How the gas water heater is connected. Rules for installing a geyser

Planning installation and connection gas water heater V own apartment or a private house? Then it won’t hurt you to familiarize yourself with all the rules that must be followed during this event, and with the course itself installation work. I am ready to bring all this, including explanatory photographs and diagrams, to your attention.


Before performing installation work, you must obtain all the necessary papers and permits, the number of which varies depending on whether you are only replacing the device or installing it from scratch:

Documents required when replacing equipment

If you already had a water heater and you simply want to change it to a newer and more efficient model, then all you need to do is visit the gas service to write the following statements:

  • For permission to replace equipment at the same location;

  • On carrying out dismantling and installation work on gas and water mains.

Documents required when installing equipment from scratch

But here a lot of difficulties arise. You will need the following list of documents, without which installation of a geyser is impossible, or rather strictly prohibited by law:

  • A certified report from the ventilation and ventilation control service smoke channels , indicating the satisfactory condition of your chimney;
  • Technical data sheet of the new water heater;

If the equipment has not yet been purchased, but you have already decided on the exact model, then you can simply indicate it in the project at GORGAZ.

  • Installation project with technical specifications. Ordered from GORGAZ;
  • Application for reconstruction with the personal signature of the apartment owner. Submitted to the city administration;
  • Application for installation work. Also submitted to GORGAZ, but only after receiving the project;
  • Act from the fire service;
  • Certificate from technical supervision;
  • Certificate of acceptance of the device into operation.

Also, the placement of the column must be entered in the BTI.

In fact, I don’t recommend taking on the task of installing a gas water heater from scratch at all. Not only will you have to worry about obtaining all the listed documents, but you should also not forget about the need to connect gas pipes to the place where it is located, and this means additional expense and effort. For example, installing the same boiler in a similar situation with your own hands will be much easier and cheaper.


After everything necessary documents will be in your hands, you can proceed to the preparatory steps, which should not be neglected even in the case of a simple replacement of equipment, and not just installing a column from scratch.

Plan diagram

As a rule, geysers are located in the kitchen, and from there they supply hot water to the sink, the bathtub located in the next room and other possible water points. And in order to better navigate the installation of equipment and all auxiliary elements, it is better to sketch out an approximate drawing of the installation location on paper or in a graphic editor in advance:

You will also need a diagram for connecting the water heater to the communications, which may look like this:


Now we check the state of communications if we are talking about installing a new column instead of the old one, and bring them up if the work is being done from scratch:

  • Pipe leading to the chimney, must be made of stainless steel or galvanized steel with a thickness of at least one millimeter, as specified in the regulatory document GSN V.2.5-20-2001;
  • The gas tap is mounted closer to the water heater. Moreover, it must necessarily have a yellow handle in accordance with SNiP 2.04.08-87;

  • Supply cold water implemented from the riser using separate pipe equipped with a mechanical filter;
  • For hot water output it is best to use copper tube or corrugated stainless steel with a cross section of 15 mm;
  • Installation location and more precisely a wall, on which the device will be hung, should be covered first with basalt insulating cardboard, and then with a millimeter galvanized sheet. This will completely eliminate the possibility of a fire hazard.

Another nuance to consider before connecting geyser: the volume of the room in which it is located must exceed 8 m3.

Tools and materials

To install a gas water heater you will need following materials and tools:

  • PVC pipe to connect the device to the water supply;
  • "American"
  • Pipe cutter;
  • Pipe soldering iron;
  • Metal-plastic pipe to connect the device to the gas pipeline;
  • Gas taps;
  • Filters salt and magnetic types;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • Water tap;
  • Kit wrenches, including pipe;

  • Hammer;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws with dowels.

Installation work

The instructions for installing and connecting a gas water heater look like this:

Photo Description

Apply markings on the wall using a mounting template. As a rule, it can be found in the box along with the gas water heater itself. If none is found, then the location fastening elements We mark using a tape measure.

Installing a rail for mounting the device, fixing it on the wall using dowels and self-tapping screws, having drilled the required holes in advance.

We check its horizontal position with a spirit level. Crooked position of the device is not permissible.

We fix bar to connect. Here again you will need a hammer drill, dowels, screws and a screwdriver.

Installing gaskets on the bar, ensuring the tightness of each input and output of the column.

Removing protective plugs from a new column.

Hanging up the device onto the mounting rail.

Connect from below connection strip using a suitable key. Then we bring all communications to it.

Checking the draft in the chimney.

We connect from above chimney or coaxial chimney. The diameter of the chimney should be 110 mm, length 30-200 cm, and the slope should be at least 2 degrees at the top.

Connecting drain hose to the safety valve.

Connecting the device to power supply.

Checking access to the inside of the gas column.

Delete protective film from the surface of the device.

Open the gas supply valve and perform trial run water heater.

If the described installation work seems complicated to you, or you are simply not confident in your abilities, then you can always turn to specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently. The average cost of their services looks like this:

  • Installation of a domestically produced geyser– 2400 rubles;
  • Installation of a foreign-made geyser– 3700 rubles;
  • Installation of a chimney– 1000-1300 rubles.


You have learned how to properly install and connect a gas water heater. We found out what documents and preparations are needed for this. The video in this article contains additional information, and in the comments you can ask any questions you are interested in.

During the operation of a gas water heater, there are often situations when it becomes necessary to move it to a new location or replace it with a more advanced model. All these operations can be carried out in agreement with the services that regulate the procedure for connecting equipment to gas communications.

Norms and requirements

Activities for moving or installing a gas unit are divided into two categories:

  • installation work carried out in a room (building) where gas-powered equipment has not been used before;
  • procedure for connecting a gas water heater, accompanied by replacing the old unit with new model.

In the first case, before starting work you will need to prepare project documentation, which lays out the requirements for the arrangement of branches from gas and water mains. Once the project is ready and agreed upon with all interested organizations, it will be possible to submit an application to the local department of housing and communal services to connect the already purchased device.

The basic requirements for the installation of such equipment are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Code of Practice No. 42-101 of 2003, establishing the procedure for preparing a project for connecting gas distribution systems.
  • Code of Practice No. 42-01 of 2002, regarding the clarification of the concept of “gas distribution system”.

The main provisions of these documents concern technical characteristics equipped premises, as well as the placement features of the column itself. Water heaters installed in bathrooms in accordance with current regulations technical standards when replacing them, it is not necessary to move them to another place.

This rule does not apply to the case when the user himself insists on moving the column at his own expense.

Where can I install

According to the rules for installing geysers in apartments, they can be installed in kitchens with sufficient high ceilings and in the presence of a chimney opening with a diameter of at least 120 millimeters. It is also assumed that these rooms have permanent ventilation to ensure safe operating conditions gas equipment.

Characteristics modern models gas water heaters allow them to be operated at high humidity, that is, in the bathroom, without a traditional chimney.

The necessary changes in the project involve the laying of pipe outlets with access to the street, ensuring the flow of air into the closed chamber and the removal of combustion products from it.

Pay attention! It is clear that such a project is only suitable for a country farm or a private house.

The following strict requirements are imposed on the premises in which gas equipment is intended to be used:

  • the height of the room must exceed 2 meters;
  • the volume of the room can be at least 8 cubic meters;
  • it must have natural ventilation(at least one window), as well as a channel for arranging a chimney.

The air vents available in the rooms are not suitable for these purposes and are therefore immediately excluded from consideration.

Let's add to this that the media pressure in the water line cannot be lower than 0.1 atmosphere, and the wall intended for hanging the unit must be made of non-combustible materials. In addition, it is not allowed to install it close to a gas stove (technical standards allow the unit to be mounted at a distance of at least 10 centimeters from it).

Who has the right to install

Special gas equipment cannot be installed and connected independently, since in this case the rules determined by the current technical standards are violated. According to these documents, installation and connection of a gas water heating device is carried out only in agreement with the technical services responsible for the trouble-free operation of existing highways.

All private owners who arbitrarily violate this condition may be subject to an administrative penalty with payment of a mandatory fine in the amount specified by current legislation.

Installation of a geyser requires its mandatory connection to existing mains, such as gas supply lines and water supply. Only companies with a special permit (license) have the right to conduct them. When you first contact a representative of these services, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the following information:

  • timing and cost of installation work;
  • waiting time for the technician to arrive;
  • details of the organization (including telephone number for operational communication).

Only after familiarizing yourself with all this data will it be possible to submit an application for the installation of a gas water heater.

Preparatory operations

If you have permission to independent connection device, the installation procedure looks like this.

You should start by closing the channel of energy supply into the gas water heater using the appropriate valve. After this, it will be possible to disconnect the supply hose (pipe) from the fitting at the inlet to the unit.

Important! If there is the slightest doubt about the reliability of a used hose, it is necessary to replace it with a new one.

At the next stage, it will be possible to proceed to disconnecting the water supply channel from the unit (if there is a shut-off valve at the inlet pipe). If it is absent, you should shut off the channel entering the apartment, having first prepared two spare valves (for the input and output of the distribution circuit).

After this, it is necessary to dismantle the connecting pipe located at the outlet of the column, and then carefully separate it from the attachment to the chimney opening.

A completely disconnected speaker remains to be removed from the brackets that secure the product to the wall. After this, you can proceed to the installation of a new unit, hung in the old place in accordance with the rules for installing geysers.

Features of self-installation

In the case of a simple replacement of the unit, its installation can be carried out without the involvement of specialists, since the communication connections are already available and all that remains is to change the equipment.

When carrying out installation operations, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. First, you should mark the mounting points for the speaker on the wall, for which you first need to remove its mounting dimensions;
  2. the hanging location should be chosen in such a way that the distance to the nearest outlet is at least 0.5 meters (with a room height of up to 2.75 meters);
  3. with a higher room height, this distance may be slightly less (up to 0.25 meters).

For safety reasons, the height of the gas water heater on the wall should not allow small children to reach the control panel. It is very important to accurately measure the distance between the mounting holes, which allows you to hang the speaker on hooks or special brackets without any difficulty. Taking into account all the factors listed above, installing a speaker comes down to simply hanging it at the desired height.


After the column is installed and secured in place permanent job, it is necessary to connect water supply and drainage channels to it. To do this, pre-prepared and measured rubber connecting hoses should be used (sometimes PVC pipes are used instead of rubber).

The use of hoses is preferable because, due to their flexibility, they can be connected to any point in the column. In addition, for their reliable articulation in the joining area, no special sealant (tow or FUM tape) is required.


To correctly connect the hose with cold water attention should be paid to color coding valve devices (inlet valve is indicated in blue). And on the shut-off device intended for supplying hot water, the marking is red.

After connecting them, all connections should be checked for leaks. To do this, you need to open both taps and carefully inspect the connecting points for leaks. If there are minor leaks, you need to tighten the fixing nuts on the hose, being careful not to apply too much force (otherwise you can tear off the gaskets).

If there is a leak, pipe joints will need to be unscrewed and the threaded parts will need to be wrapped in tow with paint or FUM tape.


After eliminating all detected leaks, you should select one of the options for supplying gas to the column, namely:

  • you can call a gas equipment specialist (gas technician) who has the legal right to carry out such work;
  • You can connect to the gas main yourself.

Which is more suitable for specific situation– depends on the qualifications of the performer, and the final decision is made at his discretion. If you choose the second of these options, you should take gas hose the required length and connect one of its ends to the gas supply with a shut-off valve. The return end of this hose is connected to the inlet fitting located on the column.

When tightening this connection, you should also not press it too hard, so as not to damage the paranit gasket in the union nut. After this, you need to take a previously prepared soap solution and coat both gas joints with it.

If, when opening the inlet valve, no bubbles form in the joining areas, the work can be considered completed. Otherwise, you need to tighten the nuts a little, and then check their tightness again using soap foam.

Please note: if necessary, you can turn off the gas supply and change the paronite gaskets.

At the final stage of installation work, it remains to install protective coating from corrugation. One end of it is put on the outlet of the column, and the other is connected to the chimney outlet.

Start-up and commissioning

Commissioning work involves putting the column into operation, setting it up and checking its functionality (testing) for a certain time. To do this, you need to insert the battery into the piezo ignition compartment specially designed for this purpose, then open the hot water supply tap and set its temperature according to the instructions.

In conclusion, we note that when purchasing a new speaker, you can use the connection service available in some stores. Therefore, even before choosing the right model, ask how much it costs to connect it to an invited specialist. If the cost of this service is not very high, you can safely invite him to your home, which will ultimately simplify the registration of the speaker itself.

When starting it yourself, it is still better to entrust such an important operation as connecting a gas hose to a specialist who can correctly configure the new equipment.

2016-10-10 Evgeniy Fomenko

When approaching the issue of purchasing a water heater, often the device. Since they are affordable, reliable and can provide fast heating large quantity water. Let's look at the steps to install the speaker yourself. This work should be performed exclusively by professionals, but it will not be superfluous for the owner of the device to monitor the execution of the work.

During work, the following SNiPs are used:
SNiP 42-01-2002, SNiP 31-01-2003, SNiP 41-01-2003

Installation of a geyser

You should know that changing the location of the device, as well as its initial installation, is a labor-intensive process with a high cost, in contrast to a new one while maintaining the same location.

To install the column you need to collect the following documents:

  • An act confirming the serviceability of the chimney system and ventilation of the room. It is obtained from the fire department.
  • Get permits in Gorgaz for installation work in compliance with the project.
  • Make a project for installing equipment.
  • Technical data sheet for the device.
  • Submit an application for repair/replacement of water and gas mains.
  • Submit an application to the city administration for redevelopment and reconstruction of communications.
  • After installation, you need to provide the installation project to the BTI.

After receiving and collecting all documents, a Gorgaz employee will connect to gas pipe, will connect the meter and seal it.

Requirements for the installation site of the geyser

The installation location of the unit (read about the features of installing a geyser in a private house) must comply with the requirements regulatory documents, to ensure maximum safety of the device. It is also necessary to take into account the ease of use of the installed device, its proper placement in the room and the ease of connecting to communications.

The documentation provides the following requirements:

  • The living space where the unit is installed must have an area of ​​at least 7.4 m3, with a ceiling height of at least two meters.
  • The water supply pressure should be from 0.1 atm.
  • The room must have a window and a closing door to ensure ventilation.
  • The device must be mounted on a non-flammable surface, i.e. the wall can be plastered or lined with tiles or other non-combustible material.
  • It is not allowed to install the unit in the bathroom; it is only possible to replace old equipment with new equipment with appropriate replacement of documentation.
  • A ventilation system is required.
  • The chimney must have a diameter of 120 mm, a length of 35 cm, and an upward slope of 3 degrees.
  • Distance to gas stove not less than 10 cm.
  • The distance from the side panel of the unit to the wall should be more than 20 cm, and the front panel from 65 cm.
  • For water and gas, flexible hoses with an internal diameter of at least 13 mm must be used, and the length should be no more than 2.5 m.
  • Before starting work, you must install a shut-off valve on the column.

Is it possible to install the speaker yourself?

Of course, you can carry out some work yourself, this could be dismantling an old device or installing a new one, but not connecting to gas. This should be done by appropriately qualified specialists, since failure to follow all instructions and rules when connecting equipment can lead to an accident and casualties.

In case of unauthorized connection to the main line and use of gas without official permission in a municipal apartment or in a private house, an administrative fine of 10,000-15,000 rubles is imposed on the owner.

Tools needed for work:

  • Drill.
  • Adjustable wrench.
  • Open-end wrench 27-30, 32-36.
  • Fum tape for sealing joints, sealant, tow.
  • Water pipes or hoses, exact size will be indicated in the instructions for the device.
  • Metal-plastic pipes.
  • Gas hose.
  • Clips for fastening.
  • Cranes.
  • Fitting.
  • A tool for cutting pipes and a tool for soldering them.
  • Filters (magnetic, salt), since the service life of the device depends on the quality of the incoming water.
  • Dowels for mounting the unit on the wall.
  • Mayevsky crane.
  • Corrugated pipe. Its diameter should be equal to the diameter of the boiler inlet. You can find out the parameters in the instructions for the device. For example, for Bosch WR 10-2 R its diameter is 110 mm, Neva 4511 is also 110 mm, Astra VPG 8910 diameter is 120 mm.
  • Chimney outlet.

Removing the old column

To replace equipment, you need to do the following:

  • Turn off all taps.
  • Using a wrench, remove the nut that secures the hose. To avoid damage to gas pipes, secure it with a second wrench.
  • Disconnect the hose from the device. If the condition is good, you can use it for reconnection.
  • Next, you need to turn off the water supply tap directly to the device. If you have not installed it, you need to purchase them for your new device and install them.
  • Disconnect from the chimney.

This is how the dismantling process happens; if you do it yourself, you can save money. Its cost is about 600 rubles in Tula and 570 rubles in Ufa.

Stages of installation of a new geyser

Regardless of whether you are installing new equipment or replacing old equipment, further actions are carried out provided that the chimney has been installed, all systems have been wired, and the serviceability of the hood has been checked.

Work order:

  • Decide on the location, make marks on the wall.
  • Drill the holes with a drill.
  • Insert the dowels. It is necessary to calculate the load that will be placed on them, taking into account the tank filled with water.
  • Hang the device.
  • Connect the filters, salt and magnesium.
  • Connect Mayevsky's taps.
  • Cut the pipe and install a fitting or tee into it.
  • Install the taps.
  • Solder the connecting elements.
  • Connect the device to cold and hot pipes using hoses or PVC pipes and tow. Seal the connection points with fittings. Be sure to follow the connection rules: cold water supply is indicated in blue, hot water supply in red.
  • Check the tightness of the joints, to do this, open the water and wait, if there are no leaks, everything is done correctly. If found, repack the seal and tighten the fixing nuts. Do not over-tighten the nuts, as the threads may be damaged and the sealing of the fastening joints will be compromised.
  • Check the chimney draft, its norm is 1.95-29.40 Pa, the indicator depends on the type and size of the room.
  • Connect the corrugation on one side to the device, on the other to the chimney opening.
  • Connect the gas pipe to the tap. Attach it to the wall with clips, having previously drilled a hole for this.
  • Connect the gas hose to the device and pipe. Seal the joints.
  • Make a solution of soap, lubricate all joints, open the gas. If bubbles appear, it means there is a leak. You can fix it by tightening the nuts. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the gaskets.
  • Produce recheck tightness.
  • Adjust the water temperature using the instructions for the equipment.

Installation in Russia will cost an average of about 2,500 rubles. In Tula the price will be about 2400 rubles, Ufa 2600 rubles. The cost of installation depends on the volume of the device, the country of manufacture, for example, installation of the Bosch brand will cost more than a domestically produced unit such as Neva 4511.

Device setup

After the installation is completed, the last step is connecting and. This work should only be done by licensed professionals. The technician will adjust the required heating temperature, adjust the optimal gas supply, and set the summer/winter mode, depending on the season. It will make the first start, and the system will be sealed.

Do not start or install batteries if there is no water in the heat exchanger.

Insert batteries into the automatic ignition device and open the gas valve. If the installation was carried out correctly, then when you open the valve with hot water the column will start on its own. Needs to be configured temperature regime water supply, recommended range up to 50ºС. If you have a manual ignition, you need to ignite using the button and then turn on the water. To do this, you first need to open the cold and hot water taps, and then the hot water in any of the faucets in the house and wait for the heated water to flow.

Is it possible to build a speaker into furniture?

People wonder if it is possible to hide a gas water heater in a closet? Yes, you can, but you will need to meet certain requirements.

Since air enters a device with a closed combustion chamber from the street through a ventilation duct, such equipment can be hidden in a closet. In the device with open camera combustion air comes from the room, if we close it there will be no air flow into the combustion chamber.

The following requirements must be met:

  • The size of the cabinet should be 10 cm larger than the unit on each side, since it heats up during operation.
  • Do not cover the base or top of the cabinet as they will block the air flow.
  • The ideal option would be a door with holes. It will not obstruct air flow.

Installation of a chimney in a private house

They must be built in strict accordance with the requirements of SNiP:

  • made of materials that are not subject to rust and corrosion. When smoke moves through the pipe, it cools, which is why condensation forms on the walls. The structure must be insulated from the outside.
  • securely fastened to the wall so that there is no sagging of the structure.
  • there should be uniform draft along the entire length of the chimney. This is achieved by using smooth, even surfaces in the design.
  • The diameter of the chimney pipe is determined by the diameter of the pipe on the device.
  • In order to have good draft in the chimney, it is installed vertically, a deviation of 30° is allowed
  • The tightness must be ideal to prevent combustion products from entering the living space.
  • The number of bends in the structure is no more than three.

The material from which the chimney will be built directly depends on the type of fuel and the type of appliance. To remove combustion products it is necessary metal pipe in the shape of a cylinder, stainless steel will be more durable and reliable. Designed as a sandwich system. They are different in diameter and are inserted into one another. The voids between them are laid basalt wool. High tightness is required to avoid leakage of hot gas. When installing it there should be no more than four bends and turns. The length of one vertical section should not exceed 25 cm.

A cleaning hatch is required. For convenient cleaning of soot, it is necessary to provide space under the chimney entrance.

General rules for maintenance.

In order for your new purchase to serve you for many years without having to spend money on repairs, you should carry out periodic maintenance. It is necessary to clean the device from accumulated carbon deposits, dust, and scale. This is recommended to be done annually, but if you see a lot of dirt has accumulated, clean it in advance.

Installation of instantaneous water heater in utility networks and the interior of the house does not seem to be anything particularly complex. But the process has a number of nuances: it is necessary to ensure a tight connection between the water supply and gas, meet all the requirements of regulatory documents, correctly carry out the first start-up, and so on.

The easiest way is to hire specialists, preferably from a gas supply organization, pay them and forget about all the problems. But since many homeowners are not looking for easy ways, with the help of this article we are happy to tell them how to install a gas water heater with their own hands. This will save some money.

Rules for installing a geyser in an apartment

It will not be possible to carry out all the work on connecting the water heater on your own. According to regulatory requirements design and installation of gas supply can only be carried out by an organization that has all the necessary permits and licenses. In simple words, you cannot carry out work related to connecting to the gas main with your own hands. But the rest of the work is entirely in your hands. But first, you should order design documentation for the installation and connection of gas-using equipment. This will take some time, but in the meantime you can select and purchase a speaker.

And here the first nuance arises: if you have only one ventilation outlet in your kitchen, then the standards prohibit inserting a chimney pipe into it. This means that you need to choose a water heater with a closed combustion chamber and a coaxial flue laid out through the wall. The engineer performing the project should warn you about such situations.

Important! In the room where the hot water column is located, supply and exhaust ventilation must function.

After purchasing a gas water heater, it is strongly recommended to study the instructions that come with it. From there you can glean a lot of useful, and most importantly, correct information on installing the device. For example, in the documentation for ARISTON columns there is a section for service engineers, where all the nuances are described in great detail.

Purchase of materials and installation of the column

Having received the project documentation in hand, you can begin preparing and purchasing consumables that will be used to install a geyser in the apartment and connect it to the water supply and gas. Let's give them sample list with comments:

  • connecting chimney pipe made of metal with a wall thickness of at least 1 mm, whose diameter is equal to or greater than the outlet pipe of the heater;
  • pipes and fittings for water and gas supply. It is recommended to avoid connections with flexible hoses, which tend to break in the middle of the night from high blood pressure online. It is better to connect the geyser directly to the water supply using metal-plastic, PPR or polyethylene;
  • shut-off valves for all 3 pipelines. Strainers for gas and water are needed if they are not at the entrance to the house;
  • fasteners for hanging the heater from the wall (if one is not included in the kit) and laying all pipes, including the chimney;
  • If the speaker is installed on a wall made of combustible materials, you will have to purchase a sheet of galvanized steel or asbestos to lay between the device and the wall. The latter should protrude 100 mm beyond its dimensions.

Note. Detailed list of all necessary materials for connection to the gas main must be included in the specification for the project.

When everything is ready, the unit can be hung from the wall, observing standard distances to nearby walls and objects. The figure below shows the installation diagram of the device indicating these distances:

As for the chimney pipe, in rooms with a height of up to 2.7 m it is necessary to maintain a length of the vertical section of 25 cm, over 2.7 m - 50 cm. The total length of the connecting pipe should not exceed 6 m with the number of turns no more than 3. The distance from the flue to fireproof walls and ceilings are at least 50 mm, and combustible - 250 mm. If this section of the wall is protected with iron or asbestos, the clearance can be reduced to 100 mm.

Connection to water supply

After fixing the device, the gas water heater is connected to the water supply. The rules here are quite simple:

  • Using fittings, connect the pipes to the water supply and the heater. It is important not to confuse the input with the output; check the instruction manual;
  • when connecting to a speaker, use American ones;
  • It is unacceptable for the pipes to load the pipes of the device with their weight; they should be secured to the wall;
  • if there is no mud trap at the entrance to the apartment, then we mount it on the entrance line in a horizontal position, with the plug down;
  • taps are installed on both connections. So as not to spoil appearance kitchens, they can be hidden in cabinets located below the unit.

The figure shows typical diagram connecting the gas water heater to other communications:

Speaker setup

When all possible work has been completed, all that remains is to connect the column to the gas pipe. We invite specialists from a licensed organization, provide them with a project and consumables. They install the gas line and pre-set the heater. More precisely, they check his security equipment (automatic gas valve). All that remains is to make the first launch.

Important! Do not turn on the instantaneous heater or insert batteries into the socket while its heat exchanger is empty. Both need to be opened water tap, and then hot water on any mixer. Wait for a steady stream of water and turn off the mixer.

Next, batteries are inserted into the automatic unit compartment and the gas valve is opened. If all the rules for installing a geyser are followed, then after opening the hot water, the device will start on its own. You only need to adjust the outlet water temperature, the recommended value is 50 ºС. A device with manual ignition will, accordingly, first have to be ignited using a button, and then turn on the water.


When all the nuances of installation work and start-up of the column become clear, then you can think about the advisability of doing it yourself. Everyone decides this question for themselves. But there is one last nuance: sometimes sales representatives of some brands offer installation and registration of the device for free, as a promotion.

The easiest and cheapest way to provide yourself with hot water in your house or apartment on an ongoing basis is to install a gas instantaneous water heater. Installing a geyser is quite simple, although it raises two issues that can only be resolved with the involvement of specialists.

If you need to replace your old speaker with a new model with greater functionality and performance, then the installation can be easily done independently and in a short time.

Requirements and rules

As is the case with any gas equipment, the installation of a geyser and its operation must be carried out taking into account the requirements specified in SNiP 42-01-2002 “Gas distribution systems” and additionally SP 42-101-2003.

To be brief, replacing a gas instantaneous water heater, for which there is already a corresponding project, will not be difficult, no permits or special requirements required, unless you plan to move the equipment to a new position.

If the house did not previously provide for the installation of a gas water heater, then you will need to obtain permission from the local gas utility and ensure that the chimney is installed in accordance with all the rules specified in the standards.

Installation of gas pipes is carried out exclusively by gas industry specialists, at least inserting a tee, laying pipes and installing shut-off valves near the installation site of the gas water heater.

Choosing a location for installation

Recommended spacing when installing a column

By default, the geyser is installed in the kitchen. In all house projects where the speaker was initially supposed to be installed in the kitchen, a chimney with a diameter of at least 120 mm or its equivalent, required by the rules, was provided, as well as a ventilation system for constant air access. When replacing an old speaker with a new one, it is better to leave everything in the same place.

However, new models of gas instantaneous water heaters not only can they cope with high humidity in the bathroom and do without a classic chimney.

To install them, you only need to lay a coaxial pipe on the street through which the supply will be supplied. fresh air into a closed combustion chamber and combustion products are discharged.


Before replacing or installing a new geyser, the site is prepared.

If replacement is intended, it is dismantled old column. Be sure to check the quality of closing the valve on the gas pipe to avoid gas leakage. All valves on water pipes overlap.

The pipes from the column and the flexible gas hose are disconnected, and the chimney is dismantled. The column is carefully removed. Often, this requires removing the front panel and then unscrewing the fasteners.

The wall under the column most likely requires cosmetic repairs. Old fasteners are removed, and the holes left behind are sealed with mortar.

For final installation, the wall is leveled. A special adapter is attached to the chimney opening for connecting a flexible corrugated pipe 110-120 mm.


You will need:

  • Impact drill or hammer drill and a set of 8-10 mm drills;
  • A set of fastenings (self-tapping screws with a hook, anchors). The size and type of mounts are determined in accordance with the requirements of the speaker manufacturer;
  • Bubble or laser level.

To access the speaker mounts, remove the front panel. According to the markings of the geyser fastenings, mark on the wall places for installing hooks or anchors. Be sure to check the position of the marks according to the level. Using a drill or hammer drill, two (four) holes are drilled into which dowels or anchors are inserted.

Most modern gas instantaneous water heaters have a mounting plate. It is this that is attached to the wall, and then the column is attached to it using latches. The task in this case is simplified, It is enough to attach the plate to the wall, level it and mark the places of fastenings along it.

Drill one hole at the required height and secure the plate, then, aligning it level, drill the remaining holes directly through the holes for the remaining fasteners and complete the installation.

All that remains is to fix the column in its place. Front panel It’s too early to reattach it, so carefully set it aside so as not to scratch or damage it.

Chimney for column with atmospheric burner A corrugated steel pipe of 110-120 mm, laid from the outlet of the column to the entrance of the common chimney, can serve. The pipe should fit tightly to the sockets; if this is not the case, then additionally crimp it with a metal clamp.

For columns with a closed combustion chamber, orient the outlet inside the column in the desired direction and lay a coaxial chimney to the nearest wall in contact with the street. Maximum permissible length indicated in the instructions.

The wall is passed through with a hammer drill, after which the chimney is inserted. The gap between the pipe and the wall is foamed or filled with non-flammable insulation, such as basalt wool.

Gas connection

If a geyser is installed for the first time or in a new location, then a gas pipe is connected to it. This work is performed only by gas service specialists who have permission to do so.

An application is left to perform the insertion, and craftsmen are invited. They will cut a tee into the gas pipe running from the inlet to the stove. A pipe is mounted to the tee and led to the installation site.

There are two options. Knowing exactly the model of the gas water heater and its position, the pipe is brought exactly to the connection point to avoid the use flexible hose. Please note that there is a gas shut-off valve in front of the connection to the column. First, the column is mounted on the wall, and only then the gas pipe is connected.

However, it is easier to bring the edge of the pipe a maximum distance of half a meter to the installation site and complete the route with installation gas valve. The use of a flexible hose subsequently gives greater freedom when installing the column, which is especially important when installing it yourself.

This option will eliminate the need to focus on the schedule of gas service technicians, and most of the work will be completed at a time convenient for you.

Water connection

Now a pipe with cold water is connected to the column, and hot water is distributed throughout the house. It is better to connect to the water heater using an American connection with a movable union nut.

In the cold and hot water be sure to install on the lines shut-off valves– ball valves.

If there is no cleaning filter at the main inlet to the apartment or house, then a coarse filter of 80-100 microns is installed in front of the column. It is also advisable to install a fine filter of 10-20 microns.

How cleaner water, the longer the heat exchanger will work without blockages and scale.

Pipes are supplied in one of the following options:

  • Supplying pipes to a distance of less than 30 cm to the column and connecting using a flexible hose or copper/brass tube;
  • Direct connection of metal-plastic, polypropylene or steel pipes, depending on the material used for the main wiring.

To tap into a cold water pipe, you will need a tee. The simplest option is to insert into plastic using clamp fittings. All you need is an adjustable wrench, a pipe cutter and a flaring tool. Fittings will require a tee, American and shut-off valve.

Water connection diagram

Having previously cut the pipe into in the right place so that the supply to the column is as smooth as possible and without additional elbows, American fittings are inserted into the cut, and a tee is screwed to them. Next, a section of pipe is connected to the column.

For steel pipes will be required welding machine and cooking skills. Instead, a special tee clamp is used. It is fixed to the pipe and then a hole is drilled through the outlet in the cold water pipe. Next, a section of pipe is connected to the column.

For polypropylene pipes You can't do without a soldering iron. It is easy to rent, but the amount of work will be less than with steel pipes.

If you are only replacing the column, then it is still advisable to re-lay the pipes to avoid the accumulation of adapters and elbows in front of the gas column. This will protect the equipment from unnecessary turbulent flows in the pipes, which can affect the operation of the hydrothermal control unit.

Start-up and commissioning

Before starting the column, check the tightness of all connections, make sure that water is not leaking anywhere and gas is not poisoning. You can check the connections on the gas pipe using soapy water. When all the connections have been made, the joints and fittings are moistened with a soap solution, and then the gas supply valve is opened. If there are no bubbles, then the line is sealed.

The necessary work to start the column is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions and strictly in the specified sequence for the first start. It is better to entrust the burner settings to a specialist.

The main task is to determine the optimal gas pressure by tightening the adjusting bolt, and by adjusting the damper to determine the air supply. It is almost impossible to make adjustments without a pressure gauge. It is important to know exactly the pressure in the gas line when idle and when the column is turned on at maximum. In dynamics, the pressure should not exceed the permissible threshold, manufacturer installed for this water heater.

Ideally, the optimal operating pressure should be established, and the burner flame should always remain with a uniform blue glow without yellow tints.

Setting up the hydrothermal control unit comes down to installing optimal values maximum and minimum water temperatures at real pressure values, which are very different for different houses and apartments.

Cost in apartment and private house

When choosing a speaker and the store where you will purchase it, pay attention to the availability of installation services. Even if it is paid, its cost may be lower than the market price. In many large supermarkets and specialized stores installation is included in the price of the equipment and will cost even less. It is often marketed as free.

Another option is to contact a service center, where a contract for servicing gas equipment will be concluded, and order installation. In this case, you will have the least to worry about the quality of work, because the service cannot spoil the relationship with the customer, with whom you still have to cooperate throughout the entire life of the column.

The table shows estimated starting prices service centers to perform a number of works on installing and connecting a gas instantaneous water heater.