How to make a camp shower with your own hands. Is it a camp shower? It's easy! Maximum water supply height

Nowadays, it is not at all necessary when relaxing in nature or while traveling to deny yourself such a pleasure as bathing in the shower. After all, you can find a camp shower on sale - 12 Volts from the car will power the water pump, so you can wash yourself. And for backpackers, compact portable devices are offered that are completely energy-independent, and below we will look at all the most common types of hiking showers that will make staying in nature more comfortable and enjoyable.

Types of camping showers

Depending on the type of construction, all existing types of showers can be divided into several types:

  • Portable cabins with tanks;
  • Portable containers without cabins;
  • Pumps with shower heads.

Below we will take a closer look at all of the above types of devices.

Camping cabins

The camp shower cabin is collapsible design, covered with an awning similar to a tourist tent. This option is excellent choice for people who love long time relax in nature as “savages”. In addition, camping cabins have become widespread among summer residents who visit suburban area in the summer.

As a rule, such cabins are equipped with tanks of 20 liters or 40 liters. Some models are equipped with a pump for pumping water into a container from a source, for example, a bucket or even a reservoir.

Most often, water in the tank is heated in a natural way, i.e. using solar energy, or the container is filled with pre-heated water. True, you can find tanks with electric heating. They are more comfortable to use, but their disadvantage is their energy dependence.

Camping shower cabins usually weigh 2.5 - 3 kg, and in assembled form the product takes up little space, which is especially important for travel enthusiasts.

When choosing a camp cabin, you should pay attention to its equipment.
Often the product comes with a clothing mat and other accessories.

Portable containers

Portable shower tanks are the most simple devices, which consist of only two main elements:

  • A 25 liter tank, usually soft, made of PVC.
  • Hose with sprayer.

To use such a device, you only need to hang it with your own hands on a tree, pole, or secure it in a booth. It should be noted that portable containers also come with or without a water heating function.

As for the tank volume, as a rule, 20-25 liters is enough for one person to bathe. The advantage of such products is their low price and minimal dimensions.

Shower pumps

A distinctive feature of these products from the shower systems described above is that they do not require installation of a container at a certain height, since water is supplied to the watering can using a pump.

It should be noted that these systems come in two types:

  • Electric, operating from 12V– the products are originally intended for motorists, so they can be powered by a cigarette lighter. The design is a small electric pump with a watering can. Any bucket, canister or barrel can be used as a water container.
  • Mechanical (“stomp”)– this camping shower is a rubber mat with two built-in pumps. During the bathing process, a person steps from foot to foot, causing the water to come out under a certain pressure. The advantage of such a system is energy independence, however, such a device is less convenient to operate.

Pay attention!
The operating instructions for a car shower assume its use from the cigarette lighter with the engine running.
Otherwise, the battery may be discharged.

In the photo - mechanical shower “treadmill”

Homemade design

If you do not have a ready-made portable shower device, then to take water procedures you can make the simplest shower in hiking conditions with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • Plastic bottle with a capacity of 5 liters;
  • Wire;
  • Hose;
  • Curtain.

The structure is made as follows.

  • A hole is cut in the bottle cap and a hose is inserted. To fix it, with inside To cover the hose, make a hole perpendicular to the walls of the tube and insert a nail or wire.
  • Then you need to cut out the bottom of the bottle and make two holes in the walls.
  • Next, you need to make a handle or hook from the wire and secure it in the holes, which will allow you to hang the bottle on a tree branch.
  • Then, at the tip of the hose, you need to make a hook out of wire, which will allow you to hook it to the wall of the container and thereby shut off the water supply.
  • After making the shower, you just need to hang a curtain, which will allow you to hide from prying eyes.

You can also make a shower with a pump with your own hands, like a “treadmill”.

For this you will need:

  • Car foot pump;
  • Hermetically sealed container;
  • A hose, preferably with a shower head.

Now let's look at how to make a shower while camping with a foot pump:

  • First of all, you need to cut two holes in the lid of the container and insert the hoses. Moreover, the connections must be sealed, so you should use rubber gaskets or other seals.
  • Then it is connected to one hose car pump, and to the other - a shower head.
  • After this, you need to fill the container with water and you can check the device in action. In order for water to flow to the watering can, you need to pump the pump several times.

This design is more complex, however, it is more convenient to use, especially if you use the shower together. In this case, one person can take a shower, and the other can pump water.


Portable showers can significantly increase the comfort of outdoor recreation or travel. Moreover, they can be either extremely simple containers with a watering can or folding shower stalls. True, as we found out, if you don’t have a portable shower, you can make a bathing device yourself using available materials.

From the video in this article you can see some additional information on this topic.

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In camping conditions, in nature, in the country, the issue of daily water procedures is very relevant and can create many problems. A good solution in this case would be the Toptun shower, reviews of which are given below. It will help you take care of hygiene in any conditions. This is a safe and compact device. It is durable and does not contain mechanical parts.

About the device

Shower "Toptun"─ this is a design that can be used anywhere. Due to its compact size and light weight, it easily fits into a bag. The product is equipped with corrugated hoses that do not bend or lose shape. It will not take up much space even when disassembled.

At the dacha, the compact shower can simply be folded and stored until the next season. The product also has an affordable price. Shower “Toptun” for a summer residence ─ this great alternative an ordinary stationary shower. You can purchase it in online stores such as “Shower Master”, for example. If you wish, building a camp shower with your own hands is also not difficult.

Design features

The entire pedal shower mechanism consists of several elements:

  • Rubber mat or pedals;
  • Watering can;
  • Two corrugated hose water intake and water receiving;
  • Valves.

The mat is made of durable rubber used in the manufacture medical products, and does not slip. It has 2 foot pumps built into it.

Alternatively, the device can be equipped with two rubber pedals. They have a built-in pump with a dispenser that allows water to flow evenly when pressed. The only thing needed to use it is a container of water.

The operating principle is simple. The person presses their foot on the pedals or mat, and water moves from the reservoir to the sprayer. Bandwidth The device is small due to the compactness of the product. But productivity and pressure can be increased by placing a container of water higher on a chair or stool.

Corrugated hoses are durable and do not allow water to pass through. If necessary, they can be easily replaced with new ones, or extended to the required length.

Exists mini version of the “Toptun” product. This best option for an area where there is no connection to the pipeline. The difference from the standard model is that it does not have a rubber mat.

The mini model has a stand-alone cylinder. It is made from medical rubber. Both devices function almost identically based on the foot pump principle.


Operating principle of the structure very simple.

Before use, the hose with the sprayer is placed at the desired height above your head, and the pedals or mat are placed under your feet. The operation of the shower is similar in principle to the operation of a foot pump.

One end of the tube must be lowered into a tank with warm water. The water must first be placed in a sunny place for heating or heated in another way.

Then, with your feet, you start the mechanism for supplying water from the container through the hose. When you press the pedals or the mat, water flows into the watering can.

Besides this, country shower"Toptun" is used:

  1. When watering the garden and spraying plants;
  2. Washing floor coverings, paths and other surfaces;
  3. They can be used to wash cars, rugs, and windows.

A long hose allows you to take water directly from a well or well. The advantages of such a shower are obvious:

  • Cost savings compared to installing a conventional shower in a suburban area;
  • Design mobility;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • Compact sizes.

It is easy to regulate the water supply using your feet, and your hands are free at this time, which is very convenient.

DIY making

The shower design is quite simple, and It’s not difficult to make it yourself. To do this you need to purchase:

It is better to take corrugated hoses Unlike smooth analogues, creases do not form on them and they will last longer. It is worth considering that they must be designed for warm water.

The reservoir is filled with water. You need to make 2 holes in the cork, approximately 1 and 2 cm. A tube is inserted into the larger one, which should touch the bottom of the container. Then hoses are put on the tubes.

The foot pump is attached to a smaller tube. It will supply air into the container. A hermetically sealed tank will increase the water pressure for normal flow. Then the shower head is attached to the hose.

There is another option. You will need sealing tape or tape for this. You need to make 2 holes in the tank lid so that the hoses fit tightly into them. One hose is connected to the pump, and the other end is inserted into the hole on the cover.

The second hose is placed in a smaller hole on the lid of the container, lowering it to the very bottom, and a sprayer is connected to it at the other end.

Then, electrical tape or tape is secured to the hoses, protecting them from being pushed out of the holes due to pressure. This will also minimize air loss.

Wrap electrical tape on the inside of the lid, so it will be pressed against the hole. The container must be hermetically sealed, and the hose coming from it must be secured.

Sprayer if desired too you can make it yourself. It will work well with any water pressure.

It is made from an adapter for polypropylene pipes and plugs. Several holes are made in it with a thin drill. All burrs outside and inside are removed with a heated soldering iron.

Additionally, the device can be equipped with various devices. If you place a tap on the watering can, it will record the water pressure in the hose. You just need to turn off the water supply and pump in air. In this case, even after the pump stops working, water will be supplied to the sprayer for some time.

A shower holder would also be a handy accessory. Although the watering can be mounted anywhere on the wall of the house or fence. You can place the Toptun shower in different places:

  • In the cabin of an ordinary country shower;
  • Buy a tent for him and set up a special place;
  • In a stationary shower cabin;
  • In an open space.

Foot shower "Toptun" allows you to aquatic procedures in almost any conditions. It saves water. For a complete hygiene procedure, 10 liters is enough for one person.

And rhythmic movements, in addition to the uniform pressure of water, also provide a small load, which allows you to keep yourself in good shape and improve your mood. Such procedures may well replace jogging.

Shower "Toptun"

We use “Toptun” when going outdoors. At the dacha, there is often no time or energy to fill a barrel over a stationary shower. With “Toptun” everything is simple. We put a container with heated water and you can take a shower. We bought a 20 liter canister. In the sun it heats up very well within 2 hours. After use, we simply clean the shower until next time and there are no problems. It can also be used as a pump, simply immersing one end into a well. It is inexpensive and can be used in different places. They sprayed it on apple trees and greenhouses in the country, and washed the car. It is advisable to install the mat on flat surface This way the shower works better. It is very easy to carry it with you. The build quality was also pleasing.

Country shower “Toptun”

While there is no stationary shower cabin at the dacha, we use “Toptun”. It is convenient to water the garden and wash the car. Maximum functions at a low price. If you purchase a shower pump, it will be even easier to use in your dacha. The disadvantages include the fact that the pedals in the shower are quite elastic and it can be difficult for children and elderly family members to press them.

Shower "Toptun"

“Toptun” weighs no more than 1.5 kg, the rubber is durable and does not slip, it is clear that it is made with high quality. We took it during a period when hot water was turned off in the apartment. The watering can is easily mounted in a standard holder, which is very convenient. The only negative is that it is difficult for an elderly mother to press the pedals. But it was very useful at the dacha. And not only as a shower, they are good for washing windows, watering the garden and paths. In general, there are many functions, and the price is quite affordable.

Currently, various life hacks are very popular - all kinds of devices, little tricks that make life easier. Our story will tell you about one of these devices, indispensable at the dacha or on a camping trip, and at the same time extremely simple to manufacture.


A trampling shower is a portable device that has 2 hoses, one of which is lowered into a container of water, and a watering can is attached to the second, which sprays a stream. Both hoses communicate with each other through a special mat with pedals, pressing which acts like a pump. The mat with the pedals lies on the floor, which makes it very easy to alternately press the pedals, while keeping your hands free.

Pumps. Most often, 2 pumps are used, connected in parallel to the inlet and outlet. When applied to the pump, the pressure in it increases, the release valve opens, and water enters the hose with a watering can at the end. At the next stage, the pressure decreases, the pump body increases in volume, resulting in the creation of a rarefied environment. The outlet valve closes, the inlet valve opens instead, and water is drawn into the pump body (nature, as we know, does not tolerate emptiness).
A pump installed in parallel on another pedal works in a similar way. The pressure exerted alternately in this way ensures a continuous flow of water.

Hoses. Hoses should be corrugated (preferably). The hose supplying water to the pump operates with negative pressure. The corrugation prevents it from shrinking. The hose supplying pressure to the aerator operates with high blood pressure. The length of the hoses can vary up to 2 meters. It can be changed to suit your personal requirements.

Watering can-aerator. Creates a comfortable water flow, breaking one stream into many thin streams.

Did you know? The prototype of the modern shower was invented in Ancient Greece. Such a shower is depicted on vases found during excavations in Athens, dating back to the 4th century. BC During excavations at Pergamon, located in modern Turkey, the ruins of public showers were found. The time when they were actively used was established-II century BC

Water pressure

The force of pressure depends on the pressure exerted on the pump. The uniformity of pressure is affected by the rhythm and synchronization of steps, and the force of the flow depends on the pressure on the pump. Also, the pressure depends on the height to which the water is supplied.

How to use

The device is very easy to use. Depending on the modification, the process may differ slightly. But in general, the main stages in the operation of the device are as follows:

  1. Assemble all parts of the shower (attach the hoses to the pump mat) if the device is dismountable.
  2. Choose a place for the watering can-aerator (a branch at a suitable height, a hook on the wall of the house, etc.), place a rug with pedals under your feet.
  3. Lower the hose without a watering can into a tank of water.
  4. By alternately working your legs, create pressure in the pump. You can change the force of pressure by the intensity of pressure on the mat.


Important! Leave 1/3 of the volume of the container for air. This volume is enough to create the pressure necessary for the water to completely leave the tank. Should not be pumped large volume air, remember that a pressure of 1 atmosphere raises liquid 10 m.


Shower has a number undeniable advantages, among which the following should be highlighted:

  1. Compact and easy to prepare for work and collect after work. When folded, it takes up very little space and has a fairly low weight (the weight of many factory models does not exceed 2-3 kg).
  2. Simplicity of design. The only condition for operation is the presence of water. Naturally, if you are going on a hiking trip, taking water with you for taking a shower is an unaffordable luxury. But for motor tourists or for a summer residence this is not a problem.
  3. Does not require electricity (this criterion can be listed as a plus and in the safety category).
  4. The ability to regulate the pressure (the stronger the pressure on the pedal, the stronger the jet).
  5. Economical. You use water only when needed. A bucket of water is more than enough to wash your head.
  6. Possibility to install the watering can at a convenient height.
  7. Multifunctionality of the device (this point will be discussed in more detail below).
  8. The simplicity of the design makes it possible to manufacture the device using available materials.
  9. Low price of the device.


Now a few words about the “fly in the ointment” in such a big “barrel of honey”:

  1. The need to perform certain actions can be considered a certain inconvenience. Of course, it is easier to turn on the electricity than to mark time, creating pressure using your own weight and movements. But this circumstance is insignificant in comparison with other advantages.
  2. Absence warm water. In order for the device to go hot water, first you need to heat it (in the sun, on a fire, etc.).
  3. A weight of 2-3 kg in the case where every 100 g of hand luggage is taken into account (for example, on a hiking trip) is not so small. In conditions that are not prepared in advance for taking water procedures, you will have to equip a place for a shower (like a cabin, fenced on four sides).

Did you know? At the beginning of the 20th century, the famous psychiatrist J.M. Charcot, a hydromassage shower was invented, later named after its inventor. In addition to the massage effect, the shower helps restore blood flow, improves mental state, helps remove fat deposits.The procedure is carried out in this way: from a distance of 3-5 m, two powerful water jets are directed at the person, one- temperature 45° S, other - 20 ° From above zero.

DIY making

The simplicity of the design of the device allows you to make it yourself without much effort. Below is step by step instructions making a shower trampoline at home.

To make it you will need:

  • car pump with foot drive;
  • hoses made of rubber (plastic, preferably corrugated);
  • plastic container with a lid;
  • aerator nozzle;
  • metal tube with thread;
  • drill.

When all the parts are ready, you can begin assembling the device. Here is circuit diagram manufacturing the device. If you are smart, you can probably make some changes to the design.

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How to make a camp shower with your own hands

Sergey Olegovich, Chelyabinsk asks a question:

Good afternoon. Please tell us how to make a camp shower with your own hands. I recently bought a plot of land without buildings, and now I’m developing it. A shower is necessary because after work you need to wash yourself properly. I would like it to be easy to assemble and take with me or hide in the shed when I build it. Thanks in advance for your advice.

The expert answers:

Hello. Making a camp shower with your own hands is not difficult. There are several options for a portable wash design. The simplest one consists of plastic canister with a plug, electrical tape, a piece of hose or corrugated pipe, a coil of wire.

First you need to make a watering can. Cut off the bottom of the canister using a knife or scissors. A piece of hose needs to be attached to the neck plastic container and secure using electrical tape. A wire hook is attached to the bottom edge of the pipe so that it can be hooked onto the support of the watering can, otherwise all the water will pour out at once. You can do without a hose, then during washing you need to unscrew the lid a little and the water will flow out gradually.

We wrap the resulting watering can to a tree, pole or other support. The same coil of wire, electrical tape, adhesive tape, etc. will work as fasteners. If there is none, then attach it to a fence post if the height allows. If it is too low, then you will need to dig a support for the shower so that it is higher than you and other people who will wash.

The second option for a camp shower consists of a water container (basin, bucket, barrel, tank), a hose with a watering can, which can be bought at any plumbing store, a foot pump, and tape. We wrap the shower head together with the water flow to a tree or pole to the height you need. At the bottom we connect the hose to the pump. On its other side there is another pipe, the other end of which is lowered into a container of water.

For the system to work, you need to press the pump with your feet, then the water will rise to the top and pour out of the watering can. It turns out to be both a shower and an exercise machine. Such camp washing structures are sold in stores, but it is quite possible to assemble them yourself.

Not always for summer shower use a curtain. If you need it, it attaches easily. Place 4 wooden or steel pegs next to the main support for the shower head and pull a regular bathroom curtain or any other fabric between them. To keep it in place, sew fabric ties to it from the inside and use them to tie the curtain to the pegs.

There is also a more extreme version of the camp shower. This way you can wash yourself not only in summer, but also in cold seasons, even at very low temperatures. For example, 15°C. It requires a plastic container with a stopper, a steel vat, large stones, tent canvas or polyethylene film. The canvas or film is stretched between several trees. For convenience, they can be pre-attached to wooden pegs so as not to have to look for suitable place, and put the frame anywhere.