Installation of windows in accordance with GOST 30971. Installation of plastic windows: rules, sequence

7 minutes to read.

More recently, only wooden window frames were used in the glazing of residential buildings and industrial buildings. Today, many consider them to be relics of the past and are in a hurry to replace them with modern metal-plastic structures. Indeed, in addition to high performance, they are much cheaper than wooden frames. To install plastic windows with your own hands, you do not need to have superpowers. Almost anyone who can handle a tool can handle such a task.

However, do not forget that each job requires certain skills and craftsmanship. Lack of experience in installing windows can lead to a number of troubles. These are systematic breakdowns, a loose fit and high street air throughput into the apartment.

To avoid the above points, in this article we will provide step-by-step instructions that will help you install your windows correctly and efficiently. If you do decide to trust the professionals, be aware that some of them are not really like that, and for a number of reasons, they openly neglect certain stages of proper installation (some save time, others - money). Having an idea of ​​the work being carried out, you can easily exercise independent control over the entire process. And later you will enjoy high-quality operation of your windows, which will bring joy to all family members.

The main steps for installing new windows:

  • taking measurements;
  • dismantling of old windows;
  • preparation of openings;
  • installation of a metal-plastic structure.

Not everyone knows that the manufacturer does not give absolutely any guarantee for their services in the case of installing windows on their own. Therefore, if various troubles arise during the installation process, do not rely on a refund or replacement. All metal-plastic structures are made strictly according to the previously agreed dimensions. In case of your mistake, the window may not fit in the opening or turn out to be much smaller. And it will only be your fault. The company's employees are solely responsible for the implementation of each stage of the installation of the product.

Also, any inaccuracy made when installing a metal-plastic window will deprive you and your loved ones of all the advantages of a modern design and the expected level of comfort.

Measurements of windows

Carrying out the necessary measurements, you need to pay attention to the fact that window openings exist with a quarter and without. Accordingly, they have different formulas for calculating sizes.

For the first case, we must measure the width of the opening between the existing quarters, this is done at the narrowest point. And then add 3-4 cm to the obtained figures - this will be the width of our plastic frame. In addition, it is important to check that the largest distance between vertical quarters should not exceed the calculated block width.

Read also: "Karcher" for cleaning windows: features of use and advantages

The height is determined by measuring between the upper quarter and the lower surface of the window opening.

If the window opening is without a quarter, the desired values ​​can be obtained by subtracting 5 cm from the vertical dimension (to put the window sill) and 3 cm from the horizontal one.

When determining the size of the window sill and low tide, it is worth considering the following details:

  1. Often the size of the window sill is chosen based on its functionality. It should cover the heating batteries and house flowers should be placed on it;
  2. Along the length of the window sill, they take the window opening that is 8-10 cm higher, its edges should be drowned in the slope cavity by about 4-5 cm;
  3. The dimensions of the low tide are calculated taking into account the planned insulation. It is recommended to leave it protruding 5-10 cm from the wall.

Features of measurements of balcony windows

When calculating the width of the balcony windows, the length of the parapet is taken as a basis, it is on it that the entire structure will lean. Also, on both sides, it is necessary to subtract 6-7 cm, which will be needed for the installation of the corner profile, with the help of it the window blocks of the front and side parts are connected. The distance from the roof to the railing, with the exception of a difference of 2.5-3 cm, which is important to set aside for the clearances for fastening, will be the height.

With regard to the side balcony frames, their dimensions are determined in the same way. The only thing is that you need to subtract 6-7 cm from the width for the installation of the corner profile, as well as 2.5-3 cm for the gap from the wall to the window.

Features of measurements of windows in private houses and buildings of the old fund

When measuring windows in private houses and buildings of the old fund, it is recommended to first beat off part of the slopes on both sides (at the measurement sites). This is done in order to see what the space occupied by the window opening is. It often happens that there are dilapidated cement mortar and various insulation materials that can crumble in the process of disassembling the existing window. On the positive side, the new plastic structure can be slightly enlarged by expanding the cleaned window opening.

Ordering a metal-plastic window

Before contacting a company with an order, you should think about what type of glass unit is right for you. It can be one-, two- or three-chambered. As for the fittings and fasteners, you can also choose them yourself.

With the technical characteristics of plastic windows, which will be preferable for your home, the consultants of the manufacturer's company will help you figure it out at the time of ordering.

Some important points during installation

When installing windows on your own, you should pay attention to the following:

  • the metal-plastic structure must be well fixed;
  • the mounting foam, with which the windows were fixed, must be plastered on both sides (this will prevent its subsidence and deformation of the frame in the future);
  • it is very important to align the structure vertically and horizontally using a level (this will help to avoid skewing).

How to install plastic windows with your own hands

Before starting the installation, prepare everything you need for work:

  1. Window frame with fasteners;
  2. Building level;
  3. Polyurethane foam;
  4. A pry bar;
  5. Grinder;
  6. Windowsill.

Window block preparation process

The preparation of the window is an important step in the installation work that you carry out with your own hands. If necessary, the double-glazed windows and hinged sashes themselves are dismantled from the window structure. To release the glass unit, a chisel is used, it is very carefully necessary to pry out the glazing bead (fastener) with it, and after a light blow on the tool, it will come out of the grooves. Then the vertical fasteners are removed, top and bottom. The freed glazing beads will need to be marked, sometimes their sizes can differ significantly, which will lead to the formation of gaps of several millimeters. The double-glazed window will come out of the grooves on its own if the frame is tilted slightly. Lean it gently against the wall, creating a small angle.

These days, plastic windows are in great demand. They allow you to create comfort in the apartment and reliably protect from the cold. However, in order for modern double-glazed windows to really perform all their functions and serve the owners for many years, they must be manufactured and installed taking into account all requirements and rules.

For this, a special document is being developed - a state standard. It is on him that you need to rely on when deciding on the installation of metal-plastic or wooden window systems.

Installation technology in accordance with GOST provides for strict adherence to the specified parameters. It is better to do the work in stages.

Installation of pvc windows in accordance with GOST instructions recommends starting with the preparation of the opening. The old frames must be dismantled first. They are taken out and any remaining construction waste is removed. The opening should be cleaned to the concrete or brick base of the frame. Then the master treats with a primer so that new window blocks can be installed.

Preparing the opening for window installation

Do not forget that the installation rules do not allow the use of water for these purposes. It is necessary to prime the surfaces in order to ensure a good connection of materials and tightness.

Also, along the entire length of the frame, a special compressed tape is fixed from the outside. This compacted material will remove the remaining moisture in the window opening. After that, workers should attach a dense white diffusion tape with a rubber backing to the product. Thus, the assembly seam of pvc windows will be well waterproofed.

The next step is to attach the anchor plates to the frame.

Appearance of the serrated anchor plate

They are installed around the perimeter of the window block. The space between the plates should be 70 centimeters. After fixing the plates in the opening, the resulting space is poured with polyurethane foam. It provides additional thermal insulation as well as noise protection. Then the glass unit itself is fixed. In the process of operation, the window block is fixed in the opening not on concrete, but on wooden blocks treated with an antiseptic. Such supports reduce the gaps between the frame and the slopes. According to regulatory documents, the gaps should not exceed two centimeters.

Before the bottom seam is closed with a metallized heat-insulating tape. It is important to carry out all work carefully. The tape is attached to the outside of the product. Polyurethane foam ideally remains hidden.

Sill mount

The window sill is mounted after the completion of the main work. A cement screed is made on the concrete for greater strength. So the window sill will not sag and will withstand heavy loads. The slopes inside the room are superimposed on the initial profile. During the installation process, a building level is constantly used to control the angle of inclination of the frame. Even a slight excess of the norm can lead to the fact that the window will be difficult to open and close.

Window profile inserts

Plastic windows, GOST 30674 99 for which require special steel profiles, must be installed with just such reinforcing parts. There is also a specification for these elements.

Profiles for plastic windows

Their walls are made of a certain thickness and with a given section. According to GOST, the parameters of the profiles and amplifiers are indicated separately during manufacture. The main requirements for the reinforcement of window systems are as follows:

If the glass unit weighs more than 60 kg, then in such structures, as well as in reinforced window blocks, liners are used, trimmed at an angle of 450.

Product dimensions

When installing, we will also be interested in the height of the window from the floor, the guest for which is provided. As you can see from the parameters specified in the gost, windows and doors of residential buildings differ in size. These parameters can be changed. The dimensions of the glass units are determined by the types of frames. They can be single, double or triple glazed.

Varieties of double-glazed windows

Special terrace frames are also used.

In accordance with GOST 11214 86, windows and balcony doors must have standard opening sizes.

Excerpt from GOST for the installation of windows

Their heights can be 60, 90, 120, 135 and 180 cm. The width of the openings is also 60, 90, 100, 120, 135, 150 and 180 cm. The humidity is 8-12% according to the standards.

Common parameters are determined by cross-section elements and glass directly. For example, consider a typical window block, the width of which is 1320 mm, with side sections of 85 mm, the average section being 130 mm. The glass for each sash must have a minimum width of 525 mm. At the same time, on each side, the strapping includes, in accordance with the requirements, 7.5 mm of glass. The visible width of the glass is 510 mm. The size of the window opening is also determined by the structure of the wall.

Windows in residential buildings

Often, the parameters of window blocks in one panel house differ by 10-15 cm. In such cases, when taking measurements, you cannot do without the help of professional craftsmen. However, product design always relies on existing standards for typical buildings. If you are interested in the correct installation of windows according to GOST, how to do it correctly, video editing can be found on our website and to avoid serious mistakes.

Fastening a double-glazed window

So, the height of a standard window with two sashes should be 1300, and the width - 1400. For tricuspid structures, the width is usually from 2050 to 2070, and the height is 1400.

In five-story residential buildings of old buildings, the width of the window sills affects the size of the double-glazed windows. If they are wide, the parameters of double-leaf windows are 1450 × 1500, and three-leaf windows are 2040 × 1500. For narrow window sills, windows with dimensions of 1300 × 1350 and 2040 × 1350, respectively, are installed. Thus, knowing the type of residential building, it is easier to determine the parameters of the structure.

If you decide to install pvc windows, GOST 30970 2002 provides different standard sizes for them - depending on the size of the opening. Therefore, you need to carefully measure. It is better to seek help from a specialist.

Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST 30971 of 2002 involves the use of a three-layer assembly seam. To ensure reliable waterproofing, the joint width should be 15 to 18 cm from the corner. If this parameter is increased, then the fastening will not be so strong, and if the width of the seam is insufficient, the window may deform under the influence of high temperatures.

Features of the installation of aluminum windows

Gost for aluminum windows includes several sections. The first indicates the general characteristics of the products covered by the documentation. The second part provides links to other regulatory documents with requirements for the installation of aluminum windows.

The third section is devoted to the classification of products and their labeling. Aluminum windows differ in properties, types and sizes.

Types of aluminum profiles

Each is assigned a symbol, which indicates the parameters of the windows. The fourth section is called “Technical Requirements”. It sets out the indicators of the quality of products. Also in this part of GOST, the boundary parameters of aluminum window systems by weight, geometry and conditions of maximum deviations from them are given. Also in this section you can find the requirements for the operation, design and configuration of the supplied units. It describes the rules for packaging products, their labeling. The basic installation requirements are listed.

Rules for installing wooden windows

A normative document defining the requirements for the installation of window systems was adopted back in 2002. Installation of wooden windows in accordance with GOST also provides for the observance of certain conditions. So, the window block must be fixed in the opening by all means using anchor plates or bolts.

From the outside, the assembly seam is closed with a sealing tape for reliable waterproofing. After that, the joint is filled with foam. At the same time, it is not worth trimming the edges of the frozen mass. After the polyurethane foam hardens, a special film forms on it, which protects the window from moisture. From the inside, the seam is covered with a vapor barrier self-adhesive material, on top of which plaster can be applied.

By fulfilling the above installation requirements, the installation joint can be made air- and moisture-tight from the side of the room and at the same time ventilated to the outside.

It should be remembered that during the subsequent finishing of the slopes, the plaster should not remain on the surface of the window frames. It can damage the paintwork of wood products.

Wood windows are vapor permeable to a certain extent. This is their undoubted merit.

Wooden frames on the loggia

They can maintain the natural humidity level in the room. Aluminum and plastic windows are deprived of this advantage. In rooms with this type of glazing, the air is often too dry, which does not in the best way affect the health of the residents. Sometimes the owners of pvc glazing systems are faced with another problem - excessive condensation on slopes and walls, and even the appearance of mold. To avoid such troubles, you should take care of insulating windows and equipping them with a high-quality supply ventilation system.

Compliance with the conditions specified in regulatory documents is strictly mandatory for manufacturers of various window systems. The installation of double-glazed windows should always be carried out in a certain sequence by the guest and in compliance with the necessary requirements. In this case, the windows will serve you for a long time and will perform all their functions well.


Preparation of the opening for the installation of the window External view of the toothed anchor plate Profiles for plastic windows

Advantages of installing windows in the Moscow Windows company

Established erection crews (not hired). Employees are citizens of the Russian Federation.

All assembly crews are trained in their own service center, they undergo training and certification annually.

All assembly and fastening materials are purchased centrally from trusted suppliers.

Automated calculation of installation materials allows you to ensure compliance with GOST standards. Elimination of errors in the calculation of materials.

Installation quality control. Every day, an independent quality control service selectively visits the sites to check the work performed.

Getting feedback. In 2 days after installation, the quality control dispatcher will contact you, and you will appreciate our work.

The service life of plastic windows is 40 years or more, but only competent installation provides them with high performance properties. Installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST is one of the Moscow Windows Standards.

The company offers two installation options using unique technologies: basic SetEco ™ and installation in accordance with GOST SetFull ™.

Installation of windows using the SetFull ™ system

Installation of plastic windows using SetFull technology is carried out in accordance with GOST, while taking into account the features and disadvantages of buildings.

A special composition protects the assembly seam both from the street side and from the room side.

Installation warranty for the SetFull ™ system is 5 years.

System components:

  1. Polyurethane foam.
  2. Pre-compressed sealing tape.
  3. Waterproofing tape (membrane type)
  4. Vapor barrier layer.

Installation of windows according to the SetEco ™ system

This is the basic installation type. The materials used are easy to use, while providing a basic seal for the assembly seam. For additional protection, "Outside seam insulation" is carried out. The service includes the installation of two special insulating tapes. Recommended by the "Moskovskiye Okna" company, for orders with plastic slopes, providing reliable vapor barrier from the side of the room.

Installation warranty for SetEco ™ system is 2 years

System components:

  1. Polyurethane foam.
  2. Pre-compressed sealing tape. *
* PSUL tape is installed only when ordering the service "Insulation of the assembly seam"

Installation according to GOST

Modern plastic windows require competent installation. When installing plastic windows, all future loads on the window must be taken into account: mechanical, temperature and chemical. The functional durability of the window primarily depends on the correct installation of the window.

Stage 1. Protection of living quarters from construction debris

Before installation, it is imperative to prepare the room. Cover the floor, furniture, expensive items, dishes, etc. with plastic wrap to protect it from construction dust.

Stage 2. Checking for compliance with the size of the windows and the complete set of the order

Before starting dismantling work, be sure to check the dimensions of the openings and frames delivered to the object, taking into account the standards for the dimensions of the assembly seam. We check the contents of the order.

Rice. # 4

Mounting wedges are installed under all vertical elements of the window frame - these are vertical straps and vertical imposts. Distance (side) pads are installed at a distance of about 200 - 250 mm from the corners of the window box, the dimensions of the side pads are selected similar to the dimensions of the lower support pads. Installation of distance blocks in the very corners of the window box is unacceptable, since the blocks will prevent thermal deformations of the window during seasonal and daily changes in the air temperature and the window itself.

10. Aligning the box of the window block vertically and horizontally, temporarily fixing it in the required position

The window frame, together with the tapes glued to it, is placed in the opening and, using plastic wedges, is vertically and horizontally aligned and pre-fixed.

11. Final fixation of the window block box in the opening

Holes are drilled in the wall for fasteners. The window frame is finally fixed with fasteners to the wall. When installing the fasteners, make sure that the box is not stretched by the fasteners!

12. Bonding tapes at the bottom of the window structure

Carefully remove dust from drilling holes in the wall. Prime those areas of the opening surfaces to which the tapes will adhere. Wait for the primer to dry. A vapor barrier tape "ROBIBAND VM V 100" is glued to the bottom surface of the opening. When gluing, the tape should be directed towards the room. The length of the piece of tape should be sufficient to cover the lower horizontal assembly seam along its entire length, taking into account the formation of gaps or beads at the corners to reliably seal the corners. On the outer plane of the support profile or the outer plane of the fold, intended for installing the ebb, a narrow adhesive strip is glued tape "ROBIBAND NL 120". When gluing, the tape should be directed towards the street. The length of the piece of tape should be sufficient to cover the lower horizontal gap along the entire length, taking into account the formation of gaps or beads at the corners to reliably seal the corners.

13. Filling assembly joints with polyurethane foam insulation

A cylinder of polyurethane insulation (PPU) is prepared for work, in accordance with the instructions for the use of a particular foam. It is recommended to use polyurethane foam with high initial and low secondary expansion. Before filling the PPU mounting gap, it is necessary to moisten the mounting gap surfaces with water by spraying. Do not wet the areas where the tape will adhere, as nothing will stick to a wet surface! After moistening, the mounting gaps are filled with polyurethane foam. The degree of filling the gap depends on the degree of expansion of a particular PU foam. Test releases are recommended. The amount of polyurethane foam in the seam should be enough so that the PU foam, when expanding, pulls the tape, but does not tear it off.

Before gluing the tapes to wet foam, re-wet the foam surface, otherwise large voids may form in the foam!

14. Bonding tapes "ROBIBAND VM" to the opening

The protective paper is gradually removed from the adhesive strip of the ROBIBAND VM 120 vapor barrier tape glued to the vertical and upper horizontal sections of the window frame, and the tape is glued to the surface of the window opening. Make sure that the polyurethane foam, when gluing, does not get between the tape and the surface of the opening. The protective paper is removed from the ROBIBAND VM 100 vapor barrier tape located in the lower part of the opening, and the tape is glued to the frontal plane of the support profile or to the frontal plane of the fold intended for installing the window sill. In the corners of the opening, beads (sides) are formed for reliable protection of the joint. The protective paper is removed from the ROBIBAND NL 120 tape, and the tape is glued to the bottom of the window opening. In the corners of the opening, beads (sides) are formed for reliable protection of the joint.

15. Installation of ebb and sill

An ebb and a window sill are installed on the window block. All operations must be performed carefully to avoid displacement of the window frame.

16. Hanging sashes and installing fixed glazing

Sashes are hung, and fixed glazing is installed. The leaves are closed. All operations must be carried out very carefully in order to avoid displacement of the window frame.

17. Quality control

Quality control is carried out after 24 hours. Quality control consists in checking the tightness of adhesion of the tapes along the entire perimeter of the assembly seam, both from the side of the room and from the side of the street. If the tape is glued tightly, without delamination and gaps, then we can assume that the installation is done with high quality.

The PSUL tape should expand and cover the gap completely.

18. Finishing of slopes

The finishing of the slopes is carried out in accordance with the adopted constructive and design solution.

Need more information?

You can watch an educational film on the installation of window structures on our website, which shows the entire process of a high-quality installation of a window unit.

Until 2003, the installation of pvc windows and balcony blocks was not regulated by the state. The window installers were guided by the technology suggested by the manufacturers of these structures. It is difficult to judge whether it was wrong or not. But the number of complaints about freezing, blowing and leaking frames exceeded the permissible limits. In order to eliminate these problems, at the beginning of March 2003, GOST 3071-2002 was adopted, and it became mandatory to install windows in accordance with GOST.

What is the installation of a pvc window in accordance with GOST

The introduction of a document regulating the installation of window seams and abutments caused, at one time, a lot of disputes and disagreements. The window installation companies were unhappy with the upcoming costs of purchasing additional materials and the increase in labor costs.

The fact is that the state standard approved several standards requiring the use of materials in the installation that were not previously used, or were used reluctantly. This led to an increase in the cost of the work of the performers and, accordingly, the consumer. Which, it was believed, could lead to a decrease in demand for window services.

But the alarms were in vain. Consumers were the first to appreciate the benefits of GOST. This is not surprising, since the document is fully focused on improving the operating conditions of window and balcony blocks. What are these improvements?

  1. Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST with steam and waterproofing of gaps. The document gave a definition of an assembly seam with an indication of the materials required for its device. Now the correct seam should consist of three layers: outer, waterproof and vapor-permeable.
  2. Recommended clearance parameters are indicated.
  3. Requirements for surface preparation are determined.
  4. The rules for acceptance have been established.
  5. The maximum permissible distances between the attachment points are indicated. For a plastic profile, this is 70 mm.
  6. A list of actions for testing the quality of structures is given.
  7. The service life of the materials used is indicated: at least 20 years.

Not overlooked and such an important element of the window structure as the ebb. According to GOST, now it is protected from below with a diffusion tape made of polyester. This ensures that the metal sheet is firmly fixed to the wall and box. The presence of a tape on the lower plane of the ebb significantly reduces the noise from rain drops.

Application of standards in practice

Since March 2003, the installers began to work in accordance with the accepted standards. But the consumer, unfamiliar with the intricacies of these works, inevitably has a question: what does it mean to install a window in accordance with GOST? Knowing the answers will help you track the correctness of the installation being performed and make sure of its quality. The first thing to be aware of: all seams of the window block should now consist of three parts.

  1. The central one is made of polyurethane foam with high frost resistance and moisture resistance.
  2. The outer one is made of waterproofing tape.
  3. Internal - made of vapor barrier tape.

The basic principle of installation can be explained as follows: the inner part of the seam must have low thermal conductivity, and the side parts protecting it must be steam-permeable. In this case, if moisture penetrates to the polyurethane foam, it will freely come out in the form of steam and will not harm the insulation layer (polyurethane foam).

Installation benefits

There are several advantages over a conventional professional installation. But they are all so important that it is unwise to ignore them.

  1. If all the standards of the State Standard are observed, freezing and leakage of the seams are excluded. Consequently, and window frames.
  2. The possibility of mold and mildew formation is excluded.
  3. The insulating layer (polyurethane foam) is protected from moisture and will not collapse ahead of time. If installed incorrectly, without protective tapes, yellowing of the foam can be observed. Under the influence of moisture, its structure becomes loose and destruction processes begin. Such foam loses its thermal insulation properties with all the consequences: the windows begin to freeze, leak, and are no longer a reliable barrier to the wind.
  4. The ebb is connected to the wall by the frame more hermetically, which provides an additional thermal insulation effect and increases the service life of the window block.

There is another important advantage of complying with the Gosstandart requirements. If the consumer remains dissatisfied with the quality of installation and orders the service of an independent examination, the company that installed this window, at best, faces re-installation. And the worst is a lot of expenses.

Materials required when installing windows

Among the installers of plastic windows, GOST 3071-2012 received the name "tape". This is due to the fact that in accordance with the requirements of this document, it is necessary to protect the seams with "ribbons" - narrow in width products: vapor barrier, self-expanding and diffusion.

Materials for installing plastic windows in accordance with GOST:

  • PSUL tapes (self-expanding sealing);
  • GPL (vapor barrier), made of butyl rubber or aluminum foil, for internal protection of seams;
  • diffusion polyester for external protection.

PSUL tapes are self-expanding material and are sold in rolls. When installing, it is extremely important to choose the degree of increase in the volume of the tape.... This indicator is always indicated on the packaging. So, for gaps with a width of 10 mm, you need to choose a tape with an expansion range of 30-40 units. The most popular brands of tapes are Profband, PSUL-EUROBAND, Liplent, Robiband.

Polyethylene tape GPL (hydro-vapor barrier) is made on the basis of foamed rubber. On one side there is an adhesive base, in the middle there is a vapor-permeable material, on the other side there is a laminated base and inserts made of metallized material (foil). The purpose of these tapes is to reflect heat back into the room, and to protect the polyurethane foam from moisture. Popular brands: TYTAN Professional, KLEBEBANDER, Germetik-Abris.

Diffusion tapes are placed under the ebb in order to protect the seam from moisture on the outside of the window. These materials are also made from butyl rubber, but they have two glue bases: on each side. Therefore, the protective material is firmly adhered to both the ebb and the opening. Popular brands: HAUSER, Robiband, Ultima, WS.

Installation technology in accordance with GOST

Installation of plastic windows in accordance with GOST 30971-2012, the step-by-step technology of which is proposed, can be performed independently.

Step 1: Use a stiff bristled brush or paintbrush to sweep away dust and debris.

Step 2. The seams between the bricks are leveled with a moisture-resistant filler.

Step 3. Cover the filler with a layer of primer.

Step 4. Open the window block and remove the sash.

Step 5. At the bottom of the frame, remove the support profile.

Step 6. Glue the PSUL at the junction of the frame and the support profile.

Step 7. If installing a balcony block, remove the docking profile from the outside of the frame. At the junction with the opening, the PSUL tape is glued along the entire perimeter. If a window is installed, immediately tape is glued around its perimeter.

Step 8. Take a simple pencil and tape measure. They mark the attachment points on the PVC profile. In accordance with the requirements of the standard, the distance between these points should not exceed 70 cm. The hole should be 150-180 mm from the corner of the frame.

Step 9. Drill holes. The drill diameter should be less than the diameter of the bolt or self-tapping screw.

Step 10. Support blocks are installed on the opening, which will be located under the frame.

Step 11. Insert the frame and fix it with self-tapping screws.

Step 12. From the side of the street, mark the places of attachment of the PSUL.

Step 13. Remove the frame and with a shift of 0.5 cm from the markings, stick the PSUL.

Step 14. Install the starting profile for the slopes on the frame.

Step 15. From the inside, cover the frame with GPL tape.

Step 16. Install the frame, align. Drill holes in the wall for dowels and perform the final fixation.

Step 17. Install the sash.

Step 18. Fill the seam with polyurethane foam.

Step 19. After 15-20 minutes, the HPL tape is leveled along the slopes.

Step 20. Install GPL under the windowsill.

Step 21. Carry out the installation of the window sill.

Step 22. A diffusion tape is installed under the ebb.

Step 23. Fix the ebb.

Installing a window according to GOST according to GOST, the instructions for which are given above, is an easy task. If you comply with all the requirements of the State Standard, the window openings will be reliably insulated and sealed.
P.S. And for dessert, I suggest watching a video clip: Window installation in accordance with GOST