Meaning of the name Amir. Meaning of the female name Amir

Amira is one of the revered Muslim names. There are two versions of the origin of the name. First, the name has Arabic roots and is female form male name Amir. In the Arab world, the ruler was called an emir, and his wife was called an emirah (amira). Over time, the name took the form of Amir's name. The Jewish people also have this name and may have Jewish roots. Neither the Orthodox nor the Catholic calendars contain this name, so name days are not celebrated.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Amir

The meaning of the name Amira is “princess”, “mistress”, “prosperous”, “blooming”, “princess”, “wife of the emir”, “boss”, “tree crown”, “sheaf”, “boss”, “princess”, "emirka", "blooming".

Amira's girl is a cheerful, active, lively fidget, she needs "an eye, and an eye." Despite this, she is shy and self-conscious. She is diligent and purposeful in her studies. Teachers praise her, set her as an example for other students, and send her to various competitions, competitions, and olympiads. He gets along with his peers and is happy to help his mother with household chores. Sociable, finds a common language and topic of conversation with absolutely everyone. A creative child, he expresses himself in music, drawing, and loves to dance.

With age, Amira becomes a strong personality striving for leadership; those around her respect her and listen to her opinion. She always achieves her goal, is independent, self-sufficient. He does not expect immediate results from the work performed; he knows how to wait patiently. She is very vulnerable, does not like criticism addressed to her, if she is reprimanded on any occasion, she gets offended and worries for a long time in herself. He carefully analyzes any problem, delves into the essence, thinks about it, finding its cause and solution. Always thinks about the future, thinking through it several steps ahead. Witty, sociable, insightful, not petty. She loves when her work is financially rewarded. He can easily quit his job if it doesn't pay enough. Can become a businessman, leader, teacher, philosopher, psychologist, researcher, museum worker. The owner of this name is creative personality, this may affect the choice of profession; Amira often becomes a dancer, artist, designer, or journalist. He is interested in religion.

Amira is a bright, beautiful, attractive, charming, sensitive, gentle, elegant, confident woman. Knows her worth, but is not arrogant. She has many fans. Her man must be ideal, self-sufficient, self-confident, and older in age. She chooses her chosen one for a long time, after getting married, she creates a happy family in which mutual understanding, love, and respect reign. She is caring, attentive, loving mother and his wife, a wonderful, hospitable hostess.

Amira is distrustful, indecisive, and careful in choosing friends; for this reason, she has few friends, but all of them are proven by time and actions. She is sympathetic, kind, caring, and always strives to help friends and family in any way she can. She will never ask for help herself.

There are no special health problems, but you need to follow a daily routine, otherwise Amira is at risk of overwork.

The name Amira has Arab origin, is the feminine form of the masculine name Amir.

Translated from Arabic, “amirah” means “wife of the emir,” “princess,” “boss.” The name Amira is also pronounced as Emira, or it is believed that Emira is a form of the name Amira, which is most often used among peoples North Caucasus. The name Amir, Emir is used not only by Muslims, but also by Jews, for whom the name has a different translation - “sheaf” or “crown of a tree.” The name Amir is used in North Africa, Central and South Asia, the Middle East and North Caucasus, as well as Israel. The diminutive title Mira is also an independent name.

Amira's girl is quite smart, witty and creative. Her determination can be envied by many. She is attentive to all details, does not forget about those around her, her family and friends. Amira is a clear leader and knows how to convince others to listen to her. Amirs often choose the profession of teacher or university professor. The success of her activities largely depends on how deeply she delves into the matter. At the same time, Amira is creative in finding a solution. As a child, Amira is a very active girl. She is always ready to help her mother and her friends.

At school she may be shy and will not volunteer to participate in various competitions, but she will know her lessons well. Very often, it is Amir who will be sent by teachers from school to participate in various school events. Amira has many friends and girlfriends, but she has few real friends, despite the fact that she easily finds contact. Amira is a charming and bright person. She loves to sing, dance, and often draws well.

Amira is a solitary creator who prefers to realize her fantasies on her own, without the help of others. This may reveal her selfishness; Amira may take criticism of her work very to heart. Amira tries to delve into the essence of the problem, she is self-confident, always strives to act, and does not run away from problems. She may seem capable of taking stupid risks, but she will carefully weigh the pros and cons before taking action.

Amira is a sensitive and subtle nature, so she often shows her practicality as a screen to hide her soft and kind nature. Amira prefers to plan her activities; she has been thinking about her future since childhood and building various options implementation of the plan. But still, Amira is not one of those people who will only do work, forgetting about the rest. Amira will devote a lot of time to work and her favorite activities, but she will always visit family holidays, will come to the children’s concert, go to the parents’ meeting and cook a delicious dinner for her beloved husband. Amir hides a talent that can develop in a girl into a full-fledged hobby or profession.

Amira can become a researcher, a museum worker, and will be well versed in abstract subjects such as philosophy and religion. But still, Amira puts material gain and practicality at the forefront, so she will give preference to business plan professions.

  • Short form of the name Amir. Mira.
  • Synonyms for the name Amir. Emira.
  • Origin of the name Amira. The name Amir is Jewish and Muslim.

Meaning: interlocutor, fruit-bearing; conversation support, smile, joy

Meaning of the name Samira - interpretation

The beautiful royal name Samira has several versions of its origin. Most often, its appearance is attributed to Muslim culture. Translated from Arabic, its meaning is “fruit-bearing”, “interlocutor”, “leading a conversation”. Some historians attribute this name to ancient Indian roots. In Sanskrit “Samira” means “generous”, “bringing good”. The name has become widespread in Islam and is sometimes found in Christianity and Catholicism.

Years later

IN at a young age Samirochka resembles a ray of light that brings joy and lifts your spirits. The girl is able to charge those around her with positive energy. She is overly impressionable, which makes her acutely aware of failures. The baby does not like outside help, reacting aggressively to any advice and recommendations.

Having a tendency to complicate everything, Samira often commits disastrous actions, repeatedly stepping on the same rake. But failures cannot break the girl’s strong will. From the first years of her life, she loves to talk a lot, which often leads to difficulties and troubles.

Little Samira is growing up as a joyful and lively girl. She begins to speak early, and over time, talkativeness becomes one of her main features. Samira is sociable and easily gets along with both adults and children. Her positive attitude brings joy to those around her and she almost always becomes the center of attention. It is worth noting that Samira is sensitive to criticism, but she herself loves to criticize. She often commits impulsive actions, which she later regrets. It was also noted that you should not expect an apology from Samira.

Mira in her youth has a pleasant appearance, conducive to friendship and trust. But you can’t tell her secrets - she’ll spill the beans. A girl with this name is frivolous and freedom-loving. But she is always ready to support her family and friends. As a teenager, Samira is touchy and vulnerable. The girl loves compliments and flattery. Easily solves assigned problems using an unconventional approach, but quickly loses interest in hobbies.

Besides, Arabic meaning Samira’s name – “keeping up a conversation” – is completely confirmed, because this young lady knows how to carry on a conversation like no one else, but she doesn’t like to remain in silence for a long time. She knows how to talk to anyone and on any topic, while expressing her thoughts in a very intelligent and original way.

The second, Sanskrit meaning of the name Samira is also justified. This girl is really generous, she loves giving gifts, unexpected surprises for no reason, giving alms, helping people - it gives her great pleasure.

Adult Samira does not lose optimism and self-confidence. Perceives others cheerfully. Easily fits into any company, prefers noisy fun. She craves fame and attention, and does not accept criticism and instructions. A woman is sensitive to other people's problems. If possible, contributes to their resolution. Despite her eccentricity, Samira is successful in any endeavor. Everything comes very easily to her.

Remember what the name Samira means? This woman, like no one else, knows how to negotiate and talk with people, so she chooses a job related to communication. She cannot sit idle, does not tolerate boredom and loneliness, monotony and stability.

The girl, whose name is Samira, is very popular with men for her character, kind and generous heart, courage and charm. She adores male company, demands attention, admiration, and loves to go on dates. But, having got married, she becomes a sedate, ideal housewife, her character stabilizes a little.

Samira's character

What does the name Samira mean? In numerology, the meaning of the name Samira is determined by the number 9, which indicates a person with great talents, devoted to his recognition, striving for harmony in everything. She enjoys authority in the team and can lead people. However, it is very important to understand that it is honesty that will allow you to attract others to your side, and therefore Samira should avoid wrong, dishonest actions.

A girl named Samira is cheerful and talkative. She is a true optimist. But you should know that at the same time, Samira is capable of becoming furious when anyone dares to give her advice without her request. She recognizes only her opinion as the only correct one. However, if a person turns to Samira for help, he can be sure that she will gladly meet him halfway and begin to give advice and recommendations.

Samira easily enters college, is not afraid of exams or interviews, because she loves to communicate, everything comes easy to her, and her fate develops successfully, like a beautiful mosaic.

But this does not mean that everything comes naturally to Samira; in fact, the girl makes considerable efforts to achieve what she wants. She sets high goals and serious tasks for herself and goes towards them. The girl, whose name is Samira, is an extremely demanding person towards herself and others.

Samira's fate

Fate treats a woman named Samira favorably. This person is not afraid of obstacles and defeats. In her youth, Mira lives in a “castle in the air” and dreams of a happy future. She is patronized by Neptune, who endows the girl with fine mental organization and the ability to empathize. It is important not to give in to weaknesses. Adult Samira is capable of becoming a leader in the professional field. This woman makes a good wife and mother. Samira's main character trait is sociability. A cheerful, eccentric, sometimes capricious woman has many friends. She is characterized by generous gestures, but she makes them to please her vanity.

Mira has an amorous and romantic nature. She plunges headlong into relationships without fear of consequences. Thanks to her determination, the girl easily conquers professional heights. But moving towards his goal, he often shows selfishness, which alienates those around him.

Mira's character undergoes significant changes after marriage and the birth of children. The woman becomes more down to earth. She develops rational thinking and a desire to give more rather than demand. She turns into a caring, tender and responsible mother, a faithful and devoted wife.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Mira is very purposeful. She is ready to do anything for a good position. Hard work, unscrupulousness, perseverance, the ability to quickly adapt to the situation, extraordinary thinking - all these qualities allow a woman to quickly move up the career ladder. Samira feels comfortable in a leadership position. Here she is given the opportunity to increase her self-esteem. When choosing a profession, a girl gives preference to specialties that do not have room for relaxation. She easily copes with military service and work in commerce. Mira has charisma and artistry, which allows her to shine on stage and on the set.

Samira is impulsive. This trait helps to achieve success in entrepreneurial activity. It is important not to lose the excitement here.

Attitude to money. Mira loves to feel wealthy in order to be able to buy beautiful and status things. If no special success is expected in the professional field, the woman is looking for a wealthy admirer. She marries exclusively to a rich man who can provide for the future of the family.

Marriage and family

Marriage completely changes Mira. For the sake of children and husband, a woman is ready to sacrifice successful career and the usual wild life. She becomes an excellent housewife, cooks delicious dinners, keeps the house clean, loves and cherishes children. Samira sees her husband as a mentor and friend. But does not tolerate criticism regarding appearance and actions.

Growing up in a Muslim or Christian family, Samira adores and honors her parents in any case; family comes first for her, although sometimes it doesn’t seem so outwardly. In addition, the Arabic meaning of the name Samira – “one who keeps up a conversation” – is fully confirmed, because this young lady knows how to carry on a conversation like no one else, but she does not like to remain in silence for a long time. She knows how to talk to anyone and on any topic, while expressing her thoughts in a very intelligent and original way.

Sex and love

Mira is very amorous. The thirst for fame forces the girl to choose her partner carefully. Her chosen one must be handsome, wealthy, smart, successful, creative. A woman is prone to frequent changes of lovers. She loves sex.

During intimate relationships knows how to take and give. The girl's wayward and fickle character repels men. Samira is able to settle down, having met a worthy gentleman who is ready to endure the whims, endlessly shower compliments and put his beloved on a pedestal.


Mira has a strong immune system. In childhood and adolescence she rarely gets sick. She practically never gets colds. A woman's sensitive spot nervous system. Strong emotionality, the desire to prove leadership through hard, exhausting work - all these factors can significantly undermine the body both psychologically and physically.

In adulthood, the risk of pathologies associated with the liver, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system increases. Samira is subject to weaknesses. She may become addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Interests and hobbies

Mira is a passionate person. She is interested in many things, from painting to collecting. But throughout her life, her hobbies change many times. The only thing that remains constant is the desire to travel and active recreation. The girl, whose name is Samira, is always in sight, it is impossible not to notice her.

Bright, cheerful, funny, she attracts everyone's attention and always finds herself in the very center of any company. She does not tolerate boredom, her lively character requires constant impressions. Therefore, the girl does not miss interesting events and activities, and rarely sits at home.

Reveal the secret of the name AMIRAH(in Latin transliteration AMIRA) looking at the results of calculations in numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. You may not understand them, but you feel that you don’t know something about yourself and your loved ones.

Meanings and origin of the name AMIRAH

The first letter A of the name AMIR tells about the character

A combination of tenderness and... aggressiveness. People whose name begins with this letter are leaders in love. But they must constantly be fed by stimuli and impressions; routine in relationships is not for them, otherwise “leaving on the other side” is possible. The same can happen under the influence of their inherent egoism, so they need to cultivate tolerance and attention to their partner.

Characteristics of the name AMIRAH

  • power
  • comfort
  • impressionability
  • peacefulness
  • subtle spirituality
  • thoughtfulness
  • shyness
  • pedantry
  • hard work
  • dogmaticity
  • constant voltage
  • self-confidence

AMIRAH: number of interaction with the world “8”

People under the influence of the number eight are characterized by a restless and purposeful character. They are rarely satisfied with what they have and strive to expand the boundaries of their capabilities as much as possible. The potential of "eight-athletes" is very great, but their demands cannot be called small, so they rarely experience a feeling of satisfaction from the work done or the joy of victory. Eight people know how to make plans and implement them, but they have to put up with the fact that everything turns out a little (or even completely) differently than planned.

Eight players are afraid of little. Responsibility for others and leading large teams is natural for them, as are drastic changes in life. As a rule, they get along well with others, but try to avoid too much intimacy and prefer to play the role of leader in relationships. Highly valuing intelligence, moral qualities and a sense of humor, they cannot tolerate flattery and lies, and are also very sensitive to manifestations of impoliteness and tactlessness.

The marital relationships of the “Eighters” develop peacefully, although there is not always passion or even deep affection in them. However, people of number 8 almost always strive for stable relationships and marriage - without a permanent life partner they feel uncomfortable. Their innate tact helps them avoid quarrels in the family, and their ability to both act independently and distribute responsibilities helps them cope with everyday problems.

Eights love to receive guests and do not miss the opportunity to show off their home, which is usually large and cozy. Own housing is a “fad” for many people of eight; They usually don’t feel too comfortable in rented apartments or their parents’ house. At the same time, they cannot be called money-grubbers, interested only in material goods; Many octuplets generously share everything they earn, take an active part in the activities of charitable organizations and help close and distant relatives with money. But the main thing that Eight people give to others is their love and sincere interest.

Eights care so much about others that sometimes they lack the strength and energy to organize their own lives. Another common problem is the pursuit of unattainable goals and the inability to remain calm and common sense when obstacles appear along the way.

AMIRAH: number of spiritual aspirations “3”

The Troika has an ambiguous influence on its clients: they can be friendly and arrogant, compliant and uncompromising, sociable and closed. They like to be visible, they love comfort, but they certainly cannot be called stable, so their behavior always remains extremely unpredictable.

Those born under the sign of three equally listen to the voice of the heart and mind, and in mature age carry with them a baggage of invaluable experience and worldly wisdom. Accustomed to being guided in everything by the arguments of reason, C students are completely incapable of empathy, but among their acquaintances there are many vulnerable, impressionable and even unbalanced people.

Those under the influence of three can achieve success in any profession, but still prefer areas that can provide stability. They have a great understanding of people, can draw a psychological portrait of everyone and easily find a way out of even the most difficult situations. difficult situations. C students feel very comfortable in secular society, know how to carry on a conversation, and have not only oratory skills, but also the ability to listen to others. They love friendly gatherings, and if they take on the task of organizing a holiday, they do it better than any professional.

In the sphere of personal relationships, strange as it may seem, people of three regularly face problems. They seem callous and indifferent, and are not inclined to demonstrate positive traits of their own character and are rarely themselves. Such a person may well be known as a cunning liar and a hypocrite, since his desire to embellish the truth sometimes knows no bounds. He is not used to sharing his thoughts and desires with his other half, but at the same time he lives in a castle in the air that he built with his own hands.

Those born under the influence of three always find their place in the sun. He likes to tell people about his successes, often greatly exaggerating the reality. Many consider this man to be an ordinary braggart, but at the same time they do not judge him too harshly, because he is not without charm. In addition, a C student is happy to give gifts, is attentive to those in need, and often participates in charity.

AMIRAH: number of true features "5"

If a person is influenced by A, then they remain adult children for a long time. Even at an advanced age, such people behave like rebellious teenagers. Such a person is ready to risk everything for a mere trifle. Thinking through and planning the consequences of their decisions is not for them. Sometimes the protest of such persons is directed against generally accepted rules and looks rather ridiculous.

In general, we can say that this is a kind of entertainment. Inventing enemies for yourself and fighting them is the main fun for an “excellent” person. A stable, calm life causes him melancholy, dissatisfaction and a desire for change.

It is interesting that even if there is temporarily no struggle in the life of such a person, he himself is drawn to dramas and tragedies. It is not only interesting to him, but also fuels him vitality. Suffering and dark stories make him curious. And this can lead to stupid actions and fatal mistakes. But an “excellent” person is simply unable to overcome this attraction. He wants to know this world thoroughly and from all sides.

Often the culprit is too vivid imagination and self-confidence. With such a set of traits, they rarely become good spouses or reliable business partners. After all, they don’t care about the future at all. They will never raise funds for significant purchases - they would rather take out a loan. They are also not able to plan their lives - the trip can be disrupted at any moment.

At the same time, they believe that fate favors them and if suddenly a serious trouble happens, they will be able to mobilize all their talents and everything will be resolved in the best possible way. Even if they have already made mistakes, this does not teach them anything. They rarely draw conclusions from the situation. This is the skill they lack most.

What cannot be taken away from people under the sign of A is their erudition and outlook. They can talk about everything in the world, and it’s exciting and emotional. They will always be listened to with pleasure. If such a person has a hobby, he will try to benefit from it. In general, we can say that these people are always at the forefront.

Where the more cautious would never go, the “excellent” students will follow with joy. And for such adventures you always need to be in good physical shape, so they love sports, watch their diet and often remain slim and fit into old age.

Diseases and monotonous life drives such people into depression, from which it is not easy for them to get out.

What girl doesn't want to be a princess? The name Amira gives a woman an excellent opportunity to feel like a princess and ruler - if only because this is its literal meaning.

The origin of the name is believed to be Arabic, with Amirah being a feminine pairing name for the name Amir, which is used to name boys. Historically, the word “emir” denotes representatives of the upper classes in the East - similar, for example, to the princely “rank” in European culture. Accordingly, the ruler’s wife was called “emirah”, that is, “ruler”, “boss”, sometimes this word is translated as “princess”.

Over time and with a change in the “place of residence” of the name, its sound changed somewhat, but the meaning of the name Amir remained the same. True, supporters of another version of the translation from Arabic say that Amira means “blooming.” The Hebrew version of the translation sounds like “tree crown,” but the most popular is still the first version of the origin of the name.

The name Amira is common mostly in Muslim countries and Israel. But what is remarkable about it, besides its “princely” origin? It is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • What will Amira be like as a child?
  • How will the character of an adult woman be formed?
  • What will she be interested in in life?
  • How will you choose a spouse and raise children?

Creativity and humility

The character of a girl named Amira can be called cheerful and active. The baby moves a lot and enjoys, communicates with peers and older family members. Her peers treat her with sympathy, and therefore her social circle is quite large.

But already in preschool age You can see that Amira has many more good acquaintances than real friends whom she trusts. This is where her rather cautious character comes into play: those she can trust must be absolutely reliable, time-tested people. But winning her trust is not easy: the criteria for assessing the people around her are quite high.

At school, Amira, as a rule, gets good grades, but does not strive to become the top student in her class. At the same time, her rather modest character affects the girl’s self-perception. She may have serious creative or logical potential, but she will not consider it something outstanding.

Amira is often endowed with musical talent or visual abilities, and may have good abilities for dancing. If this talent manifests itself, then dance classes will be very beneficial for the girl’s health and academic performance.

Parents should also pay attention to hardening procedures and ensure that Amira does not overexert herself and follows a daily routine. This will keep their daughter healthy until she is quite old.

The name Amira gives its owner a purposeful character, leadership qualities and the ability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion. In addition, her creative abilities do not “evaporate” with age, although they may take slightly different forms than in childhood.

One of the main qualities of a girl can be called regularity and patience: she can spend more than one year achieving her goal. And she will achieve it - unlike many who will lose interest in the matter, realizing that they need to work hard. In addition, Amira’s versatile nature allows her to harmoniously combine work and family, interest in art and social life.

Soil for talent

Having matured, Amira is no longer as shy as she was at school: she objectively evaluates her talents and treats herself with great respect.. This means that others begin to appreciate a talented woman much more. In addition, Amira acquires the qualities inherent in a leader: she learns to lead people, infect them with ideas and motivate them to achieve a common goal.

All this together leads to the fact that a woman’s opinion becomes valuable to others, so she will be able to self-realize, for example, as a university teacher. Her ability to win people over and her understanding of their nature means that she can make a good psychologist.

Business is also a good area for Amira to apply her strength. The main thing is that the direction of the business matches her natural inclinations, talents and abilities. At the same time, a woman will always be able to make even the most “boring” work creative and interesting.

The complexity of the task assigned to her is of great importance to Amira. However, first she needs to understand the essence of the problem, think everything through carefully, and only then get down to business. Simple tasks may seem too boring to her, but complex and confusing ones provide the opportunity to use logical and creative abilities.

In addition, Amira prefers to do work for high level and get decent money for it. The material side of the matter and the opportunity to express oneself are perhaps the main conditions for a woman when choosing a direction of activity.

The desire to combine career and family in life, and most importantly, the ability to do this, leads to the fact that Amira’s fate on a personal level is developing quite successfully. Bright, interesting woman attracts numerous fans, but here, as in the choice of friends, she is in no hurry to express her final opinion. Amira often marries a partner noticeably older than herself, but this does not in the least interfere with her happiness.

On the contrary, Amira develops a trusting relationship with her husband, and therefore the fate of her marriage is the most favorable. A woman shows the most touching care for her children and husband, and her family pays her the same. Author: Olga Inozemtseva