Current rules for using gas at home (RF). Rules for using gas and gas equipment Safety rules for handling household gas

One of the main sources of energy today is gas. It is characterized high temperature combustion, environmental priorities and low cost. However, blue fuel is fraught with danger. When mixed with air it becomes explosive.

Gas is widely used in the production of numerous polymer products and serves as an energy supplier for heating commercial facilities. We constantly encounter its use in everyday life, so follow the rules for operating gas equipment in residential buildings very important.

You will learn how to use gas appliances correctly and what is strictly prohibited from doing in our article. Here you will find information on how to act in the event of a gas leak, how often and who should check gas equipment, for what violations the gas service can turn off the supply of blue fuel.

According to the rules for the operation of gas equipment installed in residential buildings, all consumers natural gas must keep an eye on proper work gas appliances.

The responsibilities of homeowners include the need to check ventilation and chimneys, as well as organize access to the premises where equipment belonging to the local GorGaz structure is installed.

Liquefied gas used in everyday life is a mixture of butane and propane. The substance is colorless and odorless. To detect leaks, an odorant (ethyl mercotan) is added to it, which makes the gas smell like a rotten egg.

General requirements for the operation of gas appliances:

  • if there is a smell of gas in the room, using the appliances, you must immediately turn off the tap, open the window, leave the gas-polluted room and call the gas emergency service (it is forbidden to smoke, turn on the lights(!) and other electrical appliances);
  • prohibited independently and without permitting documents gasify houses, repair gas equipment;
  • It is unacceptable to seal ventilation ducts, pockets and “hatches” for cleaning chimneys, to move or “brick up” ventilation systems;
  • It is prohibited to operate gas equipment when closed windows, lack of ventilation, as well as draft in the chimney;
  • It is strictly forbidden to use the equipment for children under 14 years of age, persons under the influence of alcohol, persons incapacitated, or those who are not familiar with the rules for operating gas appliances;
  • leave operating devices unattended;
  • It is unacceptable to load the gas pipeline (attach ropes to it for drying clothes).

It is strictly forbidden to search for the source of the leak on your own. If you smell gas in the room, the first thing you need to do is turn off the supply of blue fuel and turn off all electrical appliances.

Urgently call a gas emergency or rescue service. Warn neighbors about the current situation and leave the premises.

Requirements for operating a gas stove

Before using a gas stove, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for its safe operation.

Main conditions correct operation gas stove:

  • the room in which food is prepared must be well ventilated;
  • the operation of the stove must always be monitored (it is forbidden to leave an open flame unattended);
  • after completion of operation, be sure to shut off the gas supply;
  • before starting to use the equipment, you should bring the flame source to the burner and only then turn on the supply of blue fuel;
  • Operation of the equipment should be stopped if: the flame is not visible in all openings, the color of the fire is different from bluish-violet, and flames are observed to break off.

The condition of the gas stove should be checked regularly (by a gas service specialist). It is forbidden to repair a gas stove yourself.

It is prohibited to heat the room with a gas stove. It is also strictly forbidden to independently search for a leak using soap solution or open fire.

GOST 33998-2016 states that cleaning all parts of gas cooking equipment should be as easy as possible. The use of tools for dismantling is prohibited. After cleaning, all parts must be installed in their place.

Thermostats, taps and fuses must be installed in such a way as to ensure ease of maintenance and adjustment. Some parts cannot be removed by the user themselves (nozzles). For this work you need to call a specialist.

Standards for using a geyser

A prerequisite for installing the equipment is the presence of a hood near the ceiling, which will ensure unhindered access of air into the room.

Conditions for proper use:

  • Before using the device, you need to make sure that there is traction (check with a lit match);
  • Be sure to open the window first;
  • after the column is turned on, you again need to make sure there is traction;
  • control water temperature;
  • the system should not be started unnecessarily;
  • Children and untrained people are prohibited from accessing the equipment.

If the traction is insufficient, it is prohibited to use the column. You cannot use the equipment during reverse thrust.

It is unacceptable to seal the room where the equipment is installed. Can't leave gas tap open if the pilot burner is not lit. It is necessary to monitor the flow heater with a burning burner.

Ensuring safe operation of a gas boiler

The igniter can be ignited if there is draft in the chimney. When it burns, you should open the tap on the main burner and light it. If the burner flame goes out, stop the gas supply. Repeat all operations again. After turning on the burner, you need to check the draft again.

Operation of a gas boiler with faulty automation is prohibited. To prevent getting hit carbon monoxide into a living space, you need to regularly check the channels of which may become clogged with soot.

How to properly use a gas boiler is specified in, compliance with which is mandatory for all owners autonomous systems heating.

The following conditions must be met:

  • while the equipment is operating, the window must be open;
  • before lighting the boiler, you need to open the chimney damper;
  • before ignition, check the draft;
  • check the chimney regularly (destruction of masonry, freezing and ingress of foreign objects may reduce cravings).

Do not forget to prepare equipment for work in the cold season in advance. In winter, when sharp temperature fluctuations are common, you need to carefully monitor gas appliances that use a chimney to remove combustion products.

During snowfall, rain, fog, strong wind the draft may disappear or reverse draft may appear, which leads to carbon monoxide entering the room and poisoning its occupants.

New rules for the use of gas in residential premises

All residents apartment buildings are required to listen to instructions on safety measures when operating gas equipment. The event is held after the conclusion of an agreement with representatives of GorGaz. The instructions are also repeated after each scheduled inspection.

Residents are required to provide GorGaz employees with access to the premises where gas equipment is installed at any time of the day. Otherwise, you will have to pay a considerable fine. If there are no residents in the house or apartment for more than 24 hours, be sure to turn off the gas supply tap.

Residents are required to:

  • keep the ventilation clean;
  • Before starting food preparation, ventilate the room;
  • Do not place flammable furniture close to the stove.

If you smell gas in the room, immediately turn off the tap, open the windows and call emergency services.

According to the requirements of the Housing Code, to prevent emergencies, possible leaks and failure of gas equipment, technical services conduct regular inspections. The owner of the property is obliged to provide employees with unhindered access to examine the condition of the devices.

For the safe operation of gas equipment in residential buildings, inspection standards have been established. Gas stoves should be checked every three years, boilers and water heaters once a year. Faulty and outdated equipment must be replaced in a timely manner.

Residents are notified in advance about the time of equipment check in writing. This deprives the homeowner of the opportunity to challenge violations identified as a result of the inspection.

During the inspection, specialists must:

  • check the tightness of the fastenings at all joints;
  • make sure there are no leaks in the places where the gas pipeline connects to the gas shut-off point (if necessary, a liquid pressure gauge can be used);
  • carry out a visual inspection of the chimney and hood in residential buildings;
  • check the quality of gas supply to stoves and water heaters;
  • if necessary, adjust the intensity of the supply of blue fuel;
  • check the operation of automation and electronic devices.

If serious violations are detected, the service organization repairs equipment and pipeline sections. If breakdowns and emergencies occur due to the fault of the owners, the gas supply may be interrupted.

Other possible reasons gas supply shutdown:

  • the user independently installed gas equipment (additional equipment);
  • when malfunctions are detected (poor ventilation, lack of exhaust hood, insufficient gas concentration);
  • illegal connection to the gas supply network;
  • an emergency has occurred;
  • during repair of gas communications or equipment;
  • in the absence of an agreement with the gas service;
  • the debt for used blue fuel exceeds two billing periods;
  • the consumer does not transmit data on the actual volume of gas used and interferes with the work of regulatory authorities;
  • equipment is used that is not specified in the contract.

20 days before disconnection from gas supply, the consumer must be informed by the gas service with which the contract is concluded. The notification should arrive at in writing with a detailed explanation of the reasons.

Total gas shutdown per month for the purpose of repair work- 4 hours. If this condition is violated, for each extra hour the amount of payment for blue fuel should be reduced by 0.15%.

At emergency shutdown gas can be shut off without warning for a maximum of a day. Gas is supplied within 48 hours. If a subscriber's gas is turned off for non-payment, the first notification is sent to him 40 days, and the second 20 days before the disconnection.

Due to the fact that gas is a flammable combustible substance, increased requirements are put forward for the operation of gas appliances. According to the new rules, responsibility for the condition of gas equipment and ventilation lies with the owners and tenants of residential premises.

Residents are required to provide access to GorGaz employees and emergency services to the premises where the equipment is installed at any time. If there is a gas leak, you must immediately turn off the fuel supply, open the window and call emergency services. It is prohibited to repair leaks or repair equipment yourself.

If you have already undergone training or had your home inspected, please share your experience in the comments. Or maybe you are not satisfied with the work of GorGaz employees and you have your own opinion regarding the rules for operating gas equipment? Share your thoughts with readers in the form below.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warns - be careful with domestic gas, comply with all requirements for the safe operation of gas appliances. To avoid accidents when operating gas appliances, experts recommend following following rules and recommendations:

You should purchase gas cylinders and gas equipment only from specialized organizations that have certificates for the sale of these products. After all, responsibility for safe operation operating gas appliances and their maintenance in proper condition are the responsibility of their owners. Never buy gas appliances, including gas cylinders, from strangers.

An annual inspection of gas equipment by specialists is mandatory.

Before opening the gas valve on the stove, hold a lit match to the burner.

Remember that gas mixed with air is explosive and fire hazard!

Sources of ignition of the mixture can be: open fire (matches, cigarettes, etc.), an electric spark that occurs when turning electrical appliances on and off. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to check the draft before ignition, immediately after turning on gas appliances and during their operation, monitor the serviceability of the ventilation ducts, and constantly ventilate the room, especially before going to bed.

It is advisable to place gas cylinders (working and spare) for household gas appliances outside buildings (in extensions, ground and basement floors, cabinets or under covers covering top part cylinders or reducer) at a blind wall at a distance of no closer than 5 m from the entrances to the building. Extensions must be made of non-combustible materials.

Extensions and cabinets for gas cylinders must be locked to prevent access to them by children and unauthorized persons and have blinds for ventilation.

When using gas at home, it is prohibited:

Tie ropes to gas pipelines (this violates the density threaded connections, there may be a gas leak and, as a result, an explosion); dry clothes and hair over a lit stove;

unauthorized reinstallation and repair of gas appliances, cylinders, fittings; leave operating gas appliances unattended;

allow children to use gas appliances preschool age and persons who do not know their rules safe use;

use open fire to detect gas leaks (only soap emulsion should be used for this);

install the pressure regulator without an O-ring or gasket;

bend and twist the rubber-fabric sleeve (hose), allow damage to the outer layer of the sleeve (cuts, cracks, kinks), since gas leakage occurs in these places; place flammable materials and liquids near the operating stove; use rooms where gas appliances are installed for sleep and rest; use gas and gas stoves for space heating;

attach parts of gas fittings using a spark-producing tool; store spare cylinders.

When an underground gas pipeline leaks, gas can penetrate through loose soil or cracks in the foundation into the basement of a residential building. If you detect the smell of gas, it is necessary to fence off the entrance to the basement, make sure that there is no smoking or lighting a fire nearby, ensure ventilation of the basement and entrance and call the emergency service.

If gas equipment malfunctions or if you smell gas, you should immediately stop using the device, turn off the taps on the stove and the valve on the cylinder or the flag on the reducer, call the emergency service by calling “04” and thoroughly ventilate the room. At this time, do not use open fire, do not turn on or off electrical appliances and electric lighting.

The Department of Supervisory Activities of the Leningrad District reminds the population of the measures fire safety when using gas equipment.

75% of the total fires occurring in the area occur in residential buildings. Fires destroy household property and cause material damage to the state and owners. People are dying.

Remember that you are responsible for the serviceability of gas equipment inside the apartment. When selling any gas apparatus must be supplied with instructions for use. The person installing the device must provide you with a document certifying that the work was carried out in accordance with technical standards and safety rules. Flexible hoses should be as short as possible (no more than 2m). Make sure they fit tightly onto the faucet. The maximum service life of a flexible hose is four years (the limit may be marked on the hose), but caution requires replacing it every two years. The hose clamp should provide a complete seal, but do not clamp too tightly as this may rupture the hose and cause a gas leak. Do not forget that gas used in everyday life is explosive, therefore, when using gas appliances, you must follow fire safety rules!

Methods for detecting gas leaks

By eye. On the surface of soapy water poured lengthwise gas pipes, bubbles form at the leak points.

By ear. In the event of a severe leak, the gas escapes with a whistle.

By smell. The characteristic odor that the gas produces becomes stronger near the leak. Never look for a gas leak using an open flame, such as a burning match. Try to stop the gas supply if possible. Be sure to call the fire department.

When using gas appliances at home, you should the following measures security:

Constantly check the draft, keep the windows open in rooms where gas appliances are installed. Burning gas burns oxygen; Therefore, it is necessary that constant ventilation is provided in the room. Don't shut up ventilation holes in winter.

Do not leave operating gas appliances unattended unless they have appropriate automation and are not designed for continuous operation.

Do not use gas stoves for heating, and do not use rooms where gas appliances are installed for sleeping and resting.

At the end of using gas, close the taps on gas appliances, the valves in front of them, and when using cylinders, close the cylinder valves;

Regularly check the tightness of hoses and threaded connections on pipes using soap foam;

Keep your gas stove clean;

When leaving the apartment, turn off the gas on the gas pipeline or tighten the valve on the gas cylinder.

Remember, gas leaks usually occur as a result of a breakdown in the hose connecting the gas pipeline to the stove, depressurization of threaded connections, forgetfulness of people who leave valves open, children’s pranks, or water pouring over the edge of a cookware dousing the flame.

What to do in case of a gas leak

Avoid any actions that cause sparks and increase the room temperature. Do not touch electrical switches - this may also cause a spark. Ensure intensive ventilation of the room by opening all windows. Remove everyone present. Stop the gas supply if possible. Call a specialist.

Gas caught fire at the leak: as long as the gas burns, there is no danger of explosion. Never blow out the flame, as this can lead to disaster. Gas and air form an explosive mixture, and in the presence of an ignition source (overheated metal, burning embers, sparks, electric arc, etc.) an explosion is inevitable. Make sure that objects located near the fire do not catch fire. Leakage from a compressed gas cylinder.

Typically, a leak occurs at the junction of the cylinder with flexible hose. In case of such damage, you can temporarily cover the area with a wet cloth. If you can, take the cylinder outside. If this is not possible for you, ventilate the room well. Avoid any activities that cause an increase in air temperature. Return the cylinder to the supplier immediately. One of the reasons for the fire is a violation of safety rules when using a gas stove and risers on the first floors. So, one of the family members turns on the gas stove, places containers on it for cooking or heating food and is distracted by other matters for a long time, forgetting that hot cooking utensils, burnt food, rapidly boiling water can create a fire hazard in apartment. To avoid fire when using gas appliances, we strongly recommend that you remember and follow the practical rules:

Particular attention must be paid to the use of gas risers on the first floors in summer time: careless residents, due to inexperience or deliberately, turn off the gas taps in the gas station on the first floor while they are away from the apartment, which is very dangerous, because this shuts off the entire gas system in the house, which is fraught with the most serious consequences, including fire and death.

In case of danger, if residents are absent for a long time, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be involved in opening the apartments.

Fire on a compressed gas cylinder. Try turning off the tap by wrapping your hands in a wet rag. If this is not possible (there is a fire on the gasket, the tap has become deformed due to heat), do not blow out the flame, as this may lead to an explosion. Call the fire department immediately and try to prevent objects located near the fire from igniting. Never move a compressed gas cylinder until it has cooled down: the slightest shock may cause it to explode.


Allow preschool children and persons who do not control their actions and do not know the rules for using these appliances to use gas appliances.

Store empty and filled cylinders with liquefied gases in rooms and basements. Have in a gasified room more than one cylinder with a capacity of 50 (55) liters or two cylinders of 27 liters (one of them is a spare one).

Place the cylinders against the furnace doors of the stoves at a distance of less than 2 m from them. Use gas: if gas appliances malfunction, there is no draft, a gas leak is detected, without checking the condition of the smoke and ventilation ducts.

Any unauthorized actions with gas equipment, carrying out gasification without the appropriate permits, attracting random persons to repair and rearrange gas appliances. All types of work related to gas must be performed only by specialized organizations.


Be trained on the safe use of gas at the gas operating organization, have and follow the operating instructions for the devices.

Monitor the normal operation of gas appliances, chimneys and ventilation, check the draft before turning on and during operation of gas appliances with combustion products discharged into the chimney. Before using a gasified oven, check that the damper is fully open. Periodically clean the chimney “pocket”.

At the end of using gas, close the taps on gas appliances and in front of them, and when placing cylinders inside kitchens, additionally close the valves on the cylinders. If gas equipment malfunctions, call gas company workers. If the gas supply suddenly stops, immediately close the burner taps of gas appliances and notify the gas service by phone 04

Before entering basements and cellars, before turning on the lights and lighting the fire, make sure there is no smell of gas.

If you detect the smell of gas in the basement, entrance, in the yard, on the street: inform others about the precautions; report to the gas service by phone 04 from a non-gas-free place; take measures to remove people from the polluted environment, prevent the switching on and off of electric lighting, the appearance open fire and sparks; Before the emergency team arrives, organize ventilation of the room. Be careful with gas! Your forgetfulness and inattention can cause trouble for you, your loved ones and neighbors. Only skillful handling of gas appliances and knowledge of the rules for using gas will help you avoid accidents.

Press service of the Office for the Southern Administrative District

Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Moscow

Household gas and its properties

Currently, household gas is widely used in everyday life. It can be used in gas stoves for cooking and geysers for heating water. Gas used for domestic purposes can be of two types: liquefied gas in cylinders and city main gas. Household gas has neither color nor odor, but in order to detect its leak, special substances that have a specific odor are added to it.

Rules for safe handling of gas appliances

A gas leak can lead to human poisoning and explosion of the premises. To prevent this, you must follow safety rules when using household gas. Let's list the main ones: - to light a gas burner, first bring a lit match, and then smoothly and carefully open the gas tap; - do not leave switched on gas burners unattended; - make sure that the liquid heated on the gas stove does not flood the burner flame; - if you notice an extinguished burner, do not try to light it again - this may lead to an explosion. Turn off the gas tap, open the windows and ventilate the kitchen properly. Report the incident to an adult. The most ordinary gas stove in the kitchen can become a source of many troubles if you do not take certain precautions. When burned, the gas releases various toxic substances. Therefore, while the gas is burning, keep the window or transom open, and be sure to close the kitchen door. Make sure that the flame above the burner is blue, without any admixture of yellow or red. Try to place teapots or pots with a wide bottom on a high stand, otherwise the access of air to the burner is reduced and the gas does not burn completely. Gas is convenient and safe This is only possible with skillful and correct handling of gas appliances. It is necessary to constantly remember and follow the rules for using it: - do not leave switched on gas appliances unattended; - do not allow preschool children to use gas appliances, as well as persons who do not know the rules for handling these appliances. Keep gas appliances clean and in good working order. During the period of soil freezing, it is possible that rupture of underground gas pipelines. Gas coming out of damaged areas can spread over long distances and penetrate into basements and first floors of even non-gas-free buildings. When going down into the basements, do not use open flames or electrical switches without making sure that there is no smell of gas. If you smell gas, immediately report it by calling 04. Before the emergency vehicle arrives, take safety measures: do not allow open fire and, if possible, ventilate the room. Be careful and careful! Don't neglect safety measures. Save gas. Avoid prolonged work gas burners no dishes. Adjust the flame of gas burners. Reduce the gas to the minimum flame size after the water in the pan boils. If you have gas burners of different wattages, use the larger burner only when necessary. Prevent scale formation in kettles. Boiling water for a long time increases scale deposits. Cover dishes with lids while cooking; this technique allows you to save 15% of gas.

What to do if there is a gas leak?

Turn off the gas burners. Turn off the gas valve. Avoid any actions that cause sparks and increase the room temperature. Do not touch electrical switches, this may also cause a spark. Ensure intensive ventilation of the room by opening all windows. Remove everyone present. If possible, stop supplying aza. Call the technician on 04.

  1. Before using the stove, it is necessary to ventilate the room (1) and make sure that all valves in front of the worktable burners and the oven burner are closed (2), and only in this case should the valve on the gas pipeline to the stove be fully opened (3).
  2. It is forbidden to leave the tap of the burner in the open position without a flame for more than 5 seconds.
  3. A normal flame should not escape from under the cookware. If the flame escapes from under the cookware, use the burner tap to reduce it. Dishes with a wide bottom should be placed on special burner rings with high ribs to avoid poisoning by products of incomplete combustion of gas. It is not recommended to place dishes with a wide bottom on the stove burner.
  4. At the end of using the stove, you need to turn off all the taps on the work table.
  5. Before lighting the oven burner, the oven must be ventilated for 3–5 minutes.
  6. The stove must be kept clean, avoiding contamination.
  7. To check the draft in the smoke channels of boilers, attach a thin sheet of paper to the inspection window of the boiler or column. If the paper is attracted, there is traction.

What you need to know about carbon monoxide

  • Carbon monoxide is generated when using any gas equipment.
  • Carbon monoxide is invisible and odorless. There is no way to feel it.
  • Three breaths of carbon monoxide are enough for an adult to cause fatal poisoning, and its concentration in the air in an amount of more than 0.1% leads to death within an hour.

When using gas at home, you must:

  1. Conclude a contract for the maintenance of gas equipment, undergo training on the safe use of gas, and have a document for gas equipment.
  2. Monitor the normal operation of gas appliances, smoke and ventilation ducts, check the draft before turning on and during operation of gas appliances with the discharge of gas combustion products into the chimney. Periodically clean the chimney “pocket”.
  3. When you finish using gas, close the taps on gas appliances, and when placing cylinders inside kitchens, additionally close the valves on the cylinders.
  4. In the event of an upcoming absence from the apartment for more than a day, close the taps on the gas pipeline in front of the gas equipment, except for gas equipment designed for continuous operation and equipped with automatic safety equipment, which must be turned off if you are absent from the apartment for two or more days.
  5. If the gas supply suddenly stops, immediately close the burner taps of gas appliances and notify the emergency gas service.
  6. If gas equipment malfunctions, call workers from a specialized organization with which an agreement has been concluded for the maintenance of gas equipment.
  7. If the smell of gas appears in the apartment, immediately stop using gas appliances, turn off the taps to and on the appliances, open windows or vents to ventilate the room, call the emergency gas service by calling 04 (outside the gas-filled room)! Do not light a fire, do not smoke, do not turn on or off electric lights and electrical appliances, and do not use an electric bell.
  8. Before entering basements and cellars, before turning on the lights or lighting the fire, make sure that there is no smell of gas there.
  9. Use gas economically, pay its cost on time, as well as the cost of maintenance of gas equipment.
  10. Owners (users) of houses and apartments must ensure proper maintenance and timely replacement of gas equipment.
  11. House owners must check the condition of smoke and ventilation ducts at least 3 times a year (no later than 7 days before heating season, in the middle of the heating season and no later than 7 days after the end of the heating season).
  12. IN winter time It is necessary to periodically check the heads of chimneys to prevent them from freezing and blocking.
  13. Provide access for representatives of a specialized organization, a gas supplier, to gas equipment to carry out work on maintenance and suspension of gas supply in cases provided for by law.
  14. To inspect and maintain gas pipelines and gas equipment, allow employees of a specialized organization with which an agreement on the maintenance of gas equipment has been entered into the apartment upon presentation of their service IDs.

When using gas at home, it is prohibited:

  1. Carry out unauthorized gasification of a house or apartment, rearrangement, replacement and repair of gas appliances, cylinders and shut-off valves.
  2. Carry out redevelopment of the premises where gas appliances are installed, change the area of ​​heated premises without coordination with the local government.
  3. Make changes to the design of gas appliances. Change the design of smoke and ventilation ducts; seal ventilation ducts, brick up and seal “pockets” and hatches intended for cleaning chimneys.
  4. Disable automatic safety and regulation. Use gas if gas appliances, safety automatics, shut-off devices (taps) and gas cylinders, especially when a gas leak is detected.
  5. Use gas if the integrity and density of masonry, plaster (if cracks appear) of gasified stoves and their chimneys are damaged.
  6. Install and use a valve (gate) on the smoke channel, chimney, chimney. If there is a valve (gate) in the furnace design, ensure its removal and sealing from the outside of the wall smoke channel the resulting hole (crack).
  7. Use and install gasified stoves in apartment buildings.
  8. Use gas appliances when there is no draft in the smoke and ventilation ducts, closed vents (transoms), or the closed position of the louvre grille on the ventilation duct. In this case, in the lower part of the door or wall opening into the adjacent room, it is necessary to provide a grille or a gap between the door and the floor, as well as special air supply devices in external walls or windows.
  9. Use devices forced ventilation(hood, fan) when running gas boilers or speakers.
  10. Leave operating gas appliances unattended (except for appliances designed for continuous operation and having appropriate safety automatics for this purpose).
  11. Allow preschool children and persons who do not control their actions and do not have access to gas appliances. who know the rules use of these devices.
  12. Use gas and gas appliances for purposes other than their intended purpose. Use gas stoves for space heating.
  13. Use rooms where gas appliances are installed for sleep and rest.
  14. Dry clothes over or near a gas stove.
  15. Check the operation of ventilation ducts and the tightness of connections of gas equipment using open flame sources, including matches, lighters, candles and others.
  16. Store empty and filled cylinders with liquefied gas. Unauthorizedly, without special instructions, replace empty cylinders with filled gas cylinders and connect them.
  17. Have in a gasified room more than one cylinder with a capacity of more than 5 liters, not connected to a gas stove.
  18. Place cylinders at a distance of less than 0.5 m from the gas stove, 1 m to heating devices, 2 m to stove burners, less than 1 m from the electric meter, switches and other electrical appliances and equipment.
  19. Expose liquefied gas cylinders to sunlight and heat.
  20. Allow damage to gas equipment and theft of gas.
  21. Twist, squeeze, wring, stretch or pinch gas hoses connecting gas equipment to the gas pipeline.
  22. If you smell gas, do not:

    Light a fireSmokingUse the elevator

The majority of the population of our country actively uses household gas, since it is used not only in apartments, but also in private houses. Emergencies often occur, especially when safety precautions are not followed. Rules for using gas in everyday life will help prevent various unpleasant situations. You just need to use them always.

Gas supply to houses

The use of gas for heating/water heating is possible due to the low price of the fossil fuel. After primary processing, it is cleaned of impurities and additives. Since the network of gas pipelines is developed, fuel can be obtained anywhere. Gas is used for:

  • cooking;
  • water heating;
  • heating the room.

To cook food, gas stoves are used, which are conveniently connected and work smoothly. If there is no hot water, then you can create a heating system. In the absence central heating The house can be equipped with gas. By installing a boiler, you can independently regulate the temperature in the house. Whatever the purpose of the equipment, it requires proper operation and regular inspections.

Responsibilities of the population

Every person must follow the rules for using gas at home. The Russian Federation regulates this area through laws. The population must know the rules for using gas. Regulatory authorities must issue instructions with recommendations for the operation of devices.

It is important to constantly monitor the operation of gas equipment, chimneys, and ventilation. Before turning on the gasified stove, you need to make sure that the gate is open. Regular cleaning of the chimney “pocket” is required. After using the equipment, you need to close the taps of the devices, and when installing cylinders, close the valves.

If there is no gas supply, then you need to turn off the burners, and then report it to the emergency service. If the equipment malfunctions, you must call specialists. If you smell gas, you need to turn off the device and ventilate the room. The emergency service is called by calling 04.

Necessary rules

Safety in the home is ensured by the rules for using gas at home. 86-P (law that came into force on April 26, 1990) contains the basic rules that allow you to properly operate the equipment. Inspection and repair of gas pipelines, according to this document, must be performed only by specialists who present a certificate. When the cylinders are installed, the room must be vacated. The fire should only be lit if there is no smell of gas.

Residents are responsible for prompt payment for services, the cost of which is set by the provider. In winter, you should regularly check the heads to ensure they do not freeze or become clogged. These basic rules for using gas in everyday life will help prevent many unfavorable situations.

What is prohibited?

The current rules for the use of gas at home state the need to carry out measures that are necessary for the proper operation of the equipment. However, there are actions prohibited for users:

  • independent gasification, rearrangement, repair of equipment;
  • carrying out redevelopment in rooms where gas appliances are present, as well as changing the area of ​​rooms without coordination with the relevant authorities;
  • making adjustments to the design of equipment, smoke systems, channels;
  • disabling safety and regulation automation, as well as operating faulty devices;
  • use of gas in the presence of violations in the density of masonry, plaster of stoves and chimneys.

What else can gas users not do on their own?

Rules for the safe use of gas at home require regular inspections and cleaning of the chimney and ventilation. Without this, it is prohibited to use the equipment. The devices cannot be used in rooms where the windows, blinds, or faulty ventilation are closed.

Equipment that is switched on should not be left unattended. Children should not use it themselves; adults should do this. Devices must be used strictly for their intended purpose. It is prohibited to dry laundry over the equipment. There is no need to open fire to detect leaks. The devices must not be damaged.

All these and other standards include rules for using gas in everyday life. 86-P dated April 26, 1990 (order of the VO “Rosstroygazifikatsiya” under the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR) allows you to determine actions in certain cases. Administrative liability is provided for violation of the rules. Instructions on the rules of using gas at home are carried out by service specialists. Residents are usually given instructions.

Rules for operating gas appliances

The rules for safe use of gas at home are extremely simple. Before turning on the stove, the room must be ventilated. The equipment taps must be closed, only then can the device be turned on.

You need to light a match, bring it to the burner, and open the switch. The gas should ignite throughout the entire burner. The flame is usually calm and bluish. If burner rings are used, they should be installed with the ribs facing up. No need to turn on high heat. If the cookware has a wide bottom, burner rings with high ribs are used.

After the contents of the container boil, the flame must be reduced. After preparing food, you need to carefully turn off the gas. Before using the oven, you should first open it for a while. The stove must be clean, otherwise carbon monoxide will form if the gas is not completely burned.


Violation of the rules for using gas at home is punishable. This was established by the State Duma with the help of a bill. Failure to comply with the rules entails administrative liability. The following actions are considered violations:

  • failure to comply with safety requirements;
  • improper use of gas, as well as inaction when equipment breaks down;
  • use of equipment without a service agreement;
  • repair of the device by a non-specialist;
  • operation of equipment when its service life has passed;
  • use of a device recognized as beyond repair;
  • gas supply upon expiration of the device's service life.

For such acts, fines are provided: for citizens 500-3000 rubles, for officials - 2.5-5 thousand rubles, and for legal entities - 5-30 thousand rubles. Based on the violation, an employee of the State Housing Inspectorate draws up a protocol.

What to do if there is a gas leak?

The gas remains dangerous to human life and health. It not only poisons, but also explodes. Pure propane has no odor and therefore requires a special fragrance to recognize it. Careful handling of cylinders and stove is necessary.

Even if a leak has been detected, you must not:

  • repair equipment yourself;
  • tie ropes to pipes and do not use them for grounding;
  • Do not leave operating devices unattended.

If there is a strong smell of gas in the room, it is necessary to immediately turn off its supply and then ventilate the room. Emergency services should be called. There is no need to light a fire or use other appliances.

Checking gas equipment

Gas appliances are considered dangerous and must be inspected regularly. Only a specialist can perform this work. Warranty service allows you to identify equipment malfunctions in a timely manner.

Gas appliances in multi-storey buildings there are 2 types:

  • in-house: taps and risers in the entrance;
  • intra-apartment: equipment in a residential area.

By law, the homeowner is responsible for the performance of gas appliances. Inspections should be carried out regularly by specialized companies. This work is carried out on the basis of a concluded contract.

Responsibility for the quality of equipment operation is assigned to management companies. Instruments must be checked every year. The agreement for the provision of such services is drawn up in writing. Regulatory authorities issue rules for using gas in everyday life.

Check Features

Maintenance involves performing scheduled inspection equipment for suitability. In-house appliances are risers, taps and other elements of the system located in the entrances. Maintenance is performed by the management organization.

In-house equipment includes the property that is located in the residential premises. It could be heating boilers, water heaters, stoves, pipes. The maintenance agreement is drawn up by the owner of the apartment.

The document is a guarantee of security, as well as fulfillment necessary work for equipment inspection and repair. An agreement is concluded with companies that are subject to the following requirements:

  • the company performs gas transportation and distribution work;
  • has an agreement with the supplier;
  • the company undergoes certification;
  • has an emergency dispatch service.

The owner needs to have a maintenance document. This means that the initiator of the inspection can be either the owner of the premises or the management organization. Following these simple rules will extend the life of the equipment.