Eye care after lens replacement. Eye lens replacement: postoperative period

  1. After cataract surgery with artificial lens implantation, your eye is covered with a bandage to protect it from accidental contamination. The bandage should be removed the next morning and the eyelids (not the eye itself) treated with sterile cotton wool moistened with an aqueous solution of furatsilin 0.02% or an aqueous solution of chloramphenicol 0.25%. Starting from the first day after surgery, it is not advisable to constantly cover the eye with a bandage, under which it cannot blink and move freely. This bandage can be applied when you go outside, especially in the cold season. At home, you should use a “curtain” bandage, which consists of 2 layers of gauze and is attached to the forehead with an adhesive patch.
  2. On the day of the operation and during the rehabilitation period, pain may occur in the eye or periorbital area (superbrow, temple). In case of pain, it is advisable to take the tablets “Ketanov”, “Ketorol”, “Analgin” (according to the instructions for these drugs) and contact your doctor.


The recommendations offered are general, i.e. designed for most patients. In cases of an individual course of the postoperative period, the doctor can offer an individual treatment regimen and schedule for examinations of the patient.

  1. Mode. After cataract removal with artificial lens implantation, bed rest or semi-bed rest is not necessary. You should not sleep on the operated side or on your stomach for the first few days after surgery.
  2. Hygiene. When washing your face, avoid getting soap and water into your eyes. When washing your hair, tilt your head back, not forward. If water gets into the operated eye, rinse it with an aqueous solution of furatsilin 0.02% or an aqueous solution of chloramphenicol 0.25%.
  3. Be sure to visit your doctor on the appointed day!
  4. Bandage. In the postoperative period, during the first day, it is recommended to wear a bandage on the operated eye in order to protect it from airborne dust particles and exposure to bright light. The bandage is a “curtain” of 2 layers of gauze, which is located in front of the eye and secured with an adhesive plaster on the forehead.
  5. Eye drops needed for faster healing and prevention of infectious complications. As a rule, after the operation, the surgeon prescribes the instillation of several drugs: disinfectant drops (for example, Floxal, Ciprofloxacin, Tobrex, etc.), anti-inflammatory drops (for example, Naklof, Indocollir, etc.) or combined drugs (“Maxitrol”, “Tobradex”, etc.). Typically, drops are prescribed according to a decreasing scheme: the first week - 4 times a day, the second week - 3 times a day, the third week - 2 times a day, the fourth week - 1 time a day, then the drops are discontinued. Please check the recommendations at every visit to the doctor!


Your vision will improve significantly in the first days after surgery, but the final result after cataract removal with implantation of an artificial lens will be achieved after 1 month. During the healing and rehabilitation period, your eyes may look different. You may need temporary glasses or contact lenses to correct this situation. Once your eye is completely healed (1 month after surgery), you will be prescribed new glasses, either for reading or distance.

Gradually, the restrictions imposed in the postoperative period will be lifted. We offer you several useful recommendations that will help preserve vision:

  • Do not rub your eye or put pressure on it.
  • If possible, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation.
  • Keep to your doctor's appointment schedule.


Over a period of several weeks to several years, clouding of the remaining posterior capsule of the lens may develop - “secondary cataract”. Visual acuity is usually reduced. In this case, the doctor will perform surgical or laser dissection of the posterior capsule of the lens, which will restore vision.


  1. Wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Open the bottle.
  3. Tilt your head back or lie on your back and look up.
  4. Place the bottle upside down over your eye, avoiding touching your eye and eyelashes.
  5. Gently grasp the lower eyelid with your fingers and pull it down slightly.
  6. Turn your eye upward and squeeze the bottle slightly so that the drop falls into the space formed between eyeball and a retracted lower eyelid.
  7. Close your eye.
  8. To enhance the effectiveness of exposure and minimize systemic side effects eye drops press with your index finger (through a sterile napkin) internal corner palpebral fissure.
  9. When prescribing several drops, the interval between instillations should be about 5 minutes.
  10. Cap the bottle and store it as directed.

The most effective and safe method The surgical treatment of cataracts is to replace the lens of the eye using ultrasound or laser phacoemulsification. The recovery period after such treatment can be divided into three stages:

  1. ​ first week after surgery;
  2. ​ first postoperative month;
  3. ​ six months after treatment.

On first stage, immediately after surgery, the patient notes a significant increase in visual acuity. However, as after any other operation, there may be some unwanted reactions on painkillers and on the intervention itself (pain in the eye and surrounding areas, swelling of the eyelids, general weakness). To relieve such phenomena, non-steroidal painkillers can be prescribed, recommendations on nutrition and fluid intake, and head position during sleep are given.

On second stage vision improves even more noticeably, but its sharpness is unstable. In order to ultimately maximize the effect of treatment, you should follow a gentle eye regime in the first month after surgery. This applies to reading, watching TV, working at the computer. Temporary wearing of glasses to reduce eye strain may be indicated. As a rule, in the second period, eye drops are prescribed according to a specific individual scheme (anti-inflammatory and disinfectant solutions). By the end of the second rehabilitation period, the frequency of instillations is gradually reduced.

Third stage after ultrasound and laser phacoemulsification, it is characterized by maximum vision restoration at the beginning of this period. Only some restrictions remain, which are gradually being lifted. After vision has reached its maximum, it is possible to choose glasses or lenses for additional correction. Rehabilitation after extracapsular or intracapsular cataract extraction is longer. Only after the sutures are removed in the third postoperative period, vision is finally restored, and glasses or lenses can be prescribed.

Restrictions in the postoperative period

Most often, after the operation, the doctor conducts a conversation with the patient and explains the essence of the treatment performed, not only prescribing a drug therapy regimen, but also giving recommendations on the recovery period. It is advisable to write down this information and strictly follow it so that surgical treatment does not lose its original meaning due to violations of the rules of conduct during the recovery period. In a number of clinics, upon discharge, the patient is given a memo indicating the stages of rehabilitation and describing the rules and restrictions that minimize the risk of complications.

  • ​stress on vision;
  • medicines and treatment regimens;
  • ​ eye hygiene;
  • ​sleep mode;
  • ​ physical activity and weight lifting;
  • ​ thermal procedures and sun exposure;
  • ​ use of cosmetics in the eye area;
  • ​ nutrition, fluid intake;
  • ​ smoking and drinking alcohol

1.​ Visual stress should be constantly monitored, avoid long static staring and prolonged tracking of moving objects.

2. Watching TV and working on the computer is not more than an hour per day.

3.​ Reading is allowed in good lighting and only until the moment when a feeling of fatigue or other discomfort arises.

4.​ Driving a car is prohibited for a month after surgery.

5. Sleep restrictions concern posture. You should not sleep on your stomach or on the side where your eye was operated on.

6.​ When washing your face, you need to prevent water from getting into your eyes, especially if you don’t swim in ponds or pools. If water does get into the operated eye, it is recommended to rinse it with an aqueous solution of furatsilin 0.02% (chloramphenicol 0.25%).

7. It is necessary to avoid staying in dusty, steamy or smoky rooms.

8.​ Physical activity is strictly limited. Weight lifting is limited to 3 kilograms in the first month. Excessive effort increases intraocular pressure, which can lead to displacement of the artificial lens. Intense and sudden movements are limited for a month, and some sports - for life (diving, horse riding, cycling).

10.​ The diet excludes hot, spicy, salty foods. Alcohol and smoking should also be limited, ideally eliminated for a month. You should also avoid “passive smoking”.

Process post-operative recovery needs control and supervision of an ophthalmologist. Visits to the doctor are organized on an individual basis; their frequency is gradually decreasing.

Video about the postoperative period

Possible complications and undesirable consequences during surgical treatment of cataracts

As with any surgical treatment, it is impossible to completely eliminate the risks and complications of cataract surgery. Although the methods of modern ophthalmic surgery are highly effective and minimally invasive, and biocompatible implants and technologies are safe, in some cases certain negative complications may develop during or after surgery. They may be related to the following factors:

  • ​ individual characteristics of the patient that cannot be taken into account in advance (including due to incompleteness of the information provided or ignorance of the patient himself);
  • Violations of recommendations in the postoperative period;
  • ​doctor error during surgery.

The statistics of postoperative complications are as follows:

1. Secondary cataract (10-50%).

2. Increased intraocular pressure (1-5%).

3. Retinal detachment (0.25-5.7%).

4.​ Macular edema (1-5%).

5.​ Displacement of the intraocular lens (1-1.5%).

6.​ Hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye (0.5-1.5%).

Secondary cataract is the most common complication. This complication is most likely when an operation is performed without the use of microsurgical technologies. The material of the intraocular lens itself may also have a negative impact - it may not be entirely compatible with the individual immune characteristics of the patient. Secondary cataracts in most cases are subject to laser correction.

Increased intraocular pressure perhaps in the first 2-4 days after treatment. If the pressure is persistently elevated, puncture treatment is performed.

Retinal detachment most likely if treatment is carried out against the background of diabetes mellitus or severe myopia. This is a serious complication requiring urgent surgical intervention.

Macular edema is typical mainly for patients with metabolic disorders, diabetes mellitus, and a history of glaucoma.

Intraocular lens displacement(dislocation or decentralization) is most likely if there was a surgeon’s error during the operation, but can also be caused by violations of the regime in the postoperative period (stress, heavy lifting). This complication is corrected surgically.

Hemorrhage into the anterior chamber of the eye It may also be the result of a surgical error or errors in following a gentle regimen during the rehabilitation period. This complication is treated conservatively; in rare cases, rinsing the anterior chamber of the eye is required.

Prevention of cataracts

The existing risks of developing cataracts due to genetic predisposition or due to old age cannot be eliminated. If this is the case, you should limit yourself to regular preventive examinations so as not to miss the onset of the disease.

Sick diabetes mellitus You should remember the greater risk of developing cataracts, monitor carbohydrate metabolism and undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist.

Other known mechanisms for the development of cataracts - traumatic, chemical, radiation - are those factors that are dangerous not only for the eyes, but also for the entire body as a whole. Any normal person by default it tries to avoid such influences.

For early diagnosis of cataracts and other eye diseases in adulthood, it is recommended to undergo a preventive examination by an ophthalmologist at least once a year.

After surgical removal of cataracts, vision becomes much better in a short time. However, in order to maintain its sharpness and make the healing process as fast as possible, you should adhere to all the rules, as well as recommendations regarding the postoperative period.

Postoperative period: features

After the operation is completed, a special bandage is applied to the patient’s eye, which will protect the damaged organ from potential contaminants that cause infection. The bandage can be removed the morning after surgery. After removing the bandage without lifting the eyelid, the operated eye should be treated with a swab of sterile cotton wool, which is soaked in a 0.25% solution of chloramphenicol or a 0.02% solution of furatsilin.

During the first postoperative days, it is not recommended to leave the house, but if the need arises, you can leave by covering your eye with a protective bandage that prevents blinking and eye movement. To ensure absolute safety of the injured eye, a protective bandage should also be worn at home.

A homemade bandage is made from gauze folded in half and attached to the forehead using a plaster. If the healing process is active, with the permission of the doctor, you can use protective tinted glasses instead of a bandage.

After a few days, when the pain passes, the patient is allowed to watch TV or read books, making sure that there is not even the slightest feeling of eye fatigue. After surgery, vision quickly becomes good, but complete healing of the eye takes quite a long time - several months. During this period, it is better to avoid serious eye strain.

Possible postoperative complications

For some time after the operation, many patients feel pain in the eye, eyebrow or temple - this is normal, because the eye was injured during the operation. However, to eliminate the risk of postoperative complications, you need to tell your doctor about your feelings.

Unfortunately, complications after cataract surgery are common. A particularly common disease is secondary cataract, which develops over several years or even months after surgery. It occurs due to the fact that all remnants of the pathogenic cells of the cloudy lens have not been eliminated, because this is incredibly difficult.

Intraocular pressure may also increase, which occurs due to damage caused during surgery or under the influence of other individual factors (genetic predisposition, inadequate physical activity, diseases).

Another postoperative complication is retinal detachment. It can occur due to the negligence of the doctor, some past eye injuries, or the presence of certain diseases.

In addition, sometimes the lens becomes displaced. This complication requires repeated surgical intervention, as it occurs due to a surgeon’s error or due to a discrepancy between the size of the lens and the size of its supports.

Hemorrhage into the anterior chamber is also possible. Such a complication occurs due to the doctor’s fault, due to poor installation of lens supports or other operational errors; this often happens during severe physical exertion after surgery, which should be excluded. As a rule, hemorrhages are treated with medication; in rare cases, repeated surgery is required.

Retinal edema is a fairly rare postoperative complication that occurs if the patient suffers from other diseases, in case of poor postoperative care, or in the presence of eye injuries in the past. The risk of postoperative complications is minimized if the patient strictly adheres to the rules and recommendations expressed by the doctor and regularly uses the prescribed drops.

Postoperative restrictions

Cataract removal, despite the short recovery period, is a very serious operation. During the procedure, the eye is seriously injured. Therefore, for its speedy healing, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the following restrictions:

1. Do not lift objects that weigh more than five kilograms. This is fraught with an increase in intraocular pressure and the occurrence of edema, hemorrhages and retinal detachment.
2. You cannot tilt your head down sharply and for a long time, because such a position increases intraocular pressure.
3. It is prohibited to expose the eye to temperature. Therefore, you should refrain from visiting baths and saunas, do not stay in the open sun, and do not wash your hair hot water. After all high temperatures seriously increase the risk of hemorrhage.
4. It is necessary to exclude physical activity accompanied by a concussion of the body. It is worth stopping running, cycling or horseback riding, jumping of various kinds, etc., since shaking the body can lead to retinal detachment.
5. After surgery, the eye often becomes very watery. To wipe it off, you need to stock up on sterile swabs, which are moistened in boiled water. It is not recommended to rub such a swab over the eye or eyelid. You can only wipe the area under the eye.
6. Before the eye heals, you need to completely stop drinking alcohol and nicotine. Limit your daily intake of liquid, salt, spices, fatty or fried foods, as this can lead to swelling.
7. Do not use eye cosmetics.
8. Do not sleep on your side, on the side of the operated eye.
9. Stop driving a car for a while.

As the postoperative period progresses, restrictions will be gradually lifted. But if complications are identified, the list of prohibitions may become even longer.

Rehabilitation period

To ensure complete safety for the injured eye, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of rehabilitation. Often, these standards are the same for everyone, although in special cases the ophthalmologist can create an individual list.
During the rehabilitation period, the patient must adhere to the following:

Mode. Bed or semi-bed rest is not necessary even in the first days after surgery, but the intensity of physical activity must be kept to a minimum. Any activity can continue only until minimal eye fatigue occurs.

Hygiene. For the first few postoperative days, it is better to refrain from washing your face and limit yourself to wiping it with a damp cloth. If water accidentally gets into the operated eye, it should be immediately rinsed with a solution of furatsilin or chloramphenicol. It is also strongly recommended not to wash your hair; if necessary, wash your head with your head thrown back so that the water does not touch your face. The use of facial cosmetics is excluded.

Visiting a doctor. It is mandatory to attend scheduled appointments with your attending physician to assess the condition of the eye and the absence of possible complications.

Bandage. The bandage applied by the surgeon at the end of the operation can be removed the next morning. For mandatory wearing, you should make a blind bandage yourself from sterile gauze and attach it to the forehead with an adhesive plaster.

Eye drops. This necessary remedy rehabilitation, regardless of the speed and activity of the healing processes. Drops protect the eye from inflammation, infection, irritation, and soothe inflamed tissue. Such drops are prescribed by a doctor based on the identified individual characteristics the patient's body. The doctor also prescribes the dose and order of instillation.

It is very important for the patient to learn correct application eye solutions. This is not difficult at all, adhering to the following rules:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Shake the bottle and open it;
  • Throw your head back, look up;
  • Place the bottle upside down over the eye;
  • Pull the lower eyelid down with your finger;
  • It is easy to squeeze the bottle or the attached pipette so that 1 drop of the product falls into the space between the apple of the eye and the retracted eyelid;
  • Close your eyelids;
  • Cover the eye with a sterile napkin and lightly press the inner corner of the eye with your index finger for 3-5 seconds;
  • If it is necessary to instill several drugs, it is worth observing a five-minute interval;
  • After use, the bottle is closed and placed in the designated storage area.

Operation cataract removal takes no more than 15 minutes, but postoperative period is an integral part of treatment.

Full recovery usually takes 6 months, this period may vary depending on the patient’s condition, his age, ability to regenerate, degree of illness, lifestyle and compliance with the postoperative regimen.

The rehabilitation period also depends on the method used to perform the operation.

According to statistics, after laser surgery, recovery is faster and easier than after ultrasound.

Basic rules for rehabilitation after surgery

With the right approach, following all instructions and daily routine, the postoperative period will pass quickly and without complications.

Compliance with the regime

Adequate rest and moderate activity are necessary, this means 8 hours of sleep. In the first days, it is not recommended to go outside (if necessary, you can only go outside wearing a special bandage).

High-quality nutrition is very important; the menu should be varied and rich in fiber, vegetables and fruits. You can eat dairy products, lean meats, and definitely broths.

This will help avoid constipation; it is not advisable for the first 10 days.

If there is a predisposition, then at first it is necessary to carry out prevention, it is permissible to use a little herbal laxative.

Sometimes the attending physician prescribes a diet based on individual characteristics, which must be followed.

It is worth refusing to bend in any direction, if you need to pick up an object from the floor, doctors recommend that you first sit down without bending your torso, then bend over a little.

Do not lift heavy objects or carry heavy objects - this can lead to increased intraocular pressure and sometimes hemorrhage.

During the first 7 days, go outside only wearing a gauze bandage. Do all manipulations on time, namely dressings, instilling drops, regular visits to the doctor, and if there are any signs of complications, attend an unscheduled appointment.

After surgery to remove cataracts, the eye begins to see after 2 hours, but vision loses its sharpness, fogginess and blurriness of objects are possible. That's why Doctors prescribe wearing glasses for the rehabilitation period.

Lens diopters can differ greatly from each other, and experts insist on individual production; it is strictly forbidden to rent or buy glasses ready-made options. This may cause vision impairment.

Carrying out hygiene procedures

The operation, when the cataract is removed, in the postoperative period involves observing the rules of personal hygiene.

This measure will prevent both viral and bacterial infections, which are the cause of complications.

Daily washing should be done without using cosmetics, with warm, running water, with your eyes closed.

You should bathe in the shower; hot baths should be avoided. When washing your hair, tilt your head back as much as possible to prevent shampoo from getting into your eyes.

Using a special bandage

This necessary measure after cataract removal. After surgery, the doctor applies a special bandage. She performs protective function, it is removed only the next day.

Then the patient independently washes the eye daily using furatsilin solution. Cover your eye and blot it several times with a sterile cotton swab.

Then apply a protective gauze bandage. Fold a sterile napkin in half and carefully fix it on your head with a bandage; for better fixation, you can additionally use a plaster.

The operation is cataract, the postoperative period of which requires attention and compliance with all rules.

Using eye drops

During the rehabilitation period, the doctor prescribes medications:

Visiting your doctor

It is necessary to come for examination to a specialist the next day after the operation, then after 10 days for a second examination.

But at the first signs of inflammation, complications, severe pain, or sensation of a foreign body, it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist unscheduled.

Also, if you experience the following symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor:

How to properly apply eye drops during rehabilitation

You should lie on your back, tilt your head back a little. Then pull back the lower eyelid with your index finger without using force and drop 1 drop.

Do not touch the dispenser to your eye, keep the bottle upright. If you need to repeat the procedure, you should wait 1-2 minutes and repeat the manipulation.

Remove excess liquid with a clean, sterile napkin and wipe the skin without touching the eye or pressing on nearby tissue.

What not to do in the postoperative period after cataract surgery

The operation was performed and the cataract was removed; the postoperative period requires some restrictions:

What to do if complications occur

Important to know! If, however, water or foam from a cosmetic product penetrates into the operated eye, then it is necessary to immediately rinse with a specially prepared furatsilin solution.

If there is slight redness, it usually goes away after applying the drops.

Inflammatory processes - these include inflammation of the conjunctiva, blood vessels of the eye, and iris. You need to see a doctor. A specialist prescribes anti-inflammatory drops, and within a few weeks the eye returns to normal.

High intraocular pressure - the patient experiences pain in the eye sockets, which may develop into a headache. There is pain in the eyes, and a feeling of heaviness when closed.

The doctor prescribes drops; they stabilize the functioning of the circulatory system of the eyeball.

Hemorrhage is reddening of the white as a result of a ruptured vessel.– occurs extremely rarely, is accompanied by pain and possible visual impairment. You should consult a doctor immediately.

Retinal edema - occurs due to mechanical impact, accompanied by unpleasant sensations and a blurry image. Therapy with eye drops is necessary.

Retinal detachment – ​​patients with myopia are at risk, but if you follow all the rules for care after surgery and use drops, this complication can be avoided.

Displacement of the lens - occurs when lifting heavy objects and during active physical activity during rehabilitation. Requires immediate surgical intervention.

What further eye care after cataract removal?

After the rehabilitation period is completed, it is necessary to treat your vision with care and follow the following recommendations:

If you follow all the rules in the postoperative period after cataract surgery, you can avoid complications. This will allow you to recover faster, as well as improve your visual acuity, maintaining your health for a long time.

This video will tell you about cataract surgery and the postoperative period:

This video will tell you about the prohibitions in the postoperative period after cataract removal:

Cataract is a disease that can be treated surgically in the later stages of development. With this pathology, complete or partial clouding of the lens is observed. Without proper treatment, the disease progresses to the point of complete blindness. To correct the situation in the case of a “mature” stage of pathology, cataract surgery will be required. A person’s postoperative behavior after surgery should be special in order to quickly return to normal.

Features of surgical treatment of cataracts

During an elimination operation, doctors remove the clouded lens, replacing it with a new, artificial one. Surgical intervention is prescribed if other treatment methods have not helped to cope with the pathology. Indications for lens replacement may include abnormalities of its development, dislocations, secondary cataracts or cataracts in late stages.

Untreated cataracts can lead to vision loss, so they should be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. If all else fails, the doctor will recommend surgery. It will be selected depending on the patient’s age, as well as the characteristics of the disease.

Table. Types of operations.

With laser The most effective and popular technique. The operation is carried out with high accuracy, is less traumatic than others and makes it possible to recover fairly quickly. Postoperative complications develop extremely rarely, but vision improves as much as possible.
Intracapsular An operation that is performed less frequently than other types. With this form of intervention, not only the lens is removed, but also the capsule in which it is located. During the operation, a fairly large incision is made, which severely injures the eyes and prolongs the rehabilitation period.
Extracapsular In this form of surgery, only the affected lens is removed, and a new one is placed in its place, in the capsule. The operation is completed by suturing.

The operation itself has already been sufficiently mastered and there is no need to be afraid that something will go wrong. However, the postoperative period is very important time. During the rehabilitation period, you will need to follow a lot of rules and recommendations so that the healing process proceeds as quickly as possible and does not end in complications.

Note! In general, the rehabilitation period after cataract surgery lasts 3-12 months.

Rehabilitation period

After the operation, doctors apply a bandage to the operated eye, which will protect it from infections and dirt. It is removed only the next day in the morning, after which the eyelids are treated with a solution of furatsilin (0.02%) or chloramphenicol aqueous solution (0.25%). Next, the patch is usually not worn to allow the eye to move and blink. The exception is going outside, especially if the weather is cool. Then you can't do without a bandage. In general, going outside for the first few days is not recommended at all. At home, you can use the so-called curtain bandage made of gauze, which is fixed on the forehead with a plaster.

Attention! You need to be prepared for the fact that immediately after surgery you may experience pain in the eye that radiates to your head. In this case, you can relieve pain by drinking an analgesic tablet like Ketanov.

In general, the recovery period can be divided into three stages:

  • 1-7 days from the moment of lens replacement. This week is characterized by pain in the eye. The doctor prescribes painkillers.
  • 8-31 days after surgery. During this time, it is important to wear glasses and use eye drops prescribed by your doctor. Eye strain should be moderate.
  • the next 5 months – the third stage of rehabilitation. The visual functions of the eye are completely restored.

How to live after surgery?

Of course, any surgical intervention in one way or another affects a person’s normal life. There are some restrictions that are important to follow so that the eyes recover as quickly as possible. Watching TV, reading or sitting at the computer is not prohibited, but the load should be moderate and not overstrain your eyes. If you experience any unpleasant sensations, it is better to stop watching your favorite program and do something else.

It is important to organize a gentle regime for the eyes and follow the following basic recommendations:

  • give up alcohol and cigarettes at least during recovery;
  • eat dietary dishes no spices, fatty foods;
  • Do not use decorative cosmetics;
  • It is forbidden to perm or dye your hair;
  • It is not advisable to drive for the first 20 days after the operation;
  • if a person sleeps on his side, then it is important to lie on the opposite side relative to the operated eye;
  • do not touch or rub your eyes;
  • outdoors it is important to wear tinted glasses to protect your eyes from bright light;
  • it is important to avoid physical activity and not lift heavy objects (over 5 kg);
  • bending is prohibited. If you need to lift something, it is better to sit down.


The success of the entire rehabilitation largely depends on how responsibly a person is in following all the doctor’s recommendations. Thus, it is important to use eye drops according to the prescribed scheme, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammation and disinfecting. They are used daily, but the number of instillations per day is gradually reduced. Over time, the swelling will go away, and the cornea will heal faster under the influence of the drugs.

Attention! should only be instilled into the eye that has undergone surgery.

Vision will be restored gradually. There is usually some cloudiness in the lens area at first, but this clears up within the first week special drugs. Then the doctor cancels them. Apply eye drops only to pre-washed hands.

Hygiene, nutrition, exercise

It is very important to follow all the rules of personal hygiene. The first time after surgery, you should be especially careful to ensure that no dirt gets into your eyes, but in no case should you allow soap, gels, or other substances to get into your eyes. household products. You just have to wash your face clean water. But hands must be washed with soap. It is important to ensure that dust does not get into your eyes. Glasses will help protect your eyes from it on the street. If dust or a foreign body gets into the eye, it should be rinsed with a solution prescribed for this purpose by the doctor.

When washing your hair, it is important to protect your eyes from getting shampoo in them. To do this, you can wash your hair only by tilting it back. To make the procedure easier, you can ask someone for help. During the first days, it is generally recommended to avoid taking a bath or shower - it is better to simply wipe your body with a damp towel.

Attention! If shampoo gets into your eyes, they should be washed with a solution of chloramphenicol or furatsilin.

After surgery it is important to reduce physical activity to a minimum. You will have to forget about sports altogether for at least six months. As for walks, it is better to avoid them for the first days. Then you can walk with the bandage on.

The diet will help you recover faster. It is advisable to exclude fried, spicy, and overly spiced foods from the menu during rehabilitation. Salted and smoked foods are also temporarily removed. It is best to eat more vegetable and fruit dishes, and replace meat with fish. Sweets and other foods containing large number carbohydrates should be reduced to a minimum in your menu.

Examinations by a doctor should be regular; appointments should not be missed - the specialist will monitor how the eye is recovering and, if something happens, will promptly respond to negative changes, preventing possible complications. As a rule, after surgery, you need to see a doctor the next day, then after 7 days, and then after 30. After this, you will only need to see a doctor after 6 months for a routine examination, where a diagnosis will be made and the effectiveness of the operation will be assessed.

Attention! While the eye is restoring its visual functions, you will need glasses with lenses of different diopters. The first month the glasses will be temporary; after 4 weeks they will need to be replaced with others.

After rehabilitation is completed, you will still have to comply with a number of restrictions. Thus, after cataract treatment, it is prohibited to lift weights over 40 kg or engage in strength sports such as wrestling. The eyes will have to be protected from a number of mechanical and chemical influences.

How to recover after eye surgery?

Step 1. You should protect your eyes from getting water in them. It is best to temporarily eliminate regular washing and simply wipe your face with a wet towel.

Step 2. When washing, you need to fill the bath with enough water so that it does not reach your face. It is better not to sit in water for a long time, so as not to irritate your eyes with excess moisture. You should wash your head only by tilting it back.

Step 3. Makeup is prohibited. Especially if we're talking about about shadows, powder and other finely dispersed products.

Step 4. When outdoors, even in cloudy weather, you should wear sunglasses. They will protect your eyes from ultraviolet radiation and dust.

Step 5. At first, it is important to ensure that dust does not get into your eyes, and also not to be in smoky spaces. You should travel in a car with the windows closed.

Step 6. Rubbing your eyes is prohibited, even if you feel severe itching. Touching your eyes with your fingers can cause an infection, which can lead to complications.

Step 7 It is important to wash your hands with soap after every walk. It is also a good idea to wash your hands after interacting with animals or before doing any manipulations with your eyes.

Step 8 You need to organize yourself a menu consisting of healthy and healthy food– vegetables, fruits, steamed meat or fish, etc.

Step 9 Don't overexert yourself everyday life and burden yourself. It is also important to control eye strain - read less or sit at the computer.

Step 10 You should not have sex after eye surgery for the first time. It is better to wait at least 10-14 days.

Step 11 For the first days after surgery, you should not drive. This type of activity puts too much strain on the eyes.

Step 13 It is also important to avoid physical activity.

Step 14 It is important to eliminate alcohol and tobacco from your life at least temporarily. They have a negative effect on health and do not contribute to a speedy recovery.

Step 15 Eye drops must be used strictly as prescribed by your doctor.

Step 16 Cleansing the eyes and the area around them is also performed only in ways recommended by a specialist.

Step 17 For the first few days, when going outside, it is important to wear a protective gauze shield over your eyes.

Video - Rehabilitation after cataract removal

Cataract surgery, if performed by an experienced doctor, is unlikely to cause deterioration in health. On the contrary, a person will again be able to see everything. But it is important to properly organize your life and leisure time during the rehabilitation period, to take care of yourself and your visual organs. Only in this case will it be possible to return to ordinary life V as soon as possible, and the operation will not have negative consequences.