Drain pit for a bathhouse: varieties and technology of construction with your own hands. How to drain water under a bath How to make a drain well for a bath

How to drain a bathhouse? This issue should be a priority, since the duration of operation of the bathhouse, protection of the foundation from fungus and unpleasant odors, comfort and ease of use.

Today, experts offer several options for how to make a floor in a bathhouse with a drain, and each of them can be done with your own hands.

Soil filtration is the simplest and cheapest way

During ground filtration, the water in the bathhouse will be drained directly into the ground. When choosing this method, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Safety of the foundation. Most often, a bathhouse is built on strip foundation, therefore, draining water from the bathhouse under the floor can lead to its destruction, and constant moisture will become an excellent environment for the growth of fungus.
  2. Soil composition. If the soil has a clay base, then it will be impossible to drain the water from the bathhouse. Natural absorption will be minimal, and water will constantly collect under the floor.
  3. Terrain. If the area is sloped, this can cause water to remain in one part of the foundation and cause its rapid destruction.

If a soil filtration system is selected for a bathhouse, then the best option a soil purification well for water will be installed.

Drain well from a car tire

Craftsmen claim that the use of summer cottages Expensive sewer systems are not always justified. If the dacha is not used for permanent residence, then you can build a drain from an ordinary car tire. Using the given guide, you can complete the task in one day.

For the drainage pit, you need to take car tires from KAMAZ or UAZ vehicles. Having determined the tire size, you need to dig a drain hole. Car tires will be stacked on top of each other.

Drainage is poured at the bottom of such a well. The sewer pipe, which is located between the floors of the bathhouse, is led to the wheels, into a pre-cut hole.

As practice shows, tire wells are an ideal option for any terrain, since they do not freeze and last a long period.

Drainage channel - the optimal choice

Many experts claim that at the dacha it is possible to build a bathhouse with a drain - a drainage channel.

The drainage system will work on the following principle: water flows by gravity into the sump through a metal chute located in the floors. From the gutter, water enters the sewer pipe, which ends in a drainage well.

When draining a bathhouse with your own hands, it is worth remembering the following important points:

  1. Soil freezing level. The bottom of the well must be below the level, and the bottom must be covered with expanded clay.
  2. In order to prevent freezing of the sewer pipe, it is worth pouring expanded clay above the freezing point, covering it with earth on top. The poured soil must be compacted.
  3. Choice of flooring material. Many experts advise using floorboards, since they can always be dried. If the flooring is made permanent, then it should be with a slight slope towards the built-in drain.
  4. Choosing drainage channel, it is worth remembering the ventilation drain. It is done next to the drain, and the diameter of the ventilation pipe must be at least 10 cm.

Internal sewerage

Internal sewerage is the optimal choice for a drainage system in a bathhouse. Such a drain must be installed at the construction stage of the structure.

The work flow diagram looks like this:

  1. Small trenches are dug with a slope of at least 2 cm per linear meter. Optimal depth trenches - 0.5-0.6 m.
  2. The bottom of the dug ditches should be covered with a sand cushion. Its height is 15 cm. When filling the pillow yourself, it is worth remembering the slope and careful compaction.
  3. Pipe laying. When performing this stage of work, you need to ensure that all connections are present.
  4. Internal sewerage schemes provide drainage for the toilet. It must be attached to the wall with clamps, and ventilation equipment is connected to it. The toilet pipe must be above the level sanitary equipment and have a check valve.
  5. When the internal sewage system is assembled, they move on to flooring. Sewer outlets must have grates so that water flows freely into the gutters and large debris remains on the floor.

When performing the internal sewerage of a bathhouse with your own hands, it is worthwhile to provide for the presence of water seals in all areas of the water intakes. This will help avoid unpleasant odors indoors.

Options for arranging a drain well

The drainage system from the bathhouse also includes a drain well. Experts offer several ways to construct such wells.

These can be plastic or metal containers, reinforced concrete structures. The main condition for the proper functioning of the structure is the chosen location. The drain well should be located at the lowest point on the site so that water can flow by gravity from the bathhouse. When choosing a location for a future structure, you need to take into account the possibility of unhindered access for a sewer truck.

How to make a drain well?

  1. We need to dig a hole. This process is performed independently or by calling an excavator. The dug hole should have smooth edges and not crumble.
  2. Bottom preparation. In order to easily and smoothly clean the bottom in the future, it needs to be made at a slight slope directed towards the hatch. A sand cushion and a layer of concrete are placed at the bottom of the pit.
  3. When the concrete bottom is dry, you can proceed to laying the brick walls. Optimal choice will become a red brick. The thickness of the masonry should not be less than 0.25 m. When carrying out the masonry, it is worth leaving a hole for the entrance of the sewer pipe.
  4. The brickwork must be carefully sealed.
  5. A hatch is installed on the completed well and filled with soil so that there is only one hatch on the surface.

If it is possible to buy reinforced concrete rings for a well, this will speed up and facilitate the work process.

Drainage structures in a bathhouse are systems without which it does not function.

Draining water in a bathhouse with your own hands: how to do it correctly, device

How to drain a bathhouse? This issue should be a priority, since the length of operation of the bathhouse, protection of the foundation from fungus and unpleasant odors, comfort and ease of use will depend on the correct construction of this structure.

How to drain a bathhouse? Draining water from a bath: diagrams, drawings

When building a bathhouse, it is imperative to arrange a high-quality drain. In this case, the smell from stagnant water will not enter the room in the future. The floors will last much longer. There are several options for installing a water drainage system from a washing room and steam room. We'll talk about them further.

The simplest drain in a bathhouse

First, let's see how to drain a bathhouse simplest design. If the soil under the building is sandy and easily absorbs water, you don’t have to “bother” and install the receiver directly in it. In this case, a hole is dug under the sink, and the floors are made slightly inclined towards it. To prevent unpleasant odors from penetrating into the bathhouse, vent holes are made in the foundation. However, more often the drain has a more complex design. In this case, when pouring the foundation, if it is a strip foundation, a hole is left in it for the drainage pipe.

Trench and pipe for drainage

Of course, you will need to dig a trench under the pipe through which the water will drain. Don't make the drain run too long.

You should also not dig a drainage well or install a septic tank very close to the foundation. Optimal distance from the walls of the bathhouse to the receiver - 1-3 m. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the trench. The question of how to make a drain in a bathhouse comes down to what pipe material and what diameter should be used. Usually plastic ones are used for water drainage devices. Steel drainage will quickly rust. The diameter of the pipe depends on how many people will bathe in the washroom at the same time. The minimum allowable is 50 mm. The trench should be dug at an angle. The steeper the pipe is inclined, the better.


We found out how to drain a bathhouse. Where will the used water go? An ordinary well is most often installed as a receiver. Its depth should be at least 1.5 meters. The diameter depends on the amount of water taken. One person spends about 20 liters of water in a bathhouse per visit. Five people will thus spend 100 liters. A well diameter of one meter is sufficient for this amount of water. Next, the receiver needs to be filled halfway with expanded clay or crushed stone. The walls are coated with clay. The top of the well is covered with boards and filled with earth. The pipe should enter it at a distance of approximately 60-70 cm from the upper boundary of the soil. This will prevent freezing waste water in winter.

Receiver-septic tank

If you wish, you can arrange not a well near the bathhouse (photo below), but a simple septic tank. It is made from ordinary standard plastic barrel. A hole is also first dug. You need to dig down to the sandy layer of soil. Usually it is located at a depth of 1-1.5 meters. Next, as in the first case, a layer of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom. It must be compacted.

A hole is drilled in the side of the barrel for a pipe, which will subsequently be connected to the drain pipe. Any septic tank must have a connection with open atmospheric air. To ensure air exchange, a hole is drilled in the middle in the bottom of the barrel for an exhaust pipe of small diameter. If this is not done, when the air pressure in the barrel increases during the flow of water, it will simply be squeezed out through the drain pipe into the bathhouse along with an unpleasant odor.

Next, a pipe is inserted into the side hole, and an exhaust pipe is mounted into the hole cut out in the bottom. Then the barrel is placed in the hole with the bottom up. Then the socket of the pipe is put on a pipe coming out of the ground, through which water is drained from the bathhouse. Even if the crushed stone at the bottom of the pit is compacted very carefully, the barrel may still sag over time. To prevent the pipe from slipping off the pipe, it is drilled to the sides with two self-tapping screws. After installation, the space between the walls of the barrel and the walls of the pit is filled with crushed stone. Next, the structure is covered with earth.

Since the septic tank is located outside, someone could step on it from above. Therefore, in order to prevent the bottom of the barrel from being pressed through, before filling it should be covered with boards or a piece of thick tin.

Drainage device in the bathhouse itself

The drain in the bathhouse floor can be arranged in several ways. In any case, the soil under the floor is concreted with a slope towards the pipe. A small receiving pit-tray is arranged around it. This is necessary so that the water leaves the bath faster. The floors are laid on joists. The latter are placed on concrete or brick square pillars erected on this concrete foundation. The top of the logs must be waterproofed with mastic or roofing felt. Next, the floor boards are installed. Sometimes they are not nailed down, but simply laid at a distance of 5 mm from each other. Water flows into these cracks. From time to time, the boards are removed and dried in the open air. Such floors are called leaky floors.

Of course, such a floor arrangement is not very convenient. Firstly, when walking, the boards will move, and secondly, in winter, cold air will flow from the cracks. Therefore, bathhouse floors are often made permanent.

Tiled floor in the bathhouse

Sometimes a tiled floor can be used. People also go to bathhouses to relax and unwind. And since ceramics is a slippery material, and, moreover, it also heats up at high temperatures, it is usually additionally covered for ease of movement. wooden shields. From below, so that the surface of the latter is horizontal, bars of different thicknesses are stuffed. Just like leaky wood floors, these boards need to be dried out from time to time.

Clay floor in the bathhouse

The clay version of the coating is also quite interesting device floor. It is quite pleasant to walk in bathhouses with such finishing, since this material has a very low degree of thermal conductivity. In this case, instead of concrete mortar, a clay mixture is simply used. However, such floors have one significant drawback. When wet, clay swells noticeably. After drying, it returns to its original size, but cracks greatly. Subsequently, water begins to stagnate in the cracks. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears in the bathhouse.

Water seal device

This is how the floor is installed. It is pleasant to wash in a bathhouse with any of these coating options only if there is a so-called water seal. Without it, cold and bad-smelling air from the receiving pipe may begin to enter the room. A water seal can be made by simply installing a special plastic cup with legs on the pipe leading into the tray. As water enters the receiver, it will lift it and go down the drain. Air will not get into the bathhouse from the pipe. The receiving tray should be covered with a grill. This will prevent leaves from brooms and other debris from getting into the drain.

Insulated floor in the bathhouse

If you intend to use the bathhouse in winter period time, it is worth installing insulated floors in it. In this case, first a subfloor is filled, onto which expanded clay is poured or expanded polystyrene is laid. In this case, a receiving chute is drawn in the middle. Next, the finished floor is laid onto logs of different heights. It should be with the boards sloping from the walls to the gutter. Before filling the expanded clay, the subfloor is covered with a vapor barrier. Waterproofing is laid on top of the insulation. The gaps between the finished floor boards are sealed. Expanded clay for insulation is suitable only mixed - at least from two fractions of different sizes.

Insulation on screed

Thus, we have found out how to make a drain in a bathhouse and what the floors should be like. Now let's look at how to do it right concrete base under cover. Before pouring it, the soil is thoroughly compacted, making a slight slope towards the receiver tray. After this, a layer of crushed stone of about 10-15 cm is poured onto it. The foundation should be protected by laying a layer of clay near it. Next, everything is filled with concrete. If desired, floor insulation can be arranged at this stage. In this case, a thin screed is poured over the crushed stone. A layer of expanded clay is poured onto it. Next, the main concrete floor is poured. This layer must be reinforced. The easiest way is to use a regular chain-link mesh for this purpose. After pouring, the concrete surface must be leveled as thoroughly as possible using a board.

How to properly prepare concrete mortar

Of course, the concrete floor of the bathhouse should be as reliable as possible. Therefore, the solution should be prepared strictly adhering to the established technology. The sand must be taken coarse and must be sifted. Only the highest grades of cement are used for constructing a concrete bath floor. M400 is best suited. The kneading is done in a ratio of 1:3. You need to mix the ingredients as thoroughly as possible. The best way to do this is using special equipment. It is very difficult to prepare a homogeneous composition manually. The presence of unmixed parts noticeably weakens the poured structure.

Shower in the bath

A shower in a bathhouse is quite rare. Its simplest option is a regular bucket suspended above the entrance to the steam room. However, you can use other, simpler in design, but somewhat more “advanced” options. After all, contrasting water procedures are actually very useful. You can, for example, install a tank on the ceiling and lead a pipe into the bathhouse from the ceiling. Next, a regular watering can is connected to it. Water can be pumped into the tank from a well through a hose. In this case, the shower drain can be arranged according to the same principle as the main bath drain. Most often, used water simply leaves the bathhouse through a common receiver.

Bath design diagrams

The drain is not the only feature of such an unusual building as a bathhouse. It will be convenient only if the layout of its premises is properly planned. Therefore, finally, let's look at what the bathhouse layout should be. There are many options for the location of the steam room, washing room and locker room. If you wish, you can develop your own project. However, you should follow some basic rules:

  • It is best to place the stove in the middle of the building, so that it is possible to heat not only the steam room and washing room, but also the locker room. Otherwise, dressing in winter after visiting the bathhouse will be cold. If the building is large, it is worth installing two ovens.
  • Even in a very small bathhouse, it is advisable to equip a vestibule with an area of ​​at least a square meter. If front door will be located too close to the street, in winter it will begin to freeze to the frame due to condensation.
  • If you plan to host gatherings with beer in the bathhouse in the future, it is worth allocating some space for a toilet.

Dimensions of the bathhouse premises

The layout of the bathhouse, of course, should also include information such as the dimensions of its premises. When drawing up a project, it is worth taking into account the minimum allowable area per person:

Based on these figures and knowing how many people will wash at the same time, the required area of ​​the building will not be difficult to calculate.

How to rationally arrange rooms

Most often, two entrances are arranged in the vestibule: one to the washing room, behind which there is a steam room, the second to the locker room. This is truly the most convenient scheme. In small bathhouses, the vestibule usually serves as a changing room. To finally decide what the building should be like, you can look at different drawings of the bathhouse. One of them is presented to your attention on this page just above. And this is how saunas are built in Europe:

Thus, by correctly planning, arranging a good drainage, and also performing all other work in strict adherence to the required technologies, you can build a convenient and long-lasting sauna on suburban area. If you don’t have a particular desire to build something yourself, you can order a service such as a turnkey bathhouse from a construction organization. In this case, our recommendations will help you monitor the work of the hired team.

How to drain a bathhouse? Draining water from a bath: diagrams, drawings

Many owners would probably like to know how to drain a bathhouse. country houses. After all, the convenience of taking water procedures depends on how well it is constructed. There are several ways to dispose of used water.

How to make a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands

There are many options for draining used water from a bathhouse, which require virtually no financial investment or connection to a central sewer system. A carefully thought-out drain in the bathhouse will ensure the durability of the floors and foundation and prevent the appearance of fungus on the walls.

Recommendations for arranging a floor with a bath drain

The creation of a drainage system inside the bathhouse begins at the stage of manufacturing the floors. Water will quickly leave the room if the floor is built according to the recommendations:

  • To drain liquid from the room, install a drain pipe in the floor of the bathhouse (usually in the washing room).

Sewage system outside the bathhouse

The choice of drainage method is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Soil composition.

In addition, the risk of site contamination should be taken into account. dirty water from the bathhouse. A large amount of fat, suspended particles, and detergents can contaminate the area around the bathhouse, causing an unpleasant odor in the room and creating an uncomfortable atmosphere. Consumers can choose one of two ways to dispose of dirty water - draining sewage into the ground next to the bathhouse or collecting it in an airtight container and transporting it off site.

Draining water into the ground under the bathhouse

The simplest option for drainage is to drain water into the ground under the building. This is usually how they get rid of water in the summer. Even when building the foundation under the sink, dig a shallow hole and fill it sand and gravel mixture. When building the floor, run the drain pipe directly there. In this case, drain pipes are not installed. After washing the bathhouse, dry it thoroughly.

  • For structures built on a strip foundation, this method poses a certain danger. The strip foundation is built using a concrete mixture that absorbs moisture well. A small amount of wastewater next to it will not affect the structure of the concrete, but intensive use of the bathhouse can affect the strength of the foundation. Therefore, the water is drained into the bathhouse if the number of people washing is no more than three.

Drainage sewer for a bathhouse

This method of drainage is used on soils that are highly permeable to liquids, and in cases where groundwater is deep.

  • At a distance of 1–1.5 m from the foundation, dig a hole with a depth of 50 cm greater than the freezing level. The minimum diameter of the hole is 1 m (for a small number of washables).

This option is useful for those who are interested in how to drain a bathhouse at minimal cost.

Using a filtration well to drain a bathhouse

There are few microorganisms in wastewater that cause a fermentation reaction; it is easier to purify. Therefore, wastewater can be collected in special wells for self-cleaning. A well is built no closer than 3–5 m from the wall of the bathhouse. Find out in advance the depth of soil freezing.

  1. Dig a hole 50 cm below the freezing point. Set the horizontal dimensions at your discretion; usually the dimensions are determined by the diameter of the concrete pipe, which is installed in the hole to protect it from crumbling soil.

When laying pipes in a trench, comply with the following requirements:

  • The pipe must be without bends to avoid clogging.

Drainage of water from the bathhouse into a sealed drainage pit

According to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service, sewage should not be poured into the ground without cleaning. However, there is a rule that allows you to make a floor in a bathhouse with a drain without disturbing the environment - if the volume of waste is less than 1 cubic meter. m. per day. After all, who measures these drains? Instead of a drain hole without a bottom, you need to make sealed pit, if the following reasons exist: the distance between the pit and the bathhouse is less than 5 m, from the pit to the fence - less than 2 m, if it is impossible to build a pit deeper than the water intake level.

  1. It is built at the lowest point of the site so that water flows by gravity.

You can make a sealed drainage pit with your own hands in the following sequence:

  • Dig a pit 2–2.5 m deep and the same dimensions in the horizontal plane.

Using septic tanks for wastewater from a bathhouse

The sewer system must be cleaned periodically. The most practical cleaning method is septic, which does not require the use of sewer trucks. Typically, this method is used when the bathhouse is used frequently, when large groups wash, or when there is a bathroom in the room. Large amounts of sewage can quickly contaminate the area around a structure.

  1. At a distance of at least 1.5 m from the bathhouse wall, dig a hole 2–2.5 m deep, but it can be deeper.

Do-it-yourself water seal for a bath

To prevent cold air and unpleasant sewer odors from entering the bathhouse in winter, the drainage device in the bathhouse is equipped with a water seal. It can be made from improvised means and installed in the drainage pit in the following sequence:

  1. Replace the handle on the plastic bucket with a metal one, which can be made from galvanized iron.

Fulfilling simple requirements will allow you to create effective system drainage. The festive mood with which visitors come to the bathhouse is largely supported by the quality of the sewer system.

Organizing a drain in a bathhouse with your own hands

The correct approach to organizing the drainage of wastewater from a bathhouse involves compliance with building codes during operation. We offer you a description of the designs of popular drainage systems that can be

How to drain a bathhouse

An integral component of the steam room is water. But so that it does not stagnate, it is important to know how to drain the bathhouse. In this case, certain nuances must be taken into account. For buildings that are on stilts, a thoughtful approach will be required to ensure that communications do not freeze. Depending on the load on the room, different decisions will be made.

Even before construction

It is worth thinking about the sewerage system even before laying the foundation. In this case it will be much easier to draw a conclusion. The following points should be analyzed:

  • What is the size of the planned building?
  • What is the frequency of its use?
  • How many people will be inside at the same time?
  • Will there be a toilet installed?
  • Will the washing room be a separate room or combined with a steam room?
  • What is the depth of soil freezing?
  • What is the composition of the soil?
  • Is there a central sewerage system?
  • How much free space is there around the bathhouse?

This questionnaire will greatly simplify the creation of a gasket drawing, and will also make it possible to determine which of the options, which will be described below, is best suited to a particular situation.

Briefly about floors

A big role in how effectively all moisture will be removed from a steam room or washing room is played by the correct approach to making the floor, as well as the drain hole. The flooring can be wood or concrete.

The essence of the leak is that a space is left between the boards through which the water can simply drain under the building. This solution is suitable for the southern regions. In the second option, the boards are laid in two layers with tight joints. In this case, the slope is maintained towards the groove or drain hole.

Concrete floors must be insulated. If you don't do this, your feet will be very cold. When pouring, just as in the case of a non-leaking wooden floor, a slope is maintained towards the drain hole or in the middle where the gutter will pass. Additionally, wooden gratings are placed on top to make those staying in the room more comfortable.

The ladder for different designs will also be different. If this is a bathhouse that is constantly heated, or it is known that the room does not freeze, then you can install a product with a water damper. Usually it is located in the corner or in the middle, where all the liquid collects. Installing such a structure in a wooden floor will not be difficult:

  • The work is carried out before the finished floor is installed.
  • The location of the drain hole is selected according to the slope of the surface.
  • Markings are being made for the ladder.
  • A hole is drilled so that a jigsaw file can be inserted. An opening is cut for the product.
  • The entire floor surface is covered with thick polyethylene film.
  • A slot is made in the place where the drain hole will be located.
  • The plastic drain is mounted in place.
  • The junction areas of the film are coated with silicone sealant.
  • The finished floor is being laid.

Pay attention! With this solution, even if water seeps under the floor somewhere, it will flow down the oilcloth to the drainage point.

But most often, bathhouses are used less often, and if you make a similar structure there, then this can lead to the fact that the water inside will freeze and the product will simply tear into pieces. To prevent this from happening, you can make a drain with a barrier without liquid. One of the solutions is easy to implement in wooden bath, the other is in a bathhouse with a concrete floor.

  • You will need a small sheet of galvanized metal measuring 62x38 cm.
  • It must be marked as follows: put 2 points from each edge at a distance of 10 cm. The points on the two sides must coincide so that the corner is a square with a side of 10 cm.
  • In the resulting squares, a diagonal is drawn from the corner to the point.
  • All points are connected by a line to form a rectangle inside. These marks will serve as a guide for us to bend.
  • At a distance of 17 cm from the edge of the smaller side in the middle of the sheet we make a notch. This will be the center of the hole for the pipe if it is 50 mm in diameter.
  • Now, along the drawn lines, you need to bend this sheet to make a small trough.
  • The sharp edges sticking out on the sides are bent towards the larger side.
  • A plastic or wooden plank is placed inside. In size it should be 39 × 17 × 0.5 cm.
  • The capacity of this container is about 6 liters. When the water begins to drain, it lifts the bar and freely enters the hole. After the level drops, the board falls into place and closes the hole. This is done so that there is no smell.
  • Even if it happens that the board freezes to the trough, when hot liquid gets in, it quickly thaws.

Pay attention! Such drain mechanism will be very relevant for baths that stand on a pile or columnar foundation, when the temperature under the floor is sub-zero.

  • In order to implement the project, you will need a plastic or durable rubber ball.
  • When the floor is poured, it will need to be placed above drain hole and drown it there a little. You can press it with something on top so that it does not move.
  • An additional slope is created around the ball.
  • The ball remains in this position until the screed has completely hardened. Afterwards it is very easily separated from the frozen mixture.
  • It is he who will serve as the shutter. When the water begins to drain, it will lift the ball. After this, it will fall into place and close the hole, preventing the penetration of unpleasant odors. This should not freeze, and if it does, it will thaw quite quickly.

Simple water collection systems

The simplest solution for drainage is a solution for a leaking floor.

  • A hole is dug under the steam room (or washing room, if they are not combined). Its dimensions will coincide with the area from which the water will flow.
  • It needs to be deepened slightly below the freezing point of the soil. Sand is placed in a 10 cm layer at the bottom and compacted well.
  • The rest of the space is filled with crushed stone or expanded clay so that there is another 10 cm left to the top. Everything is carefully compacted.
  • The remainder of the space is filled with the soil that was dug.

You don't need to do anything else. The liquid will fall into this hole, filter and go further into the soil.

Pay attention! This design will be relevant if the bathhouse is used no more than once a week and there are 3-4 people in it at the same time. If the soil under the bathhouse is clayey, then it will be necessary to make a transition pipe to the pit, which can be located a few meters from the bathhouse.

To implement the next idea you will need a plastic or metal barrel volume of 200 liters.

  • A place is chosen near the bathhouse.
  • A hole is dug to a depth below freezing of the soil. Its diameter should be 30 cm larger diameter barrels. This is necessary for ease of installation.
  • A 10 cm layer of sand is placed on the bottom and compacted well.
  • A layer of fine crushed stone is laid another 10 cm and is also compacted well.
  • A hole is cut in the side wall for a pipe through which water will flow.
  • A hole is drilled in the bottom using a drill and a 26 mm drill bit. It is necessary for the ventilation hose.
  • A nut is screwed onto the ¾” pipe and a sealing gasket is put on. It is pushed through the hole. Another gasket is put on and the entire structure is secured with a second nut. An adapter is screwed onto the upper thread onto a HDPE pipe, which will act as a ventilation pipe.
  • The barrel is placed upside down in the hole.
  • The drain pipe is connected. It is desirable that it extends 15–20 cm inside. Thus, if the soil shifts, it will not be pulled out.
  • Approximately up to the middle, the hole is filled with crushed stone and compacted, but so as not to damage the barrel. The remaining space is filled with soil.

This disposal method is also suitable for non- clay soils. The capacity is quite enough for 5 people to take a bath at the same time once a week.

Systems under intensive use

In cases where the bathhouse will be used in a more intensive mode or there will be a toilet in it, it is necessary to provide solutions that will allow the system to cope with a large volume of liquid. If the building is located near a private house and VOCs are provided for it, then you can draw a conclusion directly to it. The quickest way to prepare a single-chamber septic tank or cesspool is to do this:

  • Dig a pit. Its depth should be just over 3 meters to easily fit 3 concrete rings, and they did not reach the surface by 30 cm.
  • If the bottom is planned to be filtered, then a 20 cm layer of sand is made, and a 30 cm layer of crushed stone is placed on top. Everything is compacted well. If not, then a 20 cm layer of concrete is poured and the rings are immersed in it.
  • The walls can be strengthened in another way, for example, by laying them out of brick. In this case, it is necessary to do the masonry with holes for water drainage.
  • A suitable hole is made to enter the sewer pipe.
  • The pit is closed from above using iron concrete slab.
  • A fan pipe is installed in the lid for ventilation.

This septic tank is cleaned using a vacuum cleaner. It must be located so that there is access to it. The distance to the building must be at least 2 m. It is possible further, but then communications will have to be laid to a greater depth.

In order to increase the interval between cleanings, you can make several chambers. In this case, the water will be purified more effectively, and it will also be possible to increase the volume of average daily wastewater. The essence of the device is to make the first two containers sealed according to the described method, and to make the last one with a filter bottom. At the same time, they are connected to each other using pipes. In the first and second compartments, heavy particles settle. There they decompose with the help of bacteria. The third section receives partially purified water, which then goes into the ground.

Alternatively, you can use plastic containers or buy a ready-made septic tank. Also, wastewater from the last chamber can be discharged to filtration fields. To do this, sufficient space must be available for their organization.

The most expensive option would be installation finished system. It carries out all actions automatically. The output purification reaches 98%. Water is removed using a drainage pump. It can be used to water a garden or vegetable garden, except for fruit and berry plants. Installation of such a unit comes down to preparing a pit and supplying a drain pipe. Electricity is also required for compressors. It can be located near sources of drinking water.

How to drain a bathhouse - draining wastewater from a bathhouse photo

Find out how to drain a bathhouse. The article describes possible options for a wastewater drainage device.

Before building a foundation for a bathhouse, you need to think about arranging the water drainage in the floor. If you decide to build a steam room not to resort to the services of a construction team, but to do it yourself, then you will need step by step guide. Step by step instructions You can do it from the photo, but it is also advisable to understand why you should install the drain system this way and not otherwise, which one is better, more profitable.

Characteristics for choosing a drain method

When deciding how wastewater will be discharged, you need to rely on the following parameters:

  • Frequency and intensity of use of the bathhouse. The depth of the drainage structure, as well as the methods of its arrangement, depend on the indicator.
  • Proximity to fertile, usable soil. If the plot is small and there is a vegetable garden next to the bathhouse, then only drain hole can't get by. For drainage, you will need to equip it for water purification.
  • How deep does groundwater go? The depth of the trench under the outlet pipe depends on this characteristic.

Having decided on the primary parameters, you can begin installing the water drainage system. It is divided into two stages: draining the interior of the bathhouse, which includes a certain floor structure, and installing a pipe to drain the liquid outside the steam room.

Basic installation diagram for water drainage from a bathhouse

pouring floor

This type of drainage system is installed during installation. There is no hatch for drainage of liquid, which is usually installed in the floor. Water seeps through wood flooring, falling into a small tank, after which it flows through a pipe to a designated place. The pouring can be arranged without a container and outlet pipes. This option is suitable for summer structures without intensive use. The flooring in such a bathhouse is made of wooden logs with a gap of 0.5 cm between the beams. A small hole is dug under it, the water from which is simply absorbed into the ground. Under wood covering You can lay gravel or other absorbent material, which will partially purify the water. Construction diagram and instructions for a leaking floor of a pile or columnar foundation:

  1. Before building the foundation, an inclined trench is dug with an angle of 2-3˚ per linear meter. Its depth must be at least 50 cm, the length depends on the drainage structure.
  2. The foundation base is equipped with a cement coating (slabs) or wooden planks with chamfers. The liquid reservoir can also be isolated from the ground. A PVC pipe for drainage is installed in the container. The subfloor is usually made with a directed slope towards the water reservoir.
  3. A wooden floor must be waterproofed; usually bitumen-based materials are used as an insulator.
  4. The finished floor is laid from edged boards or OSB boards.
  5. The gap between the wooden covering should be about 5 mm.

Attention! Waterproofing is mandatory for both wood and cement subfloors.

Flowing floor: a good option for baths, the use of which is planned only in the summer and not too intensively

Non-spill floor

It is considered more in a reliable way arrangement of a drainage system for a bathhouse. Step-by-step execution of construction work:

  1. Before pouring the foundation, a place for installing the pipes is arranged.
  2. The pipe must be tightly connected to the drain pipe.
  3. Pour the foundation of the steam room.
  4. Carry out complete waterproofing using bituminous materials and expanded clay or crushed stone granulant.
  5. Make a subfloor with an angle of 4-6˚ to the drain hatch.
  6. Carry out thermal insulation and waterproofing work.
  7. The final stage is to lay the finished floor, the hole for water drainage is closed with a grate.

Drain into a cesspool

The most inexpensive and easiest method where you can drain wastewater from a bathhouse is to make a cesspool. It does not require special technological knowledge and skills. This type of drain is only suitable for bathhouses in summer cottages, with infrequent use. To build it, you need to dig a hole in a remote place and run a pipe there. The water will naturally evaporate and be absorbed into the soil.

Cesspool with septic tank

An excellent option that does not harm the environment and soil. Suitable for baths, which are often used for personal plot with a nearby vegetable garden. The disadvantage of this design is the high cost of absorbent raw materials. Construction scheme:

  1. The sewer pipe is laid at a slight angle.
  2. A ventilation pipe must be installed inside the room.
  3. Along the trench, two insulation tanks with a septic tank are installed, in which primary and secondary water treatment will take place.
  4. The ventilation pipe is installed again to avoid stagnation of liquid.
  5. The collector is installed.
  6. A filtration field is equipped using crushed stone, expanded clay or sand.

Attention! To install a drainage system with an anaerobic septic tank, it is necessary to allocate quite large plot land.

Organization of drainage from a bathhouse using a septic tank: a good and reliable option for year-round use

Drainage well

This method of arranging water drainage is suitable for soil in which underground water run deep. Stages of building a drainage well:

  1. A hole is dug at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the building. Its depth should be half a meter below the soil freezing level. The width of the recess is 1 m in diameter.
  2. The bottom is covered with filtration raw materials: expanded clay, crushed stone.
  3. The walls of the well are lined with a metal tank without a bottom or old tires to avoid clogging the tank.
  4. The washing bath is connected to the tank by a pipe, which is laid in trenches dug at a slight angle.
  5. Next, the well is covered with a lid and compacted with earth on top.

Drain well

Drain well - practical solution to remove used water without threatening to deteriorate the soil ecology. To do this, you will need to dig a reservoir, which should be located in the lowest part of the site so that water flows into it naturally. The place must also have an entrance for a sewer truck that will pump out liquid. Step by step guide:

  • A rectangular or square hole is dug.
  • Stacked on the bottom sand cushion 15 cm high, compacted tightly. Then the surface is concreted.

Attention! Do not proceed to the next step until the cement mortar is dry.

Drain well: another practical option for organizing a drain in a bathhouse

  • The walls are lined with bricks or reinforced concrete rings. The thickness of the material must be at least 25 centimeters. Don't forget to leave a hole for the pipe.
  • The walls are sealed using bitumen mastic.
  • A metal roof or a combination of layers is installed: cement, metal sheathing. The overlap on each side of the incoming drain hole should protrude 30 cm.

A properly selected drainage system for a bathhouse will protect the building from the destructive effects of moisture, and will also not affect chemical composition water.

Video: Draining water from a bathhouse

A bathhouse is a place that often comes into contact with water. Moreover, this happens both outside and inside. AND Protecting wooden walls with a waterproof coating is not enough- it is necessary to organize high-quality drainage to avoid frequent foundation repairs, damage to the bathhouse by pathogenic fungus and wood rotting.

Water is drained from the washing room directly into the drain tank or into a place designated for drainage. Options for organizing a water intake system may differ quite significantly depending on the conditions in which the bathhouse is built and the type of drainage.

First, you need to know the answers to several important questions regarding the conditions for constructing a branch:

  1. Where will the drain be located and what area should be allocated for it?
  2. What type of soil is on your site where the bathhouse will be located?
  3. Is it possible to connect to the central sewer?
  4. What budget are you looking for?
  5. Will you build the drain yourself or use hired labor?

From the correct organization of drainage communications The longevity of the building and the quality of the bath procedures themselves depend. Even if the volume of drainage is small, you should not hope that the soil will absorb all the liquid: the remaining water will still spoil the foundation and the soil itself, which can cause shrinkage of the structure. The only case when a drain may not be necessary is if the bathhouse itself will be used no more than once a month by a small number of people (2-3 people). Here you can use a so-called leaky floor, with widely laid boards. In all other cases, this is the first thing you need to plan after laying the foundation. Therefore, it is very useful to know various ways to organize a drain for a bathhouse, even if you do not do it yourself, but order it from a construction company.

Autonomous sewerage system with settling well

The first and most labor-intensive method is a filter settling well based on autonomous sewerage. Here the system consists of two tanks, preferably made of plastic. The first tank filters wastewater from coarse particles by simply mesh filter, arranged in a container. The second tank carries out a second stage of wastewater treatment before sending it to the waste pit. But for any option of drainage with sewerage, a special floor design in the bathhouse is required.

The whole point of such a floor is to tilt towards the center of the room at the initial stage of construction. A fitting is mounted in the center of the floor, which fits closely to the connector in the floor, tightly sealed with sealant around the installation site. The fitting funnel is selected within 5 cm, with slight deviations. Drain pipes from all rooms, if several, are connected by a splitter. But it's worth knowing that the construction of a cesspool is advisable only in the case of deep groundwater, at least 4-5 m deep. Otherwise, your pit will be flooded all year round and the smell of putrefactive bacteria from it will haunt you until each subsequent cleaning. If the conditions for the waste pit are favorable, then the second point in calculating the drainage will be to determine the volume of the pit according to several criteria: the number of people in the bathhouse, the frequency of use and water consumption.

Next, when the drainage project is ready, the location of the pit is calculated: it should be no further than 2 meters from the bathhouse. If the drain is placed too close, there is a possibility of water penetrating into the foundation. If it is too far away, then it will not be possible to make a sufficient slope for water to drain naturally.

When laying the foundation, you most likely have already become familiar with the type of soil on the site and its properties. When creating a drain hole it is important to understand the physical properties of the earth, since taking this into account, accompanying measures will be selected to strengthen the pit frame. However, if the soil is not loose and does not crumble, then nothing will need to be strengthened. But excessively dense clay soil also has a disadvantage in the case of drainage - it does not absorb well. Sometimes in areas there is a successful combination of fairly dense soil with good absorbent properties. Then work with the hole will be limited to the fact that you just need to dig it and arrange filtration according to one of the described methods. But such conditions occur very rarely. Most often, the soil crumbles and you have to resort to strengthening the boundaries of the pit. For strengthening, they often use brickwork with gaps to absorb water, or wild stone (any waterproof material). The easiest option is to use a large plastic tank with many holes as the internal frame of the pit.

It is also important to choose the optimal size for the holes in the tank. The optimal shape for the tank in in this case is a streamlined cylindrical, since it in the best possible way holds the pressure created by water. It is also necessary to provide the pit with a heavy ceiling made of or iron.

When the tank is ready, filtration material (broken or) is poured into the bottom of the pit and then covered with a layer. The waste pipes, previously connected under the floor of the bathhouse into one, are discharged at a slope to the pit. Moreover, the optimal slope required for rapid drainage varies within 1 cm per 1 meter of pipeline.

Arrangement of a simple drainage pit

This method of organizing drainage is simpler than the first one due to the elimination of several stages of filtration. It involves all the stages of organizing drainage in the bathhouse itself and digging a hole, but in this case only a septic tank without filters will be used. The method is used if there is no desire to bother with replacing the filtration material and it is possible to use a sewage machine to pump out wastewater.

But in this case, you should think about approaching the pit within reach of the car’s arm. The second way to clean a simplified pit system is the use of special bacteria to process rotting residues in a septic tank. Its effectiveness is, of course, several times lower than complete waste removal or natural filtration, but it also has its place.

Ground filtration method

In this method, the main thing is the organization through which the liquid will be supplied to the sewer. The system will be distributed over the entire area of ​​the site so that the water has time to go through several stages of filtration before draining.

Filtration is carried out according to the principle of drainage: the first stage is to install a grate on the pipe (in the initial section) to catch large waste. Then, later, the water flows through a section of pipes covered with large filter material. Last stage- fine filter, that is, coarse sand.

Thus, the water from the wastewater will be filtered throughout the entire area at the same time creating an additional source of irrigation I. This method is suitable only in case of low groundwater, since the location of the pipes must be more than 0.5 meters above the water level.

Drain pipe method

In general, this method is similar to the previous ones and differs only in the type of materials and slight differences in the design of the septic tank. The longer pipe length is important here. At the same time, it is important to install the pipe itself at the stage of pouring the foundation with a slope towards the area for building a sump.

The sump is made on the basis that make up the walls of the pit. The bottom, in turn, should not be covered with anything for better absorption of waste. The pipe is laid without corners or bends, and the diameter of the pipe is taken to be the maximum possible among sewer pipes for domestic waste. When installing a pipe, it is important to insulate it, since when the soil freezes and deforms the plastic, at best.

Drainage material (crushed stone, broken brick, or slag from the combustion of coal), is covered with a small layer of sand on top. Afterwards, a drain pipe diverted from the bathhouse is laid at the bottom. The pit will be designed for a small volume of waste, no more than 100 liters. Therefore, you should think carefully before choosing this option.

If there is at least some possibility of connecting your drainage system to the central sewer system, then this is the most optimal and most effective option for organizing wastewater. If the site is located in an area that is not suitable for this, then you will have to carefully study the soil characteristics, the slope of the site, internal communications, the presence and level of groundwater, and correctly calculate the materials and energy costs. Bathhouse owners are often faced with a choice: septic tank or well? Both options have their pros and cons. Setting up a well, for example, will take more time than installing a septic tank. But the right well provides the best filtration of water and virtually eliminates the appearance of unpleasant odors. A septic tank is more suitable for frequent use of a bathhouse, as it provides faster absorption of water. In financial terms, the organization of a septic tank and a well are almost the same.

The drainage ditch, which was described in the last, fifth method, is permissible only in the case of a small volume of water and the absence of cultivated plants on the site. Otherwise, they will simply be poisoned by detergents coming from the drains, although the water will undergo filtration to some extent. Nevertheless, This is the cheapest and fastest option for organizing a drain.

In general, despite the apparent ease of performing the task of organizing a drain, It’s not so easy to calculate all communications correctly. Therefore, if you do not have experience in construction, it is better to hire a team of builders - today this service is not too expensive.

The modern Russian bathhouse is somewhat different from similar buildings erected in the last century. Now almost every steam room uses a full-fledged drainage system to remove dirty water from the washing room. This has a better effect on the service life of wood and concrete floors, and also reduces the risk of mold and mildew. Making a drain is not as difficult as it might seem.

Drainage system in the washing room

Washing room in a bathhouse with a leaky wooden floor

Traditionally, a Russian bathhouse consists of two rooms - a dressing room and a steam room, combined with a washing room. The layout of modern analogues of Russian baths is represented by such premises as:

  • waiting area;
  • washing room;
  • steam room

The first room does not require drainage. The technology for drainage in washing and steam baths depends on the type of floor in a particular room.

Typically, the floor in a bathhouse comes in several types:

With the exception of the pouring floor, the internal part of the drainage system is represented by a drain for collecting water and a drain pipe. The outer part of the sewer system, depending on the size of the building, the type of soil, and the depth of soil freezing, can have a different appearance.

For small bathhouse, used once a week, a simple drainage system with a small drainage hole located under the floor structure or in close proximity to the building is sufficient. For a bathhouse designed for a large family, which can be heated once or twice a week, a more complex sewer system with a drainage well will be required.

Wastewater disposal method

The design of the drainage system for draining waste water from the washing and steam rooms is selected taking into account the type of soil on which the structure is built and the intensity of use of the bathhouse. Each of the designs has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Pit under the bathhouse

Pit under the bathhouse with a stone for draining water

A shallow hole dug under the floor of a washroom. 2/3 of the pit is filled with filtering components - crushed stone, slag, aquifer sand. This natural filter traps large particles, purifying the water, which is then absorbed into the lower layers of the soil.

The advantages of this system include:

  • does not require the use of a piping system;
  • ease of installation, cleaning and maintenance.

The main disadvantage of drainage in the form of a pit is that it can only be used for bathhouses on a columnar foundation located on sandy soil types. At frequent use baths, the soil may become oversaturated with moisture - the water will not have time to spread throughout the soil, which will lead to its stagnation inside the pit.

Drain well

Drain well made of reinforced concrete and plastic septic tank

The outer part of the drainage system is made in the form of a pipeline and a sealed tank filled with wastewater coming from the bathhouse. To construct the reservoir, well rings and a plastic or metal septic tank are used.

As the wastewater fills, the tank is cleaned. To do this, water is pumped out using a vacuum truck and taken to a treatment plant, or a septic tank is filled with biological products that filter the water, after which it is transported through a special pipe to the lower layers of the soil, where it is gradually absorbed.

Among the advantages of a drain well are:

  • ease of installation on a site of any size;
  • the well does not require periodic cleaning;
  • relatively low cost.

For proper functioning of the drainage system, the septic tank must be located below the level of the bathhouse. This will ensure natural and unimpeded flow of waste water. There must be free access to the location of the septic tank, otherwise a sewage disposal truck with a large tank will not be able to drive up to the required distance to pull the water intake hose.

Filtration well

Filtration tank system of three wells

It is a well filled with fine crushed stone, finely crushed brick or slag. Waste water removed from the washing room and steam bath enters the well and passes through the filter material.

As a result, a small layer of sludge and a large number of beneficial bacteria are formed that purify the water. After gradual purification, the water leaves naturally or is used for household needs for watering and irrigating the soil.

Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that the filter layer quickly becomes dirty with frequent use of the bath and requires replacement. This is a very labor-intensive process, since crushed stone or slag will have to be removed manually. Despite this, this technology is optimal for draining baths designed for a family of 4–6 people.

Ground filtration

Soil filtration using the example of a closed boiler and distribution pipes

Drainage system consisting of closed septic tank where wastewater accumulates, and sewer pipes through which water is discharged after it is purified. Pipes are installed according to area small area- this ensures uniform flow and absorption of water.

The advantages of ground filtration include:

  • complete autonomy;
  • possibility of water intake from several points;
  • high degree of purification.

Compared to other methods of draining waste water, ground filtration requires the use of a large area of ​​land where water will be absorbed. It is better to carry out installation work at the stage of construction of the bathhouse, when the area adjacent to it has not yet been developed.

For installation, you will need to dig a fairly large pit for installing a septic tank, which requires the use of large construction equipment and special equipment.

Preparing for drainage installation

The design and installation of the bath drainage system occurs together with the installation of the floor. It is optimal if the work is carried out in the warm season, when the soil is driest. This will allow you to test the functionality of the drain and make adjustments if necessary.

Design of the internal part of the drainage system

Construction of a concrete floor with a drain in a bathhouse

The design of the internal part of the drainage system takes into account the rules that apply to the installation of sewage systems in residential premises. If necessary, a ventilation riser is erected or installed shut-off valve. For example, installation of a riser is required when organizing drainage from several rooms at once.

The general layout of a concrete floor with a drain consists of the following:

The layout of a wooden floor depends on its design, but in general it has a similar appearance. The drain pipe with a branch pipe is placed in the center of the room at the lowest point of the floor. For natural drainage, the sewer pipe is mounted with a slight slope. When installing drainage in the washing room of a bathhouse and steam room using one pipe, the drainage chute should be located between the rooms under the floor structure.

Design of external drainage area

General diagram of various types of sewage systems in a bathhouse

Calculation and design of the external sewerage section is carried out taking into account the size of the bathhouse, the frequency of its operation, the type of soil and the design of the water intake. As stated above, a filter well is optimal for use for private purposes. The design is designed to purify a large volume of water, sufficient for a family of up to 6 people to visit the bathhouse.

It is optimal if the well design is carried out by professionals. This will allow you to select the required size of the tank for receiving water without overpaying for useless volume.

Septic tank-based drainage systems are available in a ready-made version. Their volume is calculated depending on the number of people simultaneously visiting the bathhouse in a short period of time. For a family of 7 people, a tank with throughput 1.5 m 3 /day.

Related video: planning sewerage in a bathhouse

Polypropylene pipes for sewerage installations

To install the drainage system in the bathhouse, modern high-strength plastic pipes of the required diameter are used. The average service life of the product, subject to installation technology, is 50 years.

Depending on the requirement, pipes made of materials such as:

  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride;
  • PVC - chlorinated polyvinyl chloride;
  • PP - polypropylene;
  • HDPE - low-density polyethylene.

Pipes made of PVC, PP and HDPE are not afraid of moisture and are not subject to corrosion. Thanks to the intuitive mounting, they are easy to install. Most manufacturers of plastic pipes have a wide range of products, which allows you to select products of the desired length, diameter and shape.

PVC pipes for laying communications in the ground

Application cast iron pipes impractical - they are expensive, difficult to deliver to the work site and difficult to install, although the products are highly durable and reliable.

Asbestos cement pipes are also not best choice for a drainage device in a bathhouse. In addition to low strength, they have a rough inner surface, which does not have the best effect on the natural flow of water. This is especially noticeable for highways longer than 10 m.

The cross-section of the drain pipe is selected taking into account the water intake points in the bathhouse. For typical bath with a steam room and a washing room, a sufficient pipe with a diameter of 11 cm is required. For small baths with a single flush, a pipe with a diameter of no more than 7 cm is allowed.

Calculation of the required material

Pipe and tee made of polypropylene for laying the drain

The amount of material required to install the drainage system is selected according to a previously drawn up project. For example, to install the internal part of a drain measuring 5x5 m you will need:

  • drain with direct outlet 105×105/50 mm;
  • PP socket pipe Ø50, length 500 mm;
  • straight pipe PP Ø50, length 1000 mm;
  • straight pipe PP Ø50, length 2000 mm;
  • adapter coupling 50–110 mm;
  • PP outlet 45 o.

If necessary, a polypropylene bend at 90 o is used. The length of the pipe for connecting the drain can vary from 500–1000 mm depending on the height of the floor. If necessary, the pipe is trimmed. A product 2000 mm long is used as a drain pipe. When laying external communications they use PVC pipes length up to 3000 mm.

Necessary tool for the job

To dig trenches and water inlets you will need a comfortable shovel

To carry out installation work You will need the following tool:

  • bayonet and shovel;
  • bubble level;
  • construction knife;
  • grinder with a disc for metal/concrete;
  • container for sand/crushed stone.

To excavate soil to a depth of more than 2 m, it is better to use special equipment. This will speed up the work process. If all work is performed manually, then it is necessary to take care of safety precautions.

Digging a well should only be done with the help of a partner, who will ensure that the earth falling from the walls of the well shaft does not overwhelm the worker. All work is performed on a safety rope. The performer must be equipped with thick overalls and personal protective equipment in the form of a helmet, goggles and gloves.

Step-by-step guide to creating a bathhouse drain with your own hands

The laying of the drain pipe and the installation of the drain ladder should be carried out simultaneously with the installation of the floor. If it is planned to pour a concrete floor in a bathhouse, then further work on laying a drainage system should be carried out only after the initial polymerization of concrete (at least 7 days).

Installation of the internal part of the drainage system

Diagram of the drain pipe supply to various water intake points

To supply the drain pipe, you will need to perform the following work:

  1. To lay plastic pipes, you will need to dig a trench 50–60 cm deep. The depth is calculated based on the ground level located outside the building area. With a base height of 30–50 cm, the depth of the trench should be at least 80–110 cm.

    Two trench options for introducing the drain pipe

  2. The route of the trench is determined by the project and depends on the location of the drainage ladder. Excavation begins from the most distant point from the point of entry of the drain pipe. For example, in the schematic diagram below, excavation occurs from point A to point B.
  3. When digging a trench, observe minimum slope: 2 cm per 1 mp. After arranging the route, a layer of fine-grained sand 7–10 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the trench and thoroughly compacted. At the same time, the slope continues to be observed.

    The ground slope is maintained along the pipeline route

  4. If the bathhouse is built on a strip foundation, then a hole should be made in the selected location for the entry of the drain pipe. For this, a hammer drill and a grinder with a disc for concrete are used.
  5. Vertical and horizontal pipe sections are being installed. In places where it is planned to install a ladder, a horizontal pipe up to 2 m long is installed. The connection to the horizontal pipe is made through a 90° elbow.

    After checking the quality of the pipe connection and maintaining the slope, the trench is backfilled

  6. If there are several drains located on one horizontal section of the pipeline, then a tee of the required diameter is used for connection. For example, in the diagram above this element is highlighted in bright color.
  7. To insulate the drain pipe, a shell based on polyurethane foam is used. The thickness of the heat insulator depends on the depth of soil freezing. For middle zone Russia - at least 10 mm with a laying depth of 70–90 cm.

After insulation, the angle of inclination is checked. To do this, 5–10 liters of water are poured into each vertical section of the pipe in turn. If everything is in order and the pipe connections do not leak, then the trench is backfilled with previously removed soil.

Installation of a closed septic tank

Diagram of a water intake in the form of a closed septic tank

As a closed septic tank, you can use both finished products from the manufacturer and structures made by yourself from scrap materials. If the amount of wastewater discharged at a time does not exceed 300 liters, and the total weekly volume is 700 liters, then the septic tank can be made from old car tires.

The water absorption area for a septic tank is calculated based on the fact that sandy soil per day it can absorb no more than 100 l/m2, mixed soil - no more than 50 l/m2, and loamy soil - no more than 20 l/m2 per day. Based on this, the height and base area of ​​the tank is calculated.

Preparing a mine for storing old tires

The septic tank installation technology consists of the following steps:

Before walling up, he checks the functionality of the septic tank. To do this, 50–100 liters are drained through the pipes. water. If the water disappears over time, then you can install a ventilation pipe and fill the septic tank.

Installation of a drain well

To construct a drain well, a metal or plastic tank, reinforced concrete well rings, red brick or stone can be used. The material is selected taking into account the depth of the structure. It is optimal if it is possible to install reinforced concrete structures of the required diameter.

Preparation of a well shaft for the installation of reinforced concrete rings

To build a well you will need to do the following:

  1. The location of the well is chosen taking into account that access for a truck must be provided to it. It is advisable that the well be located in a lowland. This will avoid removing a large amount of soil to create a natural flow of water.
  2. A hole measuring 1.5 x 1.5 m is dug using special equipment. If ordering an excavator is problematic, then you will have to dig a well shaft manually. During the work, safety precautions are observed. To simplify the process, you can dig a square-shaped hole.

    A square-shaped well shaft can be lined with old brick

  3. A 15 cm layer of fine-grained sand is poured into the bottom of the shaft and thoroughly compacted. After this, a concrete mixture based on M500 cement is prepared. The bottom of the shaft is being filled. If possible, round-shaped reinforced concrete products can be laid at the bottom of the well. This will allow you not to wait for the concrete to polymerize and continue working.
  4. The mine walls are being lined with red brick. To reduce costs, you can use old and chipped bricks. A solution of clay and sand is used as a binder mixture. A drain pipe is connected to the well at the top. After lining, the surface of the well is treated with bitumen mastic.

    After inserting the drain pipe, the filter well made of reinforced concrete rings is covered with a concrete cover

  5. As a cover, you can use ready-made reinforced concrete products for well shafts. At self-production You will need to install formwork from available materials with an overlap of 30 cm in length and width. In the center of the formwork it is necessary to install sides to create a round hole.
  6. The first layer of concrete mixture with a thickness of 5–7 cm is poured. After the first layer has set, a reinforcing mesh of reinforcement rods with a cross section of 6–8 mm is laid on its surface. Then the next layer of similar thickness is poured.

After the concrete slab has dried, the shaft is closed with a metal hatch. Before backfilling, the slab is treated with bitumen mastic and covered with polyethylene 200 microns thick.

Installation of a ground filtration system

To install a drainage system using the ground filtration method, you will need to manufacture or purchase a ready-made septic tank of the required volume. Water distribution throughout the site will occur through a pipeline system based on polypropylene products with a cross-section of 110 mm.

Preparing a pit and installing an oblong-shaped water intake

To make a drainage system with ground filtration you will need:

  1. In the immediate vicinity of the drain pipe leaving the bathhouse, an area for installing a septic tank is marked. The size of the area should be 30–50 cm larger than the water intake structure itself. A trench 80–110 cm deep should follow the marked area, maintaining a slope.

    Preparing trenches for laying a pipeline for a soil filtration system

  2. A pit is being dug for installation of a septic tank. When installing, be careful not to damage the water inlet. After installing the container in the ground, the drain pipe is installed taking into account the freezing thickness of the soil.
  3. To prepare drainage in the PP pipe, you need to drill through holes with a diameter of 110 mm in increments of 10 cm. For this, use an electric drill with drills of 8, 10 and 12 mm. The pipe is divided into three equal parts. Holes of the same diameter are drilled in each part from smallest to largest.

    Preparing and laying distribution pipes in trenches

  4. Trenches are being prepared for laying distribution pipes. The length of the trench is no more than 25 m. The width of the trench is 50–100 cm. The spacing between adjacent pipes is at least 1.5 m. The depth is from 1.5 m.
  5. After preparing the trenches, compliance with the slope of 1.5–2 degrees is checked. Next, a layer of sifted sand and gravel, each 10 cm thick, is poured onto the bottom of the trenches. Afterwards, geotextiles are laid on the crushed stone with an overlap on the walls of the trench.

    Backfilling the trench after checking the pipeline for operability

  6. Pipe laying is in progress. After installation, the pipe is wrapped in geotextile and covered with a 10 cm layer of gravel. At the end of each pipe, a 90° outlet and a pipe 50–70 cm long are mounted. A protective valve with holes is placed on the end of the vertical pipe and the trenches are backfilled.

During operation, preventive cleaning of the drainage pipe should be carried out. For this purpose, both special plumbing fixtures and pipe cleaning products are used, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

If you use the sauna frequently, you should periodically check that the container is full and empty it as necessary. This is especially true in spring and autumn, when the earth is full of moisture and water is absorbed into the lower layers of the soil with less intensity.

Ground filtration systems should be serviced every 12–15 years. To do this, it is necessary to completely replace the sand and gravel cushion and the bottom layer of earth in each of the trenches.

During the construction of a bathhouse special attention attention should be paid to proper organization of the water drainage system. If everything is done correctly, fungus will never appear in the sauna and there will be no unpleasant odors. And the building itself will last much longer.

Floors in the bathhouse - selecting a suitable base

A Russian bathhouse or sauna in your own countryside is the dream of many people. Bringing it to life is not that difficult. It is enough to understand all the features of the construction and arrangement of the steam room, in particular, the rules for organizing drainage in it. This issue needs to be given increased attention. If you do not organize effective drainage of waste water from the sauna, within a couple of years after the start of operation, its foundation, floor base and lower parts of the walls will become unusable. Naturally, very soon all these problems will cause the destruction of the building.

It is possible to do the drainage in the bathhouse with your own hands, but first we will need to understand all the existing drainage options, choose optimal system, and only after that start arranging the drain. The first issue to be resolved is related to the type of flooring in the steam room. They can be done:

  • concrete;
  • wooden.

A concrete floor is ideal for a permanent sauna, in which water treatments are taken throughout the year. Such a base consists of several successive layers. Compacted gravel comes first, then concrete mortar, vapor barrier gasket, heat insulator (it is best to use polystyrene foam boards). The insulation is covered with polyethylene, which acts as a water protector. Another layer of concrete is laid on it. The entire structure is secured with a reinforced cement screed. At the very end, the concrete base is covered with tiles (ceramics) or other finishing material.

A wooden floor is much faster and easier to build. It is installed in bathhouses used exclusively in the warm season. The costs for wooden foundations are significantly less than for concrete ones. But there is one problem. Even with careful processing of wood special. compositions, after some time it will begin to deteriorate under the influence of moisture and high temperature. After 5–6 years of operation, such a floor will have to be completely re-laid. This should be kept in mind when choosing the type of base for your bath.

Wooden floors are structurally divided into non-leaking and leaking. The first of these are always laid on a pre-made concrete screed (it must have a certain slope). Non-leaking structures are prone to rotting, since after using the steam room they take quite a long time to dry. From this point of view, leaky floors are more convenient to use. They are simply laid on the joists without rigid attachment to the latter. The boards are laid with small (about 5 mm) gaps. It is through them that water is removed from the surface of the flooring. At any time, such a floor can be removed, taken outside under the hot sun and dried.

If you plan to build a leaky foundation, you should make a pit (preferably sealed) under the sauna and connect a pipe to it, through which the drainage will be carried out.

Wastewater disposal systems - pros and cons during operation

Having figured out the type of flooring, we move on to selecting a suitable drainage system. There are several options for arranging a drain:

  • soil filtration technique;
  • installation of a drainage well;
  • pit.

The choice of one system or another depends on the geometric parameters and frequency of use of the bathhouse, the presence or absence of a centralized sewerage system on the site, the depth to which the soil freezes, and directly the type of soil available. If a person plans to go to his own sauna with two or three friends a couple of times a week, there is no particular need to organize a complex drainage (for example, ground filtration). In such situations, you can get by at low cost by building a simple pit or well for waste water. If the bathhouse becomes a permanent gathering place for a large number of hot steam lovers, you will have to take care of arranging a more sophisticated and efficient system.

On clay-type soils, it is best to make a drainage hole. Used water will flow into it from the bathhouse through pipes and then be pumped out. For sandy and similar soils, systems in the form of drainage wells are more suitable. We also take into account the most important requirement - the pipes through which water will be drained must be laid below the freezing level of the soil. If we install them above the specified level, in severe frosts they will freeze, and we will not be able to fully use the private bathhouse.

Let's talk about the pros and cons of different drainage systems. And then we’ll find out exactly how each of them is mounted. Let's start with the simplest system - a pit. It is essentially a hole that is dug under the floor base of the steam room. A layer of filter material is placed at the bottom of the pit. Water passes through it, is purified, and then gradually seeps into the soil. The pit does not require pipes or any other communications to operate. Its arrangement takes a minimum of time. These are definitely advantages. But this solution also has disadvantages. Firstly, a pit cannot be made on soils that do not absorb water well. Secondly, it cannot be installed in saunas with a foundation in the form monolithic slab. Thirdly, even a deep pit is characterized by an objectively low throughput potential.

It won't be much more expensive to install a drainage well. This is understood as a sealed tank for collecting wastewater, buried in the ground. When it is full, the owner of the bathhouse calls a sewer truck. She pumps out the water. Drain system Any summer resident can do it, spending a minimum of effort on the work. Here you just need to choose the right place to install the tank. It should be installed on the lowest plot of land. No special maintenance is required for the drain well. The disadvantages of the system are the need to regularly call special equipment to pump out water and to arrange fairly wide access routes to the tank. A sewer truck will not pass along a narrow path.

A drainage well is a deep and wide hole that is filled with a layer of filter element. This may include furnace slag, small pieces of bricks, crushed stone, construction sand. Digging a hole is easy. Cover it with filtrate too. But here's to serving drainage system not at all easy. The wastewater is not pumped out of it. They go into the ground. In this case, at least once every 5-6 months you need to completely change the filter layer and clean the well. Such an operation requires considerable labor costs, which negates all the advantages of the system.

We will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the ground filtration method below. And we’ll immediately describe exactly how professional builders make such a system. She is considered the most effective option drainage of wastewater from private saunas.

Soil filtration - how effective and durable?

The method of soil wastewater treatment requires the installation of a full-fledged sewer system. It includes pipes for collecting and draining water and a special septic tank. The latter plays the role of a distribution well and at the same time a settling tank. Some craftsmen assemble the septic tank on their own, but more often they buy it ready-made in specialized stores. The advantages of the system are high-quality purification of heavily polluted water, completely autonomous operation, and no need to call in equipment to pump out the well. Disadvantages - a huge amount of land (very labor-intensive) work, considerable cost of used consumables and equipment, the need to allocate a large area for the installation of a septic tank.

A step-by-step guide to setting up a ground filtration system is provided below. First, we decide on the location of the septic tank. We bury it 150–250 cm into the soil. Then we connect the sewer pipe to the installed container. We remind you! It should be laid below the freezing mark of the ground. After this, we prepare perforated drainage pipes (the so-called drains). We select their cross-section and length taking into account the volume of wastewater. In most cases, plastic products with a cross-section of 110 cm are used as drains. You can also use other pipes by drilling a number of holes in them.

Length of one drainage pipe It is undesirable to take more than 25 m. The pipes are laid in trenches about 1 m wide (minimum 50 cm). The distance between individual drains must be maintained at least 150 cm. The system installation process itself looks like this:

  1. 1. We draw up a diagram for laying drains. We dig a trench with a slope of about 1.5°, checking its accuracy with a building level.
  2. 2. If the soil is sandy, we make a cushion of gravel and sand at the bottom of the trench (the thickness of each layer is 10 cm), and then lay geotextiles on top. For clay soils the procedure is similar. But in this case there is no need to use geotextile material. It is allowed not to make a pillow on loams. In this case, the pipes must be wrapped in geotextiles. In this way we will reduce the risk of siltation of the system.
  3. 3. Lay the prepared drains. At their end we install a half-meter (slightly more) pipe for ventilation.
  4. 4. Fill the drains with 10 cm of gravel. Fill the trench to the top with a layer of soil.
  5. 5. Cover the ventilation outlet. pipes with a protective cap. It will prevent leaves and debris from entering the ventilation duct.

The soil drainage filtration system is ready! At proper arrangement it will serve trouble-free for at least 15 years. But after a specified period of time, you will have to change the cushion under the drains, since it will gradually silt up during the operation of the sewer.

Making a pit - a simple and quick operation

As noted, drainage from small, rarely used baths can be organized using a pit. The diagram of its device is as follows:

  1. 1. We dig a hole under the future floor base of the steam room.
  2. 2. We fill our mini-pit with a layer of crushed stone, expanded clay or broken brick.
  3. 3. Pour sand on top.
  4. 4. Install wooden joists on top of a pit with a filter pad made.
  5. 5. We lay the plank flooring on the mounted supporting elements. As you remember, we install lumber not closely, but with gaps.

Boards can be nailed to the joists. But it’s better not to do this in order to be able to periodically remove the flooring and dry it outside.

Some craftsmen make an improved pit. It serves as a collector for wastewater, which, after reaching a given level, goes into the sewer. This pit option is also quite simple to construct. We dig a cubic hole under the floor. We take the length of the ribs of such a pit to be at least 50 cm. We protect the walls and bottom of the pit from moisture. The easiest and most reliable way is to fill them concrete mixture. Although you can use any roll waterproofing material, for example, roofing felt.

Next, at a height of approximately 10 cm from the floor base, we bring the pipe to the pit. We take it outside the building on a slope (otherwise the drains will not be able to leave the pit by gravity). We install a water seal. It is a device that prevents unpleasant sewer odors from entering the steam room. The simplest water seal is a metal plate installed at a slight angle. Its lower end should be about 5 centimeters away from the bottom of the pit. The shutter can also be made from an ordinary rubber ball. It should be secured above the pit (directly above the drain). When the tank is empty, the ball covers the pipe, and when the tank is filled, it floats up and the water flows freely through the pipe.

Building a drain well - a practical option

A drainage pit is rightfully considered the most rational way to organize drainage from a bathhouse. We need to dig a hole and install a metal or plastic tank in it. This option does not require serious costs strength But the durability of the drain structure is not very great. Therefore, home craftsmen prefer other methods of arranging such a system. They make pits from reinforced concrete rings or line the walls of the well with bricks. In this case, the structure becomes more reliable, due to which its service life is significantly increased.

Working with reinforced concrete products is difficult. But it’s quite possible for any self-taught craftsman to do brickwork. Let us describe the last option for organizing the drain step by step:

  1. 1. We choose a place for a well, remembering that it is always located at the lowest point of the land plot. In addition, we need to immediately take care of arranging the access to the drainage pit for the machine pumping out the wastewater.
  2. 2. We dig a hole of the planned size. It is recommended to make it rectangular or square. Then the volume of excavation work will be less. We make sure that the walls of the pit are smooth and dense (we do not allow soil to fall off them).
  3. 3. We make the bottom of the pit with a slope, directing it towards the hatch.
  4. 4. Pour a 15-centimeter layer of sand into the hole and tamp it down. Pour concrete mortar on top. Installation of a finished slab (reinforced concrete) on the bottom is allowed. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the time required for the work, since you do not have to wait several weeks for the concrete solution to completely harden.

Now we begin laying the walls of our drain structure. We carry out the operation using new or used red brick. We make the masonry 25–30 cm thick. We install the bricks with an offset of half a stone. We fix the products with a composition made up of sand, clay and water. We install a pipe in one of the walls for the wastewater entering the well.

Brick is a permeable material. Therefore, the masonry needs to be additionally sealed. We use any bitumen mastic for moisture protection. We apply it strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations. After waterproofing the walls, we install a ceiling on the well. It should be 25–30 cm larger than the pit (on each side). It is advisable to make the ceiling from reinforced concrete. This design has a considerable weight, but is distinguished by its durability and unique strength.

The process of installing the ceiling is as follows: we assemble the formwork, fill it with concrete (layer - about 7 cm), install metal reinforcement, and add another concrete layer on top. We are waiting for the ceiling to harden. After the concrete has crystallized, we install a hatch in the center of the slab. Take plastic film. We cover the flooded floor with it and fill it with soil. Only the hatch remains on the surface of the earth. Through it, wastewater will be pumped out from the brick tank after the tank is filled to a critical level.

Drainage design - how to do it?

A drainage well is made exclusively in areas where groundwater flows very deeply. If they are located high, the structure we are interested in will not be able to perform its function. It will begin to fill up groundwater, and the drainage from the bathhouse will simply have nowhere to collect. The drainage well should be dug 2–2.5 m from the walls of the building. If, the risk of subsidence or wetting of the foundation will increase. With a smaller distance between the wall of the building and the pit, we will not be able to organize the required slopes to ensure gravity flow of water.

By selecting suitable place, we dig a cylindrical hole in the ground. Theoretically, the well can have any other shape. But practice shows that cylindrical pits are much less likely to need repair work. In addition, they mark a uniform distribution of loads on the walls. We can choose any depth and size of the well. For large and actively visited baths, the parameters of the well, of course, should be more impressive than for saunas that their owners use only from time to time.

  • Laying walls with brick or wild stone. Important! We lay the products with small gaps. They are needed to naturally remove moisture.
  • Installing containers made of metal or plastic. Before installing it in a hole in the tank, you need to make holes on the sides and cut off the bottom.
  • Laying several old car tires on top of each other.
  • Installation of slate sheets. This option is suitable for wells in the shape of a rectangle or square.

We fill the reinforced pit with crushed stone, broken brick or expanded clay, making a cushion 10–15 cm high. Then we cover it with sand (the thickness is similar). We dig a trench to the well from the sauna (do not forget about the slope, optimally if it is 1 cm for every meter). We put a drain pipe into it. We start the last one in drainage hole. After this, you need to install a cover on the well. It is better to make it metal and always removable. After all, we will have to regularly maintain the drainage pit, changing the filter layer in it and cleaning it. All that remains is to cover the lid with polyethylene and fill the structure with soil.

Choose suitable option sewerage for the bathhouse and do all the work ourselves. Guided by the instructions given, we will easily set up a truly effective wastewater disposal system.