How to make money while sitting at home on maternity leave. How to make money while on maternity leave

Are you looking for information on how to make money for a young mother on maternity leave? We propose to study the list and analysis of the most worthy vacancies today.

Many mothers feel discomfort about the lack of enough money in the family. There is no one to leave the baby with to go to his main job. The idea of ​​working at home comes up. How to do this? What can really bring additional income while on maternity leave?

Reasons for looking for income while on maternity leave

  • If you need work in order not to just be a housewife and mother, but to feel your importance in general, then you can realize yourself in simple projects. This category may include professions or activities that provide emotional pleasure. Often young mothers, wanting to develop with their baby, open a children's studio for various interests or sell handmade goods. This allows you to combine caring for your baby and work.
  • Things are completely different when the mother’s income is a vital necessity. Each family's circumstances are different. Sometimes a spouse is not able to provide the house with everything necessary, not to mention entertainment and additional expenses. Then the mother decides to look for a job that brings in at least some income.

The scope of career choices for young mothers is constantly expanding. But the result depends on the applicant’s abilities or desire to explore new horizons.

Let's consider each situation separately, compiling a list of suitable ways for a mother on maternity leave to earn money.

Work is fun

If your baby doesn’t take up a lot of your time, then you can make money on what you know how to do without additional training:

Hobbies come first on the list of additional income. Every mother has a favorite activity: knitting, embroidery, sewing, decoupage, drawing, beading, etc.

It all depends on the skills, speed of execution and the ability to find clients to sell your services.

Working from home in the previous organization where you worked before maternity leave: accountant, translator or foreign language teacher, designer of various fields (furniture, interior, landscape, web, leaflets, booklets), lawyer (drafting contracts, consultations), psychologist, massage therapist, text proofreader, tutor.

Realize your dreams and earn income

While on maternity leave, many mothers learn new professions that they thought about before, but didn’t have enough time to study:

  • visagiste;
  • cosmetologist;
  • hairdresser;
  • photographer;
  • stylist;
  • culinary specialist (custom cakes are especially in demand);
  • florist.

Organizer of children's leisure activities

The specialty has a wide range of opportunities: from group classes with children on their development to organizing holidays with theatrical performances or shows. Find like-minded people and come up with a business that will be interesting to mothers and their babies.

A creative, sociable person without complexes has a large field for self-realization.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

The list of vacancies that can bring pleasure and benefit can take a long time. Next we will look at areas of activity that can bring, perhaps, more income, but not always personal satisfaction.

If you do not have organizational skills, do not have a hobby that will bring you income, and are unable to fulfill some of the obligations of your previous job, we recommend considering the following positions:


The Internet is a great platform for mothers and babies to find income. Many doubt the real possibility of getting a good income through the virtual world. Having heard about various deceptions, a young mother does not risk wasting time and sometimes money. But you can make money if you know what:

  • Copywriting or rewriting - this is a common type of activity if you have a literary mindset and literacy. There are special platforms (exchanges) where you can choose the appropriate direction and write texts to order. At first, the money may be small - you need experience, a rating, and the ability to type quickly. Read more about
  • Website or blog development. This type of activity is suitable for those who can offer interesting information to the visitor. The topic is selected individually. But you can't expect quick results. The development of any business requires time and the trust of users. Here is information on how to create a blog
  • Online store can be one of the types of income if you have something to offer.
  • Moderator of thematic forums or social groups. The work is done from home, sitting at the computer. It is necessary to monitor the operation of the site/forum/group and remove information that violates the rules of use. You can choose certain hours when you have free time and take several directions under your care.
  • Text proofreader – eliminating errors, typos, incorrect phrases, and information from the finished text. The work is painstaking, requiring good knowledge of the Russian language and text formatting standards.

READ MORE: Ways to make money online for mothers on maternity leave. (Without pyramids and MLM)

Advice! Do not try to make money online on empty promises or tempting offers that require investment. We want to earn, not spend. Money can only be invested in training that is required for retraining. Take the time to read people’s reviews of online jobs that interest you.

Other earning opportunities

If the computer and the World Wide Web are not your thing, you can find work outside the home. But then you will have to look for a nanny for the child during your absence. ()

  • Social work

Take patronage of people in need of social assistance (buying groceries, medicines, walking pets, or just having a heart-to-heart conversation). You can set aside a couple of hours a day for this and take control of the people living nearby.

Broad or narrow profile agent. There are different areas where you can be a representative of an insurance company, a trading company, or engage in a survey, some kind of campaigning, or a population census. Income may not be constant, as agents receive a percentage of the final result.

  • Marketing

Distributor of goods for various purposes. Suitable only for those who can convince people well of the need to purchase the proposed product or service. Endurance and resistance to stress are also not the last requirement.

  • Educational field

Often the organizers of children's clubs, clubs, and schools are young mothers who were looking for additional income while on maternity leave. This became their main job, bringing pleasure and income.

You can start small:

  1. Recruit several children who need care for a short time. Become a nanny for an hour (). You can take care of your baby and get money for nanny services.
  2. If your home allows you to organize a home kindergarten, then go in this direction. The state can provide support to such endeavors.
  3. If you have a talent as an artist, musician, or something else, open a children's hobby group.

Greetings to all young and expectant mothers who are on maternity leave or who are planning to go there soon. Today I will tell you about how to make money while on maternity leave.

Every young mother has a question about a part-time job. It is clear that the reason is different for everyone: some have a difficult financial situation, some are bored sitting at home all day and want to occupy themselves with something, and some just want to please their husband by helping to bring money into the house.

However, every mother’s question will sound the same - how to make money on maternity leave? Naturally, this job requires mothers to be at home and be able to look after their children. Therefore, in this case, mothers on maternity leave do not have much choice, and their only way out of this situation is to earn money at home by surfing the Internet.

I advise mothers to work on the Internet for a reason, because working online provides great prospects for everyone who works there, including mothers with a child in their arms. Some people try to earn extra money while on maternity leave by doing sewing, knitting, making soap, etc., but I would recommend putting such methods aside, since they will not give you any advantages in the future and will only be a temporary part-time job for you.

Working on the Internet, on the contrary, gives very good prospects for the future, allowing you to get a very good income, thanks to which many mothers write a letter of resignation at the end of maternity leave, making earnings on the Internet the main source of income.

Disadvantages of PP, copywriting and freelancing for mothers

Yes, all these methods are really good for every mother due to the fairly high income and simplicity, but I would recommend that you leave this work to those who have a lot of time to work. The fact is that copywriting and freelancing involve working with customers who demand high-quality work and on time.

Do you think you will be able to deliver your orders on time and complete them efficiently, given that you need to devote a lot of time to your child? Theoretically, this is, of course, possible, but in reality it will be very difficult for you to work in such conditions.

As for affiliate programs, that’s a different matter. The choice of affiliate programs is very large, and therefore you also need to pay special attention to the affiliate programs you work with and test them, devoting time to this. In general, you will have to learn a lot through trial and error.

In addition, after your child grows up, you will have to return to your old place of work, and you will most likely simply abandon this activity for the reason that it did not bring you as much money as other people say. In fact, all of these methods are really highly profitable, but it is better to do them for those who do not have small children who will distract them from work all the time.

I also do not rule out the possibility that you will most likely be looking for some additional information on making money and will come across various kinds of offers to earn money in pyramids, HYIPs, clicks, network marketing, etc. I want to warn you - don’t even think about it, because in most cases this is a real scam.

Do something that really requires some effort and time from you, since income can only come from the work that you actually do, and do not invest your money in dubious projects, considering yourself a millionaire. And since I started talking about this, don’t forget to read the article about.

Blog is the best way to earn money for every mother

Well, now, as I promised, I will tell you about the fourth type of income, which is suitable for absolutely every mother on maternity leave. This income comes from blogging.

A blog is your personal website where you talk about yourself, your hobbies and share your knowledge with other people. Keeping your own blog can become for mothers on maternity leave not only a source of income, but also a hobby. After all, it’s interesting to share something with others, make new acquaintances with visitors and also receive income for it.

Why is this type of income the most suitable for mothers? Firstly, you don’t have to interact with customers, since the blog is your personal website, which only you work on. You don't have to sit at the computer all day long working on your blog. Work on it when you actually have time.

Of course, blogging also has its downsides, for example, you will not receive income from your blog right away, because income will come from visitors, who can be obtained through promotion. Naturally, this takes time, but believe me, even in this case, a blog can be considered the best way to make money for women on maternity leave.

Of course, I don’t know how long maternity leave lasts, but I know for sure that it doesn’t last a month or two, and can last 2-3 years until your child grows up and goes to kindergarten. I say all this to mean that this time will be more than enough to make your blog visited and bring it to a high income.

Plus, blogging is not that difficult - just write interesting articles, communicate with your visitors, and your performance will gradually increase, increasing your income.

Don't be afraid to create a blog, because you may think that it is very difficult and you will have to hire a programmer. No, this is not so, and absolutely every mother can create her own blog, and it will be enough to spend only an hour of her time if you create a blog according to the course on creating a blog. And in addition to this article, I want to recommend you one more.

Well, on this note, I say goodbye to you and wish every young mother to enjoy her maternity leave, achieve success in the Internet business and, of course, good luck.

Motherhood is the happiest time in a woman's life. Every day, starting from the discovery of 2 lines on the test, is surprising and exciting. And although doctors categorically demand that a pregnant woman be surrounded only by pleasant emotions, the worries are understandable: few expectant mothers can afford to carefreely wait for a miracle. Maternity leave and the prospect of living with a baby on a modest allowance for 1.5-3 years does not bother many people: the question of how to make money while on maternity leave is becoming more and more pressing. It's time to remember that even water does not flow under a lying stone, not to mention financial flows, and look for options on how to make money for a young mother or a pregnant woman.

There are many such possibilities, and in this review we will examine in detail:

  • how to make money while on maternity leave before the baby is born;
  • what kind of part-time work on maternity leave is available to mothers with babies;
  • how to organize income while on maternity leave without compromising the toddler and maternal responsibilities;
  • what types of income for mothers can be combined with vacations of up to 1.5 and up to 3 years;
  • what promises of earnings are deception and how not to suffer from fraudulent schemes when looking for a job.

Why do you need a part-time job while on maternity leave?!

I imagined that at this moment the reader chuckled: naturally, for the sake of money. Yes, the state maternity benefit is so meager that it is difficult to feed even a cat, not to mention a growing toddler who requires diapers, milk porridge, fruit purees and rattles. Few families can proudly say that the spouse’s savings or salary combined with help from grandparents is enough for everything they need and want. But financial freedom is not the only thing that makes expectant mothers think about how to make money while on maternity leave. Psychologists name a number of aspects that have a beneficial effect on the mood of both mother and baby:

All these reasons are sufficient reason to wonder how to make money while on maternity leave, naturally, by coordinating the future schedule with your most important “employer”.

Since the reader somehow found this review, she probably intends to ask the all-knowing Google and Yandex the question of how to make money for a young mother. Alas, these “friends” can seriously let you down: the Internet is teeming with false promises of crazy earnings. In order not to waste time on such proposals, we will immediately weed them out: we are only interested in legal and profitable work for young mothers at home. This list definitely does not include:

To summarize this sad chapter, I repeat: when choosing a part-time job, both for maternity leave and for permanent work, you must not lose your mind. No one will pay for beautiful eyes, even if they are the eyes of a future mother beaming with happiness. To get money, you have to work, and one of the criteria for the purity of the offer is that the reward matches the effort required. This is especially true when choosing an intermediary company for trading on the financial market if you decide to master the profession of a trader. You can read about the intricacies of this choice in the article “”.

8 work options for pregnant women: making money with a belly and for a belly

The last months of pregnancy are a difficult period: all the mother’s thoughts revolve around a future event. Any activity of the expectant mother must be approved by the supervising doctor, and concern for her condition and the health of the unborn baby must run through every activity. During this period, you should not get carried away with Internet work and long-term needlework. Activity, mobility and fresh air are important conditions for the proper formation of the fetus. A pregnant woman needs to follow a daily routine and diet. When working sedentarily, you need to alternate activities and give yourself the necessary rest. However, there are many profitable types of employment for expectant mothers.

Idea No. 1. Working from home without changing employer

Is leaving an experienced specialist on maternity leave a loss for the team and a blow to the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole? This is an excellent topic to discuss with management. Perhaps the same work can be done at home, sending the result remotely. An accountant can perform his duties on the couch, just like an engineer, designer, programmer, designer, catalog collector, etc. Hiring a newbie for the same job who has to be trained is unprofitable. Perhaps the prospect of working with a trusted employee, transferring his remuneration “in an envelope,” will seem very promising to the employer.

Idea No. 2. Work for young mothers according to the profile: at home, as at work

Professional skills do not disappear when you go on maternity leave. These are the ones you should think about first when looking for options on how to make money while on maternity leave. The most profitable starting position is for hairdressers, manicurists, seamstresses and confectioners. Representatives of these professions rarely deny themselves the pleasure of taking orders home, even if they bake cakes and sew sundresses at their main place of employment. When going on maternity leave, you can simply expand your client base: advertise as much as you can, inform everyone you know about free time to fulfill their requests. Relatives will also help with handing out business cards: you should acquire this most important tool for any business at the very first thought of self-employment. An important condition for organizing employment during pregnancy is feasible work and compliance with safety precautions. For chefs, these include restrictions on lifting masses and control of room temperature. For seamstresses and web designers - correct posture. Part-time work while on maternity leave should under no circumstances harm the baby.

Self-employment in your main specialty is an excellent solution for a number of professions:

  • teachers who quickly retrain as private tutors;
  • cutters and seamstresses who successfully carry out private orders;
  • veterinarians and groomers who want to open a mini-salon at home;
  • women workers in the beauty industry who can both directly create an image and provide advice;
  • translators who can easily find private orders.

Idea No. 3. Blogs, groups and pregnancy calendars are a way to monetize sensations

Idea No. 4. How to make money while on maternity leave by communicating on portals for mommies: forum moderation

Forums and sites where the expectant mother goes to drown her personal worries in a sea of ​​information can also be the answer to the question of how to make money while on maternity leave. Large sites often require moderators, that is, employees who keep order and remove obscene language and spam advertising. After talking on similar resources and making sure that there is really a need for such an employee, you can safely offer your services. The same work while on maternity leave at home is offered by some Facebook groups, Twitter pages, etc. It is not a fact that the experience of motherhood will be a priority compared to literacy and a good vocabulary, but for some portals it is the ability to share one’s own feelings that is important. The choice is up to the seeker.

Idea No. 5. Webinars as work for young mothers at home: idea No. 5 - selling knowledge

Distance learning is gaining popularity, including among mothers who do not have time to attend courses. Organizing a high-quality webinar requires a minimum of equipment: a camera, decorations that correspond to the theme of the lesson, and equipment necessary for the lesson. Yes, you will have to check the “picture” and make sure that there is no unnecessary stuff in the frame, and that the voice sounds confident and pleasant. You may have to think about a better camera. But of all the ways to make money while on maternity leave, this is one of the most promising in terms of earning money.

What can you do better than others? What skills do you have? What can you hit? The answer to these questions will be the topic of the video blog and webinar. For example, you speak French, but there are no orders for translations and there is no demand for tutoring. Believe me, there are many ladies online who dream of meeting the prince from Paris. I am sure that thematic French classes that go beyond the school curriculum will be in demand among this contingent. The main thing is to present the idea correctly: to advertise not the French language, but the ability to communicate without a translator on real foreign forums and the prospect of personally weeding out Russian scammers posing as imported princes. Due to the convenience of distance learning, the price of classes can be significantly lower. You can also teach Chinese to those leaving for shopping in the Middle Kingdom, embroidery or massage, modeling from polymer plasticine or beading, braiding or nail art design.

Idea No. 6. Working on maternity leave by phone - an affordable part-time job for pregnant women

I’ll immediately explain why I classified this seemingly simple type of part-time work as employment for expectant mothers, and not for those on maternity leave. An employer who hires a taxi dispatcher, a cold calling promoter or a manager to conduct a telephone survey wants the client’s call to be answered quickly, the operator’s voice to be pleasant and friendly, and the interlocutor not to hear children crying or demands for attention in the background from restlessness. A pregnant woman can easily cope with such work, but a young mother can have her plans seriously adjusted by a baby who does not yet understand adult problems. When choosing a job like this, you should soberly assess your capabilities.

Idea No. 7. Organization of joint purchases: saving means earning

It is no secret that many stores and factories offer special conditions for wholesalers. The expectant mother will have to make a lot of purchases: diapers, hygiene products, clothes, shoes, furniture and finishing materials for the nursery. You can organize a joint purchase yourself by calling out on your favorite online forum or antenatal clinic message board, or you can join automated projects that have already been launched. The last option can really be the answer to the question of how to make money on maternity leave and parental leave: thematic platforms are in demand and many mothers like them flock to the lucrative offer.

If you are purposefully looking for a purchase, it is worth considering options for everyday goods. What will be regularly ordered is something that also runs out regularly:

  • household chemicals and hygiene products;
  • textiles and children's clothing that do not require precise sizing;
  • cosmetics;
  • products with a long shelf life.

“Markdown” and “substandard” goods are selling superbly at significantly reduced prices. In a word, if you search and take a closer look, joint purchasing is an alternative to your own online store. We must not just forget: in order for the purchase to be relevant and customers to be ready to wait for the order, the difference in price between retail must be at least 20% or the product must be rare and in demand.

Idea No. 8. Posting advertisements: where do they pay fees for walks?

The doctor reminds the pregnant woman at the very first consultation that she should walk a lot. It’s not so difficult to combine business with pleasure: posters for posting advertisements are required in all areas of any town, even a small one. Of course, such walks in a polluted metropolis will not be beneficial, but if you live in a residential area, this job is for you. Placing advertisements on stands at entrances does not take much time: with 2-3 walks a day you can fulfill the quota, enjoying both the walking and the fee. You can also get a job as a promoter in the nearest supermarket: placing leaflets in mailboxes is a feasible job. The same activity can be continued with the baby: walking with a stroller or placing the child in the now popular slings.

From business woman to business mother: how to organize additional income while on maternity leave with a baby?

A little terrorist, constantly demanding attention, will make adjustments to the daily routine. But mothers’ stories about the impossibility of finding a few hours for self-employment and feasible work are deceit. The main thing is to choose a way to earn money for a young mother that takes into account both the interests of the child and the capabilities of the household. The need or ardent desire to provide yourself with additional income can even be used for educational purposes: a dad who devotes little time to the baby or is frankly afraid to be left alone with him will be forced to do this if the mother has a serious argument in the form of work. The presence of grandmothers who dream of babysitting opens up even wider opportunities and expands the list of suitable options for how to make money while on maternity leave significantly.

Some points still need to be noted:

  1. The maternity maid's workplace should be arranged so that the child cannot reach and ruin anything or injure himself. A separate room is an ideal option, but you can get by with a quickly but tightly closing chest of drawers, where knitting needles, drawings and a laptop are immediately put away at the first squeak of the baby.
  2. It’s not worth taking on work that needs to be completed within tight deadlines. The child's behavior is unpredictable. He may refuse to go to bed, and a hot order for audio transcription may be overdue. Teething can deprive you of sleep, and your morning batch of translations or unfinished coursework will remain untouched. The quality of intellectual work can suffer greatly from a disrupted schedule and lack of sleep.
  3. When organizing a salon or atelier at home, you should think about limiting the contact of strangers with the baby. During epidemics, the flow of visitors is dangerous for a child.
  4. Work related to chemicals while on maternity leave at home is strictly unacceptable. A hairdresser will have to give up chemical perms, a manicurist will have to give up acrylic nail extensions, a designer will have to give up working with paint coatings, etc. All these volatile substances are harmful to the baby, and they penetrate even through closed interior doors.

When choosing how to make money while on maternity leave, all these subtleties must be taken into account: no money is worth the health and safety of a child.

12 affordable handicrafts: a sure way to make money while on maternity leave

Knitting, embroidery, macrame and lace weaving can be a good income. In addition to direct orders for handmade products, you can take advantage of the opportunity to hand over your creations for sale: in many cities there are shops of handmade products. Many things are in demand, but the specifics of consumer psychology must be taken into account. Inexpensive accessories, such as children's hats, mittens or booties, are purchased immediately, but sweaters or blouses for adults require custom-made sizes. For sale you can do:

  1. Children's clothes.
  2. Items of constant demand, such as socks, mittens, potholders.
  3. New clothes and accessories for pets.
  4. Hairpins, brooches and other jewelry.
  5. Soft toys, including tactile ones for newborns.
  6. Developmental aids for kids.
  7. Covers for documents and holiday photo albums using scrapbooking techniques.
  8. Bed linen, small textiles and interior accessories.
  9. Handmade soaps and bath bombs.
  10. Magnetic souvenirs with city or national symbols.
  11. Hand decorated phone cases and replacement panels.
  12. Wedding paraphernalia, such as locks, glasses, money chests.

A good camera will help you sell finished products and collect orders. This in itself can become a means of earning money for a young mother: high-quality artistic photography and creating collages are another opportunity to earn money while on maternity leave. But with the help of a camera, you can perfectly present your creations on message boards and in thematic groups: this makes it much easier to find clients.

Idea No. 21. Kindergarten at the home of a young mother: where there is one, there are two

Let me say right away that creating a full-fledged kindergarten or even a group for classes with children is not an easy task. It is necessary to select a premises, obtain permission to operate within its walls, decide on food and rest for children, think about additional staff, purchase furniture and equipment and think through walking routes. You can start presenting your enterprise only after complete readiness, both material and moral. Having become the leader of such a team, you can forget about sick leave with your own baby: obligations to parents will make you forget about your own motherhood.

However, nothing prevents you from taking in 1-2 kids by agreement with your neighbors. Managing such a small group is not much more difficult than managing one of your own, and sometimes even easier: toddlers busy fussing with each other require less attention than one restless child. Even the temporary stay of the second child will bring good profit for the first child.

Idea No. 22. MLM as a part-time job while on maternity leave: is good old network marketing still alive?

Many people have gone through the structures of network marketing companies. Hundreds of “distributors” literally comb through the lists of relatives, acquaintances and colleagues. It is useless to dissuade those who engage in such activities: money is used to maintain the morale of senior levels, and aggressive motivation and constant “trainings” are used to maintain the morale of senior levels. But for those who are just trying on the role of a “representative” of another cosmetic or bio-additive company (namely, this is the profile that is usually offered to young women) it is worth understanding:

  • there will be no passive income; you will have to sell or “sign” to earn money;
  • you will have to organize the delivery of products, purchase and prepayment yourself and at your own expense;
  • the contracts of “networkers” provide for obligations of personal regular purchases, without which the right to remuneration from the structure is lost;
  • network marketing involves working either with your own structure or with a client, that is, attending educational seminars, master classes and trainings (not always free) for active work is necessary.

Yes, many network companies, like all businesses, have begun to move to virtual reality: structures are built through websites, orders are collected remotely, seminars are being replaced by webinars. But the main essence of MLM work remains the same: profit comes from sales, so you need to either sell or look for people who sell. As an option - selling to themselves, that is, actively using these particular products, which is problematic in the age of full shelves.

Working on the Internet: a collection of options for how to make money while a young mother is on maternity leave

What doesn’t exist on the Internet doesn’t exist in nature: that’s what confident users joke about. Perhaps, at present, this saying has ceased to be a joke. Business, trade, education and communication have moved online. And it’s worth looking for an option on how to make money while on maternity leave here. Naturally, all the advice about precautions when looking for additional income during maternity leave is also relevant in this case: scammers have moved to the network along with cash flows. What you need to remember when looking for online earnings while on maternity leave:

  • Employers do not ask for advance payments or deposits, they give out money for work done, rather than take it away.
  • To transfer any amounts to a card (for example, a promised salary), it is enough to know its number (16 or 18 digits). Only an attacker can ask for a scanned copy, photo or full card data. The same can be said about the request to dictate any incoming passwords from your own cell phone: authorization via SMS is practiced by online banks. By sending the numbers, you will give the scammer the keys to the safe.
  • There are many resources on the network that, free of charge and instantly, will provide the user with the information of interest to the user about the legal address and profile of the company, its management, and even show reviews. Citizens often share blacklists, and even with full confidence in the integrity of the business, it is worth checking the information provided with a trivial search. Having received a tempting offer from an unknown subscriber who introduced himself as a HR manager at Sberbank or Apple, you just need to check the information on the official resource.
  • In all doubtful cases, the rule will help out: “money in the morning, chairs in the evening.” If the employer is really interested in the employee, the issue of a small advance will not be a problem.

Idea No. 23. Own online store: during maternity leave, we transfer the business online

Creating an online store from scratch is quite problematic. With all the advantages of online trading, there is only one serious “but” that cannot be removed: non-virtual goods will still have to be purchased, that is, start-up capital is required to start the activity. It is much easier to transfer an existing business online: working through a monitor will allow the mother to take care of the child, rather than stand idle for hours at the counter. It will be enough to hire another employee to deliver or forward goods, and the store can begin to actively advertise.

Idea No. 24. Selling car insurance and travel packages: the benefits of working on maternity leave under the wing of a major partner

Many large companies are actually ready to hire freelancers working for a percentage to draw up contracts. This system is common in insurance companies, large tour operators and retail chains. All work is carried out via the Internet, and in successful cases, if the applicant proves his competence and literacy, a database of potential clients may even be provided. Having convinced the interlocutor to purchase a lot, the consultant receives a percentage or a specific check for the transaction. In this case, the obligations are minimal: the mother can devote her free time to activities without leaving the baby in the wrong hands.

Idea No. 25. Freelance exchanges and free bread: how realistic is it to combine writing and motherhood?

The essence of work for these types of activities, which many mothers consider when searching for how to make money while on maternity leave, is the same:

  • uniqueization of texts for search engines or rewriting;
  • writing articles, news, product cards for online stores;
  • filling websites and online business cards of enterprises with content;
  • checking and editing existing pages;
  • transcribing audio recordings and translating scanned copies into text.

The only difference is in the organization of activities: even a beginner has the opportunity to break into the exchanges, and in controversial situations the administration will protect the rights of its user. On the exchange, you can try to sell existing works: articles, master classes, descriptions, recipes and photos for them. It is indeed possible to make money by writing articles, but treating this type of activity as a hobby or fun will not work. Exchanges are cleaning up their ranks and quickly getting rid of illiterate and unscrupulous authors, and for an employer waiting for an order, the presence of a child is not an excuse either for missing deadlines or for poor quality of work.

Forex and stock trading: feminine “trader” - is this real?!

Men who accidentally looked at this page at the request of their significant other and are looking for options on how to make money on maternity leave just for her can close the tab: most of you will never admit that a woman can be successful in such a complex business as stock trading. From now on we will talk exclusively “between us girls” without abstruse words and terminology.

  • Yes, Forex is the most powerful international financial flow, in which billions are scrolled every second.
  • Yes, you can make money on this, both with starting capital, trading currencies and receiving a percentage of global transactions, and practically without it, working in the binary options system.
  • Yes, the profit on such transactions is up to 80% in a few minutes, that is, 10 dollars per hour, carved out during the midday rest of the toddler, can triple.
  • Yes, most traders are men.

But excuse me, why do they consider this direction exclusively their privilege? There are a lot of educational materials on the Internet that allow you to quickly get used to this world, and who said that what “traders” are able to understand is inaccessible to the female mind and logic. In addition, intuition, which the stronger sex is often deprived of, plays an important role in this activity, complementing knowledge, logic and patience. Together, these talents can generate serious profits. And it will simplify the process of adaptation to the financial market.

When looking through options for how to make money while on maternity leave, you should mentally prepare for difficulties: a difficult period, psychological stress due to a change in activity and possible rejection of the idea by loved ones can seriously “clamp your wings.” Competent planning, a written goal, and auto-training will help you stay on track and maintain self-confidence. The hardest thing to overcome is your own laziness and indecisiveness in a company with the habit of putting everything off “for later.” And now, you want to “digest” what you read and think for a week? Meet this - the most popular excuse that has prevented many from becoming successful and financially secure! Without delay, start studying in detail the available ways to make money while on maternity leave, for example, the mechanics of making a profit from forecasting the exchange rate of currency pairs. Since this type of activity does not require any materials, no additional premises, or any other conditions that often turn into excuses, you can start right now.

There comes a time in everyone's life when they need money, but for one reason or another there is no work. This is especially true for young mothers. Part-time work during maternity leave for up to 3 years is a burning issue. , but this is not enough to compensate for the lost income: the woman was just working and receiving a salary, but here there is no salary, maternity payments and state support are in total less than the widow, and there are more family members.

If you find yourself in such a situation, then Reconomica I found the answer for you! Our heroine Irina also had a need for alternative income at home, in connection with maternity leave, and she will share with you her experience in this area. Here you know everything about making money on certain sites that is simple and does not require special skills. Do you like to leave comments? Chat online, or just surf the Internet? In this article you will learn how to make money from this too!

I am currently on maternity leave for my second child. My minimum benefit is 6137 rubles. For two children – a schoolgirl daughter and a baby – this is very little. Although my salary before going on maternity leave was approximately 10,000 rubles, my expenses were also lower.

While on maternity leave with my first child, I looked for possible part-time jobs online. I wasn’t looking for income commensurate with my salary, I wanted to find a part-time job to pay for the Internet and telephone.

Freelancing is the way out!

Sites where you can earn real money without investment

Through trial and error I found 8 sites where you can make money. These are different platforms where webmasters look for freelancers, questionnaires, a review site and a content exchange .

My first experience of making money on the Internet - comments

The very first site I registered on was Qcomment. There you need to leave comments on sites, blogs, forums. This is called content filling. I chose 20-30 rubles a day. The task was as follows - registration on the site and activity - commenting.

I make money from Qcomment10-30 rubles per day.

General rules and tips for working with content services

General rules for working on all sites - add reusable tasks to favorites and complete them every day. By creating a list of tasks for yourself, you can quickly and easily get the minimum. It is better to take tasks that you completely understand, otherwise you will waste your time and ruin your rating.

To increase your earnings, you can invite friends according to your referral link. I invited friends, but most were skeptical about it. They said it wasn't serious.

Posted job advertisements on Avito . Thus, I found several people who also wanted to try to make money. But then I abandoned it because it took a lot of time to explain in correspondence how to work.

You can earn from 10 to 100 rubles per day on these sites (Qcomment, Advego).

Survey sites

Withdrawal of funds on these sites to your phone or e-wallet. As soon as the amount required for withdrawal is reached, you can see the withdrawal method. Payment for one survey from 5 to 80 rubles. Surveys are sent by email frequently. The minimum amount for withdrawal may take more than one month.


  • The minimum withdrawal amount is 500 rubles to a mobile phone. Previously it was 200 rubles.
  • Invitations arrive by email quite often, several times a week.
  • The first time I withdrew 225 rubles, the second – 535 rubles.

Paid survey

On this site you need to collect an amount of 300 rubles. You can withdraw to an electronic wallet.

Here I also received money twice, 300 rubles each.

Profi Online Research

Payment for surveys here is in conventional units. You need to collect 15 USD. for withdrawal.

Surveys are sent by email and are also available in your personal account. Surveys can also be in the form of a focus group. They called me and set a day and time. online survey. On the appointed day, a link to online survey. I managed to earn 300 rubles in 60 minutes. And it’s also nice to chat. The survey was about sedatives.

You can only withdraw 15 USD. Yes, it’s no longer possible, the rest of the money goes to the next payment.


It took me a year to withdraw the money. The minimum wage is 1000 rubles, surveys are sent infrequently. The more information you provide about yourself, the more often surveys will arrive. For many surveys, you will not be included in the sample; in this case, they pay only 5 rubles for a short questionnaire. One complete survey costs 30-80 rubles.

In general, I consider the method of earning money from paid surveys of the population to be one of the easiest and most accessible for a mother on maternity leave.

Review sites

I registered on the site Aircommend . This idea came to me when my family and I were testing a new meat grinder and vegetable cutter. I really wanted to tell you what a necessary and convenient thing this is.

I took a photo of the meat grinder in operation and wrote my first review. To work on the site, you must write a review at least once a month. Then the profile will be active and money will be credited to the account. Reviews with photos, beautifully designed, are well paid and viewed. It is better to write about popular products - for children, appliances, cosmetics, etc.

At first I wrote 2 reviews and forgot about this site for a year. Then I remembered and decided to try again. And I succeeded. I wrote mainly about toys for my eldest daughter, but this did not bring much income. It took me a long time to earn my first minimum wage, about 6 months. The reviews were unpopular, almost no one looked at them.

But then I wrote a review about the Mega-hand store, and it became my most popular. I have already received more than 3000 views. This is more than the minimum amount. Of course, not in one day, but my review brings me income every day.

  • Money for reviews is awarded only for views, 5 kopecks per 1 view.
  • The minimum withdrawal amount is 150 rubles to an e-wallet.
  • I advise you not to churn out reviews for quantity, but to work on quality and then you can earn good money.
  • I withdrew money twice.

My loved ones approve of this type of income. They say I'm doing well. Perhaps this type of income is one of the most interesting.

Content exchange Advego

I started working on the stock exchange by performing simple tasks. I gained a rating, and then took on more difficult tasks.

I performed the following tasks: social networks, posting ready-made reviews, comments. You can also write articles for sale. You can write on any topic - it could be an article about child development, childbirth, illness, handicraft master classes, recipes.

Today I try to take personal orders. They pay very well. For example, a regular task - inviting friends to a group - costs from $0.2, and a personal task can cost $0.75.

Withdrawal of funds to- minimum $5 per e-wallet. In p The first time the money arrived in the account within 16 days, then faster.

I shared with you my experience in making money online. The money is small, but if you take this income seriously and find your niche, it may well work out well. In the Russian or Ukrainian outback, this money is not superfluous.The most important thing is that I choose my working hours myself. And with children this is a big plus.

There is also a new copywriting exchange,, I’m trying it now, the rates are higher initially.

Announcement: there is an online part-time job for mothers on maternity leave, no experience required

Dear readers!

If you found this article because you are in a difficult life situation, and even a hundred rubles earned on the Internet will not be superfluous for you, you can contact the editor of the magazine, we have vacancies for part-time work for freelancers without work experience.

The birth of a baby is always a joyful event, but also very responsible. This is due, first of all, to the fact that young parents are faced with large material costs, which are only growing every month. It can be difficult for one man to cope with increased demands on his own, because do not forget that there is one more little person in your family. Fortunately, in our time, women do not have to spend maternity leave only raising their beloved child, because there are many interesting and easy ways earning money from home. So, how to make money while staying at home on maternity leave?


  1. Knitting. You can knit to order or various things for sale right away. This type of earnings will not only bring you good money, but will also be a pleasant pastime for you.
  2. Sewing. Those who like to sew clothes can also make good money while on maternity leave. Even if you never thought that sewing could bring any profit, know that designer items will always be in fashion.
  3. Cooking. Making cakes to order, pies, various sweets is also one of the ways to start a business while on maternity leave. Moreover, on the Internet there are many master classes on preparing any culinary masterpieces.
  4. Making toys. Having learned how to make toys, you can not only earn money by selling them during maternity leave, but also delight your child with unique handmade gifts.
  5. Soap making. Fragrant hand-made soap bars are very popular due to their beautiful colors and natural ingredients. Nowadays, there are many connoisseurs of such a product; people happily buy hand soap for themselves and loved ones as gifts. You can also do production of advertising soap to order.
  6. Making jewelry. Earrings, necklaces, rings and bracelets are not a complete list of accessories that can be made at home. The main thing in this income is to use your imagination and buy all the necessary supplies for creativity.
  7. Handmade cards. Another way to earn money while at home on maternity leave is to make postcards, notebooks or notebooks with your own hands. This requires accuracy, certain skills and good taste. Potential buyers can be found by creating your own group on social networks.
  8. Beading, embroidery, origami, crocheting, wool felting, decoupage, etc. There are quite a lot of different options when a hobby can become your income during maternity leave without the Internet. The main thing is to love your job and do everything with soul.

  1. Writing texts to order. Perhaps the most popular way to make money while on maternity leave at the computer is rewriting and copyrighting. By registering on thematic sites, you can write articles on any topic, reviews and receive extra money for it without investment.
  2. Creation of blogs. Create your own website, video blog on Youtube or group on social networks. The topic can be any, choose only what you like and are interested in. After a while, with the help of advertising, you will be able to earn very good money while on maternity leave, even during a crisis, while living in a small town.
  3. Website promotion. Do you understand web design, advertising and SEO optimization? If this is so, we think the question of what to do while on maternity leave to earn money should not arise for you. Everything is very clear!
  4. Opening an online store. Online stores are becoming increasingly popular, as it is possible to buy absolutely any item, most often at a price lower than the store price. This type of income cannot be achieved without investments and a little experience, but if everything is done correctly, you will not have to look for work even after the end of maternity leave.
  5. Online consultant. Choose a topic that you understand best and try yourself as an online consultant. This kind of work can be very interesting, and the income from it is quite significant.
  6. Writing coursework and diplomas to order. By doing large amounts of work, you can earn good money while sitting at home on maternity leave. Be sure to take on a topic that you understand and remember that this type of income during maternity leave takes quite a lot of time.
  7. Group administrator on social networks. This job is suitable for sociable and active young mothers who will be able to communicate with subscribers, post interesting information and negotiate with advertisers.
  8. Paid surveys. You fill out small questionnaires, write reviews on thematic sites, share opinions about new films, discuss exciting topics on forums and get paid for it. Everything is very simple, but you shouldn’t count on big earnings from such a part-time job.
  9. Information products. Can you do something better than others? Try to make money from this while sitting at home. Release training courses or even a book online and try to start selling your precious knowledge.

Popular professions

  1. Mystery shopper. If you have the opportunity to leave home for a few hours every day, you can try yourself as a secret shopper. The work is not difficult, there is an opportunity to have a flexible schedule and earn extra money while on maternity leave.
  2. Beauty salon at home. You can do a manicure, eyelash extensions or cut at home. Even if you don’t know how to do any of this, there are many training courses where you will learn all the tricks of this business in a short time. The main thing is the desire and responsibility for work, only then will you be able to earn money after giving birth without leaving home.
  3. Tutoring. You can earn money while on maternity leave if you know foreign languages ​​or any school subject well. This idea of ​​earning money is ideal for a young teacher on maternity leave. You choose a convenient time, and the student comes to you several times a week for 1-2 hours.
  4. Remote work. Nowadays, you can try to get a remote job at home in your profession (for example, outsourcing accountant or a lawyer). It is best to look for suitable vacancies on specialized websites. By the way, one of the most popular remote jobs is the profession of a telephone operator, which is suitable even if you live in a rural area.
  5. Network marketing. Surely you have at least one friend who sells Oriflame or Avon cosmetics. Think about it, perhaps this is the best way to make money while on maternity leave, especially if you have a lot of girlfriends and relatives.
  6. Mine kindergarten at home or working as a nanny. If you really love children and have the appropriate education, you can try this option for earning money at home. However, do not overestimate your capabilities. This kind of work is much more difficult than it might seem at first glance.
  7. Photographer. Nowadays, many people make beautiful photo shoots as souvenirs. It is not necessary to be a professional photographer; the main thing is to acquire good equipment and study the relevant literature. If you really want to, you can learn anything.
  8. Typing. If you type quickly, consider this option for earning money while on maternity leave. Such work will be absolutely uncomplicated and can slightly improve the financial situation of your family.