Air conditioning in a private house. Country house air conditioning systems

The fashion for equipping cottages with air conditioning came to us quite recently. Previously, it was believed that climate control technology was intended mainly for industrial facilities, shopping, cultural and exhibition centers, as well as for hotels receiving foreign tourists. Even at the state dachas of the leaders of the USSR, climate systems were used only in exceptional cases.

Meanwhile, in America, and then in the industrialized countries of Europe and Asia, air conditioning of cottages became quite commonplace already in the seventies of the last century. In the mansions of the New World, window air conditioners were installed, as well as central air conditioning systems of the “chiller-fan coil” type and installations with variable volume and temperature of air supplied to the premises. In Japan and Korea, and then in other countries, split and multi-split systems became widespread. Well, since the early eighties, powerful energy-saving central comfortable air conditioning units of the VRV type began to arrive on the world market from the land of the rising sun.

Today, the comfort requirements set by the owners of country cottages meet Western standards. However, most Russians do not have a holistic understanding of modern systems air conditioning.

Selection Rule

To maintain ideal comfortable conditions in residential premises, air purified from mineral and organic dust, as well as deodorized, should contain about 21% oxygen and no more than 0.3% carbon dioxide. Its temperature should be 20-24°C, relative humidity- 50-60%, and the mobility of the air mass is 0.1-0.15 m/s.

However, full climate control of a cottage is a very expensive pleasure, and the purchase of precision equipment necessary to “idealize” the microclimate is not justified in all cases. When air-conditioning your home, you should achieve the desired comfort with minimal costs. The level of comfort depends on the quality of air preparation and distribution, the level of automation of the air conditioning system, the quiet operation of the system and some other characteristics.

Now let's describe design features equipment for air conditioning systems of cottages.

Window air conditioners

In the recent past, the most common and affordable air conditioning device was the window air conditioner. With its help it was possible to cool and sometimes heat, clear dust and create weak supply and/or exhaust ventilation in small and medium-sized rooms. Structurally, the window air conditioner was a metal or plastic box in which all the equipment and automation system were installed.
The control knobs for the window air conditioner were placed on the front panel of the device.
The most advanced models had a remote control.

Install a window air conditioner in a window opening or in thin wall if desired, it was possible on our own. Like a refrigerator, it was ready to use immediately after connecting to the network. It was only necessary to calculate correctly required power cooling.

Such air conditioners presented one big drawback. So, if the room was large or complex in configuration, then the window air conditioner was not able to effectively distribute the prepared air throughout the entire volume of the room. Because of high level noise, it was not possible to install window air conditioners in the bedroom, office or nursery.

Nowadays window air conditioners are a rarity. They can occasionally be seen in windows administrative buildings somewhere on the outskirts of Moscow. For example, the very common BK-2000 model (Baku air conditioner with a capacity of 2 kW) still noisily cools the premises of some accounting departments in factories and factories of our vast Motherland.

Split systems

A low noise level and better quality of air distribution in the room than with window air conditioners will be provided by a split system, which consists of two blocks connected to each other by thermally insulated copper tubes, control and power lines. Installations of this type effectively cool, heat, dehumidify and clean the air from dust in rooms of any size and purpose.

The most noisy and bulky components of the system, including the compressor, are enclosed in a resistant environment external unit, which is installed outside the premises. It is important to choose the right place to install the outdoor unit, otherwise it can grossly disrupt the architectural appearance of the cottage. The room contains a virtually noise-free indoor unit with a remote control.

The indoor unit of the split system must have sufficient power and match the interior of the room. If the rooms of the cottage do not have suspended ceilings, then use internal blocks of wall, floor, ceiling and column types. Wall-mounted indoor units go well with classic and modern interiors. They are compact, easy to use and suitable for small and medium-sized rooms. However, in larger rooms it is necessary to install more powerful equipment, such as floor or ceiling indoor units, mounted either on the ceiling or at the bottom of the wall, near the floor. The blocks evenly distribute the air flow, so there are no overcooling or overheating zones in the rooms. When air conditioning the building's lobby and other large rooms, column-type indoor units can also be used.

Indoor units of cassette and duct types are installed in the space above suspended ceiling. Modern cassette indoor units have a low height and evenly distribute conditioned air by distributing the prepared flow in two or four directions and using swing louvers. Even more uniform air distribution is ensured by duct-type indoor units, which are installed in the space above the suspended ceiling or in the utility room. Unlike other types of indoor units of split systems, a duct-type indoor unit can not only process the air that has been in the premises, but also “bring to mind” a small amount of fresh, pre-prepared air from the street. Conditioned air is supplied through a system of ventilation ducts located above the suspended ceiling through anemostats built into the ceiling into a room of any shape and size.

Not so long ago, split systems with inverter compressor control appeared on the market, heating or cooling air faster than usual, very accurately maintaining the set temperature, providing significant energy savings, very durable and operating stably at low outside temperatures. Some models are able to work effectively in air heating mode even at 20 degrees below zero.

For selection and installation specific model Split systems need to use the services of professionals. Installation of split systems with wall-mounted indoor units usually amounts to 15-25% of the cost of the equipment. Installation of cassette and duct air conditioners costs a little more. If the installation kit includes brackets, drainage pipes, tubes, etc. - is not included in the cost of the system; you will have to pay another 10-15% of the total cost of the equipment for it.

Multi-split systems

Multi-split systems are used for air conditioning in two to five rooms. Depending on the selected operating mode, they effectively cool, heat, or simultaneously cool and heat the air in different rooms, dehumidify and clean it from dust.

By functionality, controllability, level of comfort in the premises served and in terms of the relative cost of equipment, reduced to one square meter of air-conditioned area, multi-split systems are on a par with split systems. Professional installation of a multi-split system can cost the customer 20-30% of base cost equipment, depending on the total length and complexity of laying copper pipelines and patch cables.

Such systems typically use wall-mounted indoor units. Devices with other blocks are quite rare. A multi-split system has only one outdoor unit, so installing it on the wall of a cottage usually does not disturb the architectural appearance of the building. The compressor(s) of the outdoor unit are often inverter controlled, providing increased comfort and energy savings.

VRV type systems

The VRV type central comfort air conditioning system is capable of simultaneously conditioning air in 32 rooms. In fact, equipment of this type opens a new stage in the development of multi-split systems. A reliable design, a multifunctional automation system and the ability to supply fresh air to rooms put VRV systems on par with traditional central air conditioning systems.

In addition to cooling and heating, the indoor units of VRV systems purify and distribute the air they prepare throughout the premises. Control of indoor units with power from 2 to 18 kW - from the remote control. The most powerful models are used for rooms with an area of ​​150-200 square meters. m, for example, private gyms and swimming pools. The design and structural elements of these devices are almost no different from similar elements of split systems, however, they can maintain the set temperature with high accuracy. Cassette blocks of some models even take into account the influence of thermal radiation from heated elements building structures and air conditioning systems.

More than twenty indoor units are connected to a complex consisting of at least two outdoor units with a single automation system. There is usually only one worker in the complex outdoor unit with inverter control, the rest have constant performance. Such a system, according to manufacturers, has increased reliability, since it remains operational even if one of the outdoor units fails.

Unlike split and multi-split systems, the outdoor unit of a VRV type system can easily be placed in the attic, next to the house or in an outbuilding, since the length of the pipes connecting it with the indoor units reaches 100 m. (For comparison, household split and multi-split -systems cannot be separated from each other by more than 15 m.) The communication system between the outdoor and indoor units can be two- or three-pipe. Three- and two-pipe systems equipped with a special controller are capable of simultaneously cooling and heating the air in various rooms. In this case, the heat removed from the cooled air is also used for heating. Installation of a VRV system costs approximately 25% of the cost of the equipment.

Such a system ensures the supply of fresh air to the premises due to a special ventilation unit, which also performs the functions exhaust ventilation. Inside the ventilation unit there is a heat recuperator, which allows cooling the air supplied to the room. outside air in the summer and warm it up in the cold season using the air leaving the air-conditioned rooms. This further saves energy. If it is very cold outside, the air entering the premises is preheated using electric heating elements. In addition to basic modifications, there are VRV-type systems on the market that can operate in cooling or heating mode in almost any conditions. negative temperatures outside air. Some models have an ice cold accumulator; it allows the system to operate with less load in the summer. The only drawback of modified VRV systems is the high price.

Central air conditioning system type "chiller - fan coils - individual heating point"

Central air conditioning systems are used to heat a cottage at any outside temperature, as well as for cooling, heating and purifying the air from dust. In principle, it is possible to combine such systems with installations supply ventilation, however, in practice, it is customary to organize the air exchange of cottage premises using supply and exhaust systems independent of the air conditioning system.

The fan coil system has a number of advantages of VRV systems, as well as very low inertia and configuration flexibility. With its help, you can condition the air in a building with any number of rooms. In air-conditioned rooms install special devices- fan coils, similar to the internal units of split systems. For cottages, floor-mounted fan coils are most suitable, as they can be easily placed in window sill niches. There are also open-frame models mounted behind decorative wall panels or false ceiling.

Fan coils with one heat exchanger are seasonal units: in the summer they are used to cool the air, and in the winter as heating devices. Fan coils with two heat exchangers are used in universal systems that can simultaneously cool, heat or simply ventilate different parts of the house. This regime is necessary primarily in spring and autumn. For ease of use, fan coils are equipped with special remote controls and an automation system that allows group control and individual control of each fan coil in automatic or manual mode.

Fan coil units are connected to sources of cold and hot water or appropriately prepared antifreeze glycol. For domestic purposes, water or a glycol mixture is cooled by an air-cooled condenser unit chiller with a capacity of 2 to 50 kW. The most modern chillers are equipped with scroll and screw compressors and have low starting currents (which is important if the wiring of the cottage is weak), as well as high efficiency. Like the outdoor unit of VRV systems, the chiller is installed on the roof, on the wall, in the garden or in a utility room located at any distance from the house. In regions where the outside air temperature never drops below -15°C, a chiller with heat pump mode can perform the functions of an individual heating point. This will significantly simplify the design of the fan coil system.

In the Moscow region and in other areas of active cottage construction, where the thermometer often drops below 30°C in winter, it is best to use a gas boiler as a source of hot water or a glycol mixture, which is several times more economical than an electric chiller with a heat pump. Another source of heat is hot water systems central heating. True, due to poor quality and high temperature, it is only suitable for indirect heating of the coolant supplied to the fan coil system.

Installation and commissioning of the “chiller - fan coil - individual heating point” system will cost the customer approximately 25-30% of the cost of the equipment, and a simplified version - 20-25%.

Systems with variable volume and temperature of air supplied to rooms

This system is capable of maintaining all the main parameters of the indoor microclimate - temperature, humidity, cleanliness and air mobility - within optimal values. This becomes possible by supplying air at a certain temperature in measured quantities to the conditioned areas. The equipment largely replicates the equipment of traditional air systems central air conditioning. All air treatment, including heating, cooling, as well as centralized cleaning, humidification and ionization, is carried out by a roof-top air conditioner or a modular central air conditioner. Roof-top with indirect gas heating air flow installed on the roof of the cottage or on the ground, next to the house, and using special equipment connects to the gas mains and the electrical network. A modular type central air conditioner, which is a set of various air handling devices, is located in a special technical room. The sources of heat and cold supply for it are usually an individual heating point (boiler) and a water-cooling machine - a chiller.

The prepared air is supplied to the rooms through a network of air ducts that are mounted above the suspended ceiling. The mouths of the air ducts are closed by ceiling linear diffusers or specially designed grilles that distribute air extremely evenly throughout the room.

In order to ensure that air at a strictly defined temperature enters each room, a thermostat is installed in all air-conditioned areas. In this case, several air-conditioned zones can be allocated in one large room, or a number of small rooms can be considered as one zone.

The microprocessor unit controls the operation air conditioner(in cooling, heating or ventilation mode) and the order of supply of conditioned air to the premises according to the total data of all thermostats. As a result, zone control valves installed in ventilation ducts directly in front of the diffusers, the required volumes of prepared air pass through. The system includes gas analyzers, humidity sensors and other control equipment.

Installation and adjustment of a system with variable volume and temperature of air supplied to the premises at the proper level can only be performed by highly qualified specialists. The cost of these works can be up to 35% of the cost of the equipment set.

The air conditioner should be selected and installed in advance, without waiting for the summer heat. This way you can save a significant amount, especially if you do. In order for the equipment to work without failures, installing the air conditioner yourself must be done strictly according to the instructions, in a suitable place. Inconsistency technical specifications or wrong selection parts will lead to rapid breakdown of the split system.

To install everything correctly, you should have an understanding of the structure and operating principle of the air conditioner. It consists of a compressor and an evaporation unit connected to each other by tubes. The compressor is mounted on the outside of the wall, and the evaporator is installed indoors. Dear models have not one indoor unit, but several that are connected to one compressor.

Refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator unit through a nozzle under high pressure. It enters the evaporator chamber, where it expands, boils, and its vapor begins to intensively absorb heat. During this process, water condensate is released and settles on the radiator of the evaporation unit. From there, the moisture is directed into a reservoir and transported outside the building through a tube.

All this time, the compressor pumps out refrigerant evaporation from the chamber, increasing the pressure behind the pump. As a result, the refrigerant heats up and turns from a liquid into a mist. high density. In this state, the refrigerant enters the condensate chamber equipped with a radiator, is cooled by a fan and turns back into liquid. In this form, it is again supplied under pressure to the evaporator nozzle and the working process is repeated.

The efficiency of equipment operation and energy consumption directly depend on operating conditions. If any heating device is located near the air conditioner, the compressor is consumed and more likely to fail. Ordinary dust that gets inside the system can also cause a breakdown, and therefore carry out wet cleaning should be done regularly and very carefully. You cannot place various objects on the surface of the block, or cover it with anything.

To prevent refrigerant evaporation, all joints and connections should be carefully sealed during installation. The outdoor unit should be located lower than the indoor unit and, if possible, in the coolest place. It is good if the block is constantly in the shade from the overhang of the roof or walls. Compliance with these conditions will ensure uninterrupted operation of the air conditioner and a comfortable indoor climate.

Air conditioner partDescription
1. Fancreates a flow of air blowing over the condenser
2. Capacitorradiator in which cooling and condensation of freon occurs. The air blown through the condenser is heated accordingly
3. Compressorcompresses freon and maintains its movement along refrigeration circuit. The compressor is of piston or scroll type. Reciprocating compressors are cheaper but less reliable than scroll compressors, especially at low outside temperatures
4. Control boardInstalled only on inverter air conditioners. In non-inverter models, they try to place all electronics in the indoor unit, since
large changes in temperature and humidity reduce the reliability of electronic components
5. Four way valveinstalled in reversible (heat - cold) air conditioners. In heating mode, this valve changes the direction of movement of freon. In this case, the indoor and outdoor units seem to change places: the indoor unit works for heating, and the outdoor unit for cooling
6. Union connectionsconnect to them copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units
7. Freon system filteris installed in front of the compressor inlet and protects it from copper chips and other small particles that may enter the system during installation of the air conditioner. Of course, if the installation was carried out in violation of the technology and a large amount of debris got into the system, then the filter will not help
8. Protective quick-release covercovers the fitting connections and terminal block used for connection electrical cables. In some models, the protective cover covers only the terminal block, and the fitting connections remain outside

1. Front panelrepresents plastic grill, through which air enters the unit. The panel can be easily removed for servicing the air conditioner (cleaning filters, etc.)
2. Coarse filteris a plastic mesh and is designed to retain coarse dust, animal hair, etc. For normal operation of the air conditioner, the filter must be cleaned at least twice a month
3. Fine filterThere are different types: carbon (removes unpleasant
odors), electrostatic (retains fine dust), etc. The presence or absence of fine filters does not have any effect on the operation of the air conditioner
4. Fanhas 3 - 4 rotation speeds
5. Evaporatora radiator in which cold freon is heated and evaporated. The air blown through the radiator is cooled accordingly
6. Horizontal blindsadjust the direction of the air flow vertically. These blinds are electrically driven and their position can be adjusted using a remote control. In addition, the blinds can automatically perform oscillatory movements to evenly distribute air flow throughout the room
7. Display panelOn the front panel of the air conditioner there are indicators (LEDs) showing the operating mode of the air conditioner and signaling possible malfunctions
8. Vertical blindsserve to adjust the direction of the air flow horizontally. IN household air conditioners The position of these blinds can only be adjusted manually. The ability to adjust from the remote control is only available in some premium air conditioner models
Condensate traylocated under the evaporator and serves to collect condensate (water formed on the surface of the cold evaporator). Water is discharged from the sump to the outside through a drainage hose.
Control boardusually located on the right side of the indoor unit. This board contains an electronics unit with a central microprocessor
Union connectionslocated at the lower rear of the indoor unit. Copper pipes connecting the outdoor and indoor units are connected to them.

Air conditioner installation tools

If you are planning to install the air conditioner yourself, you need to prepare in advance all the tools that you may need:

In addition, you will need a whole bay copper tube with factory-rolled ends. Scratches, dents and similar defects are not allowed.

It is best to install an air conditioner during a major renovation, since you will have to break through the wall and damage the finish.

Video - How the air conditioner works

Prices for components for air conditioners

Air conditioner components

Air conditioner installation instructions

If the tools have been purchased, the air conditioner has been delivered and unpacked, you can get to work. The outdoor unit is installed first, and then the system is installed indoors. During the installation process, we must not forget about safety precautions, especially if the work is carried out at the level of the second floor and above.

Mounting the outdoor unit

When installing an air conditioner in a private house, there are no particular difficulties in placing the outdoor unit, but the location must be chosen very carefully. The unit body should not block the view of neighbors, and condensation should not flow down the wall of the house. In this case, the air conditioner should be mounted within reach from the balcony, since such equipment requires periodic maintenance.

It is best if the block is fixed on the east or north side of the window or balcony, and preferably in its lower part. This way it won’t disturb anyone, and you can easily reach it through open window. Using a level, mark the mounting locations for the brackets and drill holes in the wall under anchor bolts. To lay interconnect communications, a through hole with a diameter of 80 mm is drilled. In a brick wall, it is recommended to drill along the seam between the bricks - this will take less time and the hole will be more accurate.

The brackets are installed according to the markings, aligned and the bolts are securely tightened. The outdoor unit itself is fixed so that at least 10 cm remains between the radiator and the wall surface. The connection is made a little later, and then the resulting gaps are sealed. If the block is securely attached to a vertical surface, you can proceed to the next step.

The indoor unit must not be mounted behind curtains, above a battery, or in rooms with sources of electrical interference that could cause damage to the block processor. After choosing a location, be sure to check the wall for the absence of already laid communications - electrical wiring, water or heating pipes.

If the area is free, fix mounting plate: retreat 10 cm from the ceiling, 5 cm from the corner of the wall and mark a horizontal line with a pencil. Drill holes for fasteners and securely screw the plate. The internal unit of the air conditioner is mounted on the plate, after which a hole is drilled in the side wall for communication connections - electrical wiring, pipes, hoses for condensate drainage.

Connecting electrical wiring

For the block, they lay their own indoors, the minimum cross-section of which is 1.5 square meters. mm. Be sure to install an automatic shutdown. When the wiring is laid, it is connected to the panel at the input: wire yellow with a green stripe is connected to the neutral wire. To determine zero and phase, you should use an indicator.

After this, insulated stranded wires connect the terminals of both blocks, passing them through a hole in the wall. The names of the terminals must match the wires; everything is clearly described in the instructions supplied with the air conditioner.

Copper tubes must be cut, leaving a margin of about a meter for bends. When bending tubes, special tools are used to avoid wrinkles, dents and cracking of the metal. The prepared tubes are covered with thermal insulation - polyurethane foam hoses. Foam rubber is not suitable as a sealant, as it has short term operation.

Threaded flanges are placed on insulated pipes, and the thread should be located at the end of the tube. The next stage is tube flaring. Flaring must be carried out very carefully so that cracks and grooves do not form on the tubes. The nut should fit easily onto the flared joint, and it is better to tighten it with a torque wrench - this will prevent the flared joints from being squeezed out of the nut.

The pipelines are alternately attached to the corresponding fittings, which are difficult to confuse due to different diameters. The flanges are screwed onto the fittings so that the connection is tight, but not pinched, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the tube. Finally, a piece of plastic tube with a reinforced body is connected to the drain pipe. Fastening is carried out with a piece of heat-shrinkable tubing or a threaded flange, if included in the kit. The drainage tube should be taken away from load-bearing wall as far as possible.

Now the pipes are inserted into the hole, aligned, and secured from the outside tightly to the wall with clamps. The wiring cable is fixed nearby and the pipeline is connected to the external unit. The hole is blown out polyurethane foam or filled with silicone. All external connections are checked for leaks using a bicycle pump and soap solution. If air is leaking somewhere, tighten the thread more tightly. After checking soap scum Wipe off the thread with a clean cloth.

Evacuating the system

Evacuating the system makes it possible to remove the smallest particles of dust and moisture. This process is carried out after sealing the threaded connections, otherwise it will not be possible to completely pump out the air. To do this, connect to the system vacuum pump and pump out the air for an hour.

Filling and testing the air conditioner

The refrigerant from the cylinder must be pumped into the system. An adapter and a pressure gauge are connected to the cylinder, and then, strictly monitoring the pressure, the tank is filled. When the process is completed, the circuit breaker on the air conditioner is turned on, after which the system independently enters test mode. If everything works smoothly and the circulation of cold air becomes uniform, you can close the hole in the wall, remove the consequences of installation and enjoy the coolness.

Find out how it is carried out, and also familiarize yourself with step by step guide, from our new article.

Prices for the range of air conditioners

Air conditioners

Video - Installing an air conditioner yourself

It is better to trust the selection and installation of air conditioners to professionals, preferably at the stage of developing a house project or at an early stage of its construction. Thus, when choosing an air conditioner for a cottage, you can timely take into account such important factors as the architecture of the house and the design of the interior, the maximum load on the electrical network, the design of the drainage system and the location of the air conditioners.

Which air conditioner to choose for your home is not an easy question. Do it yourself right choice Finding an air conditioner for a cottage among a wide range of different offers of modern climate control equipment is not easy. By contacting the Airvek Group of Companies, you will receive prompt and competent advice on the optimal choice of equipment for your country house– with our help, air conditioning a cottage becomes an easily solved problem - with us you will select the ideal air conditioner for the cottage. Conditioning country houses- one of the main activities of the Airvek Group of Companies, which carries out design, comprehensive equipment, installation and warranty service of modern climate control equipment. We will help you decide how to choose an air conditioner for a cottage or home, and provide all the necessary advice on air conditioning in a country house.

Design of air conditioning systems for a cottage

Air conditioning of a cottage is an important part of the technical preparation of the facility to provide internal space comfortable microclimate to ensure comfort and a healthy atmosphere. Modern country houses are beautiful, usually complex architectural structures with a unique design and equipment of living quarters. Therefore, for competent and high-quality air conditioning of any private building - cottage, mansion or dacha, an engineering project is initially developed, in which the slightest nuances of the building’s features are worked out in detail and all the wishes of the owners are taken into account. When developing design and technical documentation for air conditioning a country house, many different factors must be taken into account, ranging from the area of ​​the premises, architectural features structure and number of residents, before taking into account the technical parameters and engineering equipment of the facility. It should also be noted that the selection proper ventilation and the design of the cottage air conditioning system should be carried out in a general concept.

To draw up an air conditioning project you need:

  1. Detailed design of the house with a planning solution for the placement of premises, floor sections and facade plans
  2. Information about house construction technology (brick, frame-panel, monolithic, wooden, etc. structures). The thermal efficiency standards of the building and the nuances of equipment installation depend on this indicator.
  3. Plan of window glazing indicating the systems used.
  4. Design project with furniture arrangement and electrical wiring diagram.
  5. Explanatory note from the customer indicating individual preferences.

The choice of air conditioning system for a cottage and its power depends on the area and purpose of the premises, the volume of glazing of the building and its placement relative to all cardinal directions, placement of furniture, ceiling height and many other factors. Effective air conditioning and ventilation of the house is the work of our specialists. To air condition several rooms of a country house, our company’s specialists will offer the most convenient and comfortable version of the system, taking into account the actual conditions of your facility (layout and design of the premises, required climate conditions in different rooms, possibilities for placing outdoor and indoor units, etc.).

An important point of the cottage air conditioning system when designing and equipping private houses with air conditioners is the location of the external elements of the system on the facade of the house, since proper placement of external units should not spoil the exterior of the building.

Only experienced and qualified specialists can competently and professionally carry out the development of the project and offer the most suitable climate control system. Engineers and designers of the Airvek Group of Companies will offer you a carefully designed air conditioning project for your home and the most effective solutions equipping the facility with reliable and durable equipment. For beautiful, elegant mansions with a large area, the use of complex systems conditioning. The traditional split split system as a solution for air conditioning a cottage is not the best suitable option to equip an elegant building, since a “garland” of external blocks can spoil the architectural appearance of any home. In addition, modern integrated climate control technology has convenient and comfortable additional functions(with the possibility of supplying fresh air, heating, optimal choice temperature conditions and their settings, etc.).

January 2020

Do you need air conditioning for your country house?

You are at the right place! Engineering company, in-house designers and teams of air conditioning and ventilation systems. Own service center!

We have 14 years of experience, narrow specialization in the design and installation of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems.

Choosing an air conditioner for a country house, cottage

It all depends on the budget. We will create whatever you want with prices below the market average, there is no shame in that.

As a rule, in 80% of air conditioner installations in country houses and cottages, the following scheme is chosen: one powerful split system in the living room and one split system in two or three bedrooms. In this case, the air conditioner, which is located in the living room, is selected with a power reserve, because Often it is open-space and the living room itself smoothly flows into the kitchen and we have several exits to the corridor and stairs to the second floor. The air conditioning systems themselves are installed in country houses, as a rule, at the renovation stage, when there is a real opportunity to hide communications under the finishing touches.

The most common question: how much does an air conditioner cost for a cottage?

From wall split system at 20,000 rubles. to engineering systems ducted air conditioning with fresh air supply, cleaning and humidification costing 200,000 and 700,000 rubles. It all depends on your technical specifications, needs and capabilities, and budget. And we will help! This is our job.

Also, in the vast majority of cases, a multi-split system, a VRF/VRV system or a ducted air conditioner is chosen as the air conditioning system for a cottage. The main advantage of this step is that there is only one outdoor unit: there is no need to clutter the front of the building or the backyard with several outdoor air conditioning units.

Multisplit system characterized by the fact that routes from all internal ones located in different rooms are connected to one external unit. At the same time, indoor units can be not only of different cooling capacities, but also of different types (wall-mounted, floor-mounted, ducted, cassette). Installing a multi-split system is slightly more expensive than several independent split systems, even though the cottage is air-conditioned using one outdoor unit. But there are no heaps of “birdhouses” on the facade of the house.

Duct air conditioners - this is also one external unit and one internal one, but already cooled air is distributed from the internal unit through heat-insulated air ducts throughout the rooms.

Multizone VRF/VRV system- this is the same multisplit system, capable of changing the volume of refrigerant supplied to the route. As a rule, this is a fairly powerful external unit capable of cooling country house in hundreds and even thousands square meters. Indoor units are also selected separately, based on the building layout and technical specifications. However, there are also small, multi-zone air conditioners, specially designed for conditioning relatively small (from 150 to 600 m2) areas.

Installation of multi-split in a cottage under renovation

Installation of ventilation and duct air conditioning

It is advisable to tackle the installation of air conditioners at the stage of general construction and repair work in the cottage. At this stage, it is still possible to lay all communications hidden (in a groove made along the wall or under the ceiling), to divert the drainage into the sewer system, and not into the street. The installation of a duct air conditioner clearly implies the installation of air ducts, heaters, grilles with valves and electric drives for them at the repair stage: it is in principle impossible to install all shaped products for a finished repair.

HVAC project

When approaching large, complex objects, a simple drawing or diagram is not enough. A full-fledged project (if it is not a simple multi-split, divided into two stages) is needed by both the customer and the contractor:
  • Firstly, the process of calculating the required amount of air intake and heat removal can only be carried out by highly qualified design engineers; the results of this calculation directly affect the technical and economic indicators of the project included in the specification when selecting equipment
  • Secondly, at the base it is possible to prepare a work schedule, ensure coordination of existing and future engineering communications private house
  • Thirdly, having a project will allow you to avoid “unforeseen” amounts of work that arise as the project is being implemented

"Project Climate" is an engineering company that has the status official dealer most brands of air conditioning and ventilation systems. Full-time designers and installers, including instrumentation and automation engineers. Own service center!

Cooperate with professionals: it’s reliable, it’s fast, and in the end it’s profitable!

Recently they have become increasingly popular heat pumps, i.e. systems that can provide not only cooling, but also heating of the house with air conditioning in winter, down to outside temperatures of -25 and -30! And they do it effectively!

A heat pump is 3-4 times more efficient than heating a house with an electric boiler or electric heaters! This is not a fairy tale, these are the laws of physics in action.

There are two heating and cooling schemes:

  • heating and cooling according to the air-to-air scheme: the same split system, only hardy and frost-resistant. Warm air distributed through the indoor unit of the air conditioner;
  • heating and cooling according to the “air-water” scheme: the external unit is one-in-one like an air conditioner, and the heat is transferred through a heat exchanger located in the hydromodule. The system is complemented by a storage tank, to which radiators, heated floors and even hot water are connected!

Contact our managers for advice: we have ready-made solutions for you!

Installation of air conditioners

In the vast majority of cases, installation of an air conditioner in a country house occurs at the renovation stage. This is a classic two-step installation. It consists in the fact that initially a specialist comes to your site to inspect, determine the customer’s requirements on site with the aim of further drawing up the most complete commercial offer. At the first stage, equipment is supplied, communication routes are laid in a groove in the wall or along the ceiling, drainage is drained into the sewer system of the house, and other general construction work is carried out. Next, we wait for the completion of your repair and when all the finishing work has already been completed, upon your call, we begin installing the internal units of air conditioners, vacuuming, test running and setting up the air conditioning system.

Installation of a Mitsubishi Electric air conditioning system in a country house.

An example of installing duct air conditioners with laying air ducts and routes.

Small system ventilation in a private house. Accommodation in the attic.

Installation of a multi-split system in a country house with high-rise work with tours.

As a rule, when creating an air conditioning system, ventilation of a country house is also implemented. This is a slightly more complex task, which requires not only a surveyor, but also an engineer and designer to visit the site. Next, the air exchange of all rooms is calculated, air ducts are calculated, taking into account the characteristics of the building and design solutions, a project is created where the bindings of each element are displayed, equipment is selected both according to technical parameters and at a cost that satisfies the customer.

If the air conditioner is responsible for cooling or heating the air inside the room, then the ventilation system ensures its supply and exhaust, creating more comfortable living conditions.

Models of air conditioners for a country house or cottage

There are more than two hundred multi-split systems on our website. The variability of indoor units is almost limitless. It is difficult to call a specific external unit of a multi-zone air conditioner or a set of duct air conditioner “the best”: it all depends on the technical specifications for creating an air conditioning system. In our work we try to proceed from technical characteristics, and also offer several options for the client to choose from: for different budgets.

However, we strongly recommend to our clients several proven manufacturers: all are native Japanese with a history of creating professional equipment, with their own developments. The product line of each of them allows you to choose an air conditioner for your home or cottage for a different budget.

Place in the ranking Manufacturer Country of origin Country of origin

Recently, suburban construction has become widespread. People no longer want to live in dusty, stuffy cities. Houses and cottages built outside the city require a high level of comfort. And its integral part is home air conditioning. As we know, conditioning can involve many solutions. Since 1924, the Japanese company Daikin has been producing similar high-end equipment. They offered several options for country houses.

Split system.

Very economical, no need large investments on initial stage, the method of air conditioning a house involves installing one model of Daikin split systems in each room. Manufactured by Daikin, models have remote control, low noise level and an extensive range of functions, including a fine air purification function, can be wall and floor. Easy to disassemble and clean.


It is distinguished by the presence of one powerful outdoor unit, which has the ability to connect up to four internal devices to it. These can be both household and semi-industrial units from the Mini Sky Air series. IN in this case home air conditioning is carried out by including all installed system using the central remote control, and then each indoor unit can be configured to its own operating mode.

Super Multi Plus system.

In cottage construction, houses of the so-called “American type” are widespread. The first is occupied by one studio room, conditionally divided using furniture or other design techniques into separate zones: kitchen, living room, and so on. The second floor is divided into separate bedrooms.

In this case, to air condition the house, you need one outdoor unit high power, allowing you to connect up to seven indoor units of various types, depending on the size and purpose of the room:

  • wall;
  • universal;
  • floor;
  • channel;
  • cassette.

The system includes central and individual control.

Technological comfort “underground”.

Almost every cottage has a basement or cellar. Air conditioning a house requires the necessary maintenance of the optimal microclimate of a given room; in accordance with the conditions necessary for storing wines, vegetables, and pickles, a Daikin technological air conditioner can be used, which can be equipped with a duct or cassette ceiling indoor unit.

Sky Air channel type system.

To air condition a house, a system consisting of from the channel block, supplying cooled air to rooms through air ducts, which is “hidden” behind suspended or coffered ceilings. A stationary remote control is used to control the system. A special temperature sensor accurately adjusts the desired temperature and has the ability to add up to 20% of outside air to the conditioned air.

The home air conditioning methods discussed above can be used all year round, protected from possible sudden fluctuations in voltage in the electrical network. And the reliability of Daikin air conditioners is confirmed by many years of experience in their use.