We effectively insulate the floor in an apartment on the first floor. How to insulate floors on the first floor of a panel house - video instructions for do-it-yourself installation, how to insulate a wooden floor in a private house, price, photo How to insulate floors on the 1st floor

The floor surface is one of the coldest in the apartment, especially on the first floor of the house. This is due to the characteristics of concrete, the severity of cold air and the fact that there are cracks in the floor through which cold from the basement penetrates into the apartment.

Heat loss through the surface of floors can account for up to a third of all thermal energy. To avoid this, high-quality thermal insulation is necessary. It is quite possible to do it with your own hands.

Materials suitable for floor insulation must have sufficient low performance thermal conductivity. Most of these materials can also insulate the room from noise.

The most popular options are:

  • Mineral woolinexpensive material, effective both as insulation and sound insulation. Cotton wool is very easy to install, fireproof, and resistant to biological contamination. However, it absorbs water very easily, which requires good waterproofing. In addition, this material can release glass particles into the air, which can cause allergies.
  • Expanded polystyrene and other types of foam - polymer materials, resistant to moisture and fire. They do not deform, do not allow heat to pass through, and absorb noise.
  • Bulk materials– expanded clay or wood shavings. They have excellent thermal insulation properties and can form a leveling layer when constructing a dry screed.

All these materials are good in their own way; the choice is based on operating conditions. Whichever material is more convenient is the one worth using, big difference there is no between them.

When insulating floors in an apartment on the first floor wooden house thermal insulation material is usually placed in the spaces between the joists on which the decorative coating.

Insulation wooden floors This is what happens in the apartment:

  • Dismantled old material coverings.
  • Vapor barrier is installed - usually this is simple polyethylene film. The film strips are laid overlapping and secured with tape. The film must be applied to the walls so that the edges eventually protrude above the surface of the finished floor. They can be trimmed later.
  • Insulation is being installed. If used bulk material, it is poured between the logs, using them as beacons for leveling the insulation using the rule. Other types of thermal insulation are rolled out close to the joists, avoiding even the slightest cracks.
  • If absorbent cotton wool is used, it is additionally covered with another layer of film to protect it from moisture on all sides.
  • Leveling slabs of plywood or gypsum fiber sheet are attached to the joists on top of the insulation. You can skip this step and lay it straight away floorboard.
  • Any type of decorative covering can be installed.

Most often, the floors of the first floor are panel apartment building They are structures made of reinforced concrete slabs. Concrete itself is a porous material that conducts heat well, which is why it remains cold in almost any conditions.

In addition, floor slabs are almost never joined tightly enough to prevent air from passing through the cracks. As a result, a lot of heat flows into the basement from the first floor.

One of the most common methods of thermal insulation is laying insulation under a cement screed with your own hands. The insulation of the screed is carried out in this way:

  • The old coating is removed down to the base. The old screed is also removed.
  • Floor slabs are repaired if necessary, and joints are sealed. Then the surface is thoroughly cleaned of debris and residues. old screed, vacuumed with a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Waterproofing is being carried out. A thick film is laid over the base. The edges of the material need to be placed on the walls. The edges, overlapping each other by 10 cm, are secured with adhesive tape.
  • The selected insulation is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. Sheets of expanded polystyrene and unwound rolls of glass wool should lie close to each other.
  • The insulation is covered with an additional layer of film.
  • A reinforcing mesh is placed on the insulation. It is needed in order to increase the strength of the screed.
  • The cement-sand mixture is poured. The thickness of the screed must be at least 50 mm at its highest point, otherwise during operation it may become covered with cracks and begin to crumble.
  • The surface of the dried screed is covered with two layers of primer for final leveling, strengthening and clogging the pores in the concrete.
  • Placed on the finished screed finishing coat.

The process is similar to insulating floors in an apartment on the first floor of a wooden house, with the only difference being that in this option the logs will have to be installed on iron concrete base with your own hands.

Insulation along the joists is done as follows:

  • The concrete base is cleaned of old coating, screed and debris.
  • The floor is waterproofed. For this you can use bitumen or polymer mixtures, applied with a brush or roller, like paint. Less efficient, but cheaper and quick way– lay plastic film.
  • Wooden logs are installed a meter apart from each other, no more, so that the floors do not sag. These logs can also be used as beacons for filling expanded clay. It is important to ensure that the upper edges of the joists are in the same plane.
  • The chosen one fits heat insulating material. The insulation should be installed close to the joists, avoiding any gaps.
  • The floor covering is formed from plywood, gypsum fiber sheets or fiberboard. The thickness of this layer should be about one and a half centimeters. To do this, the material can be laid in two layers, so that the slabs lie crosswise and the joints do not coincide. The sheets are fastened with glue and self-tapping screws.
  • Any type of finishing coating can be installed.

Spray insulation

Another way to provide thermal insulation on the ground floor is professional insulation a thin layer of polyurethane foam. It forms a seamless polymer surface about 7 cm thick on the floor.

The polymer is applied using special equipment that delivers the material in the form of an aerosol under high pressure. In just a few seconds the substance hardens and turns into durable foam. In terms of its effectiveness, such insulation is superior to all other methods.

In addition, polyurethane foam does not need waterproofing. The service life of the material is estimated at tens of years.


If the heat loss in the apartment is insignificant, you can not lay an additional layer of insulation, but simply use a finishing coating with a fairly low thermal conductivity. For example, carpet insulates the floor of the first floor quite well. Carpets with long pile have even better insulation properties.

Another option is to use linoleum on a thick base of jute or felt. In the same way, you can insulate the floor by laying parquet with your own hands. You just need to use a backing made of warm material– cork, polyethylene foam or polystyrene foam.

How to insulate the floor on the ground floor is not an idle question for many owners of private houses who are busy improving the energy efficiency of their homes. Reducing heating costs with steadily rising energy prices - important task, which can be accomplished by thorough thermal insulation of all external surfaces of the building and adjacent structures.

Insulating the floor of a private house is a way to save energy

Why do you need to insulate the floor on the first floor?

The floor of the first floor is the boundary separating the internal warm rooms from an unheated basement or ground. Cold in winter outside air and frozen soil cool the foundation, basement, and walls adjacent to the floor.

When cold and heat meet, condensation occurs. This leads to freezing of structures and their constant humidity. Fungi settle on the surface and in the thickness, destroying not only wood, but also brick and concrete with their released substances. The floor covering and wall decoration suffer.

In addition to the discomfort caused by a damp, icy surface, heating costs increase. Through an uninsulated floor, up to 15% of the heat is released into the ground and atmosphere.

Losses through an uninsulated floor reach 15%

You have to maintain a more intense heating mode, which sometimes doesn’t help much. The air in the house warms up enough, but the floors remain cold.

The insulation of the floor of the first floor of a private house needs to be given special attention. This will help maintain a favorable indoor microclimate, reduce costs during the heating season, and extend the service life of materials and structures.

Types of floor insulation and their characteristics

The construction industry produces a variety of materials for thermal insulation that meet the requirements of GOST and SNiP.

For floor insulation the following is used:

  • granulated - expanded clay, blast furnace slag, vermiculite, foam glass;
  • rolled - stone, glass, slag wool, polyethylene foam, polystyrene foam, technical cork;
  • slabs with and without foil coating - basalt wool, expanded polystyrene, penoplex, wood concrete, plywood, chipboard or oriented strand board, chipboard, OSB;
  • concrete-based mixtures - expanded clay concrete, slag concrete, foam concrete, polystyrene concrete, sawdust concrete.
  • foams, liquids - polyurethane foam, ecowool, heat-insulating paints.

Modern thermal insulators increase the energy efficiency of the home

Together with insulation, a heated floor system is often installed - laying heating cable, infrared emitters, electric mats or thin tubes filled with water. Heating is carried out from the power supply or a heating boiler.

General characteristics of thermal insulation materials:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.03-0.3 W/m°C, which effectively reduces heat loss even when laying a layer of small thickness;
  • high fire resistance - most heat insulators belong to class NG, G1 or G2, which means non-flammability or low degree of flammability;
  • biological inertness - materials do not rot due to chemical composition or antiseptic impregnations, resistant to mold growth;
  • durability - with correct installation and operation, the service life declared by the manufacturer is 20 years or more;
  • low density and light weight - the structure of heat insulators is porous or fibrous, so the coatings made from them are light and do not create a load on the load-bearing structures;
  • manufacturability - insulation is easy to install on horizontal surfaces, fasten or apply special equipment, it doesn't take much time.

Polymer insulation is more effective natural materials several times

The advantages of heat insulators include environmental friendliness. They do not emit harmful fumes and radiation into the environment. This is very important for using insulation indoors.

Choosing an insulation option

The method of floor insulation is chosen taking into account:

  • base material and design;
  • presence of a basement;
  • characteristics of the heating system;
  • climatic conditions.

IN wooden house, related to fire hazardous structures, it is advisable to arrange thermal insulation from non-combustible materials- expanded clay, perlite, foam glass, mineral wool in rolls or slabs, polyurethane foam.

Concrete floors can be insulated with polymer insulators - penoplex, expanded polystyrene. They do not support combustion, but when heated they emit acrid smoke. According to regulations, such materials must be coated protective layer cement-sand mortar thickness of at least 30 mm.

Fiber and bulk insulation are prone to absorbing water vapor from environment. A moisture barrier is created using a variety of films and membranes, which are laid on the side of unheated basements or underground areas. Insulators are often covered with aluminum foil, the function of which is to reflect infrared rays into the room and additionally protect it from heat loss.

Before choosing a heat insulator, you need to consider all options

When choosing insulation for the floor of the first floor important criteria are:

  • price category;
  • labor intensity of work.

The most inexpensive thermal insulation is polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, penoplex. Polymers are offered at a price of 1800 rubles/m³. A layer 50-100 mm thick is usually laid on the floor, which corresponds to 36-89 rubles/m².

Expanded clay will cost 1200 rubles/m³, in terms of square meter floor 240 rub. (layer 20 cm).

Basalt wool in rolls or unstitched mats costs on average 170-180 rubles/m².

The cost of installation is calculated based on the established prices for work in the construction market. If we do the repairs ourselves, we can install the insulation without the help of crews.

The least labor intensity when installing thermal insulation from foam plastic and related materials or mineral wool. Laying expanded clay or slag is more difficult, they specific gravity 400-600 kg/m³. To move and fill 100 m² of floor with a layer of 20 cm, you will need 20 m³, which is 8-12 tons. For such work you need at least an assistant, and preferably 2 or 3.

Ecowool is an increasingly popular cellulose insulation material. It is applied using professional equipment that creates pressure. This type of insulation cannot be installed independently. The price per square meter is quoted by specialized companies. It ranges from 170 rubles/m² and depends on the surface configuration and layer thickness.

Cotton wool blowing is carried out by professionals

You can scatter ecowool over the surface manually, similar to granular materials. The quality of such insulation is significantly lower than with dry blowing.

Climatic conditions impose certain requirements choice of floor insulation. For example, in cold Siberian regions, insulating the surface with expanded clay will require laying a layer of about 40 cm (determined thermotechnical calculation). Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the work using lightweight thermal insulators with a lower thermal conductivity coefficient.

Thermal insulation with bulk materials

The oldest bulk insulation is dry earth. Later, people began to use wood shavings or sawdust. They are still used now, impregnated with antiseptics and fire retardants or mixed with lime, cement, or clay. But the most popular insulation is obtained by swelling of shale clay.

It is easy to use, inexpensive, and not liked by rodents. A layer of expanded clay can be spread over the ground by first spreading waterproofing. It will protect the material from moisture.

Expanded clay is very easy to use

To insulate the floor of the first floor, a mixture of 15 mm granules and smaller fractions is used to fill the gaps between large elements. The layer thickness is at least 20 cm. Thermal insulation is performed using dry, wet or a combined method.

The sequence of “dry” work using bulk insulation:

  1. Fill the space between the wooden floor joists with expanded clay, vermiculite or other materials.
  2. Subfloors are laid from MDF, plywood, boards, chipboard, OSB.
  3. Lay the finishing coat.

“Wet” floor insulation:

  1. Expanded clay is mixed with cement-sand mortar.
  2. Expanded clay concrete is laid on the base.
  3. Level, wait until completely dry.
  4. Arrange for a clean finish.

With the combined method, a layer of dry insulation is first poured, then filled with cement-sand mortar. Level and after hardening lay finishing materials. You can lay a reinforcing mesh in the screed for strength.

Screed on dry expanded clay

Flaws loose insulation materials- tendency to shrinkage, moisture. To level them out, during installation the granules need to be compacted and protected with waterproofing from the side of possible wetting.

Insulation with roll materials

Basalt wool is the most common floor insulation in private homes. Produced in rolls, mats or slabs. The first two types are inexpensive and loose, designed for thermal insulation of wooden floors. The slabs are denser, stronger, but more expensive. Used under concrete screed.

Algorithm for laying rolled materials:

  1. Waterproofing - films, membranes - is spread over the boards or panels of the subfloor.
  2. Insulation 10-20 cm thick is laid between the logs without gaps and without excessive compaction, the layers should overlap each other.
  3. A vapor barrier is placed on top, which will not prevent the evaporation of moisture from the heat insulator if it gets wet.
  4. Counter slats are installed along the joists to create space for ventilation.
  5. The insulation is completed by a finishing coating with an additional layer of sound insulation.

Roll insulation mineral wool

If foil varieties are used, turn the metal surface towards the room. Heat rays should be reflected into the room.

Installation of slab insulation

Expanded polystyrene and penoplex are types of polystyrene foam. They consist of closed balls filled with air. Due to their structure, polymers have the lowest thermal conductivity among building materials- 0.03 W/m°C and are widely used in private housing construction for thermal insulation of floors on the ground floor.

Expanded polystyrene is very unpretentious - it does not absorb moisture like mineral wool or expanded clay. It can be laid on soil, concrete or bedding. During operation, it does not lose its properties for a long time, since it does not compact over time.

Laying polystyrene foam is an easy task. Main installation steps for ground floors:

  1. Prepare the base - compact the bedding, pour in a rough screed.
  2. Lay a waterproofing film.
  3. The slabs are mounted by aligning the groove and tongue along the edges of two adjacent elements.
  4. Spread another layer of waterproofing.
  5. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top and a screed is poured.

Work is carried out in the same sequence when insulating a concrete monolith, with the exception of the installation of bedding and rough screed.

Penoplex boards are easy to lay yourself

If you lay a foil film on top, then the base for installing a heated floor system is ready.

Concrete floors or floors on the ground with mineral wool slabs are insulated according to the following scheme:

  1. On a dense base - gravel backfill or concrete - lay waterproofing in 2 layers with an overlap of 15-20 cm.
  2. Install mineral wool slabs, making sure that no gaps remain.
  3. Another layer of waterproofing is spread on top, which will protect the screed from leaks of cement laitance.
  4. Pour a concrete screed with a thickness of 50 mm.
  5. Arrange for a clean finish.

The greatest efficiency in floor insulation can be achieved if:

  • carry out thermal insulation of adjacent structures - plinth, foundation, blind area;
  • protect the insulation from moisture with waterproofing, and provide for water evaporation ventilation gap not less than 50 mm;
  • fill the joints and gaps between the plates with scraps of material or polyurethane foam;
  • to prevent rodent infestations, use special fine-mesh (up to 8 mm) meshes; they are laid in places where animals can access them;
  • If you lay the floor covering on top of the insulation layer, stepping back from the wall by 10 mm, an additional noise-insulating effect will be obtained.

The decision on how and with what to insulate the floor of the first floor is made by the owner. The advantages of thermal insulation are obvious - while heating costs are reduced, comfortable conditions in the premises are maintained in winter. Modern materials accessible and technologically advanced.

The apartment on the ground floor is practical for families with small children, the elderly and the disabled. Residents feel increased humidity in the rooms from the floor. For a comfortable state in winter time The floors have been insulated for years.

What options are used?

  • Waterproofing is done on the basement side.
  • They insulate the inside of the rooms.

Concrete slabs the bases serve as the ceiling in the basement, which has a complex communication system. They absorb moisture vapor from them. In agreement with management company action plan, insulation and waterproofing of concrete are carried out. This will partially protect the first floor from fumes and drafts coming from below.

The process of work in the apartment begins with waterproofing the concrete base. Scroll further actions depends on the type of finishing floor covering.

Step-by-step insulation of the basement ceiling

  • Cleaning up ceiling base to reinforced concrete.
  • Rub the cracks with a solution of cement and sand in a 1:1 ratio. By adding to the composition liquid glass, enhance this effect.
  • Plaster with a solution of cement and sand in a ratio of 3:1. The amount of binder component (water) depends on their viscosity and temperature regime. The solution is mixed in small portions, avoiding rapid hardening. To enhance adhesion, apply the first layer with a trowel, adding mixture to it and leveling it.
  • Using liquid rubber , as waterproofing, they receive a reliable primer and plaster at the same time.
  • Provided that the room is cold, foam sheets are glued to the ceiling. The seams are filled with polyurethane foam.
  • Finish the work with film. It is attached to the walls.
  • Electric wire heaters.
  • Warm floors from hot water.
  • Mats and slabs made of environmentally friendly material.

Preparing the subfloor in an apartment

  • Floor insulation work is carried out directly on the cleaned reinforced concrete slab. Bulges and dust are removed from it.
  • Before screeding, the surface is moistened with a solution of cement and sand, in a ratio of 1:1. This will ensure rapid adhesion of the mixture to concrete.
  • Rub the cracks around the perimeter and cracks throughout the entire area. This is done before applying primers that ensure contact of the leveling mixtures with the floor.

Base primer


The second name of the composition is epoxy primer, which has the ability to penetrate deeply into concrete. Apply the component to the screed with a roller. Work along the perimeter of the base with a brush. No spaces allowed. This type of primer effective for adhesion with self-leveling floors (self-leveling), prevent the formation of fungus and moisture penetration.

Concrete contact

This is a composition of acrylic with quartz sand. Apply with roller and brush. After priming, a rough surface is formed on the base, ensuring tight contact with the subsequent layer. Acrylic in the composition makes the film resistant, preventing moisture from entering the concrete. After 4 hours, from the moment the composition is applied, the next stage of insulation begins.

Sequence of filling and leveling

To carry out work efficiently and with less time, ready-made compounds are used. The most practical are self-leveling self-leveling floors. Before applying them, the height of the beacons is determined by level, they are attached every 60 centimeters over the entire area and perimeter. The reinforced mesh is stretched along the established marks. A film is attached to the points of contact with the wall, protecting it from moisture from the filling composition.

They begin to level the floor from a blank wall, moving towards the door. The surface of the composition is compacted with a needle roller. This method ensures complete removal of air bubbles. Having finished the work, cover the base with cellophane film until it hardens completely. In its absence, the floor is periodically sprayed with water. After 3 days, you can move on to the next stage.

Useful video on pouring floors in an apartment

Warm floors from hot water

Installation of water heating is a step-by-step observance of the entire cycle from the beginning to the launch of the system into operation. The length of the pipe is determined by calculation, depending on the area of ​​the room.


  • Provides uniform heating of the entire floor.
  • The pipes are hidden and do not change the aesthetic perception of the interior.
  • Closed cycle hot water from central heating, is not reflected in total utility costs.
  • Properly selected materials will not rust, which guarantees the system a long service life without leakage.


  • Metal-polymer or polymer pipes (preferably corrugated, bendable).
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Fastening elements.
  • Manifold with fitting for connection to the battery.
  • Damper tape attached to the wall along the perimeter, within the height of the structure.
  • Reinforcement mesh.
  • Aluminum plates.

The number of pipes required is calculated on the basis that 5 meters are laid per square meter, in increments of 20 centimeters.

Sequence of work

  • Polyethylene is laid in two layers on the screed.
  • The foil insulation is laid out overlapping with the metal surface towards the room. It will create a reflective effect from the heat, increasing its power.
  • When placing materials without foil, such as penoplex, polystyrene, chipboard (chipboard), then aluminum plates with grooves for pipes are laid out over the entire area, keeping a distance between them of 20 to 40 centimeters.
  • A pipe evenly distributed over the entire area (the graphics are arbitrary) is attached to the base.
  • Its ends are connected to a water supply source.
  • The entire structure is filled with cement-sand screed, the layer thickness is from 5 to 15 centimeters.


  • Grooves are made in chipboard for metal plates and pipes. The entire structure is covered with a two-layer film, on which the flooring is formed.
  • Checking the tightness of the connection of the pipe to the central heating battery is done before pouring concrete. For this purpose they serve cold water under pressure exceeding working pressure by one and a half or two times.

Useful video on installing a water floor

Infrared film electric floor

This type of heating is combined with such floor coverings as:

  • Parquet.
  • Laminate.
  • Tile.
  • Carpet.


IR – available in rolls. The polyester or polypropylene film contains carbon paste. Material divided into separate independent stripes, having a pronounced dividing line. Along the edge of each section is laid copper wire with silver coating. When current passes through it, it heats up and transmits thermal energy carbon filler. Reduce the width of the IR film along the edge between sections. Its thickness is up to 2 millimeters, with a width from 50 to 100 centimeters.

To connect to a power source, the following equipment and materials are required:

  • Thermostat that controls the specified heating level.
  • Thermostat that regulates the temperature.
  • The remote control with which the program is set.
  • Contact clamps and cable for connecting to a power source.
  • Bitumen insulation.
  • Pliers and screwdriver.
  • Construction tape.

Technical safety requirements

  • The film is protected by hydro- and vapor barrier on both sides, top and bottom.
  • Do not connect the cable to the power source using the plug/socket principle.
  • IR film does not overlap.

Stationary electrical connection provided (device protective shutdown power from 10 to 30 mA), this will protect against possible exit failure of infrared heating elements.

The flooring should not fit tightly to the heating elements. The plinth is attached only to the base covering, allowing it to move due to heating.


  • Service life heating film 20 years or more.
  • IR is not filled with solution, it is covered with polyethylene when forming a hard floor covering. Before laying linoleum, plywood is laid on top.
  • Having an even covering of wood, it is used as a base for IR, having previously been covered with foil material.

Installation sequence

  • The infrared film is laid out in planned areas and attached to the floor using a stapler or tape along transparent edges that do not have a built-in wire.
  • Recesses are made in the wall. Place the cable going from the thermostat to the thermostat.
  • The places on the film in the connection area are thickened; for them it is necessary to create technological recesses artificially.
  • The starting point of installation is located on the opposite side from the power connection points. Leave a free space of 20 centimeters from the walls.
  • Connect the copper ends to the thermostat using the cable and contact clamps included in the kit. Secure with pliers and isolate.
  • The clamp is placed between the film and the wire. The IR strips are connected near the wall. When extending them, wires of the same color are connected to each other, followed by insulation, and additional fastening with tape.
  • The cable is routed inside the corrugation. It is sealed with a film, protecting it from moisture.
  • After completing the installation, check the functionality of the entire structure using a portable sensor.

Useful video on installing electric floors

Insulation with electric cable

30% of the area is heated, this is enough for an apartment with a centralized supply hot water. Composing cable layout, excludes places under the closet, wardrobe, bed and similar items. More often, this type of floor heating is done in the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, with a floor covering made of tiled material.

For dry rooms, energy consumption per square meter per hour is 120 W/, with high humidity– 140 W. For example, for a room of 6 m2 you need 720 W/hour.

The thermostat is placed at a distance of 30 centimeters from the flooring. If it is electronic, then you need to install it higher.

The cable is distributed evenly on foil-coated thermal insulation material over the entire area of ​​the site, observing a step of 20 to 40 centimeters. Withdrawn the ends are connected to the power source. Maximum length cable should not exceed 6 meters.

After checking the functionality of the entire system, it is flooded concrete mixture. Bubbles from the inside are removed using the rules for leveling the solution (needle roller).

Note: You can use an electric floor in mats, which will significantly reduce the installation time.

Useful installation video

Stone wool mats

This method is the simplest and most economical. It is used more often than others.

Installation sequence

  • A two-layer polyethylene film is placed on the screed. The joints overlap and are secured with construction tape. The film should extend onto the wall along the entire perimeter, with a height no less than the thickness of the mat.
  • A frame is laid out from beams, 50 cm high (equal to the width of the mineral wool layer).
  • Mats are laid in the formed cells. The seams are taped with construction tape.
  • The finished structure is closed reinforced mesh and is poured cement screed.

Expanded clay

  • Cover the concrete floor with two-layer polyethylene.
  • A frame is formed from beams.
  • The cells of the frame are filled with its crumbs, and filled with a solution of cement and sand, a layer thickness of at least 5 centimeters.

Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

  • The slabs are evenly distributed over the entire area onto a layer of waterproofing film.
  • The joints are taped with construction tape.
  • Close vapor barrier film. Using foil material, the metal surface is directed towards the room.
  • Cover the top with plywood 5 or 10 cm thick.


Under hard floor coverings, it is recommended to lay foil material on the screed. It could be isolon. It's thin, but creates enough high level reflection of heat coming from the room.


All proposed types of floor insulation are recommended for residential premises. The proposed materials are environmentally friendly and do not harm health. Guided by the instructions for step-by-step work, and observing all the rules for hermetic seam connection c, the floor insulation on the first floor will be done correctly.

In order for the house to be cozy and comfortable to live in, you must first take care of its thermal insulation. In this case, special attention should be paid to the first floor, since it is closest to the ground floor. If the house has poor thermal insulation, then all the heat will go into the ground.

To compensate for the loss of heat, it is necessary to increase heating, which leads to an increase in material costs for maintaining the house. Decide this problem Insulating the floor on the first floor will help.

Choosing a method for insulating the floor on the first floor

The choice of thermal insulation method depends primarily on the material from which the floor on the first floor is made. If the floor is wooden, then it makes sense to insulate it with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. A concrete floor can be insulated using expanded polystyrene, gypsum fiber board or fiberboard. If you want not only but also to improve your heating system at the same time, then it makes sense to install a heated floor system.

Floor insulation on the ground floor can be external or internal. When settling in external thermal insulation the floor is insulated not only with inside at home, but also from the basement. It is often impossible to carry out internal thermal insulation due to communications located in the basement. It is not recommended to attach foam plastic to the bottom of the slab, as this does not comply with the standards fire safety. Use mineral insulation This is not possible, as it will quickly deteriorate due to exposure to moisture. Very often the only way is to close winter period everyone ventilation holes. Please remember that if you live in apartment building, then all insulation actions must be legally agreed upon.

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Insulation of the floor on the first floor using mineral wool

Floor insulation with mineral wool is best suited for wooden floors in an apartment. This option is perfect if you are not satisfied with the quality of the flooring. The technology for insulating floors with mineral wool is quite simple.

The first step is to remove the existing boards (by numbering them in advance). After this, check the condition of the vapor barrier (if any) and the tightness of the base. All detected cracks are sealed using polyurethane foam. If the vapor barrier is in poor condition, then it should be replaced. Next, mineral wool is laid between the joists, and floorboards are laid on top. When laying mineral wool slabs, you need to carefully monitor how tightly they adhere to the walls and joists. The denser they are laid, the better the insulation will be.

Floor insulation on the first floor can be done using polystyrene foam. Sheets of polystyrene foam can also be laid under a wooden floor. Insulation is carried out by analogy with laying mineral wool.

The difference is that the foam sheets should be laid with small gaps. After all the sheets are laid, you need to fill all the cracks with foam. This way the insulation will form one continuous layer.

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How to insulate a floor using fiberboard or plasterboard

The first step is to remove the floor covering and, if necessary, level the concrete base. If there are cracks, all recesses should be filled with putty. When the concrete screed has completely dried, a layer of vapor barrier is laid. In this case, you need to make a small bend on the walls. Then the first layer of gypsum board sheets 12 mm thick is laid and treated with adhesive mastic. The second layer is laid on top so that the joints do not coincide. When the adhesive mastic is completely dry, the surface is primed and puttied. Next, lay the selected floor covering. To compensate for the expansion of the material after exposure to moisture or temperature changes, an edge strip is placed between the ends of the sheets and the wall. When insulating the floor with using fiberboard You must first remove the baseboards. Next, fiberboard is nailed to the floor, and the floor covering (carpet or linoleum) is glued on top. The glue finally dries only after a day.

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How to insulate the floor on the first floor with penoplex

(or penoplex) suitable for installation various coatings(linoleum, parquet, laminate, wooden board, ceramic tiles). To do this, clean the floor covering until concrete screed(you can leave only ceramic tiles) and lay a layer of vapor barrier on it. Next, foam sheets are laid. A layer of plastic film should be laid on top of the sheets. Then you need to make a reinforcing screed from cement mortar. After it has completely dried, you can begin laying the flooring.

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Installation of heated floors

Warm floors can be of several types: water, electric, film and infrared. The most economical option is water system heating, since it does not require large installation and maintenance costs. Electric heated floors are also easy to install, but they have two significant drawbacks:

  • electromagnetic radiation negatively affects human health;
  • Electric underfloor heating significantly increases energy consumption.

There are several ways to install water heated floors:

  1. Concrete method, in which laying is done using a concrete screed.
  2. Layering method, in which the finishing coating is laid on aluminum plates.
  3. A wooden installation method in which pipes are laid directly on the subfloor or wooden joists.

Most often, the first installation method is used to insulate the floor on the first floor. To do this, first of all, divide the area into sectors (to compensate for the thermal expansion of the screed) and prepare necessary tools and materials:

  1. Thermal insulation material.
  2. Concrete (on the basis that the lower (starting) layer will be 10 cm thick, and the upper (finishing) layer – 5 cm).
  3. Metal-plastic seamless pipes with a diameter of 16 mm.
  4. Fastening elements for pipes.

As is known, warm air tends to rise upward, as a result the floor remains the coldest place in the apartment or house. This especially applies to the first floor, under which there is often a basement or subfloor. In our article we will talk about how to insulate the floor on the first floor and more.

The most reliable way to protect against the cold is to use insulation, which can be in the form of blocks, rolls or bulk materials. When deciding on the best way to insulate the floor, you need to choose between cost, thermal insulation properties and durability of the material.

Insulation of the basement space

Builders don't really care about airtightness when laying floors. Gaps most often remain in the basement space. You can even see them from the basement. The first thing to do is to seal the cracks in the ceiling. Small holes can be filled with putty from below. In a private house, insulation boards can be glued to the floor from the bottom side.

Suitable here assembly adhesive for foam plastic. How to make an insulated floor below so that the slabs do not lag behind? To do this, they are additionally secured with parachute dowels, and the joints are foamed.

The obvious advantage of this method is that there is no need to break anything. Everything will remain as it was, and the house will become warm.

Insulation of a wooden floor

The old floorboard can be replaced with a new one. If it is in good condition, then the floor is carefully disassembled. In this case, you need to mark the boards so that you don’t waste time and effort on adjustment later. This is especially true for half-floors. Disassembly is done in order, so that you can put it back together in the same way. The nails are removed carefully so as not to damage the boards. When assembling the floor, it is advisable to use self-tapping screws, which create stronger connections and are easy to remove.

Before insulating the floor on the first floor, the cracks on top must be carefully sealed using polyurethane foam, putty and cement-sand mortar. The joists should be checked with a level and further strengthened. Otherwise, the floorboards will continue to creak as before. IN construction stores There are racks on sale that are screwed into the joists and rest against the ceiling. They can also be made from steel studs.

The floor slabs are tightly laid with mineral wool, which should extend onto the walls. Budget decision is the use of mats made of straw or sawdust, but they decompose over time. You can also use expanded clay, foam chips or slag. In principle, any insulation is suitable if it fulfills its functions. A layer of vapor barrier is laid underneath the ceiling to prevent moisture from accumulating, which will significantly deteriorate the properties of the insulation.

How to insulate a floor with polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam

If the floor is covered ceramic tiles or cement screed, it can be insulated using thin sheets of polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam.

Fiberboard and GVL plasterboard are also used. But their thermal insulation properties are much lower.

On concrete floor a layer of vapor barrier is placed, and on it - a layer of insulation and plastic film. Then a cement screed or special mixture. It must be reinforced with mesh. To compensate for temperature fluctuations, an edge strip is laid around the perimeter of the wall. A new floor covering is installed on top: tiles, parquet, laminate or linoleum.

Insulating underlay for linoleum

The problem of how to insulate the floor on the first floor can be solved by the most in a simple way due to linoleum with a backing. It is the most common, cheap, easy-to-install and maintain coating. It is enough to cut it correctly and insert it under the baseboards.

The material consists of layers of PVC with a pattern, fiberglass and a substrate, which is often used as the same material on both sides, which prevents the coating from deforming when the temperature changes.

There is also insulation for linoleum floors. It represents bottom layer, which can be made from jute or fabric.

Additional backing for linoleum

If the coating does not have the necessary protection from the cold from below, then additional substrates are used under the main coating: cork, linen and polystyrene foam. The cork is good insulation, but it can also be used as self-covering. Ordinary plywood or fiberboard also have heat-insulating properties, but the effect will be much greater if an additional layer of expanded polystyrene is placed underneath them. Insulation for floors under linoleum is best laid under plywood or fiberboard.

This is done as follows:

  • an insulating underlay is laid on a dry and level floor;
  • plywood is laid and secured to the floor with self-tapping screws;
  • Linoleum is covered on top and the edges are hidden under a plinth that protects the substrate from water penetration.

This method is used in rooms with high ceilings.

How to connect a heated floor

Makes it possible to create uniform heat in the room. It is a heating system located under the covering, which gives the most favorable temperature distribution in the room along the height.

The problem of how to insulate the floor on the first floor using electric heating can be solved in one of the following ways:

  1. with applied polymer it fits under any floor covering. It does not require pouring screed.
  2. the power of which varies depending on the temperature. It warms cold areas more, and warm areas less. It requires pouring a screed.
  3. Carbon fiber rods mounted on a fiberglass mesh can be filled with ordinary tile adhesive.

After installation, you need to know how to connect the heated floor. This requires a thermostat to which a heating cable is connected. All connections should be made according to the instructions, carefully following all steps.

Water heating is carried out using pipes with circulating hot water. They are laid under the floor or filled with screed. Heating is carried out through copper, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes, which are connected to the space heating system.

Floor heating can be distributed in such a way that individual areas are connected. To do this, a manifold with control valves is placed at the top.


You can insulate floors by installing thermal insulation materials, used separately or as a substrate floor coverings. Thermal insulation panels at the bottom of the floors are especially effective. When installing them, there is no need to disassemble the floor above. In addition, you can install a heated floor system, which can be autonomous or part of the home heating system.