What is the holy name of the lily. Lily name day, lily angel day, which means the name lily

It is almost impossible to meet parents who would not dream of a cloudless future for their kids, and they do everything to make dreams at least partially come true. From ancient times, one wonderful tradition has been preserved that allows you to help your child avoid unwanted events, and for this you just need to make a little effort to choose a promising name for the crumbs. Lily, the meaning of the name, character and fate - is information about these features capable of influencing the future?

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl briefly

In the ancient literature that has survived to this day, you can find a lot of information that confirms the importance given to choosing a name for your offspring. Ancient sources indicate that parents should carefully study everything that may be connected with it, because even the slightest omission can lead to fatal consequences for the child. There are many stories about how exactly, thanks to the wrong name chosen by adults, unpleasant events occurred that could have been stopped even at baptism.

Lily, the meaning of the name, character and fate - which of this combination is the most important for further events in the girl's life? Parents should remember that the first place among this information is invariably the meaning of the name - it is this that needs to be studied in advance. Only then can one begin to study other features that may be associated with the name.

The meaning of the name Lilia for a girl can be briefly learned by studying Latin sources. It is in them that name is most often mentioned. It has several interpretations - "immortal", "innocent", "pure". Often, only these values ​​\u200b\u200bmay be enough to understand some of the character traits of the baby. She will definitely be pure in thought and innocent in some life situations.

What does the name Lily mean for a girl according to the church calendar

There are two sources in Orthodox literature, they simply need to be studied by parents who, from the birth of a child, are going to provide him with the best. The church calendar is one of the most popular books for young parents, because here you can find everything you need when choosing a name. An Orthodox source provides information about what the name means, where it came from, who were its first owners. You can study the calendar for the same purpose - in addition to the basic information, they will tell in detail about the saints bearing this name, the dates of their veneration, good deeds, thanks to which they became famous during their lifetime and were not forgotten after death.

Lily, the meaning of the name, character and fate - should one study the information provided in Orthodox literature in order to try to change fate from childhood? If you turn to old books, they will certainly give the only answer - only here you can find the most truthful and reliable data. Using detailed information, adults can try to cope with the shortcomings of the child, improve abilities, and apply the right upbringing from childhood.

What does the name Lily mean for a girl according to the church calendar? The meaning is different from Latin, in Orthodoxy this name has one interpretation - "God's mercy." Native crumbs can be sure that they give their baby under reliable and powerful care.

The secret of the name Lily, the date of the name day

How is the mystery of the name Lily deciphered correctly and is there anything unusual in it? Parents should be aware that, first of all, it is necessary to get acquainted with information about which saints will walk through life with their child and protect them from troubles. There are many troubles on the way of each person, and adults are not always able to prevent them. That is why one should not refuse the opportunity to correct the future with the help of the saints.

Lilia will be able to celebrate the name day once a year - on August 20th. Usually, relatives rush to a little birthday girl with congratulations and gifts, forgetting that more important on this holiday will be an appeal to a saint, on whom so much can depend in the life of a baby. Be sure to ask for holy patronage together with the baby - she must remember from childhood that there is always a protector next to her, able to protect her from all the troubles that arise on her life path.

The origin of the name Lilia and its meaning for children

Can the origin of the name Lilia and its meaning for children affect the events that await the girl in the near future? It is not necessary to study the many sources that can provide information about the origin - it does not matter. You only need to know the meaning and the features associated with it. Usually, character traits and events that fate will be generous with are enough to help the child in the future. Most often, general information about the country from which the name spread is necessary simply in order to satisfy the curiosity of the baby. She will certainly ask why her parents chose this name.

Finding out the meaning of the name is simply necessary for many reasons. One of them - the character of the baby may depend on this feature. If you understand in advance the shortcomings that appear due to the name, you can try to stop them at an early age. Usually, with the help of relatives, the child forgets about his negative character trait, which will certainly become useful in adulthood.

The character of a girl named Lily

Will the character of a girl named Lily be able to upset her shortcomings? Adults will certainly be pleased that, thanks to the name, she will receive many advantages that they will notice even in childhood. Among the positive qualities are usually distinguished:

  1. goodwill;
  2. decency;
  3. integrity;
  4. upbringing;
  5. quick wits;
  6. activity;
  7. wit;
  8. diligence.

The negative traits include the slowness of the girl. She will do what her parents, teachers, bosses require of her, but this process is so slow and lengthy that everyone gets tired of waiting. They try to do most of the work for her. Parents do not need to put up with this shortcoming - it can be eradicated even in childhood.

The fate of a girl named Lily

Will the fate of a girl named Lilia be favorable to the baby? If she chooses the right specialty, then even this may be enough for most of the problems and difficulties to disappear on their own. You need to choose among the following professions:

  1. medic;
  2. manager;
  3. consultant;
  4. teacher;
  5. musician.

Lilia is good at doing business in business, but it is better not to trust her with large sums of money - her intuition, which may be the most important in investing, is lame. That is why it is better for her to confine herself to simple positions that do not require handling money.

At first, Lilia’s family life may not work out - she hardly gets used to the fact that she is no longer alone - she can’t get enough sleep and not do personal business at a time when she needs to cook or clean. Despite this, the young woman quickly gets used to the role of a wife and copes with it with dignity.

Calendar when, according to the church calendar, Lily's name day

This is not an Orthodox name, therefore, when baptized, Lilies receive a different name from the calendar. Usually this name is Susanna in honor of one of the myrrh-bearing women. Saints with the name Lilia (Susanna) are revered 2 times.

  • June 19 - Susanna of Salerno;
  • August 24 - Susanna of Rome.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Lily:

From the Latin language - the name of the flower "lilium" - lily. A name similar in sound is found in the Hebrew language - Lilith, Lilu, Lily, where it was believed that Lily not only spoils women in childbirth, but also makes women barren.

According to one of the pre-Christian apocryphal traditions, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, and very obstinate, as a result of which Adam left her (the first divorce on Earth).

Congratulations on Lily's name day:

Do not forget to celebrate Lilia's name day and congratulate Lilia on the day of the angel.

You have the name of the flower from birth,

People call Lily.

You often change your mood

Believe, forgive and understand.

That everything is allowed gentle, beautiful,

Full of enthusiasm, fire,

Even capricious let, but not malice.

You can't stand a fight for a single day!

We'll be patient for you.

Just to be with you!

May you be in a different mood every hour

It's hard not to love you!

No matter how much oil we pour,

Sweet odes were not sung to her,

On the birthday of our Lily

No smarter, younger, sweeter!

Always be a bright flower

On a good life path

We are one big gift

The sound of the sun shine!!!

Lily's Angel Day

At the magic lily

Hunger and thirst quenched,

The meaning and characteristics of the name Lilia

In Latin, the name Lily means "white flower". There is a legend that a similar-sounding name - Lilith - was the name of Adam's first wife, whom he divorced because of the woman's excessive obstinacy.

As a child, Lilia is often spoiled beyond measure - her parents and other close relatives allow her too much extra. Because of this, the innate capricious nature of the girl becomes even more difficult.

In a society of unfamiliar people, Lily behaves calmly and obediently, but surrounded by loved ones, she becomes stubborn, uncontrollable and self-satisfied.

As she grows older, the owner of the name in question does not lose her characteristic qualities and habits, but she tries to control her behavior. She gladly makes new acquaintances, in any company she is reputed to be a cheerful and sociable girl.

Men like Lily due to her bright appearance and cheerfulness, flirtatiousness and the ability to communicate beautifully.

Often a girl herself falls in love - moreover, this can happen suddenly, after which it ends just as unexpectedly. But, having married, Lily will try to save her family and make her happy.

Congratulations for Lilia on the name day in verse

Dear Lily, happy holiday to you!
Blossom, beautiful, and always dream!
Let love be a snow-white lily,
With the purity and tenderness of holiday flowers!

Happy birthday, dear Lily, I wish you abundance!
So that life was like a vivid dream, the coins made a ringing sound!
Look ahead confidently, and do not be sad in vain!
And better - smile more, then you will live longer!

Congratulations, Lily, may everything be fine!
Let health not fail, and everything is easy!
Be beautiful and successful, be always young,
I wish you joy and happiness on your holiday!

SMS congratulations to Lilia on her name day

Beautiful Lily, like a fairy tale, I wish to always be like that!
So that life is bright as colors, and your mood is beautiful!

The whole world is one beautiful garden, miraculous idyll,
What is not a flower is a real treasure, but the most precious is Lily!

His, origin, as well as the role that it will play in the development of the character of the bearer. We will also give several options for how you can call a girl in childhood. In addition to diminutive forms, we will also list related names that have the same meaning. Plunging into the magical world of astrology, we will trace which planets will accompany Lily on her life path. We will advise which talisman she should wear. Let's answer the question of what zodiac sign Lily should be born in order for her to be happy, and what male names this name is combined with.

Name Lilia: origin and meaning

It would seem that there is no secret in the etymology of this word. In fact, this is not at all the case. Of course, it came from a delicate fragrant flower! But not everything is so simple. After all, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Orthodox call girls Lilies, and each time the name has a different meaning and origin.

Let's start with Christianity in ancient Rome. Everything is simple here: lilium translated from Latin means the well-known flower. Among the Jews, this is a diminutive form of the name of the first woman that God created before Eve. In Hebrew, Lilith means "silence of the night." And also - "spirit", "air". The same Jews have another meaning for the name Lilia. The same white flower, but the girls are named Shushanna. This form of the name was preserved among the Georgians, and in Orthodoxy and other areas of Christianity it is used in a Latinized form - like Suzanne. Finally, for Muslims, Lily is a diminutive of Leila, which means "dark as the southern night in the desert."

related names

Lily is a complete mess. Too many female names sound similar in their diminutive form. For example, Elizabeth, Delilah and Dolores are the same Lilies. There are also related names. Liliana also originates from the Latin designation for a white flower. Usually girls are called so in the northern countries of Western Europe. In French, this name sounds like Lily, with an emphasis on the last syllable. The British use several variants. It could be Lyle, Lillian, Leela. And the Bulgarians have their own name for a fragrant flower. It sounds very gentle: Lilik. In addition, diminutive forms eventually turned into independent names. This is Lyalya and Leah. You also need to remember Susanna. This name sounds different depending on the region. Susan in English-speaking countries, Shushanika among Georgians, Sosanna in Orthodoxy… But the meaning of the name Lilia in all these variants is the same: a white flower.

Name meaning

Parents, giving the girl the name Lilia, the origin and meaning of which we described above, can invest in him various hopes for the future of their daughter. For example, the fact that she will grow up as a black-haired beauty Leila. Or it will have magical power over men, like the biblical Lilith. Or maybe vice versa? Will it be impregnable, like Suzanne? Think of the Bible book of Daniel. In Catholicism, the Lily is often associated with the Virgin Mary. The Mother of God is often depicted with this flower - a symbol of purity, righteousness, chastity and sinlessness. And for the Jews, this name means "lily of the valleys" from the biblical Song of Songs (verse two, line one). Even those parents who just want to name their girl by the name of a flower and nothing more, without implying any connection with the sacred texts, are already "coding" her to be fragile, tender and desirable. Because the magic of the name is a great power.

Influence on the character of the child

Named for the beautiful white flower, the Lily indeed grows fragile and sweet. In early childhood, this is a calm child. But over the years, the meaning of the name Lily for a girl begins to manifest itself more and more. She is spoiled, capricious, stubborn, always gets her way. In adolescence, she is simply uncontrollable. Parents need to apply all their severity so that Lilya does not lag behind in the school curriculum. But then the girl settles down. Most of all, she loves herself - a kind of gentle princess - and her comfort. She has many girlfriends who envy her. Learning about the underside of the world, Lilia becomes sophisticated and inventive. Despite the fact that the flower is a symbol of purity and purity, the bearer of the name grows up temperamental and amorous. However, the same rational principle of her own well-being helps her to refrain from rash acts. She will not follow the sweetheart to live in a hut, oh no! Growing up, Lily will learn to be compassionate and sympathetic.

In family life

Usually such women marry well. She chooses the chosen one according to the principle "to feel like behind a stone wall." The meaning of the name Lily (fragile flower) also affects her husband. He spoils his wife, showering her with gifts. He tries not to notice her sloppiness and mismanagement, forgives whims and even flirting with other men. If Lily has a mother-in-law, scandals are coming from this side. But Lilia does not take her injections to heart. Sometimes she finds the mood, and she is taken to cleaning and raising children. If the husband is allowed funds, Lilia may develop shopaholism. Spending money on yourself, your beloved, is her main passion. Amorous from her youth, she can succumb to temptation in marriage, however, when she sees that she smells of fried, she immediately retreats and breaks the compromising connection. But all these character flaws are compensated by her gentleness and compassion. Lily is easy and fun. She seems to fill the house with joy, turns it into a cozy family nest.

At work

If this is not Leila, Suzanne or Delilah, but Lilia, the meaning of the name, character and spiritual qualities prevent a woman from reaching the highest heights in the career ladder. She is not a leader at all. With such a fragile name, Lily needs to feel a strong shoulder next to her that she could lean on. But she has an excellent memory, she grasps information on the fly, and therefore can be useful as a legal adviser, assistant secretary. If Lily pacifies her envy, then she will work well in a team, fit into any team. She has great taste, so she should try her hand at designer craft. Unbridled fantasy will help her win the laurels of a writer. If we take into account the meaning of the name Lilia as a Latinized form of the name Sosanna, then in this case, on the contrary, assertiveness and determination will serve the girl in good stead. She can achieve the highest awards in the field of sports and the exact sciences.

Compatibility with other names

The meaning of the name Lily for a girl will play a role in the future when choosing a life partner. If we name a child in honor of a delicate flower, then Vladimir, Yuri, Evgeny, Vadim, Viktor, Felix and Stanislav will be happy to groom and cherish him. It is unlikely that Lilia's whims will be tolerated by Cyril and Nikolai. Flirting with a beautiful flower will piss off a jealous Edward. And Pavel and Ignat will not endure a mess in the house and soup from semi-finished products for a minute. With Alexander, Alexei, Boris, Vladislav, Peter and Semyon, Lilia can have a strong friendship, and sometimes a love affair. But in everyday life they can not get along. When choosing a delicate flower as the meaning of the name Lily for a child, it should be taken into account that there is no such holy intercessor in the Orthodox calendar. But do not despair. If you want to name your daughter Lily at any cost, entrust her to Susanna's care. The days of veneration in Orthodoxy fall on April 18, June 2 and 19, August 24, September 10 and December 28. And in Catholicism, Lilian celebrates his name day on July 27th. So there are many dates.

The secret of the name Lily

The planet-patron of the girl will be Mercury. He will endow her with resourcefulness, a good memory and ingenuity. The colors of this name, of course, are white and pale green. The mascot is jasper. The secret of the name Lily prescribes to name girls born under the signs of Pisces, Cancer, Libra. Then they will be lucky. If the child was born under the signs of Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Taurus, Capricorn or Virgo, it is better not to call him Lily.

Before describing the life of Leah (Lily), I want to say that there are practically no sources, the name Leah (Lily) in the Orthodox calendar is not under the number in the month, that is, the day of celebration (name day) is not indicated, but is indicated in liturgical books.

But if you take a closer look, here's what you can learn:

Dear Leah (Lily)!

Your day of the Angel takes place on the Week of the Forefathers, i.e. 1 or 2 weeks before Christmas (January 7). The date varies. Every year you need to look at the church calendar. Your Saint is called Leah. Saint Leah was the first wife of the Old Testament Patriarch Jacob. It is told about in the Old Testament (Genesis, ch. 29).

I thank for the information the site "Orthodoxy in Tatarstan" and the site "Orthodox Art (St. John's Monastery, Kiev)"

May the Lord make the woman who enters your house like Rachel and like Leah, who both made the house of Israel. (Ruth 4:11)

Leah and Rachel are two sisters, daughters of Laban, who, by the will of heaven, turned out to be the wives of the patriarch Jacob. The main merit of Rachel and Leah is that they “both built the house of Israel,” as the Word of God says about them. What God promised to Abraham and Isaac, He confirmed to Jacob: “Your offspring will be like the sand of the earth, and you will spread to the sea, and to the east, and to the north, and by noon; and all the families of the earth will be blessed in you and in your seed” (Genesis 28:14). Rachel and Leah bore Jacob twelve sons, the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel.

The name Rachel means "mother sheep" in Hebrew. A sheep is a meek, meek animal, often sacrificed. The sheep, as it were, symbolically pointed to the character of Rachel and to her inner beauty. Holy Scripture notes: "Rachel was beautiful in shape and beautiful in face" (Genesis 29:17). Her attractiveness also consisted in the special charm and liveliness of her eyes - the main sign of a truly beautiful woman. It was this spirituality of her face that Rachel captivated at first sight. It is not surprising that Jacob fell in love with her from the first meeting and carried this love for her all his life, even on his deathbed, he remembers her (Gen. 48, 7). He also remembers Leah (Gen. 49:31), for both of them helped him realize what God promised him: “A people and multitudes of peoples will come from you, and kings will come from your loins” (Gen. 35:11).

The Jewish name Leah is translated into Russian as "wild cow", working, suffering. A cow, as a rule, is prolific, gives a lot of milk, gives everything to a person, does not require anything for herself except taking care of food. Leah was also beautiful, but her eyes were weak (Genesis 29:17). Jewish tradition attributes the weakness of her eyes to the fact that she wept a lot because, as the eldest daughter, they wanted to marry her to the wicked Esau.

It was the many children Leah who played the leading role in the building of the house of Israel, and therefore, by the grace of God, she entered the tomb of the forefathers and was buried next to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their wives (Gen. 49, 30-32). Rachel, on the other hand, passed away into eternity at a relatively young age during her second birth and was buried on the road to Bethlehem (Genesis 35:17-20).

Jacob first met and passionately fell in love with Rachel, the youngest daughter of Laban, she bore him one of the best sons - the beautiful Joseph. A young, attractive girl immediately captivated Jacob with her beauty and deeply moved him when he found out that this was his cousin. God directly brought Jacob to the house of his own uncle, and he could now fulfill his father's will - to take a wife from Laban's house (Genesis 28: 1-5).

Rachel and Leah, by the will of God, became the wives of Jacob and bore him (together with the servants, Bilha and Zilfa) twelve sons, the future ancestors of the tribes of Israel. Rachel was younger and more beautiful than Leah, and in this sense won over her older sister. The less beautiful Leah acquired inner beauty - the beauty of character, spirituality, and by the will of God, she was the first to become the wife of Jacob.

Laban deceived him and gave him Leah instead of Rachel (Gen. 29:21-25). The fact that Jacob did not find the substitution even on the wedding bed is explained by the custom of the East, which still exists today, to cover the face of the bride with a veil until the wedding night. It was the hand of God. Jacob could have completely passed by Leah, and God foresaw that it was she who would be the bearer of the seed of Christ.

Leah had other invaluable qualities: she had what a pious wife should have. She passionately cares about childbearing, as if in spirit anticipating that God needs this. To this end, she gives her servant Zelfa to him as a wife, so that she can have sons for Jacob from her (according to the law of the ancients, a wife could “give” her servant to her husband and consider children born from such a union as her own). Being less loved by Jacob, Leah gained glory and praise from God by serving the cause of procreation, through which the tribal tribe of the sons of Jacob became a nation.

What He decreed, first with respect to Jacob, and subsequently with regard to all Israel, came to pass.

Rachel died giving birth to her second son while Jacob was on his way from Bethel to Ephrath. At Bethel, the Lord appeared to him and again confirmed His promise (Genesis 35:9-12). The dying Rachel says that the son being born is the child of her mortal sorrow, therefore she gives him the name "Benoni" (Gen. 35, 16-19). But Jacob, not wanting the name of the last son to constantly irritate his heart wound and sorrow for the loss of Rachel, changed it to another - Benjamin, which means "son of the right hand, son of strength and happiness."

The prophet Jeremiah, depicting the disaster and captivity of the Jews, represents Rachel as their foremother, orphaned and inconsolably crying for her sons, taken away by enemies into captivity and long dispersion. The Lord comforted Rachel by giving her two glorious sons. The Lord will comfort all the wives of Israel, promising to return the captivity of the Israelites and fill the land with their sons (Jer. 31:15-17). When Herod killed the Bethlehem babies, and the mothers of Bethlehem wept for them, the Evangelist Matthew used the image of Rachel weeping for the children. After all, those children belonged to her offspring, and she, like their mother, mourns their loss (Matt. 1, 18). This is how the image of the crying Rachel was imprinted in the Israeli people.

Rachel and Leah, both wives of Patriarch Jacob, having gone through life, received a great part in the Lord, and their names are listed on the pages of Holy Scripture as the founders of the Old Testament Church.

Bible.Old Testament.(Genesis, ch.29)

1 And Jacob arose and went to the land of the sons of the east [to Laban, the son of Bethuel the Aramean, to the brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau].

2 And he saw, behold, there was a well in the field, and there were three herds of flocks lying beside it, for the flocks were drinking from that well. Above the mouth of the well was a large stone.

3 When all the flocks gathered there, they rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well and watered the sheep; then again they put the stone in its place, at the mouth of the well.

4 Jacob said to them [the shepherds], My brothers! where are you from? They said: We are from Haran.

5 He said to them, Do you know Laban the son of Nahor? They said we know.

6 He also said to them, Is he well? They said: hello; and behold, Rachel his daughter was walking with the sheep.

7 And [Jacob] said, Behold, the day is still long; no time to gather cattle; water the sheep and go pasture.

8 They said, We cannot, until all the flocks are gathered together and the stone is rolled away from the mouth of the well; then we will water the sheep.

9 While he was talking to them, Rachel [Laban's daughter] came with her father's flocks, because she was tending [her father's flocks].

10 When Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the sheep of Laban his mother's brother, Jacob came up, rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and watered the sheep of Laban his mother's brother.

12 And Jacob said to Rachel that he was a relative of her father, and that he was the son of Rebekah. And she ran and told her father [all this].

13 When Laban heard about Jacob his sister's son, he ran out to meet him, embraced him and kissed him, and brought him into his house; and he told Laban all these things.

14 But Laban said to him, Verily you are my bone and my flesh. And Jacob lived with him for a whole month.

15 And Laban said to Jacob, Will you serve me freely, because you are a relative? tell me what to pay you?

16 And Laban had two daughters; the name of the eldest: Leah; the name of the youngest: Rachel.

17 Leah was weak in eyes, but Rachel was beautiful in body and beautiful in face.

18 Jacob loved Rachel and said, I will serve you seven years for Rachel your youngest daughter.

19 Laban said to [him], It is better to give it to me for you than to give it to someone else; live with me.

20 And Jacob served for Rachel seven years; and they appeared to him in a few days, because he loved her.

21 And Jacob said to Laban, Give me my wife, for the time has come for me to go in to her.

22 Laban called all the people of the place together and made a feast.

23 In the evening [Laban] took his daughter Leah and brought her in to him; and [Jacob] went in to her.

24 And Laban gave his maidservant Zilpha to be the maidservant of his daughter Leah.

25 In the morning it turned out that it was Leah. And [Jacob] said to Laban, What have you done to me? did I not serve you for Rachel? why did you deceive me?

26 Laban said, This is not done in our place, to give the youngest before the oldest;

27 Finish this week, then we will give you that one for the service that you will serve me for another seven years.

28 Jacob did so, and ended this week. And [Laban] gave Rachel his daughter to him to wife.

29 And Laban gave his maidservant Bella to be the maidservant of his daughter Rachel.

30 [Jacob] went in also to Rachel, and loved Rachel more than Leah; and served him another seven years of others.

31 The Lord [God] saw that Leah was unloved, and opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.

32 Leah conceived and bore [Jacob] a son, and called his name Reuben, because she said, The Lord has seen my distress [and has given me a son], for now my husband will love me.

33 And [Leah] conceived again, and bore [Jacob the second] son, and said, The Lord heard that I was unloved, and gave me this also. And she called his name: Simeon.

34 And she conceived again and bore a son, and said, Now my husband will cleave to me, for I have bore him three sons. Hence his name was called: Levi.

35 And she conceived again, and bore a son, and said, Now I will praise the Lord. Therefore, she named him Judas. And she stopped giving birth.

There is a little continuation here. Bible.Old Testament (Genesis, ch.30)

1 And Rachel saw that she did not bear children to Jacob, and Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob: Give me children, and if not, I die.

2 Jacob was angry with Rachel and said to [her], Am I God, who did not give you the fruit of the womb?

3 She said, Here is my maid Valla; come to her; let her give birth on my knees, that I may have children by her.

4 And she gave Bilha her maidservant to his wife; and Jacob went in to her.

5 Bilah [Rachelin's maid] conceived and bore Jacob a son.

6 And Rachel said, God judged me, and he heard my voice, and gave me a son. Therefore she called his name: Dan.

7 And she conceived again, and gave birth to Blah the maid of Rachelin, another son to Jacob.

8 And Rachel said, I wrestled with my sister with a mighty wrestling, and I prevailed. And she called his name: Naphtali.

9 Leah saw that she had ceased to bear, and took her maid Zelpa, and gave her to Jacob to wife, [and he went in to her].

10 And Zilpha, the maid of Leah, [conceived and] bore Jacob a son.

11 And Leah said, There is more. And she called his name: Gad.

12 And [still conceived] Zilpha the maid of Leah, [and] bore another son to Jacob.

13 And Leah said, For my good, for women will call me blessed. And she called his name Asher.

14 Reuben went at the time of the wheat harvest, and found mandrake apples in the field, and brought them to Leah his mother. And Rachel said to Leah [her sister], Give me the mandrakes of your son.

15 But [Leah] said to her: Is it not enough for you to take possession of my husband, that you covet even the mandrakes of my son? Rachel said: so let him lie with you this night, for the mandrakes of your son.

16 Jacob came from the field in the evening, and Leah went out to meet him and said, Come in to me [today], for I bought you with the mandrakes of my son. And he lay down with her that night.

17 And God heard Leah, and she conceived and bore Jacob the fifth son.

18 And Leah said, God gave me recompense because I gave my maidservant to my husband. And she called his name: Issachar [which means retribution].

19 And Leah conceived again, and bore Jacob a sixth son.

20 And Leah said, God has given me a wonderful gift; now my husband will live with me, for I bore him six sons. And she called his name: Zebulun.

21 Then she gave birth to a daughter and named her Dinah.

22 And God remembered Rachel, and God heard her, and opened her womb.

23 She conceived and bore [Jacob] a son, and [Rachel] said, God has taken away my shame.

24 And she called his name Joseph, saying, The Lord will give me another son also.

25 After Rachel had given birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, Let me go, and I will go to my own place and to my own land;

26 Give [me] my wives and my children, for whom I served you, and I will go, for you know my service, which I served you.

27 And Laban said to him, Oh, that I might find favor in your sight! I notice that the Lord has blessed me for you.

28 And he said, Set yourself a reward from me, and I will give it to you.

29 And [Jacob] said to him, You know how I have served you, and what your livestock has become with me;

30 For you had little before me, but became much; The Lord blessed you with my coming; when will I work for my house?

31 And Laban said [to him], What shall I give you? Jacob said to [him], don't give me anything. If you only do to me what I say, then I will again feed and guard your sheep.

32 Today I will go through all your flock of sheep; Separate from it all cattle with specks and spots, all black cattle from sheep, also from goats with spots and specks. Such cattle will be my reward [and will be mine].

33 And my justice will speak for me before you in the next time, when you come to see my reward. Each of the goats is not speckled or spotted, and of the sheep is not black, it is stolen from me.

34 Laban said to [him], well, let it be according to your word.

35 And he separated that day the spotted and spotted goats, and all the spotted and spotted goats, all that had some white on them, and all the black sheep, and gave them into the hands of his sons;

36 And he set a distance between himself and between Jacob for three days' journey. Jacob was tending the rest of Laban's flocks.

37 And Jacob took fresh twigs of poplar, almond, and sycamore, and [Jacob] carved white stripes on them, removing the bark until white, which is on the twigs,

38 And he laid the threaded rods before the cattle in the drinking troughs, where the cattle came to drink, and where, when they came to drink, they conceived before the rods.

39 And the cattle conceived before the bars, and the cattle was born motley, and with specks, and with spots.

40 And Jacob separated the lambs, and set the cattle facing the variegated and all the black cattle of Laban; and he kept his flocks apart and did not put them together with Laban's cattle.

41 Every time that strong cattle conceived, Jacob laid twigs in troughs before the eyes of the cattle, so that they would conceive before the twigs.

42 And when he conceived weak cattle, then he did not lay. And the weak cattle went to Laban, and the strong ones to Jacob.

43 And the man became very, very rich, and he had a multitude of flocks [and cattle], and female slaves, and slaves, and camels, and donkeys.

I would like to add:

Forefather(Greek προπάτωρ) - a group of Old Testament saints revered by the Orthodox Church as executors of the will of God in sacred history before the New Testament era.

In a broader sense, all the Old Testament saints are generally called forefathers (in this case, the holy forefathers and holy fathers proper, that is, the saints who were the direct ancestors of Christ, are distinguished).

The forefathers are the ancestors of Jesus Christ in terms of humanity, and thus they participate figuratively in the history of salvation, in the movement of mankind towards the Kingdom of Heaven. The forefathers are primarily the Old Testament patriarchs (Greek πατριάρχης, ancestor, forefather). The Church venerates ten antediluvian patriarchs, who, according to the Bible, were examples of piety and keepers of the promise even before the Law was given to Israel and were distinguished by exceptional longevity (Gen.5:1-32).

In addition to St. Anna, Old Testament wives are revered in the host of forefathers, one of them Righteous Leah, Jacob's first wife.

Before Christmas, special celebrations were established for the Old Testament saints - the week of the forefathers and fathers (initially, according to some testimonies, only Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were celebrated on this day).

Old Testament saints are commemorated in the liturgy in an intercessory prayer before communion: “May we find mercy and grace with all the saints, forefathers, fathers, patriarchs, prophets who have pleased you from time immemorial…” (Liturgy of Basil the Great). Such a commemoration is already witnessed in the sacramental words of St. Cyril of Jerusalem (who died in 386), who wrote: “Then we commemorate the departed Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, so that the Lord accepts this sacrifice through their prayers and their intercession.”