Wot blitz premium tanks profitability ratio. The best premium tank in WoT

So, you decided to invest some money and buy yourself a premium tank in World Of Tanks. The choice of tanks in the premium store is not so small, therefore, at the first purchase, the question arises - which premium tank is better to buy?

The best premium tank for farming

First you need to decide for what purpose you need a car. Farm or bend? I think you have already heard enough about farming on premium tanks. If you take a tank purely for pharma, then at the moment they are M4A1 Revalorise , Skorpion G , Lowe and T34 . Farming on these premium tanks will be the easiest. Of course, you say that you can farm on almost any premium. Yes it is. But it is these tanks that will still bring more profit to beginners. An experienced player can farm on almost any tank (if you have a premium account).

The best premium tank for bending

Still, we wanted to talk about bend in the wot. Which premium car will be the easiest to tear apart enemies, take Kolobanovs and Redleys? Opinions differ here, but I will share with you my personal opinion, which, of course, you can dispute in the comments. I present to you the top 3 premium tanks for bending in wot.

At the moment, the best premium tanks are:

  1. Skorpion G
  2. IS 6 and WZ-111
  3. M4A1 Revalorise

But these tanks were not bad before

  • 3rd place. Super Pershing and FCM 50t. The tanks are completely different in concept, but not so much in terms of bending. Here, experienced players will not agree, they say, ftsm bends, ololo. But our guide is designed for beginners, if you are an experienced player, then what are you here, sorry, forgot? Ftsm 50t is too cardboard and it will be too difficult for a beginner to handle it. As for super pershing, the tank is not bad at all. If ftsm is a TT that plays the role of a CT, then the situation is the opposite with Persh, it is a CT that copes very well with the role of a TT - tanking damage. By the way, we have an interesting article - how to tank sideways. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with it, although it has little to do with Super Pershing, its sides are "not very". In general, both tanks have normal aiming speed and accuracy. The tools are comfortable.
  • 2nd place. Lowe and T34. Good tanks, good for farming. However, you don’t really bend down with dozens. They are thrown to the 10th levels, unlike the previous two. And the armor is not so hot, which interferes with survival. Of course, the T34 has a very difficult tower to penetrate, but it needs to be able to play and find suitable places, which is difficult for a beginner. + Naturally, a frequent game with dozens will discourage the desire to "bend over" on these tanks.
  • 1 place. IS-6. Yes, many will disagree with me. But, having gone through a difficult path from a beginner to a more or less successful player with a blue stat and a good percentage of wins, I can say that this premium tank is better than the rest in terms of bending. One has only to feel it, although this applies to any tank. It seems that he doesn’t drag, but then, having skated 100-300 battles, the peak begins. And the tank seems to be not bad, and the victories went, and I like the game. So. If you correctly substitute your IP 6 to the enemy, then you can even tank nines in some cases. Do not worry about dozens, the tank has a cut level of battles. It will only throw to the top and to the ninth levels, unless of course you are in a platoon with some tank without a cut level of battles. Yes, this premium has a bad penetration, but... If you play on full gold with a premium account, then you can go to 0 safely, and often even + 10-30k silver. In direct hands it is possible and more. What about accuracy? The tank is not very accurate, but its concept does not imply this. The tank is great for urban environments and tanks divinely.
  • Bonus place. E-25. If you are lucky and you managed to snatch a flea, then you can bend over it endlessly. Excellent prem in terms of bending, as well as normal farming. There is one problem, sometimes there will not be enough shells, so this should be monitored carefully. By installing a mask-net and pipes, you can make a rat-cheater reception from the bushes. This is great too prem tank for bending, like the IS-6, but the concept of tanks is different and, unfortunately, the E-25 brought them out of sales. But, here the situation is slightly different from Type-59, most likely, it will still be put on sale several times during promotions, like the WG league.

Conclusion. The choice of a premium tank is up to you.

Like it or not, but you choose. The final decision on what exactly to take from premium tanks is up to you. Perhaps this guide will help you in some way in choosing the best prem. We recommend reading other interesting articles from the site -

Sooner or later, any player who starts playing World of Tanks faces the question of earning credits. As a rule, problems begin as you approach high-tier vehicles, when even after good battles, silver earnings per battle fluctuate around zero, or even go into the negative. But in order to buy equipment of level 9-10, you need to have a tidy sum in your account. Luckily, farming silver in WoT is quite easy, you just need to know which tanks to play. In this article, we will look at the most optimal technique for a quick influx of money.

Investing real money

If you are not sorry to invest your hard-earned money in the game, then donating is the most convenient way to always stay in the black. A premium account increases credits earned per battle by 50%, and premium tanks take out huge sums on their own. For example, the American premium CT T26E4 SuperPershing easily brings 70-90 thousand silver per battle (40-60 thousand without a premium account).

The most profitable premium tanks

8 level

Of course, the farming champions are lvl 8 premium tanks. The exact figures of profitability are still a secret behind seven seals, but, according to statistics collected over several years, the following representatives stand out:

  • T26E4SuperPershing - Possibly the most farming tank in the game, mainly due to cheap shells and repairs. However, the extremely weak penetration for lvl 8 (170 mm) makes it far from the most comfortable, and in some places you can’t do without gold at all, but nevertheless, in capable hands, SuperPershing truly enriches the owner fabulously;
  • Jagdtiger 8.8 cm - a kind of tank destroyer, opinions about which are often diametrically opposed, but it cannot be denied high profitability;
  • T34 - also takes out large sums per battle, and huge penetration, high one-time damage and a strong tower make him a very serious opponent;
  • AMX CDC is a tank that requires a special approach due to the almost complete lack of armor, but earning silver on it fully pays for the effort expended.

Other tanks to be mentioned are the Löwe, Type 59, FCM 50t and KV-5.

7th level

E 25 and SU-122-44 are out of competition, moreover, the latter still has a slightly higher yield, but is not preferential.

6th level

  • Dicker Max - champion in terms of profitability among lvl 6 premiums;
  • SU-100Y - Farming is slightly worse, but it has a simply terrifying weapon, which, however, is compensated by its huge size and weak armor.

5th level

Among Tier 5 prem tanks, Churchill III, KV-220, SU-85I and T-25 are worth noting as the most comfortable and highly profitable. However, the difference in profit they bring is very small.

It makes no sense to consider premium tanks of level 4 and below, since their level of profitability is low even compared to pumped vehicles. Here, first of all, the convenience of playing on the machine you have chosen is important.

Antinoob's opinion about farming premiums:

The most highly profitable pumped tanks

If you don’t have money for premium vehicles, then don’t despair - World of Tanks has a lot of regular tanks that can quite replace the premium tank in terms of farming silver. Statistics show that these are machines of level 5-6. In addition to the high profitability of some of them, the game itself on these tanks is simple and quite enjoyable, and pumping them will also seriously replenish your wallet. Here are the techniques you should pay attention to:

5th level

  • KV-1 is probably the best upgraded tank for farming inWOT. In addition to an impressive profitability ratio, this car is comfortable, unpretentious and forgiving for beginners;
  • T67 - tank destroyer, more difficult to master, but in direct hands it is also capable of exporting mountains of silver;
  • M4 - is nothing special, but farms excellently.
  • O-I Experimental - Japanese TT, introduced into the game in patch 0.9.10, shows itself surprisingly well, almost as good as KV-1 in terms of profitability;
  • AMX ELC bis is a firefly that can set fire to even high-level vehicles, and it farms well. The choice of professionals;
  • T-34 - earns a little worse than the previous representatives, but also worthy of attention.

6th level

  • KV-85 with 100 mm S-34 gun;
  • T-34-85 - a universal machine, to all the advantages of which a decent silver income is also added;
  • SU-100 is one of the best PT-6s;
  • KV-2 - farming mainly due to a combination of cheap shells and huge one-time damage caused by them, easily destroying other tanks of level 6 with one hit;
  • Cromwell - a classic CT that excels both in combat and in earning credits;

7th level

Here the role of tanks as a source of income is already fading into the background. But still, of the machines that can bring a significant amount of silver to the owner, the following can be noted:

  • T29 is probably the best tier 7 tank, that's why he farms. The cheapness of shells, along with its wide capabilities, makes pumping this machine a pleasant and profitable activity;
  • The T20 is by far the best CT-7 and farms well for the same reasons as the T-29.

It should be noted that any artillery lvl 5-6-7 also brings a large amount of silver.

8-9-10 levels

At these levels, earning credits is already low due to the growing cost of shells and repairs, and whether you go into plus or minus depends solely on your results in battle. That is, on which tank you are more comfortable playing, this one will be the best to earn silver for you. However, it does not make sense to consider something from this technique as a permanent source of income.

Jov's opinion about farming not premiums:

As you can see, you have a wide choice of ways to farm silver in WoT. Choose the most convenient tanks for you, and earning credits will become a very pleasant and rewarding experience.

In this article, we will look at 10 most profitable vehicles for farming silver in World of Tanks. Indeed, in WoT, each vehicle brings a different amount of silver and experience, repairs for some tanks cost much more than others. For those who have a premium account, this may not be a significant difference, but for those who have a regular account, it is very noticeable. Sometimes, in order to play on your favorite 10, you have to earn extra credits on 5...

Do not forget, for good farming it is desirable to choose the technique that you know how to play, know all the subtleties and often win. If such a machine is on the list - great! We advise you to install all the necessary modules on it, pump the crew to the maximum - then you will receive not only silver, but also a bonus in the form of a pleasant game on the pumped tank! By playing on such a vehicle, you can increase your efficiency and win percentage in World of Tanks - improve your statistics. And if you play in a platoon on the same type of vehicle, it will happen much faster.

10 most farm tanks:

1. pzkpfwIII
This tank is good because at its fourth level it has a fairly good view to detect the enemy, as well as the caliber of the gun (75 mm) allows you to often penetrate and destroy the enemy. pzkpfwIII is welcome in company battles, if you like this kind of battles - this is a great option for you!

2. Grille
Level 5 Arta occupies the second position, she is also in demand in companies. Her opponent is su5, which has too little ammo.

3. su26
This artillery can be thrown at maximum at level 5 tanks, and due to the high rate of fire and accuracy due to the rotating turret, the artillery brings a good profit, dealing good damage.

4. sq2
The tank was nicknamed the shaitan because of the 152 mm gun, which can one-shot from one penetration. With a 107 mm gun, the damage is not as high, but it has more penetration and faster reload.

5. su85
This tank has a 107mm gun that has good penetration and good damage. su85 farms an average of 5000 silver thanks to inexpensive ammo and repairs.

6. StuGiii
StuGiii is another German tank farmer. Fri-sau which is similar to su85 in farming. The gun of this tank has high accuracy and fast reloading.

7. kv3
This tier 6 tank outperforms even the M6 ​​and ARL 44. The kv3 is the best heavy tank among the tier 6s! When playing in company battles, a 122 mm caliber gun will work well. Since one projectile costs about a thousand, then the profit naturally depends on the hits. Therefore, for random battles, it is better to install a 100 mm or 107 mm gun.

8. su8
There are no distinctive features, but on this art you can farm at higher levels.

9. T-34-85
This tank with top modules brings good profit and is very good in company battles, thanks to a 100 mm gun that can penetrate tanks up to lvl 9.

10. A-20
Many will think, why not the T-50, why this particular tank? Because the A-20 is superior to the T-50, because the T-50 is just a firefly that does not stand out in anything else, and the A-20 is good at farming silver, but only with the right play. It is because of this that he is ranked 10th.

This information on tanks is subjective. After all, in different hands the same tank can win, bringing a bunch of silver and experience, or lose in the first minute without firing a single shot. If you know a good tank for farming silver, you can give a couple of examples from successful battles - write in the comments!
If you are still a beginner, you don’t know how and what to do, we advise you to read the article - how to become an excellent player in World of Tanks. Simple tips will help you quickly get acquainted with the intricacies of the game.

This statistical information is presented for review and represents average indicators (average for the hospital). When collecting statistics, the impact of a premium account, bonuses, or completing tasks was not taken into account.

Profitability of conventional tanks by levels and classes

Judging by the data in this table, you can earn on regular, non-premium tanks up to level 6 inclusive. At level 7, at best, you will go to 0, and already at level 8, losses can await you.

The most profitable are levels 5 and 6. The most profitable vehicle classes are Tier 4, 5 and 6 art (about 5-6k per battle). In second place - TT, ST and PT level 5 with an indicator of 4-5 thousand silver per battle.

Profitability of premium tanks

Here is the following picture. The most profitable are level 8 TDs, which are capable of giving out more than 20k per battle. In second place are TTs of the same level 8 and 16k per battle. Third place for ST 8 level and 14k for the battle.

After level 8, the most profitable premium tanks are representatives of levels 6 and 7.

Yield by tier (prems vs. regular)

The undisputed leader in this comparison are premiums: 8, 7 and 6 levels. Level 8 and 16,000 silver per battle are in first place, followed by levels 6 and 7 with 10,000 silver.


The most profitable tanks are level 8 premiums. If you take ordinary tanks, then for farming you need to roll out vehicles up to level 6 inclusive, since further there is a high probability of going into the red. The most uniform earnings across classes occur at level 5. The most profitable tanks are art 5, 6 levels.

Statistics prepared by vbaddict.net.

I hope this information will be useful to you and you will be able to more accurately plan your income in the game.

So you have decided to purchase another or your first premium tank in the game. This article contains all Tier 8 tanks to make it easier for you to find a suitable tank. When choosing a new farm premium tank in World of Tanks, you should pay close attention to the positive and negative aspects of tanks. The main characteristics can be viewed by selecting the premium tank you like on our website.

Which premium tank to buy

To answer this question, let's compile a complete list of premium tanks available in the game and choose the right one. But before that, I would like to see all the tier 8 tanks in order to give a complete picture.

Which level 8 tank to buy

To find out which tank is better to buy, look at list of all tier 8 tanks. At the time of the release of update 9.8, there were no fewer than 58 units of this class in the World of Tanks. So which Tier VIII tank should I buy? Since this list includes not only vehicles that can be bought, but also pumped combat vehicles, it is necessary to single out only prem tanks. Let's designate premium tanks in gold.

List of tier 8 tanks

Which premium tank is better to buy

So, we choose from the presented tanks only premium cars. Let's highlight not only the Tier 8 tanks themselves that can be bought, but also distribute them by nation to highlight the best contender for purchase in each branch.

Prem tanks level 8

Presented here a complete list of all premium tanks of level 8 in the game World of Tanks. Let's find out which one is the best and why. Advantages and disadvantages.

the USSR

Soviet premium tanks are diverse. Prem tanks level 8 for farming. Perhaps the best choice for earning silver is this nation.

  • T-54 first sample
  • ISU-130

Among the Germans, there are certainly several leaders. Which tier 8 premium tank is better. Choosing one of the German premium tanks, you will hardly regret it.

  • Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71
  • 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

American premium tanks are worth buying. The best premium tank tier 8. Naturally, the feature of these machines is their versatility in combat.

  • T26E4 Super Pershing
  • T95E2
  • M6A2E1
  • T34 - was transferred from a regular tank to a premium one

Perhaps the most dynamic tanks of the eighth level are French vehicles. What is the best level 8 tank to buy. That is why it is their players who use them in clan battles.

  • AMX Chasseur de chars
  • FCM50t

Among Chinese premiums, medium tanks stand out. Overview of premium tanks of level 8. According to the players, the best premium tanks are Chinese ones.

  • Type 59
  • T-34-3
  • WZ-111

The tech tree for Japanese tanks is not big in terms of premium vehicles. What is a level 8 premium tank. Here, free premium can play an excellent service to tankers.

  • STA-2

The UK doesn't have Tier 8 tank premium farming yet. New premium tank level 8. But the developers plan to soon introduce new combat vehicles for this nation into the game.

  • Missing

Which premium tank to buy?

Let's analyze the information provided to identify the main contenders for victory among the purchased tanks in the game. An excellent option to choose would be the Type 59 tank. After all, it was he who was removed from sales at the time due to his increased farm and excellent dynamics. Do not underestimate the American counterpart, the premium tank pershing. This combat vehicle has the best survivability among all Tier 8 premium tanks in World of Tanks. Among the French, the fsm 50t remains the undisputed leader. In terms of damage per minute, it has no equal among premium tanks. One of the last German premium tanks Panzer Mit 8.8 deserves special attention. He also farms above average. From the Soviet ones, we recommend choosing the Isa 130, the leading anti-tank self-propelled gun in terms of one-time damage.

Which tank to buy in World of Tanks

You can see the exact data on earnings on tanks in the farm table of premium tanks of level 8 at the link at the beginning of the article or right here. Also, do not forget that a free Tier 8 Premium Tank has appeared in the game, which is also included in the Top Premium Tanks.

Farm table of prem tanks level 8

Green highlighted premium tanks with an increased farm coefficient, we recommend buying them. Tier 8 premium tanks with a lower average yield coefficient are marked in pink.

Prem level 8 Average farm loans Pharma ratio
T-54 first sample 46810 0.5
IS-6 49001 0.8
KV-5 56840 1.5
ISU-130 41185 0.3
Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 40716 0.2
Lowe 58430 1.8
8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger 53799 1.3
T26E4 Super Pershing 51004 1.1
T95E2 53812 1.4
M6A2E1 43665 0.4
AMX Chasseur de chars 49857 0.9
FCM50t 58100 1.7
Type 59 57525 1.6
T-34-3 48319 0.6
WZ-111 48990 0.7
112 50632 1.0
STA-2 52542 1.2