Fleas in a cat are dangerous for a person's disease. Feline fleas - how to cure the purr and protect yourself? Flea - not ha ha


There are no wings on the sidelines with the sides of the sides of the pest, but their absence with more than compensate 3 pairs of limbs. The hind legs are characteristic of particular development, in the muscles of which a special protein accumulates, thanks to which the insect can perform large jumps.

If you look closely, the feline of flea in the photo has a very threatening look. Such an unfriendly image she attaches a gentle forehead, closely planted eyes and the presence of many dense covering the body of the bristles. It is thanks to them the bloodstand quickly moves on the cat's wool or other pet.

Sosuchi-stitching type of rotter machine is characterized by powerful jaws and the presence of a trunk, with which the insect pierces skin cover and sucks the blood of the victim. Due to the small sizes, the Bloch's trunk is forced during the meadure period to be in a vertical position, deepening into damaged skin. Blood is a source of nutrition and females, and males. What a flea looks like a cat, you can see below in the photo.

Life expectancy

Most often, the female lays eggs at the place of rest of the cat or next to its toilet. You can detect eggs and larvae of feline fleas in the very wool of a pet, after which they fall and find themselves in different places of the room.

On a note!

Flea flea is able to live without food for several months. However, during this period, the egg female does not postpone.

Eggs of cat fleas are formed in the body of the females after each meal for several pieces: the maximum one-time number does not exceed the one and a half dozen. After that, the female throws them out of her body, trying to "shine" their way. This method of appearance deprives future larvae of competition, giving them the opportunity to survive: find refuge independently, as well as a source of food (cat or other pet).

The process of forming larvae in the egg takes from 2 to 14 days, depending on the conditions (the most optimal temperature is 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees and humidity 60%). Upon expiration of this time, a draft of the larvae appears, the length of the body of which reaches 1 mm. In the process of development, they undergo 3 molts, increasing in size up to 4-5 mm. After 1-2 months, the larvae is pounded, in such a state of 10 days to 6 months (depends on the surrounding conditions). After that, an adult flea appears from the doll, ready to.

The defeat of cats flea in cities and settlements in Russia is usually seasonal and by the end of summer and the autumn of about 70% of cats is affected by this ectoparasite.

In nature, there are more than 100 types of fleas affecting our pets, and some of them can attack a person.

Cats mostly meet Ctenocephalides Felis (Flea Fuck). At the same time, fleas from dogs, rodents can attack cats on cats.

Morphology and development cycle.

Fleas are overlooked insects. They have a bilaterally flattened body covered by numerous spikes and bristles, so that fleas are held between the hair of the cat's wool. The flea has six legs, two rear are stronger than that flea has the opportunity to move in the cat's hair at any angle and make long jumps, as well as up to 1.5 meters. On the Bloch's trouser, there are special tactile hairs that are very sensitive to any air fluctuate. The chitinist cover protects flea from any mechanical damage. Adults are brown, female size 2-2.3mm, male size 2-2.5 mm. The rice apparatus of the piercing-sucking look, simple eyes, epiphariches and mustaches are located on the chitin head. Adult fleas feed on the blood of the cat. Sometimes they can eat blood and other animals. Blood enters the stomach of flea. Which has a volume of about 0.5μl, at the same time, when sucking the feline blood, the stomach is able to accommodate the amount of blood 10-20 times more. The stomach of flea is able to digest a small amount of blooded blood, most of the blood is distinguished by a flea out in the cat's hair form of small black feces. It is noticed that flea has the ability to starve for several months. With an external inspection of wool-affected wool, we find a large amount of these feces that are similar to poppy seeds.

Clinical picture. The defeat of the cat flea is accompanied by the presence on the body of strongly annoying sites, while the cat is not just constantly drawn, but it combats his teeth bite. As a result of constant schania, wool on certain parts of the body falls (more often the neck area is affected), and the combless skin is covered with reddish crusts. Permanent itching leads a cat in a nervous state. When clinical inspection in hair, the branch is found at the skin of the sucking flat miniature points, externally similar to millet grain. Wroughtting blood, fleas begin to actively move, but in some cases and jump. With the help of a magnifying glass, you can notice a dark brown flat stretched in length of 2 or 3 mm in size, the wings are missing, long jumper rear legs. In the depths of the wool at the skin with attentive examination, the specialist finds the products of the vital activity of fleas - dark color fine-grained excrement. At the same time, with attentive inspection, it is possible to find Bloch eggs, which, unlike excrement, have an oval shape, larger and white color.

Cats as a result of defeat fleas, there are often complications in the form of piotraumatic dermatitis. With a strong damage to flea, as a result of a decrease in the amount of blood, register anemia. Sometimes we note the symptoms of lymphodenopathy and eosinophilia.

Diagnosis On the defeat of the cat's cats put on the basis of the collected anamnesis, the clinical picture of the disease, the season, and of course, on the basis of the detection of flea or flea cabin. When diagnosis, you can resort to careful combing wool with a thick comb. Hair composite particles are placed on moistened filter paper. After a few minutes around the combed grains, a red zone appears - which represents a flea caller with an excess of blood. The presence of a red zone is considered to be a diagnostic sign of the defeat of the cat flea, even if not found alive fleas. The disease is accompanied by the presence of a cat eosinophilia.

When conducting treatment from fleas, the owners arise a problem with the fact that up to 90% of the available fleas is in the cat's body (litter, in carpets, dust of the room, etc.) and are very resistant to different adverse environmental factors, easily Move, but as soon as the favorable conditions come, they begin to multiply strongly. Based on this, the fight against fleas should be comprehensively and when conducting treatment, you need to follow the following:

You need to keep in mind that collars sold in the pharmacy network from fleas will not be able to solve the problem of the defeat of the cat fleas because Have a limited temporary action and are not sanitized from fleas your room. In addition, you must bear in mind that if there is a hypersensitivity in a cat, the collars cannot be applied by flea bite, because Can lead to an allergic reaction in a cat on the chemical elements of the collar. At the same time, electronic collars from fleas in practice showed their small efficiency.

Now veterinary pharmacies for fighting fleas offer a large selection of anti-stroke funds, among which shampoos, drops on the withers and a variety of sprays of both Russian and foreign manufacturers.

When treatment in order to reduce itching, in the initial stage of treatment, glucocorticoids are used (prednisolone at a dose of 1-2mg / kg of body weight once a day, within a few days). Antihistamines are used, cats react well to chlorophenylamin treatment.

For the destruction of fleas on a cat, low-toxic drugs based on pyrethrines or pyrethroids are used (Bio Kill, etc.), as well as carbamates.

In order to destroy fleas in habitats, drugs regulating insect growth are used. One of the representatives of this group is an analogue of the juvenile hormones Methopren. Its use in the environment does not allow Bloch larvae to pumped (it cannot be applied on cats). You can apply the emulsion of Lufenurone affected by the Cat for 4 weeks by injection into the oral cavity. At the same time, flea, peeling blood from the cat treated with this drug, will be able to postpone the eggs, but the development cycle as a result of the chitin synthesis violation will be disturbed, as a result of which the Bloch larvae will not develop. This method contributes to the gradual destruction of fleas in your home.

Bloch preparations in cats

In the treatment of cats from Bloch, a number of drugs have an action on flea apply:

  • Shampoo from flea "Rolf Club", Children's shampoo, Shampoo "Phytoelita", Shampoo from Bloch "Meadow", Shampoo "Mr. KISS ", Shampoo" Bio Groom "and others.
  • Spray "Bars".
  • Powder from fleas "Flikar", "Insektin", "Chisthel".

Folk remedies from fleas in cats

When treating cats from fleas, some owners apply folk remedies, justifying this by the fact that the cat will not be in contact with those or other insecticides used in the treatment from fleas. And if your cat has a predisposition to allergies on the poisons, it will be generally the only option to get rid of the cat from flea.

Film from fleas can be attributed:

  1. Combining fleas and their eggs from cat wool. This method is time-consuming, due to the presence of Bloch eggs. Cat has to be combed several times during the day. The fleas are very quickly moving on wool, and you do not succeed at once to reveal all fleas. This process will make it easy to facilitate a special electric comb, which kills the flea weak current discharges, while remaining harmless to the cat.
  2. Bathing cats using tar soap. The cat affected by flea must be carefully naked and keep in such a state for 10 minutes, after which everything soap is washed with plenty of water.
  3. Walking into the premises of wormwood. The wormwood is placed in various secluded places, the smell of wormwood can scare fleas for a while.

Most effective today in the treatment of a cat from fleas, it is customary to consider medicinal preparations based on Celamectin (Stronghold, the manufacturer of the Pfaiser Exa Helsh, USA), FinPronil (Fronteil, manufacturer Merial S.A.С, France), imidacloprida (Advandaj, Bayer production, Germany).

The above preparations produced in the form of "spot-he" are especially convenient - small disposable pipettes and the cats used on the withers. Apply by extrusion on the skin (wool must be pre-shed) in those places where your cat will not be able to lick it with the tongue - it is from the nape to the blades. In the event that you contain several cats, then for the period of treatment it is necessary to isolate each other. Data Drugs are able to protect your cat from fleas for 4 weeks. Monthly use of these drugs will not only protect your cat from infection with fleas, but also can destroy the residual population of fleas, as well as their eggs and larvae indoors.

FRONTYL. It is a drug contact action. When applied to the region of the withers, it is evenly distributed on the entire surface of the cat's body, reaching the skin sebaceous glands, while the drug does not penetrate the blood of cats and its internal organs. Blook dying as a result of direct contact with the preparation.

In veterinary pharmacies, the front can be purchased in the form of a spray. Spray is a more active drug for flea processing. This drug is good because it can be applied to kittens from 2-day age. Cats processed by Fronteom are not recommended to wash for two days before processing and two days after processing.

As a result of the application of this drug on the skin in the region of the Cats, this medicine is evenly distributed over the body of the animal.
Bloch as a result of a bite with blood gets deadly dose and quickly dies. It is necessary to know that with small scales, disposed of corts and the remains of the flea themselves, this drug falls on the litter, carpets, furniture and other things in the house and destroys the larvae living there. This drug in the blood of the cat is preserved within a month, providing its protection against fleas.
This drug cannot be applied kittens younger than 6-week age, cats with a certain infectious disease, as well as recovering animals.

Advandaj.. This drug refers to the drug contacts of contact action. In our case, the fleas on the cat will die as a result of direct contact with the treated skin surface.

Plus, when using this drug, it is also capable of killing additionally larvae in those places where your cat lives. What in turn will allow you to destroy the whole population of fleas in your apartment. The duration of this drug is one month. It can additionally be used for the treatment of flea allergic dermatitis.

Advandaja you can also apply for the removal of fleas from your kittens from 8-week age, as well as apply pregnant and nursing cats. This drug has the so-called umbrella effect, that is, it will be enough for you to handle your nursing cat and it will protect your kittens from fleas.

"Casket" to be today is fashionable, and under certain circumstances, and profitable. At the same time, the cat owner must be very careful to the well-being of the fluffy favorite, as well as to her mood and behavior. Especially if the four-side pet is allowed to walk on the street, because in this case the risk that he will picker some "infection" is huge. That is how, most often, feline fleas appear in the house.

Kitten torment fleas - need immediate action

Feline fleas - photo of head and oral apparatus

Where the cat becomes a source of infection

To get rid of cat fleas in the apartment quickly, you need to diagnose them in a timely manner. The later this attack is noticed, the easier it is to destroy it.

How to bring feline flea from the apartment

"General" dwelling and animal

Bed linen of people is to be washed, because, the fluffy friend could spend time on the bed or sofa. Attention should be given and clothing, which was put on in the period, infection of the dwellings of bluffs.

We use special projects

The market presents a sufficient amount of anti-fine means - synthetic or based on natural components. They are offered in the form:

  • shampoos;
  • sprays;
  • powders;
  • granules;
  • droplets;
  • soap.

If we speak specifically, we, for example, can recommend such drugs like Frontline and Tetrix. However, success awaits only if all the recommendations on application are accurately complied with. And, in order not to assert the manufacturers, it is almost impossible to get rid of fleas at once. Yes, adult individuals are destroyed effectively, but a protective sheath of eggs or larvae can not always overcome.

Vacuum cleaner is the best friend

At any stage of the fight against jumped bloodsuckers, it is necessary to use the vacuum cleaner very often. This manipulation does not tolerate athletes. You need to get all the problem areas where theoretically can find the shelter of fleas. At the same time, special attention is paid to sites where direct sunlights do not fall. Including, these are hard-to-reach areas in upholstered furniture, in bookcases and other cabinet furniture, under plinths, etc.

Council. You can put a piece of naphthalene in the bag of the vacuum cleaner during the fight against fleas. In this case, you can count on 100% destruction.

Territory outside the apartment

  • To get rid of cat fleas - they should not re-fall into the house. And this means that preference to a comprehensive solution to the problem, it is necessary to treat insecticide and territory near the entrance door, that is, on the staircase, and even the entire span.
  • On the windows in the entrance you can put flowers, for example, geranium, which do not like fleas or decompose cedar sins. The blood circuits do not like such flavors, and will be forced to seek the place of habitat.

Primitive efficient trap

In conclusion, we want to emphasize that this article provides a general algorithm for delivering an apartment or a home from fleas. More detailed recommendations you can find in other materials of this section. Including, we recommend to familiarize yourself with the description of the most popular anticoliginal drugs, their components composition and instructions for use.

Fucking flea: how to get rid of?

Appearance insect

Feline Bloch (Latin name Ctenocephalides Felis) is a common blood-byproof insect. The length of the body of an adult insect varies widely - from 0.7 to 5 mm. The body is dark, more often black, is somewhat flattened from the sides and is covered with multiple minor bristles. The back feet of the insect jaming, allow you to make it jumping up to 30 cm. Adult individuals are dimorphic, that is, they are divided into sexual signs on males and females. The rice apparatus is piercing-sucking, as adult individuals feed on blood. Feline flea is somewhat different from the dog, first of all, smaller sizes and the structure of the head, but accurately establish the differences only with a microscope.

Feline Feline Wire


Feline flea can starve long enough, but blood needs blood for breeding. If she does not manage to find a master in time, eggs stop developing.

On a note!The female feline flea feline blook before the egg laying can reach the length of 15 mm.


The females that have reached the sexual maturity after ripening eggs literally shoot them out of their habitats, thereby providing various conditions for larvae that hang out of eggs within 2 - 14 days. Bloch eggs are very small - about 0.5 mm in length, so it is possible to detect them with a naked eye in places of their large cluster.

The hatched larvae have a drawing body up to 0.5 mm, consisting of 13 segments. They feed on all sorts of organic remnants - excrement of adults, particles of the bedding of their owner, pieces of the burned epithelium. The cycle of the development of the larvae largely depends on the ambient temperature and in various conditions can be from 9 days to 8 months before the pounding.

Floor pupae are extremely endorse and can carry adverse conditions up to a year, including even low minus temperature. However, at high temperatures, the adult individual can develop from the pupa in a week.

On a note! The life expectancy of an adult insect - from 3 months to three years. Under the plus temperature of the flea show year-round activity, and in ideal conditions, a full cycle of development can be held in 15 days.

Fucked animal infection

Because the fleas are extremely alive insects, infection of a pet fleece can occur almost anywhere suitable for the habitat of flea. The most common paths of infection are the most common:

  1. When walking on the street. At the same time, contact with an infected animal is not required: the insect may be on a walkway, on a bench, in the grass.
  2. The flea carrier can become a person who stroke the infected animal: insects remain on clothes, not only adult individuals, but also their larvae or eggs.
  3. Bloch carriers are rodents. If the cat is hunting, she can get blooms from them.
  4. From an adult animal to a kitten.

In most cases, the reason for the infection of the animal to determine and exclude is very difficult - this can happen at any time.

How to determine the cat's infection by fleas?

What is dangerous to infection of a pet flea?

Progressing, Bloch infection can have quite serious consequences for a pet:

  1. Strong exhaustion of the animal.
  2. The appearance of combs covered with multiple Bloch bites.
  3. The formation of proper screws on woolen cover.
  4. The development of anemia in the animal.
  5. The appearance of allergic dermatitis.
  6. The absence of timely treatment can lead to the death of a pet.

Attention! Especially dangerous in battle for kittens - they have the most quickly developing anemia and exhaustion.

Feline Flea For Man

A person can also be a victim of feline fleas. To do this, he does not have to have a cat at home, but most often cases of bites occur precisely with pet owners. The main risk for humans is not from the direct bites of fleas, but from the fact that these insects are carriers of the following dangerous diseases:

  1. Brucellosis.
  2. Encephalitis.
  3. Plague.
  4. Hepatitis.

Nevertheless, the bites themselves are sufficiently unpleasant: piercing the skin in search of the capillary, the flea does not distinguish any anesthetics, so the bite is felt as a sufficiently painful injection. After the insect was saturated and left the wreck, the red isol remains in her place, and saliva can cause an allergic reaction. Bittered places can be very stuck. As a rule, with multiple blo bite, they can be localized in any one place. Clamps are located, as a rule, at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other. In the place of bite there is a small swelling and redness.

Help a man in the bite of fleas

In order to remove undesirable itching, you can use the following means:

  1. Treat the seats of bites with warm water and treat with any antiseptic - hydrogen peroxide, green, iodine.
  2. With a significant soda, a saturated solution of food soda can be applied.
  3. Attach ice bites.
  4. To remove an allergic reaction to take antihistamines - for example, "diazoline".

On a note!It is categorically impossible to comb the places of Bloch bites, as this may lead to the suppression or enhancing infection. With a significant allergic response to bites, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to save a cat from fleas?

There are quite a lot of funds in order to save a cat from fleas, which are divided into the following types:

Attention! In no case do not exceed the dose of drugs specified in the instructions, as this may lead to an animal poisoning!

However, to get rid of fleas on the animal is not enough - it is also required to observe the necessary prophylaxis, for example, wear homemade pets anti-slip collars or use insecticidal agents in smaller preventive doses.

How to get rid of fleas in the apartment?

Fighting fleas when they appear in the apartment can make some difficulties due to the vitality of insect data. Before proceeding with the processing of the room, you should make sure that the animal is cured.

The following measures will help:

  1. Using insecticidal preparations, for example, "Raptor", "Combat", "Palace", should be treated by the floor and the corners of the apartment. Also, the concentrates of funds are common, from which you can independently prepare a solution for processing the room.
  2. Carefully treat rugs and a pet sleep place, as well as palaces - a favorite mating place of fleas, pay special attention to the places of constant leisure of the animal.
  3. When a large number of fleas larvae and their eggs are detected in any specific places, they should be re-disinfected.
  4. If possible, change the litter for the cat.

Video - How to get rid of fleas in the house or apartment fast, effectively and safe?

Prevention of fleas in the apartment

However, the struggle against fleas is not limited to their one-time extermination. It is always preserved the possibility of their re-entering apartment or house. Also in multi-storey houses the habitat of Bloch is often warm basements. With a significant number of feline fleas in the basement, you should contact the SanEpidemstation, otherwise the struggle against them in the apartment may not bring any results.

For the prevention of breach breeding in the apartment, it is necessary to carry out thorough periodic cleaning of the places of their possible accumulation. Rugs and litters also need to periodically wash with the use of insecticidal agents.

Video - fleas from a kitten

They often visit our purring pets. Let's discern more, is it worthwhile to infection by fleas from your pet and the flea cat is dangerous for a person.

What fleas live on a cat

Many animals have "their" types of fleas that feel good only on the owner of the desired species - they are adapted to a certain body temperature and the composition of the blood of that animal, which gives them shelter.

The fleas are quite resistant to bad conditions and can survive without food for about a month. But if there will be only animals in the insect access, it necessarily uses them as a temporary refuge - for nutrition and movement.

In dogs, rodents and man have their own types of fleas, but they can temporarily be on the cat, as well as feline fleas often jump on other animals, including a person.

So, you probably have already understood that the fleas of the cats to go to humans can in two cases:

  • if the animal accidentally turned out to be human flea (Pulex Irritans);
  • if a pet has an extensive infection of the bluffs of his species, which in search of food will bite a person.

But nevertheless, it was without food, for example, on the floor of Blok with pleasure jumps on any refined warm-blooded creature. It will not be able to live and multiply on the human body, but to deliver trouble - easily.

Can fleas cat bite a person? Of course, yes, what causes many inconveniences, and can also cause some dangerous diseases.

Bloom bites are quite unpleasant, and they can be distinguished from the bites of other insects according to the following signs:

  • during the bite, a person feels a very painful injection;
  • red dots or small blisters appear on the skin, around which the skin blues and swell slightly;
  • there are bites at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other, but not in the form of straight tracks, as it happens in the case of clouds;
  • it is felt strong itching in an amazed place;
  • they suffer mainly to the knees, as the insect does not jump higher than half the meter. However, if the fleas penetrated the bed, there may be articles and other parts of the body.

Footprints from bites can be very large, it depends on the sensitivity of a person, but usually they pass within a few days.

Irritation arising from places amazed by flea is called pulp. In addition, the bites of these insects can lead to some unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • allergies to Bloch bites (up to strong reactions requiring medical care);
  • infection of worms: fleas - carriers of ribbon helminths and nematodes;
  • some infectious diseases caused by human dangerous types of bacteria (Bartonlloez, Lyme disease, erlihiosis).

Thus, the answer to the question is the fleas from cats towards people, remains ambiguous. If human fleas turned out to be on the cat, they will gladly move to a person, but they don't live in the cat, but their bites are also very painful.

Therefore, it is best to periodically check your pet for the presence of fleas and apply prevention methods. Previously, we have already written about what means for fleas today exist than they differ and how to use them.