Compound words in crocodile. Game "Crocodile"

The Crocodile game has been around for many years. She is the highlight of children's holidays, adult parties and group outings into nature. For an elementary version of the game, nothing but imagination is needed, and for the "lazy" ready-made sets of cards with tasks are collected.


The game "Crocodile" is also known as "Associations", "Pantomimes", "Blue Cow" or "American Student". The goal and objectives are to guess words and explain them to other players with gestures. Usually it's not fun, but a lot of fun when a word or phrase gets non-trivial or the conditions on the card limit the ways to convey information.

Why is it called that and where is the logic here? There are different versions of where the name came from. The main and most plausible is theatrical. In theatrical universities there was an exercise for young actors - to show any phrase without words. And so that the task did not seem easy, they made strange phrases. Including - "red crocodile". Which was later reduced to just "crocodile". And the entertainment went to the people.

The desktop version of the game appeared relatively recently as a project of Igrologia and Mosigra companies. The game received a material basis - cards with tasks and additional conditions imposed on the explainer.

On average, a game lasts from forty minutes to one and a half hours, despite the fact that the time to guess each word is limited. The basic set is designed for players over 10 years old. The optimal number of participants is from 4 to 12 people.

The basic set is packed in a box-cube with a side of eleven centimeters. In addition to it, the game "Crocodile Big Party" and travel sets were released: "All kinds of crocodile", "Children's light crocodile", "KinoKnizhny crocodile", "Historical Interesting crocodile" and "Around the world crocodile".


The classic set includes:

  • The rules of the game in "Crocodile" - after all, the instruction is always needed, although it is only turned to when it is not possible to figure it out by the "poke method".
  • 200 task cards. Each card has 10 words or phrases.
  • 36 U-cards - cards of complication and simplification.
  • Hourglass - the game goes against the clock.
  • Reusable scorecard and erasable marker.
  • Storage pouch.


The rules of Crocodile can change even from company to company. We'll take a look at the ones that come with the card set. The rules of the Crocodile game are different for playing alone and in teams.

Every man for himself

When everyone plays for themselves, the first participant draws a card, chooses one word on it and explains it in pantomime to others. The guesser takes his place and pulls new map.

Attention: the cards do not go to the "hang up" - you need to keep your card with you and not show it to anyone. When the queue returns to you, then you do not draw a new card, but make up another word with the old one. The winner is the one who first shows all the words from his card.

Team game

It's more fun to play in teams: the board game goes faster, the Crocodile is solved more intensively, the team spirit is demonstrated. It is worth breaking into groups if there are more than six of you.

The participant must depict a concept or phrase without words for members of his native team, make such a presentation so that his comrades-in-arms will certainly give the correct answer. All team members go to the "stage" in turn and each time they draw a new card and choose a category from which they will guess.

It is in team play that scoring is usually carried out and Y-cards are used. Teams move in turns, one move is one minute. During this time, you can guess and guess a few words and get points for each. Words from one category are guessed in turn, without skipping.

Points are recorded in the standings. The duration of the game is 12 rounds. The team with the most points wins.


There are two types of cards for the game "Crocodile": task cards and U-cards.

Why do we need ready-made cards for the game, if for decades the words were just invented on the go? The words were grouped by difficulty, by category and, accordingly, by the points they bring. This is important for game balance.

Each of the two hundred cards contains ten words and phrases, divided into five categories:

  • Objects are anything that can be touched. Three words, two points each.
  • Actions are all verbs. Three words for two points.
  • Concepts are abstract quantities, ideas, states. One word for five points.
  • Names - famous personalities, names, brands. Two words for three points.
  • Expressions - proverbs, sayings, quotes. One word for five points.
  • U-cards

Special cards contain additional conditions that must be met. They can make it easier or, on the contrary, complicate the task. And earn extra points. It is your right to play with or without these cards. Each team starts with the same set of U-cards and can use one card per turn, and strictly before the explanation begins. But do not rush to use them - for each retained U-card at the end, the team receives a point.

What can be found on Y-cards:

  • First letter - as a clue, the explainer calls the first letter of the word.
  • An extra minute - plus a minute to understand what exactly the teammate waving his arms is trying to say.
  • Player Substitution - This can be played against opponents to remove their main mime master from the stage.
  • With your eyes closed, you will have to explain blindly.
  • Hands in the castle - we clasped our hands and show with our feet, face and body.
  • Standing with his back - the player turns away and tries to demonstrate that his acting talents extend to the rear.
  • Robbery - carte blanche to guess the words of someone else's team.
  • Bet - you can bet 10 points that the word will not be guessed.
  • Make a Word - Make your own word to the enemy player and see how he gets out.

By showing the word, you can

  1. Move arms, legs, body, eyebrows, ears and the rest of the body as you like, take any poses.
  2. Answer questions - but only with gestures.
  3. Draw with your finger on the wall or in the air. Quick schematic drawing techniques will be very useful to you.
  4. Point to any thing that you were wearing, lying in your pocket or in your hands when you began to explain.
  5. Show not the whole phrase, but the words separately. For example, when you need to guess proverbs, sayings, aphorisms.
  6. Showing the word you can't
  7. Make any sounds. Even moo, growl and groan.
  8. Write the word in the air and use the language of the deaf and dumb if those present are familiar with it.
  9. "Pronounce" the word with articulation so that it can be read by lips.
  10. Point to the hidden object and any object that is not on you.
  11. Draw, leaving a trace; pen on paper, finger on the sand, if you're outside, it doesn't matter.
  12. Show words in parts or by syllables, letters.

Special gestures

With the help of a variety of body movements, you can show not only the words you are guessing, but also tips that are allowed to be shown with certain gestures. They sometimes help a lot to complete this quest, and if the tasks and explanations themselves are funny, cool and funny, then hint gestures are more often universal, some are used in tournaments, some in amateur games. There are about two dozen of them. For example:

  • Hands crossed in front of you - forget everything that was "said" before, the explanation begins anew. It can come in handy when the guessers suffered “to the wrong steppe” or the guesser visited genious idea how to quickly and easily explain everything to others.
  • Palm-to-palm strikes or a circular movement of the hand at the elbow are already close, look for synonyms.
  • A large circle is outlined with hands - look for a broader concept, less specific.
  • Circular movements with the index finger - a single-root word.
  • Several raised fingers - the number of the word in the hidden phrase.
  • Right hand to the right and back, as if you are shifting reverse gear in a car - you need to go back in reasoning.
  • The index finger touches the forehead - what has just been voiced needs to be remembered.
  • The index finger touches the forehead and immediately returns - remember what was stored in memory.
  • Cross movement with index fingers in a vertical plane - pick up an association.
  • The same gesture, but followed by touching the ear with a finger - look for a consonant or rhyming word.

Interesting words for "Crocodile"

For an interesting game you need interesting words which are not easy to show. But do not go too far - the words should correspond to the general level of erudition of the company.

Easy words for kids

The beginning for the game crocodile can be put in childhood, guessing at all simple words for an easy start. For example, “iron” or “dog” - it’s easy to show them even for a three-year-old baby. It is better to choose objects that can be seen in the room or in the picture, or elementary actions.

Difficult words

The most difficult to demonstrate are abstract concepts, with the exception of basic emotions. For the children's Crocodile, it is better to bypass them, but experienced players will get a lot of impressions when trying to show “freedom” or “competence” with gestures.

Funny words and phrases

When the game enters the stage of general fun, it's time to think of phrases like "dreamer chicken" or "camel running on a rainbow." However, quotes from books and films also go with a bang: “And we will go north!”, “Gyulchatay, open your face!”

For all occasions

Board game"Crocodile" provides big choice cards for a wide variety of participants. Additional themed sets have been added to the base set, which can be used on their own or mixed with the main deck or other add-ons.

The small package allows you to take them with you on the road, just putting them in your pocket. Each contains 81 mission cards, 12 trap bonus cards, 5 finish cards, and rules. Travel kits do not include a timer, and you will have to take a pen and paper somewhere else, but this is not difficult. The number of players can grow up to 16 people.

In all Crocodile Compact sets, new possibilities for explanation appear - in words or in a picture. Accordingly, now on the cards it is written, in addition to the words, “Show”, “Explain” or “Draw”. For "Show" the same rules apply as in the basic set, for "Explain" and "Draw" there are limitations.

Another innovation is finish cards with numbers from 1 to 5. One of them is laid out on the table, and the number shows the tasks under which number the players will complete. Plus, the final test is indicated on the back of the card.

Children's option

"Crocodile" for children is called "children's light crocodile", which immediately speaks of its content - you don't even need to read the description especially. This is a game for very, very beginners, from 6 years old or even earlier. There are only 5 simple words on each task card - “glass”, “poem”, “Bremen town musicians”.

"Crocodile Anything Different"

The "all kinds of crocodile" set is a set of cards on various topics and an excellent simulator for acting skills. Ideal for those who guessed more than once all the words in the main set and are now ready to explain what “embargo” is, draw “success” or “paraglider”. Age limit 12+.

"Crocodile Movie Book"

You need to be a film buff and a book lover to adequately cope with the tasks. They are all related to movies and books, and there may be the name of the series, and the name of the director, and the character. Who is Lev Novozhilov and how to explain it to others? Or show Tom Cruise. But you can easily draw Antoine de Saint-Exupery - by placing him in a box like a lamb. From 10 years.

"Crocodile Historically Interesting"

And again, erudition and regular attendance of history lessons, or at least the habit of reading Wikipedia, will come in handy. Historical events, political realities of past centuries and ancient states - to show them with gestures or a drawing is an extremely non-trivial task. The limit is 12+, but in the sixth grade about, for example, emancipation, not everyone will be able to tell even in words, let alone without words, keep this in mind.

"Crocodile Round the World"

The most suitable set for traveling - here in the tasks and sights, and exotic food, cities. Can you show Ibiza with gestures or draw Pyatigorsk? What about your fellow travelers? Set 12+.

How to play new decks

Taking into account the new cards, the rules have also partially changed - in the direction of diversity. But, as before, you can play in teams and individually.

Team to Team

Task cards are divided into three decks by type, each team draws from 2 to 4 cards from each, shuffles and lays them out face down in front of them. During the game, players will take cards from the "track" in turn.

Trap Bun cards are close to U-cards, they are recruited in 3 pieces per team. When a player accepts a quest, they must show it to one of the opposing teams that has Trap Buns, and they can make life difficult for them at their discretion.

Correctly solved tasks allow you to transfer the card to the victory pile and get 1 point. If it was not possible to guess, it is simply put aside.

For the final challenge, the player on the trailing team draws a card from any challenge pile, looks at the difficulty listed on the finish card, and begins to explain. The teams try to guess the word in a race, and those who succeeded take both cards into the winning pile and, accordingly, receive 2 additional points.

Game "Crocodile" versatile, able to cheer up any company. There are no age restrictions. The players develop ingenuity, and acting abilities are revealed.

It is enough just to start playing, as all the participants will have excitement and enthusiasm in their eyes. The game "Crocodile" is not limited in time.


  1. It is forbidden to pronounce any phrases, you can use only gestures, postures and facial expressions.
  2. It is impossible to show what was intended letter by letter.
  3. Can not use foreign objects or show them.
  4. It is forbidden to speak with lips.
  5. The word is considered guessed if it is pronounced exactly as it is written on the piece of paper.

Special gestures:

  1. First, the player shows with his fingers how many words are guessed.
  2. Cross with hands means "forget".
  3. Circular movements of the hand or palm say that you need to select synonyms, the answer is close.


Number of players : from 3 people, unlimited.

A word or phrase is guessed. One player must show the hidden without clues and objects, using only his wit and ingenuity. The participant can use only facial expressions, postures, gestures.

The one who guesses the conceived phrase takes his place. For greater involvement in the game, you can assign a prize to the person who turns out to be the most ingenious, having shown ingenuity.

Funny words for the game "Crocodile" can be printed in advance and put in an opaque bag. Participants will draw cards with words, and depict the content. The one who guesses what was conceived takes the sheet for himself (to make it easier to calculate who will win), takes out a new sheet with the task, depicts what was written, and so on.

You can download, pre-prepared, a mix of all kinds of words or prepare it yourself, preferring one direction.

For example: professions; animals; plants; TV shows; hobbies and hobbies; films and cartoons; fairy tales; songs; famous personalities; global brands or aphorisms.


Stewardess; fireman; police officer; psychiatrist; plumber; trucker; midwife; gynecologist; urologist; beekeeper; architect; archaeologist; miner; sculptor; painter; writer; an electrician; accountant; lawyer; referee; elevator operator; promoter; producer; actor; veterinarian; astronaut; manager; salesman.

Living beings

Raccoon; shrimp; octopus; skunk; pelican; sloth; Fox; a lion; crab; snail; squirrel; peacock; snake; platypus; bear; ostrich; giraffe; elephant; pony; duck; goose; rooster; a donkey; spider; cat; caterpillar; butterfly; starfish; sea ​​Horse; bee; fly; scorpion; dog; a monkey; pig; cow; hamster; parrot; swan; crayfish.

TV shows

Guess the melody; In the animal world; House 2; Himself a director; Where is the logic; Let them talk; Fashion sentence; Improvisation; Comedy club; tomboys; Moment of glory; The voice of the streets; Let's get married; While everyone is at home; Bachelor; The last Hero; Eagle and Tails; What? Where? When?; The fight of extrasensories; Field of Dreams; Stars on ice; Drive in Russian; You will not believe; Big difference.

There is no way to make cards in advance

In such a case, items can be used. Collect in an opaque box various items small size. Then, instead of a card, the player takes out a thing and tries to depict it according to the same rules. Whoever guesses the item can take it for himself. Thus, for the guests there will be not only entertainment, but also symbolic memorable gifts.

For example: toothpaste; tea bag; a spoon; handkerchief; tie; a pen; chocolate; pencil; soap; notebook; ruler; Apple; banana; orange; toilet paper; candy; cookie.


  1. Download file
  2. Print 6 A4 sheets (27 words on 1 sheet).
  3. Cut along the lines, put in an opaque bag and enjoy the game!

Download company cards:

Main rounds:

  • Warm up. As part of the warm-up, participants show cards with words, and the more they managed to demonstrate, the better. If it was not possible to guess the word, then the opponent’s representative says “next”, and the participant shows another card. The round lasts 30 seconds.
  • Guess the song. Now one of the participants shows the song - characterizes its content. The round lasts 60 seconds, during which you need to have time to guess the name and artist. 10 points are awarded for a win.
  • Difficult round. In a minute, you need to have time to show a saying that opponents guess in the same 60 seconds. If you succeeded in solving the problem, 20 points are awarded. There is one caveat: it is recommended to wear a mask on the one who shows the saying with his hands.
  • Bouncers. The more people participate in the game, the more interesting. Both teams show their task with their hands (more precisely, one representative from the team). Whoever guessed first - he answers. Showing, whose task is guessed, leaves. So it goes on. The one whose team consists of two people won when the opponent already had one left.
  • Video round. You can demonstrate a TV show or talk show that the opposing team must guess.

Rules of the game crocodile for children

  • Guess only your tasks, without being distracted by those that a member of your team shows for the opposite;
  • You need to show the words until the opposite team gives an answer, or until the time runs out;
  • While showing the word, you need to listen only to the members of your team, without being distracted by the recommendations of the opposite;
  • Important! Words do not need to be accompanied by hints in the form of sounds - just draw with your hands!

Interesting video:

Classic fun game for the company. Develops acting skills, the ability to behave in public and ingenuity. Suitable for both children and young people and those who are noticeably older! It does not require paraphernalia, only cheerful participants and a desire to have fun are needed;)

We are sure that there will not be a single sociable student who lived in a hostel who would not play it, although ... In any case, almost everyone has seen its various variations on TV. And now let's go directly to the description of the game itself.

Principles, rules and essence of the game "Crocodile":

The main point is that one of the participants in any way available to him, but without any words depicted a word/phrase suggested by the host (or randomly taken from a card), which the rest of the participants must guess. In the course of explaining the hidden, facial expressions, gestures, postures and acting talent can go, most importantly without sounds!

There are 2 main options for playing the game: team and individual performance. In both cases, only 1 person performs, for the team version - this is her representative.

  • Command version
    The company is divided into 2 teams. The host or a representative of the opposite team gives his participants a list of words / phrases that they will have to show. The time is recorded (10-15 minutes) and the players of one team take turns depicting the words from the list, and the opposite team guesses them. The team whose explanations turned out to be more successful wins, although vice versa is possible!) If the participants passed the task words to each other, then they do not participate in guessing.
  • Individual version
    The first driver is randomly selected, who comes up with the word itself and shows it himself. The guesser becomes the new driver and, having received a new task-word from the previous one, depicts it. And so on.

The leader, the person distributing the task, can be replaced with a set of cards with words.

What can the driver:

  • facial expressions, gestures, postures and other elements of pantonymy;
  • acting talent;
  • answer the questions of guessers with gestures;
  • apply special gestures.

What is not allowed for the driver:

  • make any sounds
  • pronounce the task or its individual parts silently;
  • show individual letters in the words of the task.

Special gestures in "Crocodile":

  • fingers raised up indicate the number of words in the task;
  • cross with hands over head - STOP, show again;
  • the host points to one of the participants - he came very close to the solution, let's develop;
  • crossed fingers - prefix NOT or antonym;
  • circular movements with the palm - close, pick up synonyms;

Task options

You can depict absolutely everything, up to abstract concepts, but you should always take into account the age category of the participants and their experience in this game. So, for example, it will be very difficult for a child to show "carburetor", " n-n transition" or "stagnation". Below we offer you types of tasks with options:

  • Words and word forms without restrictions

The most difficult level. Suitable for students and those who are older.

  • Topic restriction

There are more than enough options and you can choose for any company. For example: animals, work, professions, home, underwater world, cars, sports, clothing, aviation, culture, actors, food, celebrities, movies, fairy-tale heroes, abstraction, emotions, quotes and catchphrases, songs, in the forest, fishing, funny and cool,...

Examples of words for the game "Crocodile"

To expand and view examples, click on the button.

"Animal world"

  • Beast, elephant, giraffe, cat, dog, tiger, panther, wolf, hedgehog, anteater, antelope, elk, deer, arctic fox, fox, wild boar, toad,...
  • Bird, ostrich, penguin, heron, eagle, sparrow, stork, chicken, partridge, black grouse, vulture, golden eagle, goldfinch, woodpecker, hawk,...
  • Fish, shark, whale, dolphin, crucian, gold fish, carp, perch, ruff, sea urchin, barracuda, eel, ...
  • Snake, viper, snake, cobra, python, boa constrictor, ...
  • Cockroach, beetle, cockchafer, grasshopper, firefly, butterfly, moth, ant,...

"Children's format"

  • Toys, ball, shuttlecock, bicycle, cards, sandbox, scoop,...
  • Sun, sky, clouds, tree, lake, sea, river, forest, house, road, city, tram, bus, trolleybus, car,...
  • Zoo, cinema, cartoon, baba yaga, goblin, water, kashchei, TV, tape recorder,...
  • Animals, birds, fish, elephant, snake, pig, whale, shark, penguin, ostrich, heron, hedgehog,...
  • Table, chair, chest of drawers, sofa, stairs, window, curtain, plate, fork, spoon, cup, cupboard,...

"Feelings and emotions"

  • Love, hate, disappointment, adoration, suffering, sadness, joy, laughter, boredom, grief, happiness, anguish, fun, ...

"Celebrities and Beyond"

  • Leonov, Boyarsky, Gurchenko, Mironov, Van Damme, Schwarzenegger, Belmondo, Sophia Loren, Alain Delon, ...
  • Putin, Shoigu, Zhirinovsky, Trump, Sarkozy, Yavlinsky,...
  • Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Kinchev, Shevchuk, Cord, Bilan, Zemfira, ...

"Funny, funny and cool"

  • Midwife, lollipop, payday, barbecue, claustrophobia, toothpick, raccoon gargle, bedbug, flea, corporate party,...
  • Mad squirrel, pink elephant, ladybug, ugly duck, stupid mermaid, glamorous Trudovik ...
  • Dirty laundry, a limp tomato, an unwashed stocking, a cute dentist, a good peacock,...

We hope we remind you interesting game for the company and maybe it will come in handy soon;) See you soon, friends!

Are you interested in Crocodile game and words for it? Today, especially for you, we will publish a set of words for the Crocodile game for those who are planning a fun party with friends!

It is worth noting that the words for playing Crocodile are easy to come up with on your own! To do this, you just need to be guided by simple rules:

  1. It is better to think over the tasks for the Crocodile in advance, because at the party you may simply not have enough time and imagination for this.
  2. The list of words for the Crocodile game is the usual everyday situations and phrases that we use every day. Just think! For example, “TV off” is very difficult to show, especially if you play on classical rules games and do not involve additional attributes.
  3. When thinking about what word to make in the Crocodile, it is best to choose various kinds of “absurdities”. For example, "blue hippopotamus", "sober electrician", "visually impaired artist".

Thus, the Crocodile game and example words for it will become not only a logical, but also a funny task.


Easy level. Yellow daffodils, diary, subbotnik, calendar, soap bubble, leopard, sauna, daily routine, chainsaw.

As you can see, in this case, the words for Crocodile are a list of simple words and phrases that we use everywhere.

Average level. Blooming garden, ophthalmologist, cellar, red squirrel, smiling conductor, drama, publishing house, sad end, translator, toffee, handsome skier, non-standard approach, guard, universal soldier, glamorous teacher.

Difficult words for the Crocodile game are best taken in the form of lines from songs and poems, scientific books and encyclopedias.

Difficult level. Competition Crocodile, Where the maple rustles, Lilac fog floats above us, Don't look for me, I'm Lyuli-Luli, Now I'm Cheburashka, I draw with white chalk.

Of course, the Crocodile contest and the words for the game can be selected in accordance with the theme of the holiday. New Year, Birthday, March 8 or corporate party - all this can become a topic for inventing new words.

Easy level.Valenok, A Christmas tree was born in the forest, a beagle bunny, new year gift, snow blizzard, March 8, frying pan, bouquet.

Average level. Cash bonus, I love my job, Santa Claus, festive corporate party, friendly team, pancakes with poppy seeds.

Difficult level.Good boss, personnel department, strict reporting, unemployed programmer, logic, long-term contract, Snow is spinning, flies and melts, Once upon a time there was a dog, Happy Birthday to You.

Very often, players like to use various complex words for Crocodile, based on the specifics of their work. Physical and chemical terms, special expressions and meanings are best left for the circle of colleagues, since from fun game the competition can turn into a long and boring test.

Do not forget that words for Crocodile are interesting and funny phrases that are not so easy to show without words, and the most difficult words for Crocodile are not necessarily hard-to-pronounce terms and concepts.

Difficult level. A foreman woman, a small tractor driver, In pursuit of happiness, Oh, this wedding-wedding sang and walked, Fiction, Taekwondo, Anton Chekhov, Bright rain.

When writing simple words for playing Crocodile, do not forget to think about animals and plants, shades and natural phenomena.

Easy level.Heavy rain, night thunderstorm, lazy cat, big mouse, talking parrot.

When preparing for a party, it is best to print out the phrases and words for the Crocodile game in advance. They can also be used for other holidays, so it makes sense to create separate cards for such a game. In this case, put the blanks for the competition in a separate box, decorated thematically. So you will have home set for the Crocodile game, which you can replenish at any time.


Geese-swans, a stylish wallet, a huge scarf, a radar, a promotion, a subscription, a solarium, an aristocrat, a beautiful umbrella, a long vacation, vegetables, a sleepy captain, a black flamingo, nail polish, an avalanche, a chocolate chip cookie, a shooting gallery, a silver bullet, a stupid mermaid.

We hope that our article will help you to play the game even more fun and active!