Alpine chalet cottage project. Chalet - a complete style guide

Among the numerous trends in world architecture and interior design, eco-style is one of the main trends. Modern man wants to be closer to nature, so he increasingly chooses comfort village house, such as an alpine chalet.

The design of the house in the chalet style, inside and out, is characterized by original details, preserving the main features of European medieval rural life. The centuries-old tradition of buildings is organically combined with modern technologies.

Classic chalet construction - shutters and carved balcony Source

Excursion into history

Chalet literally means “shepherd’s hut.” This was originally the name given to seasonal farms for dairy cattle that existed in the Alps, on the border of France, Italy and Switzerland. With the onset of cold weather, people and herds descended into the valleys, and the chalet huts remained empty all winter.

Already in the 18th century, the French appreciated the romanticism of mountain huts and began to decorate parks with garden pavilions made in a recognizable rural style. With the advent of alpine tourism, chalets slowly turned into holiday homes for enthusiasts of steep mountain trails and ski slopes.

Living conditions and the harsh nature of the mountainous areas influenced both the choice of material and the architecture of the chalet houses. Modern designs follow old recipe using traditional construction and design techniques.

Chalet-style houses: modern realities

A chalet-style house is reminiscent of mountain peaks, sparkling snow and intoxicatingly clean air. For a person tired of everyday worries, such a house will become a refuge from the modern rhythm of life, a place where you can put on a warm sweater and spend the evening near the fireplace, watching the cheerful flames.

The house is also suitable for people accustomed to energetic holidays - hunters, travelers, photographers, lovers of skiing, snowboarding and simply nature.

Alpine house – modern interpretation Source

Distinctive features of the style

Chalet houses or, as they are often called, Alpine (Swiss) houses were originally built on mountain slopes; they had to be built taking into account nervousness and elevation changes. Shepherds who lived in the Alps several centuries ago used in construction only those materials that could be found nearby. Severe climatic conditions the highlands forced the construction of reliable, massive and warm houses that could last for decades.


A chalet-style house is a combined type of building that combines several types of materials. The union of stone and wood helps to create a practical home that can protect from bad weather and rockfalls. Initially, solid stone was used on the foundation, ground floor and first floor; the roof and attic floor were built only from logs; later they began to use massive timber. Over time, the wood darkened, which gave the building a special, unique look.

Such a house was not afraid of gusty winds, snow storms, or pouring rain. In modern alpine buildings, stone is replaced with brick or cellular concrete; the attic floor is built from profiled or laminated timber, often frame technology. There are buildings made of rounded logs or unplaned timber.

Chalet house - facing with artificial stone and clapboard Source

Advantages of a combined alpine house

In the mountains of Europe there is little forest, but there is plenty of stone. Erect entirely stone house- long and expensive; building a completely wooden and at the same time durable housing is difficult. The compromise was the combination of materials.

Combination of stone first and wooden second floors allows you to reduce construction costs, and then heating costs. But chalet-style houses are loved not only because of the opportunity to save money; they have other advantages:

    Construction speed. A chalet house is built faster than a completely stone building. You can live on the first, stone floor without waiting for the completion of the second floor.

    Durability. The stone bottom protects the premises from moisture; the tree, being high from the ground, retains its properties for a long time. The sloping roof with large overhangs protects the entire structure from the sun and precipitation; a layer of snow helps retain internal heat.

    Environmental friendliness. House built from natural materials, does not affect health.

Recognizable style adapted to fast-paced life Source

    Multiple design options. A chalet-style house is easily recognizable by main feature: stone “bottom” and wooden “top”. Further elaboration of the details of the style depends on the fantasies of the future owner and their skillful interpretation by the designer. Most often, they try to preserve the naturalness of the exterior and interior decoration, diluting it with features of other styles (from country to hi-tech).

Exterior of an Alpine-style house: distinctive features of exterior design

The first chalet houses were strikingly different from their current counterparts. The buildings were as simplified as possible, without spacious verandas and, of course, without large windows, increasing heat loss. During the cold season, shepherds hid young and weakened animals in the building.

Modern technologies made the Swiss house more impressive in appearance, preserving the tradition of placement of the building. They try to turn the façade of a chalet-style house to the east; this allows rooms to be illuminated evenly. The main design features of the style remain unchanged and are visible from afar:

    Roof. Gable (as a rule), flat, with large offsets. It perfectly protects walls from weather disasters (wetness or snow drifts). The roof is covered with traditional wooden shingles or modern materials - soft roof or metal tiles.

    Number of storeys. Most often, two-story buildings are erected; the second floor is necessarily an attic.

Multi-storey chalets are typical of the Alps Source

    Windows. As large as possible, panoramic. Ancient shepherds sought to keep warm, the modern inhabitant of a chalet wants to enjoy natural landscapes. Modern technologies make it possible to combine the beauty of the landscape and the interior in an economical way.

    Terrace or veranda(often glazed). Like a spacious balcony, one of the indispensable architectural details. In warm weather it is used as a summer patio.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most construction companies, presented at the exhibition of houses “Low-Rise Country”.

About the project: house layout in chalet style

Classic chalet houses were built on mountain slopes; There was often little space for construction. This affected internal structure. Architects have long studied the main features of chalet layout, interior and exterior, and successfully use them in construction. Modern chalet-style house designs have a basically standard approach to construction:

    Ground floor. Livestock is no longer hidden here, provisions and household equipment are no longer stored here. On the ground floor there is a living room, kitchen, study, and on the second floor there are bedrooms.

    Lack of entrance vestibule. If there is no veranda, external door sometimes it opens directly into the living space, as in classic alpine buildings. In modern versions, the hallway is provided at the request of the house owner.

Interior of the entrance area of ​​a chalet house Source

    Combination. To prevent the walls from reducing the internal area, it is practiced (on the 1st floor) to combine two or three zones into one space - the kitchen, dining room and living room. This space layout provides space and communication.

    Facade elements. Terraces for summer holiday They are made spacious, often encircling the building.

    Facade details. With the advent of double-glazed windows, shutters that protect an Alpine house from the piercing wind have become original decor. But the tradition of decorating the roof, doors, railings of terraces and balconies with carvings has been preserved.

    Interior details. A fireplace is an indispensable component of an Alpine house project.

Video description

About the secrets of the chalet style in the video:

Modern chalet house designs do not aim to compete with ancient mansions. They are built with an emphasis on durability, coziness and comfort. Modern technologies allow the construction of three-story buildings, with a basement, sauna, garage and modern communications.

Features of building a chalet house

Modern chalet houses continue the traditions of medieval masters. Construction companies offer modern and comfortable houses turnkey chalets, both standard and custom-designed individual order. High-class architects and designers, experienced engineers and builders take part in their creation.

Project country house in chalet style Source

Since natural stone (slate or pebbles) is an expensive material, when constructing a basement floor it is replaced with brick or foam concrete. Stone (natural or its artificial analogue) is used for cladding. Exterior finishing Chalet-style houses allow the use of textured plaster in pastel colors. As for the attic, the tradition of making it from timber or logs has been preserved.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Interior: features and details

The chalet style, originally masculine and rough, has long been adapted to today's realities and has been divided into two directions. One is filled with rural comfort, peace and tranquility, the other is filled with hunting romance. The first one is dominated by pottery and paintings in wooden frames, in the second - tapestries and hunting trophies.

In the interior of both directions there are no random elements, just as there is no ostentatious luxury. The living room of a chalet house will in any case comply with the canons:

Living room interior in an alpine house

For the interior of the chalet, a spacious room with high ceilings and panoramic windows is suitable. Animal skins, massive furniture and warm carpets will highlight the charm of the style. Lighting can be multi-level. An antique central chandelier (with imitation candles) will create coziness together with sconces, table or floor lamps with lampshades made of natural fabric. An example of a chalet-style house interior, photo of a spacious living room:

Natural materials in the interior decoration of the living room Source

Colors and decor

All shades are respected natural wood, style is not acceptable bright accents. If there is not enough color, you can add beige, black, wine, gray, cream or dark blue. Terracotta, marsh and wenge are allowed.

Details determine the design of a chalet house; inside they are no less important than in other styles. Alpine motifs can be traced in the design. The necessary color is created by paintings and photographs in solid frames, with views of mountains, forests and valleys. In such an interior, ceramics look good, but without glaze, dull, matte. Metal and plastic will seem like alien parts; luxury, gilding and mother-of-pearl are signs of bad taste.

Video description

About the natural style house project in the video:

Ceiling and walls

The ceilings are high and wooden. Ceiling beams wonderfully convey the atmosphere of an Alpine house, although modern version are part of the decor (in the attic, open beams are part of the roof truss system).

Stone and wood are timeless classics, but today walls covered with decorative plaster or paint. Tapestries are used as decoration. Hunting motifs - horns, heads and skins of animals, hunting rifles give the atmosphere a touch of adventurism.

Hunting motifs are a common detail in a chalet living room Source

Doors and floors

Chalet projects involve the use of heavy wooden doors. They are decorated with carvings and wreaths of dried fragrant herbs. The floors are unpainted solid boards, coated with varnish (or stain). Sometimes wood is artificially aged. Floors are usually decorated with carpets and animal skins.

Fireplace and furniture

The fireplace is the calling card of the style, the focal point of the interior. It is installed in the living room, or even in the bedroom, and is lined with stone. There are electric fireplaces, above which plasma TVs look quite natural.

The furniture is wooden, good quality, comfortable. Objects of an impressive appearance, soft, but having a rough appearance, with scuffs, will fit into the style. The living room will be decorated with a large leather sofa with pillows and blankets.

Textiles and household appliances

Natural (can be undyed) cotton, linen or wool (but not silk or synthetics) are welcome. Rough fabrics harmoniously support the natural, eco-friendly style of a country house.

Plasma panel above the gas fireplace Source

They try to hide household and digital appliances, security systems under wall wood panels, screens or furniture facades. This disguise preserves the ancient atmosphere of the home.

What could it be modern house chalet, photos of interesting projects:

Chalet house in native element Source

Decoration of the facade: carved ornaments of the cornice and balcony Source

Modern interpretation of style does not contradict traditions Source

The use of modern materials will not spoil the classics Source

A cozy combination of chalet and country styles in the design of the living room Source

True chalet style - discreet, strict and warm Source

The fireplace gives the bedroom the feel of an elegant country home Source

Bedroom and balcony surrounding it Source

The kitchen and living room areas are combined into a whole space Source

High-tech interior in an Alpine house Source


All styles evolve, and the chalet style will not escape changes. Many designers experiment with furniture, lighting and accessories, keeping the elements constant folk tradition. Thanks to such careful treatment, chalet-style houses will always look modern and natural.

A durable and cozy capital structure, despite its simple origins, will appeal to both romantics and quite pragmatic people. All of them are attracted by the harmonious combination of natural comfort and the conveniences of the modern world, embodied in the chalet house.

Ready-made chalet house designs made from combined materials are becoming increasingly popular in Russia. But what are the advantages of these European country cottages? It would seem that they are very far from our realities and the needs of homeowners. But it turns out that they have a number of advantages, which we will dwell on in more detail.

Features of modern chalet-style house projects

Modern projects are very different from buildings of the 19th century. For example, in traditional buildings the first floor was made of stone, and the second floor was made of wood. Today, architects prefer to lay out the basement of the first floor with artificial stone in order to preserve the style. And both brick and blocks can be used as the main material for walls. And only thanks to the exterior decoration made of wooden parts, the style of a hut in the snowy mountains is recreated. Also, in the new interpretation, it is permissible to use a bay window, which is missing in classic chalets.

On our website you will find a wide variety of these houses: the catalog with dimensions and photos contains the following types of projects:

  • Small chalet-style houses up to 150-200 sq. m., for example, two-story with brick columns No. 57-91K or single-story No. 58-70K;
  • Very small “country” houses up to 100-120 square meters. m., for example, mini-chalet No. 10-76;
  • Country wooden cottages made of laminated veneer lumber (Finnish technology) or rounded logs: interesting example No. 12-40 with second light and a swimming pool;
  • Projects with a basement floor, which can be used to build a chalet on a slope (No. 13-37);
  • Using foam blocks, aerated concrete and wood, best example - №57-83 ;

The chalet blends perfectly with the surrounding nature and landscape, which is why elite summer cottage projects are often chosen in this style.

Advantages of Alpine, Austrian and Swiss chalets:

  • A combination of stylish design with the use of modern materials in a house project. Thanks to this, you get all the advantages and avoid possible disadvantages.
  • Fireplace in the manor. Just imagine how cozy evening gatherings with the whole family in the living room by the fireplace will be during the cold season.
  • Such a building is suitable for any suburban area, and will look great against the backdrop of the natural landscape - even forest chalets are being built.
  • None

Alpine chalet-style houses look a little exotic, but at the same time, such buildings fit perfectly into the modern climate. You will learn about all the features of this unusual direction from this article.

History of origin

The chalet style came to us from the southeast of France. Despite this origin, the French themselves call such buildings Swiss houses.

The word “chalet” itself translates as “shepherd’s hut,” and this name fully explains all the features of this style. Initially, the chalets were built in the Alpine mountains. In these simple wooden huts, shepherds hid from the cold and spent the winter. That is why private houses on the mountain slopes were built in a special way.

Natural wood and stone were used in construction. Wood was used in the construction of the main floor and additional attic. And the ground floor and solid foundation were already made of stone. The Alpine-style chalets looked as if they were growing into a stone foundation.

To protect from snow, the shepherds tried to make the roof of the correct shape. The roof was sloping and its edges extended far from the base of the house.

This was done so that in winter the house was protected from snow, and in spring from melting water, which could harm the wood.

Thus, the houses served more than one generation, despite the fact that weather conditions this was not helped at all.

The interior of the huts was also furnished using mainly natural materials. The amount of furniture was kept to a minimum - armchairs, tables and chairs - what simple shepherds needed for comfortable living.

Alpine houses were surrounded by nature: green trees, bushes, at the foot of snowy mountains. Most often, houses were located in secluded areas, which allowed the shepherds to constantly be in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Now this exquisite French style has spread to Russia.

It’s easy to fall in love with these exquisite, cozy houses at first sight and forever. So now such a house can be built, even if you live far from the mountains and know practically nothing about distant France and its traditions.

Architecture Features

Luxury houses in french style fit perfectly into Russian realities. Since our climate is almost the same as in the snow-covered Alpine villages, such houses are also appropriate here. Almost all the main details are determined by the conditions in which the shepherds lived.

The main feature of these architectural buildings is their wide roofs with sloping edges. In winter, when they are covered with snow, the houses look like small snow-capped mountains.

The principles of designing the foundation and ground floor are based on the characteristics of the climate. The shepherds used stone to make the house stand more firmly on the mountainous terrain. In addition, the stone finish also looks very beautiful. Pilasters are also used as additional decoration on the outside, wooden beams and beautiful carvings on railings or arches.

Another traditional detail of an Alpine chalet is a large veranda. Very often it extends beyond the roof and is supported by special columns.

In the warm season, this veranda can be used as a dining area, a place for growing beautiful flowers or a play area if you have children.

A traditional detail can be called standard layout all alpine chalets. The external layout is quite simple. On the ground floor there is an entrance hall, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom. And the second floor is reserved for bedrooms, guest rooms and other rooms. For example, you can place a dressing room or office there. But this is not at all necessary. This way you can equip even a very small one-story house.

Modern chalet-style houses are, as a rule, combined rooms that combine traditional elements and some innovative ideas.

Russian or Canadian chalets look a little different from simple shepherd's huts. But still, the main traditional details are present in them.

Advantages of style

Alpine style inspires many designers. This is not surprising, because such houses, no matter where they are built, look as if they were painted from a French artist. Every family would dream of living in such a fabulous country cottage.

In addition to its fabulous appearance, the chalet-style house also pleases with its environmental friendliness. One of the main principles for choosing materials for construction is their naturalness. Both the ceiling and the floor in such a house are wooden.

The surface of the wood is usually treated with plaster and a thin layer of whitewash. Sometimes the wood can be left untreated.

It is also worth noting that such houses are as comfortable as possible. Everything in them is arranged in such a way that you feel comfortable being there.

To create the right atmosphere, all decorative details are selected - from a massive fireplace or fragrant candles to high-quality textiles.

Materials used

If you are building a house from scratch, you can make the structure from natural untreated logs, laminated veneer lumber or brick. Although the traditional chalet option is, of course, wooden building with stone facade. Brick is used much less frequently.

The frame house on top is protected from snow and cold by a wide roof. If you are building a log cabin, wood shingles are the best way to complement it.

However, this is an expensive option, and if you have already spent money on building the base and brick finishing, then you can quite save on tiles.

You can replace a tile roof with reeds, shingles or even straw. In Russia, this roof option will look even more natural. Inside the house there should be rugs, bedspreads and curtains made of natural fabrics. These can be carpets made of burlap or linen, fluffy woolen or knitted blankets, blankets made of multi-colored scraps and embroidered pillows.

Distinctive features of the interior

Modern houses in this French style are distinguished by their beautiful appearance and high level comfort. In fact, such houses have little in common with the huts in which the shepherds lived. All that remains of this idea is a fabulous appearance and the use of natural materials.

Inside, they try to make such a house more suitable for living in modern world and cozy. But at the same time interior decoration should correspond to the concept of the chalet and remain more cozy.

Try to choose simple things made from natural materials. They will decorate and transform even small house size 6x4 m.

Inside, as well as outside, the walls of a chalet-style house are either left wooden or sheathed with an additional layer of wooden panels. Also relevant white plaster or any other light wall decoration. Although such walls get dirty easily, they look very stylish and elegant.

A luxurious fireplace is often installed inside a small house of this type. This is, without a doubt, a real symbol of comfort and family warmth.

It is most often placed in the living room, where the whole family can gather in the evenings. Part of the fireplace and the wall next to it are usually finished with natural stone.

Chalet-style houses are not only one-story, but also two-story. In such rooms it is important to install a staircase that matches the style. Naturally, it is best if it is made of natural wood.

You can also decorate the windows inside the house with luxurious curtains. Modern design will ideally complement thick curtains made of high-quality fabric or light tulle curtains.

As you can see, decorating a chalet-style country house from the inside is a combination of traditional motifs and practical modern ideas. The interior should be comfortable for living, but at the same time look as if several generations of your family have lived in this room.

Selection of furniture

Once you have chosen the wall decoration, staircase and curtains, it is time to move on to choosing the right furniture. Wood should remain the dominant material in a chalet-style house. Therefore, you should choose wooden furniture.

Designers advise not to forget that Alpine houses are different from all other French buildings. They are less sophisticated, both in terms of finishing and decor.

Therefore, it is better to choose simple furniture. For example, antique shabby sofas, durable tables and chairs, angular chests of drawers and so on. Forget about elaborate cabinets with curved legs and chairs with carved backs and frills. How simpler furniture, the better. It is not recommended to use transformers or modern glass and metal tables.

The chalet style is calm leisurely and moderation, so there is no need to rush to keep up with all the newfangled trends and turn your home into a warehouse of technological innovations.

Choose furniture that will give you a feeling of comfort and warmth. These could be old sofas, covered in leather, which only looks better over time, chairs with fabric armrests, wicker tables and rocking chairs.

You should be comfortable sitting in each of your chairs all evening long. If possible, choose furniture “with history.” This could be a real grandma's chair or a chest of drawers bought at a flea market.

And if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase a real vintage item, then you can stylize a modern item as antique. To do this, you can treat the wooden surface with sandpaper, use special paint or decoupage technique.

True, when decorating furniture using this technique, you should not get carried away with cute flower stickers and silver or gold painting. This is more typical of the Provence style, where sophistication is more valued than comfort.

A good idea would be to use simple, angular furniture without legs. It looks solid and simple. Massive chests of drawers or rough cabinets will go perfectly with all other interior details. It is convenient to store all your outfits and books in such cabinets.

A massive wide table would be appropriate in the kitchen. Two options look best: a rough wooden table or a product with a stone top. Next to it you can install solid wooden chairs that match the style. The kitchen shelves and cabinet in which dishes and all the necessary small items for the kitchen are stored should be made of the same material.

It is advisable to leave everything wood coverings in their natural form without covering with paint or varnish.

In the bedroom, the interior should also be rustic. An oversized wooden bed covered with a soft blanket or woolen blanket is its central detail. It is recommended to use natural linen. On linen or cotton bed linen you will sleep like a baby.

Next to the bedroom there is usually a bathroom, which also should not be overloaded with unnecessary furniture. Limit yourself to the bare essentials and a simple cabinet in which you will store your towels and toiletries. The mirror in the bathroom should be small. It is best if it is in a durable wooden frame.

Exquisite wicker furniture looks good on a terrace or veranda. Chairs and tables made in pastel colors or shades of brown add lightness to a harsh interior. In addition to them, you can also use wicker baskets, boxes, vases and even lamps with rattan lampshades for decoration.

Important accents to create an atmosphere

The easiest way to place accents in an alpine house is to combine the right colors. Main color palette in such a room it should be natural. The main color is, naturally, brown. All its shades, from light to dark chocolate, are harmoniously combined with each other. Against a brown background, details in rich red, burgundy and terracotta shades look good.

Conspicuous variegated colors should be present in minimal quantities. It is better to replace them with pastel colors - coffee, beige, soft pink.

One more important detail The design of the chalet is a massive fireplace. Without it, the style won't be as cozy. The fireplace is usually located in the living room, in the corner or in the middle of the room. Its dimensions are calculated depending on how spacious the room is. The larger the room, the more luxurious and massive the fireplace you choose can be.

In this case, an additional place for installing decorative trinkets will be a wide mantelpiece, which can be decorated with dried flowers, ceramic pots or dishes painted with patterns.

Don't forget about the little things. Many people think that all these decorative elements- something completely unnecessary. But they are the ones responsible for that atmosphere of comfort that we so lack in half-empty city apartments.

The best decorative details for an alpine house are those that are made by yourself. Initially, these wooden houses were inhabited by people who knew how to create wonderful things with their own hands.

You can decorate your home with cute embroidered pillows, elegant wooden candlesticks, colorful patchwork throws, clay vases or wicker baskets to store cosmetics and small items.

In almost every room, animal skins or their artificial imitation can be used to decorate the room. Such a beautiful fluffy skin can serve as a rug or a warm blanket in which you will wrap yourself while sitting by the fireplace. Since hunters often lived in traditional chalets, a skin hung on the wall would look quite natural there. Decorative deer antlers or even a deer’s head also look good next to it.

Another important detail is the right light.

In addition to the fireplace and natural light, there should be some other light sources. Although it should be noted that a chalet-style house should have wide windows that let light into the house. But they also need to be supplemented with chandeliers.

The main source of artificial light in a chalet-style house should be beautiful chandelier, giving a lot of diffused light. It will be complemented by floor lamps, sconces and other lamps. The main thing is that they all fit harmoniously into the interior of your cottage.

Forged chandeliers, sconces resembling candelabra, and table lamps, similar to candlesticks. By the way, you can also choose suitable light bulbs in the form of a candle light. It is advisable to choose those devices that provide soft, muted light that does not hurt the eyes. This kind of lighting will be enough for you, plus, it will help you create the ideal atmosphere for relaxation.

Also, we must not forget about such a light source as candles. They are given special attention in French and Scandinavian cultures. Even if you can't install a fireplace in your home, you can definitely afford a source of natural heat and light like a candle.

Choose fragrant candles with interesting Christmas scents - cinnamon, tangerine, vanilla or chocolate, for example.

Examples of beautiful interiors

Layout country cottage in chalet style is a rather complex process. You can design your future house yourself or entrust this task to professionals.

When decorating a modern home, try not to forget about traditions. In a classic chalet-style building, all utility rooms are located on the ground floor. The second floor is reserved for living rooms. But in the attic, if you add it, you can arrange a bedroom or office.

The inside of a chalet-style village house should have the simplest possible finishing - natural wood, textiles, strong support beams and a massive fireplace.

Even if you are building a house from scratch, it is best if it looks like a house with history. Slightly shabby furniture, rough beams, and walls with a thin layer of light plaster will help you with this.

One of the main advantages of a chalet style home is that you don't have to worry about finishing. Wooden walls and a floor made of unpainted boards is quite easy to cover protective layer varnish The bare boards can be covered with a fur or wicker rug on top.

Also use beautiful curtains made from natural fabrics with a simple pattern or without any decoration at all. In such a room you need to be careful with the second light - thick curtains do not allow natural light penetrate inside the house, so you need to find suitable lamps.

And to make the design of your home more individual, use some details that are important to you for decoration - handmade trinkets, souvenirs given by loved ones, or simply family photos in beautiful wicker frames.

However, a chalet-style country house should be beautiful not only from the inside, but also from the outside. You can start building summer cottage from scratch or already styled ready house under an alpine hut. To do this, it is enough to cover the first floor with stone and cover the attic with wooden panels that will imitate timber. It is worth noting that the option of finishing the house, rather than building it from scratch, will cost you less.

Another interesting move is to install full-wall windows on the ground floor or build a glassed-in terrace or veranda. This is true if your house is located next to a forest or any other picturesque area that is pleasant to admire.

A house with an attic or terrace has another advantage. In the warm season, you can put a wicker swing, a wide sofa or a dining table there. It will be nice to have dinner on the terrace or just get together with the whole family in the evenings. An important part of the exterior of a chalet-style house is the arrangement of the area next to the building.

Alpine huts were traditionally located at the foot of the mountains near dense forests. Therefore, the house was, as it were, part of the forest area, lost among the trees and bushes. But, despite this, the shepherds still managed to equip all the necessary buildings on their territory.

You can add a shed with a garage or install an elegant gazebo. Like the house itself, it is also built from natural wood. Inside the gazebo you can place a wooden table and wicker chairs. It looks elegant and stylish. You can complement the base of the gazebo with flowers in pots or other living plants. They can stand on the floor or tables, or even be placed in hanging drawers.

A chalet style house is perfect combination simple country life and modern thoughtfulness in the choice of details. This design looks very simple, but at the same time elegant and aesthetically pleasing. If you decorate your home in this style, you will be able to experience life in nature to the fullest, which you definitely won’t be able to do in a noisy city.

The name "chalet" originally referred to poor peasant (mostly shepherd's) houses clinging to the mountain slopes. Built near remote pastures, they were supposed to hide from bad weather and warm those who, for some reason, were forced to spend the night in the mountains.

The construction site and its circumstances determine the characteristic stylistic features, highlighting projects of houses and cottages in the Chalet style among others:

Unequal facades

The main facade is traditionally oriented towards the valley and looks most impressive. Simply because there is a mountain on the opposite side, there is no need to decorate there and there is nowhere to look either. The side facades in such a house are low and secondary.

The one-sided light orientation determined the shape of the building and the roof - the houses were molded along the slope, the ridge of the roof was placed perpendicular to it, and the type of wide house with a triangular pediment under sloping roof, rows of windows on the facade and sometimes with a balcony - gallery on the second floor.

In large buildings, or in the case where the Chalet is built on a clearing, there could be windows along the entire perimeter, but this is a rarer situation.

Nowadays, alpine houses are built not only in the mountains, so their windows now face both sides, forward and backward. If you are going to build housing on a plot so that there is a front garden in front, a private garden in the back, and you have neighbors to the left and right, then purchasing a house (cottage) project in the Chalet style is ideal for you.

Sloping, wide gable roofs with large overhangs

They were called upon to protect the walls of the chalet from rain in the summer, and in the winter to hold on to a warm cap - a thick layer of snow that prevented the heat from leaving the room, and to withstand the pressure of avalanches coming from the peaks. They are also the easiest to build.

In modern designs of houses and cottages in the Chalet style, it is precisely such roofs that are considered the main feature of the style. They are simple and economical to build, easy to use, and look impressive.

In principle, any modern cottage project under a sloping gable spreading roof can be stylized as an Alpine chalet house by using decorative means - increased roof overhangs, powerful wooden roof beams with struts, carved balconies and wooden shutters.

Natural materials for chalet construction

Large living or bleached stone and an abundance of wood are the hallmarks of the chalet.

Of course, before no one specifically bought bricks or tiles for a shepherd’s lodge; they used what grew and lay nearby.

Traditionally, the entire second floor was made of timber or half-timbered timber (in the urban version, where it is more difficult to obtain logs, but broken bricks), but now they are often limited to powerful wooden roofing structures and fences, and the walls are completely made of stone. Sometimes wood is imitated by covering the facades with clapboard or block house.

Modern designs of houses and cottages in the Chalet style may involve construction from brick, foam block, aerated concrete or other modern materials, be equipped engineering systems with the latest technology, but outwardly they retain a traditional appearance.

The originality of chalet-style houses was appreciated by many, which is why the popularity of chalet house projects is increasing every year. The Alpine technology for creating such buildings makes them look like mountain analogues; when you look at such a structure, you immediately associate it with snowy peaks and tranquility.

Advantages of an “alpine” house

Distinctive Features such buildings are their advantages:

  • Simplicity and comfort. In a “chalet” style home, you want to put on comfortable clothes, warm knee socks and sit down with a cup of aromatic coffee in front of a large window.
  • Naturalness. For the construction of a building, only natural raw materials should be used; even plaster for cladding is chosen according to natural basis. The same applies to the color scheme used.
  • Strength. Previously, chalet-style houses were built on a stone base, and the walls and ceilings were made of wood. Now such a combined position has retained its position; it is only allowed to use modern materials, the main thing is that they ensure the strength of the floors.
  • Availability of terraces and balconies. Who would refuse to receive guests at such a structure or enjoy solitude in the lap of nature with a book?

Features of chalet-style house projects

Having looked at the photos in the Domamo catalogue, you can see one common feature - a large gable roof, which has a protruding visor, it has large plumbs. The ground floor is distinguished by its height; it is made of stone, but the building itself is wooden; the adjacent verandas and terraces can extend far beyond the perimeter of the building; special wooden supports are provided to support them.

In most cases, the main material is conifers, they are more resistant to moisture, and also create optimal microflora in the house.

Choosing a chalet house project

You cannot entrust the design of such a house to unknown specialists, because its peculiarity is the combination of two materials, which requires accurate calculations. Typical layouts, offered in the catalog, can be adjusted at the request of the customer.