Accurate horoscope for Leo for the year. Physical and psychological health

People are so designed that they always want to look a little into the future and find out what fate has in store for them. Having such data, you can correctly distribute your forces, pay attention to the most vulnerable aspects of your life, and concentrate on your goal.

The horoscope for 2018 will help you find out how the Yellow Earth Dog is disposed towards the passionate and proud Leo. Expect loyal friendship and help in business from her or, conversely, beware of bites and menacing growls.

Under the influence of the Dog, loving and jealous Leo men will simply be impossible to recognize this year. Numerous fleeting romances and endless flirting will become a thing of the past, and in their place will come an attentive and caring attitude towards your chosen one and the desire for a calm family life. Leos will make every effort and use their wild imagination to restore relationships after a quarrel and again win the trust of their other half.

The Dog is preparing a real surprise for single men this year. Unmarried Leo will experience the brightest romance of their lives. And this will be a truly high, pure feeling of love, that Leo will forget about his selfishness and whims and turn into a “henpecked man”, crazy with love.

This year, Leo men will have amazingly developed intuition. This applies to both career and financial issues. Combined with perseverance, wisdom and determination, “gut instinct” will lead to success in all endeavors and projects, even those with increased risk. Only, being at the peak of success, you should not indulge in immeasurable generosity. It is necessary to distinguish between those who really need help from those who want to profit at someone else's expense.

An extremely favorable year for men in terms of health. Having plunged headlong into their career and amorous affairs, Leos will not have to be distracted by illness or illness. Only at the end of the year will fatigue appear that will make it clear that it is time to rest.

Horoscope 2018 for women

A calm family life should come first this year. The capricious Lioness should make every effort to create coziness and comfort in her family, diversify her leisure time and avoid emotional outbursts. You should forget about your unapproachable and proud disposition and become a sensual, tender and understanding ally for your man, and then he will repay in kind, fully justifying the status of an ardent romantic knight and protector of the family.

Unmarried Lionesses should do the same. The man you like needs to be won gently. Reduce your pressure. Appear before him in the image not of a royal person, but of a sincere but seductive cat. Give him a chance to prove himself.

When working, you shouldn’t get excited over trifles and try to impress. The dog does not tolerate unnecessary fuss. Better to focus on yours professional qualities and show organizational skills, because this is what will make the bosses understand that he is a real leader and an expert in his field. And then the promotion offer will not be long in coming.

As for well-being, in general, no serious health problems are expected during the year. You need to avoid prolonged stress, find time for relaxation, visiting the pool and massage sessions, and the Lioness, as always, will be brilliant.

Horoscope 2018 by zodiac sign

What has the Dog prepared for each zodiac sign?


For Leo-Rats, the Year of the Dog will be the year when all cherished dreams can come true. This applies to career, personal life, and creativity. The Rat should not be afraid of new beginnings. By taking a creative approach to fulfilling your desires and showing perseverance, you can famously achieve your goal. In a word, there is nothing that is not possible that would not become possible.


This year the Ox will have to work hard to achieve happiness in love. Having acquired a bunch of fans, now you need to work hard and choose just one, and this will be quite difficult to do. Otherwise, work and the desire for success will lead the Ox to heights that he never even dreamed of.


Here it is, Fortune's favorite in 2018! Well-being in the family, financial stability and a dizzying career - Leo-Tigers in the year of the Dog can only be envied. Everything goes well for them, everything works out, and almost without any effort.


The rabbit may get a new hut this year. Representatives of this zodiac sign are expecting a long-awaited move to a new place of residence. Leo-Rabbits should take a closer look at their surroundings. Perhaps excessive conceit has alienated true friends from them, and brought insincere and treacherous swindlers closer to them.


In order to rest on their laurels, Leo-Dragons should be more attentive to their significant other and relatives. Thanks to their help and support, Dragons will not be afraid of the machinations of ill-wishers and competitors.


Snakes have a busy year ahead, full of well-paid business projects. Leo-Snakes like this kind of work, especially when everything turns out well on the personal front, but oh well. Single representatives of the sign can hear Mendelssohn's march this year, and married ones can prepare for a new addition to the family.


The horse, as always, gallops towards its cherished goal, leaving competitors far behind. Her wonderful intuition helps her not to go astray. In addition, the year will be full of romantic trips, and some Leo-Horses will discover their talents as a designer, starting to remodel their own home.


Leo-Goat is constantly in the spotlight this year. The goat is surrounded by crowds of fans, family members and her beloved man try to please in everything, and competitors simply do not take their eyes off her. And some Leos will have offspring in the year of the Dog.


The Dog simply adores the Monkey and will shower him with gifts all year long. Travel, profitable projects, promotions, the mischievous Monkey will have plenty of everything. The family will also not stand aside and will happily join you on a trip to the seaside.


The Dog also favors Leo-Roosters. Love experiences will give way to exciting preparations for the wedding, and your career will skyrocket, stunning you with an offer to take a leadership position.


Well, there’s no need to doubt who will receive delicious surprises from the hostess of the year. The dog prepared for Leo new acquaintances in business circles and powerful patrons, and also looked after new spacious mansions for them, so you can safely prepare for the move.


Risk is a noble cause, but within reason. Therefore, it is better for Leo-Pigs to act carefully and not test the Dog’s patience. She will support risky business projects, but gambling will not bring success. As for amorous affairs, it’s worth taking a careful look around, maybe there is someone nearby who should be immediately dragged to the registry office.

Love horoscope

Monotonous family life brings boredom to bright Leos, and this will affect relationships with their significant other. And only the appearance of a rival on the horizon will spur Leo to reconsider his behavior and again awaken in him a hurricane of passion for his chosen one.

As for free Leos, they continue to have fun for their own pleasure, starting affairs right and left, breaking hearts and flirting endlessly. The Dog, the keeper of the hearth, really doesn’t like this and if you don’t switch to serious relationship, then expect the Dog to have painful bites throughout the year.

Business horoscope

The beginning of the year promises a new round in your career. All endeavors related to signing new contracts, finding partners, creating new projects or starting your own business will be successful. Of course, you will have to work hard, but it is in January and February that all the work will pay off with interest. Only after achieving success, you should not turn your nose up too much and look down on others. This is especially true for family and friends, those who supported you on the path to fame.

Spring is good for profitable investment of your savings. There will be a lot of options, so you should listen to your intuition and filter out dubious offers so that you don’t regret making a hasty choice in the future.

Family horoscope

Family life in the Year of the Dog is quite eventful for Leos. There will be quarrels caused by increased demands and intolerance, and stormy reconciliations. In a word, you won’t be bored. Harmonious relationships can be achieved if you remember that there are no ideal people and it is better to simply close your eyes to some of your spouse’s mistakes. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to think about your attitude towards your chosen one: maybe he lacks love and care, maybe life together has become familiar and dull. In any case, it won’t hurt to give your spouse a compliment or surprise them with a romantic dinner, and the relationship will sparkle with new colors.

Health horoscope

Leos don’t have to worry about their health; no serious health problems are expected this year. The exception is for avid athletes. They should indulge in their favorite pastime more carefully, as there is a risk of overworking themselves or even getting injured.

For those who have chronic diseases, best time January and February will improve your health. During these months, you can plan hospital treatment or surgery, the result will be very successful.

Horoscope for Leo from Pavel Globa

January and February will be the most favorable months per year. This time should be usefully spent on restoring poor health; even an operation performed in the first two months of the year will be more effective than later. This period is also very successful for career advancement; there are many chances to climb the career ladder.

But spring and summer will disappoint. A financial crisis will begin in April, for which you should be well prepared by taking measures to preserve your savings. At this time, you should refrain from making expensive purchases, not taking loans or lending large sums of money.

In the middle and end of summer, it is better not to make long trips and be more attentive to relatives, as this period can cause discord in your relationships. In the summer, many students will reconsider their attitude towards their chosen profession and think about transferring to another educational institution.

Horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina

In the Year of the Dog, Leo will put personal relationships first. Family Leos who are in a quarrel will come up with more and more new ways to improve relationships and win over their significant other again. And free representatives of the sign will reconsider their attitude towards family life and by the end of the year they will be ripe for the decision to tie the knot.

Self-confident Leos are somewhat careless about their health, believing that such a charismatic personality simply cannot have any ailments. In principle, Leos will feel great all year long if they only find time for proper rest. Otherwise, their powerful energy reserves may suddenly dry up and Leos simply will not have enough strength to complete the projects they have begun.

This year, Leos should be more careful in choosing business partners. Luck may run out and this may lead to the collapse of joint projects if Leo chooses an irresponsible person or simply a fraudster as a partner.

Attention! In 2018, you shouldn’t be too wasteful and spend all your money on maintaining your own image. Otherwise, when the need for funds arises, the financial reserve may not be enough.

Horoscope from Tamara Globa

The first three months of 2018 are the most successful for Leo. This time must not be wasted. From January to March, love victories, opening your own business, and promotion will happen on their own, without the need to wave a saber and choke the bit. You don’t have to be afraid to invest money, declare your love, or take the boss’s chair; luck will accompany you in everything.

In April, a whirlwind romance with a person from the past may develop. At a minimum, a meeting with an old admirer is guaranteed, and whether or not to renew the relationship must be decided by relying on your intuition. She won't let you make mistakes.

From the end of April to August, at first glance, everything will be gray and dull. Work, work and more work, albeit well paid. But among the boring workdays, new acquaintances will appear, great deals, the main thing is to be in right time, in the right place.

August and September will bring financial losses. Something will suddenly require repairs or you will need to purchase an expensive item, so your wallet will remain empty for some time. This, of course, will ruin your mood, but you shouldn’t despair, since financial difficulties are just a temporary phenomenon.

Attention! During this period, Leos may discover hidden creative talents. They need to be developed, since in addition to moral satisfaction, these abilities can later become a source of additional income.

Until the end of the year, no significant changes will occur in the life of Leo, and representatives of the sign should start revising their values. It doesn’t hurt to look around and protect yourself from unnecessary people, making room for new acquaintances and romantic encounters, one of which can become fateful.

Horoscope for 2018 for Leo by month

How will Leo's fate turn out according to the months of the year?


January will be completely busy with work and official affairs. Leo will have to participate in all collective events, no matter how much he wants to. But this will bring results; management will notice and appreciate it. Perhaps it will be a bonus or an interesting offer for a new position. But everything can fall through if in the middle of the month Leos do not moderate their ambitions and selfishness, and cannot avoid a quarrel with management. This is also a dangerous time for quarrels with relatives. Leo should show tolerance and not try to insist on his own, and then by the end of January everything will become stable again.


Until February 15, business partners require close attention. Conflicts, setups, litigation and a complete break with partners are possible. And in general, during this period, new things should be started with caution, listening to your intuition, which is quite well developed in Leo. You should not get married this month, well, at least in the first half of February. The end of the month will also be turbulent, different unforeseen situations, which will not make Lviv very happy.


The first week of March will be quite intense emotionally. Many Leos may feel a loss of strength after the winter months, which will be accompanied by increased aggressiveness and irritability. However, Leos should concentrate and control their financial affairs, keeping track of timely payments of debts and taxes. Otherwise, unpleasant proceedings may arise in the future. In the middle of the month everything will be stable and positive. No problems are expected both in the family and in financial matters, and the appearance of an inheritance may be a pleasant surprise for some Leos. At the end of March, it is better to give up long trips and travel; the move will also have to be postponed.


Overall, a pretty good month for Leo. Career success, financial income, increased attention from fans, peace and tranquility in the family, Leo will be lucky everywhere. Creative individuals can achieve public recognition, Leos who devote themselves to science can even make a great discovery. Only the second week of April will bring turmoil into the busy life of the representatives of the sign. At this time, there is a high risk of having a row with everyone possible, so a self-confident predator should control his emotions.


From May 1 to May 6, Leos can achieve a dizzying career in social activities, if they don’t crush everyone and everything with their authority. Otherwise, the second week of the month will be entirely devoted to Leo’s military actions with his disgruntled colleagues. All this can cause apathy in the offended predator, as a result of which he abandons all his affairs. From the 15th to the end of the month, Leo will establish himself as a leader and even acquire faithful assistants, to whom he will gladly shift most of his responsibilities. He will already have something to do, because on the horizon will appear former fan, with whom Leo will not hesitate to have a love affair.


June will be a difficult month for Leos. At this time, you need to keep all your plans and thoughts to yourself and not be fooled by empty promises, since until the middle of the month Leo will be surrounded by gossips and deceivers. From the 18th there will be several auspicious days, when you can count on the support of loved ones, but still until the end of June Leos will be depressed. At this time, the spouse and close friends can provide invaluable help, restoring the royal person’s faith in herself.


During the first week of July, Leo will do his best to provoke conflicts with colleagues and business partners, and only after the 6th will he change his anger to mercy and begin to listen to others, as a result of which joint projects will move forward more successfully. But after the 22nd, the predator will again take over and if he does not restrain himself, then the quarrels will have dire consequences, including the termination of cooperation or the dissolution of the marriage.


In August, predators will be busy exploring their relationships with partners, fans and loved ones. All doubts and illusions will be dispelled and this will incredibly increase Leo’s self-esteem. The second week of the month will be favorable for solving everyday and financial problems, for changing your place of residence or for purchasing a new luxurious house. At the end of the month, the Dog may present a surprise in the form of a promotion.


The first days of the month, Leos will be under the protection of influential patrons, which can lead to a career takeoff by the 20th of September if the predator is able to cope with his own laziness. The second half of the month will be devoted to meetings and agreements, which Leo will handle perfectly and even become a mediator in resolving conflicts. In parallel with his active work, Leo will be absorbed in a passionate relationship with his loved one.


And again, Leos are lucky in the form of support from their patrons, so career advancement looms ahead, as well as the opportunity to expand their useful connections. The third week of October will consist of problems inspired by circumstances and this will undermine the morale of the representatives of the sign, which can also affect physical health.


From November 1 to November 15, Leos will still be recovering from the troubles of the last month and will not be able to fully appreciate the stability of the first half of the month. In addition, they will be constantly distracted by a whirlwind romance. During this time, you need to try to enlist the support of close people and business partners, since the second half of November will be full of unforeseen events, and the end of the month will again undermine Leo’s authority, plunging him into the abyss of gossip, lies and accusations.


In the first half of the month, Leo will be fussy and unfocused, so it is better to devote this time to family, creativity and personal relationships, but not to new projects and important meetings. But for the last two weeks, Leo will shine, both at work and with a loved one, which will allow them to again feel like a leader, basking in glory and universal recognition.

The Year of the Dog for Leo will be quite complex and varied. Periods of good luck and prosperity will be replaced by difficulties and conflict situations and smoothly flow into gray, unremarkable everyday life. And then again fireworks of success, career takeoff and generous financial flow. There is something to lose your head over. But the black stripe is always replaced by a white one, and the main thing is not to lose heart at a difficult moment, but to concentrate and prepare yourself for new pleasant surprises from the mistress of the year.

So, for the zodiac sign Leo, 2018 promises to be happy and successful. This is a period of growth and development, both internal and external. Now, in no case should you forget your loved ones, as well as those who were there in difficult times. Remember what you have achieved thanks to these people and what you can still achieve with new allies. Since Mars is not in the most favorable position at this stage, Leo is contraindicated from engaging in amateur activities that could lead to scandals. Do not provoke your loved ones under any circumstances, and how you treat other people - colleagues or casual acquaintances, that is, those to whom you do not owe anything, this no longer plays a decisive role. Although there still remains elementary morality, which, however, has never served as a limiter for Leos. You will be helped by Pluto, who, although he will not occupy any of the leading positions, will still be able to push you to the most correct and fair decisions. Moreover, justice should play a key role here, it is justice that should become your main motivator, otherwise problems are likely, first of all, of a family nature.

Lviv, among those who love new experiences, the events of 2018 will more than once surprise you with the need for a trip. This could be a business expansion or a business trip. In any case, new emotions and even real adventures await you if you decide to open up to a world that wants to shake you up. On the other hand, let's not forget main characteristic this year - harmony and peace. This does not mean that you need to sit at home and miss opportunities. However, you can travel and experience new emotions while being in a calm state of mind. Roughly speaking, before you go on a journey, solve your family problems, do not leave questions behind you. Otherwise, your journey may only create new problems. On the other hand, many new acquaintances await you. Some of them may be useful, while others will be very important in terms of your sensory development. If you have every opportunity to quit romantic relationship, do it, even if both understand that it will not last long for objective reasons. You will have a lot of strength and energy, and you will need to spend it.

In 2018, you can realize your old plans with absolute success. When starting new ones, be aware of mistakes and, in particular, how destructive rushing can be. This is a great time to clean up your tails. It would be good to take a break this year. This means having a real rest, and not flying to Turkey for a week. Rent a house in Phuket for a whole month and enjoy life! If you want, you can find much more budget option, the question does not rest on your financial capabilities. You can even hitchhike along the Black Sea coast! Just not alone, the stars recommend doing this together with your soulmate, if there is one. This period is especially good for romance. That is why at certain moments you definitely need to give freedom to your emotions. Just plan everything in advance; in relation to your zodiac sign, 2018 does not accept spontaneity. In fact, this is very important, because if you mess up, you may not be able to correct the situation later.

In general, the coming year of the Golden Ox is preparing quite a lot of interesting and interesting things for representatives of the Leo sign. positive points. The horoscope for 2021 for Leo will allow you to learn more about what is coming.

Influence Sun
Symbols lion, swan
Colors purple, gold, orange, scarlet, black, ( white– unsuccessful)
Stones amber, peridot, topaz, ruby, onyx, diamond
Flowers peonies, marigolds, gladioli, chrysanthemums
Metal gold
Mascot ladybug, lion, eagle
Favorable numbers 1, 5, 9
Happy days Sunday
Bad days Saturday

Character of the sign

All carriers of this sign are very assertive in life, they are ready to go ahead in order to achieve their goals. They love attention, so they prefer to be around people. At the same time special attention pay attention to appearance to create your own ideal image ready to spend their last savings. Leos do not overestimate their capabilities, but at the same time they do not reduce their importance. The feeling of being in demand brings them particular pleasure. At the same time, they do not miss the opportunity to teach someone wisdom, but they do not accept this kind of thing addressed to them.

Horoscope for Leo

In order for the year of the Ox to become more fun, happier and more successful for Leo, not much is needed, for example, it is important to always respect the point of view and feelings of the people who surround you. A rash word or action can easily disrupt a favorable atmosphere; in this case, you will not be able to avoid a scandal, divorce, division of property, or even the destruction of a business.

At the beginning of summer, you may have an excellent opportunity to move in order to expand your existing business or exchange knowledge, experience unprecedented sensations, make new acquaintances; such prospects will be of interest to absolutely all representatives of this sign.

At the beginning of autumn, a very unpleasant situation may occur, as a result of which your relationship with your partner will deteriorate significantly, and you will have to make a decision about further actions: either close your eyes to all grievances and save the relationship, or end everything and start living from scratch.

IN professional activity throughout all year round you will need to be tough and uncompromising. Thanks to this, you will eliminate the possibility of conflicts with your superiors and retain your position and existing level wages. And in November it is recommended to pay attention to investing. You should respond positively to the offer regarding the purchase of living space, land plot. This agreement will be successful and can bring dividends in a fairly short time.

Horoscope for 2021 for Leo woman

The horoscope for 2021 for Leo promises to be full of goals and their accomplishments. In the spring, you will be able to move away from the monotonous office work and move closer to an interesting, promising option in which you can take part in regular business trips abroad.

Your appearance will be so business-independent that you will be able to scare off those who are not confident in themselves, and thus you will easily get rid of male representatives who are unworthy of you. And the one who is able to break through the shell consisting of a tough disposition and uncompromisingness, instead of a serious Lioness woman, will get a gentle, fragile cat.

The months of June-September can bring you a lot of short novels. Representatives of the stronger sex are able to ignite desire in you, however, that’s where it all ends, because they don’t know how to prolong this fire of passion for a long time. In 2021, the Leo woman will leave behind many drooping men with broken hearts.

Carefully! The horoscope says that 2021 of the Ox is not the most good time for reckless actions. All the rash words you said without meaning, all the anger or irritation that you throw out on others will soon come back to you and make you regret it.

Autumn 2021 will be marked by a passion for expensive jewelry; it is advisable to control yourself and not spend all your remaining money on such a hobby.

Horoscope for 2021 for Leo man

Since the beginning of January, the horoscope for 2021 for Leo recommends that male representatives start drawing up detailed plan for the whole year. This will help eradicate the mistakes of past years and correct your mistakes, turning them into opportunities. You should not be afraid of risks, since you can achieve success in the year of the Ox only through decisive action.

Unfortunately, the summer period will not be distinguished by an influx of new acquaintances, but this does not mean that you need to despair and renew a relationship that you decisively ended earlier. It is better to devote all your free time to improving yourself and traveling with loved ones.

Those men who are already in a relationship should think about having a child. Surely your significant other will respond positively to such an initiative. It is worth remembering that it is first recommended to go to the place where the family is planned and get examined.

Love horoscope 2021 for Leo

The horoscope for 2021 for Leo recommends that the representative of the sign who is going to get married prepare for possible difficulties and learn to overcome them, starting from the first days life together. The level of your demands and lack of compromise will initially repel your partner, however, as the year ends, mutual understanding in your relationship will improve. The ideal period for getting married is within two months: September and October.

Openness in communication will help preserve warmth in marriage; partners must express their wishes and complaints, listen to the needs of loved ones. There is no need to reproach and blame your loved one, because with this approach you will only cause negative emotions towards yourself. The presence of quarrels and nervous breakdowns on both sides can cause a break in the relationship.

For those Leo men who have not yet started a family, summer and autumn periods will turn out to be the most optimal to meet your soulmate. You should be patient as the search period will extend long time However, those who wait and believe will be rewarded by fate with a spontaneous meeting with a person who will serve as a reliable partner and true friend.

Money horoscope

Attention! If during the period from April to May you gamble with particular enthusiasm and lead a riotous life, this can significantly reduce your cash savings.

Most Leos can easily borrow impressive sums of money from their friends and family, believing that they will be able to say goodbye to their debts in a short period of time thanks to the luck that is about to visit the player. However, there will be no winnings or rewards.

Starting from the summer season, there will be a possible investment of a large sum of money in an event with an unknown outcome of events; in case of a positive result, you will be able to multiply the invested amount many times over. However important task will not miss such a worthy opportunity, be always ready and get the maximum benefit from it.

Career Horoscope 2021 for Leo

The nice thing about next year's lord is that it doesn't create complications while achieving any goal.

In order to eliminate ill-wishers among your colleagues, you will need to be patient and tactful. Be friendly, even if in your heart you experience completely different emotions towards this person.

In 2021, a representative of the sign who does not have a job will have a chance to get one and receive a high salary. Summer period year is the optimal time to create own business, and if one already exists, then summer is perfect to take it to the next level. Make unusual contacts, thanks to this you will be able to quickly bring your business ideas to life.

Important! In order for all affairs in the year of the Ox to be completed successfully, Leo will need to complete all assigned work on time in a short period of time.

A topic related to image will be very relevant to you in next year. You are also advised to carefully monitor what you say and your behavior.

Health horoscope for 2021

Fortunately, the horoscope for 2021 for Leo does not foretell significant health problems. However, it is worth paying attention to the state of the digestive organs; they can remind you of their problems from time to time, especially for those who prefer fried, fatty foods and fast food.

If you do not take your health seriously, this may further negatively affect your work and rest schedule. Those who frequently resort to this careless attitude may end up with weak immunity by August. In order to restore your strength, you will need to relax thoroughly and preferably undergo several massage sessions.

But during the period of autumn and winter illnesses, you will be able to avoid catching a cold. As the year ends, you will need to be more careful while driving, because it is during this time period that the stars predict an increase in the possibility of an accident and the chance of getting a head injury.

Celebrities born under the sign of Leo

  • Daniel Radcliffe (July 23) is a British actor.
  • Jennifer Lopez (July 24) is an American actress and singer.
  • Alexandre Dumas the Father (July 24) – French writer.
  • Jacqueline Kennedy (July 28) – First Lady of the United States.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (July 30) is an American actor.
  • JK Rowling (July 31) – British writer.
  • Guy de Maupassant (August 5) - French short story writer.
  • Sofia Rotaru (August 7) ​​is a Ukrainian pop singer.
  • Mata Hari (August 7) ​​- famous courtesan.
  • Whitney Houston (August 9) is an American soul singer.
  • Antonio Banderas (August 10) – Spanish actor.
  • Napoleon I Bonaparte (August 15) - French emperor.
  • Walter Scott (August 15) – Scottish writer.
  • Madonna (August 16) is an American pop singer.
  • Alexander Green (August 23) – Russian poet and writer.

What would you like for yourself this year? Prosperity or warm relationships, a new job or a long vacation? A horoscope for Leo is a very subtle explanation of your intention to achieve the main thing - happiness and understanding, recognition and new prospects. After reading the horoscope for 2018, Leo will understand that the year will not be a bag of gifts, but material for this bag, which you yourself must sew from your dreams with the help of diligence.

You have to get the main thing - family, and that's the essence of everything this year. You have no denial this fact, but you are distracted by other topics and overly worry about the failures that happen in everyone’s life. Everything is not easy for you, you have unfinished business in every area, but you are in no hurry to complete it. You can start something new only after completing the old, only when you close the connection with the past. You hold on to the past and find nothing comforting in it.

Do not forget that part of what you have achieved is the merit of your friends, and not just yours, and at the moment when fate throws you some bonuses, do not regret and share, even if it is simple good mood. It doesn’t matter how you suggest it, the main thing is to make it clear that you remember people and appreciate their help.

The darkest time is before dawn. Already in spring, you will feel that your stress and worries are fading away, and the desire to achieve the maximum awakens in you. You will want to change everything in your life, and you will have the opportunity, but remember that it is not customary to change horses at the crossing, and you yourself are not so inclined to do this.

The warmth and comfort that your loved ones give you is solely their merit, and not your “holiness”, which already brings enough joy without it. Come down to earth and remember that you are just a person, with your disadvantages, and sometimes these disadvantages are quite significant. Learn to appreciate what your loved ones give you, and only in this way will you come to harmony.

Health and leisure

The horoscope for Leo for 2018 advises you to remember your physical form, since your emotional sphere is quite full of ambition, and this is precisely what can cause some diseases of the digestive tract. Gluttony and laziness are your favorite sins, and you know it very well. But the time has come to realize that at some point everything comes to an end.

Diet, sports, yoga, and it's better if you take it together. You are frightened by the fact that you will not be able to do everything, but you will definitely master it, because once you start, you will become so attached to this atmosphere and your feeling of increasing strength and at the same time lightness that it will become a part of your life forever.

Say goodbye to alcohol and tobacco, otherwise you will have a sick autumn, unpleasant complications of existing diseases, and nervous breakdowns.

Relax, alternating weekends with work, you have the strength for the correct regime, you’re just too lazy to admit it, and do what’s convenient for you.

Vacation is possible closer to autumn or even winter, but in summer you will be delayed new job, or family matters that you have been working towards for a long time. Don't miss the chance to leave home in order to truly relax, and not do repairs or work in the country.

Beware of hypothermia and colds, and if you do get sick, do not expect that everything will go away on its own, but visit a doctor, otherwise complications will not keep you waiting.

Finance and shopping

Leo will read the financial horoscope for 2018 like a book with several chapters, since he loves accuracy and scrupulous arrangement, and nothing will make him turn away from the chosen route.

The most important thing here is not to invent yourself a quest in which you need to complete an incredible number of steps; it is better to think about the steps and skip the unnecessary ones. You will achieve high financial independence if you learn to agree with other people's opinions, since it will be useful for you to listen to the advice of management, and this will bring you a significant increase in salary.

Don't rush to borrow even a small amount, since most likely you want to buy something that you can do without.

Spring doesn't wait, and you need to get up before summer the right way making money, not spending. Do your home accounting, calculate all your expenses, and see how much money is spent on little things. You may find that by avoiding unnecessary trips to the store, you can ditch your credit card.

In the fall, you will have a trip, a vacation, a long trip, in which you will especially need money, and therefore you must save up the main amount so that after the vacation you do not end up in debt, which will darken the joy and extinguish the flame of acquired emotions.

Career and business

The career horoscope for Leo for 2018 suggests that his growth will depend on his relationship with his leader. However, always knowing what he wants from life, Leo is in no hurry to admit his mistakes and therefore delays the time of his rise. No amount of arguments will convince you until you personally understand the seriousness of this issue, and first of all you should be motivated by the financial component of future opportunities.

Make an effort, find words for yourself to come to an agreement with your inner antagonist. You must admit that you are not always right and learn to work as a team. You are a member of a team that works like a chain, and you cannot delay completing your part of the work, since the rest of the work and the delivery of projects depends on you.

Consider changing jobs, but not before the summer, as spring gives you a chance to develop new skills that will make you a more desirable employee in your new place.

Love and family

Leo will read the love horoscope for 2018 like a colorful magazine with a lot of bright events that await you. The stars probably have special plans for you, since from summer to late autumn you will have a chance to start a family and become happy, having acquired several forms at once in the person of your spouse. You will have a friend, assistant, ally and lover all rolled into one. You must consider this gift of fate and under no circumstances miss it. Take a closer look at your friends, among whom your future may be.

Family signs are overly self-confident and lose sight of the fact that their deception can be revealed at any moment. You shouldn’t go to great lengths without being sure that everything is fine at home. You attract attention by the fact that your mood changes when people of the opposite sex pay attention to you. This may offend your other half. Flirting in the workplace will only frustrate work relationships and create more gossip.

It’s not bad if you decide to relax with your loved one, let your relationship take its course a little.

Signs born from July 23 to August 1 forced to change their lifestyle and take life not as easily as before. The desire to be first will not let you go, but you should not devote all your time to yourself.

Signs born from August 2 to August 10 they are afraid of what they feel now in relation to their loved ones, and it seems to them that they are losing the reins with which they could previously control their loved ones. They become soft and trusting. This is useful and you should not be afraid of such a change.

Signs born from August 11 to August 22 romance and lyrics. You are filled with creative enthusiasm, and you see spring and happiness in everything, the chirping of birds and the fluffiness of snowflakes. Whether it’s love or harmony with yourself – only you know, but prolong this feeling as long as possible.

Leo Woman

You are a fusion of tenderness and strength at the same time, and from the very beginning of the year, thanks to this, you will have the opportunity to refuse the proposal that you have been waiting for a long time. If you don’t like at least one point of the conditions, do not agree, since this point will become a stumbling block in employment contract, and in marriage. Read more >>>

Male - Leo

It's hard to admit it, but it's time to admit that you are not omnipotent and your powers are not infinite. The horoscope for Leo - men looks like a complete fiasco at first glance, but...

Horoscope for 2018. Lion. Our horoscope will tell you what awaits Leo in 2018 in relationships, family, career and work, and what will happen with health. This page presents the general horoscope for Leo for 2018. Here you will not read clear instructions for action for the Leo zodiac sign for 2018, but the stars will give you enough hints. Just analyze them and compare them with your life and you will surely find a lot useful information!

Leo in 2018

The Yellow Earth Dog will give peace and joy to the self-confident and courageous Leo; at the beginning of the year, people born under this sign will have to go through many tests to prove that they are worthy of the patronage of the owner of the year. At the same time, you should not boast about your successes and look down on less fortunate colleagues - by doing this, Leos can significantly worsen their social position. Be open and beware of intrigue - that's what astrologers advise.


You will have enough time to resolve all personal issues. The horoscope states that in love relationships everything will not be as simple as before. This is the best time to settle down, exclude lies and deception from communication with your soul mate. The owner of the year also does not like these qualities, so you should be honest, kind and sincere. Only then will you meet your true love.


There may be some anxiety in your family this year. There may be reasons for conflicts, but Leos will be able to find a way out of any situation. Don’t be angry with household members who are trying to control you, pestering you with calls and unnecessary conversations - this is how they show their care. Remember, they only want what's best for you, so don't let pride take over and ruin your peace of mind.

Career and work

In terms of career, new opportunities will open up for Leos. You may be offered a good position or old debts will be returned. Moreover, a mutually beneficial cooperation awaits you ahead with a person or company whose help you did not count on. Working moments will take you over your head, but the Earth Dog warns you against hasty decisions, especially those related to buying and selling. Carefully weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of the deal and only then agree to the partners’ terms.


The dog loves those who get up early and are always optimistic. Therefore, if you finally regulate your daily schedule and start falling asleep on time, there should be no health problems. But extreme stress is not good for your body either - dress according to the weather and pay attention to the alarm signals that your body may give you. Don't ignore the stars' hints, because your carelessness can play a cruel joke on you.

In general, this year will be favorable and financially stable for Leos, and even single representatives of the sign will be able to finally find their soulmate.