Crafts from machine wheels. Tire crafts: beautiful ideas for decorating and decorating playgrounds, gardens and vegetable gardens

Usage car tires at the dacha is justified as well as the use of plastic bottles. It's cheap and pretty practical material to create a wide variety of objects and things that may be needed for work, relaxation, and even designing a dacha landscape.

Until recently, we talked about crafts at the dacha using improvised materials, created TOP lists of the most interesting things and identified rated and exclusive ideas for using old and used things to create something new. We used wood, metal, plastic and glass bottles, but today it’s the turn to pay attention to no less interesting material– car tires. It is very easy to get tires for use in the country, and working with them is not at all difficult. Therefore, we suggest taking a little time and exploring new ideas. Also, we immediately ask you to actively participate in the discussion of the article, because the opinion of each reader is very important to us!

Soft ottomans

For comfortable seats At the dacha you can use car tires during your holidays. To do this, they are wrapped in ribbons of fabric or belts that are simply intertwined. There is nothing complicated in such a technique, and using a practical method we have established that the design soft ottoman It literally takes an hour out of a tire.

Use for production “ country furniture“You can use tires of almost any diameter and size, but try to choose ones that are not the most dilapidated, so that the reinforcing fibers from the base material do not cause you trouble in the form of scratches and cuts.

Donkey with a cart made of tires

Remember, not so long ago we studied in detail the original works of some summer residents - at the dacha? They were made of timber, logs, branches and other materials that you don’t have to buy, but simply find at the dacha. Today we propose to consider the horse model in a new light. It will no longer be a horse, but a donkey made from a car tire.

The production of such a creature takes only two tires, which simply take up space in the garage or shed. By applying sharp knife, a little knitting wire and imagination, you can build a nice decoration for the lawn at your dacha within a few hours. In addition, it is quite possible to create not only a small donkey, but also a cart, and, for example, install in it flower pots, thereby creating a mobile flower bed.

Tire parrots

Starting a conversation about exotic birds, we immediately present you with an image of such a masterpiece.

It looks like real art, the hand of a professional. But if you take a closer look, there are no difficulties in producing such birds. If you systematize the work, do simple drawing and pick up a quality tool, all you have to do is follow our instructions:

  • Cut the tire on both sides, leaving only a small strip of the inner circumference. That is, you get a single small radius of the product, and divide the large one in half;
  • Next, make a cut along a small radius, on both sides, due to which you get the desired shape with which you can cut decorative works;
  • Along the edges of the cut you should make the head of the parrot and its tail. We spread the original material into several strips and sharpen them at the end, and also cut out the resemblance of a parrot’s head from rubber, only in shape;
  • The rest is done by bright paints, with the help of which a piece of black rubber acquires the desired shade and a clear image of a beautiful bird.

Frog princess made of wheels in the country

Do you have some old tires? Then, on the territory of the dacha, you can create a very pleasant and cheerful picture - a frog sitting on the edge of the lawn.

The whole process takes several hours; in terms of costs, you only purchase paint for decoration.

First, two tires are laid on the ground, next to each other, close to each other. A third is laid on top of them, so we get something somewhat reminiscent of a pedestal.

We fill the tires with soil from the inside and proceed to the design:

  • Two shorter and thicker branches and two longer but thinner ones form the legs of the frog;
  • Special shape wooden blocks, which can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw, are complemented by paws;
  • We cut out eyes and a crown for our cute “princess” from plastic bottles, and simply paint on the rest.

DIY tire crafts (video)

Flower beds made from tires

Some time ago, when we talked about interesting ideas for a summer house, we focused on creating flower beds from tires. Today we only have a reminder, as well as a call to use not only the rubber part, but also metal rims from wheels, on the basis of which you can build reliable and durable stands for flower beds.

Bird figures

Decorations for gardens and lawns can also be made from old tires. Today we have before us a rather cute white goose, the production of which took only one car tire.

As you can see, it is laid on its side and cut off, its main part forms decorative design slices, and the cut part forms the neck and head of the bird.

It is very difficult to make a head out of rubber alone, so wood is used for stability and shape.

After the image is formed, the new garden figure is painted.

It is also noteworthy that as a result we get not just a garden figure, but also an excellent flower bed for planting ornamental plants.

Pool made from an old tire

Of course, in order to make even the smallest pool, you will need to take a large tire, for example, from a tractor or a large loader, and so on.

Working with dense material is difficult, but cutting will not be necessary, because in front of us finished form which can be filled with water. All that remains is to make a reliable bottom so that when such a pool is filled, the water does not immediately drain away.

Initially, you should choose a place for installation, cover it with dense material that will create a base. It can be screenings or clay, but it can also be ordinary lawn soil with grass, the main thing is that it is well-established.

Now we spread a piece of awning or special film at the installation site that is used for the device artificial reservoirs at the dachas. Along the perimeter of our wheel we degrease the awning and generously lubricate special glue. This could be rubber glue or even universal Velcro.

A wheel is placed on the awning, presses the awning with its weight, and remains in this position for a day. After this, the glued seam should be additionally treated with sealant from the inside and outside. After another day, you can pour water inside and use a completely sealed tire from special equipment in the form of a country pool.

Path at the dacha

If the territory of the dacha has a slight slope, a descent to the water or a passage through a ravine, tires can be used to ensure maximum comfort along the way of movement. With their help, strong and durable steps are created that are comfortable and safe to walk on.

Original garden figures

We have already explored some options, but now let's move on to the real ones. fairy tale characters, which can appear at any dacha.

First of all, we present bears made from car tires, which are organically formed and installed, decorated and endowed in a special way. As you can see, next to them are the cute flowers made from plastic bottles that we talked about recently.

Next up is the caterpillar, which really couldn’t be simpler. This is a nice figure from upright installed tires, which fit tightly together at slightly different heights. Painting and simple decoration help complete the look.

At the very beginning of the article, we mentioned wooden horses and showed you a donkey made from tires, but now we have come to a horse made from an old tire, the construction of which and its complete design will take you no more than a couple of hours. Agree, this is not much to create a favorite country toy for children or grandchildren. The shape is formed very simply - a tire is placed in a small hole and concreted. Next, it is shaped and painted, complemented by a head and mane, and immediately after that it becomes a nice object in the exterior of the dacha.

Furniture made from tires

Oddly enough, but tires can play a role not only original jewelry for the landscape of a dacha area, but to become and really practical furniture. We already looked at one such example at the beginning of the article, but here we came across several more very good ideas.

We present to your attention a good dacha kit, for the production of which tires and metal frame. But as you may have noticed, this is not simple, but wicker furniture, and therefore interest in it has increased.

A similar set and a little lower, but this is already upholstered furniture for the dacha. Naturally, not the most practical option and far from the ultimate dream, but very cute!

Using tires for practical purposes

In conclusion, we present to you an idea, homemade septic tank or a special pit for country toilet from old tires. Tell in detail about the construction of a toilet or cesspool we won’t, since the site already has thematic material, but will simply present you with another useful area in which you can use car tires.

What can be made from car tires (video)

Human imagination has no limits, and the desire to achieve maximum practicality in a summer cottage is often the main goal. This is precisely what we consider a reason to develop new opportunities and implement even those ideas that initially may not seem very practical. Today we have presented you with a considerable list of decorative items, furniture and even sewer elements from old tires, and therefore we are waiting for your reaction to the material below, in the comments.

Crafts for the garden from car tires (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

Lydia 03/20/2014

Yes, of course... But all car tires and tubes cannot be disposed of this way. Tires must be recycled. First for heating oil, and then for gasoline or diesel fuel and cord. We can help with the purification of heating oil into gasoline.

Sasha 10/04/2014

By the way, I saw a bunch of fakes made from tires at other dachas, but I never thought of doing something like that myself, because I was lazy, and I didn’t want to do something like that, but now I’ll make myself a couple of interesting fakes in order to decorate my own a little country house)

Igor 12/07/2014

The flight of fancy, of course, pleased me. And yet, I have a cool attitude towards this use of tires - this kind of aesthetics is still questionable. It is interesting only in cases of a completely unexpected and original type or application.

Dmitry Belokonny 21.09.2015

Very original, I learned a lot for myself, I liked the idea with ottomans, not only cute, but also functional, better than dragging chairs from the house, or putting up an old bench. And the steps made of tires are also interesting, there is a descent to the garage, and you have to go around it behind the yard (it’s very sharp), now I’m thinking about making a descent with tires to save time and not make a huge detour!

Alla 03.10.2015

In these photos, the figures made from tires look interesting. I saw several similar figures among my neighbors, and I didn’t really like them: they look a bit clumsy. But the idea of ​​steps made from tires is interesting and functional. We can do this down to the river. True, I don’t know where to get so many tires.

Elena 10/14/2015

And in our city, such decorations have been implemented on playgrounds in kindergartens! Cartoon characters: Krosh, Nyusha, Cheburashka, Masha and the Bear! And the kids really like it, including my Ryo.
During my childhood in kindergartens, old tires were used only for flowerbeds or buried sideways halfway in the ground, like sports equipment. (((Was there really not enough imagination for more? After all, no supernatural materials are required for such crafts?
I haven’t seen anything like this at our dachas yet. I think people don’t want to install such structures, because on 5–6 acres of land there is barely enough land for planting. Alexander 11/27/2016

I have always liked making crafts with my own hands. My garage is fully equipped for one purpose only - making crafts. Some time ago, I began to notice how in my city I am starting to place such crafts in flower beds, in kindergartens and other cultural places. I liked this idea and I started making all sorts of crafts from tires, etc. I think that now I will make black swans from tires. When everything is ready, I will post what happened.

Karrina 01/16/2017

And please tell me which one better paint use for such “ folk art”?) So that it doesn’t leak from the rain and doesn’t have a strong smell, there are a lot of options to choose from now, I would like it to not peel off in a month or two, I don’t know anything about this, but there are tires left over from my father’s old car, the children want to experiment) I want so that they are not poisoned while wearing respirators and there are no consequences...

Vova 02/14/2017

Class! We are looking forward to the continuation of the digest of tire products!

Masha 03/22/2017

We made four of these swans with tires and placed them in the garden. It turned out very nice, and the process itself is simple. Only we didn’t bother with the wings so much; it turned out rougher. And in the photo I was simply captivated by the parrots, but this is a very delicate work both in terms of cutting out of rubber and in terms of painting. My husband and I team Crazy hands I’m not capable of this yet)

Masha 08/15/2017

I have never seen crafts that really look beautiful on a summer cottage; in my opinion, it’s better to plant more flowers or have a smooth lawn than to litter the area.

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A person’s desire to decorate the territory of his dacha, to create a wonderful, cozy environment there using things at hand, contributed to the emergence of many design ideas.

The original material for implementing extraordinary ideas is old car tires.

Entertaining crafts made from tires for the garden will decorate both flower beds and playgrounds, as well as paths. Tires and tires can be used not only to create elements garden decor, but also for practical purposes - you can use them to build a swimming pool, furniture, swings, sandbox, and bicycle parking.

The photo below shows extraordinary ideas for crafts made from tires.

Idea No. 1. Making a flower bed from tires

Most easy scheme– we take an unnecessary tire, fill it with soil and plant plants. Of course it won't be unique decorative element garden design.

To fix everything, take bright paints (acrylic or oil-based) and paint the tires. Next, we place them on top of each other, resulting in a multi-tiered flower bed.

An original solution would be a vertically located flower bed, folded in the shape of a pyramid. We fill the soil inside and plant climbing flowers - petunias or strawberries. On top you can place a pot with a single plant.

You can also make a hanging flowerbed from tires. To do this, you will need a steel chain - it will need to be attached to the tire and the entire structure will need to be suspended from a tree.

To prevent the soil from spilling, cover the bottom of the tire with a thick sheet of rubber or other suitable material.

An unusual solution would be to make flower beds in the form of a teapot and cups. All you need is a few tires and some scrap metal tape and pipes.

Idea No. 2. Tire figures

Another type of crafts made from tires for the garden are a variety of unusual and intricate figures made from tires. They will enliven your garden and improve the mood of everyone in the household.

The figure of a swan is very popular. To make it you will need a tire without metal cord. It must be pre-marked.

For cutting, use a well-sharpened knife. Secure the swan neck with a metal rod. The final step is to coat the resulting product with white or black paint (depending on what kind of swan you want - white or black).

It’s enough to simply create a funny horse, zebra or giraffe. Such figures will require installation in the ground wooden beam medium size including tire.

Crafts should be painted in colors corresponding to a particular representative of the fauna.

It's easy to turn old tires and cans into a frog or a cute turtle. A little imagination will help you make interesting and unusual installations.

Pay attention!

Idea No. 3. Country furniture

Furniture made from tires will look great in the garden.

They can be made in different styles and the use of different upholstery materials, ranging from leather and textiles to wicker and wire.

The tires will make a comfortable chair in which it will be wonderful to relax in the lap of nature. To do this, we take tires and wrap them with intertwined straps and ribbons. It won't take much time, and the result will be entertaining.

You can make garden furniture from different-sized tires of medium and low hardness.

Tires make beautiful tables, ottomans, armchairs, chandeliers, fountains and washbasins.

Pay attention!

Idea No. 4. Tire swing

Swings are an integral part of any playground. Tire swings are safer than those made of wood or metal. They are quite simple to make.

You will need:

  • strong horizontal branch;
  • sharp knife and jigsaw;
  • chain or strong rope;
  • tire.

We tie the end of the rope into a loop; the knots must be strong and reliable. We throw the loop over the branch, pass the rest of the rope through it and tighten it. We place the tires perpendicular to the ground.

We pass the rope through them and fasten it at a height of approximately 0.9 m from the earth's surface. The swing is ready!

Idea No. 5. Tire track

Paths created from waste tires, or rather from their tread part, look unusual and original.

We bring to your attention a selection of photos of various crafts made from tires.

Pay attention!

Tires are a universal material for creating a wide variety of things with your own hands.

Numerous master classes on crafts made from tires can be easily found on the Internet. Therefore, if you have unnecessary old tires lying around, feel free to put them to use by creating memorable elements of garden decor.

Photos of crafts made from tires

Used car tires do not need to be thrown away. After using them for their intended purpose, you can use the tires to decorate the yard or garden plot. More and more interesting ideas you can see it in others, but why not try to do the same near your home? After all, the process of making many crafts is very simple.
For this interesting figure, you need to dig one large tire into the ground, up to the middle of the circle. Secure the high part with self-tapping screws in front round log. You need to attach a muzzle to it - a small frame of a tree. Eyes and ears can be cut out from a plastic bottle or a piece of linoleum. All that remains is to paint everything yellow and make brown spots.

This figure is made in exactly the same way as the giraffe, only the paint is needed white and black.

To make this you need 2 tires same size. Fix them together with self-tapping screws and attach them to the board (base). The elephant's head is a 10 liter plastic canister, ears are ovals from the same canister. The trunk is a piece of old corrugated pipe, the eyes are lids from canisters. Eyelashes can be cut from a plastic bottle. It's better to paint the elephant gray, or you can turn him into a cartoon orange hero.

Teddy bear
This figure is made from two tires different sizes, connected to each other. The large tire is the body, and the small one is the head. To make the structure more stable than a tire, you can put it on a thin metal rod. You cut out the ears from plastic or linoleum. To cover the circles in the middle of the tires, you can use hardboard. If desired, the figurine can also have paws cut out of linoleum. After painting the bear becomes attractive decorative decoration garden

An original Russian toy – matryoshka. It can also be made from used tires. A total of 7 tires will be required. Five of them are attached to one another in a horizontal position - this is the torso. For greater fixation, you can place a tall log buried in the ground inside. A tire is attached vertically to the edge of this log - this is the head, the hollow holes are closed with circles of hardboard. On the sides you can place hands from a tire cut in half. Afterwards everything needs to be painted bright colors and draw a face. It turns out to be an interesting lady-madam.

Mickey Mouse
You can make two cartoon characters: a boy and a girl. Each character requires 4 tires. Two bearings are placed on the ground in a horizontal position, and two figure-eight tires are attached to them. The entire structure is supported by wood. Mickey Mouse's ears are made from plastic bucket lids, and his arms are made from pieces of plastic pipes. The bows, skirt, palms and faces must be cut out of linoleum. The lower tires are filled with fertile soil and can be used as mini-flower beds.
After painting, the characters look simply gorgeous and attractive!

Recently, the boundaries of applied art have expanded to unprecedented proportions and even more improvised materials have been used.

To decorate summer cottages or garden areas houses, playgrounds are beneficial to use decorative crafts based on tires.

Because rubber is very pliable and allows you to create unique modifications of flower beds, furniture elements, flowerpots and even amazing figurines resembling animals.

How to learn how to make all these delights?

To begin with, you can familiarize yourself with existing photos of crafts made from tires to make sure that this idea is real. Creative approach allows you to transform a dull tire into an element that complements the landscape decor.

To do this, you just need to use your imagination and arm yourself necessary tools. You will definitely need a knife with a well-sharpened blade, gloves; it is convenient to use chalk and paint to mark the contours. It is advisable to start by creating a sketch of the object planned for implementation.

All kinds of crafts from car tires are created quite easily because it is easy to work with. It is ideal for use in open spaces. Its characteristics allow it to withstand variability environment and weather component.

The charm of invented elements for a summer house or playground can give off their warmth for many years. But do not forget that rubber can become very hot when exposed to the sun.

Therefore, furniture elements made from it added to the decor should be covered with something, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to sit on them. In any case, there are more benefits. They are very easy to care for. Occasional washing with soapy water will be required.

What can you create?

To decorate the selected area, you can make crafts from tires with your own hands. For example, these could be amazing figurines in the form of animals. Complete similarity is not necessary in this situation, since it is difficult to achieve.

However, you just need to make holes in several tires, bend them here and there, and now you have a charming image of a bear cub, giraffe, dog, huge elephant, small turtle, donkey, frog or bloodthirsty crocodile, terrifying the visitors of your impromptu zoo.

If this doesn’t seem enough, there is an opportunity to continue the flight of fantasy and try to portray Luntik, Fixies or other cartoon characters. Children will especially like this. It is important to remember that as a finishing touch it is necessary to complement the products with authentic painting. The crocodile should be green, the bear brown, and so on.

In principle, this may not be very simple for everyone. Then you can limit yourself to only simple products. Crafts made from tires for the garden also look very good. The easiest way is to create a flower bed for different flowers.

However, with a little more creative effort, it is possible to make unique versions of flowerpots and flowerpots. They are convenient for adding soil and replanting plants.

Summer residents have long noticed that it is beneficial to use tires to form compost wells by installing tires on top of each other. And it’s easy to make swings, stylish fences, steps, children’s sandboxes and even chairs.

How to use them to decorate a playground?

In fact, it is children's crafts made from tires that are the easiest to create. This is due to the fact that children's imagination has no boundaries and they will be interested in everything. Even if the product slightly resembles a lion or other animal, it will cause a storm of emotions, and will force children to spend a lot of time playing with it.

Based on a few old tires, you can create decorations for the playground, creating a unique atmosphere of a fairy-tale town. Kids will enjoy spending their time here and it will help boost their intelligence development.

Let's look at several products for children

Now we will actually conduct a master class on DIY tire crafts based on creating a sandbox. Children really love to use sand for their games, because of this they will be glad that such a place appears.

However, for this product it is best to take a tire from KAMAZ, since it is of sufficient size. It must be properly installed in the required area and painted.

To complete it you will have to fill it with enough sand. Children are allowed to be involved in this process, as they will find it interesting.

Image of the sun based on a tire, bottles

It will help decorate almost all playgrounds and gardens. To make it you will need a car tire, some plywood, required quantity self-tapping screws, several half-liter plastic containers to create an imitation of star rays.

To create a solid image that looks like the sun, you need to mount plywood on the surface of the tire, add bottles to the outside, placing them in a circle, decorate the necessary places with yellow paint, draw a smile on the plywood and you're done.

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Recycling car tires is becoming an integral part of our lives. Everyone solves this problem in their own way. Tire car for the playground! Many people like this idea.

The kids are simply delighted with this craft, and adults look at it with admiration. Considering that the tires are resistant to negative external influences, this design will please the eye for many years.

For parents with small children, arranging a playground in their country house or street will require little time and do not require any financial expenses. And the children will play without distracting their parents from important matters.

You can make crafts for such a site yourself, even if you have never done this before. Ideas and work procedures can be found on the Internet. They are most often used to make plastic bottles and tires. There is nothing complicated in manufacturing.

The main thing is desire and a little time.

You will not need to spend money on purchasing expensive materials, since the tires will be gladly given away by car service workers, who usually have a sufficient amount of them. Craftsmen make a lot of things out of tires: swings, sports equipment, flower beds, etc.

Types of machines

Transport is a constant success among boys, and even modern girls. Therefore, you can start by making a car for children. A car made from tires for a playground can be of various brands (types) - from very simple to quite complex.

Instructions for making a car from wheels

The most simple option will bury a steering wheel from a real car and a seat into a quadrangle made of tires.

It is better to choose a place for the site where the craft will be installed that is illuminated, spacious, and located close to the house. The best coverage There will be a backfill of sand or a lawn that will have to be cleared of stones and glass to protect the kids from injury.


It won't be difficult to make it. To do this, after thoroughly cleaning and painting the board, it is secured between tires of the same size. These will be the rear wheels. The front ones can be done in the same way. But you can install only one wheel in the center so that the craft resembles a racing car.

The depth of the holes for the wheels of the car should be such that the latter are hidden up to the disk. Then transport will be sustainable. After covering them with soil, compact it well. It is better to dig in tires with rims. But, if they are not there, you can replace them with plywood to give the structure rigidity.

Linoleum is used to imitate flooring, but it can be replaced with plywood. To prevent the wind from picking up the linoleum, it is advisable to dig the steering wheel into the ground through it. The tilt of the steering wheel is selected in accordance with the height of a particular child.

Truck made from tires

You can make a children's sandbox in the shape of a truck.

Manufacturing of seats

The seat can be made from one tire or by placing two on top of each other.

In the simplest version, they are limited to mounting plywood on tires. If you want to make it more comfortable, you will need a backrest. You can upholster the seat with something soft - foam rubber, carpet, blanket.

Will do plastic chair, which is not used at home, wooden seats from chairs, old armchairs. Having sawed off the legs, they are fastened, fixing them with self-tapping screws.

The parts are washed and dried well before painting. After this, the brand new car is painted in your preferred colors.

To make the craft more similar to the original, headlights are added. Jar lids will work for them.

And the next model is for the kids of the whole yard, because it allows you to travel with a large group.

What else will help make it look like a real car?

Doors attached to the craft will undoubtedly make the craft look like a real car. For playing with the machine large quantity children, make several rows of seats (2-3). If there is an extra tire, make a spare tire by attaching it to the back and writing the number in paint.

A car roof covered with linoleum, in addition to making it look like a real car, will protect against sun rays and a little rain. To secure it, you will need wooden blocks, bent in the shape of the letter “P”. You need 3 pieces in total. Two structures are installed in the rear part above the machine (it is better to dig them into the ground), the third is closer to the front. They are connected from above with bars to form a horizontal frame, onto which linoleum is secured on top with screws or nails.

For a racing car you need to find 5 tires of the same size. A little effort from parents and they will turn into a wonderful car that will not leave the child indifferent.

Three tires are enough to make a car like the one in the photo below. On it, little racers will not be able to race across the expanses of the planet, but they will play with pleasure.

For “cool” kids you can make a motorcycle. You really have to use your imagination. But the happy faces of the owners of such bikes will be a reward for caring parents.

Video: Racing car made of wheels and tires.