Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko broke up. Alexey Vorobyov: “Little Viki Daineko became a participant in our joint work

Vsë napominaet o tebe, otnyne mne
Ostalsya mir , kotoryĭ vmeste videl nas
V posledniĭ raz.
Komnata s balkonom i oknom svetla syeĭchas,
Chista kak denʹ , kotoryĭ vmeste videl nas
V posledniĭ raz.

Dni proĭdut, ne znayu, let skolʹko zim i skolʹko.
Bytʹ mozhet, ya smogu bytʹ schastliva s drugim,
A mozhet, net.
Pustʹ nichto ne vechno pod lunoĭ,
No na chas,
YA ne zabudu dnya, when ty byl so mnoĭ
V posledniĭ raz.
Vremya proĭdët, i ty zabudeshʹ vsë, chto bylo
S toboĭ u nas, s toboĭ u nas.
Net, ya ne zhdu tebya, no znaĭ, what ya lyubila
V posledniĭ raz, v posledniĭ raz,
V posledniĭ raz, v posledniĭ raz.
Vremya proĭdët, i ty zabudeshʹ vsë, chto bylo
S toboĭ u nas, s toboĭ u nas.
Net, ya ne zhdu tebya, no znaĭ, what ya lyubila
V posledniĭ raz, v posledniĭ raz,
V posledniĭ raz, v posledniĭ raz.
V posledniĭ raz.

Everything reminds you, now I
There remains a world that saw us together
For the last time.
A room with a balcony and a window bright now,
Clear as day that saw us together
For the last time.

The last time the last time
The last time the last time.
Days will pass, I do not know how many winters and many years.
Perhaps I can be happy with another,
Or maybe not.
Let nothing lasts forever,
But even for an hour,
I will not forget the day when you were with me
For the last time.
Time will pass and you will forget everything that has been
Are you with us, with you here.
No, I "m not wait for you, but know that I love
The last time the last time
The last time the last time.
Time will pass and you will forget everything that has been
Are you with us, with you here.
No, I "m not wait for you, but know that I love
The last time the last time
The last time the last time.
For the last time.

Why do star romances last so short? What is the reason? Maybe because all feelings are on display. Every step is visible. Every meeting, every kiss is in plain sight. And it is immediately discussed in the tabloids and the Internet.

Vika tried to create the illusion of a beautiful relationship. Or maybe the spark of love between them had already cooled down and the relationship was gradually cooling down and there could not have been another outcome.

Many fans of the stars did not believe in the sincerity of the relationship between Alexei and Vika. In the world of show business, Alexey Vorobyov has gained the reputation of conquering women's hearts, and this is probably not without reason.

The separation of Alexei and Vika did not shock society one bit. Alexey was the initiator of the breakup with the singer, and his girlfriend had no choice but to accept his fact of separation. The separation took place on the eve of Daineko’s birthday.

Victoria organized a gorgeous party in honor of her 25th birthday. A holiday with many family and friends, friends and acquaintances. All the guests came in carnival costumes and outfits. The holiday was organized magnificently. But Alexey never showed up at Vika’s birthday party.

He never came, did not kiss or congratulate her, because this was exactly the gift Victoria was waiting for. Everyone congratulated the birthday girl. And the Journalists kept asking, where is Lesha? And Vika just smiled sweetly and was silent.

And then in social network Twitter left the following message: "Love is a fog that dissipates with the first ray of reality." And this message immediately became proof that the relationship between Lesha and Vika had come to an end.

Lesha was not silent, unlike Vika. Vorobiev immediately answered questions from journalists and did not deny his separation. “Yes, it’s true, I made this decision consciously, but it wasn’t easy for me. I don’t want to comment on this anymore!” Here’s a short answer that dotted all the i’s right away.

And how beautifully it all started last summer. Moreover, many friends and acquaintances did not believe that all this was true. But they didn’t believe it because, simultaneously with Lesha’s photographs, information appeared on Wiki that during the filming of the film “Suicides,” Lesha “flirted” very beautifully with his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Akinshina.

And already before the New Year, Daineko became a participant in the program “Let’s Get Married” (in the role main character programs), but it’s not just like that? And even when the host of the program Larisa asked her a question about “What about Vorobyov? Or is it all just make-believe?” And the guest just laughed it off sweetly and didn’t answer anything specific.

At this point the sincerity of the relationship between Lesha and Vika is already becoming suspicious.. But they still continued to go out together, smile sweetly and hold hands. And now the question arises, was there love between Vika and Lesha or not? Now we can say no. Victoria remains silent and no longer touches on this topic.

The relationship, which was constantly advertised and “on show,” lasted almost a year. Although this outcome of the relationship between Daineko and Vorobyov was predictable.

The military registration and enlistment office declared the singer unfit for military service due to brain problems

After the sensational story of a car accident in America, many tales were told about the health of 25-year-old actor and musician Alexei VOROBYOV. And when he flew to Moscow for a short while, I asked to visit him to see with my own eyes the state he was in now. Having arrived a little earlier than the appointed time, I found VOROBYEV in the courtyard of his house in the Prechistenka area, lifting dumbbells and doing exercises on the horizontal bar.

You know, Lesha, if it weren’t for the official confirmation of American doctors, I would not have believed that you were in the hospital just six months ago. You look so cheerful that you could join the army right now!

In fact, I would love to join the army,” Vorobyov was taken aback. - On the set of the “Army Store” program, I was given the opportunity to shoot with a sniper rifle, and I didn’t make a single mistake, although I had never shot in my life. I'm not afraid of army difficulties. I’ve been used to “plowing” since childhood. And the shape I am in now is the result of many hours of work every day. And serving in the army, it seems to me, is very cool - shooting, running, jumping with a parachute. There is some kind of male romance in this. And it brings you back to reality.

So one day I put on ripped jeans, a hat and dark glasses, took a guitar and my dog ​​Elvis and went to sing in the underground passage under New Arbat. Back then I was filming every day, and I needed to shake myself up somehow. No one recognized me at the crossing. In two hours I earned 524 rubles. True, most often they served it not to me, but to Elvis. This big-eared guy sat in his guitar case and looked at everyone like that with sad eyes, as if I hadn’t fed him for two weeks.

But it seems that I am not destined to join the army. Recently I needed to get work visa in the USA. And I have run out of free pages in my passport. And to formalize new passport, I had to go to St. Petersburg and visit the military registration and enlistment office. The deferments that I was given for the duration of my studies have already ended. But, due to health reasons, they didn’t take me to serve. He was declared unfit for service due to heart and brain problems. They decided that I couldn’t even be trusted to sit and press buttons. In a year I will go to the military registration and enlistment office again, and they will check my health again. Although in my situation it is difficult to count on any drastic changes.

Fountained the script

- Why did you go to the military registration and enlistment office in St. Petersburg? Aren't you registered in Moscow?

No, I have never been registered in Moscow. Why do I need this?! Yes, once, when I first arrived here and was traveling by metro, I was punished for not having a residence permit. But then I was given temporary registration in the dormitory of the Gnesinsky Pop and Jazz College, where I was studying then. And I didn’t worry about it anymore. When I got a car, I registered it to a friend of mine. And I always traveled by proxy without any problems.

Until last year, I remained registered in my native Tula, in my parents’ apartment. But last summer my parents unexpectedly changed their place of residence. They went on an excursion to St. Petersburg and, upon returning, told me: “We fell in love with this city and want to move there.” I didn't take it seriously at first. “Maybe it’s better for you to move to Krasnodar,” I suggested. - “It’s warmer there and the sea is nearby.” “No, only to St. Petersburg,” the parents stood their ground. And then I thought: “Peter is Peter.” Who cares!".

There was nothing keeping them in Tula anyway. Mom still worked somewhere. And dad hasn’t worked for a long time. Yes, he raised and fed my brother and me. But he lost a lot in life. “Think of what you could achieve if you didn’t drink and quit your job all the time!” - I always told him. As a result, the parents sold the apartment in Tula. I added money. And we bought them an apartment in the center of St. Petersburg, on Moskovsky Avenue.

It was a shock for me when I came to my parents, we went for a walk around the city, and my father, a simple Russian man who either worked as a bomber or did something else, began excitedly telling me: “Look, son, this is Menshikov’s house.” . And here Peter the Great walked by and said such and such words.” Moreover, for more than two hours he did not utter a single swear word. I almost cried looking at him.

- What are you going to do in America?

I was given a special visa “for especially talented people,” which gives me the opportunity to work in the United States in my profession without a green card. The fact is that I am now starting filming in the American film “The Vatican Tapes.” It is directed by the director Mark Neveldine, known for the films “Adrenaline”, “Gamer” and “Ghost Rider 2”. He cast me for a small role as a doctor in a hospital. And if everything goes well, perhaps in a year I myself will be making films in America as a director.

When I was hospitalized and cut off from normal life, I took up mental work and wrote a feature-length film script. The idea for the script appeared in my head a long time ago. But there was no time to do this. But there was nothing to do in the hospital anyway. In addition, they stuffed me with pills that make the brain work harder,” Vorobiev showed me a bag of medicine lying on the table. “Under the influence of these pills, it was difficult for me not to think about anything. I had a constant flow of thoughts. And I started dictating scene by scene. A friend of mine, a producer at an American company, read the finished script. He really liked it. He gave me the opportunity to shoot a teaser for a future film and is now looking for financing for it. In the meantime, I’m training by filming short films.

Freedom from obligations

How are things going on your personal front? – I asked, noticing a pack of condoms in the bag of medicine.

At the moment I’m free,” Alexey hesitated. - I've always been lucky with girls. They were all wonderful. But for various reasons I broke up with everyone. WITH Oksana Akinshina I stopped dating even before the release of the film “Suicides,” on the set of which we became close. We broke up because of my fault. I was very worried that I had hurt her. And I’m glad that she’s doing well and she’s happy. Oksana is wonderful and deserves it like no one else.

My relationship did not work out with Vikoy Daineko. I lived with her for almost 8 months. And then I suddenly discovered that I didn’t know her at all. The Vika she was like when she was alone with me, and the one she appeared in front of those around her - these were two different people. Reading her interview, I did not see in her that wonderful girl with whom we drank tea in the kitchen all night long and sang songs together.

It seemed like the production center was writing these interviews for her. Igor Matvienko. And I’m used to being a free person and not depending on anyone. She saw that I decide for myself where and how I work, what films to star in. I tried to give her this freedom - in music. One day she sang to me a song that she composed herself at the age of 14. It was a rather complex jazz composition with transitions in keys and modulations. I couldn’t understand how harmony fit into her head. She doesn't have any musical education. I picked up this song by ear, made an arrangement and recorded it. Everyone really liked the song. Vika felt that an artist could do whatever he wanted, he could compose and record songs himself, and he did not have to perform only what the producers gave him. Next to me, she began to change, but she confused creative freedom and freedom from obligations. And one fine day she told me that she decided to leave Igor Matvienko, find investors and go to record an album abroad. Like, her production center demanded that she break up with me, and this way we could be together. I was horrified by all this. I understood perfectly well that if Vika did this under the influence of emotions, her career would end. And I had nothing to offer her in return. But I was never able to convince her that the people who gave you everything cannot be “ditched” either for the sake of love or for the sake of a more interesting job. And then I made the only possible decision, in my opinion, to break up with her. This happened about two weeks before her birthday. But for some reason Vika waited until the very end for me to come to her for this birthday. And then I presented everything to people as if I had left her the day before. This was not true. I'm not that kind of bastard.

I even congratulated her over the phone and gave her a gift. However, Vika was very offended by me. And she can be understood. Only recently we made peace with her and began to communicate again.

-Have you thought about getting married and having children yet?

Of course, I would like to start a family, but I’m afraid, like many, of making a mistake when I’m young and ruining someone’s life. My brother, who is two years older than me, has already gotten married. He has a child. He still lives in Tula and does not want to leave anywhere. He works in a local orchestra as an accordionist and second conductor. He loves his wife, believes that this is the woman of his life, and lives for her and for the sake of the child. But I’m not yet ready to be tied to someone forever. I want to go forward and achieve something. And to go fast, you have to do it alone. When you take someone with you, you always waste time.

And then, before starting a family, I must be sure that tomorrow I will wake up, my child will ask me for something, and I will not need to think about where to get money for it, as was the case in my childhood. Yes, my parents gave me great love and attention. But sometimes, as a boy, I was unbearably upset that, for example, I could not go out to the football field with the team in the rain, because my parents did not have the opportunity to buy me boots. At the age of 13, I already went to work as a security guard at a non-ferrous metals warehouse to start earning money and helping my parents. And from the age of 15 he sang in restaurants. And now I am doing everything so that my child has a different fate.

Victoria Daineko posted a post on a social network dedicated to Alexey Vorobyov. There was a romance between the singers in the past. The lovers parted peacefully. But messages were posted on Victoria’s page for a long time about how she missed Alexey. Today, the star’s subscribers suspect that Daineko and Vorobyov are back together.

In her latest message to Instagram subscribers, Victoria Daineko admires Alexey Vorobyov. She thanks him for the song and writes many nice words to Alexey.

Since both, by luck, are currently single, fans are hoping for a continuation of the five-year-old romance.

Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov, former lovers are going to meet again

Victoria Daineko's subscribers have a serious reason to think that former lovers Alesey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko will be together again. The reason for these thoughts was a post on Victoria’s Instagram.

The singer pulled out from the archives the old lyrics of the song, which Alexey Vorobyov wrote five years ago. Victoria plans to record a song and later a video for it. The caption under the photo voices Victoria Daineko’s attitude towards Alexey Vorobyov.

The singer admires the talent of her star ex. And he praises him as a singer, director, composer, actor and just good man. But most importantly, subscribers noticed that Alexey Vorobyov has recently been free.

Victoria also recently separated from her husband. Fans found such coincidences strange. The singer did not confirm the rumors. She convinces followers that the couple’s reunion is not possible.

There can still be a good relationship between exes, without a hint of more. And the affairs of bygone years will remain in the past.

Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov, how the relationship between the stars developed

Victoria Daineko became famous thanks to the television project “Star Factory”. The singer was only 17 years old when her career took off.

The first successes in the profession and the first love were all given to the girl Vika from Kazakhstan by “Factory”. Her first relationship was with the equally talented participants of the Star Factory. This relationship was touching, sweet, but, unfortunately, did not last long.

Alexey Vorobyov appeared in Victoria’s life when she was already noticed by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. The girl was already more firmly on her feet in the profession, and her heart remained free.

The pair of Sparrows and Daineko were incredibly beautiful. And when they sang a duet, fans were fascinated by the sincerity of the couple.

By the time the relationship began, Alexey Vorobyov had earned a reputation as a heartthrob. The lovers did not develop a relationship right away. Alexey liked Vika for a long time, but apart from work, nothing connected them. Until one incident in the cinema.

Alexey invited the singer to the cinema, and she agreed. It seemed like the perfect first date. But unexpectedly the girl left her companion in the middle of the movie screening. I preferred a new car to Alexey.

This act hurt the singer; for a long time he could not forgive Victoria for such an outburst. But time passed, and the resentment subsided. Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov began dating.

Alexey was delighted with the wisdom of Victoria, who was not jealous and understood him. Vika was blinded by the talent of her gentleman. But unfortunately this harmonious union fell apart. Alexey devoted too much time to creativity, thereby slowly but surely ruining his relationship with Victoria Daineko.

Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov, the singer commented on the rumors

Breaking off relations with Alexey Vorobyov was not easy for Victoria Daineko. For a long time, in his posts on his social network page, he recalled broken love.

Victoria later managed to get married. But today she is free and again remembers her former lover.

Alexey Vorobyov also still hasn’t found his ideal companion. He participated in the show "The Bachelor". But even out of 25 shining beauties, he couldn’t choose the only one.

Alexey always spoke highly of Victoria Daineko. He admired not only her appearance and talent as a singer. She captivated the singer with her feminine wisdom and loyalty. He broke up with Victoria five years ago for the sake of a successful career.

Perhaps now he can start from scratch with Victoria. But Vorobiev does not make any official statements on this matter. Fans can only wait and watch the personal lives of their idols.

On November 16, the new season of the popular youth series “Deffchonki” starts on the TNT channel, where Alexey Vorobyov plays one of the main roles. His hero Sergei Zvonarev finally marries his long-time lover Masha Bobylkina, played by Galina Bob. The same event could have happened in the lives of the actors, but fate decreed otherwise. Why does Alexey Vorobyov often have office romances, what kind of relationship the actor now has with his ex-girlfriend Victoria Daineko and other details from the artist’s life in his frank interview with StarHit.

Galina Bob admitted that she was in love with you at the beginning of filming. Moreover, it was mutual sympathy. How did you manage to resist having an affair with the person with whom you spend so much time side by side on the set?

Galya is truly just wonderful, and I think that it was a fateful coincidence of circumstances for two other people to meet - Galya Bob and the director and producer of the series “Deffchonki” Sergei Koryagin. Now they are a happy family, and I am sure that it was not us, but someone above who arranged everything so that we would all simply become witnesses of their happiness, and not steps on the way to it.

Do you often improvise during filming? While the filming process was going on, did many interesting stories happen to you?

I improvise constantly. Most of my improvisational jokes on set remain in the series, and the viewer hears them as lines from the Beller. In addition to the jokes that are born in the process and remain in the series, the famous songs of the Beller are sometimes born right in the frame. This year, for example, to his imperishable hit “Waitress Masha”, several more equally heartbreaking tracks will be added. A sense of humor and, most importantly, self-irony are one of the most important qualities for any person, especially for an artist. And there are always a lot of funny stories on set. One day, between takes, the make-up artist came up to me with hairspray to fix the Beller’s hair. I don’t really like makeup, and this time, as always, instead of sitting quietly, I decided to do it myself and, taking the varnish from her hands, stepped aside. The make-up artist followed me to keep an eye on me. And exactly at that second when we walked away, the producers sprayed something into the fireplace, and exactly in the place where I was sitting and she was standing, a column of flame rose up to the ceiling... We both looked at the flame, then at the hairspray in my hands, then on each other’s hair, and then she thanked me for a long time.

Your hero in “Deffchonki” Sergei Zvonarev, like you, is a famous singer. Would you like to live his life? If not, what would you change in his character traits, relationships with people?

I am first and foremost an actor, not a singer. And if I wanted to live Zvonarev’s life, I would have lived it. He and I are complete opposites, and that is why it gives me such pleasure to play him. And sometimes I humanly envy the Beller’s recklessness. But since it was I who invented him, and it was I who endowed him with all those features for which the audience loves him so much, I still live Zvonarev’s life, but only on the screen. It's no secret that at first the creators of the series wanted me to play myself, Alexei Vorobyov. But I was categorically against it - playing myself as an actor is not interesting to me. In addition, it was immediately clear to me that Alexey Vorobyov would be very boring for this series, because he doesn’t drink, works day and night, and would never play tricks like that. And I myself proposed to make my hero a broken-down rock and roller who does everything that the real me could never afford. I promised the producers of the series that it would be a lot of fun. And, as you can see, I keep my word.

So your character is already ripe for family life, and why haven’t you gotten married yet? You had bright companions who were probably waiting for the relationship to develop.

Everything has its time. Sooner or later you become ready for this. But on this issue I rather agree with those who marry in mature age having already achieved something. I am convinced that in modern world a man has the right to start a family only when he can take full responsibility for his wife and future children. And it doesn’t matter how old he is. And I am against early marriages, and I do not share the frivolity and irresponsibility of young parents who get married, have children, and then get divorced. In addition, I myself grew up in a family where my parents could only afford to buy my brother and I only one football boots between us, so in bad weather I couldn't train. And in order to buy us a professional accordion so that we could go to competitions, my father had to sell his car, which helped him feed his family. Therefore, I will do everything to ensure that my children are born only when I can provide for their future.

One of the girls with whom you had a relationship is singer Vika Daineko. She recently became a mother, did you congratulate her on this happy event?

Of course, congratulations! This is such happiness! Some time before she became a mother, the whole family, with a husband and a child in the belly, came to me to record a song that I wrote for Vika’s new album. So their baby even became a participant in our joint work. It's wonderful to see how a beautiful girl becomes a real woman and mom.

Is your heart free now?

Absolutely. In principle, I am a very freedom-loving person, so I hate feeling dependent on circumstances, people and, especially, feelings. It's like a reflex kicks in for me. Just as a person who was once electrocuted no longer touches exposed wires with his bare hand, so I, every time realizing that I am becoming more and more attracted to a woman, I myself close myself off from her so as not to be dependent on her mood, her touches, her words. and your feelings.

What should the chosen one of such a creative person like you be like?

Only someone who is equally sick can understand a sick person. And love has long been a mental diagnosis. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s love for a person, or love for a business to which you devote yourself every day, because in both cases you are obsessed. This is why I often have office romances - because in this case two people begin to be connected by a common obsession. I honestly wait for love, I don’t look for it, but I wait with confidence that it will come. I don’t know what my chosen one will be like and I don’t try to imagine. Perhaps she will be kind and loyal, or perhaps a complete bitch, whom I will hate with all my being and love with all my heart. But the main thing is that it became my diagnosis called “love.” But I always liked girls in dresses. Girls are truly feminine. This remains unchanged, as does the mandatory quality for my girlfriend - a sense of humor. As I grew older, I realized that I absolutely do not know how to obey women, and the ability to always remain a woman and not try to dominate was added to the ideal set of girlish qualities. The ideal combination for me is a girl-person who does not give up her positions, but does not try to command a man, and at the same time is loving and caring.

How did it happen that you decided to make your own film, and besides, you were not only its director, but also the scriptwriter, composer, and editor?

The idea for this film came to me after the accident, when I still had difficulty even speaking. The doctors said that I was unlikely to be able to return to the profession, and I was looking for a use for myself, trying to find a place on the other side of the cell. I thought about what I would do if I couldn’t return to duty. Started writing scripts. Then my friends, students at the Los Angeles Film Academy, offered to film them course work- short film. I happily grabbed this idea as if it were a saving straw. He did several works with them as a director and screenwriter, and, returning to Moscow, made his first short film in Russian. To be honest, I was simply shocked by how my debut was received - I, of course, did not expect such a reaction from viewers, critics and journalists to my work. This was a huge event for me. After all, any directorial work is an opportunity to tell a story, passing it through your circulatory system...Today, the film “Papa” has received many prizes at international festivals around the world, and I began to actively work as a director, and I still write scripts for their works.

In 2013, you were involved in a serious accident in Los Angeles. As far as we know, doctors did not give a positive prognosis. What then helped you return to life?

I am convinced that everything that happens to us has a reason. And if God didn’t think that I had to do something else in this life, I would still be lying there now with half of my face and body paralyzed, like many. What a person experiences when he finds himself in such a situation cannot be understood without experiencing it. And, believe me, at such a moment no one can help him. Nobody but himself. You know, to give an analogy - it's like when you're driving at high speed, not knowing that your car is faulty. You are sure that nothing can happen to you. Doesn’t it occur to you that in a couple of minutes, for example, the steering wheel, which you previously held tightly in your hands, will simply stop listening, and you will fly off the road, and your life will change forever... Then, 2 years ago, I flew out off the track in every sense of the word. But the fact that with my lifelong diagnosis and the doctors’ dire prognoses, I continue my movement along this road of life, accelerating even faster than before, is a sign. A sign that God did not save me, but gave me to rise for something...

Who main man in your life now?

He has many names. “Eared”, “My unearthly love”, “Come on, quickly here!”, “My hairy happiness”, and, finally, the main name with which he appeared in my life on the morning of my 21st birthday - my dog Corgi breed Elvis-Melvis. Besides my family, this is the only person truly close to me, and for me he is just that: a person. Even when I ask him to give me his paw, I say: “Give me your hand,” and he gives. That's it for now. And, most importantly, I am absolutely happy, sitting with him early in the morning at Starbucks on Third Street in Los Angeles, with my favorite coffee in hand, answering your questions, half an hour before I return to the studio to sit down again computer and work until 6 am. And this is also happiness.