Blooming perennials in the garden in spring. How to grow perennial plants for your garden

Broken heart flower is what they call the magnificent dicentra. This romantic plant has original-shaped flowers in the form of pink hearts punched with arrows; they hang in a row like earrings on curved peduncles. Lacy greenery in combination with graceful flower stalks looks beautiful and elegant.

There are about 20 species of plants in the genus Dicentra; the most common in gardening is Dicentra splendid. In nature, dicentra grows on Far East, in China and North America.

Dicentra forms lush bush IR height from 30 to 90 cm . The rhizome of this perennial goes deep into the soil. The feathery leaves of emerald color with reddish petioles are decorative, like unusual flowers in the shape of flat hearts with spurs. There are two varieties with flowers of pink and white. After flowering, seed boxes are formed that remain viable for two years.

16 Apr 2019

Lungwort begins to bloom very early; immediately after the snow melts, flower stalks appear from the ground and small, cute flowers open. Lungwort flowers are initially bright pink, gradually changing their color to blue-violet before wilting. Lungwort blooms from April to May , the flower stalks lengthen and form a lush bush, on which you can see both pink and blue flowers at the same time.

The name of this flower “lungwort” speaks for itself; it is the earliest honey plant, to which many bees flock. The lungwort has others popular names- honeydew, bear grass, bee grass, honey grass, honey grass.

19 Mar 2019

The imperial hazel grouse is a large-flowered species from the genus Fritillaria, which is part of the lily family. There are about 150 species of hazel grouse, but the tallest and brightest of them is the imperial hazel grouse. It is easily distinguished by its straight, tall stem covered with lily leaves. A long peduncle forms on the upper part of the stem; it ends in a green tuft of leaves, under which large bright flowers- bells.

Blooming hazel grouse look solemn and elegant; their flowers come in yellow, orange and red-orange colors. . Fritillaries often play a starring role in a flower bed, placed in the center or in the background as the tallest plants.

12 Jan 2019

“Vanka impatiens”, “Ogonyok”, this is the name of balsam, this folk flower is grown at home on the windowsill and in the garden, in a flower bed, in flowerpots or in balcony boxes. Balsams - perennials, but come from the warm tropics, so they are planted outside as annual flowers, which delight with abundant and long flowering all summer without rest.

29 Dec 2018

Tuberous hybrid callas different varieties can be grown as indoor flowers in pots and as garden flowers . Graceful calla lilies flowers framed by lush greenery are a wonderful decoration in the house and in the flower bed. The feces will bloom for at least a month, and the bright greenery will remain until autumn, but then the tuber of the plant goes dormant until spring.

Tuberous callas should not be confused with rhizomatous white or Ethiopian calla lilies . White callas come from Africa, where they grow along the banks of rivers and reservoirs, preferring damp areas, so this species has its own requirements when growing.

Tuberous calla lilies are basically hybrid plants created from two species - Eliot's calla lilies and Remenni's calla lilies. Varieties of calla lilies can have leaves of a single green color or with white speckles, as well as their flowers, or rather, the bracts have different colors - yellow, pink, lilac, violet with the iridescence of several shades.

30 Nov 2018

Orange lilies are one of the oldest varieties, as many natural views lilies have a natural orange coloring of flowers. For example, tiger lily or lanceolate lily , grows in wildlife in China and Japan, where the sweet bulbs of this plant are eaten. The wild flowers are bright orange with dark specks and very attractive. There are several interesting varieties of lilies in culture, the ancestor of which was the tiger lily.

Terry tiger lily has an original shape of flowers with up to 30 petals; as the flower opens, the first rows of petals bend back, the last row of petals almost does not open, so this lily has no stamens with anthers. The flowers on the peduncle look straight, and since this plant is quite tall with a stem 100-120 cm high, the flowers are clearly visible. The terry lily blooms at the end of July. The color of the flowers is peach with dark specks on the petals.

16 Oct 2018

Sedum prominent (Sedumspectabile)- an ornamental perennial plant with erect stems, lush green leaves and large inflorescences at the tops. This plant is from the group autumn flowers, but sedum looks attractive all season long. In spring, a bluish-green rounded bush is formed from young shoots and leaves; by the end of summer, the shoots rise to a height of 50-70 cm and numerous small flowers begin to open on large inflorescences.

22 Jul 2018

Chamomile flowers They are associated with the suns; in the center of the flowers there is a yellow circle, it is framed by long petals like rays. There are many plants with inflorescences similar to daisies; they may vary in size and color, but the structure of daisy flowers is similar. Collected here the most beautiful types of daisy flowers:

Nielberry has inflorescences with the classic appearance of daisies- a yellow button in the center and a row of white narrow petals. Nivyanik is often called garden chamomile. Large white daisies look beautiful in the company of bright flowers - poppies, bells, cornflowers; these flowers are a real symbol of Russian nature.

07 Jun 2018

Kochia, annual cypress or "crown grass" This is what our grandfathers called this plant and grew it mainly for knitting brooms and panicles. When varieties of kochia with a compact, beautiful shape were created, this plant was appreciated by gardeners and flower growers and began to be used for landscaping areas and decorating flower beds.

Kochia looks great in a flower garden, on a lawn, among stones or along garden paths , single green bushes look impressive or in a group, in a linear planting like a miniature green hedge. Kochia is a surprisingly flexible plant that fits harmoniously into any garden composition, as a background for bright colors, like landscaping among stones and statues in a rock garden or on an alpine hill, like a green border in a flower bed or along a path.

Kochia is an annual herbaceous plant , reaches a height of 50-100 cm, forms an upright lush bush with a cylindrical shape. Numerous branches of kochia are covered with thin long leaves, like needles, so this plant is often compared to miniature coniferous trees.

Genus Liverworts includes about 10 species of herbaceous evergreen plants with rhizomes. An interesting name for this plant was given back in the Middle Ages, when healers believed that plants similar in shape to any organ could heal it. Since the liverwort has three-lobed leaves similar to the shape of the liver, the plant got its name.

What to do if you want to get a beautiful front garden on your summer cottage, but you have absolutely no time or energy to care for it? The article is devoted to describing the most popular crops among “lazy” gardeners. Have a hassle-free summer!

Rules for creating a flower garden that blooms all summer for the lazy

In order to almost completely forget about caring for an unpretentious flowerbed after planting, you still need to work a little and create a well-thought-out composition. Here are some tips that will help you rest with a clear conscience after completing work:

  1. Low-maintenance crops are not always plain and boring. Don't be afraid to add some bright colors to your flowerbed;
  2. Which crops to choose? If you are pursuing the goal of building a front garden that blooms all season, select plants that have different flowering periods;
  3. Place crops that prefer the same conditions in your “lazy” flowerbed so that they feel comfortable growing in one place;
  4. To avoid having to pay a lot later, take care of good quality soil;
  5. Best place flower garden for the lazy - sunny or semi-shaded.

Carefully selected crops planted on good soil and in a good place, they will thank you in the future with lush and long-lasting flowering, without requiring special care procedures. However, it is still worth noting that the statement “set it and forget it” in this case is not entirely true. You need to take care of the flowerbed, but not so often: weeding a young front garden, watering during drought, fertilizing as needed and removing dead inflorescences whenever possible will not take much time and effort.

It is also worth remembering that trimming and covering plants winter season it is necessary, otherwise your “lazy” flower bed will die.

The most unpretentious garden flowers (video)

Beautiful unpretentious perennial flowers for the garden

The absolute favorites of flower beds for lazy gardeners are low-maintenance perennials that can spend their entire life cycle almost independently. Below are the most popular crops today that do not require special skills in floriculture.


One of the longest flowering perennials: astilbe is able to delight its owners with bright inflorescences for up to 10 weeks, starting from the middle of the summer season and ending with the onset of the first frost. This unpretentious crop grows up to 1.5 meters, so you can safely plant it in the middle of the flower bed. Astilbe prefers sun or partial shade.

The only treatment this herbaceous tall perennial requires is regular pruning to develop side shoots and control growth. Its bright yellow flowers really look like small sunflowers and will decorate any front garden.


The dream of a summer resident who is always busy with business: this crop requires nothing more than a fairly sunny place. Another advantage of the plant is its simple but charming daisy flowers of bright colors, depending on the variety. Refers to tall inhabitants of flower beds.


Not all bulbs can be classified as unpretentious, but tulips are one of them. Their bright buds are among the first to bloom after winter and decorate the flowerbed until the end of spring.

Like tulips, this perennial crop can take care of itself and blooms at the same time. The main advantage of a narcissist is the ability to look good in different flower arrangements. In addition, their lush green foliage retains its decorative properties for a long time.

Lilies of the valley

Capable of growing in one place for up to 10 years, lilies of the valley will be a wonderful decoration for your garden in the spring, and in early summer they will bear fruit in the form of red berries. They tolerate both sun and shade well.

Tulips, daffodils and lilies of the valley are being replaced by a crop such as aquilegia, or columbine. Blooming in the second year of its life, this easy-to-care perennial is designed to decorate your site from late May to early September. When its bell-shaped inflorescences fade, the decorative properties are transferred to the leaves - they become lilac or purple.


Geranium is a fragile-looking plant that blooms from May to August. One of the features is the short life of a single flower, which is immediately replaced by new ones. At the end of flowering, geranium foliage acquires bright shades: red, orange, yellow.


Best friends lazy gardeners, because they are one of the most unpretentious and get along on different soil and with different neighbors. Lilac, pink, violet and will become an excellent background for peonies, nivaria and other beautiful flowering crops.

Turkish clove

Spreading by self-seeding and blooming for a long time, this plant rightfully deserves to be among the most undemanding ornamental crops. Carnations will color your garden bright colors and will give any flowerbed summer mood!

Frost-resistant, unpretentious flowers for the garden (video)

Low-maintenance flowering annuals

In addition to perennial crops, the market can offer gardeners a variety of annual ornamental plants that are no more demanding in terms of maintenance conditions. They will perfectly complement the “framework” of the already created one. Such crops are usually grown from seeds, they do not need the procedure for propagating seedlings.


Despite the fact that petunia is considered, the only wish of this crop in relation to the soil is its constant and moderate moisture. In gratitude for the little troubles she will thank the owner with a magnificent and spectacular flowering; The appearance of petunia flowers can be varied and depends on the variety.

People also call them marigolds: these bright street flowers, like small suns, scattered throughout the garden, leave the most pleasant impressions of the site. In addition, marigolds are drought-resistant and grow very quickly.

Sweet pea

Refers to vines, perfect for vertical surface design. True to their name, the flowers have a pleasant aroma and delight the eye for 50-60 days.

Easily recognizable by everyone Cosmos can be found in almost any dacha. This plant, which prefers to grow in poor soil, has the amazing ability to bloom for up to 80 days. Her delicate flowers all shades of pink and light, openwork foliage will add a spirit of romance and carefree to any flowerbed.


Drought-resistant, highly ornamental plant. Zinnia flowers do not require special care procedures, stay on the peduncle for up to 50 days. The only condition: plant the flower immediately permanent place, he does not tolerate transplantation well.


Another bright, sunny spot in the flowerbed is marigolds, or calendula. The plant is medicinal and is considered a good honey plant.. The culture looks great in combination with eschscholzia, cosmos, chamomile and cornflowers.

They will add a bit of variety to your flowerbed. In order for chic baskets to appear on the flower stalks in time, you just need to water them in a timely manner and loosen the soil around the roots.

Popular large unpretentious garden flowers

Tall, spreading flowers are a good frame for any flower bed. As a rule, the larger the plant, the less attention it requires.


A symbol of wealth and prosperity, the peony decorates almost every average garden. middle zone. This perennial plant blooms very luxuriantly and at the same time is not at all demanding on growing conditions. During drought, it can be watered once a week.

Large bright iris flowers occupy one of the first places in popularity among lazy gardeners. Iris is drought-resistant, winter-hardy, blooms almost all summer and can live in one place for up to 7 years. It is difficult to think of something more suitable for a flower garden that does not require maintenance. However, it should be taken into account that the culture prefers light, moist soil.


Orange-red, bright helenium inflorescences on tall, erect stems are often found in front gardens. All the care it requires is watering on dry days and shelter for the winter.


One of the favorites among high-growing crops. Its pyramidal inflorescences of various colors appear twice during the summer: in June and in August. Drought resistant, shade-tolerant and tolerates low temperatures.


Tall subshrub with purple inflorescences. A common crop due to the absence of any care requirements during cultivation on the site. Grows well on heavy soil and in the shade.

Drought-resistant perennials for flower beds (video)

Easy to care for ground cover flowers

If you are pursuing the goal of creating a flower carpet rather than a flower bed, then you should pay attention to low-growing plants that creep along the ground.

This perennial groundcover can transform a dull lawn into a riot of color: just plant several varieties nearby that differ in the shade of the inflorescences. The plant will spread quickly and will be an excellent frame for flower beds, mixborders or paths.


Herbaceous, beautifully flowering, creeping plant. Lives for many years; small bright crimson flowers are visible from afar and attract attention to the flowerbed where the plant is planted. Externally, the jacket resembles a small fluffy mound.

Medicinal plant and seasoning, thyme not only serves practical purposes, but also makes an excellent ground cover. Its thick, dense carpet exudes a pleasant aroma, and the small pinkish flowers look very neat.


An irreplaceable plant when it comes to framing shaded flower beds, rockeries and borders. Periwinkle is extremely unpretentious; in spring it is covered with sky blue fragile flowers.

A “lazy” flower garden is not a gardening myth at all, it’s quite possible to create it at your dacha. Before you breathe out a sigh of relief, you just need to work a little and think carefully about where to arrange the flowerbed and what plants to plant. Everything is in your hands!

Perennial flowers have many advantages, and one of them is that they do not need to be planted every spring. And this, say, is not a little, since in the spring there is already a lot of land work on your site. With the help of perennial flowers, beautiful flower beds are created that retain their decorative appearance for at least five years. Later, some flowers grow greatly and require replanting or removing part of the bush to plant it in a new place.

Most of the perennials are able to survive our winters and only a few require digging up, since their homeland is more southern areas. Therefore, to create beautiful flower beds you need to know about the perennials themselves - what they look like and what they need for good growth. We’ve already talked about them, today we’ll talk about perennials.

This plant tolerates the dry months of summer well and is resistant enough to cold snaps so as not to freeze out in the winter months of the year. It is absolutely not demanding on the soil and does not require any particular complex care. It is planted to decorate personal plots, looks good in rock gardens and when decorating borders.
Compositions created using allisum look good next to ground cover plants, since they complement each other.

Allisum inflorescences have a pleasant aroma and rich, bright colors. It should be planted in areas where there is often sun, and for the first time after planting it is necessary to water the plant more often so that it successfully adapts to the new place.


This type of perennial has flowers of various shades. They may be:

  • Purple;
  • Blue;
  • Red.

But this perennial grows only in the southern regions of Russia; in its northern regions it exists only as an annual.


Planting these flowers is quite simple, since the tubers are not buried deep, only 5 cm. The soil in the flower bed where anemones grow should be light so that air can penetrate to the roots of the plant. If the soil is not fertile, then the flower will need to be fed once a month with complete mineral fertilizer.

Pansy (viola)

This is a fairly popular plant; in our country it is not a perennial, since it cannot survive harsh winters. But its remarkable flowers already delight us early spring and therefore it is planted through seedlings. The splendor of viola flowers is colored in various shades of summer:

  • Snow-white;
  • Blue;
  • Black;
  • Yellow;
  • Two-color.

Plant them in sunny places and water them as the soil dries out. If the summer does not indulge in rain, then watering is done more often, preventing the flower from dying. To prolong flowering, faded buds are cut off so that the plant does not waste time ripening its seeds.

This flower has always attracted gardeners with its exotic appearance. This perennial plant has many varieties that differ in both growth height and color. blooming flowers, which are collected in beautiful panicles.

The requirements for cultivating this flower are proper care:

  • Flowers are planted in partial shade;
  • The soil should be rich in humus;
  • Watering in the absence of rain should be regular;
  • Peduncles that have bloomed require removal.

Also, if the plant is not planted in the southern regions of Russia, then for the winter they should be cut off and the astilbe rhizome should be covered with any covering material.

Perennial asters (September)

These responsive and low-maintenance flowers are often in demand when decorating not only garden plots, but can often be seen in urban flower beds in various cities. Caring for them is simple:

  • Timely watering;
  • Application potash fertilizers twice a season;
  • Pruning trunks for the winter to make it easier for new young foliage to grow in the spring.

The flowers are rich in shades from soft lilac to burgundy, from pale purple to almost blue, there are also varieties with stunning white flowers. Adult bushes require replanting approximately every 6 years.

The leaf blades of the plant have a smooth oval shape with a shiny surface. Blooming buds have pink. It responds well to full mineral fertilizing and, with good care, forms beautiful rosettes. Bergenia is planted in various flower beds, decorating the foreground with it. Looks beautiful in flower beds with rocky areas, as well as in borders.

There is one peculiarity of bergenia - in the spring its rosettes should be treated with any drug against fungal infection so that the plant does not die from the disease.

This is a fairly common plant with creeping ground cover green branches. It is not a whimsical plant, which, if its growth is not limited, quickly grows over the entire width of the free territory. The leaves are small, leathery, dark green. The flowers, which bloom in May, are beautifully shaped and blue in color.

When all the flowers bloom, the green carpet turns blue. It is so unpretentious that it does not even need timely watering; hyacinths and heucheras will be successful neighbors in the flowerbed.

This is an erect plant 60 cm tall, with a green stem at the end, the end of which is strewn with blooming yellow flowers. Among this plant there are varieties with healing properties.

Loosestrife prefers sunny places without shading. He also needs:

Shelter on winter period loosestrife is not needed.

In order for hyacinths to bloom and grow well, they require constant feeding with fertilizers. To do this, the first application of fertilizer begins when the first shoots appear. When the foliage is removed and loosened, dry fertilizer for bulbous plants is applied. The second feeding takes place at the moment of budding of the hyacinth. At the time of vegetative growth and flowering, the soil around the plant should not dry out completely.

There are different varieties of delphinium:

  • Persian;
  • Large-flowered;
  • Hybrid.

When planting delphinium seedlings or seeds, you need to leave a small distance between the bushes - this is done so that the bushes look dense.

Also, for good growth, regular watering, loosening and weed removal are needed. So that the plant does not get sick powdery mildew, watering should be done on the ground, without affecting the leaf plates.

This is not a problem plant that does not require constant care for its plantings. The appearance of the arched inflorescence is strewn with white or pink flowers. The main thing for this plant is the correct planting location, as it prefers partial shade.

If the gardener takes the time and fertilizes the place where the plant grows, it will respond with more powerful growth of the bush.

This is exactly the plant that can withstand any unsightly weather conditions. The survivor is not in danger harmful insects or bacterial diseases. To create a good green carpet, this plant needs a minimum amount sun rays. Therefore, it is usually planted where there is no chance for another plant to survive.

Using this plant they decorate:

  • Rocky slopes;
  • Draw up trunk circles trees;
  • Supplement with various plantings of tall plants.

They replant it at any warm time of the year, moving it to a new place with a lump of earth.

It is a low shrub that produces edible berries after flowering. There are a lot of varieties of honeysuckle, so the various plantings of honeysuckle on the site can be limited to varieties with edible fruits.

The shrub is unpretentious and takes root well on any soil of the site. The main thing that is vital for the shrub is an abundance of sunlight and protection from cold winter winds, which can freeze the plant in the cold season.

These charming flowers decorate vertical garden interiors. Their huge flowers of various shades burn like lights among the foliage located on stretched trellises. Clematis has a number of advantages:

  • Clematis can withstand winter cold;
  • Long flowering period;
  • Unpretentiousness in cultivation;
  • Durability.

When planting clematis in a permanent place, you need to take into account the fact that it loves sunny places. If several bushes are expected to be planted in a row, then you need to retreat 2 m from the previous bush. It tolerates good proximity to tagetes, which protects clematis roots in extreme heat.

These gentle creatures prefer places with high humidity and lack of direct sunlight. Therefore, they look good under trees in the back of the garden. If the summer is consistently hot, then watering the plantings is inevitable. You should also fence off the area that is reserved for growing lily of the valley, since it tends to grow beyond measure.

To propagate lily of the valley, you just need to dig up a rhizome with one growth bud in the spring and plant it on a new plot of land. After which you need to ensure that the soil does not dry out. In the first year after transplantation, the lily of the valley will grow its root system, and in the second year the first flowers will appear.

Nowadays many varieties have been bred with flowers of different shades. color range. Daylilies are planted in small holes dug at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and the root collar is buried a couple of centimeters.

This plant needs regular watering and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers during the formation of the leaf mass of the flower.

Perennial lupins

This is very decorative flower, possessing beautiful flowers collected in tall candles. The shades of colors are quite different:

  • Burgundy;
  • White:
  • Lilac:
  • Pink;
  • Blue.

The leaves also have an attractive shape, their outline reminiscent of a child's hand with outstretched fingers. The plant is not picky about soil, but, like all other perennials, it will not refuse feeding with high-grade mineral fertilizers. Prefers acidic soil. If the soil on the site is not acidic, then it can be acidified with pine sawdust, which will be used as mulch around the plant.

There are many varieties of milkweed and therefore you can always choose something that suits the taste of the gardener. The main thing is to choose the right place for it. And it loves the sun very much; in the shade its flowers will not be decorative enough.

The plant practically does not need watering. All you need is timely pruning of dried flowers to give the bush an attractive shape.

This perennial comes from the hyacinth family. This is one of the first flowers to appear in early spring. It pleases with its flowering when there are practically no others around yet flowering plants standing out beautifully against the dark earth. This flower does not refuse to grow in sunny areas and requires watering. Many varieties propagate by self-sowing.

Very often people grow the following varieties of muscari:

  • Turgenevsky (light blue);
  • Racemose (purple);
  • Armenian (blue with a white border around the edge of the petal);
  • Cluster-shaped (white and blue).

Daffodils look very beautiful with tulips and not only in spring bouquets, but also in the flowerbed next door. They usually bloom in May, and delight with their flowering throughout the month. There are varieties with early and late flowering. You can choose varieties in a flower bed of daffodils in such a way that, replacing each other, they will delight us with their appearance and aroma for a long time.

The shape of the flower also differs depending on the variety of daffodil. Flowers are:

  • Tubular;
  • Small-crowned;
  • Onkeleform;
  • Terry;
  • Cyclomenes;
  • Large-crowned.

To plant such beauty, no special skills are required. They are planted in autumn or early spring, buried into the ground three times the height of the bulb. Then you only need regular watering and fertilizer for the bulbous plants. It will be beautiful if you plant each variety separately, creating mini flower beds with flowers of different shapes.

Nivyanik (chamomile)

The large heads of white daisies are very pleasing to the eye. It is easily propagated by dividing the bush. To do this, it is dug up in the spring. old bush chamomile and is divided into parts in each of which there will be both roots and growth buds. Not deep holes are dug in a new place or in an old one, but slightly separately from each other, so that there is room for young bushes to grow. Further care consists of watering, loosening and removing faded inflorescences in a timely manner.

Nielberry plantings should be located in sunny places in the garden, as it will not bloom in the shade. Chamomile is replanted every 6 years.

Peonies are beautiful flowers that bloom in May. Flowers are found in various shades of pink, burgundy, and white. Recently, peonies have even been bred with yellow flowers. In one place, a peony can grow up to 50 years. They should be planted in sunny areas, since the peony will not bloom in the shade.

Over time, young bushes grow greatly and therefore, when designing a path, this must be taken into account and planted at a certain distance from each other. You shouldn’t overfill them with water, as this can cause rotting of the plant’s root system.

There's so much here different varieties, which have a wide variety of colors. The varieties also differ in height, there are:

  • Ground cover roses;
  • Curb;
  • Park;
  • Floribunda;
  • Climbing, etc.

With the help of a rich variety of rose varieties, you can make a beautiful rose garden that will fill the entire garden with its aroma.

These flowers are planted only in sunny places; they require timely watering, pruning, and covering their bushes for the winter.

This plant resembles chamomile in its appearance, but differs from it in various shades of flowers. Rudbeckia grows on any soil, but only on nutritious soil will the bush develop better and the flowers will be large in size.

Rudbeckia can grow in one place for up to five years, after which it should be replanted. As young shoots grow, they should be removed, as they are prone to strong reproduction in different sides plot.

Thanks to scientists, many new varieties with more magnificent flower caps have appeared. They vary in color and greatly decorate the flower beds of flower lovers.

If the soil on the site is too heavy, it can be diluted with a handful of coarse sand. When replanting phloxes to a new location, root collar deepen by three centimeters. They prefer sunny areas, since without sunlight the plant will not bloom.

Perennials for Beginners

Photo gallery of perennial flowers for the garden

The decoration of the house and garden is the flower garden.

It is flowers that allow us to create harmony and comfort around us. Their colorful colors delight our eyes from early spring to late autumn.

The basis of the flower garden are perennial plants; they do not need to be replanted every year, they are quite unpretentious to bad weather conditions and frost-resistant.

Perennial flowers do not require any care special works. Almost all of them reproduce vegetatively - by tubers or root division.

When growing perennials, you should follow several recommendations.

They need to be planted in the fall, having immediately decided on the layout of the flowerbed, and be sure to take into account the height, flowering periods and color.

Tall flowers

Meadowsweet is famous for its beautiful foliage, the flowers resemble the shape of brushes.

lupins, solar plants, do not require special care and soil, they prefer mainly root watering.

Apperstyanka. A fabulous flower, popularly called mystical. Its flowers look like bells, the caps of which are worn by forest elves. Loves shaded places. The palette of flower colors is very diverse.

Buzulnik. Tolerates cold temperatures well, blooms for a long time and has beautiful leaves.

Medium flowers

Day-lily. The beauty of this plant is mesmerizing. It grows in shade or partial shade, but its flowers open entirely only in bright light.

Yarrow. Blooms late summer and early autumn. Not only does he have beautiful view, but is also medicinal. The flowers resemble multi-colored baskets, white, yellow, pink and orange.

Radiola is pink and has a rather unusual decorative appearance. It has expressive leaves and white inflorescences at the top.

Low growing plants

Pansies. They bloom in the spring, and with good care they bloom all summer. They require a lot of light, watering and fertilizing.

Gentian - perennial flower in the form of bells, it can be blue or blue flowers. Does not like direct sunlight or complete shade. Well suited for planting in the form of slides.

Phloxes are dwarf. If you want to create a whole carpet of colorful flowers, then this is what you need! Multi-colored phloxes delight the eye with their lush blooms.

A tenacious creeping creature. It lives up to its name, is absolutely not afraid of the cold, and is undemanding when it comes to watering and lighting. They are often planted near fences, poles and trees.

Gypsophila, a cultivated perennial plant, has small white flowers, often used to decorate bouquets

climbing perennials

How to decorate a gazebo or fence? Climbing perennials, which just need support, will help you with this.

Wisteria growing in clusters lilac color. Loves warmth and should be moved indoors in cold weather.

Clematis. It also doesn’t like the cold, unfortunately, but it has the advantage that it grows well in containers, which makes it easier to move.

Climbing roses. They are unpretentious in care and require good insulation in winter.

Honeysuckle. Maintenance often requires trimming and shaping. But he is not afraid of the cold.

Actinidia. Requires abundant watering. Medicinal flower.

Maiden's grapes. A favorite among gardeners. Suitable for giving decorative look and creating shade in gazebos.

Perennial flowers for Siberia and the Urals.

Siberia and the Urals are famous for their frosty winters. What perennial flowers tolerate such temperatures. Let's figure it out.

Flowers for Siberian spring.

Kandyk Siberian. One of the first flowers to bloom. The plant does not like shade. Has bright purple flowers.

Anemone grows specifically in Siberia. It has small white flowers.

Primroses. small plant with expressive colors and large leaves. Lands anywhere.

Muscari, small charming flowers. They bloom very early and the cold is not a hindrance for them; they delight the eye with their blue, white and lilac flowers.

Lilies of the valley. White bells with a breathtaking scent. They bloom in May and easily adapt to any conditions.


Bearded irises. Popular among Siberian summer residents due to their long flowering from early to mid-summer.

Reticulated irises. Flowers are yellow-blue or violet-white. They are very easy to care for, are not afraid of frost, but do not like high humidity.

Saranka lily or Royal curls. It also grows in normal environments and can grow and bloom in Siberia.

Daurian lily. Color red or orange flowers all summer. Loves water and is not afraid of frost

The climbing rose was described above; in addition, we can simply recommend covering it warmer for the winter.

Hydrangeas. For Siberia, tree-like and paniculate varieties this plant.

Clematis also took root among Siberian summer residents. Species with small flowers and Tangut clematis directly are best suited.

Decorative bow. Produces large purple buds and is also edible.

Autumn flowers for Siberia

Autumn in Siberia is short, so there are not many perennial flowers, however, you will be pleased with the flowering of Asters, which bloom until the first snows, and Chrysanthemums, but the latter require good shelter and insulation.

Plants with decorative foliage

Ornamental perennial plants with beautiful foliage, such as astilbe, bergenia, bazulnik, and snot, are used as permanent garden decorations.

Also have beautiful leaves flowering perennials chrysanthemums, rudbeckias and doronicums.

Protecting perennial flowers from the cold

In the Siberian climate, it is important to properly cover perennial plants for the winter. Roses, chrysanthemums and hydrangeas especially require this.

The first thing you need to do is prepare the plant itself: remove the last leaves, diseased and dried parts, prune.

Then the roots need to be insulated with peat or dry leaves. Make the frame higher than the bush, and 25 cm on the sides.

Fill the frame with dry leaves and cover the top with spruce branches or a simple box.

Photos of perennial flowers for the garden

For most people, a summer cottage is a place to grow high-quality and healthy crops, without nitrates and various chemical impurities. But spending a lot of time in the garden and vegetable garden, after a labor landing, you still want to sit comfortably in some attractive corner of the garden and relax, enjoying the surrounding nature.

But with the help of your imagination and, again, some effort, you can make the site beautiful and original for everyone’s joy.

And the main decoration of the territory, of course, will be flowers of all kinds and various options their location on the site. Colorful photos of flowers at the dacha will help you choose the design option you need.

Site design

If you decide to take this important step, then, first of all, you need to determine a place for planting flowers, clear it of excess vegetation and prepare the soil.

The next step is to draw up a design for the arrangement of flowers. It is enough to take a sheet of paper and a pencil to sketch out a rough plan for planting flowers that will make the area more attractive and unique.

Map out all the existing structures, and then, in accordance with their style and appearance, select the desired varieties of plants and flowers.

Determine the location of future flower beds, arched devices, mini-gardens, lawns, etc. Then make marks where certain varieties of flowers will be placed depending on their height, configuration, preferences and colors.

For example, low-growing flowers in colorful colors can be placed along paths in the garden, even creating different weaves and patterns with them. Plain flowers accentuate the path itself.

No less in demand design technique is the creation of flower beds. They are beautiful and do not require special care. In addition, flower beds can have different shapes; show your imagination, and the shape of your flower bed will become one and only.

Select the dimensions of the flower bed in accordance with the size of the entire plot. Huge flower beds on small area will look ridiculous.

There is no consensus on the best place to place flower beds. You can place them near the house, or you can arrange a flower area separately from everything else and retire there to calmly enjoy their aromas and beauty.

In addition, at your summer cottage you can arrange gazebos decorated with climbing flowers or flower arches.

Latest time in design summer cottages There is a tendency to create mixborders, or, more simply put, stripes of a certain width with flowers of different colors and heights. This solution will decorate any summer cottage plot medium or large sizes.

What flowers to choose for the garden

Perennial daylilies planted in compositions will help make the area original; besides, they bloom for quite a long time. Thanks to their diversity color palette, you can easily choose the right shades to create a single ensemble.

In addition, they combine well with other flowers and plants. For example, dahlias or hyacinths, phlox and tulips. Such combinations can be safely considered a win-win. But be sure to think about their location, as they can reach up to 1 m in height.

But perhaps the most beloved and sought after country flower considered petunia. It is not demanding in care, easy to plant, so even a beginner in floriculture can easily cope with it. And in order for it to bloom as early as possible, you should not plant it in the ground, it is best to use seedlings.

Bush petunia is suitable for flower beds or borders, and it is better to decorate gazebos or arches with cascading petunia, as it is unpretentious and tolerates cloudy weather well. Ampel varieties They are planted in pots, their branches fall down.

Asters, adonis, peonies, lilies, and tulips love the sun, so you need to take this into account when placing them. They are not suitable for shady places. In this case, pay attention to hydrangeas or forget-me-nots, geraniums or primroses.

Be especially careful when choosing flowers, especially if you have small children or animals in the house, because some varieties may contain toxic substances. For example, plants of the lily family have poisonous tubers.

Caring for country flowers

It is best to plant flowers and plants in your dacha that do not require special care, and for this you just need to follow the rules:

  • location in right place, that is, light-loving flowers should grow under the sun, and shade-tolerant flowers should only be exposed to it rarely,
  • during flowering, remove faded leaves in a timely manner, thereby extending the flowering period,
  • When purchasing, find out the number of blooms per year; some plants should be pruned for this. Options for decorating an area with flowers

For correct and beautiful design plot can be used:

  • discount - wide stripes different colors, planted along the paths,
  • borders - narrow strips of low-height plants,
  • arabesques - floral patterns in the Arabic style, a very complex creation process,
  • array, combinations of a huge number of colors different forms and varieties,
  • tapeworm, a free-standing composition of large perennial flowers,
  • plant plasticity is a very painstaking process; its creation requires a frame on which a flower carpet is grown.

You can make your summer cottage colorful and unforgettable on our own and with minimal costs. But their amazing and attractive appearance will delight you and others for a long time.

Photo of flowers at the dacha