2nd junior group of kindergarten lesson notes. Lesson notes for the second junior group


  • ; ways of verbally denoting equality and inequality (1,2,3);
  • practice verbal designation of geometric figures in active speech; phonemic hearing;
  • consolidate the ability to build serial series of three objects;
  • develop the ability to design according to your own simple plan;
  • develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes;
  • cultivate a sense of goodwill and empathy.

Materials and equipment: technologies “Fairy tale labyrinths of the game of V.V. Voskobovich”: “Magic square” (two-color), Lanterns (Larchik), Lanterns, cavrograph “Larchik”, Miracle flower, Pyramid turtles; fairy-tale heroes of technology: Ray Lord, Baby Geo, Magnolik, Girl Dolka.

The progress of the summary of a comprehensive lesson in the second junior group

Psycho-gymnastics “Hello!”


Hello, hands clap - clap - clap!

Hello legs, top - top - top!

Hello cheeks plop - plop - plop!

Chubby cheeks plop - plop - plop!

Hello sponges - smack - smack - smack!

Hello teeth – clack – clack – clack!

Hello my nose - beep - beep - beep!

Hello kids! One, two, three!

Girls and boys, hello!

Game “Find out the voice of the heroes from the fairy tale Teremok” (the voices of animals are heard, children guess and answer the question - in which fairy tale can we meet all these heroes).

To the accompaniment of mysterious music, the fairy-tale hero Little Geo appears, who tells that in the purple forest, the Ray of the Lord bewitched the heroes of the fairy tale.

Teacher questions:

Have you already guessed which fairy tale the heroes are from? (Children's response)

What needs to be done to help them out? (Answers)

How do we know where to look for them?

(arrows with images of animals will help with this).

Game "Magic Square" (two-color)

Educator: Ray Lord turned the mouse into a magic square. To disenchant it, you need to fold the mouse. Children fold the mouse. At this time, an image of a mouse appears on the magnetic board.

"Pyramid Turtles"

Educator: Our frog fell into a large swamp and cannot get out. How can we help her? (Answers)

It is necessary to build paths for the frog. The Pyramid Turtles will help us with this.

On the table are envelopes with tasks for each child (tasks are selected taking into account an individually differentiated approach).

While the children are building paths, a picture of a frog appears on the magnetic board.


Educator: Guys, Mognolik and his “Lanterns” will help us disenchant the bunny.

Children, using the game's geometric shapes, lay out the image of a bunny in two ways: by overlaying and by modeling.

Musical physical education for a fox “We stomp, stomp, stomp with our feet...”

Educator: To disenchant the fox, we need to repeat the movements.

Children perform movements to the music that correspond to the text. An image of a fox appears.

« Miracle flower"


We set off to save the wolf. Ray Lord mixed up all the petals of the Miracle Flower and said that he would not let the wolf go until he sorted the petals into his boxes.

It is necessary to arrange the petals into boxes: one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed.

An image of a wolf cub appears on the board.

Design on the carpet "Larchik"


Children, have we helped out all the heroes of the fairy tale or have we forgotten about someone?

What bad thing did the bear do in this story?

Let us help him fix everything and build a new, beautiful little mansion with the help of magic squares, ropes, circles, in which all our heroes will live.

Is there enough room for everyone in our Teremka?

Children place all images of animals on Velcro in Teremok.

Now our heroes will live together in Teremka.


Educator: Let's return to Baby Geo and tell him about our adventures.

Teacher questions:

What was the most interesting thing for you?

Open lesson in junior group 2
(educational field “Security”)
Topic: “Visiting Aibolit”
Goal: Formation of basic skills of safe behavior in young children
Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge of basic rules of conduct on the road and in public
transport; about the meaning of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings;
activate children’s speech, encourage them to answer the teacher’s questions, use
concepts of pedestrian crossing, traffic light;
consolidate knowledge of primary colors: red, yellow, green;
Develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher;
develop coherent speech and attention;
Foster a culture of behavior in public transport and on the road;
cultivate a desire to help your neighbor.
Materials and equipment:
Layout of Aibolit; soft toys: hare, fox with bandaged body parts; traffic light layout,
pedestrian crossing, road signs; balloon with a letter; phonogram of a moving
bus, toy steering wheel.
Methodical techniques: asking a riddle, game situation, conversation, dialogue, motor
Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Music”, “Safety”,
Preliminary work:
1.Looking at pictures and illustrations on traffic rules.
2. Conversation with children about traffic rules.
3. Observation of moving vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights.
4. Reading the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit.”
5. Plot-role-playing game “Bus”
6. Making the “Traffic Light” applique with the children.
Progress of the lesson:

song." (Phonogram “Guests have come to us.”)
Now, let's greet each other. (Children in a circle hold hands, look at each other with
Let's stand together in a circle,
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other! They sit on the chairs.
(There is a knock on the door and a balloon with a letter attached to it flies into the hall).
The teacher draws the children's attention to the envelope on which Aibolit is drawn.
Educator: Guys, look, we received a letter. Who do you think it's from?
Children's answers. (From Doctor Aibolit!)
Educator: Do you know who Doctor Aibolit is!
Children's answers. (Yes)
Educator: Danil, tell me a poem about Doctor Aibolit! (To Chukovsky “Doctor Aibolit”)
Good Doctor Aibolit!
He is sitting under a tree.
Come to him for treatment
: “Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello to our guests

Why not?
Well done. You are good passengers and know how to behave in transport. We have arrived.
And the cow and the she-wolf,
And the bug and the worm,
And a bear!
He will heal everyone
The good doctor Aibolit will heal
Educator: Well done, Danil. Doctor Aibolit treats all animals and helps them. I'm now
I’ll read to you what Doctor Aibolit wrote to us! The teacher reads the letter: “Dear guys,
I need your help, come quickly." Well, guys, let's help Aibolit?
Children's answers. (Yes)
Educator: Then get on the bus, we’ll go to Doctor Aibolit.
Children board a bus made of chairs, one child in front with a toy steering wheel, he
driver, driving along to the song “Here we are sitting on the bus.”
Educator: We are now on the bus. Who are we?
Children's answers. (We are passengers.)
Educator: That's right, passengers. Let's remember the rules of conduct for passengers. Can
touch the bus door with your hands?
Children's answers. (It is forbidden)

Children's answers. (The door may open and you will fall out onto the road.)
Educator: Is it possible to talk to the driver while driving?
Children's answers. (The driver must not be distracted; he must look at the road.)

Is it possible to stick your hands and head out the window while driving?
Children's answers. (You can’t, it’s dangerous, you could get hurt.)
Educator: Is it possible to make noise on the bus?
Children's answers. (No, it disturbs other passengers.)

Get off the bus, we are pedestrians now.
Children get off the bus and approach the model of a traffic light and pedestrian crossing.
Educator: Now, guys, guess the riddle:
To help you my friend
The path is dangerous
Lights burn day and night
Green, yellow, red. Can you guess what we're talking about?
Children's answers. (Yes, it's a traffic light)
Educator: That's right, guys, this is a traffic light (Pointing to the layout of the traffic light)
Do you know why a traffic light is needed?
(Children’s answers.) (Children: To cross the road.)
Educator: Idalia will tell us a poem about a traffic light. (Poem “Traffic Light” by M.
Three multi-colored circles:
Red light - Wait!
to Yellow - Stop, my friend,
To the Green Light - Go!
The traffic light gives advice,
How to cross the road.
Educator: Well done, Idalia! Guys, look at the traffic lights for different colored eyes. Which
is this color? And this one? What color is this?
Children's answers.
Educator: Well done! Guys, let's play with our fingers and eyes and remember the rule.
Red - stop, yellow - wait, and green - go. (Finger gymnastics “traffic light”)
I show traffic lights, and you perform the movements:
The red fingers on the palm “stand”.

Yellow, raise your eyes and look at the traffic light.
Green fingers are “walking”.
Educator: Well done, you remember the rule well. You and I need to cross the road.
Guys, where are we going to go?
(Children's answers. (Along the pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing)).
Educator: That's right, and Nastya will tell us a poem about a pedestrian crossing.
striped horse,
They call her "zebra".
But not the one at the zoo,
People keep walking along it.
Educator: Well done, Nastya, sit down. Guys, what traffic light will we switch to?
the road?
Children's answers. (Children: To green.)
Children and the teacher carefully cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, looking first
left, then right, making sure there are no cars. They approach the tree where Aibolit sits.
Educator: So you and I came to Doctor Aibolit.
Children say hello and sit on chairs.
Educator: Ask Doctor Aibolit what happened, why he called us for help.
Children ask.
Educator: Doctor Aibolit says that today many animals came to him who don’t know
traffic rules and therefore got into trouble. Aibolit cured them and asks us to tell
them how to behave on the road. Shall we tell them?
Children's answers. (Yes, we'll tell you!)
Educator: Then we’ll ask them what happened to them.
Children ask the hare.
Educator: The bunny says that he was running along the path and his legs were cut. Do you feel sorry for the bunny?
Children's answers. (Yes.)
Educator: Advise the bunny how to cross the road so as not to get into trouble.
Children's answers. (You need to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing, when the light is green, carefully
look around.)
Educator: What happened to the fox? Ask her.
Children ask.

on the road? Where can it be?
Children's answers. (No. On the playground, in the yard, where there are no cars.)
Educator: You need to be very careful on the road and know the rules of the road. A
so that the animals remember them even better, let's play the game “Be Attentive.” The children walk along
circle, the teacher says the words: “traffic light”, children stop, “pedestrian”
they march, the “car” turns the “steering wheel”.)
Well done guys, you are very attentive. Dr. Aibolit thanks you for your help.

Guys, let's remind the animals once again how to behave on the road so as not to get into trouble.
Children's answers: (Cross the street when the traffic light is green, and do not play on the road.)
And it’s time for us to return, but I noticed that on our way we met only one traffic light, and
the road is very long and if there is no assistant traffic light on it, an accident may occur, I
I suggest you guys send the forest dwellers our traffic lights that we made in the lesson on
applications, and then their roads will be in order. Traffic lights are put in an envelope and sent
in a hot air balloon.
Thank you, you are great!
Chanterelle says that she was playing ball on the road and got hit by a car. You can play


Shymkent, school No. 73 “Aizhan”

Summary of an open integrated lesson in 2 junior groups


Goals: Encourage children to communicate and develop speech; Form children's understanding of the parts of the day

educational: - educational:

Give the first impressions of the spring sun.

Vocabulary: enrich children's vocabulary with nouns, adjectives, verbs;

Developmental: develop auditory and visual attention, memory, thinking;

Educators: cultivate a love of nature.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

v-l: Children, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

Good morning to us!

Good morning to you!

Good morning everyone!

2. Dunno enters.

Educator: Guys, who came to us? Dunno

Dunno: I mixed up the pictures depicting parts of the day and I can’t figure them out.

Educator: Let's help Dunno. Look, what is this?

Children: The sun.

Educator: When does the sun rise?

Children: In the morning.

Educator: What can you do in the morning?

Children: Do exercises, wash, have breakfast, go to kindergarten, school, work, etc.

Educator: Morning has come, the sun has risen

Everyone woke up and stretched.

Educator: What is shown in the next picture?

Children: Sun, river, flowers.

Educator: What do you think has happened if the sun is high in the sky and shining brightly?

Children: Day.

Educator: What do we do during the day?

Children: We walk, play, study, have lunch.

Educator: When does the sun set?

Children: In the evening.

Educator: What can you do in the evening?

Educator: When the moon and stars appear in the sky, what happens?

Children: Night.

Educator: What do we do at night?

Children: We're sleeping.

Educator: Guys, you are great

Physical education lesson: game “Day-Night”.

3. Guys, what seasons of the year do you know?

Looking at pictures by season.

B: Now sit down, I have something for you. Look, what do you think it is? What does it look like? (to the sun and clouds)

B: Yes, it looks like the sun. This is how it shines in winter: weakly, dimly. What time of year is it now? (that's right, spring) In spring the sun is bright, radiant, warm, cheerful. What is our sun missing? (rays)

Our sun today is sad, dim, not smiling, the clouds hid the sun's rays.

Would you like the sun to smile? Well, then we need to free the rays and drive away the clouds. Are you ready?

1-For the cloud to fly away, we need to do one good deed: here are different figures, help me figure out which one looks like the sun.

2-Well done! The next task is to write poems about the sun.

The sun looks out the window,

Shines into our room

We clapped our hands

We are very happy about the sun.

Sunshine, sunshine

Look out the window

Kids love you

Young children

3-Well done. Another ray of sunshine appeared. It's time to free others too. To do this, we need to think and tell us what will happen in the spring?

Game “Say the Word”

D: The snow is melting, the roof is dripping, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing.

4- Smart girls! The beam has appeared, well done. But we still have some clouds left. What can we do to make them disappear? Let's all play together with the sun.

Looks at us in the window

Tender sun.

Bright, don't be bored

Better play with us.

Children clap their hands and jump on two legs.

Educator: Sunshine, sunshine,

Don't hide in a cloud.

Don't hide in a cloud

We're tired of the cold.

The teacher opens a large umbrella . Children run under an umbrella and hide from the rain.

Rain, rain

Drip, drip, drip

Don't wet the tracks

We'll go for a walk soon

And let's get our feet wet

It worked. The clouds have flown away. Look, it seems that our sun has begun to warm up. Guys

In spring, migratory birds return - swallows, rooks, larks. Our birds love to eat grain.

What's on our table? (Millet cereal) What color is millet? (yellow, like the sun) Let’s draw a sun on the cereal. Let's prepare the fingers

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine.”

We extended our palms

And they looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)

Give us warmth, sunshine,

So that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)

Our fingers are tiny

They don’t want to wait a minute, (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.)

Knock - knock, with hammers, (Bend down and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.)

Clap - clap, with spatulas, (Clap rhythmically on the knees.)

Jump - jump like bunnies,

Jumping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

Watch how we will do this. (Teacher demonstration)

Now let’s draw a sun on the cereal. Try to draw everything yourself, what kind of sun will you get?

Well done! How smart you are! I'm glad it worked out for you all.

It's spring here! What's shining in the sky? What about the sun? (bright, radiant, affectionate, warm, cheerful, spring)

Well done guys, let's sing a song about the sun for our guests goodbye

  • Introduce children to Russian folklore;
  • Encourage children to communicate and develop speech;
  • Consolidate knowledge about the sun (what is it for? what is it like?);
  • Continue to introduce the unconventional way of drawing with your palm.
  • Develop aesthetic feelings for nature, teach to see its beauty.
  • Develop color perception and hand-eye coordination.
  • To encourage in children the desire to finish what they start.

Equipment: sheets of blue paper (50x50 cm), gouache (yellow, red), saucers (for drawing with the palm of your hand), napkins, illustrations and sketches depicting the sun.

Preliminary work:

  1. Walking around the kindergarten area in order to observe the sun (during walks, the teacher teaches children to peer into phenomena, compare them, see what is common and distinctive, and with questions encourages them to find their own words and expressions to describe what they see);
  2. Telling the fairy tale “Visiting the Sun”;
  3. Examining the sun in illustrations, clarifying the shape and color of the sun;
  4. Learning songs and nursery rhymes about the sun;
  5. Guessing riddles about natural phenomena.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part.

Educator: Guys, listen to a very interesting riddle and tell me what it says:

It warms the whole world.
And he doesn’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls him...

Children: The sun.

Educator: That's right, it's the sun. It wakes up before everyone else, washes itself from the cloud and rises high into the sky to do “good deeds.” And what “good deeds” does the sun do? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Yes, guys, that’s right, the sun illuminates the earth, warms everyone, it has many “good deeds”: warm the earth, illuminate it with bright light, and wake everyone up with its gentle rays. But sometimes, guys, it happens that the sun doesn’t come out into the sky much and doesn’t give us its warmth. What time of year do you think this happens? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Guys, is it a sunny day now? (Children's answers.)

Educator: Let’s make today sunny together! Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Educator: And we will draw the sun not with pencils or brushes, but with the help of our palm. To make the sun look like a real one, let's remember what it is like. What does it look like? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What figure does the sun remind us of? (Children's answers.)

Educator: What color is the sun? ( Children's answers.)

Educator: That's right, children. Now we'll play.

Finger gymnastics “Give us warmth, sunshine.”

We extended our palms
And they looked at the sun. (Children stretch their palms forward and rhythmically turn them up and down.)
Give us warmth, sunshine,
So that there is strength. (They make a movement with their fingers, as if beckoning to them.)
Our fingers are tiny
They don't want to wait a minute (They rhythmically bend and straighten their fingers.)
Knock-knock, with hammers, (They bend down and alternately rhythmically knock on their knees with their fists.)
Clap - clap, with little paws, (They slap their knees rhythmically.)
Jump - jump like bunnies,
Jumping on the lawn. (They tap their knees with bent fingers.)

2. Practical part.

The teacher shows how to create an image. If there are difficulties, the teacher shows how to create an image individually.

As the children work, cheerful music is played to the tune of the Russian folk song “Shine, shine, sun.”


Bucket sunshine!
Come up quickly
Light up - warm up
Calves and lambs
More little guys.

3. Final part.

Educator: Let's remember what we did? (Children's answers.)

The teacher and the children review the resulting work.

Educator: Let's enjoy the sun and play game “Sun and Cloud”.

(Children's drawings are used,to the music and the words of the teacher “The sun is shining,” the children clap their hands; to the word “cloud” - children squat and make a “house” over their heads.)

Educator: Our lesson is over, you can rest.

Logacheva Nadezhda Yurievna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 233"
Locality: Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region
Name of material: open lesson
Subject: Open lesson in the second junior group "Water Sorceress"
Publication date: 30.05.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Open lesson in the second junior group “Water Sorceress”

MBDOU kindergarten No. 233 Novokuznetsk

Educator: Logacheva Nadezhda Yurievna

Target: formation of ideas about the properties of water.


Develop an interest in research and experimentation with water;

Develop tactile sensations and fine motor skills;

Practice guessing riddles, saying nursery rhymes (small forms of Russian


Pay attention to the importance of water in our lives and cultivate respect for water


Develop memory, thinking and imagination.

Dictionary: flows, shimmers, transparent, fluid, odorless.

Methodical techniques: guessing riddles, nursery rhyme “Water”,

experimental activity, looking at illustrations, moving

game “Sunshine and Rain”, productive activity.

Equipment: napkins, cups according to the number of children (2 pieces for each, spoons,

water container, audio recording “The Sound of Water”, illustrations, blue finger

paint, whatman paper with an image of a tree for applique, applique details, glue -

pencil, milk, basket of apples, demonstration material (ice, steam).

Educator: Children, today we have guests in our group. Let's say hello!

Children: Hello!

Children sit on chairs. There's a knock on the door.

Educator: Oh, someone is knocking on us (goes to the door). Children, the postman has come

and brought us a letter (opens the letter, reads).

Educator: Guess the riddles:

They drink me, they pour me out.

Everyone needs me

Who am I?

Educator: Children, did you guess it?

Children: This is water.


We say: it flows

We say: she is playing,

She always runs forward

But he doesn’t run away!

Children: This is water.

Educator: Today you will learn a lot of interesting things about water. What do you think

what is water for?

Children: To drink, wash hands, cook food, do laundry...

Educator (in the form of a conversation): Indeed, we can’t do without water;

as soon as we wake up and immediately go to wash; water refreshes us, makes us clean,

fresh, invigorating. Let's show how we can wash ourselves and talk affectionately

with good water. Children, come out onto the mat!

Nursery rhyme "Water"

Water - water, (palms under an imaginary stream of water)

Wash my face (palms “face washing”)

For the eyes to look (blinking the eyes)

To make your cheeks red (rubbing your cheeks with your palms)

So that the tooth bites (clicking teeth)

To make your mouth smile. (smile widely)

Educator: Oh, what a great fellow, I see you like some water. Do you want to play with her?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Children, take your seats. Look, on your tables -

cups containing spoons.

Individual survey by the teacher:

What's in one? (milk) In another? (water) In which glass do we see spoons? (Where

water) Why? (the water is clear, but the milk is not, and the spoon is not visible) That’s right,

children, the water is clear.

Educator: Let's find out if the water smells or not? (let's smell the water)

Children: The water is odorless.

Educator: Yes, clean water has no odor. Children, why water?

called the Sorceress? (children's answers)

Educator: Yes, that's right, water can transform. Look at the pictures (at

blackboard images: winter, snowflakes, snowball - water turned into snow; hail

Into the ice; steam from the kettle - into steam; droplets on the grass - into dew; picture of rain -

here water is rain). Because of these transformations, water is called the Sorceress.

And now, children, pour water from the cups into the basin. Why were we able to do this

Children: Water flows, flowing; can run like a trickle, like a river.

Educator: Yes guys, that's it!

Now let's play. Come out!

Outdoor game “Sun and Rain”

After the game, the children sit down in their places.

Educator: Guys, look at the pictures (1st - dried flower, 2nd -


What do you see in one picture and in the other?

Children's answers.

Educator: Yes, that's true. What is needed for plants to grow, bloom,

did they bear fruit?

Children: Water! She feeds them.

Educator: Yes, that's right. Pay attention to indoor flowers; they grow

they bloom because we feed them with water. Now guys, look what we have on

table (whatman paper with an image of a tree - an apple tree). Let's stick it

flowers (we make a collective applique). Let's add raindrops to

our apple tree was blooming!

Children: Let's finish the drawing.

Drawing raindrops with finger paint and reading the chant.

Children together with the teacher:

Rain, rain harder!

To make the leaves greener!

Educator: This is how our apple tree turned out! (hangs it on the board)

May our Earth always remain so green and blooming!

Educator: Children, did you like playing with water? What's interesting about her?

did you find out today?

Children's answers.

Educator: Now, guys, close your eyes and don't peek!

One, two, three!

A surprise has arrived!

Apples in each child's basket for us.

Educator: What's in our cart?

Children: Apples!

Educator: You see, children, we watered our apple tree, and she rewarded us for it

thanked me with apples. (hands out apples to children)