Presentation on the topic "table setting". Dessert table setting Ready presentation on table setting

Lesson objectives: to expand children's understanding of table setting items (cutlery and tableware); introduce the rules of table setting for daily meals; help children realize the importance of knowing the rules of table setting and observing these rules as a manifestation of a person’s level of culture.

Setting a table means intelligently, carefully and necessarily symmetrically placing all the serving items on it. Setting the table is not just preparing it for breakfast, lunch, dinner or tea. This is a kind of art that largely depends on the taste of the person setting the table. The serving rules are dictated by the requirements of greatest convenience. There are various types table setting: for breakfast, lunch, dinner and, finally, festive, formal.

Devices: what are they? 1. Cutlery- used when setting the table to serve first and second courses. 2. Dessert utensils: a fork for cakes and pastries, a spoon for mousses and puddings, a spoon for coffee. 3. Sugar spoon. 4. Knife-fork for cheese - used if cheese is served on the table in a piece. 5. Butter knife. 6. Fish device - used for hot fish dishes.

A pyramid is a way of folding napkins. A fairly simple and elegant way to fold napkins. Pyramid napkins will be appropriate on both a festive and regular table. The main thing when folding is to make sure that the napkins are well starched. Fold the napkin in half diagonally to create a triangle. Now bend the corners of the napkin so that their ends coincide with the vertex of the triangle. Turn the resulting diamond from the napkin over to the bottom side and bend it into a triangle again. Now fold the resulting small triangle in half so that the corners of the napkin are hidden inside, and the opened fold is visible from the outside.

Breakfast When setting the table for breakfast, in addition to the snack plate, a cup or glass with a saucer is placed on the table. Place a teaspoon on a saucer. The handle of the cup and the spoon on the saucer should be on the right. If it is expected that at breakfast, in addition to tea or coffee, some other drink will be served, then the glass for it is placed to the left of the cup.

Lunch Lunch If the table is set for lunch, first of all small dinner plates are placed on it, and snack bars are placed on them. A spoon and a knife are placed to the right of each small plate, a fork is placed to the left. Spoons and forks should be placed with the concave side up. When setting the table, cutlery should be held by the handle. Place them 2 centimeters from the edge of the table, the distance between the devices should be very small, but so that they do not touch each other.

Resources M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva “Two weeks in a health camp” - a workbook for schoolchildren. M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova, A.G. Makeeva “Two weeks in a health camp” - methodological manual for the teacher. "Newest encyclopedic dictionary" - M. LLC "Publishing House Astrel", 2004 S. Lyba "Reception of guests" - Moscow, 1996 Inga Wolf "Modern etiquette" - M. "Christina & S˚" · 8 KB

Serving a sweet table. Holiday etiquette Topic: “Festive sweet table” Compiled by: Deeva Nina Vsevolodovna teacher of technology and computer science MBOU “Lyceum No. 67”, Ivanovo 2017 General serving rules: The table can be covered with either a colored tablecloth or under-plate napkins of any shape. The table is set depending on the number of prepared confectionery products, dishes, and drinks.

The sweet table is served according to general rules. The main thing is to create beauty, convenience, and comfort.

If the confectionery product is cake, then you will need small plates for each member of the meal.

Sweets are usually washed down with tea or coffee, so put tea (coffee) cups with a saucer and put tea (coffee) spoons.

Place a sugar bowl on the table: maybe there will be sweet tea lovers at the table.

Place thinly sliced ​​lemon beautifully on a saucer.

Small beautifully folded cloth napkins are placed on everyone's plate.

Paper napkins are placed on the table.

How to serve and eat sweet dishes

For dessert, pancakes, pancakes, fruit baked in dough, and pie are often prepared. They are eaten using dessert cutlery - forks and spoons. Eat more with a spoon soft part dessert, and the pancakes themselves with a fork. You can use a knife. A small wide fork is more suitable for the cake: it is convenient to separate and take pieces.

Milkshakes are served in tall glasses and decorated with fruit and grated chocolate. They drink cocktails using a special straw.

If fruit is served at the sweet table, then the table is served with a sharp fruit knife, fork, and a cup for rinsing the fingers. Apples, hard pears, and apricots are cut into quarters, from which the core and pits are removed. They eat fruit with their hands. If the skin is hard, it can be removed from each part separately.

Juicy pears are cut with a knife and eaten with a fork. Bananas are served in their peels. Use a knife to cut off the top and remove a strip of peel. Using a knife and fork, the pulp is eaten directly from the remaining shell.

The berries are pre-washed, peeled and served with cream and sugar. They are eaten with a dessert spoon.

Some berries, for example beautiful large strawberries, do not peel the stalks and serve on a plate with sugar sprinkled on the edge. The berry is taken from the tail with your fingers, dipped in sugar and bitten off. The tail is placed on the edge of the plate.

A small twig is torn off from a large bunch of grapes lying on a common vase and placed on your plate. Then they pinch off one berry at a time and eat it.

Dishes with cream, fruit puddings, jellies, fruit compotes are eaten with a teaspoon, and ice cream with a small flat spoon. Seeds and fruit grains are spat out onto a spoon and placed on a stand.

Buffet table

At this type of table, everyone serves themselves. This allows you to invite more guests. In addition, when organizing a festive table in this way, the hosts do not serve guests at the table and can spend more time communicating with them.

Guests fill their plates near the table, on which there are dishes, cutlery and dishes. Then they move to the living room, where there are a sufficient number of chairs. It is advisable that they be placed next to small tables. If desired, guests take their own refills and take the used plates to the kitchen.

Inviting guests Recently, it has become common practice to invite guests by telephone or arrange a meeting in person. A written invitation is more suitable when a large celebration is being held.
  • Recently, it has become common practice to invite guests by telephone or arrange a meeting in person. A written invitation is more suitable when a large celebration is being held.
  • You need to invite guests personally, and not on the third day. An invitation must be accepted or declined if there is a good reason. The invitee cannot invite anyone else on his behalf. If you still want to bring a friend or friend, you need to ask the owners for permission. The invitation should make it clear what event it is about. we're talking about, because the invitee needs to think about the clothing and gift in advance.
  • It is customary to invite people to a big celebration in writing. The invitation text does not have to be formal. You can make cards with your own hands and fill them with humorous text.
  • N.V. Tit Technology 7th grade / N.V. Simonenko. – M., Ventana-Graf, 2015.

Table setting Compiled by: technology teacher Borozdina E. N. librarian Vashtaeva N.F. GBOU school No. 339 Nevsky district of St. Petersburg 2015 Dictionary

  • Serving – preparing and setting up the table for meals.
  • Menu – a list of dishes and drinks included in breakfast, lunch, dinner.
Table serving items. Devices. spoons knives, forks Breakfast Breakfast should consist of a hot dish (porridge, omelet, scrambled eggs), a hot drink (tea, coffee, cocoa, milk), sandwiches. Setting the table for breakfast Cover the table with a colored tablecloth and put linen or paper napkins. Place items on the table public use: bread box, butter dish, salt shaker, sugar bowl. Provide a snack plate for each person. Diagonally to the right is a tea cup and saucer, a teaspoon is placed on the saucer. The fork to the left of the plate is tines up. Knife and spoon to the right of the plate. On the left, diagonally, there is a plate for pastries, bread, butter with a separate knife. Answer the questions
  • What dishes should be included in breakfast?
  • What utensils are used when setting the table for breakfast?
  • What cutlery should be present when setting the table for breakfast?
  • How are the items of the device laid out?
Lunch The most complete and varied is lunch, consisting of four courses: appetizers, first and second courses, dessert. Table setting for dinner For each diner, a large shallow plate is placed with a snack plate on it. Cutlery in the following sequence: to the right of the plate is a table knife, then a tablespoon, followed by a snack knife; to the left of the plate is a dinner fork, to the left of it is a snack fork. If fish is included in the lunch menu, then a fish utensil is added: a fish knife is placed to the right of the plate between the table knife and the tablespoon; A fish fork is placed to the left of the plate between the dinner fork and the appetizer fork. If fish is included in the lunch menu, then a fish utensil is added: a fish knife is placed to the right of the plate between the table knife and the tablespoon; A fish fork is placed to the left of the plate between the dinner fork and the appetizer fork. Dessert utensils are placed behind the dinner plate. In order not to create a pile of dishes on the table, follow a sequence in changing dishes. In order not to create a pile of dishes on the table, follow a sequence in changing dishes. The appetizers are served first. For each diner, a large shallow plate is placed, with a snack plate on it. On the left is a pie plate with a butter knife. When the need for snacks has passed, they are removed from the table along with snack plates and cutlery. When the need for snacks has passed, they are removed from the table along with snack plates and cutlery. Then they move on to the soup. Dressing soups are served in deep plates, which are placed on large shallow ones. If the lunch menu includes clear broth, it is served in broth cups. If the lunch menu includes clear broth, it is served in broth cups. After the soup they move on to the main courses. To serve main courses, use small table plates for second hot courses. After the soup they move on to the main courses. To serve main courses, use small table plates for second hot courses. Dessert Dessert is served after the dinnerware has been cleared and the table has been tidied. When serving dessert, a shallow or deep dessert plate is placed on a large table stand for each diner. If dessert is served in a bowl, then it can be placed on a dessert plate. The only cutlery left on the table was dessert (knife, fork and spoon). There may be glasses for juice or dessert wine. Table setting when serving tea, coffee Table setting when serving tea: 1) milk jug, 2) tea cup with a teaspoon on a saucer, 3) dessert or pie plate. Table setting when serving coffee: 1) milk jug, 2) coffee pot, 3) dessert or pie plate, 4) coffee cup with coffee spoon on saucer, 5) dessert spoon or fork. Answer the questions
  • Where is the fish device located?
  • Where and how is the dessert device placed?
  • In what order is a complete set of instruments laid out?
  • How is the table set for serving tea? coffee?
Dinner For dinner, it is advisable to include cottage cheese, cereal, dairy and vegetable dishes. Dishes and cutlery are selected depending on the dishes included in the dinner menu. Dishes and cutlery are selected depending on the dishes included in the dinner menu. The picture shows the table setting for dinner if cheese cakes and tea are served. Answer the questions
  • What dishes are desirable to include on the dinner menu?
  • How does table setting change depending on the menu?
  • What elements of the device are selected for table setting if cheesecakes and tea are served?
Setting the festive dinner table. Information resources
  • Abaturov, P.V. Cooking [text]:/P. V. Abaturov and others - M.: Gostorgizdat, 1955 - 960 pp., ill.
  • Barsukova, E. F. Russian cuisine [text] - L.: Lenizdat, 1989. - 174 pp., ill. ISBN 5-2890-00354-1
  • Ermakova, V. I. Basics of cooking [text]: Tutorial for students. – M.: Education, 1993. – 192 p., ill. ISBN 5-09-003966-6
  • Ivashkevich, N. P. The art of the tea table [text] / N. P. Ivashkevich, L. N. Zasurina. – L.: Lenizdat, 1990. – 109 p., ill. ISBN 5-289-00743-1
  • Illustrations [ electronic resource]:choice
  • Illustrations [electronic resource]: gotovim –

“Good manners” - Who needs good manners? Etiquette. Answer the questions: Does it matter as it is? Ancient Greece"Beautiful behavior." ? 1. Would you like to feel free in any society? 2. Would you like to please yourself and others? 3. Would you like to have good manners, a wide circle of interesting acquaintances and be the “life of the party”?

“What flowers to give” - As a sign of secret love. 9,18, 27. What flowers are suitable for a wedding bouquet? What flowers are best for girls? They give it as a sign of their loyalty. All delicate flowers. “I love you for a long time and secretly.” "You have no equal." Malice. Tulips are pride and honor. The word "bouquet" French origin and means “a beautifully assembled group of flowers.”

“Etiquette of a man and a woman” - Appearance of a man. Image. A man's wardrobe. A woman's wardrobe. Appearance of a woman. Clothing Jewelry Headdress Gifts Flowers Business cards. Label paraphernalia. Business etiquette for men and women. Etiquette in modern world. Appearance is your calling card!

“Telephone etiquette” - 14. For example, one conversation: Masha, hello, how are you? Types telephone conversation. 2. You need to call at a time convenient for the interlocutor. I'm listening to you. Rules for talking on the phone. Hello. Telephone etiquette requires brevity. Who's on the phone? Hello, everything is fine, thank you!

“Rules of politeness” - Train yourself to constantly remember about others. Bon appetit. Polite man will not cause trouble or offense to others. Politeness manifests itself in relationships with people. Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness. Politeness costs nothing, but brings a lot. Ignorance - violating the rules of politeness, lack of culture.

“Table etiquette” - Setting the tea table. The cake should be served uncut and cut in the presence of guests. What is etiquette? The cake fork or spoon should be to the right of the plate. How to make it quickly and beautifully festive table? The teaspoon is placed on the saucer, behind the cup, with the handle to the right. ETIQUETTE at the festive table.

There are a total of 23 presentations in the topic