Modern soundproofing materials for apartments. Soundproofing walls in an apartment: frame and frameless systems

Noise is not as harmless a phenomenon as it might seem: it is no coincidence that its level and time, acceptable for noisy work and entertainment, regulated by law.

If you suffer from rowdy neighbors, noise from operating equipment, or screams coming from the sports field, do not try to get used to it: it may cause health problems(from hearing impairment and nervous disorders to hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular diseases).

In cases where it is impossible to neutralize the noise source, the only reasonable solution would be to acoustically insulate your own apartment.

Review of modern materials

The first thing you need to know about acoustic insulation: sound absorption and sound insulation are different concepts.

Soundproofing- this is the installation of obstacles in the path of the sound wave that will prevent the sound from penetrating into the room or, conversely, spreading outward. Sound absorption occurs due to the conversion of sound energy into thermal energy and a decrease in the intensity of the reflected wave.

Naturally, different materials are required for these purposes: soundproofing materials must have sufficient large mass and density, and sound-absorbing – have soft, porous structure.

So, we list the main sound-absorbing materials:

  1. Fiberglass boards or mineral wool (better than basalt) are quite effective, but have a noticeable thickness (from 3 cm). They are placed in a special frame inside sheathing made of plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets.
  2. Polyurethane foam panels(acoustic foam rubber, “sound-absorbing pyramids”) are simply attached with glue, and it is not even necessary to level the surface under them. The thickness of such a panel is from 3.5 to 10 cm; the height of each pyramid is from 2 to 7 cm.
  3. Liquid sound insulation- only the name, in reality, sound absorption occurs. It must be applied in a thick layer (at least 3 cm), without particularly leveling: you will still have to cover it with plasterboard or a decorative panel.
  4. Cork sheets or rolled cork– the coating is decorative, but with a thickness of 0.8-1 cm it can be used for sound insulation. Sound absorption will be more effective if the diameter of the pressed chips is no more than 3 mm (be sure to pay attention to this, since crumbs up to 6 mm in diameter are found).

For sound insulation, products from the following list are usually used:

  1. Wall covering with plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets with mounting to the wall at a distance. A gap of at least 4 cm wide must be provided between the wall and the sheathing to be filled with noise-absorbing materials (see above).
  2. Soundproofing panel systems(ZIPS or sandwich panels) - industrial version of the previous version; their thickness varies from 5.5 to 13.5 cm. Ready-made sandwich panels are attached directly to the wall in a frameless manner.
  3. Decorative soundproofing panels– thin (1.2-1.5 cm) layered material made of a cardboard frame and loose mineral filler (for example, quartz sand). To prevent sand from spilling out when cutting panels, it is necessary to seal their sections with special tape.
  4. Acoustic boards made of soft fiberboard– layered structure, including waterproofing, polystyrene foam and reinforcing mesh. Depending on the thickness of the filler, the slab can be thin (from 1 cm) or wide (about 10 cm).
  5. Wood fiber panels(more often coniferous species trees) is also relatively thin (from 1.2 to 2.5 cm) facing material, which has soundproofing properties.
  6. Thin, high-density membranes The material is essentially homogeneous, but for ease of fastening to the wall they are sometimes coated.

How to choose the right insulation material?

If we do not take into account the financial component and subjective preferences for the color of the panel covering, then There are only two main criteria:

  1. Who will carry out the work: professionals or the residents themselves?
  2. What is more important: to reduce the decibel level as much as possible or to save the usable area of ​​​​the apartment?

If you plan to do the installation yourself, then it is better to choose sandwich panels (ZIPS), which are assembled using a frameless method, or any covering that is glued with the entire surface to the wall.

More complex complex insulating structures are best left to professionals to install.

The answer to the second question allows you to choose between:

  • covering the walls with multilayer panels or plasterboard (followed by filling with soft sound-absorbing material);
  • thin soundproofing coatings.

Thin soundproofing materials

Objectively speaking, thin sound insulation is not a self-sufficient tool: even manufacturers in the description of the material often indicate that it is intended for use as part of “laminated” panels.

However, many prefer to do everything possible for sound insulation even in cases where, for some reason, “sandwich” designs are not applicable.

Here is a list of the most common materials and their approximate thickness:

  • lead foil in a polyurethane foam “case” - 0.7 cm;
  • polymer-bitumen membrane coated with polypropylene – 0.4 cm;
  • mineral membranes – 0.25-0.37 cm;
  • polyethylene insulation for wallpaper - 0.5 cm (more details in the next sections).

Among thin single-layer materials, those with greater mass and density and the highest possible critical frequency (preferably outside the range that can be heard by the human ear) - that is, definitely not polyethylene.

Not everyone knows that the soundproofing capabilities of a material depend on the frequency of the “hostile” sound. So, the critical frequency is the lowest frequency after which the soundproofing characteristics of the material decrease.

From familiar materials highest critical frequency has lead, a level lower - steel, concrete, brick, rubber. If you choose according to this criterion, then best option– lead membrane. But, since lead is not the healthiest element periodic table, it is worth taking a closer look at the polymer-bitumen membrane: this artificial material has a critical lead frequency, but harmful impurities does not contain.

The most popular mineral membranes - aragonite (Texaund) and barite (sound block, loaded vinyl) - contain polymers as a binder component, which give the material plasticity and elasticity. The small thickness of the membranes allows them to be used in several layers to improve the effect, alternating with noise absorption.

With a slight stretch Fine noise insulation includes those discussed earlier:

Basic methods of do-it-yourself noise isolation

They cope well with the noise coming from the street plastic windows, but the main thing here is not to overdo it: you should not order a two- or three-chamber double-glazed window, since more glass not only does not improve, but in some cases may impair sound insulation. It is better to install a single-chamber package (of two glasses) with as much distance between them as possible.

It is much more difficult to level out noise coming from indoor sources (in our case, an apartment building). Fortunately, the preparatory stage of work on soundproofing your apartment anyone can do it, who has ever encountered repairs.

It’s best to start by sealing the joints between the slabs and sealing other cracks and holes. If the gaps are large, you need blow them out polyurethane foam or, at worst, tamp tightly with a rag; if they are small, just carefully putty on them.

The next important point is to get rid of the through sockets (to do this you will have to slightly redraw the electrical wiring) and strengthen all the others in the socket.

Now the next step is plaster (of course high quality, elastic, with good adhesion). It turns out that a thick layer of plaster plus putty already provides a good level of noise insulation: in a standard situation, when the neighbors have no-repairs, no-holidays and no-fights, you will be able to sleep or work peacefully.

Soundproofing walls in an apartment: video instructions.

If “standard” situations are rather an exception to the rule, then You can’t do without additional acoustic insulation. For DIY installation the following will do:

  • soundproof sandwich panels (ZIPS);
  • decorative panels with loose filler;
  • panels made of wood fibers or compressed cork chips;
  • thin high-density insulating coatings;
  • liquid sound insulation;
  • polyethylene backing for wallpaper.

All these materials do not require special installation skills: with their help, anyone can equip a soundproofed room!

To insulate walls in spacious rooms, preference should be given to combined multilayer structures: their sound insulation characteristics are significantly higher than those of homogeneous materials.

If you are a professional in the field of repair and construction work, it will not be difficult for you to cover the walls with plasterboard with mineral or fiberglass filler inside the sheathing: this option is a classic of acoustic insulation, but will cost less good finished panels.

How to soundproof walls under wallpaper?

So, the walls are prepared for finishing putty. If you decide to make light sound insulation with polyethylene foam, then it is not necessary to add putty to the ideal, the material itself will perfectly hide small irregularities.

The polyethylene foam backing for wallpaper is usually already covered with paper on both sides and rolled into rolls, so it is simply cut into pieces of the required length and glued to the plaster (without overlap!) with glue for heavy wallpaper.

Be sure to take care in advance that during work and when drying the material the temperature in the room was above 10◦C.

When the substrate dries, you can glue any wallpaper: both ready-made and for painting (material has water-repellent properties, so the water emulsion will not harm it).

Acoustic ceiling insulation

The purpose of soundproofing the ceiling is to get rid of not only airborne (spreading through the air), but also structural (spreading through floor slabs) noise.

The last type of noise is also called vibration or shock: This includes sounds that occur when dragging furniture, falling heavy objects, walking in heels on parquet, etc.

Important: Regardless of which method of sound insulation is chosen, the first thing you need to do is foam or putty the gaps between the slabs.

Whatever the original height of the room, It’s better to sacrifice centimeters: optimal solution for isolation from impact noise There will be installation of a suspended plasterboard or stretch ceiling.

Moreover, the gap between the ceiling and the newly formed ceiling must be filled with good sound-absorbing material (see photo) (in no case with polystyrene foam!).

Please also ensure that the fastenings (and the substrates under them) are also soundproofing.

Both suspended and suspended ceilings have many ardent supporters among professional builders, so it’s up to you to decide. An additional advantage in favor of tension is that its coating itself is narrower is a decorative element, while a plasterboard structure needs to be puttied, wallpapered or painted.

If the height of the room is so small that you cannot even think about reducing it, it’s worth trying decorative ecological soundproofing panels (1.2-1.5 cm thick) or an ultra-thin aragonite soundproofing membrane.

Important: Soundproofing one ceiling (without walls and floor) will not help to completely remove even noise from neighbors above, since sound can also spread through wall partitions.

The review of materials for acoustic insulation carried out here is, of course, not complete, but can be a starting point for your search.

“Do you want me to kill the neighbors who are disturbing my sleep?” - Zemfira once suggested in a minor song motif from the stage. Metaphor is a metaphor, but, probably, each of us in our lives at least once had similar thoughts: living in apartment buildings its own “romance”. However, there is a good and completely legal way to rid yourself of overly loud neighbors who happily share their musical tastes at night - this is to soundproof the walls in the apartment. Of course, it will not eliminate absolutely all sounds coming from outside into your apartment, but it is a fact that it will make your stay much more comfortable. What material is best to use for sound insulation? What are the installation features? Read about all this and more below.

Why is this necessary?

There are different noises: average, strong and not very much. But in different situations we are forced to react to them with our auditory receptors, distracted from our daily affairs. Does this violate our personal space? Of course, and therefore not doing anything to protect him is the same as not respecting yourself. Soundproofing walls is your decisive answer to music lover neighbors through the wall, loud repair work in the morning, a running washing machine or a TV broadcasting to the entire entrance.

  • counteraction to all 4 types of noise waves: airborne ( conversations, music), acoustic ( echo), percussion ( renovation work), structural ( elevator noise at the entrance);
  • limiting the noise flow emanating from your apartment;
  • additional insulation;
  • comfort and harmony at any time of the day.

Please note second point - thanks to soundproofing wall surfaces, you not only limit the sound flow entering your apartment, but also stop the spread of noise waves that come from you. Of course, it’s hard to believe (sarcasm!), but sometimes we ourselves become unwitting sources of annoying noise. Therefore, making sure that this does not happen is a direct sequence on your part, perfectly illustrating integrity and honesty.

The best modern materials

One of the main problems that any owner who has started soundproofing will inevitably face is which of the existing modern materials prefer. Each of them has its own obvious pros and cons, so let’s try to understand it all thoroughly and give specific recommendations for use.

Mineral wool

  • low price;
  • reduction in noise level by 5-10 dB.

When it comes to sound insulation, everyone immediately thinks of mineral wool. In fact, for its purpose it is an excellent insulator, and in the format of a sound-insulating material it can only be used in conjunction with some additional material. In addition, the use of mineral wool is not recommended in cases where the room cannot boast of a solid usable area- will be lost as soon as possible at least 5 centimeters. It is recommended to use it in connection with plasterboard walls - then you can achieve an ideal result (read about how to attach plasterboard to a wall).

Cork panels

  • high cost;
  • excellent sound insulation.

Cork materials have long been known for their standard sound absorption. Despite the serious price, such material can often be found on the walls of both apartments and private houses. The explanation for this is quite simple:

  • no finishing required- the surface of such panels is already aesthetically pleasing and attracts attention with its wonderful relief;
  • quick frameless installation- just level the surface and stick the sheets with contact glue;
  • environmental safety- boom natural materials is now observed throughout the civilized world, and what makes us worse.

If desired, the cork can be coated with a special varnish - this will give its surface an interesting shine and become even more attractive in your eyes.

Polyurethane boards

  • high price;
  • impeccable efficiency.

Anyone who plays music or works in the recording industry probably knows about this material for soundproofing walls, which is quite applicable in an apartment. Why the “quite” clause? Probably due to the high price that the owners who choose this material will be forced to pay for this pleasure. Otherwise, no questions:

  • quick installation;
  • small thickness - up to 1.5 centimeters;
  • convenient size of slabs - 60*120 cm;
  • Light weight will not cause any difficulties during installation.

Soundproofing membranes

  • high cost;
  • good tear resistance;
  • Combined use is recommended.

Most often, this material is used in conjunction with mineral wool. The membrane itself is quite thin, no more than 2 millimeters, and bends well. This is the reason for the fact that in terms of soundproofing properties it is completely inferior to, for example, cork or acoustic panels. However, the above-mentioned combination with mineral wool makes it possible to perfectly solve the problem.

Soundproofing panels

  • excellent sound insulation;
  • basic installation;
  • heavy weight;
  • the best option if you don't mind the money.

So we have come to an option that, in all respects - except price, of course, evokes wild sympathy. Such panels weigh a lot, so you won’t be able to install them alone. They are attached to the wall using dowels, all seams are carefully filled with a special acoustic sealant. Due to the design features, this material is often called sandwich panels. There's definitely something to it.

Price comparison. Table

In order to decide on a budget, it will be useful to carefully study the market. We decided to save your time and listed prices for popular soundproofing materials in the table below. The most common options are mentioned, but nothing prevents you, of course, from delving into market monitoring yourself and finding something truly unique.

Name of soundproofing material Price
Schumanet-ECO acoustic plate from 225 rubles per 1 sq.m.
TECSOUND FT-75 soundproofing tape from 1700 rubles per 1 sq. m
TECSOUND SY 70 self-adhesive soundproofing membrane from 1400 rubles per 1 sq. m
Wicanders Dekwall Melville cork panel from 900 rubles per 1 sq. m
TechnoNikol Rocklight 50 mineral wool from 500 rubles per 1 sq. m
ROCKWOOL SANDWICH BUTTS WITH SOUNDPROOF PANEL from 4500 rubles per 1 cubic meter. m.

Preparing the wall for installation

Experts know well: any installation begins with careful preparation surfaces. Skip this stage - and then all the work will go down the drain due to existing cracks, uneven joints and other small issues that sometimes affect the result no less than the type of material itself and its immediate characteristics.

  1. clean the walls from dirt, dust and old material;
  2. seal all cracks with putty;
  3. places of entry and exit of pipes and other engineering communications treat with acoustic sealant;
  4. Before moving on to the next stage of repair work, treat the entire wall with a deep penetration primer - this will strengthen adhesion with the next material, as well as prevent the appearance of any manifestations of pathogenic flora (for more details, see the article: “Mold on the walls in an apartment: all ways to solve the problem”).

Features of frame installation

The main feature of the frame method of soundproofing walls is already stated in the very name of the operation - it is necessary to build a frame from wooden beams or metal profiles, to which the rest of the material is later attached. It seems that this information alone is enough to understand: for very modest rooms this method is undesirable. The fact is that the frame with the subsequent fixation of sound-insulating material risks seriously reducing the space, up to 12 centimeters. For spacious apartments this is a drop in the ocean, but for Khrushchev-era apartments that are not spoiled by extra square meters, this is a serious figure.

From the materials mentioned above, with the obligatory installation of a frame, it is mounted mineral wool. It is recommended to use it in conjunction with a thin soundproofing membrane and plasterboard construction. This allows you to achieve optimal sound insulation in the apartment and solve the problem brilliantly.


  1. the base wall is marked;
  2. a guide metal profile is mounted;
  3. a rack-mount metal profile is installed;
  4. installed profiles are covered with polystyrene tape to improve noise reduction performance and avoid contact of the metal part of the profile with the wall;
  5. between metal profiles cut pieces of mineral wool are inserted;
  6. the cotton wool is secured with wide-headed anchors;
  7. all existing joints are carefully puttied;
  8. installation of the profile for ventilation gap between mineral wool and plasterboard sheet;
  9. gypsum board sheets are fixed.

Experts strongly recommend using mineral wool in conjunction with soundproofing membrane. It must be glued immediately after installation. This combination significantly increases sound insulation characteristics, but will require you to invest significantly more in repairs.

Detailed installation instructions on the walls in the apartment in the video.

Of course, instead of profiles, you can use ordinary wooden slats. But the wood used must be well treated with an antiseptic and is much less durable than ready-made profiles sold in construction stores.

Frameless installation and its nuances

Compared to the previous method of installing sound insulation, frameless is extremely simple, but requires serious preparation of the base base. So, first thoroughly level the wall and treat it with a primer so that any subsequent material has excellent adhesion to the wall surface. If this does not happen, then gaps, cracks and joints will inevitably appear through which sound waves will penetrate into your apartment.

But otherwise, you are not required to bother with profiles. Soundproofing material is glued or fixed directly to the wall surface, and then produced finishing.

In some cases, such as with cork panels, no additional finishing is required.

  1. the wall is leveled with putty and treated with a primer until a perfectly flat and smooth surface is achieved;
  2. fast-acting contact adhesive is applied - a special polychlorpropene-based adhesive is recommended;
  3. after 5 minutes, the soundproofing sheet of the cork is pressed tightly against the wall;
  4. each subsequent element is laid tightly to the previous one, the joint overlaps;
  5. the next row will be made offset by half a sheet.

If the cork is installed in an apartment with high humidity, then it is recommended to additionally coat it with varnish with hermetic protection.

All stages of installation are on video.

How to attach soundproofing panels?

So-called soundproofing sandwich panels are not so often found in modern apartments due to their high cost, however, they help to achieve ideal comfort in the room and at the same time are quite easily attached to the wall. To do this you will need dowels and screws.

  1. first, the lower panels are mounted on the wall from the left corner - in the upward-to-right direction;
  2. the bottom row is cut along the short side and the long side, depending on the area of ​​the wall surface of the apartment;
  3. Holes up to 60 millimeters deep are made in the panel using a puncher, dowels are inserted into them and hammered into the wall;
  4. during installation, a joint of at least 25 millimeters should be observed;
  5. After all the panels are installed, you need to go over the joints with a sander, and then fill the seams with sealant.

Another video on the topic of frameless installation of sound insulation.


Soundproofing the walls in your apartment really works and helps protect your ears from unwanted sound waves. However, you should think about it not when you actually experience discomfort from scandalous neighbors, but even at the stage overhaul apartments, when the walls are being processed and the layout is being formed. In this case, you can organically fit any soundproofing material into the wall structure and achieve the desired result. You shouldn’t skimp on materials or take installation lightly: your investment will pay off in peace of mind and harmony, but frivolity and negligence will result in complete failure repair work.


Comprehensive sound insulation of walls, ceilings and floors will help prevent extraneous noise from entering your apartment. But completely soundproofing an apartment is very expensive and not always advisable, especially in cases where the source of annoying noise is a specific apartment. If you are annoyed by your neighbors on the floor, you can get rid of the noise in their apartment by soundproofing adjacent walls. In this article we will figure out how to soundproof walls.

When building new houses, there is an increasing tendency to reduce the weight of the structure. This allows you to reduce foundation costs, which negatively affects the sound insulation of the room. Not everyone is interested in hearing what their neighbors are doing. That is why soundproofing an apartment is a concern not only for those who live in old panel houses, but also in new buildings.

Due to the large assortment of soundproofing materials on the market, you can get confused. The choice should be approached responsibly, because each material has its own purpose. Increasingly, people are interested not only in how well the material will combat sound, but also whether it is safe to use in a residential area. Not everyone wants to breathe phenol vapors and install glass wool.

In this article we will look at materials for soundproofing walls from a Russian manufacturer MaxForte.

Which can be used for framed and frameless schemes.

MaxForte EcoPlate

Sound-absorbing basalt slabs from volcanic rock.

They have excellent acoustic properties. The slabs are used for soundproofing the most complex objects: cinemas, recording studios.

Material with impeccable ecology. Can be used as fire protection. High sound absorption coefficient α W at all frequencies (including low).

Without phenol and slags.

  1. Non-flammable material.
  2. Odorless.
  3. Resistant to moisture.

MaxForte EcoAcoustic

Plates made of polyester fibers (acoustic synthetic padding), without glue in the composition. To give shape, thermal bonding technology is used. The material does not emit or contain harmful substances. Only primary raw materials are used in production. To maximize sound absorption, aerodynamic fiber laying is used. When working with the material, no special clothing, gloves or a respirator are required.

  1. Made from homogeneous raw materials.
  2. No fiberglass.
  3. Hypoallergenic product.
  4. They are not afraid of water.
  5. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.


Rolled composite material, new generation. Created taking into account theoretical developments in the field of building acoustics. With a thickness of 12 mm, it provides maximum protection against airborne and impact noise. An irreplaceable material in small apartments. No glue or chemicals included. Also acts as fire protection and thermal insulation.

  1. Completely non-flammable.
  2. They are not afraid of water.
  3. Without phenol and odor.
  4. Easy installation.
  5. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.

MaxForteSoundPro And MaxForte EcoPlate

For enhanced sound insulation, a combination of materials is recommended, for example - MaxForteSoundPro And MaxForte EcoPlate. Using such a scheme will allow you to obtain the highest possible sound absorption, including low frequencies (stereo systems, home theaters)

But it is not always possible to “eat up” precious centimeters from the wall and need to be done as subtly and effectively as possible. In this case, frameless sound insulation will be a proven option.

How to install sound insulation without making a frame with MaxForteSoundPro:

Everyone chooses the best method for themselves based on their strengths, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

If you make sound insulation according to our recommendations, you can safely count on good comfort and silence.

Soundproofing of walls is carried out using the following materials:

    • Self-adhesive soundproofing membranes.

    • Combined panels with a layer of sound-absorbing materials.

    • Plates made of synthetic and mineral materials.

    • Mineral wool.

  • Cork panels.

In addition to the basic materials, depending on the soundproofing method you choose, you will need:

  • Metal profile or wooden blocks for frame guides.
  • Drywall, particle boards or other decorative coating for wall decoration.
  • Double screws.
  • Fastenings for plates.
  • Screws.

Each soundproofing manufacturer has its own installation technology, so you may need additional consumables not included in the list.

Installation of sound insulation

Preparatory work

Before you begin installing sound insulation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  1. Remove old wall covering (wallpaper, decorative panels).
  2. Remove sockets and switches. If there is a distribution box for wiring on the wall, remove the cover from it. Don't forget to turn off the power first.
  3. Remove the wires from the box and the sockets for the switch and outlets.
  4. Extend the wires for the switch and sockets to the length of the future insulation.
  5. Temporarily insulate the exposed wire ends.
  6. Fill the slots and box cement mortar or polyurethane foam.
  7. Inspect the wall and the joints between the slabs for cracks.
  8. Seal the cracks with cement mortar.

If you have little understanding of electricity, then invite a professional electrician for work related to wiring.

Frame making

The best way to block sound is frame method soundproofing, so we will consider it in our article:

  1. Place a thin soundproofing membrane over the entire wall area. You can use a self-adhesive membrane or use special glue for fastening.
  2. Make a frame frame; to do this, install vertical guides along the edges of the wall, as well as horizontal ones, under the ceiling and on the floor. To secure the guides, use dowel screws.
  3. Install the vertical guides inside the frame, at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other.
  4. Place soundproofing material, between the frame guides. To secure the sound insulation in the frame, you can use glue or a bendable metal strip attached to the guides with screws.
  5. Inspect the frame for voids and gaps. There should be no gaps or empty space in the frame.
  6. Lead the wires of switches, sockets and wiring through the insulation.
  7. Install sheets of drywall or other finishing boards on the frame. When installing the panels, make holes for the junction box, switch and sockets.
  8. Seal the seams between the panels.
  9. Carry out installation finishing coating walls (wallpaper, plaster).
  10. Install sockets, switch and junction box.

Soundproofing methods without frame

To save space, many people prefer to use frameless method soundproofing. This method really allows you to reduce the thickness of sound insulation by 2-3 centimeters, but at the same time, the quality of noise insulation is significantly reduced.

For sound insulation without a frame, they are mainly used combined panels, which are glued directly to the wall. After this, the panels are plastered or covered with wallpaper. In addition to sticking, sound insulation panels and boards can be installed on the wall using special fastenings, located in the corners.

In addition to hard slabs and panels, you can soundproof without a frame using soft roll material, for example, a self-adhesive membrane. The membrane is glued to the wall and covered with finishing panels. True, the quality of sound insulation with this method leaves much to be desired.

First you need to consider the benefits of high-quality sound insulation. Sound-absorbing materials should ideally provide:

  • the opportunity to relax and unwind;
  • absence of extraneous sounds that interfere with concentration on a specific activity;
  • full sleep.

It is impossible to achieve complete 100% noise isolation, and besides, there is no such need for this. It is enough to reduce extraneous sounds to a level where they do not cause irritation and do not interfere with proper rest. Sound insulation materials will cope with this task perfectly.

It is known that noise is the sound vibrations of air. They are capable of influencing a person, most often negatively.

Sounds that cause irritation include:

  • loud conversations behind the wall of neighbors in the apartment;
  • sounds of power tools during construction and repair work;
  • activities of household appliances;
  • extraneous noise from the street;
  • operation of communication systems;
  • many other actions that are unpleasant for our hearing.

Sound insulation materials that can be used to ensure high-quality sound insulation of walls and partitions in a new building or a residential building built long ago are varied. These include polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, mineral wool and cork. You will learn about them in this article.

Polystyrene foam is a modern product for soundproofing an apartment or house. This is a foamed plastic gas-filled mass white.

Its main volume is occupied by gas, the density of which is much lower than the density of the polymer - the main raw material of the product. This is due to the high heat and sound insulation properties of polystyrene foam.

Technical characteristics and properties of polystyrene foam

Foam plastic is produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The Knauf Corporation produces it using a non-press method from foamed polystyrene. Each cell is composed of dense cells, and each cell contains 98% air and 2% polystyrene.

If you need foam plastic, then as an example you can use products that are made from environmentally friendly raw materials. A fire retardant is added to the composition, so this material:

  • does not burn;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • not afraid of exposure to microorganisms;
  • has a high service life.

Polystyrene foam is one of the most popular materials for insulating partitions in apartments. First of all, this is due to its physical and chemical properties, safety and operational characteristics.

The table below describes the main parameters.

Thanks to modern technologies and equipment it is currently possible to produce foam of various types mechanical strength, density, resistance to all kinds of influences. Products made from it are safe for humans, therefore they are widely used in the food industry; goods and products intended for our nutrition are packaged in it.

Polystyrene foam is widely used in other industries and has the following advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and aging;
  • microorganisms cannot influence it;
  • it's easy to work with, it cuts hand saw or with a knife;
  • easily glues with other materials intended for partitions and walls in an apartment or outside the house;
  • easy to install.

Polystyrene foam is a waterproof material, but at the same time it has a high level of breathability. The temperature in which it is located is not capable of exerting negative impact on the properties of the material. For example, at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius, the foam will not change its properties for a long period.

Many developers, when choosing materials for sound insulation in a residential area, choose foam plastic. First of all, it is necessary to note its operational technical properties:

  1. Low thermal conductivity, due to which the air is evenly distributed inside the material.
  2. Durability. Subject to all operating conditions, the foam will last a long time. Even over time, it is not able to change its properties.
  3. Resistance to various damages - weak acids, alkalis, moisture. It is important that the material is chemically neutral.

The industry produces GOST 15588-86 foam grades listed in the table.

And the indicators for physical and mechanical properties must comply with GOST standards, which are indicated in the table below.

In order to install polystyrene foam on the wall, use special glue or a dowel with a wide head.

Let's consider the first option. Some experts prefer cement-based dry mixes, which are distinguished by their durability, reliability and high level adhesion.

But you can also use aerosol polyurethane types in your work. The laying technology consists of the following stages:

  1. The slabs are laid on starting bar, which is fixed around the perimeter of the surface being treated. This is done using dowels, the pitch is 300-400 mm.
  2. The surface must be clean, free of dust and dirt.
  3. Dissolve the glue. The packaging contains precise instructions: cold water pour in the mixture and stir with construction mixer. Then the composition is left for 5 minutes to mature and mixed again.
  4. Using a spatula, glue is applied to the slabs, spreading it evenly around the perimeter and with a few slaps in the middle.
  5. The foam is placed on the bar and pressed firmly in the places where the glue is located.
  6. Care must be taken to ensure that the slab does not become distorted. You can control this process using a level. Inaccuracies are corrected by lightly tapping the plate with your hand or a hammer. But don't forget to do it through wooden block so as not to destroy the foam.
  7. The slabs are laid horizontally from below. The next row is already performed in checkerboard pattern, so that a bandage of joints is formed.
  8. The seams are filled with glue, and any excess is removed using a spatula. Next, the glue is allowed to dry, sometimes it takes 2-3 days.

The second option makes it possible to fix the foam using a special dowel. It has a wide cap, which makes its contact with the surface significantly increased and it reliably presses the slab against the wall. A hole of the required depth is drilled in the wall using a hammer drill. There should be 5 such holes per sheet - in the corners and in the middle.

The dowel should sink into the foam and not protrude from it. Otherwise, when puttingty you will have to waste a lot of material. Just don’t press too hard, otherwise the foam will crack.

Sometimes, for reliability, professionals stick polystyrene foam onto the wall and secure each sheet with dowels. This method is common in cases where the wall surface is uneven. Then the glue is applied in the corners and in the center of the slab. The foam is then pressed onto the base. And then at the same points it is attracted by plastic dowels - “fungi”, adjusting the evenness of the sheet along the plane and fixing it in a given position.

Many experts believe that polystyrene foam is better suited for soundproofing partitions and walls. It is easy to install, does not require any special skills, is easy to cut with a knife and lasts a long time.

Before we begin a descriptive description of expanded polystyrene, it is necessary to distinguish between it and polystyrene foam. There is an opinion that this is the same sound-absorbing material, since the composition is identical - air and styrene (hydrogen + carbon).

So, the differences between expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam are as follows:

  1. Different manufacturing technologies - the first is produced by dry steam treatment, the second by melting polystyrene foam granules.
  2. Differences in the characteristics of production methods.

Technical characteristics and properties of polystyrene foam

This product is as well known in construction as polystyrene foam. Many people choose expanded polystyrene because it has:

  1. High strength - the material never crumbles, bending resistance is 5-6 times higher than polystyrene foam. That is why it is better to use it in places that are sometimes subject to mechanical stress, for example, for partitions in an apartment.
  2. High sound insulation rate due to the presence of many voids in the polymer.
  3. The density is several times higher than the parameters of foam plastic, so its weight is greater.

Expanded polystyrene is a material whose characteristics in some cases exceed those of foam plastic. Despite this, the latter polymer is recommended for use in cases with light loads, where the use of expensive materials is not required.

According to GOST 30244-94, the fire hazard of untreated polystyrene foam has a flammability class of G4. This means that its ignition can occur from:

  • match flame;
  • blowtorch;
  • autogenous welding sparks.

The material stores energy from the heat source, spreads the fire, and initiates flame intensification. The fire safety indicator depends on the additives used in the production of the material. Temperature ignition is determined by certification class.

Ordinary polystyrene foam (G4) reaches 1200 °C in a short time, and having special additives (fire retardants) in its composition, it reduces the combustion temperature and corresponds to the G1 flammability class.

When polystyrene foam burns, it produces toxic smoke. In ordinary material, it is 36 times larger in volume than wood, in particular, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen bromide and other substances are released. And depending on the impurities that are part of the polystyrene foam, the smoke acquires varying intensity and degree of release of harmful substances.

Products made of expanded polystyrene with flammability class G4 are not allowed for use in construction. We use only material modified with special additives. It is called self-extinguishing and has a flammability class of G1. Domestic manufacturers mark it with the letter “S” (PSB-S).

To ensure high-quality sound insulation of partitions in rooms, it is recommended to pay attention to a polymer whose thickness is 2-3 cm. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that as the thickness increases, the sound insulating qualities will increase. Before purchasing, break off a piece of material; if at the break site it has granules in the shape of regular polyhedra, then the polymer is of high quality.

Consider in the table below the dimensions, volume and weight of polystyrene foam sheets produced by Knauf Corporation:

Expanded polystyrene boards are considered one of the most affordable sound insulators on the construction market. They can withstand loads of 6 t/m2, are easy to install and durable.

Polyurethane foam

Soundproofing materials include materials such as polyurethane foam. This is a type of plastic with a cellular foam structure. The composition of the material is dominated by a gaseous substance, the content of which varies from 85% to 90% of the total mass. The polymer consists of many thousands of cells, each of which is isolated from the others.

There are two types of polyurethane foam:

  1. Foam rubber is an elastic type of polymer, the density of which reaches from 5-35% per 1 m 3.
  2. Rigid polyurethane foam, available in more than thirty grades (suitable for insulating indoor partitions).

The characteristics of rigid polyurethane foam used for soundproofing walls and partitions in rooms include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • light weight;
  • high level of strength;
  • no need to use fastening elements;
  • high anti-corrosion protection of metal structures;
  • there are no cold bridges in this polymer;
  • insulation can take different forms;
  • Confirmed environmental friendliness - in accordance with hygienic standards, it can be used in the refrigerator for food.

Polymer spraying is possible on many materials (which is where its versatility is demonstrated) - on wood, glass surfaces, metal and other coatings. In this case, the surface configuration does not matter. An important point is the polymer’s resistance to acid and its ability to be used in soil.

When working with polyurethane foam, you must remember that direct exposure to sunlight is not advisable for it.

The durability of polyurethane foam is 25-30 years, subject to the rules of use. The excellent climate-resistant parameters of the material have been confirmed, in particular its resistance to moisture. According to the flammability class, it belongs to categories G1-G4. The polymer contains fire retardants that prevent the spread of fire.

When exposed open fire the material tends to burn. But in its deep layers the flame does not spread. This is explained by the cellular structure of the material and the fact that it contains trichlorethyl phosphate, a fire retardant. Therefore, this material of flammability groups G1 and G2 is allowed to be used in kindergartens and school institutions.

Polyurethane foam is also resistant to microorganisms and rotting processes.

The physical properties of this material can be considered in the following table.

The popularity of this building material This is explained by the fact that specialists have the opportunity to obtain it directly at the point of application. Liquid products, when mixed in certain proportions, create a chemical reaction with simultaneous foaming. Which is sometimes very convenient and physically justified during construction processes.

Just remember that working with polyurethane foam requires specialized equipment and personal protective equipment.

If you are interested in information about polyurethane foam and all its properties, then more detailed information can be found in the article “”

Basalt wool

Sound-absorbing materials include mineral wool, known as basalt wool. It is used for soundproofing walls, decorative partitions and ceilings in an apartment. Products made from it are supplied in the form of slabs or rolls.

The table below shows the types of components and technical specifications.

This material has many advantages, among which thermal insulation stands out. This quality is confirmed by the low thermal conductivity coefficient; heat loss is the lowest of all heat insulators. In addition to the above qualities, there are a number of advantages:

  1. The material does not collapse when exposed to an aggressive environment or chemicals. Basalt wool does not externally change its appearance and does not lose its qualities. She is not afraid of fungi and microorganisms.
  2. The durability of the material is guaranteed by the manufacturer; it reaches 30-40 years. True, experts say that it is possible to add a couple of decades to this period. Its fibers are short in length and are randomly located in basalt wool. And this ensures high mechanical characteristics over many years of operation.
  3. The structure of the material is not afraid of vibrations.
  4. Basalt wool tolerates ultraviolet radiation better than others.
  5. Temperature changes do not affect the technical characteristics of the material.
  6. Basalt wool perfectly absorbs extraneous noise, loud and harsh sounds.

The table shows the sound absorption coefficients of some building materials.

The use of high-quality mineral wool cannot guarantee reliable sound insulation, since the material is an integral element of a sound-absorbing structure, the construction of which requires taking into account proven techniques.

Mineral wool slabs with a synthetic binder are manufactured according to GOST 9573-96 and have the dimensions shown in the table.

The physical and mechanical properties of the material must correspond to the following characteristics.

Products are marked according to GOST 25880 with mandatory indication of release time and symbol. Each package is marked with a “Keep away from moisture” sign. GOST 14192. Basalt wool is one of the non-combustible materials, therefore, when heated, it does not release toxins or other harmful substances. No less important indicator is the smoke-forming ability of basalt, which does not emit smoke. It is installed quite simply - the slab is laid between the profiles and holds perfectly. You can also secure it with cement-based glue, as in the cases described above with polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene.

Many people believe that basalt wool is harmful to health. This is debatable. It does not emit odors and its properties are similar to natural basalt stone. True, phenol and formaldehyde resins are used as binders, but if the necessary standards and requirements were observed during the production of the material, harmful substances remain bound. Therefore, we can state the fact that basalt wool is harmless to human health and the environment.

An excellent option to solve the problem of sound insulation is to cover the walls with cork.

This coating is one of the environmentally friendly materials, since the material has natural composition. Cork is able to retain heat, is reliable and durable. An equally important advantage is the aesthetic appearance.

Cork is commercially available in two types:

  1. Soundproofing panels.
  2. Rolls (film).

To attach it to the walls, you must use an adhesive composition. Internal structure The material is represented by a huge number of tiny bubbles that perfectly retain heat inside. In addition, this structure helps to improve the acoustic picture in the rooms.

Soundproofing panels have the following characteristics:

  • light weight - the material is light and does not sink in water;
  • elasticity - even after applying high pressure, the panel returns to its original shape;
  • tightness - due to the presence of tree bark, the material becomes impermeable to substances in liquid and gaseous states;
  • high water resistance;
  • hypoallergenic - the stove does not absorb dust, therefore it is not capable of provoking allergic reactions;
  • fire resistance - it does not contribute to the spread of fire, in addition, when ignited, it does not release toxins, which is confirmed SNiP 03/23/2003;
  • the internal structure of the slab provides excellent soundproofing properties, so its use will ensure peace and quiet in the house;
  • durability due to the unique structure of soundproofing boards and their qualities - elasticity and elasticity. Even after a long period of time, the material will not lose its original properties.

Cork is a natural product, the connecting link of which is made of polyurethane. The thickness of the slab depends on the type - varies from 0.6 to 1.2 mm. It is recommended to protect the material from prolonged exposure to sunlight. The ability of cork to dampen vibrations provides a significant reduction in noise in the room where it is used.

Soundproofing a room using cork - great option for new buildings that do not require the use of special materials to ensure noise insulation. Cork can be used for walls, ceilings and decorative partitions, as evidenced by numerous reviews from experts.

The characteristics of this material can be found in the table.

For a more detailed explanation, we studied this material and described our observations and research in the article “”

If you choose sound-absorbing materials for walls, decorative partitions or ceilings in a new building, then you need to rely not only on operational properties or the merits of a particular polymer, it is also recommended to pay attention to the technical properties of the product. The presented table includes a comparison of all materials considered in technical terms. To carry out the analogy, the following indicators were used: density, thermal conductivity, porosity, durability, operating temperature. Given each of these parameters, you will do right choice in favor of this or that product. Technical properties of soundproofing materials

So, all of the listed soundproofing materials can demonstrate their qualities only in a correctly assembled structure. They are distinguished by high parameters for each indicator, which determines the popularity of their use.

The most important and widespread material in our life, which has significant noise-absorbing properties, is polystyrene foam. Please note that even the headphones used in shooting ranges during blasting operations are made of foam plastic. That is, in a plastic case, behind a protective casing, there is an insert made of dense foam. Thus, I would put foam plastic in first place in this ranking. But the disadvantage of polystyrene foam is the high flammability of this material.

TO additional advantages it can also be attributed to ease of use. Polystyrene foam is usually supplied in large panels, in the form of sheets of various thicknesses. During a large construction project in the country, at the dawn of the eighties, we all had contact with this material and could study both its buoyancy and noise-insulating properties.

The second most popular material, I would say, is foam rubber, which in one way or another is always present in the lives of each of us. We should at least start with the fact that the majority home furniture made using foam rubber. Furniture is also a good sound absorber, which is why an echo appears in an empty room.

Foam rubber is made mainly in white color, but there is also black color, mainly used for technical work, as well as other colors (multi-colored - for crafts). It is sold in rolls or sheets, and can also have different thickness. Moreover, it can also be of different densities.

When used, for example, for door upholstery, in addition to heat conservation, noise absorption was also achieved.

The complex design of the floor cushion also provides good additional sound insulation. In other words, the floor turns out like a layer cake, where the base of the floor is a slab, then there is a Vetonite screed, then there is a special noise-absorbing pad, a layer of thick chipboard plywood is laid even higher, which in itself is a good sound insulator, and then a porous base is laid and the coating itself, be it linoleum again on soft or fibrous basis or laminate. Thus, the floor, which was previously completely sound-permeable, suddenly acquired powerful properties, and became both warmer and less noisy.

To achieve maximum effect, all walls that are not load-bearing are separated from the ceiling by creating a gap. Special rubber-based materials, made of dense rubberized or hard rubber, naturally non-flammable in composition, are introduced into this gap. In this way, the effect is achieved that sounds descending from the ceiling along the walls can no longer do this as before, because there is no solid articulation, which means there is no rigid transmission of vibrations and sound waves.

There are even rubberized dowels on sale, thanks to which a screw screwed into the walls does not transmit sound from the wall to the wall in the same way. But this is a specialized product, and it is rarely found in bulk in stores.

There are options for felt coverings that use voids and niches. Ready-made slabs of pressed felt, with voids and niches, are placed against the wall that we want to soundproof. In this way, an effect is achieved in which the sound remains inside this panel, that is, inside the niche space.

Of course, the use of any type of additional ceilings adds a plus to sound insulation. Ceilings can be either suspended or suspended. Additional ceilings can be constructed from plasterboard, and special cotton wool with good sound-absorbing properties can be placed inside. You can also place it on the ceiling foam panels, which are now sold in all construction stores, in large assortment. That is, such slabs have a design, pattern, ornament.

In addition to panels, other ceiling decorative items are also available for sale. These are columns, arches, cornices and corners. Everything is made of foam plastic and is easily attached with glue to the wall during installation and repair.

The glue itself has the same ability as any silicone or rubberized sealant, and absorbs sounds to some extent.

Summarizing all that has been said, one thing can be said: it will not be possible to achieve the sound insulation effect with one or more actions. It will be necessary to perform a full range of all necessary actions and works, using large number materials, including non-standard ones. Here, non-standard materials must be understood as purely specific materials that are used exclusively to achieve sound insulation of a room. Therefore, those performers who will carry out and implement the assigned task must have the appropriate experience and understanding of carrying out such work, otherwise the effect can be only partial.