Voronezh Institute of Government Communications (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

The history of the specialized training of officers for the system of government communications goes back to the first half of the twentieth century. For several decades, such training was carried out by border training units - from the Third School of the Border Guard and the OGPU troops, formed in 1932, to the Moscow border school of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers, which had been performing this task since the late 1950s.

On August 31, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region, the opening ceremony of the Military Technical School (VTU) of the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was held with the presentation of the Battle Banner. From this date, the history of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation began.

Military Technical School (1966-1971)

Colonel S.G. Nuts. The command and teaching staff of the school was formed by officers with great experience service in the troops of government communications and work in military educational institutions. The educational process at the VTU began on September 1, 1966. The quality of the training of specialists made it possible, already in March 1967, to form at the VTU a three-month course for junior lieutenants for 100 students. By the same order, since 1970, the officers who remained in the staff of the KGB were given the opportunity to prepare and pass exams as an external student. The first three years were the period of formation and development of VTU as an independent military educational institution. Already in March 1970, the school underwent a comprehensive inspection for the first time. The Commission noted that all the necessary conditions for the training of highly qualified communication specialists. On May 20, 1970, the head of the VTU KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR S.G. Orekhov was awarded military rank Major General of the Signal Corps, and on June 1 he was appointed Deputy Chief of the Directorate and the Government Signal Corps.

The dynamics of the process of organizational and technical development of bodies and troops of government communications demanded the creation of its own (under the auspices of the Department of Government Communications of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers) military educational institution. In this regard, by June 1, 1966, on the basis of the connected cycle of the Moscow border school, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed with a deployment in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region. On August 31, 1966, the school was awarded the Battle Banner. This day is annually celebrated as the date of foundation of our Academy.

The vacancies of teachers and unit commanders were filled by officers with extensive experience in the government communications troops and work in military educational institutions. By the end of the 1960s, more than seven hundred cadets were studying at the school. The educational process was carried out within eleven cycles, and the cadet units were organized according to the battalion-company system.

In June 1970, the school was headed by a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and government communications troops, Colonel I.M. Levin. In the same year, more than two hundred young lieutenants were released from the walls of the school. Most of them were to serve in the government communications troops, the technical equipment of which was steadily improving.

Late 1960s was marked by a new stage of technical re-equipment and structural reorganization of bodies and troops of government communications, which made higher demands on the engineering training of communications officers. Based on this, on June 14, 1971, VTU was transformed into the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications (OVVKUS) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR with a deployment in Orel. The same order approved a new state, according to which the main divisions were represented by four cadet battalions with a total number of a variable composition of 1400 people and retraining courses for officers. The staff of the school includes 15 departments.

Preparations for the start of classes under the program of a higher military school unfolded simultaneously in two cities - Orel and Bagrationovsk. On March 5, 1972, simultaneously with the beginning of the construction of the military camp of the new university, classes began in the city of Orel.

Higher Military Command School of Communications (1971-1992)

In June 1971, VTU was transformed into the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications (OVVKUS) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR with a deployment in Orel and a four-year training period for cadets. According to the new state, the main divisions of the school were represented by four cadet battalions with a total number of variable personnel of about 1,400 people and retraining courses for officers. In connection with the reorganization, educational cycles were transformed into departments.

Until 1975, specialists were trained in three- and four-year programs in Orel and Bagrationovsk at the same time. Great difficulties arose at the new location, where it was required to rebuild the training complex without interrupting educational process... A huge amount of work has been done to relocate personnel and training facilities to the city of Oryol. In August 1973, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Aleksandrovich Martynov was appointed head of the OVVKUS, under whose leadership a training camp was built, equipped with everything necessary to ensure high level training of qualified specialists.

Experience in organizing communications, commanding units and units of government communications, high competence allowed him to head the only and unique higher military educational institution in the country for almost a quarter of a century.

The first graduation of cadets under the program of a higher school, which took place in July 1976, became the starting point of a new stage in the history of the university, which was named after Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin in connection with the 10th anniversary of VTU-OVKUS.

By a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1976, the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was named after M.I. Kalinin.

Difficult period of state reforms in the mid-1980s - early 1990s. XX century. radically changed the appearance of the country and the power structures designed to ensure its defense and security. In December 1991, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of Russia (FAPSI) was formed, which included the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications named after V.I. M.I. Kalinin.

Military Institute for Government Communications (1992-2000)

By order of FAPSI dated April 23, 1992 No. 128 from August 1, 1992 OVVKUS them. M.I. Kalinin was reorganized into the Military Institute of Government Communications of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation. In July 1992, a new staff of the military educational institution was introduced, according to which the cadet battalions were transformed into faculties, and the communications support battalion educational process- to the center of the educational process. During this period, many young teachers came to the departments, the composition of the subject-methodological sections was updated by more than 60%. In 1993, the institute opened and conducted the first set of postgraduate studies.

The Institute has taken a central place in the vocational education system of the federal bodies of government communications and information. The need for specialists in such areas of knowledge as computer science and Computer Engineering, electronic equipment, information protection in computer networks... In the course of developing new curricula and programs, the general structure of the educational process was radically revised. From now on, it was aimed, first of all, at the formation of cadets' fundamental theoretical and basic engineering knowledge, which had to be supported by practice. The departments launched work on the transfer of the educational process to new forms and methods of teaching. The focus was on the development of the use of computer training programs, the use of computers in the preparation teaching materials, conducting pedagogical experiments, mastering algorithmic and modular principles studying various disciplines, introducing a problem teaching method. During this period, the departments were replenished with young teachers, the composition of the subject-methodological sections was updated by more than 60%. In 1993, the institute was opened and conducted the first set of postgraduate studies.

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of June 7, 1995, Major General V.V. Gusev.

The Institute in May 1998 successfully passed state accreditation in the Department of Licensing, Accreditation and Nostrification of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation. In December 1998, the institute faculties were reorganized. In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, from April 1, 1997, a dissertation council was opened at the VIPS and began to function.

Academy (2000 - present)

On March 30, 2000, the President of the Russian Federation signed order No. 94-rp to the Government of the Russian Federation on the transformation of the Military Institute of Government Communications into the Academy of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2000 No. 336, the order of the head of state was implemented. The presentation of the Academy of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation took place on September 16, 2000.

Since 2001, the FAPSI Academy has organized training of officers for educational programs of the second higher professional education. The recognition of the prestige of the university was the opening on the basis of the faculty additional education a special department for training specialists in the interests of foreign states.

In 2003, pursuant to the Decree of the President of Russia "On measures to improve government controlled in the field of security of the Russian Federation "by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2003, the FAPSI Academy was renamed the Academy of the Special Communications and Information Service under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, and in November 2004 the educational institution received its current name - the Academy of the Federal Security Service Russian Federation.

In order to optimize the system of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the FSO of Russia, by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 1343-r and by the order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2008 No. 679 on the basis of the Voronezh military-technical school of the Federal of the security service of the Russian Federation, a separate structural unit (branch) of the Academy was formed - Voronezh Institute government communications (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

The Voronezh Military Technical School was created on December 15, 1998 on the basis of the Separate Training Center of the Government Signal Troops, the history of which dates back to February 15, 1943, when, in accordance with the Decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR, the 1st separate government communications regiment was formed, awarded in 1944 and 1967 biennium Orders of the Red Star and the Red Banner.

Head of the Academy from 2003 to 2011 was a graduate of the VTU KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Lieutenant General V.M. Shchekotikhin.

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2011 No. 264, Colonel Viktor Vladimirovich Mizerov was appointed head of the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

Graduated High school KGB of the USSR. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor. Specialist in applied mathematics. He held the position of First Deputy of the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the FSB Academy. Has state and departmental awards.

From 2011 to 2017, the Academy was headed by Lieutenant General Viktor Vladimirovich Mizerov. In 2016, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Academy was awarded the Order of Kutuzov for merits in the training of highly qualified personnel, courage and dedication shown by the graduates of the Academy in the course of performing combat training tasks, as well as in connection with the 50th anniversary of its foundation.

Since November 2017, Major General Pavel Lvovich Malyshev has been the head of the Academy.

Today the university has a high scientific potential, a modern educational material and technical base, experience in training personnel for the FSO of Russia, other federal bodies executive power... The Academy enjoys a well-deserved prestige in the educational space of Russia and abroad in the field of higher and secondary vocational education, is an active member of several federal educational and methodological associations, is adequately represented in scientific schools state security systems.

The preservation and development of the best traditions of the Academy, its dynamic development, the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, wide integration into the educational space of Russia - all this allows the university staff to provide favorable conditions for the training and education of new generations of employees of domestic special services.

The history of training communications specialists for the organs and troops of the law enforcement and security system Of the Russian state within the walls of our educational institution is five decades old. During this period, the Academy of the FSO of Russia has gone a long way of formation and development from the Military-Technical School of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR to the Academy of the FSO of Russia. For several decades, the training of officers for the bodies and troops of government communications was carried out by the training units of the border profile - from the Third School of the Border Guard and the OGPU troops, formed in 1932, to the Moscow border school of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers, which had been performing this task since the late 1950s. x years.

Military Technical School (1966-1971)

The dynamics of the process of organizational and technical development of government communications agencies and troops required the creation of a special (under the auspices of the KGB Government Communications Department under the USSR Council of Ministers) military educational institution. In this regard, by June 1, 1966, on the basis of the connected cycle of the Moscow border school, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed with a deployment in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad Region. On August 31, 1966, the school was awarded the Battle Banner. This day is annually celebrated as the date of foundation of the Academy.

Colonel Sergey Grigorievich Orekhov was appointed the head of the school. The vacancies of teachers and unit commanders were filled by officers with extensive experience in the government communications troops and work in military educational institutions. By the end of the 1960s, more than seven hundred cadets were studying at the school. The educational process was carried out within eleven cycles, and the cadet units were organized according to the battalion-company system.

In June 1970, WTU was headed by Colonel Ivan Mikhailovich Levin. In the same year, more than two hundred young lieutenants were released from the walls of the school. Most of them were to serve in the government communications troops, the technical equipment of which was steadily improving, which made higher demands on the engineering training of communications officers. Thus, all the prerequisites for the reorganization of the school were formed.

Higher Military Command School of Communications (1971-1992)

In June 1971, VTU was transformed into the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications (OVVKUS) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR with a deployment in Orel and a four-year training period for cadets. According to the new state, the main divisions of the school were four cadet battalions with a total number of variable personnel of about 1,400 people and retraining courses for officers. In connection with the reorganization, educational cycles were transformed into departments.

Until 1975, specialists were trained in three- and four-year programs in Orel and Bagrationovsk at the same time. Great difficulties arose at the new location, where it was required to rebuild the educational complex without interrupting the educational process. Much work has been done to relocate personnel and training facilities to the city of Orel. In August 1973, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Aleksandrovich Martynov was appointed head of the OVVKUS, under whose leadership a training camp was built, equipped with everything necessary to ensure a high level of training of qualified specialists.

The first graduation of cadets under the program of a higher school, held in July 1976, became the starting point for a new stage in the history of the university. In the same year, in connection with the 10th anniversary of VTU-OVVKUS, the name of Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin was given.

The 1980s were characterized by new qualitative changes in the activities of the government communications troops, the armament plan of which provided for a phased transition of field complexes from analog to digital systems. The officers of the school successfully solved the problems of radically improving the quality of training for officers who have the ability to effectively use all the capabilities of military communications equipment entering service.

Organization of complex field exercises with the involvement of parts of the government communications troops, equipping departments technical means training and control, the growth of scientific potential, the introduction of new training programs - all this made it possible to significantly increase the level of training of specialists in the school, strengthen the fundamental orientation of the educational process, improve its educational and methodological component.

Military Institute for Government Communications (1992-2000)

By the early 1990s, in connection with the crucial events in the history of the country, conditions arose for a radical reorganization of the organs and troops of the system of ensuring law and order and state security. On December 24, 1991, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information was established under the President of the Russian Federation. One of the stages of the reorganization of educational institutions was the transformation (in August 1992) of the Oryol Higher Military command school communications named after M.I. Kalinin at the Military Institute of Government Communications with a 5-year training period. Under the new state, cadet battalions were transformed into faculties, and the communications battalion for the provision of the educational process was transformed into a center for the provision of the educational process.

The Institute has taken a central place in the vocational education system of federal government communications and information bodies. The task of training specialists in such areas of knowledge as informatics and computer technology, electronic engineering, information protection in computer networks was put forward. In the course of developing new curricula and programs, the general structure of the educational process was radically revised. From now on, it was aimed at developing fundamental theoretical and basic engineering knowledge among cadets, which were to be supported by practice. The departments launched work on the transfer of the educational process to new forms and methods of teaching. The focus was on the problems of developing the use of computer training programs, the use of computers in the preparation of educational and methodological materials, conducting pedagogical experiments, mastering the algorithmic and modular principles of studying various disciplines, and introducing a problem teaching method. During this period, the departments were replenished with young teachers, the composition of the subject-methodological sections was updated by more than 60%. In 1993, the institute was opened and conducted the first set of postgraduate studies.

In June 1995, Major General Vladimir Gusev was appointed head of the Military Institute of Government Communications. In May 1998, the institute was one of the first military universities that successfully passed state accreditation, and then was certified in a number of specialties, the content of which testified to the unique profile of the university. In accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia, from April 1, 1997, a dissertation council began functioning in the VIPS. In December 1998, the faculties were reorganized, which included specialized departments and research subdivisions.

Academy (2000 - present)

The high mark given to the Institute of the State attestation commission in 1999, accelerated the process of creating an educational institution of an academic level in FAPSI. The military institute of government communications was given the accreditation status of "academy", then followed by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 12, 2000 on its transformation into the FAPSI Academy.

From 2003 to 2011, the head of the Academy was Lieutenant General Viktor Mikhailovich Shchekotikhin.

In 2003, in pursuance of the Decree of the President of Russia "On measures to improve public administration in the field of security of the Russian Federation" by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 25, 2003, the FAPSI Academy was renamed the Academy of the Special Communications and Information Service under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, and in November 2004, the educational institution received its current name - the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Academy).

In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2006 "On the Combat Banner of a Military Unit", on August 31, 2009, the Academy hosted a ritual of presenting a new Combat Banner. The ceremony of attaching the Battle Banner was attended by the first head of the VTU KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Major General of the Signal Corps S.G. Orekhov, veterans of the academy, representatives of law enforcement agencies and authorities. This day has become an important milestone in the history of our educational institution.

In order to optimize the system of educational institutions under the jurisdiction of the FSO of Russia, by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 15, 2008 No. 1343-r and by the order of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2008 No. 679 on the basis of the Voronezh military-technical school of the Federal of the security service of the Russian Federation, a structural subdivision of the Academy was formed - the Voronezh Institute of Government Communications (branch) of the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. In 2013, the institute was headed by Major General Sergei Petrovich Gorelik.

The Voronezh Military Technical School was created on December 15, 1998 on the basis of the Separate Training Center of the Government Signal Troops, the history of which dates back to February 15, 1943, when, in accordance with the Decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR, the 1st separate government communications regiment was formed, awarded in 1944 and 1967 biennium Orders of the Red Star and the Red Banner.

From 2011 to 2017, the Academy was headed by Lieutenant General Viktor Vladimirovich Mizerov. In 2016, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Academy was awarded the Order of Kutuzov for merits in the training of highly qualified personnel, courage and dedication shown by the graduates of the Academy in the course of performing combat training tasks, as well as in connection with the 50th anniversary of its foundation.

Since November 2017, Major General Pavel Lvovich Malyshev has been the head of the Academy.

Today the university has a high scientific potential, a modern educational material and technical base, experience in training personnel for the FSO of Russia and other federal executive bodies. The Academy enjoys a well-deserved prestige in the educational space of Russia and abroad in the field of higher and secondary vocational education, is an active member of several federal educational and methodological associations, is adequately represented in scientific schools of the state security system.

The preservation and development of the best traditions of the Academy, its dynamic development, the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, wide integration into the educational space of Russia - all this allows the university staff to provide favorable conditions for the training and education of new generations of employees of domestic special services.

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Skill level:

Form of study:

State diploma

Completion document:



113 to 123

Passing score:

number budget places:

general information

the cademia of the FSO of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Academy) is a federal state treasury military educational institution of higher education. The Academy, in accordance with the existing license, implements educational programs higher education, educational programs of secondary vocational education, basic programs vocational training, additional professional programs.

Tasks and main directions of the Academy's activities

  • training of personnel for state security bodies, other federal executive bodies, in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides military service, other organizations, as well as established order on a reimbursable or gratuitous basis for foreign states;
  • meeting the needs of students in the intellectual, cultural, moral and physical development through the provision of higher education, secondary vocational education, additional vocational education;
  • organization and conduct of fundamental and applied scientific research on topical issues of strengthening the country's defense and security and improving vocational education;
  • comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality of students, the formation of high professional, moral-psychological and spiritual-moral qualities, the education of patriotism, devotion to the Russian Federation and loyalty to military duty.

1 of

09.05.01 - Application and operation automated systems special purpose

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates includes the organization of the use of special-purpose automated systems in accordance with the intended purpose; management of engineering and technical personnel ensuring the operation of special-purpose automated systems; participation in research work in the field of creating new methods and technologies for processing, storing, transforming and transmitting information; experimental design work on the development of special-purpose automated systems, including hardware, mathematical, software, information support.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: automated systems for special purposes; methods and tools for design, modeling, experimental research and control of automated systems for special purposes; research and development work in the field of creating automated systems; engineering and technical personnel dealing with technical operation automated systems.

10.05.02 - Information security of telecommunication systems

The qualification of the graduate is an information security specialist.

The field of professional activity of graduates includes the spheres of science, technology and technology, covering a set of problems related to the design, creation, research and operation of information security systems for telecommunication systems in the presence of threats in the information sphere.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: methods, means and systems for ensuring information security of information and telecommunication networks and systems; information security management of information and telecommunication networks and systems; information and telecommunication networks and systems for various purposes, their equipment, principles of construction.

11.05.04 - Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems

Graduate qualification - engineer.

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates includes a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at creating conditions for the exchange of information at a distance via wired, radio, optical systems, as well as for its processing and storage.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: systems, networks, complexes and means of special communication; ways of organizing and providing special communication; special communication control systems; methods and tools for design, modeling, experimental research, operation of systems and complexes of special communication, as well as their production; teams providing information exchange in extreme conditions using infocommunication technologies and special communication systems.

40.05.01 - Legal support of national security

The graduate's qualification is a lawyer.

The area of ​​professional activity of graduates includes the development and implementation of legal norms, legal support of national security, ensuring the rule of law and order, legal education and legal education.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: events and actions that have legal significance; public relations in the field of implementation of legal norms; legal support of national security; ensuring the rule of law and law and order.

The standard term for mastering the basic educational programs for training specialists in the above specialties is 5 years.

Secondary vocational education - training programs for mid-level specialists (implemented in the VIPS (branch) of the Academy of the FSO of Russia)

11.02.09 - Multichannel telecommunication systems

The area of ​​professional activity of technicians includes the technical operation of multichannel telecommunication systems and telecommunication networks.

  • a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of ensuring the operability of multichannel telecommunication systems and telecommunication networks intended for transmission different types information and provision of various communication services to users;
  • multichannel telecommunication systems and telecommunication networks;
  • operational and technical documentation;

11.02.10 - Radio communication, radio broadcasting and television

Graduate qualification - technician.

The area of ​​professional activity of technicians includes installation, technical operation and repair of equipment for radio communication systems, radio broadcasting and television.

The objects of professional activity of technicians are:

  • radio communication networks, broadcasting and information and communication communication networks;
  • a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of ensuring the operability of equipment of radio communication systems, radio broadcasting and television;
  • documentation, technology and technological processes operation of radio communication networks, broadcasting, information and communication communication networks;
  • primary labor collectives.

11.02.11 - Communication networks and switching systems

Graduate qualification - technician.

The area of ​​professional activity of technicians includes the performance of work on the technical operation of telecommunication systems and information and communication communication networks. The objects of professional activity of technicians are:

  • telecommunication systems and information and communication networks;
  • methods and means of ensuring their performance;
  • documentation, technologies and technological processes of operation of telecommunication systems and information and communication communication networks;
  • primary labor collectives.

In the course of their daily activities, graduates are engaged in the technical operation of information and communication communication networks, ensuring information security of telecommunication systems and information and communication communication networks.

The standard term for mastering the basic educational programs for training technicians in the above specialties of secondary vocational education is 2 years 9 months.

Conditions of admission

The order of actions of the applicant upon admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia

Step 1. Choose a specialty.

Step 2. Study the requirements for candidates.

The selection of candidates for training at the Academy of the FSO of Russia is carried out from among the citizens of the Russian Federation with secondary vocational education (studying in professional educational organizations) or secondary general education(students in the senior grades of general educational organizations) on higher education programs (codes 09.05.01, 10.05.02, 11.05.04 - full-time education, 40.05.01 - full-time education) and programs of secondary vocational education (codes 11.02.09, 11.02 .10, 11.02.11), from among:

citizens who have not completed military service - at the age of 16 to 22 years inclusive;

citizens who have completed military service and citizens who are doing military service (military personnel) - until they reach the age of 24 years.

The age of citizens entering training is determined on August 1 of the year of admission to the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

Step 3. Prepare and submit documents for admission.

In the period from October 1 of the year preceding the year of admission, to March 1 of the year of admission, submit an application (report).

Citizens who have passed and have not completed military service, who have expressed a desire to study at the Academy of the FSO of Russia, at the place of residence or at the place of stay, submit an application to the structural divisions of the FSO of Russia (Services and Directorates of the FSO of Russia, the Directorate of Special Communications of the FSO of Russia, the Directorate of Special Communications and Information of the FSO of Russia in federal districts, centers for special communication and information of the FSO of Russia in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, communication centers for special purposes of the FSO of Russia) or in structural units of other federal executive bodies in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military service and in whose interests specialists are trained.

Servicemen doing military service submit reports to the head (chief) of the unit.

Candidates entering the FSO Academy of Russia must meet the requirements for citizens entering military service under a contract.

The training of females at the Academy of the FSO of Russia is carried out according to the higher education program "Information security of telecommunication systems" and "Application and operation of special-purpose automated systems" with training in Orel and according to the programs of secondary vocational education "Communication networks and switching systems" with training in Voronezh.

Admission to training for individual programs, including women, is carried out on the basis of a target recruitment (candidates are trained in the interests of a specific unit) in accordance with the recruitment calculation.

In the absence in the units in accordance with the calculation of the recruiting of the need for specialists in the specialty for which the candidate has expressed a desire to study, he is refused a referral to enter the Academy of the FSO of Russia for the chosen program. The decision to refuse is made by the head (chief) of the structural unit of the FSO of Russia or the head (chief) of the structural unit of another federal executive body, in which the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for military service, and is communicated to the candidate.

The application (report) indicates the professional educational program, specialty for training in which the candidate has expressed a desire to apply.

Attached to the application (report):

a) a questionnaire completed and signed by the candidate;

b) an autobiography written by the candidate by hand in free form;

c) copies of certificates of birth, conclusion (dissolution) of marriage and documents on education of the candidate, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

d) copies of certificates of birth, conclusion (dissolution) of marriage, death of close relatives of the candidate, certified in accordance with the established procedure;

e) certificate of current performance at the time of submission of documents (for students);

f) characteristics from the place of study (service or work), certified by the seal of the relevant organization;

g) six photographs measuring 4.5 x 6 cm (on matte paper without a corner);

h) a copy of the compulsory health insurance policy;

i) a copy of the financial and personal account and an extract from the house (apartment) book from the place of residence (or documents replacing them);

j) copy work book(if you have work experience), certified in the prescribed manner;

k) copies of documents confirming the special rights of the candidate.

Step 4. Pass the selection in structural units FSO of Russia (federal executive bodies).

4.1. Pass a medical examination.

4.2. Pass professional psychological selection.

4.3. Obtain access to information constituting a state secret.

4.4. Pass a check related to ensuring their own security of state security bodies (federal executive bodies).

Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation
(FSO Academy of Russia)
International name Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy
Former names Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Year of foundation 1966
Legal address mountains. Oryol, st. Instrument-making, 35
Website www.academ.msk.rsnet.ru

Academy graduate badge (on a white background)

Federal State Treasury Military Educational Institution of Higher Education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(official full valid name); on the English language - Russian Federation Security Guard Service Federal Academy... The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

During its existence, this educational institution has changed its name more than once. Below are the abbreviated names in chronological order: VTU, OVVKUS, VIPS, Academy of FAPSI, Academy of Special Communications of Russia, Academy of FSO of Russia.

General information [ | ]

The Academy is part of the structure of state security bodies and is a state educational institution higher education, which provides for military service.

History [ | ]

Soviet time [ | ]

In accordance with the order of the chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by June 1, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region, on the basis of the military camp of the 95 border detachment and the first corps of the Higher Border Command School, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed for training of liaison officers of the KGB bodies and troops.

The term of training for VTU cadets was set for 3 years, and for students of retraining courses - 3-5 months. All cadets who graduated from the 1st and 2nd courses of study in 1966 were transferred from the Moscow Border School. S. G. Orekhov was appointed the head of the school.

On August 31, 1966, on the basis of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Deputy Chairman of the KGB, Major General L.I. Pankratov, on behalf of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, presented VTU with the Combat Red Banner and the Diploma of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. This day is annually celebrated as the day of the school's formation. On September 1, 1966, the educational process began.

Each cadet division provided training according to profiles. The rapid development of communications and the technical re-equipment of troops dictated the urgent need for a higher engineering training of communications officers.

In accordance with the order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Military Technical School was transferred to Oryol on October 1, 1972 and transformed into the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications (OVKUS) for the training of commanding officers with higher education... In July 1972, the first set of cadets for 4-year training was carried out in Orel. Departments are created on the basis of cycles and individual disciplines. The transition to the battalion training system for cadets is underway. A large-scale construction of the educational and administrative complex, lecture halls, cadet barracks and other facilities began. In August 1973, V.A.Martynov was appointed head of the OVVKUS. By order of the Chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 97 of July 12, 1976, the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 17, 1976 No. 471 was announced on assigning the Oryol Higher Military Command School of Communications of the KGB under the USSR Council of Ministers named after M.I. high rates achieved in the training of officers. In 1993, the last graduation of officers was made according to a 4-year program.

1990s [ | ]

In 1991, the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (FAPSI) was established in the state structures of Russia. The President of Russia set tasks for FAPSI, the fulfillment of which required the development of a fundamentally new conceptual approach to training employees of the Federal Agency. Therefore, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1992 by order general director FAPSI April 23, 1992 OVVKUS them. MI Kalinin was reorganized into the Military Institute of Government Communications (VIPS). Major General V.A.Martynov was appointed head of the institute. On October 1, 1992, the transition to the faculty system of training cadets was made In 1993, a postgraduate course was formed at the VIPS and the first enrollment for full-time and part-time studies was carried out.

On March 6, 1994, VIPS was the first military university in Russia to receive a license to conduct educational activities in established specialties. Since 1995, the graduation of officers who have completed a 5-year program began. In 1996, a new organizational and staff structure of the institute was approved. There is and is being improved an educational-methodical and scientific-information complex consisting of departments, a research department, postgraduate studies, a department of information and telecommunication systems with display classrooms, methodological rooms, a scientific and technical information bureau, a library with reading rooms.

On February 23, 1993, on the basis of the VIPS, the Museum of Government Communications was opened for visiting, which on October 22, 1993 was entered in the register of state museums of Russia, and on October 29, 1996, it was reorganized into the Museum of the Federal Agency for Civil Service under the President of Russia.

2000s - 2010s [ | ]

By the Order of the President of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2000 No. 94-rp, by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 12, 2000 No. 336 in order to improve the training, retraining and advanced training of military personnel in the field of government communications and other types of special communications, electronic intelligence, communications and information protection , and in accordance with the Federal Law "On Defense" the Military Institute of Government Communications was transformed into the Academy of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - "Academy of FAPSI").

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1545-r of October 25, 2003, the Academy of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation was renamed the Academy of the Special Communications and Information Service under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - “Academy of Special Communications of Russia”).

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2004 No. 1450-r, the Academy of the Special Communications and Information Service under the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation was renamed the Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (abbreviated name - "Academy of the FSO of Russia").

State Treasury Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Academy of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation(official full valid name); in English - The Academy of Federal Security Guard Service of the Russian Federation... The official abbreviated name in Russian is the Academy of the FSO of Russia.

During its existence, this educational institution has changed its name more than once. Below are the abbreviated names in chronological order: VTU, OVVKUS, VIPS, Academy of FAPSI, Academy of Special Communications of Russia, Academy of FSO of Russia.

General information

The Academy is part of the structure of federal bodies of state protection and is a state educational institution of higher professional education, which provides for military service.

The Academy implements the following educational programs:

  1. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education;
  2. basic professional educational programs of higher professional education of officers - specialists in the field of management;
  3. basic professional educational programs of postgraduate professional education;
  4. additional education programs.

The legal address of the Academy: Russia, 302034, Orel, st. Instrument-making, 35.

Unofficial site of the Russian FSO Academy (Alumni Club): http://www.myfreedom.ru


In accordance with the order of the chairman of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, by June 1, 1966, in the city of Bagrationovsk, Kaliningrad region, on the basis of the military camp of the 95 border detachment and the first corps of the Higher Border Command School, the Military Technical School (VTU) of the KGB under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed for training of liaison officers of the KGB bodies and troops.

The term of training for VTU cadets was set for 3 years, and for students of retraining courses - 3-5 months. All cadets who graduated from the 1st and 2nd courses of study in 1966 were transferred from the Moscow Border School. S. G. Orekhov was appointed the head of the school.