How often should exhaust vents be cleaned? How to clean the ventilation in an apartment yourself

Air ducts, hoods and ventilation in multi-storey buildings can have different configurations. First of all, it depends on the design of the building and the year it was built.

  • Fully autonomous ventilation in every apartment. Most often found in old houses with 2-4 floors and a small number of apartments. These may be pre-war houses, often with wooden elements designs.
  • Ventilation from each apartment leads into one common shaft, which leads the flows to a vertical or horizontal air intake and then to the street. The system is typical for 5-16 storey buildings built during the Soviet period.
  • The air duct of each apartment is connected to a common shaft, which, in turn, discharges air into a tank on the roof, equipped with an exhaust hood. This type typical for new tall buildings. If necessary, the hood allows you to create additional draft and “blow out” ventilation.
Mechanisms for air treatment in residential premises inevitably become dirty over time, so cleaning the ventilation in apartment buildings is a mandatory periodic procedure. According to current legislation, the condition of the hood of any configuration must be checked three times a year by the building management company. Cleaning of ventilation shafts apartment buildings is also included in the list of her responsibilities. Apartment owners and tenants do not have the right to do this, and they will not be able to, even if they really want to. On your own, you can clean only that part of the ventilation that you can reach from your apartment.

If you are a tenant and you have suspicions that the ventilation in the house is clogged, do not hesitate to persistently contact representatives of your management company so that they can sort out the situation. This service is called “sod. repair zh.p.” and "sod. and rem. izl. zh.p.” included in the EPD, which you pay every month at the rate of 17.84 and 24.53 rubles for each square meter area of ​​your apartment. That is, the service and repair of home ventilation has already been prepaid by you; the management company has no right to refuse it. You can find the name, address and contacts of the management company of your house in the same payment for the apartment, in the first line of the “Receipt” block.

Cleaning ventilation ducts in an apartment building

If you are a representative of a bona fide management company which operates in full compliance with official sanitary standards, then most likely you know very well that cleaning ventilation ducts in an apartment building is done only with the help of professional epidemiological services. SES specialists have the necessary equipment to work with any, even the most complex, configuration of the air circulation system and a whole arsenal of effective means approved for use in residential buildings.

Timely cleaning of ventilation helps maintain optimal levels fire safety, increases the service life of air ducts and hoods, and prevents the occurrence of secondary associated problems that people may encounter if the ventilation in their house is clogged. A three-time check of the ventilation condition, in accordance with Government Decree No. 410, must be carried out at least a week before the start and within a week after the end heating season, and also in its middle. Proper attention to the ventilation system in the house entrusted to you will save you from the need to organize major repairs, process numerous complaints from residents and restore your reputation in the future due to shortcomings in the past.

Cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building: services of SES "Des Group"

Neither a representative of the management company nor the owner of the property can clean the ventilation in a high-rise building himself and has no right. This should only be done by a specialist who has professional knowledge both in the design of ventilation systems and in the field of cleaning and disinfection different surfaces. These are the requirements of sanitary legislation.

Cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building and services related to it, for example, additional disinfection of air ducts, can be ordered from the Dez Group SES certified by Rospotrebnadzor. The company has been operating in the sanitary services market for more than 12 years, collaborating with government agencies, legal entities and individual entrepreneur, spends daily from 20 to 40 sanitary treatments in various directions and has extensive experience in cleaning ventilation systems in residential buildings.

If you are a representative of a management company and you need ventilation cleaning in several apartment buildings at once, the price for a one-time treatment for each property will be lower than if you order a similar procedure for only one house. Another way to save money is to sign a long-term service contract. By collaborating with one SES on an ongoing basis, you can count on individual discounts under an exclusive loyalty program. When contacting the same SES for other types of sanitary services, you are also likely to receive a personal discount. Its availability and size will depend on the circumstances of cooperation, characteristics and number of objects to be processed. The service's services may include regular inspection of the sanitary condition of objects, carrying out cleanings and treatments, and issuing official documentation confirming the proper sanitary condition of all home systems.

Prices for ventilation cleaning can be either fixed or based on calculations per 1 square meter. In each case, the exact cost must be determined individually. To find out how much cleaning at your facility will cost, leave a request on the Dez Group website and our specialists will contact you at as soon as possible. You can also contact us yourself at the contact number listed below.

Many people forget about the existence of ventilation in the apartment, if it works well. However, when any problems arise, people immediately remember about it, since due to poor air circulation, mold appears on the surface of the walls. Also, poor ventilation leads to a damp smell in the room. To get rid of these problems, you need to learn how to clean the ventilation in your apartment yourself.

Before you begin cleaning, you should be familiar with the signs that indicate your ventilation system needs to be cleared of debris.

These include the following:

  • Dust formation. If the hood needs cleaning, dust or other small debris will accumulate near the exhaust vent.
  • Raid. A dark coating on the surface of the grate indicates the need for cleaning. It may also become coated with particles of fat or soot.
  • Fast heating of the room. If the ventilation system begins to work worse, the room warms up faster.
  • Reducing drafts. With poor air circulation, the draft becomes much weaker.

Design and purpose of the ventilation system

Many people think that the air in the apartment is clean, but this is not the case. In fact, it absorbs various odors that come from the kitchen or from the street. It also contains dust particles, small lint, and even animal hair. Over time, the air accumulates a lot of dangerous bacteria and microorganisms that contribute to the formation of mold and mildew in the room.

  • promotes admission clean air into the room;
  • removing dust, bacteria from the room, carbon monoxide and unpleasant odors;
  • normalization of humidity levels.

Main causes of blockages

Accumulation of dust, dirt, grease

The main reason why the ventilation system begins to function worse is the accumulation of particles of grease, dirt and dust. All these contaminants gradually accumulate on the surface of the walls of the shafts or air circulation channels.

Most often, pollution accumulates due to too narrow channels through which waste oxygen moves from the bathroom, kitchen or living rooms.

Moving inside the system, all the particles of garbage gradually accumulate. Over the years, the mud layer increases, causing air to move much more slowly. Therefore, experts recommend periodically cleaning the ventilation system to prevent debris from accumulating in it.

Brick collapse

The most serious reason that leads to poor air circulation is collapse brickwork. It is from brick that the ventilation shaft is constructed in many houses. To fix this problem, you will have to clean and repair the broken shaft. However, sometimes it is difficult to cope with such a problem on your own, and therefore many have to live with a damaged ventilation system.

Small animals and birds

Often birds and other small animals get inside the ventilation hood. This happens in winter time when lukewarm air emanating from bathrooms or kitchens begins to rise from exhaust pipes. Warm air currents attract birds, and because of this, they fly up to the ventilation holes and begin to sit on them to warm up a little. Most often, sparrows and pigeons flock to warm themselves, which are most numerous in cities. Some of the birds sitting on the pipes fall into the ventilation, which is why it begins to work poorly.

Another reason why birds fall into pipes is because they are trying to build nests in them. Therefore, there may be chicks at the bottom of the mine, and not just adults.

Kitchen hood

Sometimes when installing a kitchen hood, people cut it into the ventilation duct. This should not be done, since conventional ventilation is designed to allow about 90 cubic meters air per hour. This figure is more than ten times less than the performance of most modern models exhaust structures. Therefore, when installing a hood inside a ventilation shaft, it creates overpressure, due to which air currents They begin to push out into neighboring apartments.

Before installing a hood in the kitchen, you need to consult with a specialist so that he can explain where it can be installed.

Replacing wooden windows with plastic ones

It is no secret that for normal functioning ventilation system need a constant influx fresh air. If it is not there, air circulation will deteriorate significantly. Using a new sealed plastic double glazing impairs the flow of air into the room, which leads to periodic fogging of the glass and the appearance of traces of mold on the surface of the walls.

So that when using plastic windows There were no problems, it is necessary to periodically ventilate the room even in winter. Some advise installing wooden windows, however, they retain heat less well.

Seasonal features

There are also seasonal features that affect the quality of ventilation. For example, in winter period it works well and without interruptions, but in the heat the performance can deteriorate significantly. This is due to the fact that in winter the temperature difference between outside and inside is too high.

IN summer time The temperature difference is not so significant, and therefore air ventilation becomes worse. To normalize it, you will have to open windows or install forced ventilation devices for better air circulation.

How to clean it properly

Before you start cleaning, you need to familiarize yourself with how to do it correctly.


First you need to check the functionality of the ventilation. There are two common ways to check exhaust ducts:

  • Using a burning match, lighter or candle. The ignited object must be brought to the channel. If the flame starts to move towards the hood, it means it is working properly. However, when the flame does not change its direction, it means that the ventilation needs to be cleaned.
  • Using a piece of paper. It is applied to the opening of the hood. If it starts to be attracted to the grate, then it’s not worth cleaning.

Cleaning procedure

When cleaning the system, the following actions are performed:

  • Remove kitchen furniture. If you are cleaning the kitchen hood, you need to get rid of all kitchen furniture. The floor is carefully covered with newspapers to prevent debris from falling on it.
  • Remove the grille. It is first removed to make it easier to clean the ventilation duct. If the grate is too dirty, replace it with a new one.
  • Cleaning. After removing the grille, begin cleaning. To do this, you need to put on construction gloves and clean out the debris that is inside the channel. The work must be carried out carefully, as there may be nails, glass and other dangerous debris inside.

How to upgrade your ventilation system

Sometimes in old houses even cleaning does not help improve the performance of the exhaust structure. Therefore, it is necessary to increase air circulation in other ways. There are methods available to improve ventilation. For example, you can install modern double-glazed windows that have a micro-ventilation function. Such windows promote air circulation in the room. You can also use special fans to improve air flow. Such exhaust devices are installed in the bathroom, toilet or kitchen.

Prevention measures

To ensure that the ventilation system does not become too clogged, it must be properly maintained. Experts recommend cleaning it periodically to prevent debris from accumulating in it. Preventive cleaning should be done at least once a month.

Also on exhaust openings You can install special nets that will prevent large debris from getting inside.

Before you start cleaning the ventilation in an apartment building, you need to familiarize yourself with tips and recommendations that will help you do it correctly:

  • the hood is cleaned using protective construction gloves to avoid damaging your hands;
  • to remove large debris, use a metal scraper;
  • if the channel is too dirty, turn to specialists for help.


Sometimes the ventilation becomes clogged with debris and you have to clean it out. Before you begin, you need to understand the causes of blockages and how to eliminate them.

Over the years, or even decades, of operation, the air ducts of ventilation systems move enormous volumes of air. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time, various deposits appear on their inner walls. Their composition varies and depends on the nature of the medium being moved, as well as the operating characteristics of the system. In this regard, periodic cleaning of the ventilation is required, which will be discussed in this article.

Cleaning methods

Even if the duct network is not hidden from view, as is the case in industrial enterprises, we will not be able to see what is happening inside each pipe. But you can be sure that after 2-3 years of operation, even a powerful supply ventilation with high air speed, the inside is covered with a layer of dirt and dust.

What can we say about a hood that removes contaminated air masses from the most different rooms. This leads to the following consequences:

  • a layer of dirt increases aerodynamic resistance to flow by increasing friction of the medium against the walls. The efficiency of ventilation as a whole decreases, and the electricity consumption of fans increases;
  • vertical shafts of apartment buildings, often clogged with cobwebs and balls of dust, become almost impenetrable for natural exhaust ventilation;
  • Dust, and sometimes grease, settled inside serve as a place for the accumulation of harmful microorganisms and fungi, as well as a source of their reproduction.

In terms of harm to human health, air conditioning systems that maintain the microclimate in our houses and apartments pose a particular danger. Example of pollution indoor unit shown in the photo:

You can clean your home air conditioner yourself. To do this, just remove the front panel, disconnecting the unit from the network, and then wash it with any of the commercially available special means in aerosol cans.

The work is not difficult, but requires patience and accuracy. Another thing is cleaning forced ventilation; it can be done in the two most common ways:

  • purely mechanical;
  • using chemically active detergents.

As a rule, the cleaning procedure is carried out by professionals from specialized companies, since they have experience and all the necessary equipment. But you can do some work yourself, for example, removing dirt inside the exhaust shaft apartment building. If he has flat roof, where you can safely go, and you live on one of the upper floors, then this is quite possible.

You will need a brush with a sinker on a long rope; this tool is used to clean chimneys. Having previously removed the exhaust ventilation grille at home and plugged the opening from the shaft, lower the brush inside the channel to the very end. After that, all that remains is to go down to the apartment, open the doorway and shovel out all the dirt from there.

Advice. The method is suitable if each apartment has individual channels to the roof. It is not recommended to clean the prefabricated vertical shaft yourself.

Ventilation cleaning equipment

When professionals get down to business, cleaning the ventilation begins with “reconnaissance.” For this purpose they use modern means– video cameras placed inside air ducts.

Since initially the channels are not replete with inspection hatches, they have to be cut out in places pre-marked on the diagram. A video camera is inserted into these openings, and the most advanced option is a mobile radio-controlled camera, shown in the photo:

Note. It is clear that such “scouts” can not operate in every air duct, but only in pipes of the appropriate size.

When images of the supply and exhaust channels forced ventilation received, a mechanical cleaning plan is being developed.

In general, the process technology is unchanged; the following equipment is used for its implementation:

  • brush installation;
  • a compressor driving the brushes;
  • vacuum machine with powerful fan high blood pressure;
  • filter block.

For reference. There are installations where the brushes are rotated by an electric motor.

The brush unit is a long hose (up to 30 m) with a brush of a certain configuration installed at the end, selected for the cross-sectional shape and material from which the pipe is made. The brush is inserted through a cut-out hatch into the air duct on one side, and on the other, a vacuum machine hose is connected to it. To catch all the dirt, the machine is connected to a filter unit, as shown in the general diagram:

To begin cleaning, all units are turned on simultaneously, with the rotating brush already in the ventilation duct. The compressor not only drives the brush apparatus, but also constantly blows dirt out from under the hard bristles, helping the vacuum machine to draw it in. How this happens is shown in detail in the video:

When exhaust ventilation clogged with fatty deposits, the process becomes more complicated. A very hard bristled tool, a power scraper or a chemical detergent is used. The solution is fed into the pipe during cleaning, and flows out along with grease and dirt through a hole made in the lower part of the channel. The procedure is very labor-intensive and time-consuming.

For reference. So-called flexible shafts up to 10 m long are available for sale, allowing you to clean the ventilation from the inside using a conventional electric drill.

After all pipes have been cleaned, the supply and exhaust units are serviced. Depending on the type of units, large-scale disassembly is carried out with the cleaning of all parts and elements in contact with the moved air. All filters must be changed, otherwise after the fans are started, dust from them will again be inside the air ducts. Then the effectiveness of the entire procedure will be minimized.

Disinfection of systems

If you approach the issue thoroughly, then cleaning must be followed by disinfection of ventilation and air conditioning systems. But in practice the situation is somewhat different. At industrial enterprises in the food industry, as well as those working in the field catering This procedure is mandatory. In other industries, disinfection is performed as needed.

As for private houses, their owners rarely carry out disinfection, since they are little aware of the need for this procedure. Although most homeowners understand that the air duct network must be maintained and cleaned occasionally. In general, the need for antibacterial treatment of ventilation is best determined with the involvement of a specialized laboratory. This is exactly what happens in the food industry.

According to the requirements of current standards, even before the start of cleaning, samples (washes) are taken from the internal walls of the ventilation ducts. They are sent to the laboratory, and it determines the presence of a bacterial environment and gives recommendations on the choice disinfectant. This composition is used to treat ventilation and air conditioning ducts after they have been cleaned. It is recommended that similar actions be carried out at least once every few years by homeowners whose homes have forced air exchange.

The operation is simple: the disinfectant composition is supplied by flexible pipe to the sprayer placed in the middle of the pipe through the same cut out hatches. Elements and parts of units are also processed - fan impellers, heat exchangers, valves and grilles. Then a report is drawn up, the hatches are closed and after a certain time the ventilation is ready for further operation.

What tools to use

To perform local cleaning of air ducts, fans and grilles in your home, you can take any dishwashing detergent. It is better to remove plaque from fat special composition thick consistency, designed for cleaning filters and parts of kitchen hoods. Most likely, the procedure will require disassembling the ventilation duct. After drying, the surfaces can be wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide for disinfection.

Without special equipment and chemicals, it will not be possible to maintain an extensive network of air ducts. In addition, in private homes they are usually well hidden under the ceiling lining or under the floor. So in any case, to carry out the cleaning you will have to hire a specialized company, and it has all the necessary necessary ingredients for internal cleaning of pipes. As for the disinfection of ventilation, compositions such as “Biolag-D”, “Frisept” or such a universal detergent and disinfectant as “Aquaminol” are used for this purpose.


As a rule, enterprises perform scheduled cleaning of all elements of ventilation and air conditioning systems. Its frequency is at least once a year, then the procedure is not so labor-intensive and expensive. Homeowners determine the frequency of maintenance of their networks on their own, but doing it too rarely is not recommended for the reasons listed at the beginning of the article.

How to choose a kitchen hood

As long as everything is in order in the apartment with ventilation, few people think about it. But as soon as a “smell” of dampness appears, there is a reason to check its condition. The health and well-being of all family members directly depends on the quality of the ventilation system, because life is impossible without fresh air. in apartment buildings is not an easy task. But having a little free time and basic skills, you are quite capable of coping with this matter.

Types of ventilation

The ventilation system is installed at the construction stage. Its main purpose is access to oxygen in every room of apartment buildings. The system can be:

  • natural;
  • artificial.

Natural ventilation Almost all old houses are equipped. Such systems operate due to natural fluctuations in temperature and pressure in the atmosphere. However, in recent years This system is gradually being abandoned.

Artificial system ventilation is effective in any weather. It works using special equipment and provides better air circulation.

Systems are also classified according to the following principle:

  • exhaust

Most buildings have both systems installed. The supply air supply ensures the flow of fresh air into the room.

The purpose of the exhaust structure is to remove waste oxygen from the room.

Timely ventilation maintenance is very important. Malfunctions in the operation of the system may not be noticeable at first, but this cannot but affect the well-being of the apartment residents.

Signs of a blockage

It is important to be able to determine when it is needed in an apartment. Clear signs of poor system performance include the following:

  • rapid fogging of windows;
  • spread of odors from cooking throughout the apartment;
  • the appearance of mold and damp smell;
  • feeling lack of oxygen;
  • accumulation of dust and cobwebs on.

Of course, it is better not to wait until visible signs of blockage appear, but to regularly service the system. Poor ventilation in the apartment leads to damage to repairs, the appearance of fungus and a deterioration of the microclimate in the room.

A way to check the quality of ventilation

To understand whether the hood is working in an apartment, you can perform a simple test. You will need a thin strip of newsprint. It should be brought to the hole.

if the leaf is attracted, then everything is in order with the system

Otherwise, the ventilation in the apartment does not work - the ventilation in the apartment building needs to be repaired. It is important to check every vent in your home. It is advisable to do such checks every month. This will allow you to notice problems in time and fix them.

Why does ventilation fail?

Before you start setting up hoods, it is important to understand why the ventilation in the apartment is not working. There may be several reasons.

  1. New plastic windows.
  2. Mechanical blockage.
  3. Disturbance of balance due to third-party interference in the system.
  4. Summer season.
  5. Architects' mistakes.

Although in some cases cleaning the ventilation in the apartment can help eliminate the problem, sometimes a person needs the help of professionals. If a disturbance in air exchange occurs after replacing windows, it is important to carefully monitor the frequency of ventilation of the room. While wooden windows were installed, ventilation was carried out through micro-slits. Plastic structures They close very tightly, so air movement stops. Modern double-glazed windows are equipped with a micro-ventilation function. To restore normal air exchange, it is important to regularly leave the windows in this mode.

In most houses, ventilation shafts are lined with brick. Over time, due to moisture and dust, the material deteriorates and collapse begins. When large fragments get stuck, they block the flow of fresh air. During repairs on top floor Debris may get into the air ducts construction waste , as well as insects and birds. Without the assistance of special services, you cannot clean the entire system yourself. The maximum that is allowed is to restore order in the branch that is adjacent to the common channel.

Often, ventilation repairs in an apartment may be required when one of the neighbors independently connected powerful exhaust system. This upsets the balance that is so necessary for normal air flow in old houses. Resolving this issue can be difficult. Most often it is necessary to install such exhaust systems.

Natural ventilation in an apartment building may cease to perform its functions during the summer heat. When the air temperature outside and indoors equalizes, air movement stops. Therefore, in the summer, you may have to use additional ways ventilation.

The help of a specialist will be required if the quality of ventilation is low due to design errors and construction of the building. In this case, you cannot do without installing special equipment.

Those who have had to deal with low-quality systems often wonder how to improve ventilation in the apartment. Although only special services have the right to carry out large-scale cleaning, with the help simple ways It is possible to completely improve the quality of the system.

Methods for cleaning ventilation

Before determining how to clean the ventilation in an apartment, it is worth checking it using the methods described above. If it doesn’t work, you should start the process.

External cleansing

Often the need for cleaning ventilation holes visible to the naked eye. Grilles may be covered with a layer of dust, dirt or soot. It happens that the reason for the lack of air draft is precisely this small detail.

Before starting work, it is important to lay down newspaper or polyethylene so as not to stain the floor covering. The ventilation grille is unscrewed using a Phillips screwdriver. The screws must be put in a safe place so as not to be lost.

First, remove all significant dirt from the grate. A metal or plastic scraper is suitable for this. After initial cleaning, the element can be vacuumed. High power will be required for the process to be effective.

Do not use aggressive cleaning agents to clean ventilation grilles. chemicals. It's better to choose simple remedies which are constantly used in everyday life.

For example, washing or cleaning powder, as well as dishwashing detergent, are suitable.

If the grate is very dirty and difficult to clean, you can leave it in warm soapy water for a while. When the dirt becomes limp, it can be gently rubbed with a brush and rinsed. To remove detergents, the grate should be rinsed under running water.

The element can only be reinstalled after it has completely dried. However, cleaning ventilation in an apartment building does not end there. There are several other actions that can be carried out without special permission from service providers.

Internal cleaning

When thinking about how to clean the ventilation in an apartment, we must not forget that no large devices or tools should be lowered into the ventilation shafts. Although carrying out large-scale work on your own is prohibited, cleaning the channel leading to the common branch is quite possible.

First, the hole should be carefully inspected. Perhaps there are some fragments of crumbling plaster or brick near the exit. It’s better to remove it all yourself than to let it fall and clog the air duct. If there are no such problems, you can proceed to the next stage.

First of all, the walls of the ventilation shaft are cleaned using a scraper. It is important that no pieces of debris or dirt fall down. The air duct can then be cleaned using a vacuum cleaner.

Although the use of any reagents is prohibited, dry ice can be used. This substance perfectly dissolves dirt and grease. The ice itself gradually evaporates, leaving no traces. It is noteworthy that the use of this product not only facilitates the restoration of ventilation, but also allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors.

You can take a brush or a rigid cable and clean the channel using such tools. It is worth remembering that in ventilation shafts Wasps and other insects often settle in. Therefore, we must not forget about personal safety measures.

How to improve home ventilation

You can install windows with a micro-ventilation system. If double-glazed windows are already installed, you should improve them with special valves for ventilation.

You may have to install a supply and exhaust system into the wall. It will not only be an additional means of ventilation, but also a way to remove dampness outside.

Cleaning the kitchen hood

It is important to be able to properly clean kitchen ventilation in an apartment yourself. To keep it running smoothly, regular maintenance should be carried out.

The hood is disassembled. You need to remove the cover, grille, filter and air duct. All parts should be washed in warm soapy water. After rinsing, it is important to blot all the elements and let them dry completely.

Assembly can begin after all parts are dry.

After several washes, the filter will have to be replaced. The quality of the hood’s operation depends on its condition. If you notice that there is no ventilation in the kitchen and odors quickly spread throughout the apartment, then it’s time to clean.