How to properly pinch petunia for abundant flowering. How to pinch petunia at home

Every gardener wants his favorite indoor flowers to have a beautiful shape and look well-groomed and aesthetically pleasing. Thanks to this, the plants fit perfectly into home interior, complementing it with an unusual and much-desired twist.

The formation of a plant crown can significantly help in achieving this goal. However, this is not an entirely easy task, since some flowers can be trimmed, but for others it will be harmful. In addition, you need to know how and when is the best time to start forming a green “pet”. Therefore, having learned all the intricacies of this difficult but important procedure, you can provide real care and concern for your indoor pets.

Why do you need to form a crown of indoor flowers?

Among the main goals of plant formation are:

Basic techniques for crown formation indoor plants is trimming, pinching, pinching and gartering.

Pruning indoor plants

Pruning is the process of reducing the size of a plant by removing shoots and branches. Conducting correct pruning the following goals can be achieved:

When is the best time to prune? The most the right time– this is the time after a period of dormancy or flowering. If we talk about the time of year - spring. It is better to prune some time after transplantation, when the plant has already become accustomed to the new conditions. Otherwise, its growth may slow down.

Some types of indoor flowers need to be pruned every year, others every few years.. You cannot carry out the procedure at random, because in this way you can cause significant harm to the plant. Some “pets” may not bloom at all, while others may acquire an ugly shape over time. Before pruning, you should read the recommendations for each species separately.

It is correct to make a cut above the leaf pointing outward. Otherwise, the shoot will grow inward.

The cut is made a few millimeters above the bud, slightly obliquely. Mostly weak shoots and crowns directed inward are removed. The main, powerful shoots can be shortened by 1/3.

To carry out the procedure, clean and very sharp objects are used - a knife, pruning shears or blade. It is important that the cut is smooth. If the damage is large enough, it can be sprinkled with crushed charcoal so that the plant does not get sick. If several plants are pruned, then before each new one it is necessary to disinfect the blade, for example, with alcohol.

Depending on the goals, pruning is divided into:

  • Sanitary;
  • Rejuvenating;
  • Formative;
  • Pruning for flowering.

Sanitary pruning

Without sanitary pruning it is often impossible to get by. If yellow, dry leaves and shoots affected by diseases or pests appear on the plant, they must be removed as soon as possible.

This need is due to the fact that weakened parts of the plant are a sweet spot for. Therefore, in order to prevent fungi, bacteria and insect pests from moving onto healthy shoots and leaves, it is necessary to carry out sanitary pruning in a timely manner.

The main rule in this is to quickly and completely remove all affected, aged parts of the flower.

In this case, the shoot is cut close to healthy tissue, and if it goes into the ground, to its base. It is important to trim dry leaf tips, such as those of dracaenas and palms, regularly.

At the same time, a small dry strip is left - the healthy part of the leaf remains untouched. If you cut off a living leaf, a dried strip will still form at the end and the process will continue. In addition, the risk of infection with fungal diseases increases.

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Anti-aging pruning

Some plants, especially those that grow slowly, can do without rejuvenation. But most indoor green “friends” still have to be pruned for this purpose. For example, these are flowers that quickly stretch out when there is a lack of light. Plants with long shoots especially need this type of pruning.

Over time, due to lack of light, too high temperature or insufficient humidity air, their leaves at the base dry out and fall off. And the flower becomes unattractive appearance. This is, for example, . Their lower part quickly becomes exposed, and the only way to maintain a well-groomed and attractive appearance is to trim them regularly and thoroughly.

Anti-aging pruning is best done in the spring before the start of the growth period. or soon after, or in the fall, when the plant is dormant (you can read more about the life phases of indoor plants).

The shoots are cut almost to the base. It is important that there are 2-4 living buds left on the “stump”. Only 10-15% of the entire flower may remain.

However, the more thorough the pruning, the more vigorously new shoots will grow. If it’s hard to decide to trim the entire plant at once, you can do it in 2 stages. First, half of the shoots are cut off. And when new ones grow from them, the remaining half is cut off.

After rejuvenating pruning, the flower needs feeding, because it will undergo intensive growth.

Watering at this time is slightly reduced, because the shortened upper part does not need a lot of moisture. It is better to place the pot in partial shade, away from direct sunlight. After such pruning, the flower produces many healthy, strong shoots and acquires a luxurious appearance.

Formative pruning

It is one of the most difficult. Its goal is to give the plant the desired shape. Vigorous and branchy green “pets” especially need it. For example, crown formation is necessary for,. You need to approach formative pruning creatively, observing the plant and finding out which shape will be most suitable for it.

It is important to choose correctly right place for cutting. So, in order for the branch to grow horizontally, it is necessary that the last bud remaining after pruning be directed downward or outward of the crown. For vertical growth, on the contrary, the bud should “look” up or towards the center. It is also important to know which shoots need to be cut to obtain the desired shape. Depending on the wishes of the grower and the type of flower, the following forms can be obtained using pruning:

Pruning for flowering

Sometimes pruning of a flower is carried out in order to ensure the flowering process or to make it more abundant - this is pruning for flowering. To carry out such a haircut, it is important to know the characteristics of each type of plant. For example, at what time of year the green “friend” will delight you with buds, on which shoots they appear: young or old.

As a rule, for plants that bloom in summer, pruning for flowering coincides with spring formative pruning. Different types, blooming several times a year, need pruning twice: in the spring and after flowering.

Interestingly, most plants flower buds are formed only on annual shoots. These are pelargonium, passionflower, citrus fruits. Therefore, without pruning, they may simply not bloom. Optimal time for cutting - in the spring before the start of the growth period. If the process is delayed, the shoots will not have time to grow enough, and the buds will not appear.

Pinching indoor plants

What is pinching plants? It is the removal of a bud from the end of a shoot (pinching). Its goal is to form a beautiful bushy plant and rejuvenate the crown. The procedure is carried out with hands, scissors or a knife after transplantation and the beginning of growth. Let's look at how to pinch indoor plants in detail.

To form the desired bush, you need to pinch off the top of the main shoot, which has reached a height of 6-7 cm. When new side shoots grow to 15-20 cm, they also need to be pinched.

The result is a thick, curly bush. But it also needs shaping. Periodically you need to remove weak shoots and those that grow inward.

It is important to know that pinching may delay the flowering process or may not begin at all. Therefore, when the plant acquires the desired shape, pinching should be stopped.

It is important to carry out this procedure for pelargonium, myrtle, heliotrope, fuchsia, and indoor roses.

It is not recommended to pinch some plants. Among them are scindapsus, ceropegia, asparagus.

It is mainly thanks to pinching that bonsai, which are widely popular today, can be formed. For this would be better suited myrtle, or fuchsia. It is important to pay attention to the plant variety: only bush varieties, a canopy tree will not form.

Growing indoor flowers

Stepsoning is the removal of excess offspring or stepsons. It is carried out mainly on flowering plants.

Basically, the appearance of stepsons is observed in rosette flowers in the axils of the leaves of the main shoot.

Sometimes the presence of such “babies” does not affect the development and growth of the plant. However Removing stepsons promotes abundant flowering, larger flowers may appear.

Removed offspring can be used for reproduction. Saintpaulia is an example of a plant that needs pinching.

Garter and support for indoor flowers

A garter and support are necessary in order to give the flower stability and contribute to more decorative appearance. These methods are especially used for plants with weak trunks.

Different types of hanging and vines especially need garter. To do this, use braid, tape, woolen thread.

For more large plants wrapped wire is used. It is necessary to tie it very carefully so as not to damage the plant.

For some flowers, directing and fixing the shoots in a certain position stimulates flowering.

So, if you direct the shoot down and bend it, you can soon expect the appearance of buds.

Knowing all the intricacies of forming the crown of indoor plants, you can provide truly professional care for your beloved green “pets”!

Forming the crown of fruit trees in the garden

Thanks to a properly formed crown during the first 3-4 years of life, the tree will be able to grow well and bear fruit abundantly.

First year

After planting in the ground, annual trees require pruning of the top to form a lush crown. It is recommended to prune apple trees at a height of 80-90 cm from the ground, and pruning pears at a height of 90-100 cm.

All lateral branches on the trunk (parts of the trunk from the surface of the earth to the lower skeletal branch) are cut out. Varieties with a spreading crown are pruned higher, and pyramidal ones - lower. If annual seedlings have several branches, they are shortened so that 2-3 buds remain on each.

All blossoming buds and young branches starting to grow on the trunk should be removed up to a height of 60 cm from the ground surface. Otherwise, the rate of growth and development of the crown is significantly reduced. It is necessary to leave shoots that are close to horizontal and evenly distributed in space.

Depending on the quality of the seedling and the degree of care for it, from 3 to 5 young branches appear on the tree. These young shoots need to be given a more horizontal position, increasing the angles of departure to 60-80 degrees. To do this, in May - June, soft shoots, 5-20 cm long, are bent using ordinary clothespins. Side shoots longer than 70 cm are shortened by 1/3 so that they do not become bare.

Second year

When sap flow begins in the tree, it is necessary to remove all shoots on the trunk, competitors of the guide, or in other words, shoots that grew from the lateral buds adjacent to the apical ones, as well as the branches that formed sharp corners discharge. Pruning trees that differ rapid growth, it is recommended to carry out in May.

In seedlings that have a strong conductor reaching a length of more than 60 cm, it can be replaced with a weaker side shoot (competitor) having a length of about 40 cm.

The guide is the part of the trunk from the first lower branch to the top of the tree. The conductor, which has lost its vertical position, is cut so that 2-4 buds remain on it. Subsequently, from the regrown shoots, one most suitable for the formation of a new conductor is selected.

To prevent the conductor from deviating from the vertical, all buds, flowers and ovaries should be removed from it.

The shoots should be shortened very carefully, since the crown can become very thick due to improper pruning. The side shoots of fast-growing varieties with a pyramidal crown are repeatedly bent to a position close to horizontal. In seedlings with weak growth and weakly branching varieties, the tops of last year's growth are cut off to stimulate branching.

IN summer time bending the shoots should be repeated. At the end of June, the guide is shortened again, vigorous shoots growing vertically at the top of the crown are removed. For apple trees of early-fruiting varieties, it is important to tear off the flowers and ovary on the central conductor and ensure that thin branches do not break off under the weight of the fruit.

Third and fourth year

The formation of young trees is carried out in the same way as in the second year. In this case, the conductor must reach a height of 2-2.5 meters, and the crown is supported in a cone shape. The lower branches can grow until they fill the space that is allocated for the tree.

If the crown is thickened, thinning is carried out. At the same time, low-growing branches are cut off first to increase the height of the trunk. It is important to remove branches that grow vertically, cannot be bent, and disturb the balance of the tree. At the top of the crown, all competitors of the conductor and shoots with sharp angles of departure are removed.

By the fourth year, active crown formation is almost complete. The size and shape of the trees are maintained according to a specific planting pattern. It is important to know that you should not shorten annual growth, as this activates growth processes.

Long branches that extend beyond the allotted space are shortened. Important role In the further formation of the crown, its lightening plays a role, which is carried out, for example, by removing vertical shoots.

Pruning fruit trees and plants

Successful growth and development fruit trees impossible without annual renewal pruning, which is carried out by cutting out 2-3-year-old branches onto an oblique replacement branch. When the tree reaches a height of 2.5 meters, the guide is removed and replaced by a competitor. Strong shoots at the top of the crown are removed at the end of summer or in the spring of next year.

If the tree is actively growing last year, pruning dates are often postponed until the growing season. If necessary, root pruning can be done.

Timing of pruning
. It is recommended to prune weak-growing varieties of fruit trees during the dormant period.

At this time, the active processes of growth and development practically cease, and most of the nutritional components move to the trunk, skeletal branches and roots.

Trimming methods. Among the main methods of pruning are shortening and thinning.

The purpose of shortening, or pruning, is to prevent excessive growth of branches. The top part of the branch is cut off. Thanks to this, the buds located below the pruning site “wake up”. Pruning makes the crown more luxuriant, stimulating the emergence of new shoots and improving the growth of fruit formations. As a rule, shortening pruning is carried out in at a young age during the formation of the tree crown.

The cut is made so that the upper remaining bud “looks” outward. If the branch deviates to the side or down, it shortens above the bud, which will give rise to a shoot growing in the desired vertical direction. The conductor's competitor is completely removed. The central conductor is trimmed so that it rises 15-20 cm above the crown.

Thanks to thinning pruning, excessive crown density is eliminated. Excess branches are removed completely, from the beginning of their growth. Competitors, branches growing vertically downwards or towards the center of the crown, are subject to pruning.

Thanks to thinning, the crown is better ventilated and illuminated by the sun, and is less susceptible to diseases caused by high humidity.

Cucumbers are one of the most favorite vegetables among gardeners in our and many other countries. Today, many varieties of them are known, which are grown in garden plots and in greenhouse conditions. To get the maximum harvest of your favorite vegetables, you need to pinch the plants. What is it, how to pinch the main types of cucumbers correctly - read right now.

Some beginners are sure that pinching cucumbers is not at all necessary. However, this is not true. The harvest of cucumbers depends on the physiology of the plants. That is why it is important to know the features of the processes that occur with this vegetable crop during its growth and fruit formation. Male shoots, also known as barren flowers, often form on the main trunk of plants. But to receive large quantity You need to have a lot of female vegetables. Their formation is possible on side shoots. This is why pinching is needed, which is also called blinding. In the process, you need to save every leaf, since it is in the foliage that accumulate useful elements, who then receive the fruits.

The advantages of pinching, or blinding, include the guaranteed formation of female shoots, the elimination of bitterness in fruits, and a large number of delicious favorite vegetables in the end. Even if we are dealing with varieties that tend to immediately form female flowers, you still need to do stepsoning. It will stimulate the appearance of new fruiting inflorescences.

In addition to pinching, there are other agricultural methods that have the same positive effect on plants.

How to pinch correctly

Pinching cucumbers growing in a greenhouse or on personal plot, won't difficult task even for novice gardeners. The result correct formation The cucumber vine will produce numerous ovaries and fruits.

Pinching vegetable crops- a way to form bushes for effective fruiting.

For convenient pinching, cucumbers should be planted at a distance of 30 cm, trellises should be installed, and the canes should be tied up in the second week. Long lashes do not need a garter.

The top is trimmed above the 6th leaf. For hybrids with normal side shoots, 3 lashes are left, the rest must be removed. In insect-pollinated varieties, weak shoots are removed. It is necessary to leave 4 growth points. The formation of a cucumber vine should begin when there are 4–5 full leaves. Formation is carried out before flowering (the top above the 6–7th leaf should be removed).

Young stepsons need to be pinched on bushes with many branches. Pinching is especially important for late-ripening varieties, otherwise they will begin to hurt. Removing the tops of mid-season and early-season vegetables is not practiced. Varieties such as Janus, Brigadny, Dean, MOVIR-1, Libelle cannot be pinched.

Let us dwell in more detail on the peculiarities of pinching pollinated, parthenocarpic and cucumbers intended for cultivation in open ground.

Pollinated varieties

In order to ensure proper pinching of insect-pollinated varieties in the future, it is not recommended to plant them too densely. When planting seedlings, you need to make sure that the soil is sufficiently fertile and prepared. Otherwise, you need to carry out constant feeding.

Before pinching cucumbers, it is recommended to tie the vines to the trellises. It is better not to attach cotyledon leaves to them. The fastening is not very tight. The garter is carried out when a couple of weeks have passed after planting the seedlings. You will need twine or wire.

The result of pinching will be the division of the stems into the main and lateral shoots. When pinching, you need to form a weave. The top is cut above the 6th leaf. Growing side shoots will also need garter later. 3 sprouts are left intact in the plant. This method is especially relevant for hybrid varieties. For other types of vegetables, leave 1 sprout. There is no need to remove foliage; they only get rid of weak, twisted, diseased leaves or those on which pests are noticed.

A good harvest will be achieved not only by your hard work and desire to pinch cucumbers, but also by further caring for them.

Open ground varieties

How to properly pinch cucumbers intended for open areas of land? The simplicity of the procedure depends on the density of plantings.

If you have short stems, you can do without pinching.

When the shoots are long, the pattern for pinching cucumbers looks like this. The top is removed if the main shoot is already 1 meter long. The growth of other shoots on the side shoots should be monitored. In the absence of a garter, pinching involves removing the growth point. On the main shoots it is located after the 4th leaf, on the lateral shoots - after the 2nd.

For hybrid species of cucumbers, pinching shoots growing from the side is used. All sprouts should be removed from the axils.

Gardeners with many years of experience insist on pruning not only empty flowers, but also the first ovaries that appear.

In a few weeks you will see new buds on your favorite vegetable crops.

These varieties of cucumbers do not require the presence of insects for pollination. Mostly fertile flowers appear on them, at the base of which there are small cucumbers. These types of vegetables are characterized by the formation of shoots in a short period of time. Purpose of pinching in in this case- not increasing productivity, but creating density and normal access of light to the plantings.

Parthenocarpic species have fruiting flowers on the main stem. After it reaches a height of half a meter, the shoots, inflorescences and ovaries growing on the side should be cut off. Above the lower part of the crop, pinching of the lashes located above the first side leaf is carried out. No need to touch 1 ovary and a couple of leaves. At a height of 1–1.5 m from the ground surface, it is required to leave about 3–4 shoots, 2 leaves and 2 ovaries. Above you need to leave 3-4 ovaries and 3-4 leaves intact.

If the plant does not want to stop growing, it is advised to throw it over a trellis. It is recommended to remove the growing point if the plant does not reach the soil surface by about 20 cm. Next, you need to carefully care for your favorite vegetable crops.

Video “Forming a cucumber”

After watching this video, you will understand how to form cucumbers using the one-stem method using pinching.

In order for vegetables and fruits to be given good harvest, it is necessary to properly and competently care for plants. An important component of such care is pinching them, which involves removing the buds located at the ends of plant shoots, as well as the apical shoots themselves. This technique promotes the growth and development of lateral branches, abundant flowering and a reduction in the ripening time of fruits, which significantly improves the quality of the harvest. Pinching can be done either by hand or with scissors.

Pinch cucumbers

Cucumbers have individual feature produce male flowers on the main stem, which in most cases are barren flowers. Flowers of the opposite sex appear mainly on lateral shoots. To obtain a rich harvest, it is very important to achieve the appearance of female flowers. And this is possible if you pinch the main stem.

In addition, pinching also affects the taste of cucumbers. In most cases, a significant number of male flowers contributes to the appearance of a bitter taste in ripened fruits. And to avoid the appearance of this bitterness, it is necessary to remove about 80% of the male cucumber shoots.

Trim the top of the vine after the sixth leaf. Leave four points for side shoots to grow and pinch off the top of the main stem. For hybrids with good side shoots, leave three lashes and remove the rest.

How to pinch tomatoes

Tall tomatoes are pinched after the final formation of the main clusters, leaving two leaves above the last flower. As a result, all the ovaries that have formed will have time to ripen.

If pinching is not done in a timely manner, the tomatoes will grow, new fruits will be formed, and the previously formed tomatoes will not be as large, tasty and early.

Peppers and eggplants are pinched in the same way.

Pinching zucchini

In zucchini, only climbing varieties are pinched. Removal of the top is carried out when the inflorescences are formed and the main stem reaches one meter. At the same time, all the stepsons are cut off, leaving the three strongest ones with one ovary on each.

How to pinch watermelons and melons

It is necessary to pinch the apical bud of a watermelon after the formation of the sixth leaf. The main condition for early production of full-fledged fruits is pinching the tops of all vines after the ovaries appear. After pinching, there should be two ovaries left on each lash, and all the plant’s energy will go not to growth, but to fruiting.

Pinch the pumpkin

Pumpkin pinching is carried out after the appearance of two fruits. After which top part The main stem and all side shoots are removed, leaving a maximum of three side shoots with ovaries, which speeds up the process of filling and ripening of the pumpkin.

Every summer resident dreams of big harvest cucumbers However, sometimes he does not know that the number of greens can be significantly increased by pinching.

Why do you pinch cucumbers?

Many gardeners believe that pinching cucumbers is not necessary. The plants will bear fruit anyway, all you need to do is water and feed them. All this is true. But the cucumbers will grow greatly, all the energy will be spent not on the formation of ovaries, but on the growth of long vines with foliage. In addition, male inflorescences (empty flowers) grow on the main stem, while female inflorescences grow mainly on the branches. To limit the growth of barren branches, the main stem is pinched.

Pinching, or pinching, is the removal of excess side shoots (stepchildren) growing from the axils of the leaves.

However, pinching should be carried out very carefully and you should not remove anything that comes to hand, but strictly following the recommendations. Pinching is necessary not only for the formation of plants, it affects the taste of vegetables. With a significant predominance of male flowers, bitterness is present in the fruits. To avoid a bitter taste, up to 80% of the male cucumber inflorescences should be picked off.

Video: pinching cucumbers to increase yield

Do all varieties of cucumbers produce stepsons?

Many people believe that pinching is not necessary for hybrid cucumbers. This rule applies only to some varieties (Valdai, Vyuga, Metelitsa, Severyanin), in which most of the fruits are formed on the main stem, the lateral branches are poorly developed. All other varieties, including hybrid ones, are stepson.

Important! You cannot delete all stepsons. For pollination, both female flowers, which form on the lateral branches, and male flowers, growing on the main stems, are necessary.

When should pinching be done?

Pinching should be done after the formation of 5 true leaves, when the stems grow to 5–7 cm. The lateral shoots are removed after 4–5 leaves, leaving the strongest one. As a result, as it grows, 1 or 2 lateral branches are formed. For hybrids with strong side branches, 3 are left, the rest are removed. In the future, the number of ovaries is constantly adjusted, shortening the lateral branches to 3–4 nodes.

Repeated rationing of stepsons is carried out after the growth of 7, 9, 11 leaves. Then the excess branches on the bush are completely removed.

Video: how and when to pinch cucumbers

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse

It is important to promptly remove shoots from cucumbers growing in a greenhouse. With the rapid growth of branches, cucumbers become cramped, they lack air and light, which can cause the development of mold and fungus. Dense foliage shades the plants, which interferes with the ripening of vegetables. In this regard, when pinching in a greenhouse, the single-stem method is used.

Just a note. Tender stepsons are easy to remove with your fingers; hardened ones are pinched using scissors or a knife.

When 4 leaves grow on the main branch, the side shoots and ovaries are removed: the leaf is carefully pushed aside and the stepsons are cut off. After this, the cucumbers are tied to a support. A trellis is installed above the row, and ropes are attached to it to support the lashes. It is useful to feed borage with complex fertilizer.

After the appearance of 5, 6, 7 leaves, pinching is also carried out, but they do it a little differently. On the side branches, 1 ovary and 1 leaf are left untouched, the remaining branches are removed. The regrown whip is passed around a rope attached to the trellis.

Next, pinching is carried out after the growth of the 8th, 9th and 10th leaves. On the stepsons, 2 leaves and 2 ovaries are kept. From the 11th leaf and above, 3 leaves and 3 ovaries are left on the side branches. If the central vine has grown more than 50 cm, the top is pinched and then the excess ovaries and leaves are cut off.

Pinching cucumbers in open ground

It is often believed that pinching is carried out only in greenhouses; there is enough space for plants to grow in the open air. However, most garden beds grow insect-pollinated varieties, which are characterized by the formation of a large number of male flowers, so pinching is necessary. The pinching method depends on the location of the cucumber branches.

If the cucumbers wrap around the support and are positioned vertically in the garden bed, leave one branch and remove unnecessary shoots. The first 6 leaves are removed along with the stepsons and ovary. In order for the plant to gain strength, 3 nodes should be removed from the beginning of growth. In the remaining nodes throughout the vine, only the stepsons are cut off. At the same time, the bed looks neat, the plants are clearly visible, and the fruits are easily removed.

If cucumbers grow without support, positioned horizontally in the garden bed, pinching is done in a different way. Remove side shoots up to the first 4–6 leaves. Be sure to pinch the top of the main stem - this will give impetus to the growth of lateral branches and the formation lush bush bringing delicious greens.

Cucumbers in the garden are planted in the shape of an inverted pyramid. The branch is divided into 4 parts and, starting from the bottom, in the first, the stepsons are cut off in the axils of the fourth leaf. In the second part, pinch off the side branches, leaving 1 leaf and 1 ovary, in the third - 2 leaves and 2 ovaries, in the fourth - 3 leaves, 3 ovaries. When 1–2 fruits appear on the main branch at the top, the growth point must be pinched.

Video: cucumbers in open ground

Pinching cucumbers promotes the growth of lateral branches, abundant flowering and improved harvest quality. The grateful plant will give additional strength to increase the fruiting period.