Schemes for arranging ventilation systems in an apartment building. Natural ventilation in a private house: our tips Blocking natural ventilation with a hood

Among those families who live in standard city apartments, there are probably no ones who would not want to increase usable area premises, especially for the traditionally cramped and irrationally planned kitchen space.

Today, there are many ways to solve the problem of cramped space - from expanding the kitchen at the expense of adjacent rooms: a corridor, a storage room, to combining the kitchen and adjacent room into a living room. Much less common are remodeling the kitchen or adding a kitchen, balcony or loggia to the premises.

All these types of redevelopment can be carried out only after appropriate approval of changes , which guarantees the safety of living in your apartment and in the apartments of your neighbors. But some apartment owners increase the kitchen area by remodeling and dismantling ventilation duct, What is strictly prohibited by current building codes.

Advantages of removing the ventilation duct and ventilation duct:

Of course, partial or complete dismantling of the ventilation duct can provide certain advantages, because in addition to the fact that in the resulting niche in the wall you can put a refrigerator, a small cabinet, install shelves, the empty space resulting after remodeling the ventilation duct can become part of the interior, and the kitchen area will gain some zest.

But practice shows that ventilation redevelopment box and with all its advantages, it has unpleasant consequences that outweigh all the benefits. If you are planning to dismantle the ventilation duct, then you should know that the Housing Inspectorate will not agree to approve such actions. Dismantling the ventilation riser deprives your neighbors of air flow, and the ventilation duct is part of the common property, and turning a blind eye to this when living in apartment building it won't work.

Redevelopment of the ventilation duct. P Why can’t it be arranged?

Some ventilation systems are built using self-supporting blocks. Simply put, a ventilation shaft consists of many sections stacked on top of each other. It’s easy to imagine what could happen if you “pull out” such a block, say, on the fifth floor - the entire shaft from the sixth and above will be deprived of support and hang on the walls, and apartments below the fifth will be left without fresh air.

It would seem logical to bypass this ban on the ground floor, because there are no neighbors below, and the box can be fixed right under the ceiling, but this is also prohibited, since the ventilation shaft is common property and not part of your apartment. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to interfere with the layout of the ventilation system enclosures.

Ventilation duct in an apartment building, photo:

Sometimes would-be builders remove not the entire box in the kitchen, but part of it, hoping that it will continue to function as before. It is worth saying right away that even if the size of the ventilation duct makes you think about reducing its area, partial dismantling is also a violation and is explained by its design. It consists of one large (common) channel and two smaller supply channels.

Photo of the redevelopment of the ventilation duct in the kitchen with violations:

Through small channels the air rises to a height of three meters from the level of air entry into exhaust windows, which are usually located in the corner of the kitchen and toilet, and only then enters the common channel. By reducing the cross-section in the exhaust shaft, you create an area high blood pressure, which will not allow air to pass from the lower apartments above. The neighbors below will be very grateful for the collective smell from the entire entrance to their home, because “the exhaust air will go directly to them.

If you are just planning to buy an apartment, then when choosing suitable housing you should pay attention to the presence of illegal redevelopment, and especially redevelopment of ventilation, since you will not be able to approve such work in the future “retroactively”, and you will have to eliminate everything at your own expense without permission changes made.

  • It is quite simple to identify illegally carried out redevelopment during an inspection - all unauthorized changes are marked with red lines on the floor plan of the BTI.
  • The same scheme applies if the ventilation duct in the kitchen is redesignedyou did it yourself.

Technical passport of the apartment with marked illegal alterations:

Fines and penalties for remodeling a ventilation duct or ventilation duct

Once it becomes known about the unauthorized redevelopment (and sooner or later this will happen), you will be required to pay an administrative fine in the amount of 2,500 rubles, and then you will have to, either at your own expense, eliminate all the consequences of the illegal redevelopment and begin restoring the damaged common property.

In general, an apartment with an illegal redevelopment is deprived of many advantages compared to an apartment without redevelopment or housing where the redevelopment was legalized in a timely manner. For example, such an apartment cannot participate in real estate transactions because it is not legally “clean”. In many situations, in order to eliminate this drawback, it is necessary to legalize the redevelopment retroactively.

Ventilation duct inspection report, photo:

Therefore, avoid any work that may affect the ventilation system. However, it is worth noting that in some typical ventilation systems, ventilation is located in non-obvious places (for example, in load-bearing walls in or). And it is not possible to create openings in these walls to combine rooms.

In old buildings, the location of various ventilation shafts can be completely unexpected. They may be inside brick walls, and this fact sometimes becomes an unpleasant surprise when openings are made without permission. Such openings definitely cannot be saved: they will have to be sealed with the restoration of ventilation.

Dismantling an unused ventilation duct in an old house, photo:

Redevelopment of a ventilation duct in an old house. Dismantling unused ventilation ducts

However, older homes often have chimneys or inoperative ventilation ducts. In principle, it is possible to touch them, but only with the consent of 73% of the residents, since this is common property.

This applies to such changes in the layout of the apartment as, for example, moving or expanding a doorway in a partition, installing or dismantling a partition, remodeling with the organization of a dressing room - most of such work can be agreed upon after it has been carried out. But despite the fact that the Housing Inspectorate often accommodates those who have carried out unauthorized redevelopment in their apartment and often formalizes work already completed,all this does not apply to the illegal redevelopment of the ventilation duct in the toilet, kitchen or other places.

The list of redevelopments, which also cannot be agreed upon after they have been carried out, includes work that violates the stability of the building’s structures, for example, redevelopments affecting load-bearing walls Houses. Changes in the layout that obviously worsen the living conditions in your apartment are also considered prohibited and you will not be able to approve them “retrospectively”.

You should not carry out work without permission if this makes it difficult to access existing risers - the housing inspection will oblige you to return everything to its previous state before redevelopment is carried out.

Thus, when deciding to remodel your kitchen, if you want to increase the usable area of ​​the kitchen, then you should first of all take care of the legality of your future transformations. To ensure that changes in the layout comply with current building and sanitary standards and do not violate the law, before starting work, you should develop a project for the upcoming redevelopment in an organization with SRO approval, and then obtain written permission to redevelop the premises.

An example of the arrangement of ventilation ducts in non-residential premises, photo:

Examples of failures when coordinating the dismantling of ventilation ducts:

So, let's summarize all of the above:

Dismantle the ventilation duct or ventilation duct in an apartment building, and especially multi-storey building it is forbidden for several reasons:

  • The house ventilation duct only works in assembled form, and by reducing its volume you will worsen the living conditions of your neighbors for the sake of increasing free space in the kitchen
  • The ventilation duct is a common property and cannot be dismantled without the consent of your neighbors in the apartment building.
  • Restoring the dismantled ventilation duct will fall on your shoulders, even if you did not manufacture it but received it “by inheritance”
  • The cost of a mistake is quite high, and when remodeling a kitchen with dismantling the ventilation duct, you will have to restore the duct itself, the ventilation duct, and also pay a fine.
  • As a rule, it is possible to increase the usable area of ​​the kitchen without resorting to such radical measures - it is enough to competently develop a project for changing the configuration of the apartment.
  • In a private house, unlike a multi-storey one, redevelopment of the ventilation duct for exhaust hood is much simpler.
  • Remodeling the kitchen with dismantling the ventilation duct is, in principle, inconsistent with the conditions apartment building.
  • Such redevelopments are quite easily detected during inspections, for example, during an inspection by a Housing Inspectorate inspector.

Our company will help both with the development of the project and with its approval. Thanks to our experience and all the necessary approvals, we guarantee the full legality of the proposed changes.

Ventilation of residential buildings is one of the key points in providing a comfortable air environment for people. Poor air circulation in a home can not only negatively affect the health of residents, but also require spending on additional exhaust systems. Existing air ducts are also one of the main points of ensuring fire safety. In this material we will explain how ventilation works in an apartment building and what measures can increase its efficiency.

Purpose of general house ventilation

The air in a residential apartment is always susceptible to pollution. Smoke from cooking, fumes from the bathroom, unpleasant odors and dust - all this ends up in the air and creates unfavorable conditions for people's lives. Stagnant air can even lead to the development of diseases such as asthma and allergies. That is why every apartment building must be equipped common system ventilation.

Functions of ventilation in a residential area:

  • ensure penetration clean air to apartments;
  • remove dust and other impurities harmful to health along with the exhaust air;
  • regulate humidity in residential and utility rooms.

Most of the urban population of our country lives in panel houses built back in Soviet era, others are moving to new buildings. Ensuring ventilation of residential buildings is a mandatory requirement during the construction of houses. However, the level of ventilation in multi-apartment residential buildings remains quite low. It is customary to save on air duct systems during construction.

At the moment, you can find the following types of ventilation in residential buildings:

  • with natural inflow and exhaust;
  • with forced air movement through ventilation units.

IN modern houses Elite class heating and ventilation systems comply with the latest standards and are created using special equipment and materials. For ventilation of multi-storey panel-type residential buildings, natural air exchange is used. The same applies to brick residential buildings Soviet era, as well as modern buildings budget class. Air must flow through the openings between the doors and the floor, as well as special valves on plastic windows.

Ventilation in panel house works as follows. Air is discharged upward through vertical ventilation shafts, thanks to natural draft. It is pulled outside the house through a pipe located in the roof or attic. When air enters the apartment through open windows or doors, it rushes to those located in the kitchen and bathroom - where purification from smoke and moisture is most needed. Thus, stagnant air is discharged into the pipe, and clean air enters the room through the windows.

If you stop the flow of fresh air, ventilation will not work effectively. Residents of apartments in apartment buildings often forget about natural ventilation of the room when installing additional exhaust systems. Here is the list typical mistakes during repairs that stop air circulation:

  • installation of blind double-glazed windows made of metal-plastic;
  • eliminating the gap between door leaf and floors when replacing interior doors;
  • installation axial fans in the toilet (affects the ventilation of neighboring apartments).

When finishing living rooms It is worth remembering to create natural paths for ventilation. Can be installed plastic windows with special valves, which will automatically supply air from the street.

Interior doors should be selected in size so that they do not stand close to the floor. When installing additional fans, you can configure them for supply.

Ventilation schemes for residential buildings

Depending on the construction plans, ventilation can be completely different designs. In this section we will try to figure out how ventilation works in a panel house using diagrams and talk about the degree of effectiveness of one or another type of ventilation.

The most successful ventilation scheme in a panel house is individual, when each apartment has a separate duct with access to the roof.

In this case, the ventilation shafts are not connected to each other, the air quality improves, and polluted air from neighboring apartments does not enter the house. Another variation of this ventilation scheme in a Khrushchev building is that from each apartment separate channels lead to the roof, where they are connected into a single pipe that carries air masses to the street.

Unfortunately, quite often the simplest, but ineffective method of ventilation is used, in which air from all apartments enters a single large shaft - the same way ventilation is arranged in a Khrushchev-era building. This allows you to save space and costs during the construction of a building, but has a lot of unpleasant consequences:

  • the entry of dust and unpleasant odors from other apartments - residents of the upper floors, where the air rises naturally, are especially susceptible to this;
  • rapid pollution common pipe ventilation;
  • lack of sound insulation.

There are several other ways to exhaust air through ventilation shafts - with horizontal ducts in the attic and pipe outlets into the attic without a chimney. In the first case, horizontal air ducts reduce air draft, and in the second, the attic becomes dirty due to the lack of outlet to the street. The ventilation scheme in Khrushchev and other Soviet-type buildings, although budget-friendly, is inconvenient for residents.

Schematic diagrams of some natural ventilation systems in residential buildings: (a) - without prefabricated ducts; (b) - with vertical collecting channels; (c) - with horizontal prefabricated channels in the attic; (d) - with a warm attic

Fortunately, there is modern system ventilation, which automatically extracts and supplies air. Its design includes a fan that forces air into the shaft. It is usually located in the basement of a building. An exhaust ventilation system of the same power is placed on the roof of the house, which forcefully removes polluted air masses from the air duct. This is the most simple circuit ventilation in an apartment building. It can also be arranged using energy-saving equipment - recuperators. The task of the recuperator is to remove heat (or cold) from the exhaust air and transfer it to the supply air.

Ventilation shafts usually come from the basement multi-storey building, additionally providing its protection from dampness and fumes. Basement ventilation is ensured using natural traction, and in modern houses they install and air supply units. To remove damp air from the basement, common ventilation shafts are used, with openings on each floor and in each apartment.

Ventilation of the basement, the place where the natural ventilation system begins, is one of the main conditions for its proper operation. To do this, vent holes are made in the basement walls, through which fresh air enters the basement. It not only reduces humidity at the base of the house, but also creates draft in the common house shaft.

The shape of the holes can be simple - round or square. They must be placed at a sufficient distance above the ground so that water and dirt from the street do not get inside. Optimal distance from the ground - at least 20 cm. The holes should be placed evenly around the perimeter of the basement; if there are several rooms in it, it is necessary to organize several vents in each. The vents must not be closed, otherwise the entire principle of operation of the ventilation of an apartment building will be disrupted. To prevent animals from entering the basement, the openings are covered with a metal mesh.

Calculation of apartment ventilation

Natural or artificial ventilation of a residential building is calculated by specialists during the construction of the building, and the residents of the building receive apartments with a “default” ventilation system. It will not be possible to change the design of the ventilation system in a Khrushchev-era building; this will require serious intervention in the structure of the building. However, with the help various devices You can improve air circulation in your apartment. For this it is necessary.

If you are not satisfied with the ventilation in the apartment, you can install additional hoods in the kitchen and fans on grilles in the bathroom. In this case, you should remember the basic rule - the amount of air exhausted should not exceed the amount entering the apartment. In this case, the ventilation systems will work as efficiently as possible. Some models of hoods and fans can operate on air flow - they are worth installing if the room is not ventilated enough through windows and doors.

Special attention it is worth paying attention to the power of exhaust devices, for small apartments A capacity of 50 to 100 m³ of air per hour will be sufficient. To accurately determine what load will be optimal for the device, you can measure the amount of air mass in the room. To do this, the area of ​​the apartment is summed up and multiplied three times. The resulting volumes of air must completely pass through the fans within an hour.

You can organize additional air flow using air conditioners, hoods and fans. Together, these devices will perform the main tasks of room ventilation:

  • a kitchen hood will cleanse the room of unpleasant odors, grease and smoke, filling it with clean air;
  • fan in the bathroom - remove moist air;
  • air conditioner - cools and dehumidifies the air in the room.

These devices will ensure good circulation of air masses in different rooms and regulate their cleanliness - they are simply irreplaceable in the bathroom and kitchen.

Quantity supply air may exceed output volumes by 15–20%, but not vice versa.

Home ventilation care

Often, ventilation does not work due to a clogged air duct or outlet grille. You can do it yourself within your apartment by removing the grate and cleaning the pipe walls with a brush, broom or vacuum cleaner. Particular attention must be paid to the mesh that covers the entrance to the mine - it acts as a filter on which all contaminants remain.

Complete is carried out by a special service at the request of residents.

First, the performance of the exhaust ducts is diagnosed and a work plan is drawn up. To check the cleanliness of mines, a video camera on a cable is often used - it allows you to determine where dirt accumulates and where the pipe is deformed.

After this, cleaning of the air duct begins. Professionals use weights, pneumatic brushes, weighted brushes and other tools. Ordinary residents should not engage in such work - this can damage the integrity of the pipe.

Natural ventilation in a multi-storey building is not very effective compared to mechanical ventilation, but it requires cleaning less often. A team of specialists should be called once every few years if there are clear signs of air duct contamination. Automatic systems ventilation systems are subject to greater loads and require more thorough cleaning. The maintenance of such systems is often carried out by the companies that install them.

Monitoring the performance and increasing the efficiency of home ventilation is one of the key points in creating a healthy microclimate in your home. By taking a number of measures to improve the ventilation of your home, you will rid yourself of dust, unpleasant odors, and kitchen or bathroom products in the air.

Unfortunately, the ventilation system sometimes does not work correctly. This is when the ventilation starts to blow back into the living areas of the house. The air from the ventilation shaft brings with it unpleasant aromas, and this is felt immediately. You should not put off solving this problem for a long time, because it will not be solved by itself. Let's figure out why ventilation works in the opposite direction.

Natural ventilation at home

What is this ventilation system? Essentially, this is a complex of air ducts in a private house or a system of shafts in an apartment building, in which there is one main riser stretching from the basement to the roof. It is this that creates the draft due to the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. And the greater this difference, the stronger the hood works. Let's add wind perpendicular pressure like cross sections. This is when the wind blows in a horizontal direction relative to the riser, and it pulls air from the ventilation with it. That is, air is sucked out of the premises naturally, and not with the help of additional equipment fan type

Of course, in such a system there must be an air flow so that a vacuum does not form inside the house or the draft does not decrease. Therefore, vents are left in the foundation or holes are made in the floor of the first floor.

Causes of air circulation problems

If the ventilation system is not working correctly, there is a reason for it. There are many of them, but the main two are:

  1. There is no supply ventilation.
  2. The temperature inside is lower than outside. This usually happens in the summer when it is hot.

But the main reason is the lack of supply air flows. Typically, in apartments, outlets to the ventilation shaft are made through the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. And the air flow occurred through the windows (their leaks) and the front door. Today, when instead wooden windows plastic ones are installed with complete sealing of joints and connections, the inflow problem has become serious. Most often, backdraft appears because of this. This problem is solved by installing window systems supply valves.

Other causes of traction failure and reverse flow include:

  • malfunctions of the system itself;
  • installing fans instead of grilles;
  • installation of a flow hood, which is connected to the ventilation duct;
  • absence of an umbrella on the roof or destruction of the mouth of the canal.

Causes of ventilation malfunction

The causes of the malfunction include large number factors. The main thing you need to understand is that when there is blowing from the ventilation system in an apartment, it is not the same thing if the same effect appears in a private house. That is, faults in two buildings may be different, because the traction failure in them has different causes.

For example, in an apartment this most often happens due to the installation of a fan or hood in the kitchen, which begins to press through its channel, and the air inside, moving to the riser with pressure, does not have time to pass the entire mass upward. That is, part of it ends up in the adjacent channel of the toilet or bathroom. It is in these rooms that the opposite effect occurs. The same thing happens in the opposite direction, if the fan is turned off in the kitchen and on in the toilet. This also happens with neighboring apartments located one above the other.

This suggests that you cannot thoughtlessly install additional exhaust devices without calculating their power. And what more powerful fan, the stronger the reverse draft of the ventilation system in the apartment of a multi-story building.

For this reason, this cannot happen in a private house, because at the design stage today they try to distribute ventilation ducts to all rooms separately. That is, the kitchen has its own riser, and the toilet and bathroom have their own. But sometimes another problem arises in the house. Most often, risers are combined into one or two common channels inside the attic, and then one or two pipes are discharged through roof covering. And here horizontal sections appear in the ventilation system. The main task of the designer is to use as little of this type of air duct as possible, and to minimize the angle of inclination of horizontal sections (the reduction should be minimal). That is, the steeper this section, the better the upward air movement.

And three more reasons:

  1. Lack of thermal insulation. Cold air in winter enters the air ducts, where it freezes, turning into ice. This usually occurs at the mouth of the canal. The consequences are a reduction in the cross section.
  2. Lack of an umbrella (visor), which can lead to rain and reduced traction. This disrupts air exchange.
  3. The ventilation in the house is clogged with debris.

So, in order to remove backdraft, you must first understand why it appears.

Causes of reverse thrust

As mentioned above, reverse draft in ventilation appears for two main reasons:

  1. Complete sealing of the premises.
  2. Installation of additional exhaust devices in ventilation ducts.

All other reasons are secondary, some of which do not create reverse draft, but simply the ventilation stops working. Ventilation in an apartment is more difficult, because the system itself is a complex set of channels, often made of concrete. Branches extend from the riser throughout all apartments, through which air from the premises must be removed to the street. And if the neighbor on the lower floor install a powerful kitchen hood, then the reverse flow of air masses will be felt not only by him, but also by his neighbors on the floors closest to him.

In a private house, reverse draft occurs for other reasons, because the ventilation in the apartment is different from ventilation system private house. This is where installing fans can solve the problem. But you just need to determine the installation location using different risers.

Self-determination of cravings

  • There are two ways:
  1. The simplest one is to place your palm with the ventilation hole, and if the ventilation is working properly, you should feel the movement of the air flow.
  2. Place a napkin or paper sheet on the grill. If the first holds on to the second, it means the traction is good, there is no reverse effect.

Ventilation problems in multi-apartment buildings

Ventilation problems usually occur after many years of using a home.

  1. Its cross-section becomes smaller due to debris, rodents and birds that have fallen inside.
  2. Destruction of the walls of ventilation ducts due to condensation.
  3. The absence of a head is due to precipitation trapped inside.

All this reduces cravings, which means that the humidity inside the apartments increases, and unpleasant odors will become eternal companions of the rooms. What to do?

Solving the problem using a fan

Many people probably thought that the conversation was about installing fans in place of ventilation grilles. Nobody forbids doing this, although it has already been described above what this can lead to.

We are talking about a fan that is installed in the system on the roof. This may be a mechanical deflector or a rotary turbine. Both devices are powered by the wind, so they are of no use in calm weather. Although, as practice shows, it is the installation of these devices that sharply increases traction and prevents reverse flow.

As for fans on ventilation grilles, you should first calculate their power. It depends on the cross-section of the ventilation ducts and on such indicators as air exchange in the premises. For example, in the kitchen this figure should vary in the range of 12-20 m³/hour depending on the type of stove and the number of burners.

To do this, you need to calculate the volume of the kitchen. For example, a room area of ​​3x4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m, the volume will be 36 m³. Now we multiply the resulting value by a factor of 12-20. At the minimum value, the fan performance is 432, at the maximum 720 m³/hour.

Preventive measures

What needs to be done to prevent backdraft from forming.

  1. Keep the ventilation system in good condition.
  2. Do not install fans or hoods into ventilation ducts. Use a recirculating hood or vent it outside the room to the street: through a wall or window glass.
  3. Install baffles or rotary turbines at the end of the riser.
  4. Organize air flow into the premises by any means.
  5. Install interior doors, which will block the movement of air between rooms. Strong drafts are also causes of backflow.
  6. Clean the ventilation system from snow and ice in winter.
  7. Make periodic

According to existing standards, any residential premises must be equipped, which is designed to remove polluted air from non-residential rooms (toilet, bathroom, kitchen). If the glass on the windows is not functioning correctly, condensation begins to fog up, condensation flows down the walls, the corners become damp, and mold forms in the rooms. If the ventilation system is working properly, such troubles are invisible. If the house is small child, then the consequences of poor-quality air exchange can cause the baby to develop bronchial asthma or other respiratory diseases.

Diagram of forced ventilation in a multi-storey building

To check the functionality of the ventilation system, you need to take a small piece of soft paper (about 10x10 cm), open a window in the room, and then hold the piece of paper to ventilation grille. If the leaf flutters, the ventilation works well. In turn, if the leaf is not attracted, this is an indicator of poor performance of the ventilation system.

Problems with ventilation in apartment buildings, especially in top floors, are a completely common phenomenon. The reason for the problems lies in the fact that to ensure normal circulation in the apartment, air must pass through the ventilation duct at least 2 meters vertically. On the top floor, this condition is problematic, since the attic space acts as an obstacle. Ventilation can be brought outside using three different methods.

  1. The first is ventilation ducts, in the form of a pipe head, directly leading to the roof. Houses were built in this way until the beginning of the twentieth century, but the increased number of floors in buildings gradually pushed this method aside.
  2. With the second method, ventilation, upon reaching attic space, was covered using horizontal sealed boxes connected to a shaft that went outside on top of the roof.
  3. With the third method, the most modern, ventilation first enters the attic, which plays the role of an intermediate ventilation chamber. After which the air enters the outside, passing through one common ventilation shaft.

We will not consider the first option, since it is not currently used - we will focus on the second and third methods.

In the second option, the following happens: air from all floors rises up through the channels, to the attic level, falling into a horizontal connected box arranged in the attic room. During this, the air flow hits the cover of the horizontal ventilation duct. The air flow deviates slightly to the side ventilation shaft, but if the internal cross-section of the horizontal attic box is insufficient, an area of ​​increased pressure appears in the box, due to which the air seeks an exit to the outside through any nearby opening, for example, a ventilation shaft and an upper floor duct.

If the cross-section of the box is sufficient, but the cover is mounted very low, then the same process occurs - reverse draft - the air flow does not have time to deviate towards the ventilation shaft in time, which entails a blow. The ventilation of the upper floor is “pressed” by the reflected air flow, which causes odors lower floors they end up in exactly this room. To get rid of this, you can resort to two methods - global and local.

The global method involves increasing the cross-section of the attic horizontal connection box by changing its height by about 2-3 times, followed by installing some devices inside the box, called “cuts”. Keep in mind that all this work must be performed by experienced specialists. In addition, remember that it is not recommended to increase the cross-section of the duct in cases where exactly the same ducts are attached to the ventilation shaft on the reverse side.

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The local method involves separating the channels of the upper floor from the general air flow, followed by insertion into the ventilation shaft on top of the duct. You will need to carefully insulate these individual ducts to avoid disturbing the temperature and humidity conditions of the attic.

According to the third option, ventilation works in almost all modern high-rise buildings. In most cases, ventilation on the top floors in such houses is accompanied not by reverse draft, but by weakened draft. In such cases, air, when entering the channel, travels only about 30 cm vertically, after which it dissipates without having time to gain speed and force. As a result of this, ventilation does not disappear, but air exchange on the top floors is noticeably reduced. When the intersection and entrance doors of the attic are open, a strong draft can occur, due to which the draft on the upper floors becomes worse.

To eliminate this problem, individual channels of the upper floor should be increased, the diameter of which is usually 140 mm. Pipes of the same diameter are placed over these holes, and the joints are carefully covered with alabaster. The pipes are brought out to a height of 1 meter and slightly inclined towards the common shaft so that the air flow, which rises from below and passes next to the brought out pipes, pulls air currents from the channels of the upper floor.

In apartment buildings, each apartment is equipped with a supply system exhaust ventilation. As a rule, the ventilation scheme is as follows: in bathrooms, kitchens and toilets there are exhaust openings, and the flow of fresh air is ensured by ventilation of the premises.

Natural supply and exhaust ventilation of a residential building

Quality work supply and exhaust ventilation is able to fully provide a suitable indoor microclimate for humans. If unpleasant odors regularly appear in the room and the windows fog up, this is a good reason to check the work ventilation work. If the check shows poor operation of the system, then it is likely that the ventilation shaft is clogged.

Scheme of natural supply and exhaust ventilation in a multi-apartment high-rise building

How to make proper ventilation in an apartment with your own hands

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment

If you decide to clean the ventilation, keep in mind that residents apartment buildings do not have the right to exercise self-installation engineering communications that other people use. Cleaning or repairing the ventilation shaft should only be carried out by specialists from the appropriate organizations. If your home's HVAC is not working, the only thing you can do is remove the grille from the vent and remove the debris in it using a vacuum cleaner (or manually).

In some cases it happens that exhaust system is in good condition, but unpleasant odors and foggy windows still make themselves felt. This can often be observed in apartments where plastic windows are installed. In this case, there are two ways to solve the problem: regularly ventilate the rooms or install additional supply valves.

Drawing and installation diagram ventilation valve on the window

Supply valves are usually installed in holes behind radiators, which allows fresh air to warm up a little when entering the room. The diameter of the holes is usually in the range of 6-10 cm. Based on the type of design, valves are divided into several types. Some, for example, have a plug that can be opened manually if necessary. More modern models are equipped with special sensors that can respond to changes in the level of humidity in the room, at the right moment opening the valve that lets in fresh outside air. Many valves have a set of filter elements.

In most cases, natural ventilation in old houses is not able to provide the required amount of fresh air, so many people install air conditioners. This device cannot completely replace the ventilation system, but it can clean and humidify the air in the apartment.

Forced ventilation in a panel house

Forced ventilation comes to the rescue in cases where the natural one is unable to cope with the tasks assigned to it. It is impossible to completely install it on your own, since in each specific case its project has its own characteristics. In the event that you need to install ventilation in one-room apartment, you can purchase a simple monoblock device.

For the highest quality ventilation in each room, you will definitely need to install air ducts, the installation of which can be carried out by anyone. Typically, air ducts are installed under suspended ceiling or built into walls.

Natural ventilation channels

For effective ventilation, Each room of the house must have two ventilation devices: one is for air supply, the other is for removing air from the room.

Every room in a house or apartment equipped with a supply and exhaust natural ventilation device according to one of three options:

  1. Supply valve in the window or external wall for air flow. Transfer hole into an adjacent room with an exhaust duct for air removal (hole in the door or internal wall, partition).
  2. For air flow - overflow hole from an adjacent room with an inlet valve, and exhaust duct
  3. Inlet valve for inflow, And exhaust duct ventilation to remove air.

Check in the house or apartment where you currently live whether all rooms have air supply and exhaust devices ventilation?!

In which rooms should exhaust ventilation ducts be installed?

Exhaust ducts for natural ventilation must be provided from the following areas of the house:

  • Sanitary facilities - bathroom, toilet, laundry room.
  • Kitchens.
  • Dressing room, storage room - if the doors of the premises open into the living room. If the doors open onto a corridor (hall, kitchen), then you can do one of two things: arrange an exhaust duct from the premises or install a supply valve in a wall or window.
  • The boiler room must have both a ventilation duct and a supply valve.
  • From rooms separated from rooms with a ventilation duct by more than two doors.
  • On the floor above the first, subject to availability entrance doors from the stairs to the floor - ventilation ducts are made from the rooms indicated above, and/or from the corridor, hall.
  • On the floor above the first, in the absence of entrance doors from the stairs to the floor, a ventilation duct and a supply valve are installed in each room of the floor.

In other areas of the house that do not have natural ventilation exhaust ducts, be sure to install a supply valve in a window or wall and a flow hole into the adjacent room.

In addition, natural ventilation exhaust ducts are used for ventilation:

  • Sewer pipe riser.

Construction rules (clause 6.5.8 SP 60.13330.2016) require in residential buildings for premises in which gas equipment (gas boilers, hot water columns, kitchen stoves etc.), provide mechanical forced exhaust ventilation and natural or mechanical forced ventilation.

Location and dimensions of ventilation ducts

The minimum side size of the natural ventilation channel is 10 cm., and the minimum cross-sectional area is 0.016 m 2., which approximately corresponds to the diameter standard pipe ventilation duct - 150 mm.

A channel of minimal size will provide air exhaust in a volume of 30 m 3 /hour with a vertical pipe length of more than 3 m. To increase the performance of the hood, the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel or the length of the channel is increased. Channels less than 2 long m. do not provide the necessary intensity of natural ventilation.

In practice, the length of the ventilation duct on a floor is usually determined by design considerations - the number and height of the upper floors located above, the height of the attic, the length of the pipe above the roof. On the floor, the length of all channels must be the same. This is done so that the traction force in each channel on the floor is approximately the same.

The cross-sectional dimensions of the channels on the floor are often made the same, but for design reasons - it’s more convenient. The performance of the ventilation channel in a particular room on the floor is adjusted by choosing the size of the ventilation grille.

Ventilation ducts from the premises of the house on different floors are placed side by side, combining them into a block of ventilation ducts.

For design reasons, they try to lay several ventilation ducts from rooms on the same floor side by side, in one place - to create a block of ventilation ducts.

Ventilation channel block in stone houses usually placed inside the carrier interior wall at home or attached to the wall.

The block is laid out from masonry materials, for example, brick. In brickwork, it is convenient to make channels with a cross-section that is a multiple of the size of the brick, taking into account the thickness of the joints - 140x140 mm. (1/2 x 1/2 brick, 196 cm 2) or 140x270 mm. (1/2 x 1 brick, 378 cm 2)

Double-channel expanded clay concrete ventilation block 390x190x188 mm. Flow area of ​​one channel 168 cm 2
Concrete blocks for laying ventilation ducts in a private house. Block height 33 cm., width 25 cm., wall thickness 4 cm. The flow area of ​​one channel is 12x17 cm. (204 cm 2)

They produce hollow ones concrete blocks, specially designed for laying ventilation ducts.

A block of ventilation ducts made of masonry materials must be supported on a foundation or on a reinforced concrete floor.

In other cases, for example, in wooden or frame houses, the ventilation channel block is assembled from plastic or galvanized steel pipes. The block of pipes is covered with a box.

How to combine several channels into one channel

In a private house, the number of channels is small, so there is no need to combine air flows from several channels (rooms or floors) into one, as is often done in apartment buildings. Each natural ventilation channel in a private house must begin in the room and end at the head on the roof. Any combination of two or more channels impairs ventilation performance.

In some cases, there is still a need to combine several channels, to combine them into one common natural ventilation channel.


Ventilation channel performance

Performance of a single exhaust ventilation channel with a cross section of 12x17 cm.(204 cm 2) from concrete blocks depending on the channel height and room temperature:

Capacity of natural ventilation channels with a cross section of 12 x 17 cm.(204 cm 2) depending on the channel height and room temperature (at an outside air temperature of 12 o C)

To determine the performance for intermediate values channel height, plot the dependence along the axes: channel height and productivity.

Similar tables can be found for ventilation ducts that are made of other materials.

However, for ventilation ducts of the same cross-section (204 cm 2), but made from other materials, the performance will differ slightly from that indicated in the table.

For a channel of a different cross-section, the performance value from the table can be proportionally increased or decreased.

To increase the performance of a ventilation channel of the same height, it is necessary proportionally increase the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel. To do this, for example, choose a concrete block with a larger hole, or use two or three channels of the above size to ventilate one room.

Calculation of natural ventilation of a private house

The building regulations specify the minimum required capacity of natural ventilation ducts. Typically, people feel better when more fresh air is supplied to the room than specified in the standards. The performance of the natural ventilation channel very much depends on atmospheric and other variable factors (air temperature inside and outside, wind pressure and direction, resistance to air flow into the room). All this suggests that for a private house there is no point in carefully performing calculations accurately. I recommend rounding the calculation results towards greater productivity of natural ventilation channels. During operation, if necessary, throughput channel can be easily reduced.

Calculation of natural ventilation is carried out in order to determine the size of ventilation channels based on the volume of air removed.

When determining the volume of air removed through natural ventilation channels, it is taken into account that air enters rooms with supply valves from the street, then this air flows into rooms with exhaust ducts, and is removed through the channels again to the street.

Calculation is being carried out for each floor at home in the following order:

  1. Guided by the standards (see), determine the amount of the minimum volume of air that should come from the street for ventilation all rooms with supply valves - Q p, m 3 /hour.
  2. According to the standards, the amount of the minimum volume of air that must be go outside for ventilation all premises equipped with an exhaust ventilation duct - Q in, m 3 /hour.
  3. Compare the calculated minimum values ​​of air flow from the street (Q p, m 3 /hour) and going outside (Q in, m 3 /hour). Usually one of the quantities turns out to be greater than the other. The larger of the two quantities is taken as the minimum design capacity of all exhaust ventilation channels on the floor— Q r, m 3 /hour.
  4. Based on the vertical dimensions of the house, the height of the natural ventilation channel on the floor is determined.
  5. Knowing the height of the ventilation channel, and the overall estimated minimum performance of all channels on the floor (Q p, m 3 / hour), According to the table (see above), the total number of standard channels made of concrete blocks is selected. The total performance of the selected number of standard channels should not be less than the value Q p, m 3 / hour.
  6. The selected number of standard ducts are distributed between the rooms of the house, which must be equipped with exhaust ventilation ducts. When distributing, take into account the need to ensure standard air exchange in each individual room with a ventilation duct.

An example of calculating the natural ventilation of a private house

For example, let’s calculate natural ventilation in one-story house With total area floor 120 m 2. The house has five living rooms with a total area of ​​90 m 2, kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as a dressing room (storage room) with an area of ​​4.5 m 2. Room height - 3 m. The house is made with natural ventilation of the underground space through ventilation duct. Height of ventilated space under the floor 0.3 m. We use concrete blocks to install ventilation channels - see above.

Fan at the entrance to the natural ventilation channel

Continuation: for the next one