dream how his wife slept with her lover, this, despite the unpleasantness of the situation, is a good sign. A pleasant event will happen, as a result of which he will feel like a winner.

Dreaming of a wife with her lover means great pleasure, you will be able to satisfy your ambitions, but there is a risk incorrect assessment actions of surrounding people.

If in a dream a husband beat his wife, in reality she will need help; he will devote a lot of strength and vital energy to this problem.

Why do wives dream - a modern dream book

Beating your wife in a dream means her illness.

If a woman dreams of her husband beating his wife, then in reality she should be careful of her long tongue. What she tells someone out of simplicity will be used against her family well-being.

A man dreams of his wife with her lover - he expects severe disappointment, a blow to his pride. It may not have anything to do with family.

Seeing your wife with a very tall man - the dream warns that you will be insulted to which you will not be able to respond.

Today, together with you, we will look into the dream book and find out why a pregnant husband dreams. This is a very unusual dream, and not everyone has the opportunity to observe it, but we will help you decipher it.
  • If you saw your pregnant husband in a dream, then you should expect good news from your spouse in the near future. Perhaps his salary will be increased or some new position will come up.
  • If you saw someone else's man pregnant, then in reality you will meet a new person who will become dearest to you.
  • If you had a pleasant conversation with a pregnant man, then good luck and success await you in any endeavor.
  • If you argued with a pregnant man, then in this case you should expect disappointment in reality. And the person closest to you will disappoint you.
  • If you beat a pregnant man, then the dream speaks of your desire quit a boring job or divorce your unloved husband.
  • If you kissed a pregnant man, then in reality you may soon find out that you are expecting a child.
  • If the pregnant man in your dream was sad, then your plans in real life will be doomed to failure.
  • If a pregnant man was very cheerful, then good news awaits you from friends or relatives. Perhaps one of them is waiting for an addition to the family, and in the future they will want to make you godmother.

Now you know why your pregnant husband dreams, and you can decipher your dream.

  • Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is a favorable dream that foreshadows wealth, good luck, and the fulfillment of desires;
  • I dreamed of a pregnant daughter - extremely pleasant and happy days of life await you;
  • For a woman, a pregnancy dream can mean that she will really get pregnant soon;
  • To see a pregnant friend in a dream - she will provide you with an invaluable service;
  • If a girl sees herself pregnant in a dream, then this promises deception and shame;
  • Seeing a pregnant mother means family reunification;
  • Dreamed about a pregnant sister - to a rival;
  • If in a dream you feel pregnant and are going to have an abortion - to the loss of the meaning of life, disappointment in your loved one;
  • If a man dreamed that he became pregnant, it would be a big surprise;
  • For a married lady, a dream of pregnancy means an imminent addition to the family;
  • If a woman already carries a child within herself and sees herself pregnant in a dream, this means an easy and successful birth;
  • If in a dream you know who will be born to you, a boy or a girl, then this is how it will be in life.
  • A dream of seeing yourself pregnant means great wealth;
  • Ukrainian dream book - why do you dream about pregnancy;
  • I dreamed of a pregnant woman - trouble;
  • Being pregnant means making bold plans;
  • Pregnancy for a girl is a deception, for a woman it is joy, for an old woman it is death behind her.

Slavic dream book - pregnancy

  • If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, but at the same time having no real intention of becoming pregnant, such a dream may indicate that you are in the stage of primary transition to a new stage of introspection;
  • Seeing yourself in this position means observing your exit from the child stage and transition to the adult level;
  • If you are sexually active, but have no intention of getting pregnant, such a dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle;
  • A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in population reproduction is in question. Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be;
  • The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to various events in dreams. By their nature, these events can be anything from the most brutal to the ridiculous. This is not surprising, since in real life pregnancy is a source of a whole range of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.
  • If a woman dreamed that she was pregnant, it means that in real life this event will not be long in coming;
  • For a man, dreaming of pregnancy means that he would like to have a child with his partner.
  • For a woman to dream that she is pregnant means that she will be unhappy with her husband and her children will be unattractive;
  • For a virgin, such a dream promises shame and misfortune;
  • If the sleeping woman is really pregnant, then such a dream will serve as a prognosis for her successful delivery of the burden and a speedy restoration of strength.

If you dream that your wife is pregnant - such a dream speaks of your wife’s infidelity.

  • For a married woman to dream that she is pregnant, this foretells the birth of twins;
  • And if a young woman sees such a dream unmarried woman, this means that her lover's motives are dishonest and he is not being truthful with her.
  • Pregnancy in a dream is a sign that you are ready to give life to a new idea, a new vision of the world, or establish a new relationship. It can also symbolize the imminent birth of a new creative project;
  • It can also mean that you want to become pregnant or that you are pregnant.
  • For a girl, dreaming of pregnancy means deception awaits you;
  • Why does a woman dream of being pregnant - pride, joy;
  • For a man - make plans;
  • Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream means trouble.
  • Seeing yourself pregnant is a harbinger of failure in family life;
  • Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is a sign of gossip that awaits you.
  • For a man to see a pregnant woman in a dream - changes in the family;
  • For a woman giving birth - great difficulties in completing the matter;
  • Lying down with a pregnant woman is a pleasant change;
  • Seeing the afterbirth means conquering an ardent woman;
  • For a man to see himself pregnant - to carry within himself a courageous plan / very strong desire experience / the beginning of a new period in life;
  • For a woman to see herself pregnant - fear of pregnancy or desire to become pregnant;
  • For a girl to see herself pregnant - treason;
  • For an old woman - danger to life;
  • For a woman to see another pregnant woman - success in the household, increased income;
  • Giving birth in a dream is something bad; love happiness will deceive;
  • Feeling labor pains is life-threatening.
  • Pregnancy in a dream promises a similar situation in reality. If a man has such a dream, it means that he wants a child from his current mistress.

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Pregnancy is a symbol of anticipation of this joyful event.

What if you dream of a pregnant wife?

As a rule, if a girl dreams that she is pregnant, then most likely in the near future her life will be decorated with the same event, and there is a possibility that she will actually become pregnant soon.

Why does a pregnant wife dream? If the wife is really pregnant, then a dream with her participation suggests that her pregnancy will be resolved in the best possible way, and her strength will be restored quite quickly.

If a man dreams of pregnancy, this indicates that he himself passionately desires a child from his chosen one.

According to the Italian dream book, pregnancy (that is, carrying a living person) is considered a negative fact that the sleeper is susceptible to external influences, and there is also a possibility of organic diseases occurring or occurring in the body.

If you dreamed of a pregnant wife, then for a man this dream brings planning, making plans for the future. If he or a girl dreams of an unfamiliar pregnant woman, this predicts trouble.

What does it portend?

According to Freud's dream book, when a woman dreams that she is pregnant, this also indicates that this event will also await her in the near future.

The 21st century dream book says that a man who sees a pregnant woman in a dream will experience positive changes in financial matters and material well-being.

Lying next to a pregnant woman means expecting pleasant events, pleasant hopes. If you yourself are pregnant in a dream, promising plans will be realized, wealth and big profits await you.

When a woman sees another pregnant woman in a dream, success in the household and prosperity in the family await her; being pregnant in a dream herself is a sign of joy. If a young girl sees herself pregnant in a dream, this indicates deception in real life.

Being pregnant for a man speaks of possible danger, betrayal, or illness.