How to catch a mouse in an apartment: proven methods. How to get rid of a rodent and catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap: humane methods of combating with high efficiency How to catch a mouse in an apartment

You can determine that small rodents have settled in an apartment by several signs:

  • rustling or squeaking at night;
  • the appearance of gnawed packages of cereals or other products, the remains of husks in the corners of the boxes;
  • Mouse droppings are present in the habitats: dry black excrement;
  • there are gnawed holes in baseboards or near water pipes;
  • After some time, a persistent specific smell appears.

The first desire of the apartment owner will be to get rid of the pests that have settled in, to catch them in any way. However, catching a fast running mouse yourself is not so easy. Although some sites advise people to test their quick reaction and catch animals by hand with a towel at the ready.

Damage from rodents

Damage to property is just the beginning. Mice carry many dangerous diseases and infections, such as bubonic plague, murine typhus, leptospirosis, tularemia and others, thereby causing great harm to human health. Therefore, rodent control is primarily a concern for the health and safety of people.

Most people prefer to poison animals. However, this is not the best method of rodent control. Having eaten poison, the mouse can climb into some secluded place and die there. Getting her out of hiding will be problematic and the corpse will begin to emit a stench. And this is another problem that is not so easy to get rid of. And the poison can be very dangerous for both humans and pets.

Therefore, it is better to catch rodents. We will talk further about how to quickly catch a mouse in an apartment without a mousetrap.

But before you fight rodents, you need to address the reasons that attracted them to your home.

  • Periodic general cleaning will help to avoid the accumulation of garbage, leftover food in corners, table drawers and other inaccessible places, and therefore rodents will not have the opportunity to profit from anything.
  • Products are stored in tightly sealed jars or metal containers with a heavy lid.
  • Household and kitchen waste is collected in buckets with lids and removed from the apartment in a timely manner.
  • Install grilles on ventilation ducts, seal holes in the floor and baseboards.

The appearance of rodents on lower floors apartment buildings is not surprising, because basements, which are often not treated, are an ideal breeding ground for rodents. But mice can often be found on the upper floors. Pathways for mice to enter include: garbage disposals, cracks under baseboards, cracks around sewer pipes, hanging wires and even walls.

If the owner of the apartment is observant, then he will know about the appearance of uninvited guests long before he comes face to face with them. Signs of rodents include: quiet rustling, scratching, and other extraneous sounds that intensify at night.

A detailed inspection of the premises reveals signs of mice in the home. This may include bowel movements, bitten food, pieces of paper, seed husks, and a pronounced mouse odor in insufficiently ventilated areas. The most obvious sign of mice being indoors is the presence of holes in the baseboards.

Due to people's lack of awareness about rodents, it will be quite difficult for them to decide how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap. In this case, it is necessary to understand the nature of the appearance of these small and annoying creatures. We need to understand where exactly these harmful creatures came from.

  1. All mice are very attracted to the smell of seeds and nuts. If you see gray skeletons in the yard wandering around the area, get rid of such products;
  2. Any debris can attract mice and rats in sheds, which will definitely interfere with disposal. In such cases they won’t even help traditional methods if the apartment is littered with garbage. Even if residents live on the top floors, they cannot be sure that uninvited guests will not come to them;
  3. Mice also easily find themselves in houses that have cracks in the floor or walls. This is why you should beware of any wooden houses and buildings;
  4. It is necessary to secure as much as possible those places where all the provisions are stored. It is from there that the most alluring and pleasant smell for these creatures comes from.

Capture methods

The most common methods of rodent control are focused on their destruction. Methods that help kill a mouse:

  • Ready-made mousetraps, which are sold in a store or on the market, work as follows: with the help of a tasty bait, a pest is lured there, a special mechanism is triggered that kills it.
  • Glue traps are a rather cruel method. You need to buy special glue and apply it in strips on cardboard or a board. Placed in the center mouse bait, trying to get it, the animal becomes tightly glued. The glued mouse squeaks and squirms violently until it dies from hunger and thirst, which often looks terrible and heartbreaking.
  • Another option is a glue house, sold in the store with a sticky layer already applied inside. The mouse gets stuck inside the device, trying to get food, then all that remains is to throw away the house along with it. Mouse glue has an attractive aroma, which helps to catch the rodent.
  • The use of poisons and poison for mice It helps kill pests quickly enough, but has some disadvantages. This method cannot be used when pets or small children live in the apartment to avoid poisoning them. Extremely negative consequence It is a fact that the corpses of dead pests in secluded places begin to decompose and emit an unpleasant odor, which is then difficult to get rid of in the apartment.
  • Placing a cat or ferret in the house that will catch rodents is also not considered the best option, because modern soft furry pets have completely lost the skills of catching them, and some even allow them to play with themselves or eat from their own bowl.

Therefore, many homeowners prefer to use more humane methods that allow them to catch a mouse in an apartment alive in a set trap.

There are at least four options for catching pests using improvised means available in almost every home:

  • glass jar;
  • flower pot;
  • plastic bottle;
  • a bucket with a capacity of five or more liters.

There are other methods of catching mice at home that require more serious preparation and a trip to the nearest hardware store:

  • live traps are a kind of mouse trap, with the only difference being that the mouse will not be harmed; you can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made device;
  • special glue for rodents;
  • ready-made glue traps;
  • rat poison - the disadvantage of this method is the inability to detect a corpse that emits an unpleasant odor;
  • a cat or cat - the method is not always reliable: there are pets that themselves try to hide as soon as they see a small mouse.

By the way, the use of adhesive substrates is not suitable for humanists: trying to free itself from a trap, the animal makes heartbreaking sounds that only a person with an impenetrable psyche can withstand.

How to determine their presence in the house

In order to determine whether there really are pests in the house, it is necessary to consider all the main signs of their vital activity:

  1. All pests emit a rather foul and unpleasant odor. If you don’t have even the slightest idea what mice smell like, it’s best to contact the nearest pet salon. Hamsters smell similar to their counterparts;
  2. Fellow hamsters leave small, round pellets that are very dense. Over time, mice feces become very hard;
  3. One can suspect the presence of mice only when there are cracks, holes and furniture that has been chewed quite a bit;
  4. In addition, these critters can have a beneficial effect on preventing you from sleeping at night. The thing is that at night the activity of creatures is developed to the fullest;
  5. If scraps of newspapers, piles of rags and other debris were found in the cavities of the walls or floors, there are definitely nests of baby mice there;
  6. If gnawed packages of cereal are found in the pantries, there is a high probability that there are rodents in the house.

Good evening! I want to tell you a story that happened last fall. My family and I decided to visit my parents, who live in the private sector. For a couple of days, everything was as usual, until we heard a strange rustling in the attic. Having asked the relatives what it was, they answered perhaps mice, since with the onset of autumn they flee from the fields to the warmth and where there is food.

We left in the morning, and when we arrived at our place, we laid out our things and went to play with the child. When suddenly a package rustled in the kitchen, I immediately went to look and saw a small gray mouse running under the table. Having thought about where it could have come from, I realized that we could have brought it with us in a bag.

I was faced with the task of catching her, since I am not a supporter of cruel methods, I began to look for more gentle methods. And having found a suitable one, he expelled her from his home. In this article you will learn: how to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap, the necessary materials at hand that you can use, and also how to protect yourself from their penetration.

How to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap - effective methods

With the onset of cold weather, small, gray mice appear in houses and apartments, which you want to get rid of in any way. Old proven means - traps, mousetraps come first. You can buy a ready-made device, or make it yourself.

How to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap

How to catch a mouse in an apartment can rack your brain for days. Or simply take advantage of the experience of other “victims”. When you see a mouse, you shouldn’t immediately rush headlong to the store to buy a trap; first you need to look around. See what can be used as a trap.

There are several ways to catch a mouse in the house without a mousetrap.

There are at least four options for catching pests using improvised means available in almost every home:

  • glass jar;
  • flower pot;
  • plastic bottle;
  • a bucket with a capacity of five or more liters.

There are other methods of catching mice at home that require more serious preparation and a trip to the nearest hardware store:

  1. live traps are a kind of mouse trap, with the only difference being that the mouse will not be harmed; you can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made device;
  2. special glue for rodents;
  3. ready-made glue traps;
  4. rat poison - the disadvantage of this method is the inability to detect a corpse that emits an unpleasant odor;
  5. a cat or cat - the method is not always reliable: there are pets that themselves try to hide as soon as they see a small mouse.

By the way, the use of adhesive substrates is not suitable for humanists: trying to free itself from a trap, the animal makes heartbreaking sounds that only a person with an impenetrable psyche can withstand.


You will need a jar with a capacity of 1-1.5 liters, a coin with a face value of 5 kopecks, a small cardboard, and bait. The simplest version of a mousetrap. Place the bait on the cardboard. Place the jar upside down on top. Place a coin edgewise on one side and place the edge of the jar on it.

The bait should be slightly larger than a coin. Catching a mouse in a jar is very simple. At the sight of food, the rodent will rush to get it - there will be no obstacles in this. But when the mouse begins to drag the food with it, touches the coin, the jar drops, and the mouse finds itself in a trap.

The only way the mousetrap might not work is if the animal decides to eat everything at once, and it will crawl back out on its own. To avoid such an event, the trap should be slightly improved.

The bait is glued with tape at a height of 3 cm from the neck. The edge of the can is placed on the side with the bait on the coin. The mouse climbs inside, lifts itself up, leaning on the jar to get to the food. The coin falls and the mouse is trapped.

Note! You can catch a mouse in the house this way using flower pot, deep bowl, any suitable container. It is better to use smoked sausage, fried lard, and chips as bait.

Plastic bottle

You can catch a mouse in an apartment with a bottle mineral water, any drink. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil onto the bottom and spread on the sides. The bait is laid out in the form of fried seeds. The smell in the bottle will last a long time and spread throughout the room.

Catching mice in a bottle is very convenient, since you can catch several of them. The bottle is placed at an angle. Books work well as a basis. You can lay out 3 books in steps and secure the edge of the bottle with tape. Just in case the trap did not tip over prematurely, the mouse did not escape.

The mouse crawls up the steps into the bottle following the smell of the fragrant bait. It gets inside, readily eats, and the slippery vegetable oil does not allow it to get out. Another poor fellow joins her. If you're lucky, you'll catch 3 at once.

You can catch everyone one by one. Note! The trap is placed near the shelf, on the steps. In such a place mice are caught very quickly. The narrow neck of the bottle is not a hindrance for them.

For the same purpose they use glass bottle from beer. The aroma of brewer's yeast is very attractive to mice. By placing the trap at a slight slope, you can easily catch a mouse without a mousetrap, without killing it, without using additional bait.


Catching mice at home with a bucket is the most exciting activity. There are several options for successful traps.

  • Line the bucket with newspaper and secure the edges with tape.
  • A cross-shaped cut is made in the center. Sprinkle the bait. In this case, grains, cereals, flour, and seeds are suitable. A stick, a board, and a ruler are placed next to the bucket and will serve as a ladder.

    The mouse easily climbs the ladder, tries to get to the bait, the newspaper tears, the mouse falls. If you pour water into a bucket, the animal will drown, and you won’t have to worry about what to do with the caught mouse.
  • The bucket is filled with water, not reaching 3 cm to the edge.
  • Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Husks, straw, and dry leaves are sprinkled on top so that no water is visible. Scatter grain, seeds, cereals. You can lure it with fragrant bait. They put up a ladder. The trap works in a similar way.

    But the advantage is that you can catch several pests at once. One victim drowns top layer The trap is quickly restored, followed by another rodent running towards the smell. So, until morning comes, rodent activity will decrease.

  • Cut off the bottom and neck of a plastic bottle and lubricate it vegetable oil.
  • The bait is glued to the center with tape. Thread the stick through and place it on the edge of a bucket of water. The animal crawls into the bottle, tries to get to the bait, the bottle spins, falls together with the stick into the bucket.

    Another option for a bucket trap if the mouse likes to crawl on tables. Place the ruler on the edge of the table so that most of it hangs down. A bucket is placed under it. The bait is placed on the edge of the ruler. The rodent runs towards the food, unaware of anything, and falls into the bucket. You can kill the mouse yourself or leave it to the cat.

flower pot

If you have a flower pot at home (made of plastic or clay - any will do), which also has a hole in the bottom, use this method. Just keep in mind that the plastic pot will need to be weighed down with a small weight.

You will also need: a toothpick or a regular match, a piece of plywood, thread, a paper clip and, of course, bait. So, turn the pot upside down on a piece of plywood. Take the thread and pull it through the hole at the bottom. Tie a toothpick to a thread with outside pot, and attach the bait to the inside of it (a paper clip will come in handy here).

Try to attach the mouse bait as close to the bottom as possible.

When everything is ready, rest the top edge of the pot on a toothpick that is tied to a thread and wait: as soon as the curious animal decides to climb for the treat, the toothpick will work like a trigger and the mouse will cover the pot.

Complex designs

You can catch the mouse yourself using a special trap, the invention of which will take a little effort.

  1. A house for catching mice is made of mesh. Make an oblong box.
  2. The sides are secured with wire. One side will be the door. It should open from top to bottom. Attached with a spring. A hook with bait is placed on the opposite side; it is held on a strong thread, which holds the door at the other end.

    Smoked sausage, lard, chocolate, and meat are used as bait. A mouse crawls in, tries to pull the bait, the thread breaks, the door closes.

  3. A box without a top is made from wooden planks.
  4. There is a bridge made of small planks. In the center they touch each other, on the other edge they are fixed with hinges. A roof is made separately, which is placed freely on top. Windows are made on both sides so that when a mouse makes its way through the hole, it ends up on the bridge.

    The bait is hung on the roof in the center. To get to it, the animal must walk along the bridge to the edge.

    Under the weight of the animal, it tips over and quickly returns to its original position. It is possible to catch all the pests one by one. A living person can be pulled out of the box and fed to the cat.

A house for mice is made from the most different materials. You just have to use your imagination a little and show your carpentry skills - and the trap is ready.

Source: ";;"

The best ways to get rid of mice

Fighting mice in a private home is similar to fighting rats. The methods largely coincide with getting rid of rats, but this matter also has its own nuances that need to be understood. It turns out that not everything is as simple as it previously seemed!

Most scientists agree that the most effective way is to either poison the mouse, kill it with a death trap, or try to scare it away. Let's start with poisons.

Fighting mice with poisonous baits

Poisoning mice is one of the most effective methods. For this purpose, poison for rats and mice is used. The principle of its operation is approximately the same: it causes bleeding in the rodent’s body or disturbances in the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other organs, as a result of which it dies.

It is best that mice have unlimited access to poison: not all of them can kill after the first “meal”. Usually baits have a cumulative effect - and finish off the rodents after a few days.

Remember that rodents like mice do not go far from their habitats to die! Therefore, if you are getting rid of them in the house, go around all the rooms every day and look for the corpses of rodents - they need to be disposed of as soon as possible. After all, when decomposing, they emit the most terrible smell - like mice, like rats.

Electronic traps

Nowadays, the following methods are still relevant for catching mice: classic options, such as a mousetrap, and more modern electronic traps. But the latter show where best results in the fight against mice - and therefore more and more people prefer such traps. They are suitable for catching both rats and mice.

In addition, electronic traps are considered more humane than old wooden ones. The main disadvantage of such wooden ones: many users complain that they are forced to finish off poor animals caught in such a trap. And this is not very pleasant, you will agree.

Whereas when using electronic ones, such a problem will not arise. When a rodent runs inside such a trap, it touches a metal plate that is energized and receives a fatal shock.

Typically, such devices have an indicator that signals whether the inside is empty or someone has been caught. Useful advice: Rats and mice behave differently towards new objects. Rats are very wary, and it can even take a week before they approach the trap.

Mice, on the contrary, are very curious, and, as a rule, approach the trap already on the first night. If you don't catch a mouse in the first few nights, the trap is in the wrong place. But remember that mice don't like to stray far from their nest, so find out where the mice's nest is and place traps there.

You may have already heard about Rat Zapper traps, which successfully fight mice too. These are some of the best electronic traps out there.

But don’t forget that most likely not a single mouse will get inside electron trap voluntarily! She will definitely need food bait. Focus on the taste preferences of your rodents: they can range from dog food to chewing and bacon. By trial and error in choosing bait for the trap, you will definitely exterminate these reptiles!

Sticky traps and glue for rodents

Sticky traps are a classic and one of the most budget ways get rid of mice. Such traps are cardboard strips on which a sticky layer of aromatic glue is applied. Manufacturers have studied the tastes of mice and are mixing odors into the glue. peanut butter, seeds, nuts and other “food joys” of rodents.

Once the mouse steps into the sticky layer, it can no longer get out of it. With the same success, you can buy not a trap, but separately glue for rodents in a tube. It can be spread on any surface and in any place where you have seen mice. The main thing is not to step into it yourself!

Sticky traps and glue are quite harsh on mice. In attempts to escape from the glue, rodents can even tear off their limbs, but usually they are simply exhausted and gradually die from dehydration and hunger.

This is not a very humane method, so many believe that it is better to release the caught rodents from such captivity than to condemn them to several days of hellish torment. But on the other hand, in such a simple and cheap way you can simultaneously catch a variety of pests: mice, rats, large cockroaches, bedbugs, snakes, etc.

Trap “House”

This is a humane option for trapping: the trap does not kill mice, but simply locks them inside - the rodents have no chance of getting out. This “House” looks like a plastic tube, bent at a certain angle, and two doors.

Before starting work, you must remove the back cover and place it in the far part of the device. favorite treat mice - peanuts, seeds or dry animal food. Then set it to flat surface, close the back cover and open the front door - especially for the rodent.

When he crawls towards the bait, the “House” will automatically slam shut.

Don’t forget to check these traps in a timely manner so that the mouse doesn’t die inside! Release it and put in a new portion of bait, then install it again. The method is not only humane, but also affordable.

Live trap “Cage”

This cage trap is made of galvanized steel and has wooden bottom. It is safe for children and animals, including mice themselves, and is suitable for those who do not want to kill animals, even harmful ones. Once in the trap cage, the mouse remains locked in it, but unharmed.

A caught rodent simply needs to be released into the wild by opening the door away from your home. Some people prefer to place poison inside the trap, but we do not recommend this - it is better to simply catch and release the animal. The compact size of the cage allows you to use it anywhere - outdoors or in the house. Such a device costs from 350 rubles.

Source: ""

Ultrasonic repellers

How to remove mice from a private house? For owners who want to reliably protect their homes from rodent infestations, manufacturers offer several options for devices that interfere with the normal functioning of mice and rats.

It’s easy to choose ultrasound devices different power not only to fight the gray “aggressors”, but also harmful insects: cockroaches, mosquitoes, ants. It is very difficult to catch a mouse without a mousetrap using modern devices, but the effect will be obvious: the rodents will simply disappear from the inhospitable home.

Exposure to waves of a certain length causes panic in mice and leads to loss of orientation in space.

Unpleasant “neighbors” rush around the house and cannot find food. In construction supermarkets, electronics stores and departments for gardeners, it is easy to find ultrasound from mice for the home different sizes, brands and prices.

Which device is better? Experts advise paying attention to several points:

  • good device and the mouse repellent in a private home has the function of “adjusting the ultrasonic frequency.” Changing the wave range does not allow rodents to get used to the effects. Most models have automatic control of the ultrasonic flow;
  • to increase efficiency, it is advisable to buy two or three devices, install them in different parts premises.
  • Reason: sound waves do not penetrate through upholstered furniture, thick curtains, it is necessary to purchase repellers to affect all areas where rodents can reach;
  • check with the seller or look at the instructions to find out whether the device works when low temperatures.
  • Some models have a certain range within which trouble-free operation of the device is possible. If the owner of a private house decides to get rid of mice in the cellar, it may turn out that the purchased repeller is not recommended for operation at low temperatures;

  • Do not save when choosing a device. Often, cheap repellers from little-known manufacturers last less than expected and often malfunction;
  • You cannot install baits in a room where a rodent repellent device is turned on. The smell of food will attract mice, the repeller will be less effective;
  • provide conditions for correct operation devices.
  • Moderate humidity, suitable temperature regime, the absence of blows to the body will allow the repeller to work without failures. After a certain period of time, the device must be turned off, then started again. Technical points specified in the operating instructions for the specific model.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use ultrasonic devices, if there are decorative rodents at home: guinea pigs, hamsters. Pets also cannot tolerate the effects of ultrasonic waves, just like their unwanted gray “neighbors”.

Popular ultrasonic repellers for rats and mice:

  1. Typhoon.
  2. Spectrum.
  3. Pest Reject.
  4. Hail.
  5. Sonar.
  6. Electric cat.
  7. Tornado.
  8. Riddex.

Ultrasonic repellers are the most humane and safe way for you and your pets to get rid of mice in your home.

And the quietest: you don’t hear ultrasonic waves, but mice panic from them and try to quickly run away from the source of these terrible sounds. It will take on average up to 2 weeks to drive them out of the premises.

But for this it is better to meet a number of conditions:

  • free the treated apartment, house or office as much as possible from soft things that absorb ultrasound (carpets, fabrics, curtains, bags, upholstered furniture);
  • remove food supplies and water from the free access of mice;
  • take into account the area of ​​the room;
  • take into account the scale of the invasion: if there are a lot of mice, you may need several repellers.

From domestic devices The Tornado-200 rat and mouse repeller has proven itself well. It is designed for small infestations over an area of ​​up to 200 m2. This is an ideal device for apartments, because, as you know, mice most often appear in apartments, where it is easy for them to hide due to their size.

Its radiation range is 18 - 70 kHz. This means that the frequency jumps by 2-10 kHz every few minutes so that the mice do not have time to get used to a certain radiation. It is this “chaos” that will not allow rodents to stay indoors - they will have to run away in search of a quieter shelter.

If mice have encroached on a large premises - a house or warehouse up to 400 m2, you will need a device with a more powerful emitter, such as the ElectroCat Turbo repeller.

It affects not only ultrasound, but also sound and flashes of light. Such a triple attack cannot go unnoticed - as a rule, it is more effective than exposure to a single ultrasound. But don’t relax and help the repeller by doing necessary conditions(see above), and be sure to read the operating instructions!

Source: ";"

Poisons and chemicals from rodents

Poisons are produced in various preparative forms. To understand which poison to choose, you need to know the mechanism of its penetration into the rodent’s body, and also take into account the advice of professionals on the location of a specific bait in certain type premises.

Poisons for rodents are produced in the following forms:

  1. Liquid pesticides.
  2. Designed for processing food, which is laid out 2-10 meters from each other. Sometimes liquid poisons are added to water. Toxic substances (bromadiolone, brodifacoum, diphenacin, etc.) cause death of pests from suffocation.

    Good reviews have the following liquid poisons: Brodefor, Brodefan, Bromine BD, MRD. Liquid baits also include Penocoumarin. These drugs are used to clean non-residential buildings, basements, and warehouses from rats and mice.

  3. Powder and granular poisons.
  4. Used for mixing with cereals. Food containing poison powder can be used in medical institutions, in catering establishments, in apartments and dachas. Powdered pesticides are also suitable for placement in basements and outbuildings.

    The brands Efa, Nutcracker, Absolon, Biorat and others have proven themselves well.
  5. Poisonous foams, aerosols and sprays.
  6. Used to spray on various surfaces. Toxic substances get on the animal’s fur and enter its body when washing. They produce special repellent sprays with a pungent odor, Marder-Schutz-Spray is especially popular among them.

    It can be used to protect your car from rats. Helpful advice: do not use poisonous sprays in food or food storage areas.

  7. Poisons in the form of gels, creams. Used to flavor the base.
  8. Can be used in residential buildings, medical institutions, offices, warehouses, educational institutions(provided there are no children). Effective gels are Bromadiolone, Efa, Geltsin, Green house, Ratjele BoyCat. The latter drug is a chronic poison.

  9. Ready-made baits for rats and mice. Available in various forms: in the form of tablets, briquettes, poisoned grain, dough-like poisonous pastes, etc.
  10. Tablets and capsules can be placed in a separate group.
  11. Each pesticide must be accompanied by step-by-step instructions, which indicate the consumption rates, the technology for preparing poisoned food and the places where it can be left.

    Following these recommendations will help keep people and pets safe from harmful effects toxic substances and successfully cope with the invasion of rats and mice.

IN specialized stores for sale large number various poisoned treats for rodents, and there is even more choice on the Internet. What to choose as a poison, everyone decides for themselves, focusing on the instructions, the cost of the drugs, the brand, reviews, and recommendations of professionals.

What to poison

All poisonous drugs can be divided into 2 groups: instant action and prolonged action. The former allow you to quickly get rid of pests and do not cause pain to the animal. The latter act gradually, while rodents are subjected to suffering and painful death.

Which one to choose is everyone’s business. However, the appearance of a poison with a prolonged action can be explained by some characteristics of the rats and mice themselves. These are quite smart animals that sense danger and, looking at the suffering of their relatives, will not eat poisoned food.

The gradual impact of toxic substances begins after some time, when most rodents have “eaten to their fill.”

In addition, you can divide the funds according to the nature of the action:

  • Affecting the digestive organs.
  • Internal structure system does not allow you to trigger a gag reflex and clear the contents of the stomach. The poison that gets inside begins to provoke pathological processes, and the animal cannot do anything about it. As a result, he dies from exhaustion. Most drugs work on this principle.

  • To the circulatory system. The substance provokes blood thinning and internal bleeding. An example of such drugs is Warfarin.
  • Striking bone tissue. Not only the limbs suffer, but the entire body as a whole. After a certain time, only corpses will remain from rodents.
  • On the respiratory system and nervous system. The poison blocks the flow of air, and the rodent simply suffocates from lack of oxygen. Zinc phosphide has these properties.
  • Arsenic affects the nervous system. The animal's reaction is inhibited, a lack of fear appears, they simply go crazy and do not understand what they are doing in this life.
Separately, it should be said that most drugs are mummifying agents. Rodents simply turn into mummies and the body does not decompose. This effect is necessary for the absence of odor.

However, how long they will remain in this state is unknown. Therefore, you still have to remove them. You can clean a room with rat poison at home in 1–2 weeks.

What mistakes should you avoid when using poisons?

When using poisons, you should definitely take into account the advice of professionals, which will help prevent a number of mistakes.

  1. You cannot take poison for rats and mice with your bare hands; be sure to use gloves.
  2. It is prohibited to store toxic substances near food and tableware.
  3. Do not use poisons in rooms where there are animals and children.
  4. It is not recommended to leave poisons for rodents after they have been completely exterminated.
  5. You cannot treat objects with sprays and aerosols if there are people and animals in them.

Of course, it is better to use ready-made preparations for baiting rodents, as it is safe and convenient. But this does not always work out due to supply, financial or other reasons. Therefore, you need to know how to prepare poison yourself from the available liquid, powder and other poisons.

Using the advice of professionals on preparing “treats”, you can achieve excellent results in the fight against unwanted neighbors:

  • Prepare poisoned food from fresh ingredients.
  • Of course, rodents are attracted by the smell of spoiled food, but they still prefer to eat fresh food. What to choose as a base depends on the poison used: flour, feed, and cereals are usually sprinkled with powders; liquids are added to milk or water and poured over grains; gel-like poisons are mixed with any food or spread on it.

  • Before making bait, you must carefully read the step-by-step instructions and follow them exactly.
  • Dosage and proportions must be observed. If you put too much poison in food, pests will smell the unpleasant smell and won’t even touch the treat. If the drug is not enough, the effect will be weak: having experienced only indigestion, the rodent can ignore the poisoned food for several days.

  • Wear gloves when preparing poisoned food. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, this way there will be no human smell left on the food, which can repel pests. Secondly, protective equipment minimizes the toxic effects of the poison.
  • It is better to make poison in the evening. This is especially true for perishable products. Rats are more active at night than during the day. Therefore, a fresh, delicious dinner may be their last.

Technology of working with toxic substances

Liquid poisons in certain proportions specified in step by step instructions, mixed with crushed cereal grains, cereals or mixed feed. Meat and fish and grated vegetables and fruits will work as a base: potatoes, carrots, apples, etc.

You need to mix thoroughly until you get a mass that is uniform in color and consistency. The resulting poison is laid out on the floor along the walls and stuffed into mouse passages. The gap between pieces depends on the size of the rodent population and ranges from 3-10 m. It is recommended to check the left treat every 3 days and replace it with a fresh one every 14 days.

Powdered and granular poisons are poured into the right amount into flour, mixed feed, mixed with boiled potatoes, fish or minced meat, breadcrumbs and other bases.

For greater attractiveness, unrefined sunflower oil. The thoroughly kneaded mass is divided into pieces (10-20 g for mice, 50-100 g for rats), which are placed on cardboards or in specialized bait boxes in the most popular places for pests.

Powdered poisons are also widely used for plugging burrows. To do this, place fluffy cotton wool in a strong bag and a certain amount drug, the bag must be tied and shaken so that the poison is distributed evenly. The cotton wool powdered with poison is inserted as deep as possible into the passages and holes, after which it is filled with concrete.

From aerosols, Penocoumarin is used in the fight against rodents. To prepare poisoned food for animals, you need to take 1 kg of grain, shake the container, then press the valve and hold for about 8 seconds.

Mix the resulting mass and spread out the bait. Foam aerosols are often used to caulk holes. To do this, clamp the valve for 4-8 seconds, directing the stream of the drug into the hole or passage. If rodents have chewed frozen foam, then this operation is repeated every 1 day.

Poisonous gels are mixed with grains and their derivatives, chopped vegetables or dried fruits. The resulting mass is left in “mouse canteens”, laid out along baseboards, under pipes, near holes.

Chemical control methods are successfully combined with mechanical ones. For example, treats can be placed in a one-person live trap.

Then the pest will be killed in the device, and will not go to die in hard-to-reach holes, cracks in the walls and floors, where the corpse of the animal can only be detected by the smell of decomposition.

With the onset of cold weather, small, gray ones appear in houses and apartments, which you want to get rid of in any way. Old proven means - traps - come first. You can buy a ready-made device, or make it yourself. How to catch a mouse in an apartment can rack your brain for days. Or simply take advantage of the experience of other “victims”.

Catching pests with improvised means

When you see a mouse, you shouldn’t immediately rush headlong to the store to buy a trap; first you need to look around. See what you can use as a . There are several ways to catch a mouse in the house without a mousetrap.


You will need a jar with a capacity of 1-1.5 liters, a coin with a face value of 5 kopecks, a small cardboard, and bait. The simplest version of a mousetrap. Place the bait on the cardboard. Place the jar upside down on top. Place a coin edgewise on one side and place the edge of the jar on it.

The bait should be slightly larger than a coin. Catching a mouse in a jar is very simple. At the sight of food, the rodent will rush to get it - there will be no obstacles in this. But when the mouse begins to drag the food with it, touches the coin, the jar drops, and the mouse finds itself in a trap.

The only way the mousetrap might not work is if the animal decides to eat everything at once, and it will crawl back out on its own. To avoid such an event, the trap should be slightly improved.

The bait is glued with tape at a height of 3 cm from the neck. The edge of the can is placed on the side with the bait on the coin. The mouse climbs inside, lifts itself up, leaning on the jar to get to the food. The coin falls and the mouse is trapped.


You can catch a mouse in the house in this way using a flower pot, a deep bowl, or any suitable container. It is better to use smoked sausage, fried lard, and chips as bait.

Plastic bottle

You can catch a mouse in an apartment with a bottle of mineral water or any drink. Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil onto the bottom and spread on the sides. The bait is laid out in the form of fried seeds. The smell in the bottle will last a long time and spread throughout the room. Catching mice in a bottle is very convenient, since you can catch several of them.

The bottle is placed at an angle. Books work well as a basis. You can lay out 3 books in steps and secure the edge of the bottle with tape. Just in case the trap did not tip over prematurely, the mouse did not escape.

The mouse crawls up the steps into the bottle following the smell of the fragrant bait. It gets inside, readily eats, and the slippery vegetable oil does not allow it to get out. Another poor fellow joins her. If you're lucky, you'll catch 3 at once. You can catch them all one by one.


The trap is placed near the shelf, on the steps. In such a place mice are caught very quickly. The narrow neck of the bottle is not a hindrance for them.

A glass beer bottle is used for the same purpose. The aroma of brewer's yeast is very attractive to mice. By placing the trap at a slight slope, you can easily catch a mouse without a mousetrap, without killing it, without using additional bait.


Catching mice at home with a bucket is the most exciting activity. There are several options for successful traps.

  • Line the bucket with newspaper and secure the edges with tape. A cross-shaped cut is made in the center. Sprinkle the bait. In this case, grains, cereals, flour, and seeds are suitable. A stick, a board, and a ruler are placed next to the bucket and will serve as a ladder. The mouse easily climbs the ladder, tries to get to the bait, the newspaper tears, the mouse falls. If you pour water into a bucket, the animal will drown, and you won’t have to worry about what to do with the caught mouse.
  • The bucket is filled with water, not reaching 3 cm to the edge. Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil. Husks, straw, and dry leaves are sprinkled on top so that the water is not visible. Scatter grain, seeds, cereals. You can lure it with fragrant bait. They put up a ladder. The trap works in a similar way. But the advantage is that you can catch several pests at once. One victim drowns, the top layer of the trap quickly recovers, and another rodent follows the scent. So, until morning comes, rodent activity will decrease.
  • Cut off the bottom and neck of a plastic bottle and grease it with vegetable oil. The bait is glued to the center with tape. Thread the stick through and place it on the edge of a bucket of water. The animal crawls into the bottle, tries to get to the bait, the bottle spins, falls together with the stick into the bucket.

Another option for a bucket trap if the mouse likes to crawl on tables. Place the ruler on the edge of the table so that most of it hangs down. A bucket is placed under it. Place it on the edge of the ruler. The rodent runs towards the food, unaware of anything, and falls into the bucket. You can kill the mouse yourself or leave it to the cat. Many people simply catch them.

Complex designs

You can catch the mouse yourself using a special trap, the invention of which will take a little effort.

  • A house for catching mice is made of mesh. Make an oblong box. The sides are secured with wire. One side will be the door. It should open from top to bottom. Attached with a spring. A hook with bait is placed on the opposite side; it is held on a strong thread, which holds the door at the other end. Smoked sausage, lard, chocolate, and meat are used as bait. A mouse crawls in, tries to pull the bait, the thread breaks, the door closes.
  • A box without a top is made from wooden planks. There is a bridge made of small planks. In the center they touch each other, on the other edge they are fixed with hinges. A roof is made separately, which is placed freely on top. Windows are made on both sides so that when a mouse makes its way through the hole, it ends up on the bridge. The bait is hung on the roof in the center. To get to it, the animal must walk along the bridge to the edge. Under the weight of the animal, it tips over and quickly returns to its original position. It is possible to catch all the pests one by one. A living person can be pulled out of the box and fed to the cat.

Mouse houses are made from a variety of materials. You just have to use your imagination a little and show your carpentry skills - and the trap is ready.

The art of catching without a mousetrap

If the location of the pests is known, you can lure the mouse out with bait with a strong odor. Contrary to popular belief, cheese is not in the first place for rodents. Pests react sharply to smoked meats, nuts, heavily roasted seeds, seasoned crackers, chips, and lard burnt with a match. You can lure them out of their hiding place with the following ingredients.

You can find a mouse in complete silence and twilight. The animals are afraid loud sounds, can't stand it bright light. They get used to the smell of a person in the house, so they are not particularly afraid of it.

To catch a mouse, you should arm yourself with a medium-sized towel. Hide in the corner, quietly wait for the pest to appear from under the closet. Quickly throw on a towel and press.

This option for catching rodents is suitable if you are interested in showing your ingenuity, testing your reaction speed, or if the pest cannot be caught in any other way.

To catch rodents, it is enough to show a little skill, resort to imagination, and figure out where rodents like to hunt.

Mice move into a human home mainly in three ways: the approach of cold weather, clutter (a bunch of old trash), or making a nest for breeding. Mice belong to the category of rodents that reproduce very quickly, have good immunity, and ideally adapt to environment. Uninvited guests They can easily gnaw through anything - even concrete is no problem. Their nests can be under the floor, in walls and ceilings.

A specific smell, chewed electrical wires, holes in surfaces, damaged furniture - this list of troubles in such a neighborhood can be continued endlessly. To catch a mouse without a mousetrap, a “trap” and toxic substances can be made homemade traps. Despite the primitiveness and simplicity of their designs, they are very, very effective.

Bottle trap

To make it regular one will do two liter plastic bottle. Lubricate the inside of the vessel with vegetable oil (pour a little and turn the bottle in all directions so that it spreads or wrap cotton wool on a stick, moisten it with oil and rub it over the walls of the container).

Place bait in the bottle: a piece white bread or a pinch of roasted seeds. Next, fix it “obliquely”, for example, lean it on a stack of books. The mouse will approach the trap by smell. And when it slips into the neck, it will no longer be able to get back out because of the slippery walls.

plastic container

Glass jar

Old folk method catch a rodent. Place a piece of plywood or thick cardboard near the entrance to the mouse's lair (this will be the lid). Place an empty half-liter jar turned upside down on top. Place bait on the center underneath it, for example, a piece of bread, previously generously soaked in sunflower oil. It is important that its size is slightly larger than the gap under the neck of the jar.

Install one edge glass containers on the edge of a coin (optimally 5 rubles) or on something else - the main thing is that the gap is no larger than the size of a nickel. When a mouse crawls through and, grabbing the bait, begins to drag it into the gap, the trap will instantly close. Turn the jar over along with the pre-placed plywood and take it out of the house.

glass containers


A very simple but effective design for catching small rodents. Cut a two-liter plastic bottle so that the upper part with the neck is approximately 4 cm smaller than the lower one.

Place bait (bread, cookies, lard, seeds) on the bottom. Upper part Place in the bottom with the neck down. Next, thoroughly grease the walls of the funnel with vegetable oil. Place the trap near a chair or box. The mouse, focusing on the scent of the bait, will find a way to get to it. As soon as it falls over the edge of the funnel, it will fall along the slippery walls through the neck to the bottom of the bottle.

sunflower oil


To rid your home of small rodents you need to be patient. However, if you make the traps correctly, this process will not keep you waiting long. It is highly not recommended to use different chemicals. The following situation often arises: a mouse, having eaten poisoned bait, dies under the floor; after a while you will feel the terrible smell of a decaying rodent. In this case, you will have to remove boards from the floor to eliminate the source. unpleasant odors. Also if there is pet, then he could easily get poisoned too.

Capture methods

There are at least four options for catching pests using improvised means available in almost every home:

  • glass jar;
  • flower pot;
  • plastic bottle;
  • a bucket with a capacity of five or more liters.

There are other methods of catching mice at home that require more serious preparation and a trip to the nearest hardware store:

  • live traps are a kind of mouse trap, with the only difference being that the mouse will not be harmed; you can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made device;
  • special glue for rodents;
  • ready-made glue traps;
  • rat poison - the disadvantage of this method is the inability to detect a corpse that emits an unpleasant odor;
  • a cat or cat - the method is not always reliable: there are pets that themselves try to hide as soon as they see a small mouse.

By the way, the use of adhesive substrates is not suitable for humanists: trying to free itself from the trap, the animal makes heartbreaking sounds, which only a person with an impenetrable psyche can withstand.

Method 1: glass jar

How to catch a mouse with a jar? In addition to the container itself (by the way, you can use a glass of a suitable size), you need to stock up on:

  • a coin with a diameter of 2 cm or more;
  • tape;
  • bait.

After which simple preparatory work is carried out:

  1. TO inner surface jars attach the bait with tape so that it is closer to the bottom of the container.
  2. Place the jar upside down on a support (cardboard, plank, etc.).
  3. The container is placed so that one edge of the neck rests on the base, and the other rests against the edge of the coin.

The mechanism of action of such a trap is simple to the point of banality: the mouse, trying to get to the treat, will definitely touch the coin and end up in an ambush. All that remains is to turn the jar over with the substrate and throw the rodent out in a nearby field.

You should not release a captive in a residential area so that she does not return to the house again.

Method number 2: flower pot

You will need:

  • a clay or plastic pot with a hole in the bottom; if the second option is used, then it is weighted with a weight;
  • thread;
  • match or toothpick;
  • clip;
  • bait;
  • piece of plywood.

Making a trap:

  1. The pot is turned upside down on a sheet of plywood.
  2. The thread is pulled through the hole. A match is tied to the outside of the pot, and the bait is attached to the inside with a paper clip. The bait should hang almost at the very bottom.
  3. The upper edge of the pot is supported by a match with a thread tied to it.
  4. The structure is installed in a rodent habitat.

When the rodent reaches for the bait, the match will act as a trigger and the pot will cover the pest.

Method number 3: plastic bottle

How to catch a mouse in the house using a plastic bottle? In addition to the container itself, you will need thread and bait.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Bait is thrown to the bottom.
  2. The bottle is placed on the edge of the table so that the bottom hangs down.
  3. One edge of the thread or fishing line is securely fastened to the table, the second is tied to the neck.

The bottle, under the gravity of a rodent who decides to feast on it, will turn over and the mouse will have nothing left to do but dangle in the air, awaiting its fate.

How to catch a mouse in an apartment or house without a mousetrap using a plastic bottle, an eraser, a paper clip and two plastic or wooden tubes:

  1. A small hole is cut in the center of the bottom.
  2. The top is cut at a certain distance (¼) from the neck so that an improvised lid is obtained.
  3. One tube is threaded through the center of the bottle, the second through the center of the “cap”.
  4. Place bait on a paper clip with an elastic band and thread it through drilled hole, the second end of the elastic band is secured to the outside of the cork.
  5. The second rubber band is attached to the outside of the bottle on the tubes so that the “lid” is open.

Operating principle: from the tension created by the mouse pulling the bait, the first elastic band will break and the lid will slam shut.

Method number 4: using a bucket

This is also a fairly simple method that helps solve the problem of how to catch a mouse in an apartment.

  1. The bucket is filled with a small amount of water, a newspaper is fixed on top, and a cross-shaped cut is made in the center. The bait is also placed here.
  2. An improvised ladder (board, ruler, twig, etc.) is placed against the bucket.

Having reached the bait, the mouse will fall through and drown.

If you don’t want to kill the pest, then you don’t have to pour water.

In this case, use a container with high and slippery sides so that the mouse cannot jump out or run away.

Method number 5: glue and glue traps

When working with glue, you need to wear gloves and protective clothing, as the product is quite difficult to wipe off from skin and fabric. Glue is applied to cardboard or plywood in a thin layer or strips at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from each other, and bait is placed in the center. If a ready-made glue trap is used for catching, then no preparatory steps are required.

An improvised trap is installed in places where mice most often go hunting. When the rodent sticks, it will die from thirst and hunger, and the tablet with the corpse can be thrown into the nearest trash can. By the way, it is best to destroy carcasses by burning, so as not to inadvertently spread a dangerous infection carried by rodents.

Cleanliness is the enemy of the rodent

  • Periodic general cleaning will help to avoid the accumulation of garbage, leftover food in corners, table drawers and other inaccessible places, and therefore rodents will not have the opportunity to profit from anything.
  • Products are stored in tightly sealed jars or metal containers with a heavy lid.
  • Household and kitchen waste is collected in buckets with lids and removed from the apartment in a timely manner.
  • Install grilles on ventilation ducts, seal holes in the floor and baseboards.

A little about the bait

To be sure to catch a mouse at home, you need to choose the right bait. Many people have long been accustomed to using cheese as bait, but, as it turns out, mice don’t particularly like it. For these purposes it is better to use:

  • nuts;
  • chocolates;
  • bread;
  • meat or lard;
  • seeds.

Rodents also “bite” well on sunflower oil, so before putting the bait in the trap, it is first dipped in oil.