Bricklaying: Cover a cinder block wall with a narrow bassoon. Rules for building walls from cinder blocks How to build walls from cinder blocks

Any reasonable person and a prudent owner, before building a house from cinder block, carefully studies the advantages of this building material, its physical and mechanical characteristics, thereby choosing the most optimal view wall blocks.

Low price, ease of installation and the ability to make the material yourself, about thirty years ago made cinder block popular with both individual and large developers. But from those times to this day, there has been an opinion among people that building a house from cinder blocks is dangerous to health. This is partly due to the fact that previously as a placeholder in wall blocks“available” materials were used: blast furnace slag, which was desperately “fouling”, and solid waste industrial enterprises.

However, as the population’s well-being grew and the market became saturated with new, modern building materials, the construction of cinder block houses has not lost its relevance, because technological progress has also affected this simple product.

What is it like, a modern cinder block

The following types of cinder blocks are distinguished:

  • Solid - used for the construction of foundations, plinths and load-bearing walls;
  • Hollow - external walls and internal partitions are laid out of it.

To select the hollow material most often used in low-rise construction, you need to take into account its properties, which directly depend on the type and number of internal voids:

  • Most high performance in terms of thermal conductivity, blocks with a hollowness of 40%, they are also the least durable. Therefore, these products are used as thermal insulation in addition to more durable materials;
  • A hollowness of 30% allows the products to combine the balance of required strength and good thermal insulation characteristics;
  • It is believed that blocks with round (oval) internal chambers are more durable, and those with rectangular ones are more convenient for installation and cut evenly.

Wall block fillers

Perhaps one more important aspect The thing you need to pay attention to is the fillers. As mentioned above, previously industrial waste was used as fillers; their use often had a negative impact on the health of residents.

Nowadays you can also find products with blast furnace slag inside, but most often the manufacturer tries to produce a product that meets the requirements safe use and accommodation.

To obtain durable, dense blocks with high thermal conductivity, sand, pebbles or crushed stone are used. From a lighter one concrete mixture with the addition of gravel, perlite or expanded clay, blocks with less weight and thermal conductivity are made. The most environmentally friendly filler - sawdust, the only disadvantage of such products is fear of hydrophobia.

Weight and standard sizes of cinder block

Physical and mechanical characteristics of cinder blocks

  • Strength. Brand M35 is used in conjunction with another material to insulate the structure; M50 and M 75 – for laying walls and internal partitions; M100 and M 125 – for foundations and plinths;
  • Frost resistance– from 15 to 50 cycles of freezing and thawing. For external walls It is recommended to use blocks with frost resistance of at least 35 cycles, and in northern regions – 50;
  • Thermal conductivity cinder block is not inferior to the performance of brick.

Knowing the above-mentioned features of the building material, you can easily choose the most suitable one, and building a house from cinder block will not present any unpleasant surprises.

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If you are faced with the task of quickly and inexpensively building your own home, pay attention to cinder blocks. This one is inexpensive building material enjoys deserved popularity among private developers. His technical specifications allow you to create comfortable and reliable housing.. The pros and cons of such construction, types of blocks and their purpose, the work algorithm are in our article.

Cinder concrete houses are an example of cheap and rapid construction

Cinder block is a building stone prepared by pressing from cement and filler. Mass production of cinder blocks is developed in regions with metallurgical production. That's where the waste is blast furnaces actively used in the manufacture of building materials. The first part of the name, slag, may have a non-literal meaning. It is understood as crushed stone, crushed glass or expanded clay, shavings and sawdust, ash, ash, sand.

What is better to choose for construction: brick or cinder block

A slag concrete house has its pros and cons, but, compared to a brick one, it, oddly enough, wins. Cinder block has a porous structure and holds heat much better than brick. Brick also has excellent thermal insulation qualities, but to heat cold house from this material, it will take a very long time.

A slag concrete wall weighs less than a brick wall, which means there is no need for a reinforced foundation. For construction brick walls it will take longer and the cost of the work will be much higher. Again, the cost of a cinder block is lower than the cost of a brick.


If you want to make your garage or house built from cinder block more beautiful and attractive, you can line it with brick. For example, you can take facing brick The “bassoon” is narrow, made to look like wild stone. In addition, it is necessary to prepare the material (sand, cement). The consistency of the solution for this work is as follows: 1 bucket of cement to 3 buckets of sand. It is best to use sifted sand through a fine mesh. From my own experience, I was convinced that when small and not very small stones come across in the solution, it takes time and is very annoying. You can make your own seeder. To do this, four boards are knocked together and a metal mesh is attached to them.
As for cutting bricks, I do not recommend breaking bricks with a hammer. Use a grinder with a stone disc. If the main part of the brick is cut, it is very easy to knock off the rest. But this skill will come with work. The mortar is applied to the brick in a thin layer, using a template or placing a 7mm square strip on the edge of the brick. So that the solution does not reach the edge of the masonry 1 - 1.7 cm.

This creates an empty seam, which looks much more beautiful. In addition, it is important to ensure that the mortar is a little rigid, so that the brick will not float after laying. But how much water to add will become clear during the work. If the solution is dry, add a little water to the bucket and mix.
Brick can be used in two colors, yellow and red. The main area is covered yellow, and the inserts are made of red brick. For example, doors or windows can be highlighted in red. We lay red bricks along the door: one is whole, on the next row a half, on the third row again whole, etc.

Since the wall is not solid (on one wall there is a gate to the garage, a meter away there is a door to the room, and next to it there is a window), there are gaps in the masonry. In this case, you should not lay the bricks separately in fragments. It is necessary to stretch the fishing line, preferably colored (green or red) along the entire row. The fishing line is stretched from one corner of the wall to the other after checking the wall building level vertically.
It may happen that in one corner there is a thin layer of mortar, and in another there is a thick layer at the base. Since there will be discrepancies in the foundation in any case, use water or laser level to level the masonry base as much as possible. When laying the first row of bricks, try to make the overall level of the entire masonry horizontally. Yes, by the way, it is best to let the first row of bricks dry well and set, especially if there is a thick layer of mortar underneath.

Ideally, it is better to continue work the next day. Then the first row will definitely not settle or float. Well, that is if you are not in a hurry with your work.
To fasten the rows, you can use thin wire, placing it in the seam between the bricks, on every third or fourth row. Thanks to this there will be less problems in the future. Using a level or plumb line, you need to check each corner or those bricks where the row ends (along the gate or doors). But if the door is placed slightly crooked and not level, and you try to lay the brick level along the cashing, then the discrepancies will look ugly. In this case, the masonry will float towards the cashing or, conversely, move away from it. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to find a middle ground. And in order to make it visually beautiful, you need to lay facing bricks along the casing.

Monitor the thickness of the vertical seam so that it is at the same level along the entire height of the wall. That is, use the same template (glazing bead, square). For better wall reinforcement, tie your siding to the main wall of your home or garage. To do this, anchors are used that are attached to the cinder block of the main wall, after which a wire is tied to it, which is laid along the masonry to the right and left. If there is a space between the cladding and the cinder block wall, you should not fill it with mortar. There will be a thermal insulation layer. Although there are many opinions and disputes on this matter.

It is quite possible even for an inexperienced beginner to build a cinder block building on their own. To build, you need to purchase a cinder block or make it yourself. This material allows you to build a home in a short time, because the size of the blocks is quite large, much larger than, for example, brick. The name of the material itself comes from the main component of the material - slag, but now both slag and other compositions can be used. Among the wide variety of materials on the construction market, the construction of buildings from cinder blocks occupies a leading place. Let's take a closer look at how to build a house with your own hands using cinder blocks, how to make the material yourself, and the nuances of this type of construction.

Making cinder blocks yourself

If to build a home you decide not to buy building materials, but to make it yourself, you need to prepare for this process and take into account the necessary points:

  • Find or make special forms where the solution will be poured, there should be large number so as to dry finished goods will be in molds, the material for the base can be iron or wood.
  • The best grades of cement are four or five hundred; the strength of the cinder block, and therefore the quality of the entire building, will depend on the quality.
  • Water that will be used to mix the solution.
  • Various fillers, which ones are up to you, it can be sand, expanded clay, furnace slag, shavings.
  • Devices for creating voids in blocks; bottles or blanks made of any materials are suitable for these purposes.

To obtain a high-quality cinder block, you need to mix the solution in proportions of three to one and five. This will be sand, cement and your chosen filler. It is necessary to insert devices into the mold to form voids and then pour the solution; the blocks will take a number of days to dry, which will depend on weather conditions, but it is recommended to remove the blanks after six to eight hours.

IN best case scenario in a day it will be possible to release the molds for the blocks for the production of the next batch. We stack the freed blocks for final drying; the cinder blocks should be kept for about a month and only after final drying can the walls be erected. But ideal option After all, there will be not the freshest products, but those that were prepared several months in advance, and even better from the previous season.

Advantages of cinder block houses

A building built from cinder blocks lasts for a hundred years, and these are not just words. There are buildings made from this material that are already a century old, and their quality is still excellent.

Why is cinder block construction considered a priority? Let's analyze:

  • one of the most important advantages of such buildings is fire safety;
  • If you do not ignore the issue of reinforcement when building a cinder block house, then the construction will not be afraid of either natural disasters or climate change;
  • the material is good because it holds heat well and protects against temperature changes;
  • it is easy to repair the building;
  • masonry is done faster due to the fact that the size of the blocks is large enough, you can change the thickness of the walls and use masonry in one, one and a half or two blocks;
  • construction does not require special knowledge;
  • on the Internet you can find various proposals for designing houses made of cinder blocks;
  • the building material is not subject to biological destruction and can last for more than a century;
  • the blocks are an excellent soundproofing system;
  • prices for building materials are affordable.

Features of cinder block

Cinder block can be found in three types - a standard block, measuring twenty by forty centimeters, a half-block and a block with internal voids. Therefore, blocks for construction come in two options:

  • monolithic;
  • hollow.

Hollow ones differ in the volume of cavities inside the product:

  • two rectangular cavities;
  • four rectangular cavities;
  • two or three rounded cavities;
  • three rows of randomly shaped voids.

The strength of the material is marked by the magnitude of the load. If the block is low bearing capacity, its use in multi-story buildings is prohibited; high hygroscopicity entails the following requirements:

  • do masonry only in good dry weather;
  • make masonry only on a sufficiently high foundation - more than half a meter;
  • apply the final outer coating immediately after building the walls, the layer thickness should be at least two to three centimeters;
  • The frame of the house must be covered with a roof as soon as possible.

Disadvantages of cinder block

Despite the large number of advantages of cinder block as a material for the construction of residential buildings, there are also negative points material usage:

  • the appearance of the erected walls is not very attractive and requires finishing coating who can decorate the building;
  • when using blocks with decorative structure, requires additional waterproofing, which complicates construction and requires additional financial investments;
  • it is not easy to carry out drainage and energy supply;
  • it is necessary to insulate the walls, since the material has high thermal conductivity;
  • environmental safety is often a big question; if manufacturers used unlicensed brands of fillers, then there may be a possibility radioactive radiation.

Exterior decoration of a cinder block house

The construction of residential buildings from cinder block is becoming increasingly popular; such construction can be carried out quickly, while the cinder block inexpensive material, but the looseness of the walls, water absorption, and poor tolerance of temperature changes make it necessary to externally insulate the walls or apply decorative finishing.

Builders claim that if you carry out high-quality external finishing of wall surfaces, this will not only protect the material from adverse influences environment, but will also help to insulate the house. In this case, internal insulation is not necessary.

You can clad a house with many materials; the owner himself decides which one to choose, based on cost and preferences.

The following types can be distinguished exterior finishing cinder block houses:

  • curtain wall or siding;
  • stone cladding;
  • decorative plaster;
  • brick cladding.

The most inexpensive work is considered to be insulating a house using polystyrene foam and applying plaster and painting.

Choosing a cinder block for your home

If you make cinder blocks yourself, carefully check the quality of the materials. An auxiliary substance such as slag, granotsev or other raw materials must have a quality certificate. A dangerous point when using cinder block construction is the possibility of radioactive radiation. Also, when purchasing ready-made material, check the documents and certificates. Pay attention to the following recommendations when choosing a cinder block:

  • when buying blocks, give preference to environmentally friendly fillers - crushed stone, shell rock, shavings;
  • buying ready material, check all bundles of cinder blocks to ensure they are identical and intact;
  • check the characteristics of raw materials, which directly affect density, frost resistance, thermal conductivity and strength;
  • the quality of the product can be checked using a one and a half centimeter nail, if it fits into the lower block - the quality of the building material is questionable;
  • During production, a vibrating machine must be used, otherwise the blocks will only be suitable for outbuildings, but not for residential premises;
  • pay attention to the color of the cinder block - gray indicates a large amount of cement, if the color of the filler predominates, you need to check the quality of the blocks with special attention.

When choosing a cinder block, listen to the advice of professionals who recommend:

  • give preference to blocks made at the factory, rather than in unknown places using unknown technology, so you will be confident in the quality of the building material and the reliability of its characteristics;
  • There is a way to check the quality of a cinder block - if it falls from a height of one and a half meters and does not break, does not crumble, but remains intact or the edges are slightly chipped, then the block is very good quality, otherwise there are big questions about the quality of the material.

Tools for DIY home construction

You can build a house with your own hands, without involving anyone in this process. construction team. To do this, you need to prepare theoretically if you are an inexperienced amateur. Surely, in your environment there will be a person who will give good advice how to build a cinder block house. First you need to stock up on the necessary tools:

  • a trowel for spreading the mortar;
  • level to check the correctness of the masonry;
  • a plumb line to lay out the wall evenly;
  • tub, for mixing the solution;
  • shovel, for collecting raw materials;
  • a pickaxe for leveling blocks;
  • bucket, carry water;
  • stretchers, carry heavy materials;
  • protective equipment, this could be a respirator and eye protection glasses.

To save effort, experienced builders recommend renting a concrete mixer, since mixing the solution by hand is very difficult and a lot of time is spent on one batch. A day's rent is inexpensive, but you will significantly save energy, health and time.

It is also necessary to think in advance about scaffolding, from which it will be much more convenient and faster to build a house. Laying a cinder block from a stepladder is very difficult, since the weight of the block is on average twenty-eight to thirty centimeters.

Technology for building a cinder block house

The tools have been collected, the material has been purchased, you can get started, but there are still a few things left to be convinced of:

  • double-check the number of blocks to make sure there are enough of them;
  • check that all necessary tools are available;
  • carefully study the masonry technique and methods of connecting rows;
  • calculate the forces and time to build walls at the most suitable temperature;
  • before the start construction work when constructing the walls, make sure that the foundation is level, using brick if necessary;
  • We must not forget about waterproofing the foundation before laying the first row.

Laying blocks can be done in several ways:

  • in one block;
  • half;
  • one and a half blocks;
  • in two blocks.

Particular attention is paid to the first rows; the evenness of the entire building depends on them. After each block, the evenness of the masonry is checked using a plumb line or level. Construction begins with the laying of four corners at once, the height is set to four rows. The rows must be laid using a stretched cord.

When working with hollow blocks It should be remembered that the voids do not need to be filled with mortar; their purpose is for thermal insulation.

It is important not to forget about the connection of rows and to use reinforcement. Reinforcement is recommended every four rows.

If, after the walls have been erected, it is planned to cladding the external walls, then there is no need to unstitch the seams. But if you don't plan decorative cladding, every two to three rows it is necessary to remove excess mortar from the seams.

You can build a cinder block house with your own hands in a short period of time. If it’s hard to figure out what your future home should be like and make a drawing, you can turn to specialists who will help you plan, taking into account your desires. Drawings of a cinder block house can be found on the Internet or you can come up with it yourself. Flights of imagination and the realization of your desires will help you create your dream home.

Before building a cinder block house, you need to thoroughly study theoretical issues and weigh your strengths. If you are ready, then watching a video on how to build a house from cinder blocks will help you understand the basic issues of purchasing building materials, stages and rules of construction. Upon completion of construction, you will be able to equip your own home, which will allow you and your children, as well as future generations, to enjoy life in it.

How to build a house from cinder blocks?

To build a house from cinder blocks, you don’t have to turn to professional builders; you can study the cinder block construction method and do everything yourself. First, develop a project, calculate how much material you will need, and you can get to work.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Before you start creating a project and building a house, you need to learn about the pros and cons of buildings made from cinder blocks.

Advantages of cinder block houses:

  1. Saving money. This material is much cheaper than brick and wood, especially if you produce it yourself.
  2. A cinder block house does not require a massive foundation.
  3. The material does not impose any special requirements for storage and transportation.
  4. The construction is reliable and does not differ in quality from houses built from other materials.

But there is also two significant drawbacks:

  1. The material is afraid of water, so you can build a house only in dry weather, and then plaster the walls well.
  2. To ensure the required level of noise and heat insulation, it is necessary to responsibly select materials. If this stage of construction is not done correctly, moisture will seep into the cinder block.

Foundation for a cinder block house

Main requirements for the foundation: it must be high to protect the house from moisture, which cinder block is so afraid of, and well insulated. If the house is one-story and without reinforced concrete floors, then the foundation does not have to be super strong.

To build the foundation for a cinder block house you will need: crushed stone, cement, gravel, reinforcement, sand, concrete mixer, cinder blocks, opata, level, hydro- and vapor barrier material.

This process is carried out in several stages:

  1. Dig a trench and make a bed of sand and gravel about 50cm high.
  2. Install the formwork and make a reinforced frame.
  3. Prepare concrete mortar: mix 3 parts sand and crushed stone and 1 part cement. Fill the prepared structure with it.

Construction of the base, if provided, can begin after 7 days, and the construction of walls can only be done after complete drying (after approximately 1 month).


First, the corners are set so that the walls are perfectly even. One cinder block is placed in each corner, then it is leveled with a building level. Stretch the twine along which you will lay out the walls. Before starting work, prepare:

  • a mallet for hammering cinder blocks;
  • trowel for removing excess mortar on seams;
  • plasticizer (this material is added to the solution to increase its strength and ductility);
  • circular saw or hacksaw for cutting cinder blocks;
  • orders, plumb lines and spatulas.

Cinder block is laid using one of the traditional methods:

  • tychkovy (one stone);
  • spoon (half a stone);
  • one and a half stones;
  • two stones.

Important to remember that laying cinder blocks can only be done at temperatures above 15 degrees. After preparatory work build the first row of blocks. The height of the seam should not be more than 1.5 cm, otherwise it will lead to deterioration thermal insulation properties. Do not fill cinder block voids with cement!

When erecting the first three rows, check the wall with a level as often as possible; it must be strictly vertical. Cinder blocks are laid offset by ½ block.

To avoid cracks and make the structure stronger, builders advise using reinforcement. To do this you will need fittings and electric cutters or wall chasers. Using electric cutters, recesses are made in cinder blocks, reinforcement is inserted into them and poured cement mortar. This procedure is repeated every fourth row.

Video of building a house from cinder blocks, masonry.

Once the walls are erected, you can begin building the roof. This process cannot be delayed for a long time, so as not to expose the cinder blocks to the harmful effects of precipitation. The same applies to external and internal finishing works.

How to insulate a house?

To make your home comfortable in cold weather, you need take care of the insulation of buildings And. Experts say that it is better to insulate a building from the outside, as this guarantees 70% of the effect; sometimes internal insulation is not even required.

Before internal insulation a vapor barrier layer is installed on the walls and ceiling of the building, after which you can use mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Vapor barrier is not needed for finishing external walls.

If you want to save on insulation, then use polystyrene foam. This is the most cheap material, later it is plastered and painted. You can also buy expanded polystyrene, which has a low level of water absorption, so there is no need to install a vapor barrier layer.

Insulation of walls with foam plastic and decorative works carried out in 5 stages:

  1. The walls are being plastered.
  2. Styrofoam is attached.
  3. Reinforced mesh is being installed.
  4. Work is underway to level and finish the walls.
  5. The building is being painted.

For painting, it is better to choose acrylic or silicone plaster. And if you are not limited in finances, then for insulation it is better to purchase polyurethane foam - modern material, which is applied to walls by pouring or spraying. The result is a coating without seams; it does not allow cold air and moisture to pass through.

How to calculate the number of cinder blocks per house?

If you are building a house from cinder blocks, then first you need to calculate the amount of material. Those who produce the building material themselves can make the missing amount at any time, it is only important to remember that the blocks will take time to become strong.

To calculate the number of cinder blocks you need to know the thickness of the wall. It may differ depending on the climatic conditions of the region where the house is being built. IN middle lane a thickness of 20-40 cm is enough, and for the house to retain heat in harsh winters, the size must be at least 60 cm.

When calculating remember basic construction terms: half a stone (20 cm), a stone (40 cm), one and a half stones (60 cm), two stones (80 cm).

Let's carry out calculations based on the most common parameters that are used when building a house from cinder blocks. For example, you need to build a 9x7 building, the height of the walls is 3 meters. The area of ​​one cinder block is 0.08 m (0.4x0.2).

The first thing to do is calculate the number of blocks per 1 meter of wall. For this, 1/0.08 sq.m., it turns out 12.5 pieces. The wall will be built from two rows, so 12.5x2=25 cinder blocks. Now let’s calculate the area of ​​the house: (9+9+7+7)x3=96 sq.m. 9 and 7 are the length of the walls, and 3 is the height. For everyone square meter 25 cinder blocks are needed, which means for the construction of the entire house: 25x96 = 2400 pieces.

The calculations do not take into account openings, but this is not necessary. Cinder block – brittle material, so you need to take it with a reserve.

House construction price

How much does it cost to build a cinder block house? You can build a house from cinder blocks with your own hands, but do not forget about developing the project. You can do this yourself or entrust it to professionals. The main thing is to take into account climatic conditions and soil characteristics, stability of the building.

The average cost of one cinder block is 35 rubles. For a 9x7 house you will need 2400 pieces, that is, this material will cost 84 thousand rubles. But this is only the construction of walls; we should also not forget about the construction of the foundation, roofing, sound and heat insulation, and finishing work.

Is it worth building?

Many of them are satisfied with the construction process, because the house can be built during the holidays. Save on the material itself and mortar, which costs half as much as brickwork. Houses made from this material look original, are warm in winter and cool in summer.

Cinder block houses- These are reliable and durable buildings. Their construction will not require a lot of time and financial expenses, especially if you produce cinder blocks yourself. But in order for the building to last a long time, and to live in it comfortably, you need to choose the right materials for insulation and finishing.