What are the types of physical activity. Types of physical activity





1. The concept of physical activity

2. The concept of rest between physical activities

3. Energy supply of the human body during muscular work

3.1. Mechanisms of energy supply of the human body during muscular work

3.2. Energy supply of the heart during muscular work

4. Determination of optimal physical activity

reflects the obvious fact that the performance of any exercise is associated with the transition of the energy supply of the human body to a higher level than at rest.


If we take the value of energy supply in the prone position as "1", then already slow walking at a speed of 3 km / h will cause an increase in metabolism by 3 times, and running at near-limit speed and similar exercises - by 10 or more times.

In this way, performance exercise requires higher, relative to the state of rest, energy consumption. The difference that occurs in energy consumption between the state of motor activity (eg, walking, running) and the state of rest characterizes physical activity .

It is more accessible, but less accurate, to judge the amount of physical activity in terms of heart rate (HR), respiratory rate and depth, minute and stroke volumes of the heart, blood pressure, etc.

In this way:

- this is the motor activity of a person, which is accompanied by an increased, relative to the state of rest, level of functioning of the body.

Distinguish between the outer and inner sides of the load:

· To the outside of the load include the intensity with which physical exercise is performed, its volume.

Intensity of physical activity characterizes the strength of the impact of a particular exercise on the human body. One of the indicators of the intensity of the load is exposure density a series of exercises. So, the less time a certain series of exercises is performed, the higher the load density will be.


When performing the same exercises in different classes for different time the total density load will be different.

A generalized indicator of the intensity of physical activity is the energy costs for its implementation per unit of time (measured in calories per minute).


A) when walking without weights at a speed of 2 km / h, 1.2 kcal / min is burned, at a speed of 7 km / h - already 5.4 kcal / min;

B) when running at a speed of 9 km / h, 8.1 kcal / min is burned, at a speed of 16 km / h - already 14.3 kcal / min;

C) in the process of swimming, 11 kcal / min is burned.

The amount of load is determined duration indicators individual physical exercise, a series of exercises, as well as the total number of exercises in a certain part of the lesson, in the whole lesson or in a series of classes.

The volume of load in cyclic exercises is determined in units of length and time: for example, cross-country for a distance of 10 km or swimming for 30 minutes.

In strength training, the volume of the load is determined by the number of repetitions and the total mass of weights lifted.

In jumping, throwing - the number of repetitions.

IN sports games, martial arts - the total time of physical activity.

· Inner side load is determined by those functional changes that occur in the body due to the influence of external aspects of the load (intensity, volume, etc.).

on the body different people has a different effect. Moreover, even the same person, depending on the level of fitness, emotional state, conditions environment(eg, temperature, humidity and air pressure, wind) will react differently to the same external load parameters. In everyday practice, the magnitude of the internal load can be estimated in terms of fatigue, as well as according to the nature and duration of recovery in rest intervals between exercises.

For this, the following indicators are used:

Heart rate indicators during exercise and at rest intervals;

The intensity of perspiration;

Color of the skin;

The quality of the movements;

Ability to concentrate;

General well-being of a person;

Psycho-emotional state of a person;

Willingness to keep going.

Depending on the degree of manifestation of these indicators, moderate, large and maximum loads are distinguished.

Victor Nikolaevich Seluyanov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Laboratory "Information Technologies in Sports"

Means and methods of physical training are aimed at changing the structure of muscle fibers of skeletal muscles and myocardium, as well as cells of other organs and tissues (for example, the endocrine system). Each training method is characterized by several variables that reflect the external manifestation of the athlete's activity: the intensity of muscle contraction, the intensity of the exercise, the duration of the performance (the number of repetitions - a series, or the duration of the exercises), the rest interval, the number of series (approaches). There is also an inner side that characterizes urgent biochemical and physiological processes in the athlete's body. As a result of the training process, long-term adaptive restructuring, it is this result that is the essence or purpose of applying the training method and means.

Max Anaerobic Power Exercises

Should be 90-100% of the maximum.

- alternation of muscle contraction and periods of their relaxation, can be 10-100%. At low exercise intensity and maximum muscle contraction intensity, the exercise looks like a strength exercise, such as a squat with a barbell or a bench press.

Increasing the pace, reducing periods of muscle tension and relaxation turns exercises into speed-strength exercises, for example, jumping, and in wrestling they use throws of a mannequin or a partner or exercises from the arsenal of general physical training: jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, flexion and extension of the torso, all these actions are performed with maximum speed.

Exercise duration with maximum anaerobic intensity is usually short. Strength exercises are performed with 1-4 repetitions in a series (approach). Speed-strength exercises include up to 10 push-offs, and tempo-speed exercises last 4–10 s.

When performing high-speed exercises, the rest interval can be 45–60 s.

Number of episodes due to the purpose of the training and the state of preparedness of the athlete. In the developing mode, the number of repetitions is 10-40 times.

It is determined by the purpose of the training task, namely, what should be predominantly hyperplastic in the muscle fiber - myofibrils or mitochondria.

Maximum anaerobic power exercises require the recruitment of all motor units.

These are exercises with an almost exclusively anaerobic way of supplying the working muscles with energy: the anaerobic component in the total energy production is from 90% to 100%. It is provided mainly by the phosphagenic energy system (ATP + CF) with some participation of the lactic acid (glycolytic) system in glycolytic and intermediate muscle fibers. In oxidative muscle fibers, as the reserves of ATP and CrF are depleted, oxidative phosphorylation, oxygen in this case comes from myoglobin OMF and blood.

The record maximum anaerobic power developed by athletes on a bicycle ergometer is 1000–1500 watts, and taking into account the cost of moving the legs, more than 2000 watts. The possible maximum duration of such exercises ranges from a second (isometric exercise) to several seconds (speed tempo exercise).

Strengthening activities vegetative systems occurs gradually in the course of work. Due to the short duration of anaerobic exercises during their performance, the functions of blood circulation and respiration do not have time to reach the possible maximum. During the maximum anaerobic exercise, the athlete either does not breathe at all, or manages to complete only a few respiratory cycles. Accordingly, pulmonary ventilation does not exceed 20-30% of the maximum.

The heart rate rises even before the start (up to 140-150 bpm) and continues to grow during the exercise, reaching the highest value immediately after the finish - 80-90% of the maximum (160-180 bpm). Since the energy basis of these exercises is anaerobic processes, strengthening the activity of the cardiorespiratory (oxygen transport) system is practically of no importance for the energy supply of the exercise itself. The concentration of lactate in the blood during work changes very slightly, although in working muscles it can reach 10 mmol/kg and even more at the end of work. The concentration of lactate in the blood continues to increase for several minutes after the cessation of work and reaches a maximum of 5-8 mmol / l (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990).

Before performing anaerobic exercise, the concentration of glucose in the blood rises slightly. Before and as a result of their implementation in the blood, the concentration of catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) and growth hormone increases very significantly, but the concentration of insulin decreases slightly; the concentrations of glucagon and cortisol do not noticeably change (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms that determine the sports result in these exercises are: central nervous regulation of muscle activity (coordination of movements with the manifestation of great muscle power), functional properties of the neuromuscular apparatus (speed-strength), capacity and power of the phosphagenic energy system of working muscles.

Internal, physiological processes unfold more intensively in the case of repeated training. In this case, the concentration of hormones in the blood increases, and in the muscle fibers and blood the concentration of lactate and hydrogen ions increases if the rest is passive and short.

Performing developing trainings of strength, speed-strength and speed orientation with a frequency of 1 or 2 times a week can significantly change the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers. Significant changes do not occur in oxidative muscle fibers, since (it is assumed) they do not accumulate hydrogen ions, therefore there is no stimulation of the genome, the penetration of anabolic hormones into the cell and nucleus is difficult. The mass of mitochondria cannot grow during exercise of the maximum duration, since a significant amount of hydrogen ions accumulate in intermediate and glycolytic MFs.

Reducing the duration of the maximum alactic power exercise, for example, reduces the effectiveness of training in terms of increasing the mass of myofibrils, since the concentration of hydrogen ions and hormones in the blood decreases. At the same time, a decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in glycolytic MB leads to stimulation of mitochondrial activity, and hence to a gradual growth of the mitochondrial system.

It should be noted that in practice these exercises should be used very carefully, since exercises of maximum intensity require the manifestation of significant mechanical loads on the muscles, ligaments and tendons, and this leads to the accumulation of microtraumas of the musculoskeletal system.

Thus, exercises of maximum anaerobic power, performed to failure, contribute to an increase in the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers, and when these exercises are performed to slight muscle fatigue (acidification), oxidative phosphorylation is activated in the mitochondria of intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers during rest intervals, which ultimately leads to an increase in the mass of mitochondria in them.

Near-Maximum Anaerobic Power Exercises

The outer side of exercise

Intensity of muscle contraction should be 70-90% of the maximum.

Exercise intensity (series)- alternating muscle contraction and periods of relaxation, can be 10-90%. At low exercise intensity and near-maximal intensity (60-80%) of muscle contraction, the exercise looks like strength endurance training, for example, squatting with a barbell or bench press in an amount of more than 12 times.

Increasing the pace, reducing periods of muscle tension and relaxation turns exercises into speed-strength exercises, for example, jumping, and in wrestling they use throws of a mannequin or a partner or exercises from the arsenal of general physical training: jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, flexion and extension of the torso, all these actions are performed at a near-maximum pace.

Exercise duration with a near-maximal anaerobic intensity, as a rule, there are 20–50 s. Strength exercises are performed with 6-12 or more repetitions in a series (approach). Speed-strength exercises include up to 10-20 repulsions, and tempo-speed exercises - 10-50 s.

The rest interval between series (sets) varies significantly.

When performing strength exercises, the rest interval exceeds, as a rule, 5 minutes.

When performing speed-strength exercises, sometimes the rest interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

Number of episodes

Number of workouts per week is determined by the purpose of the training task, namely, what should be hyperplasticized in the muscle fiber - myofibrils or mitochondria. With the generally accepted planning of loads, the goal is to increase the power of the mechanism of anaerobic glycolysis. It is assumed that a long stay of the muscles and the body as a whole in a state of maximum acidification should supposedly lead to adaptive changes in the body. However, so far there are no works that would directly show the beneficial effect of limiting near-maximal anaerobic exercises, but there are a lot of works that demonstrate their sharply negative effect on the structure of myofibrils and mitochondria. Very high concentrations of hydrogen ions in MF lead both to direct chemical destruction of structures and to an increase in the activity of proteolysis enzymes, which, when acidified, leave the cell lysosomes (the digestive apparatus of the cell).

The inside of exercise

Exercises of near-maximal anaerobic power require the recruitment of more than half of the motor units, and when performing the maximum work, all the rest.

These are exercises with an almost exclusively anaerobic way of supplying working muscles with energy: the anaerobic component in the total energy production is more than 90%. In glycolytic MFs, it is provided mainly by the phosphagenic energy system (ATP + CP) with some participation of the lactic acid (glycolytic) system. In oxidative muscle fibers, as the reserves of ATP and CrF are depleted, oxidative phosphorylation unfolds, oxygen in this case comes from myoglobin OMV and blood.

The possible maximum duration of such exercises ranges from a few seconds (isometric exercise) to tens of seconds (speed tempo exercise) (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Strengthening the activity of vegetative systems occurs gradually in the process of work. After 20–30 s, aerobic processes unfold in oxidative MFs, and the function of blood circulation and respiration increases, which can reach a possible maximum. For the energy supply of these exercises, a significant increase in the activity of the oxygen transport system already plays a certain energy role, and the greater the longer the exercise. The pre-start increase in heart rate is very significant (up to 150-160 beats / min). It reaches its highest values ​​(80–90% of the maximum) immediately after the finish of 200 m and at the finish of 400 m. During the exercise, pulmonary ventilation increases rapidly, so that by the end of the exercise lasting about 1 min, it can reach 50–60% of maximum working ventilation for a given athlete (60–80 l/min). The rate of O2 consumption also increases rapidly at a distance and at the finish of 400 m it can already be 70–80% of the individual MPC.

The concentration of lactate in the blood after exercise is very high - up to 15 mmol / l in qualified athletes. It is the higher, the greater the distance and the higher the qualification of the athlete. The accumulation of lactate in the blood is associated with the long-term functioning of glycolytic MBs.

The concentration of glucose in the blood is slightly increased compared to resting conditions (up to 100-120 mg). Hormonal changes in the blood are similar to those that occur during the exercise of maximum anaerobic power (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Long-term adaptive rearrangements

Performing “developmental” workouts of strength, speed-strength and speed orientation with a frequency of 1 or 2 times a week allows you to achieve the following.

Strength exercises that are performed at an intensity of 65–80% of the maximum or with 6–12 lifts in one approach are the most effective in terms of adding myofibrils in glycolytic muscle fibers, changes are significantly less in PMA and OMV.

The mass of mitochondria from such exercises is not added.

Strength exercises can be performed not to failure, for example, you can lift the load 16 times, and the athlete lifts it only 4-8 times. In this case, there is no local fatigue, there is no strong acidification of the muscles, therefore, with repeated repetition with a sufficient rest interval to eliminate the resulting lactic acid. A situation arises that stimulates the development of the mitochondrial network in PMA and GMA. Therefore, near-maximal anaerobic exercise, together with rest pauses, gives aerobic muscle development.

A high concentration of Cr and a moderate concentration of hydrogen ions can significantly change the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers. Significant changes do not occur in oxidative muscle fibers, since they do not accumulate hydrogen ions, therefore there is no stimulation of the genome, and the penetration of anabolic hormones into the cell and nucleus is difficult. The mass of mitochondria cannot grow during exercise of the maximum duration, since a significant amount of hydrogen ions accumulate in intermediate and glycolytic MFs, which stimulate catabolism to such an extent that it exceeds the power of anabolism processes.

Reducing the duration of the exercise near the maximum alactic power eliminates the negative effect of exercises of this power.

It should be noted that in practice these exercises should be used very carefully, since it is very easy to miss the moment of accumulation of excessive accumulation of hydrogen ions in intermediate and glycolytic MBs.

Thus, exercises of near-maximal anaerobic power, performed to failure, contribute to an increase in the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers, and when these exercises are performed to slight muscle fatigue (acidification), oxidative phosphorylation is activated in the mitochondria of intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers during rest intervals ( high-threshold motor units may not participate in the work, so not all the muscles are worked out), which ultimately leads to an increase in the mass of mitochondria in them.

Submaximal anaerobic power exercises (anaerobic-aerobic power)

The outer side of exercise

Intensity of muscle contraction should be 50-70% of the maximum.

Exercise intensity (series)- alternation of muscle contraction and periods of their relaxation, can be 10-70%. At low exercise intensity and near-maximal intensity (10-70%) of muscle contraction, the exercise looks like strength endurance training, for example, squatting with a barbell or bench press in the amount of more than 16 times.

Increasing the pace, reducing periods of muscle tension and relaxation turns exercises into speed-strength exercises, for example, jumping, and in wrestling they use throws of a mannequin or a partner or exercises from the arsenal of general physical training: jumping, push-ups, pull-ups, flexion and extension of the torso, all these actions are performed at the optimum pace.

Exercise duration with submaximal anaerobic intensity, as a rule, there are 1–5 minutes. Strength exercises are performed with 16 or more repetitions in a series (approach). Speed-strength exercises include more than 20 push-offs, and tempo-speed exercises - 1-6 minutes.

The rest interval between series (sets) varies significantly.

When performing strength exercises, the rest interval exceeds, as a rule, 5 minutes.

When performing speed-strength exercises, sometimes the rest interval is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

When performing high-speed exercises, the rest interval can be 2-9 minutes.

Number of episodes due to the purpose of the training and the state of preparedness of the athlete. In the developing mode, the number of repetitions is 3-4 series, repeated 2 times.

Number of workouts per week is determined by the purpose of the training task, namely, what should be hyperplasticized in the muscle fiber - myofibrils or mitochondria. With the generally accepted planning of loads, the goal is to increase the power of the mechanism of anaerobic glycolysis. It is assumed that a long stay of the muscles and the body as a whole in a state of maximum acidification should supposedly lead to adaptive changes in the body. However, until now there are no works that would directly show the beneficial effect of limiting near-maximal anaerobic exercises, but there are a lot of works that demonstrate their sharply negative effect on the structure of myofibrils and mitochondria. Very high concentrations of hydrogen ions in MF lead both to direct chemical destruction of structures and to an increase in the activity of proteolysis enzymes, which, when acidified, leave the cell lysosomes (the digestive apparatus of the cell).

The inside of exercise

Exercises of submaximal anaerobic power require the recruitment of about half of the motor units, and in the performance of the maximum work, all the rest.

These exercises are performed first due to phosphagens and aerobic processes. As glycolytic recruitment proceeds, lactate and hydrogen ions accumulate. In oxidative muscle fibers, as the reserves of ATP and CrF are depleted, oxidative phosphorylation unfolds.

The possible maximum duration of such exercises ranges from a minute to 5 minutes.

Strengthening the activity of vegetative systems occurs gradually in the process of work. After 20–30 s, aerobic processes unfold in oxidative MFs, and the function of blood circulation and respiration increases, which can reach a possible maximum. For the energy supply of these exercises, a significant increase in the activity of the oxygen transport system already plays a certain energy role, and the greater the longer the exercise. The pre-start increase in heart rate is very significant (up to 150-160 beats / min).

The power and maximum duration of these exercises are such that during their performance the indicators of the activity of the oxygen transport system (heart rate, cardiac output, LV, O2 consumption rate) can be close to the maximum values ​​for a given athlete or even reach them. The longer the exercise, the higher these indicators at the finish and the greater the share of aerobic energy production during the exercise. After these exercises, a very high concentration of lactate is recorded in the working muscles and blood - up to 20-25 mmol / l. Accordingly, the blood pH drops to 7.0. Usually, the concentration of glucose in the blood is noticeably increased - up to 150 mg%, the content of catecholamines and growth hormone in the blood plasma is high (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Thus, the leading physiological systems and mechanisms, according to N. I. Volkov and many other authors (1995), in the case of using the simplest model of energy supply, are the capacity and power of the lactic acid (glycolytic) energy system of working muscles, functional (power) properties of the neuromuscular apparatus, as well as the oxygen-transport capabilities of the body (especially the cardiovascular system) and the aerobic (oxidative) capabilities of the working muscles. Thus, the exercises of this group make very high demands on both the anaerobic and aerobic capabilities of athletes.

If we use a more complex model that includes the cardiovascular system and muscles with different type muscle fibers (OMV, PMV, GMV), we get the following leading physiological systems and mechanisms:

- energy supply is provided mainly by oxidative muscle fibers of active muscles,

- the power of the exercise as a whole exceeds the power of aerobic supply, therefore, intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers are recruited, which, after recruitment, after 30–60 s, lose their contractility, which forces more and more glycolytic MFs to be recruited. They acidify, lactic acid enters the bloodstream, this causes the appearance of excess carbon dioxide, which enhances the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to the limit.

Internal, physiological processes unfold more intensively in the case of repeated training. In this case, the concentration of hormones in the blood increases, and the concentration of lactate and hydrogen ions in the muscle fibers and blood, if the rest is passive and short. Repeated exercise with a rest interval of 2-4 minutes leads to an extremely high accumulation of lactate and hydrogen ions in the blood, as a rule, the number of repetitions does not exceed 4.

Long-term adaptive rearrangements

Performing exercises of submaximal alactic power to the limit are among the most psychologically stressful, therefore they cannot be used often, there is an opinion about the effect of these trainings on forcing the acquisition of a sports form and the rapid onset of overtraining.

Strength exercises that are performed at an intensity of 50–65% of the maximum or with 20 or more lifts in one approach are the most dangerous, leading to very strong local acidification, and then muscle damage. The mass of mitochondria from such exercises sharply decreases in all MVs [Khoreller, 1987].

Thus, exercises of submaximal anaerobic power and maximum duration cannot be used in the training process.

Strength exercises can be performed not to failure, for example, you can lift the load 20-40 times, and the athlete lifts it only 10-15 times. In this case, there is no local fatigue, there is no strong acidification of the muscles, therefore, with repeated repetition with a sufficient rest interval to eliminate the resulting lactic acid. A situation arises that stimulates the development of the mitochondrial network in the WMA and some part of the GMA. Therefore, near-maximal anaerobic exercise, together with rest pauses, gives aerobic muscle development.

A high concentration of Kp and a moderate concentration of hydrogen ions can significantly change the mass of myofibrils in intermediate and some glycolytic muscle fibers. Significant changes do not occur in oxidative muscle fibers, since they do not accumulate hydrogen ions, therefore there is no stimulation of the genome, and the penetration of anabolic hormones into the cell and nucleus is difficult. The mass of mitochondria cannot grow during exercise of the maximum duration, since a significant amount of hydrogen ions accumulate in intermediate and glycolytic MFs, which stimulate catabolism to such an extent that it exceeds the power of anabolism processes.

Reducing the duration of the submaximal anaerobic power exercise eliminates the negative effect of this power exercise.

Thus, exercises of submaximal anaerobic power, performed to failure, lead to excessive acidification of the muscles, therefore, the mass of myofibrils and mitochondria in the intermediate and glycolytic muscle fibers decreases, and when these exercises are performed to slight fatigue (acidification) of the muscles, oxidative stress is activated in the rest intervals. phosphorylation in mitochondria of intermediate and part of glycolytic muscle fibers, which ultimately leads to an increase in the mass of mitochondria in them.

Aerobic exercise

The power of the load in these exercises is such that the energy supply of the working muscles can occur (mainly or exclusively) due to oxidative (aerobic) processes associated with the continuous consumption of oxygen by the body and the expenditure of oxygen by the working muscles. Therefore, the power in these exercises can be estimated by the level (speed) of remote consumption of O 2 . If the remote consumption of O 2 is correlated with the maximum aerobic power at this person(i.e., with his individual MPC), then you can get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relative aerobic physiological power of the exercise he performs. According to this indicator, five groups are distinguished among aerobic cyclic exercises (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990):

    1. Exercises of maximum aerobic power (95-100% of the IPC).

    2. Exercises of near-maximal aerobic power (85-90% of the IPC).

    3. Exercises of submaximal aerobic power (70-80% of the IPC).

    4. Exercises of average aerobic power (55–65% of the IPC).

    5. Exercises of low aerobic power (50% of the IPC or less).

The classification presented here does not correspond to modern concepts of sports physiology. The upper limit - the IPC does not correspond to the data of the maximum aerobic power, since it depends on the testing procedure and individual characteristics athlete. In wrestling, it is important to evaluate the aerobic capabilities of the belt muscles. upper limbs, and in addition to these data, the aerobic capacity of the muscles of the lower extremities and the performance of the cardiovascular system should be assessed.

Muscle aerobic capacity is usually assessed in a step test by power or oxygen consumption at the level of anaerobic threshold.

The power of the IPC is higher in athletes with a greater proportion of glycolytic muscle fibers in the muscles, which can be gradually recruited to provide a given power. In this case, as glycolytic muscle fibers are connected, muscle and blood acidification increases, the subject begins to connect additional muscle groups to work, with oxidative muscle fibers that have not yet worked, so oxygen consumption increases. The value of such an increase in oxygen consumption is minimal, since these muscles do not provide a significant increase in mechanical power. If there are many oxidative MWs, and almost no HMW, then the power of the MPC and AnP will be almost equal.

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms that determine the success of performing aerobic cyclic exercises are the functional capabilities of the oxygen transport system and the aerobic capabilities of working muscles (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

As the power of these exercises decreases (the maximum duration increases), the proportion of the anaerobic (glycolytic) component of energy production decreases. Accordingly, the concentration of lactate in the blood and the increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood (degree of hyperglycemia) decrease. With exercises lasting several tens of minutes, hyperglycemia is not observed at all. Moreover, at the end of such exercises, there may be a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood (hypoglycemia). (Kots Ya. M., 1990).

The greater the power of aerobic exercise, the higher the concentration of catecholamines in the blood and growth hormone. On the contrary, as the load power decreases, the content in the blood of such hormones as glucagon and cortisol increases, and the content of insulin decreases (Kots Ya. M., 1990).

With an increase in the duration of aerobic exercises, the body temperature rises, which places increased demands on the thermoregulation system (Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Maximum Aerobic Power Exercises

These are exercises in which the aerobic component of energy production predominates - it is up to 70-90%. However, the energy contribution of anaerobic (mainly glycolytic) processes is still very significant. The main energy substrate during these exercises is muscle glycogen, which is broken down both aerobically and anaerobically (in the latter case with the formation a large number lactic acid). The maximum duration of such exercises is 3-10 minutes.

After 1.5-2 minutes. after the start of exercise, the maximum heart rate for a given person, systolic blood volume and cardiac output, working LV, O2 consumption rate (MIC) are achieved. As the LP exercise continues, blood concentrations of lactate and catecholamines continue to rise. The indicators of the work of the heart and the rate of consumption of O 2 are either kept at the maximum level (in a state of high fitness), or begin to decrease somewhat (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

After the end of the exercise, the concentration of lactate in the blood reaches 15–25 mmol / l in inverse proportion to the maximum duration of the exercise (sports result) (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990).

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms are common to all aerobic exercises, in addition, the power of the lactic acid (glycolytic) energy system of the working muscles plays a significant role.

Exercises of the maximum duration of maximum aerobic power can be used in training only by athletes with an ATP power at a level of more than 70% of the IPC. These athletes do not have a strong acidification of MF and blood, therefore, in the intermediate and part of the glycolytic MF, conditions are created for the activation of mitochondrial synthesis.

If an athlete has an AnP power of less than 70% of the MPC, then exercises of maximum aerobic power can be used only in the form of a repeated training method, which, if proper organization does not lead to harmful acidification of the muscles and blood of the athlete.

Long-term adaptive effect

Exercises of maximum aerobic power require the recruitment of all oxidative, intermediate and some part of glycolytic MFs, if you perform exercises of unlimited duration, apply a repeated training method, then the training effect will be noted only in intermediate and some part of glycolytic MFs, in the form of a very small hyperplasia of myofibrils and a significant increase in mitochondrial masses in active intermediates and glycolytic MBs.

Near-Maximum Aerobic Power Exercises

Exercises of near-maximal aerobic power are 90–100% provided by oxidative (aerobic) reactions in the working muscles. Carbohydrates are used as substrates of oxidation to a greater extent than fats (respiratory coefficient about 1.0). main role glycogen of working muscles and, to a lesser extent, blood glucose (in the second half of the distance) play. Record duration of exercises up to 30 minutes. During the exercise, the heart rate is at the level of 90-95%, LV - 85-90% of the individual maximum values. The concentration of lactate in the blood after the limit of exercise in highly qualified athletes is about 10 mmol / l. During the exercise, there is a significant increase in body temperature - up to 39 (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

The exercise is performed at or slightly above the anaerobic threshold. Therefore, oxidative muscle fibers and intermediate ones work. Exercise leads to an increase in mitochondrial mass only in intermediate MBs.

Submaximal aerobic power exercises

Submaximal aerobic power exercises are performed at the aerobic threshold. Therefore, only oxidative muscle fibers work. Oxidative cleavage undergoes fats in OMF, carbohydrates in active intermediate MFs (respiratory coefficient approximately 0.85–0.90). The main energy substrates are muscle glycogen, working muscle and blood fat, and (as work continues) blood glucose. The record duration of exercises is up to 120 minutes. During the exercise, the heart rate is at the level of 80–90%, and the LV is 70–80% of the maximum values ​​for this athlete. The concentration of lactate in the blood usually does not exceed 3 mmol / l. It noticeably increases only at the beginning of a run or as a result of long climbs. During these exercises, body temperature can reach 39-40.

The leading physiological systems and mechanisms are common to all aerobic exercises. The duration depends to the greatest extent on the glycogen stores in the working muscles and liver, on the fat reserves in the oxidative muscle fibers of active muscles (Aulik I.V., 1990, Kots Ya.M., 1990).

There are no significant changes in muscle fibers from such training. These workouts can be used to dilate the left ventricle of the heart, since the heart rate is 100-150 beats / min, i.e. with a maximum stroke volume of the heart.

Intermediate aerobic power exercises

Exercises of average aerobic power are provided by aerobic processes. The main energy substrate is the fats of the working muscles and blood, carbohydrates play a relatively smaller role (respiratory coefficient is about 0.8). The maximum duration of the exercise is up to several hours

Cardiorespiratory indicators do not exceed 60-75% of the maximum for this athlete. In many ways, the characteristics of these exercises and the exercises of the previous group are similar (Aulik IV, 1990, Kots Ya. M., 1990).

Low Aerobic Power Exercises

Exercises of low aerobic capacity are provided by oxidative processes, in which mainly fats and, to a lesser extent, carbohydrates are consumed (respiratory coefficient less than 0.8). Exercises of this relative physiological power can be performed for many hours. This corresponds to a person's everyday activities (walking) or exercises in the system of mass or therapeutic physical culture.

Thus, exercises of medium and low aerobic power are not significant for increasing the level of physical fitness, however, they can be used during rest breaks to increase oxygen consumption, for more fast elimination acidification of the blood and muscles.

The effectiveness of physical activity. The choice of good loads, their types. Load intensity. Methods for determining the intensity of overload. Criteria for pulse control of the body's response to physical activity

Systematic physical education leads to the adaptation of the human body to the physical work. The basis of adaptation is the configuration of muscle tissues and various organs as a result of training. All these configurations determine the training effects. They appear in improving various body functions and increasing physical fitness.

When analyzing the factors that determine the physical training effects of exercises, the following aspects can be distinguished:

functional effects of training

threshold, “critical” overloads for the occurrence of training effects.

reversibility of training effects

specificity of training effects

trainability, which determines the magnitude of the training effect

The last two aspects are more important in sports training.

The systematic implementation of a certain kind of physical exercise causes the following main positive functional effects:

Strengthening the greatest functionality of the whole organism, its leading systems

Increasing the economy, efficiency of the whole organism, its leading systems

The first effect is determined by the growth of the greatest characteristics when performing limit tests. They reflect the current greatest abilities of the body, significant for this type of exercise. For example, the effect of endurance training is evidenced by an increase in the greatest possibilities in the assimilation of oxygen, the greatest oxygen consumption and the duration of muscular work for endurance.

The second effect is manifested in a decrease in functional shifts in the activity of other organs and systems of the body when performing certain work. So, when performing the same overload, the trained and untrained have lower characteristics for the latter. For a trained person, there will be lower functional changes in heart rate, respiration or energy consumption.

These positive effects are based on:

Structural and functional configurations of the leading organs of vital activity in the performance of certain work.

improvement of the central - nervous, endocrine and autonomic cellular regulation of functions in the process of performing physical exercises.

One of the main issues in physical training is the choice of appropriate, good loads. They can be determined by the following factors:

Rehabilitation after all kinds of past diseases, including chronic ones.

Restorative and health-improving activities to relieve psychological and physical stress after work.

maintaining the existing fitness at the existing level.

Increasing physical fitness. The development of the functional capabilities of the body.

As a rule, there are no serious problems with the choice of loads in the second and third options. The situation is more complicated with the choice of loads in the first case, which is the main content of therapeutic physical culture.

In the latter case, increasing the functionality of individual organs and the whole organism, i.E. The achievement of the training effect is achieved if the systematic training overloads are quite significant, reach or exceed a certain threshold load during the training process. Such a threshold training overload must exceed the daily load.

The principle of threshold loads is called the principle of progressive overload.

The main rule in choosing threshold loads is that they must correspond to the current functional capabilities of a given person. So, the same overload can be effective for an untrained person and completely ineffective for an untrained person.

Consequently, the principle of individualization is largely based on the principle of threshold loads. It follows from it that when determining the training loads, both the coach-teacher and the trainee himself must have a sufficient idea of ​​the functional capabilities of their own organism.

The principle of gradualness in increasing loads is also a consequence of the physiological principle of threshold loads, which must increase evenly with increasing fitness. Depending on the goals of the training and the personal abilities of a person, physical overload must have a different degree. Different threshold overloads are used to increase or maintain the level of available functionality.

The main parameters of physical overload are its intensity, duration and frequency, which together determine the size of the training overload. Each of these characteristics plays an independent role in determining the training effectiveness, but their interrelation and mutual influence are no less important.

The most important factor influencing training efficiency is the intensity of overload. When this parameter and the initial level of functional readiness are taken into account, the influence of the duration and frequency of classes within certain limits may not play a significant role. In addition, the value of each of the overload characteristics significantly depends on the choice of characteristics by which training effectiveness is judged.

So, for example, if the increase in the highest oxygen consumption largely depends on the intensity of training loads, then the decrease in heart rate with test submaximal weights depends more on the frequency and total duration of training sessions.

rational threshold overloads also depend on the type of training (strength, speed-strength, endurance, game, techno, etc.) and on its nature (continuous, cyclic or repeated-interval). So, for example, an increase in muscle strength is achieved through training with large overloads (weight, resistance) with a relatively small repetition of them in each workout. An example of a progressive overload in this case is the method of repeated maximum, which is the greatest overload that a person can repeat a certain number of times. With a rational number of repetitions from 3 to 9, as fitness increases, the weight increases so that this number is maintained at near-limit stress. Threshold overload in this case you can look at the amount of weight (resistance) that exceeds 70% of the random greatest strength of the trained muscle groups. In contrast, endurance increases as a result of exercising with a huge number of repetitions with relatively low weights. When training endurance, to determine the threshold overload, it is necessary to take into account the intensity, frequency and duration of the overload, its total size.

There are several physiological ways to determine the intensity of overload. The direct method is to measure the rate of oxygen consumption (l / min) - absolute or relative (% of the highest oxygen consumption). All other methods are indirect, based on the existence of a relationship between the intensity of overload and some physiological indicators. One of the more convenient characteristics is the heart rate. The basis for determining the intensity of training overload by heart rate is the relationship between them, the greater the overload, the greater the heart rate. To determine the intensity of overload in different people, not absolute, but relative characteristics of the heart rate are used (relative heart rate as a percentage or relative working gain as a percentage).

Relative working heart rate

(% HR max) is the ratio of the heart rate during overload to the highest heart rate for that person, expressed as a percentage. Approximately HRmax can be calculated by the formula:

HRmax=220 - human age (years) beats/min.

It should be borne in mind that there are quite significant differences in HRmax for different people of the same age. In some cases, beginners with a low level of physical. preparations

HRmax=180 - human age (years) beats/min.

When determining the intensity of training loads by heart rate, two indicators are used: threshold and peak heart rate. Threshold heart rate is the lowest intensity below which no training effect occurs. Peak heart rate is a high intensity that should not be exceeded in the end of the workout. Approximate characteristics of heart rate in healthy people involved in sports can be:

Threshold - 75%

Peak - 95%

from the highest heart rate. The lower the level of physical fitness of a person, the lower the intensity of training overload must be. As fitness grows, it must grow evenly, up to 80-85% of the highest oxygen consumption (up to 95% of heart rate).

Zones of work by heart rate beats / min.

up to 120 - preparatory, warm-up, main exchange.

up to 120-140 - Restorative - supporting.

up to 140-160 - developing endurance, aerobic.

up to 160-180 - developing speed endurance

more than 180 - the development of speed.

The purpose of testing in physical culture and sports is to assess the functional state of body systems and the level of physical performance (training).

Testing should be understood as a reaction individual systems and organs to certain influences (character, type and severity of this reaction). Evaluation of test results can be both qualitative and quantitative.

Various functional tests can be used to assess the functional state of the body.
1. Samples with dosed physical activity: one-, two-, three- and four-moment.
2. Tests with a change in body position in space: orthostatic, clinostatic, clinoorthostatic.
3. Tests with changes in intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure: straining test (Valsalva).
4. Hypoxemic tests: tests with inhalation of mixtures containing different ratios of oxygen and carbon dioxide, breath holding and others.
5. Pharmacological, alimentary, temperature, etc.

In addition to these functional tests specific tests with a load characteristic of each type of motor activity are also used.

Physical performance is an integral indicator that allows you to judge the functional state various systems organism and, first of all, the performance of the circulatory and respiratory apparatus. It is directly proportional to the amount of external mechanical work performed at high intensity.

To determine the level of physical performance, tests with maximum and submaximal load can be used: maximum oxygen consumption (MOC), PWC 170, Harvard step test, etc.

Algorithm for completing the task: students, united in pairs, perform the following methods, analyze the results, draw conclusions from the test results and develop recommendations for optimizing performance. Before completing the tasks, work out the terminology (see the dictionary) under the section "Functional tests ...".

3.1. Determination of the level of physical performance according to the PWC 170 test

Target: mastering the methodology of the test and the ability to analyze the data obtained.
Required for work: bicycle ergometer (or step, or Treadmill), stopwatch, metronome.
The PWC 170 test is based on the pattern that there is a linear relationship between heart rate (HR) and exercise power. This allows you to determine the amount of mechanical work at which the heart rate reaches 170, by plotting and linear extrapolation of data, or by calculating according to the formula proposed by V. L. Karpman et al. A heart rate of 170 beats per minute corresponds to the beginning of the zone of optimal functioning of the cardiorespiratory system. In addition, with this heart rate, the linear nature of the relationship between heart rate and the power of physical work is violated.
The load can be performed on a bicycle ergometer, on a step (step test), as well as in the form specific to a particular sport.

Choose a task, click on the picture.

Option number 1 (with a bicycle ergometer).

The subject sequentially performs two loads for 5 minutes. with a 3-minute rest interval in between. In the last 30 sec. the fifth minute of each load, the pulse is calculated (palpation or electrocardiographic method). The power of the first load (N1) is selected according to the table depending on the body weight of the subject in such a way that at the end of the 5th minute the pulse (f1) reaches 110...115 bpm. The power of the second (N2) load is determined from Table. 7 depending on the value of N1. If the value of N2 is correctly selected, then at the end of the fifth minute the pulse (f2) should be 135...150 bpm.

For the accuracy of determining N2, you can use the formula:

N2 = N1 ,

Where N1 is the power of the first load,
N2 - power of the second load,
f1 - heart rate at the end of the first load,
f2 - heart rate at the end of the second load.
Then the formula calculates PWC170:

PWC 170 = N1 + (N2 - N1) [(170 - f1) / (f2 - f1)]

The value of PWC 170 can be determined graphically (Fig. 3).
To increase objectivity in assessing the power of the work performed at a heart rate of 170 beats/min, the influence of the weight indicator should be excluded, which is possible by determining the relative value of PWC 170 . The value of PWC 170 is divided by the weight of the subject, compared with the same value for the sport (Table 8), and recommendations are given.

Option number 2. Determining the value of PWC170 using a step test.

Working process. The principle of operation is the same as in work No. 1. The speed of climbing a step during the first load is 3 ... 12 lifts per minute, with the second - 20 ... 25 lifts per minute. Each ascent is made for 4 counts per step 40-45 cm high: for 2 counts the ascent and for the next 2 counts - descent. 1st load - 40 steps per minute, 2nd load - 90 (a metronome is set on these numbers).
The pulse is counted for 10 seconds, at the end of each 5-minute load.
The power of the loads performed is determined by the formula:

N = 1.3 h n P,

where h is the step height in m, n is the number of steps per minute,
P is the weight of the body examined in kg, 1.3 is the coefficient.
Then, according to the formula, the value of PWC 170 is calculated (see option No. 1).

Option number 3. Determining the value of PWC170 with placing specific loads (for example, running).

Working process
To determine physical performance according to the PWC 170 (V) test with specific loads, it is necessary to register two indicators: movement speed (V) and heart rate (f).
To determine the speed of movement, it is required to accurately record the length of the distance (S in m) and the duration of each physical activity (f in sec.) Using a stopwatch.

Where V is the speed of movement in m / s. The heart rate is determined during the first 5 seconds. recovery period after running by palpation or auscultation method. The first run is performed at the pace of "jogging" at a speed equal to 1/4 of the maximum possible for this athlete (approximately every 100 m for 30-40 seconds). After a 5-minute rest, the second load is performed at a speed equal to 3/4 of the maximum, that is, in 20-30 seconds. every 100 m. The length of the distance is 800-1500 m. The calculation of PWC 170 is made according to the formula:

PWC 170 (V) = V1 + (V2 - V1) [(170 - f1) / (f2 - f1)]

where V1 and V2 are the speed in m/s, f1 and f2 are the pulse rate after which run.
Task: to make a conclusion, to give recommendations.
After completing the task according to one of the options, you should compare the result with that in accordance with sports specialization (Table 8), make a conclusion about the level of physical performance and give recommendations for its increase.

Definition of light load, medium load, heavy load, heavy load. Gas exchange. What is sportswear. Sportswear classification. Training, physical indicators during training, functional changes, level of training.

There is a classification of physical activity:

- activates the activity of supporting systems, stabilizes motor and vegetative functions, does not cause fatigue.- stabilizes the work of supporting systems, is important for maintaining the level of fitness.- causes a significant increase in physiological functions, contributes to the growth of fitness.- causes significant physiological changes, causes the development of non-compensatory fatigue. Adequate to the physiological state (age, level of preparedness)
Near-limit (stress loads) - cause shifts and a training effect.
The determination of the load value is carried out by taking into account energy consumption and the volume of oxygen consumed during operation, and after its termination during the recovery period (accounting for oxygen debt).
Changes in functional indicators during training: MOD, IOC, heart rate, VL.
Sports training improves the coordination of the functions of blood circulation and respiration, which ensures the growth of working capacity.
IPC- an indicator of working capacity, reflects the state of the respiratory and cardiovascular system of a person.
heart rate reflects the level of loads (exhausting at heart rate = 180–210).
Near-limit or training (160-180).

There is a multidirectional functional shifts:

  • Dominant systems are activated, others are inhibited.
  • Sweating, activation of thermoregulation processes, tk. during exercise, an increase in body temperature is observed, which corresponds to an increased oxygen consumption.
  • Change internal environment(pH shift, increased blood osmotic pressure, blood viscosity, energy generation processes).

Sports form and stages of its formation

Sports uniforms- a high optimal level of readiness to achieve high sports results. It is characterized by a complex of physiological, pedagogical and mental features. The process of becoming a sports form has three phases:

  1. acquisition of a sports uniform;
  2. preservation of sports form;
  3. temporary loss of fitness.

First phase corresponds to the preparatory period, where higher levels of functioning of all body systems are formed, on the basis of which a sports form arises.
Second phase corresponds to the competitive period or the period of constant training and is characterized by the stabilization of a high level of physiological systems. In this phase, there is a further improvement of all components that provide sports results. Fluctuations in sports results are possible, but they are not caused by the level of physiological ceilings, but by technical, tactical, psychological preparation.
Third phase is characterized by a change in the direction of adaptive processes, switching the mode of body functions to a rehabilitation level, weakening or partial destruction of temporary connections. (stopping classes)

The level of sports form varies depending on a number of physiological patterns:

  1. The sportswear is external state physiological systems for a certain level of sports achievements.
  2. Due to the long-term exposure to high training and competitive loads, a protective reaction of the body arises against overstrain.
  3. Maintaining a dynamic balance between physiological functions and the level of motor activity is provided by the central nervous system. Constant stressful situations can lead to overwork of the central nervous system.
  4. The decrease in the level of performance caused by interruptions in training (illness, injury, etc.) largely depends on the level of hypokinesia. The reversibility of training effects is manifested after an increase in training loads and is possible only with systematic training with above-threshold intensity. This most important biological factor is the basis of the principles of repetition and systematicity. In this case, the target setting is very important: maintaining or increasing the training effect.

Physiological indicators of fitness

Fitnesshigh level special performance.
The state of fitness is determined under the conditions:

  1. At rest (training is characterized by a decrease in the physiological parameters of the vegetative systems).
  2. During physical exertion (testing at dosed standard and maximum loads - in this case, faster development is observed, the level of changes in physiological functions is less pronounced than in untrained people).
  3. After physical exertion during the recovery period (recovery processes proceed much faster).

Functional changes that provide and arise during the development of fitness:

  1. CNS - mobility of nervous processes, clarification of differentiations and increased activity of sensory systems
  2. Neuromuscular apparatus - an increase in muscle mass, improved blood supply to the muscles due to an increase in the number of capillaries, the ability to voluntarily relax muscles
  3. Increase in carbohydrate stores and decrease in fat
  4. Increased lung volumes and capacities, decreased respiratory rate, increased VC, increased inspiratory depth,
  5. An increase in the size of the heart, reduced heart rate, enlarged cavities of the heart, increased volume of circulating blood.
  6. The above levels of physiological functions indicate a more rational and economical use of the body's reserves.

Adaptation reflects the state of the level of fitness

The state of fitness is - the improvement of technical and physical qualities - the unity of the process.
Short-term and intense loads occur with a large oxygen deficiency. The lack of oxygen activates the mobilization of oxygen resources and the oxygen transport system, has a high beneficial effect, which manifests itself in the economy of use, an increase in the oxygen utilization rate and the body's reserves as a whole.

Physical load is a certain value of the impact of physical exercises on the body of those involved, as well as the degree of objective and subjective difficulties overcome in this case. The magnitude of the load can be judged by subjective sensations (general and local difficulty in performing the exercise, inability to continue working at a set pace, muscle fatigue (fatigue), pleasure (feeling of "muscle joy") that occurs after doing the exercises). The feeling of "muscular joy" usually appears after the optimal load. And the longer the experience of physical culture, the more clearly such a feeling is perceived.

Objective indicators of physical activity include its volume and intensity. Objective indicators are divided into two types - external and internal side of the load. The external side of the load is expressed by quantitative indicators, evaluated by duration, number of repetitions and duration ...
performance of exercises, the speed and pace of movements, the nature and duration of rest. The inner side expresses the degree of mobilization of the physical and mental capabilities of a person and their changes during exercise (heart rate per minute, blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulmonary ventilation, etc.). The volume of load should be understood as the duration of physical exercises, and the total amount of physical work performed during a certain time (for 1 lesson, month, stage of preparation, year).

The criteria for assessing the external side of the load volume can be the number of repetitions of exercises; the number of classes and the time spent on them; total mileage and other indicators. When evaluating inside loads take into account the total values ​​of heart contractions when performing individual exercises.

The intensity of the load is determined by the force of the impact of physical work on the human body at a certain point in time. The criteria for the intensity of the external side of the load are: the speed of movement (in running, cross-country skiing, swimming, etc.); the pace of the game (in sports games); height and length (in jumps); motor occupation density, i.e. the ratio of the time spent on exercises to the total time of the lesson (in gymnastic exercises) etc. Indicators of the internal side can be minimal and average (maximum values ​​are 466, the value of energy costs per unit of time).

According to the magnitude of the impact on the body, physical activity is divided into small, medium, large and maximum. The maximum intensity of the load (sprinting, lifting extreme weights, etc.) a person can perform only for a few seconds or even fractions of a second. Large-scale physical activity (running for medium and long distances) takes place with a relatively low intensity.

In theory physical education There are many different classifications of physical activity, differing in the nature of the impact on a person. In their focus, aerobic, anaerobic and mixed physical activity are distinguished.

Aerobic exercise cause the flow in the body of an aerobic, or oxygen, mechanism of energy production, in which energy is generated from nutrients (fats, carbohydrates) with the help of oxygen from the inhaled air. Oxidized, these substances provide energy for muscle work. Ultimately, carbon dioxide and water are formed from them. Since the reserves of nutrients in the body are large, the aerobic mechanism of energy production is able to provide long-term physical work of a person.

Aerobic loads are obtained when doing physical exercises of a predominantly cyclic nature at a calm pace. At the same time, the body's ability to absorb oxygen develops, the level of functioning of the circulatory and respiratory system increases, and metabolism improves. The pulse rate at these loads in untrained students is 120-136 beats/min, in trained students - 150-160 beats/min.

At anaerobic, more intense physical activity, anaerobic mechanism of energy generation operates in the body. In this case, energy substances are broken down without oxygen, air with the formation of lactic acid. It is lactic acid, accumulating in the blood and muscles, that prevents prolonged physical work, "acidifying" the body. In addition, this mechanism is less economical than aerobic, since in this case almost 20 times less energy is generated.

Anaerobic exercise is also needed by the body. With their help, the supply of energy substances in tissues increases, the power of enzymatic systems and the resistance of tissues to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen - increase. Anaerobic capabilities develop when the heart rate becomes higher than 136-160 beats / min (depending on physical fitness).

Mixed loads when aerobic and anaerobic energy supply processes simultaneously occur in the body during physical exercises. Scientists have found that when running 10 km in 40-50 minutes, 80% of aerobic work is performed, anaerobic - 20%. And when running 100 meters with the maximum speed possible for a person, only 2% of aerobic work is performed.

According to V.M. Vydrin, B.K. Zykov, A.V. Lotvinenko, there are general loads that contribute to the development of a number of qualities: selective effects that affect the development of one or more qualities.

- the same in terms of parameters (speed, pace of movement, etc.). The use of standard loads ensures the development of physical qualities, consolidation and improvement of motor skills and abilities. AND variable- changing during the exercise.

The load received as a result of a training session depends on the type of intervals and the nature of the rest necessary to restore working capacity.

It has been established that for 1/3 of the total rest time, approximately 65% ​​of working capacity is restored, for the second third - 30%, for the remaining time - only 5%. After performing loads of different power and duration, there is an uneven recovery to the initial level of various indicators (biochemical, physiological, psychological). First of all, excess lactic acid is eliminated from the blood of the muscles, then creatine phosphate, glycogen and, finally, proteins are restored.

It is known that the main biochemical strength is the structure of muscle proteins, endurance - the supply of glycogen, speed - the content of creatine phosphate in the muscles. Consequently, the duration of rest intervals will be different with the development of speed, strength, endurance and other physical qualities. . .

When assessing the readiness of those involved in repeated muscular work, they use subjective indicators(well-being - a feeling of cheerfulness, good performance, desire to continue working; satisfactory - slight lethargy; poor - weakness, lethargy, low performance, no desire to continue working; pain - pain in the side (physical activity immediately after eating, improper breathing, poor fitness, overload), in the right hypochondrium due to overfilling of the liver with blood, and in the left side of the abdomen - overfilling of the spleen with blood; muscle pain, headache and heart) and objective(determination of heart rate during the rest period, the time of restoration of blood pressure). Based on these modes of alternating work, rest and patterns of recovery processes, there are several types of rest intervals: hard, full and extreme (optimal). With a hard interval, the next load is planned for a period of more or less significant under-recovery of working capacity. There are two types of it: shortened and incomplete rest intervals.

Shortened Intervals are characterized by a significant under-recovery of working capacity (5-10%): heart rate - 130-140 beats / min, rapid breathing, no subjective readiness for work. Repeated performance of the load leads to a decrease in the intensity of the exercise (speed, pace, strength, etc.). They are mainly used for the development of endurance.

When n full rest intervals under-recovery of working capacity is insignificant (3-5%): heart rate - 120-130 beats / min, breathing is almost restored. They also help develop endurance.

Full rest intervals provide recovery and allow you to maintain high speed running, set pace, etc. They are used in the development of muscle strength, speed, coordination of movements. At extreme rest intervals the next load coincides with the phase of increased working capacity (supercompensation phase), when the feeling of subjective readiness for the next exercise is most pronounced among the trainees. Depending on the preparedness of the trainees and the nature of the exercises, the rest time varies within a fairly wide range (3-10 minutes) and contributes to the development of basically the same qualities as with full rest intervals.

Supercompensation phase- the state of a person when, after physical exertion, performance decreases. But as a result of recovery processes, it becomes already higher than the initial level. In the future, wave-like changes in the performance indicator occur. The end result of this process is a return to the original level.

Rest in nature may be passive(rest without movement in a standing, sitting or lying position) and active(switching to some other activity other than the one that caused the fatigue: walking, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation exercises, self-massage).

As shown in studies, active rest is much more effective: restoration of working capacity here occurs 4.5 times faster than with passive rest. Therefore, in independent physical training, it is more expedient for students to use active rest.

In conditions of increasing fatigue, the effect active rest can decrease, and passive - increase. Depending on the magnitude of the nature of the load, the degree of development of fatigue in those involved, certain combinations of active and passive recreation - the so-called mixed (combined) recreation.