How to make a homemade vacuum pump yourself. How and from what to make a vacuum pump with your own hands? Description of device assembly

Any person knows what a pump is and has used it at least once. But vacuum design is a completely different matter. Many people believe that such a device is used exclusively for production purposes, and is not suitable for personal use. But they are wrong. The device is great for home use, but its price is high. Therefore, many people are thinking about making a vacuum pump with their own hands.

What is a vacuum pump used for?

Before starting work on creating a vacuum dehumidifier, you need to think and understand for what purposes such a unit will be used, since a lot of effort, energy, money and time will be spent in the process. Also, some people are interested in how the vacuum sealer works.

As a rule, everyone knows what a vacuum chamber is. It looks like a plastic bag with a valve. Food is stored well in this container, it does not dry out and bacteria do not multiply inside. Vacuuming is proper storage food. The simplest vacuum packaging can be made by squeezing air out of it.

But more professional method- this is the use of a pump for such purposes. The device will allow you to pump out air from any bag, but it is necessary to ensure tightness. You can store clothes this way. In a vacuum, it becomes much smaller in size, and this is especially important when it is necessary to accommodate large number things in a suitcase.

It's no secret that wood craftsmen, in order to make their products more beautiful, treat them with oil. To enhance this process, you need to put the oil in vacuum packaging. Thus, the wood will squeeze out air and draw in oil.

Varieties of homemade structures

There can be many types of pumps. It depends on their intended purpose. The simplest vacuum sealer can rightfully be considered a medical syringe. But its disadvantage is that a vacuum can be created in small volumes. And even if you don’t have a medical syringe at home, you can easily buy one at the pharmacy, just pay attention to the size.

But in order to be able to pack large volumes, a car pump is well suited. It just needs to be reworked to the required parameters. Moreover, making a vacuum pump from a car compressor with your own hands is not difficult.

You can also construct a vacuum pump from a compressor from a refrigerator, or remake accessories from an aquarium.

Using a car pump

A homemade vacuum pump can be made from different raw materials. The most popular options are car and bicycle hand pumps.

And you can make it using the following steps:

In this way, you can assemble a device that creates a gentle vacuum in containers with a small volume. But in addition to the vacuum pump, you also need to install a valve.

Vacuum valve installation

In order to make a vacuum sealer with your own hands, in any case you will need a check valve. It can be easily found in a store that sells animals. This part is installed in the compressor from the aquarium. Alternatively, you can ask friends who have fish, perhaps they have such broken compressors. Therefore, the check valve will not be a problem, since it is already broken. It is ideal as a spare part for a vacuum sealer.

Such a valve must be fixed in place of the hole of the future device.. A tube is attached to the valve, which will go into the container. It should also be placed on the correct side so that it draws air towards itself rather than releasing it back. In order to check in which direction the valve operates, you need to blow into it before installing it. If air does not pass through, then this part must be attached to the base of the structure. If the valve is of high quality and reliably sealed, then such a device can create a pressure of 190 Mbar.

Manufacturing from a compressor

A small pump cannot perform all the functions that a modern housewife needs. For a more powerful device, it is necessary to use additional devices. An electric motor is ideal for this. You can use an ordinary compressor or pump. Moreover, such work is absolutely not labor-intensive.

You just need to install the tube into the hole in the motor, but before doing this, remove the filter. After connecting the tube, the device is ready for use.

Sometimes the food that needs to be vacuum sealed contains a lot of moisture. In order to avoid breakdowns, you need to install an additional dryer, which consists of a receiver and a sump.

Vacuum from a refrigerator motor

A household compressor cannot always be found in the household, so you should look for alternative options. Refrigerators, especially low-quality ones, can sometimes break down. You can make a vacuum sealer from a motor from an old refrigerator. Conditioners can also be used.

This design is created using the following algorithm:

  • First you need to cut off the refrigerator tubes connecting the compressor, evaporator and condenser. At this stage, you need to pay attention to how the compressor is connected to the network and the relay, since incorrect modification and installation will not only lead to incorrect operation, but the design may also fail.
  • After that, all you have to do is attach the hose and you can use it.

Although such a device will not have the power of factory analogues, it can perform all the basic functions that are needed in the kitchen very well.

However, with all versions of a homemade vacuum design, the following breakdowns can occur:

  • Failure of the electric motor or its unqualified connection to the network.
  • Mismatch between the drive and the refrigerator motor shaft.
  • Working element jamming.
  • Scale is created.
  • Overheating of the vacuum sealer and its parts.

With this device you can easily pump air out of a jar or bottle.

Home repairs

All people who were interested in how to create a vacuum at home, and those who have already made their first device, also need to know how to repair it, since it can break down often. In principle, any mechanism or motor can break down or start to work poorly:

  • Incorrect motor connection or motor failure. This mainly happens when the required motor circuit is connected incorrectly. First, check the integrity of the wiring and whether it is well insulated. A trial indicator will help with this. If it lights up when connected, then the wiring is intact, and this is not the reason. Otherwise, the motor is broken and must be sent in for repair.
  • Drive and shaft mismatch. Such difficulties in operation, as a rule, are solved by installing a gasket under the engine or discharge element. When this does not give the desired result, you need to look for the problem in the clutch. She could have moved. If the situation is confirmed, the part must be replaced.
  • Motor jamming. As a rule, this problem is very common. It occurs due to pumping dirty water. In this case, the motor must be disassembled and cleaned.
  • Bearing failure. The motor begins to hum and vibrate strongly. The reason for this is a broken bearing that needs to be replaced.
  • Scale in the engine. The problem often occurs on liquid ring pumps because they operate in a water environment. Repair is accompanied by cleaning using special solutions.
  • Overheating of the structure, as well as wear of certain parts. Devices break due to lack of lubrication. Even materials such as Teflon are not able to compensate for the necessary lubrication. To avoid such breakdowns, you must maintain the correct temperature conditions. And when the motor overheats, the burnt parts will have to be replaced.
  • Leakage working environment. If the design has reduced performance, the service fluid pressure is checked. The reason for this could be its leakage. In this case, it is necessary to replace the seal in the hole.

If, after checking the seal, it turns out that it is in satisfactory condition, the problem may be in the flange connections: the gaskets there need to be replaced.

Liquid may leak due to severe wear of parts. This usually happens with older pumps. It is necessary to check whether all the parts are out of date, since in certain cases the motor can no longer be repaired.

The device may malfunction due to high pressure or overheating. If it is configured correctly, then with the correct temperature conditions the design will work for a long time.

Operating instructions

For example, you can take the use of a pump to pump water out of an aquarium. But basically the operating procedure will be the same.

To begin, you should prepare:

  • pump core;
  • nozzle;
  • union;
  • tee.

First, the nozzle must be inserted into the hole of the tee. It can be made from suitable pipes. After this, the fitting is inserted onto the tap, which is equipped with a thread, and then you need to pull the hose onto it. Its length should not exceed 10 centimeters - to create good pressure.

Then the hose is connected to the outlet of the tee, and an aquarium siphon is connected to the end of the hose. It is not difficult to make such a design yourself. The main thing is to monitor its condition and progress of work, and if necessary, repair it on time, replacing worn-out parts.

Until recently, few people thought about what a vacuum pump was and why it was needed. But this is an irreplaceable thing both in everyday life and in industrial production and small-scale production different products, for packaging and for solving many technological problems. As a rule, these devices are made only in production conditions, but if you have certain skills and components, you can make it yourself.

What is a vacuum pump

The vacuum pump is, in principle, quite simple design. The principle of its operation is from a given volume. For pumping, naturally, you will need a device, which can be an analogue of a pump or a regular pump itself. But first, it’s worth considering the areas of application of the device in everyday life.

Powerful models of industrial vacuum pumps are used in technological processes chemical industry, for pumping large volumes of non-aggressive gases and liquids. Also, you cannot do without a vacuum pump when molding plastic and polyurethane products. For this purpose, vacuum containers with pumps of different sizes and different capacities are used.

What are vacuum pumps used for?

To understand why a vacuum pump is needed in everyday life, and not to build an exclusively hypothetically useful device, let’s look at a few examples:

Operating principle and simplest vacuum pump

The simplest vacuum pump is a medical syringe and a check valve from an aquarium compressor. There is no need to explain the principle of operation of the device - in several cycles of suction with a syringe you can pump out air from a small volume, no more than a small package the size of a matchbox.

To work with larger volumes, it is necessary to use either more efficient pumps with some modifications, or a compressor. The power of the compressor depends on the needs for using the vacuumizer, and the compressor can be either miniature, for an aquarium, or more powerful - for pumping car tires, painting works. But the essence of the alterations does not change.

For example, to use a compressor from an aquarium with minimal performance as a vacuum pump, it is enough to modify the unit in which the valves are located and install a tube to drain condensate and trapped moisture.

To do this, it is necessary to swap the valves, then the diaphragm pump will not pump air, but pump it out from a certain volume. The designs of diaphragm pumps are different, but the principle of modernization is the same. An example of converting a small aquarium pump into a vacuum pump is shown in the photo.

For more serious tasks, you need to use a more powerful compressor. For example, you can use a device from an old refrigerator. Typically, using such a compressor oil type, you can achieve a pressure of about 5 atm, which is quite enough for domestic needs. The assembly diagram of the device is quite simple.

High performance oil and oil-free compressors

The oil compressor is connected to a receiver, which can be used as any small gas cylinder or similar vessel. The pump has three outputs:

Then everything is simple - regular engine oil is poured into the compressor through the appropriate tube, a dust filter is connected to the air intake tube, and a receiver is connected to the air supply tube through a splitter. Now the device can be used both as a compressor with a receiver, and as a vacuum pump with quite high performance. To use it as a compressor, just connect the air supply hose to the splitter from the receiver. If the device is needed as a vacuum pump, then the hose is connected to the air intake pipe.

These are not all the methods and options for converting compressors into vacuum pumps. In the case of an oil-free compressor, there is no need to install an oil separator, but a filter on the air supply pipe must be installed. Experiment, and to solve any problem you can assemble a vacuum pump from improvised means.

A vacuum pump designed for pumping air or other gases from any volume is widely used for storage food products, things, pickling, etc. Buying such a household item is not always profitable; the price of vacuum pumps is quite high. Therefore, you can make the pump yourself.

Converting a cuff pump to a vacuum pump

To work, you will need a regular lip pump (bicycle or car). The pump must first be disassembled, that is, untwisted. Then you should remove the cuff and turn it in the opposite direction and reassemble the pump.

At the place where the hose is attached (at the inlet to the pump), a check valve is attached (you can buy it in a store or remove it from an aquarium compressor), which will allow air to pass out of the volume, but not back. Thus, we get the simplest low-power household vacuum pump.

You can learn more about how to make a vacuum pump from the articles on the website

Vacuum pump from compressor

It is better to take a compressor powerful enough - from any household appliance, but better from a refrigerator or air conditioner. It is necessary to remove the condenser and evaporator from it by cutting the tubes. At the inlet of the compressor they attach air filter(can be purchased at an automotive store) and a hose. The vacuum pump is ready!

The only disadvantage of such a pump will be the impossibility of using it to pump out liquid vapors; this can lead to breakdown of the compressor (since the liquid will settle inside the compressor, but this problem is solved by installing a sump), and therefore the pump.

You can also make a vacuum pump from an aquarium compressor - just swap the check valves inside the compressor and the compressor, instead of pumping air, will pump it out.

Vacuum pump from a medical syringe

Of course, such a pump can only cope with small volumes of gases, but it is perfect for experimentation and play. It is necessary to attach identical sections of plastic tube to the plastic tee, the diameter of which matches the inlet of the syringe. N

The syringe shaft is attached to the third outlet of the tee (the other two should be opposite each other), check valves (two pieces from an aquarium compressor) are attached to the remaining outlets of the tee according to the type of inlet-outlet indicator (one valve looks at the tee, the other away from it). The pump is ready!

Plastic bottle pump

You need to take two plastic bottles different sizes so that one of them enters the other without resistance, but at the same time free space remained in a minimal amount (then you won’t have to seal the inner walls of the bottle).

The top of the larger bottle is cut off, and several holes are made in the bottom of the smaller bottle. The smaller bottle is placed in the larger one, into which the hose from the bicycle pump is screwed (in the opposite direction). The simplest pump is ready. The smaller bottle acts as a piston.

As you can see, vacuum pumps can be made at home with your own hands, using what you have on hand. And finding a use for them in everyday life will not be difficult.

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How to make a vacuum pump?

A vacuum pump can be useful in a variety of situations, but it is not always wise to spend money on purchasing something that any man can do on his own. That is why, before buying such a pump, read the instructions on how to make a vacuum pump yourself. You may not have to spend money to purchase it. After all, to create such a pump you will not need to purchase expensive materials; every man will have everything he needs in his garage or on a tool shelf.

How to make a vacuum pump with your own hands?

Before you start making a vacuum pump yourself, you need to understand how to do it and what it will take. This thing can be made from a lip-type car or bicycle pump; this is the easiest way to make a vacuum pump.

Take a regular car or bicycle pump and spin it. Be sure to turn the cuff of the device in the opposite direction and reassemble the pump in reverse order. After such actions, the pump will draw in air, which will create a vacuum.

Now we need to do the hardest part - installation. check valve. You can take it from the aquarium compressor, or find a similar option. The valve is installed in the pump hose and prevents air from flowing back in. Careful sealing will make the pump even more effective.

This is the easiest way to make a vacuum pump at home and save money on purchasing special device. It is suitable if you do not need to create a very deep vacuum. The approximate power of such a pump is 80% air suction. If the resulting airless space is not enough, you should purchase a special pump to create a vacuum.

Do-it-yourself vacuum pump for your penis?

Among the popular methods of enlarging the male genital organ, there are several that are the most effective, and at the same time accessible for implementation at home. A vacuum pump is a device that has been used for several years to achieve the effect of penis enlargement. The assortment of adult stores includes the most various options pumps of various configurations. But such a device can easily and special costs every man can easily do it with his own hands.

A device that effectively increases male dignity can be made from available materials, but first you need to find out and understand what the principle of operation is and what the mechanism of the pump is. In fact, the design of a vacuum pump is quite simple, but failure to follow the rules for its manufacture and use can lead to tragic consequences.

Vacuum enlarger industrial production consists of several functional parts. A flask is a container in which a vacuum acts directly on the object of magnification, as well as a pump that pumps air out of its cavity. As a rule, the container and the pump are connected by an adapter - a plastic or rubber tube, due to which the intensity of the effect of the vacuum on the soft tissues of the manhood is reduced, thereby eliminating the traumatic effect.

The device is designed to apply vacuum to the tissue of the phallus. Due to the resulting pressure, blood circulation increases and lymph drainage is activated. Due to this effect, the blood supply to small capillaries is restored, as well as in soft tissues microtraumas are formed, causing slight swelling, which gives an almost instantaneous effect of growth in length and volume.

The use of such a mechanism for a man is shown not only to increase the physical parameters of the genital organ - length and diameter. A penis pump also has a beneficial effect on the health of the reproductive system.

  • By increasing blood circulation, sexual dysfunction is eliminated, erection is restored and the risk of developing impotence is reduced.
  • In the long term, the quality of sexual life and the duration of sexual intercourse improves due to increased blood supply to tissues.
  • With the right approach to using the device, the procedures will have a preventive effect to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Thanks to the drainage effect, lymph circulation improves, which helps activate local immunity and protect the health of the reproductive system.

To make a device with your own hands at home, you must first find suitable materials. It is important to understand that the materials must be safe. So, what do you need to make a vacuum device for penis enlargement?

  1. First of all, you need to choose a suitable flask. The size and volume are calculated based on the initial parameters - the length and circumference of the genital organ. For such purposes, you can use an aerosol deodorant can, plastic bottle, unnecessary pastry syringe.
  2. You will also need a small piece of plastic tube; you can purchase such a part for the device being manufactured at a pharmacy (dropper system).
  3. A pump is also needed to pump out air from the flask. For such purposes, you can use a volumetric syringe, a rubber bulb (syringe), or a regular pump for balls or balloons.
  4. For fastening and sealing you will need sealant or silicone glue.
  5. Need to pick up suitable material for a cuff on the opening of the flask, which will provide a seal and prevent injury to the genital organ.

Description of device assembly

The assembly of a device designed to enlarge the penis is carried out in several stages. In total, this will take no more than half an hour, if everything necessary materials will be at hand. So, how to make a vacuum male enhancement?

  1. First you need to prepare the flask. 2 holes are made in it - one small one, the diameter of which coincides with the circumference of the adapter - rubber, plastic or silicone tube.
  2. Using sealant or glue, it is necessary to attach an adapter tube to the flask. There should not even be microscopic holes at the junction of the adapter with the flask, as this will interfere with the pumping of air.
  3. It is necessary to attach a cuff to the outer hole of the flask, which will ensure a tight seal at the point where the genital organ enters the container and prevent injury. For reliability, you need to fix it with glue.
  4. The final stage is connecting the adapter to a pump or rubber bulb. There should also not be even small holes at the junction of the tube with the pump - sealant must be used to ensure the integrity of the structure.

Common manufacturing mistakes

There is nothing complicated about assembling a homemade penis enlarger. But if mistakes are made, the resulting mechanism will not fully perform its functions. What are the most common mistakes in product manufacturing?

  • The adapter tube is too long. Because of this, the effectiveness of the vacuum effect will decrease.
  • An excessively short adapter or its absence is also undesirable, since the effect of vacuum can be traumatic.
  • Using too large a container is also typical mistake. The larger its volume, the more powerful the pump must be to pump out air.
  • A leaky connection between the components of the mechanism is a mistake that will also prevent the device from being used for its intended purpose with maximum efficiency.

Basic rules of use

The principle of operation and rules for using the mechanism are the same as those of the industrial production enlarger. It is important to follow the recommendations to avoid negative consequences. How to use a penis enlarger correctly?

  1. Firstly, you must comply hygiene rules – the device must be kept clean and washed with a disinfectant solution before use, so that in case of microtrauma it does not cause infection.
  2. Lubricant should be used for each procedure– pharmaceutical grease or other suitable oils. For example, Vaseline or olive oil.
  3. The penis is inserted into the cleaned flask so that the cuff is in close contact with the skin in the pubic bone area. During the procedure, it is adjacent to the body perpendicularly.
  4. After this, the air is pumped out using a pump. The maximum duration of vacuum exposure on the genital organ is from 30 to 60 seconds for one procedure. 10-15 repetitions are allowed at one time.

Advantages of a homemade pump

The main advantage homemade device is its availability - a device made by yourself will cost 10-15 times less than a ready-made device. In addition, this solution is optimal for those who feel constrained in stores with similar goods. And of course, homemade instrument can be maximally adapted to individual anatomical features.

Vacuum massage is not a panacea!

It is important to understand this and not place excessive hopes on a homemade miracle device. Not in all cases the device can help solve the problem. In order to effectively cope with problems in the sexual sphere, it is better to entrust this matter to specialists!

Quite often the master does not have enough tools to bring some idea to life. This happened to me when I had to deal with the need to work with a vacuum. At first I used low-power household systems for canning, but very soon I needed molds with a capacity of more than a liter, and I decided to make a vacuum chamber with my own hands. On the small-scale industrial market, their choice is small, and the prices are more than high.

Why are vacuum chambers needed in handmade and small industry? They are used to degas various molding compounds, which ensures the creation of a high-quality mold. Vacuum degassing chambers help remove air bubbles from injection molded polyurethanes, also providing high quality products. Degassing is necessary for soap makers, because after preparing soap, especially transparent soap with graphic elements, the presence of air bubbles that spoil the product is unacceptable. So, how can you make a vacuum chamber for degassing yourself without much expense?

Materials and tools:

  • vacuum pump
  • freon bottle
  • oxygen hose
  • clamps
  • screwdriver
  • key for 8
  • marker
  • Bulgarian
  • plasticine
  • silicone

Making a vacuum chamber for degassing with your own hands

We will only make a vacuum chamber; we will still have to buy a pump. It is almost impossible to make at home. I bought a vacuum pump that gives 15 liters of vacuum per minute, I don’t need more.

We turn a freon bottle into a vacuum chamber. To do this, cut off the top of the cylinder, just straight. To do this, mark the same distance from the middle of the top point of the cylinder with a tape measure, make several marks in a circle, and then use a marker to close them into a line in a circle. We take a grinder and cut it off. What you get is a stripped-down cylinder and a plate cut off from it.

Next, turn the cut plate over and insert it into place. Now you will need the services of a gas welder. We need to weld the plate upside down, and then cut a hole in it of the diameter we need. I made it so that it could pass freely liter jar. Such simple work can be done for you at any car service center or household. yard for almost nothing.

The next step is to create a gasket that will seal the cylinder while pumping out air. To do this, we glue a side around the perimeter of the plasticine cutout at a height above the general cut horizon. Pour silicone into the resulting groove. I used Elastoform, as it is not expensive, but reliable. You can, in principle, use ordinary plumbing, but it will take a very long time to harden, since it does not contain a catalyst.

To pump air out of the chamber, it needs a lid. Ideally, you should use a piece of plexiglass for this. This way you can see what process is happening in the chamber. However, I came across a ceramic floor tiles, which I cut to a diameter half a centimeter smaller than the outside of the silicone gasket. This way the lid will fit well and hold the vacuum.

The camera is almost ready. All freon cylinders have carrying handles and a tap. Now, turning the cylinder upside down, we will place it on the handles, like on supports.

We put one end of the oxygen hose on the faucet and clamp it with a clamp. After pumping out the air, you can close the tap and the vacuum will remain in the chamber. In order to let air into the chamber, you need to remove the hose from the fitting of the pump or chamber and open the tap.

You can complicate the design, put a tee with a threaded valve in the hose, make a receiver for permanent vacuum storage, but such a chamber is enough to do the simplest work.

A vacuum pump for penis enlargement is an innovative product that is based on applying pressure to the penis.

The device gives quick but short-term results. The real increase occurs after systematic and long-term use.

The device is purchased in specialized stores or collected from improvised means. With the right approach, a device similar to conveyor pumps is obtained.


The materials from which homemade ones are made are simple. It consists of 4 elements:

  • Plastic cylinder– the form in which the member is placed.
  • Sealant– a rubber bottom with a hole serves to fix the penis.
  • Tube— air is pumped out of the cylindrical shape through it.
  • Piston- as in a pressure measuring device. Serves to form a vacuum, attached to the tube.

By putting the parts together, you get an effective device, problem solver insufficient penis size.

Operating principle

  1. The genital organ is placed in a cylindrical shape in a calm state.
  2. The piston gradually pumps out air, creating a vacuum and achieving an erection.
  3. After ejaculation, air is pumped into the cylinder and the penis is removed.

Learn more about how a penis pump works in this video:

What improvised elements can be used

For assembly, select the following set:

  • A jar is used as a cylinder for feeding infants. It fits in shape and size. It is prohibited to use glass flasks. Due to pressure changes the glass will crack and cause injury.
  • Medical tube from an IV.
  • An alternative to a plunger is a syringe.

An old tonometer will be a worthy replacement for the above components. It contains a bulb and a wire for pumping air.

How to make a penis pump: description of the assembly process

It will take 30-50 minutes to create a pump at home.

  1. In the bottle, carefully cut out a hole for the penis in the center of the lid. The size corresponds to the width of the erect penis.
  2. On the other side of the bottle we cut a hole for the tube.
  3. We place its edge in the hole and treat it with sealant.

    If you do not use sealant, you will not be able to create a vacuum.

  4. We put the other end of the tube on the five-cc syringe and tighten it with a clamp or other seal.

Manufactured pump serves for 2-3 years, not inferior in properties to the conveyor version.
The following video describes independent process pump assemblies:

The most common mistakes

Assembling correctly is not a difficult task. Beginners make mistakes in the methods of processing the device, choosing components and exercises.

Mistake #1– Incorrectly selected seal

Failure to use a seal or incorrect selection of hole sizes leads to to suction of testicles into a cylinder. This should not be allowed, as there is a high risk of injury.

Mistake #2– The tube is not secured

1. We fix the tube on both sides of the vacuum pump. Otherwise it will fly off and air will get into the bottle.
2. We treat the hole of the bottle into which the cord enters with sealant. Even micro-cracks lead to vacuum disruption.

Mistake #3– Plastic cover

We construct a vacuum pump with a rubber cover. Plastic rubs and presses on the genitals during an erection.

Mistake #4– Narrow tube

We do not use material with an internal diameter less than 2-3 mm. It bends and air does not enter the cylinder.

Instructions for use: basic rules

Obtaining a pleasant result accompanied by comfort depends on following the rules and precautions.

  1. Lubricate the base and hole in the bottle with lubricant, insert the penis into the mold.
  2. We pump out the air from the cylinder, penis begins to erect until a vacuum state occurs.
  3. For complete fixation bend the hose and secure it with a clothespin. This way the air won't get back in.

We leave the penis in this state for 30-40 minutes. You can masturbate if you wish.

Harm and contraindications

At misuse, there is a possible risk of causing harm or injury.

Manufacturers and doctors have developed a list of contraindications.

  1. Tendency to bleed. High pressure in the cylinder increases blood flow, which provokes symptoms.
  2. Combining analgesics with procedures is dangerous. The absence of pain will not let you know when it’s time to stop the process.
  3. Excessive use leads to hematomas and bruises on the penis.
  4. Painful erections are the reason for looking for alternative options to the pump.

The presence of at least one of them is the reason for refusing to use a vacuum pump.

Homemade or purchased

The question of the benefits of creating devices from improvised means is relevant. There are branded models for only 15$. However, the price spread in this category of goods is quite noticeable. Let's analyze all the pros and cons.

Advantages of the factory option

  1. Cost for a simple model - $15.
  2. I produce pumps using strict technology. They do not cause discomfort.
  3. Wide choice: amount, shape, color and method of air injection.
  4. Confidentiality. Ordering from an online store requires delivery in opaque packaging without indicating the contents.

Advantages of a homemade pump

  1. Spend less money.

By assembling the model yourself, you get satisfaction from the design process. Operation will not give such results. The device costs less than a thousand rubles, so it is popular among clients in this market. A homemade pump is used as a “demo version”: collected, tried. I liked it and bought a store-bought equivalent.

Let's sum it up

Firstly: assemble a vacuum pump for penis simple and takes one hour. It is made from scrap materials.

Secondly: Before operation, read the rules and precautions to avoid harm to health. A pump is a mechanism that brings irreversible consequences to the functioning of the body.

Thirdly: two cases in which they design a pump on their own: there is no desire to spend money or they try the device to understand the principle of its operation.

We wish you good luck in implementing any of your decisions.