Male intimate piercing. Male intimate piercing Prince Albert piercing why is it called that

Prince Albert as a male intimate piercing is by far the most common type of male piercing. The name is not the only one for this type of puncture. In America it is also called Pennsylvania.

Here are some photos of the Prince Albert piercing.

Prince Albert Piercing Jewelry

In Europe, as a decoration for this piercing, they often wear a ring locked with a ball. And in America, as a decoration for a piercing, they often wear a semi-ring or a horseshoe with two balls at the ends.

The most common size of jewelry is three to five centimeter rings, with a rod cross-section of four or six millimeters in diameter. The most common ring materials are Titanium, surgical steel and Acrylic.

Prince Albert piercing location

The Prince Albert (Pennsylvania) piercing is located near the frenulum under the head of the penis. The ring used for decoration goes into the puncture under the frenulum and comes out of the urethra. The size of the ring is selected so that the wearer's urethra is closed by no more than three quarters, otherwise it interferes with the natural process of removing moisture from the body.

Prince Albert intimate piercing is worn by men of different ages and social groups. But most often it can be found in young men. Mature men prefer to implant balls into the penis, since they are not so clearly visible to others, and they also provide additional stimulation to their partner.

The healing process of a puncture under the frenulum

Prince Albert piercings for men heal on average in a couple of weeks. But primary healing takes place in three to four days. It is often written on the Internet that after the Prince Albert intimate piercing procedure, you need to abstain from sexual activity for a month. This is wrong! Pain is your friend. She will tell you whether to abstain or not. Gently, with two fingers, lightly squeeze the edge of the puncture; if the pain is significant, then you should wait. If the pain is barely noticeable, then you can safely make love.

If you do not use condoms, then after intercourse, you should wash the edges of the unhealed puncture with an antiseptic. If you use condoms, then you should make sure that the expiration date of the condom does not expire more than a month before the specified date. If the edges of the puncture have not yet completely healed, and after the act the condom was removed, you need to go and urinate in order to wash the wound edges of the puncture with urine (a natural antiseptic).

Care for piercing the penis under the frenulum

Male piercing Prince Albert, also known as Pennsylvania, does not require any special care during the healing period, it provides additional stimulation to the partner, there are some advantages, but what are the disadvantages? Good question! From personal experience, I can say that the downside is that during prolonged sexual intercourse, the ring, moving into the partner’s vagina, slightly rubs the edge of the puncture. Which leads to some unpleasant sensitivity after the act.

Other types of male intimate piercings

  • Pubic piercing - puncture at the base of the penis (Pubic)
  • Piercing Foreskin - puncture of the foreskin of the penis (Foreskin)
  • Dido piercing - puncture of the edge of the glans penis (Dido)
  • Appadravia piercing - vertical piercing of the head of the penis (Apadravia)
  • Ampalang piercing - horizontal piercing of the head of the penis (Ampalang)
  • Piercing Anti Albert - puncture from the urethra to the outer surface of the head (Anti Albert)

The Prince Albert is most likely the most popular of all male genital piercings. Most people find him the most sexually attractive. But the reason is that the healing process proceeds faster than in other cases. The ring extends along the underside of the glans from the urethra (where the glans connects to the shaft of the penis). In a circumcised man, it can be done directly through the center of the frenulum. This is a relatively safe piercing.

"Prince Albert" is a piercing named after Victoria's husband. It was popularized in the 1970s by Richard Simonton (better known as Doug Malloy), a Hollywood businessman with a keen interest in piercings.

In his best-selling pamphlet on the history of genital modification, he tells several made-up stories, including one urban legend that Prince Albert had a very large penis and tried to hide it in tight pants on the eve of his wedding.

In that era, men preferred to wear very To prevent the penis from creating an unattractive bulge in them, it had to be styled in a certain way. To do this, some of them allegedly pierced it and attached it with a special ring to the inside of their trousers. Only this style was called “ring training”. However, later many fashion accessories of that time began to be named after her husband (for example,

There is actually no historical evidence for Malloy's claims. Moreover, in Victorian erotic fiction, including the candid memoirs of the courtesan Cora Pearl or the journalist Frank Harris (his overly explicit multi-volume work My Life and Loves was banned in many countries around the world), there is no mention of genital piercing.

It can be assumed that the foreskin of the penis, held together by a ring, resembles a double-breasted frock coat, also known as a "Prince Albert", hence the name. Like most other types, this jewelry piercing has roots in a practice developed in gay communities in the twentieth century, and became widely known when piercing generally began to appear in the late 1970s.

Many owners of "PA" say that it is very effective during sex and greatly stimulates both partners. Although the ring can also cause discomfort in a woman (if it comes into contact with the cervix).

Jewelry characteristic of this species, in addition to the ring with a ball clasp, includes a curved barbell, a straight barbell, and the "Prince's Wand."

Healing after a puncture occurs in a period of four to six months. At first, swelling and minor inflammation may occur. In extremely rare cases, Prince Albert piercings can lead to local infections. The fact is that even the owner's own urine actually serves as a healing agent. But in any case, certain hygiene procedures will not be superfluous. It is recommended to wash the penis daily with water and sea salt or soap, after which the area should be thoroughly dried. At first, you will have to endure some discomfort in the place where the jewelry comes into contact with the foreskin of the penis and rubs it.

As for the first, he was simply irreplaceable in the kingdom. This man got up before everyone else and immediately got to work. His duties included drawing up responses to requests from ministers, writing various letters, and the government and the “cream” of society only had time to sign them. When Victoria joined him, she began to help him and brightened up his loneliness.

Prince Albert is a dedicated worker, who every day became more interested in the political sphere and tried to learn about many others. He immersed himself in government affairs with the goal of offering his approach to solving certain problems. Victoria, in turn, was no longer as interested in politics as before, so she simply needed such an indispensable assistant. In one of the interviews, she even said that a woman should not manage government affairs, this should be done exclusively by a man. The queen also noted that she is convinced of her words every day. Prince Albert became an invaluable employee and true friend to her.

Royal tie

The Prince Albert knot is popular these days. It is very similar to an ordinary one, but has an additional thickening near the loop. In order to tie it, you should study the technique and techniques. First, tie the tie around your neck with the right side, and place the wide end on the left (it should be slightly lower than the thin one). Next you need to cross the right and left parts. Then pass the wide end to the left under the narrow one, and then to the right and lay it over the thin one. We repeat this twice. After this, from the inside, through the neck loop, we pull the wide end of the tie from the bottom up, tighten it well and smooth it out. The node is ready. It is suitable for going to work and for a particularly important occasion.

Monarch piercing

Piercing is popular these days. It can be done on any part of the body, decorated with a variety of jewelry and accessories. Most often, this is one of the ways a person expresses himself; some simply pierce the body for pleasure or to imitate world stars. Recently, men have been getting the Prince Albert piercing. It is pierced on the male genitals. When worn for a long time, there is a risk of stretching, so it is not recommended to wear jewelry that is too large or voluminous. In addition, this threatens tissue depletion, the formation of unintentional meatotomy, and simply discomfort. On the other hand, when the jewelry is too small, there is a chance that it will fuse with the skin, or the piercing will migrate. Therefore, doctors recommend using straight and curved barbells, rings with a ball clasp, or other special accessories, such as a wand, for Prince Albert piercings. It consists of a hollow tube with a screw-on cap at the end. It is inserted into the urethra, and an additional rod is installed into the tube, which helps fix the jewelry.

For a standard primary PA (Prince Albert) piercing, rings, barbells or horseshoes measuring 1.6mm x 16mm/18mm are used. Decorations 2.0mm (or thicker) x 14mm/16mm are optional.
For implantations, balls without threads and through holes (from rings) of 5 mm and 6 mm are used.

Ampallang is a transverse puncture of the glans in which the bar passes either above the urethra or through the urethra. The puncture is usually made relatively shallow, so as not to enter the cavernous body and the urethra. Healing time varies from 3 to 9 months, which is enough time to consider the possibility of having a double ampallang.

Apadravya (sometimes "apadavya" or "apadavrya") is the vertical equivalent of Ampallang. In this case, the bar crosses the head from top to bottom without crossing the urethra; sometimes "apadravya" is located more proximally, in the body of the penis - this option is preferable to the glans, and is considered as a deep "Apadravya".

The dydoe is a coronal (circular) piercing located in the coronal sulcus. Can be single or multiple.

The foreskin also did not escape the attention of piercers. The piercing usually heals within 6-10 weeks. Piercing in this case can even play the role of a kind of “chastity belt”. In doing so, it connects one lateral (side) side of the foreskin with the opposite side. Therefore, the foreskin is difficult to retract (retract), which significantly complicates sexual intercourse.

The frenulum punctures are made down the length of the frenulum and along the midline seam.

Prince Albert - one of the most famous male genital piercings, consists of a ring that penetrates the urethra and exits through the ventral surface of the penis. Many proud PA owners describe this piercing as “intense urethral stimulation during sexual intercourse.”
The Prince's Rod is a variation of the PA piercing that uses a T-bar instead of a closed ring. The puncture is made through the urethra and the ventral passage remaining from the VA, and therefore is no longer considered as a puncture, but as an additional decoration.

Hafada (or “Hafad”) is a special type of scrotal piercing with a ring or barbell located above and to the side. The scrotal puncture is a stepped placement, usually along the midline suture.

From 1 to 3 months. Sometimes longer, depending on the care and quality of the jewelry.

For the first 2 weeks, it is strongly recommended to wear a constant antiseptic compress to avoid injury and infection.
The washing procedure is standard, with a solution of C./M. 2 times a day and additionally if there is a risk of infection (for example, after swimming).

The main problem is to abstain from sex during the entire healing period.

Practically never occur.

If an infection occurs, you need to immediately find out the cause (for example, after sex; from hands that are always dirty; due to improper washing and turning; in case of injuries, etc.) and prescribe antiseptic rinses and compresses:
- morning and evening for 1-2 minutes, take baths with C./M. and compresses. Antiseptic ointments (levomekol, tetracycline ointment, etc.) should be used only in difficult cases (for example, infection) and strictly according to the instructions for the medicine. If the infection cannot be eliminated within 7-14 days, then the jewelry should be removed and the puncture healed.

Intimate piercing can be repeated only in cases where the old canal has completely healed. You cannot do 2 punctures at once, because... During healing, the tissues tighten and the channels prevent each other from forming freely.

The Prince Albert intimate piercing is a piercing of the male penis along the underside of the glans and urethra. If circumcised, the earring goes through the center of the frenulum. An extravagant, but very popular way of modifying the genitals. There is an interesting version of its origin, but is it true? How safe is it to insert jewelry into a sensitive area of ​​the body? We invite you to delve into the history of piercing.

What is and features of Prince Albert piercing

Piercing Prince was named in honor of the legal husband of Victoria, the Queen of England. According to the popular version of the origin of intimate piercing, the future king, a lover of tight fashionable trousers and horse riding, had an oversized genital organ, which made it difficult to do his favorite activities. Long-term inconveniences led to the idea of ​​​​inserting a ring into the head of the penis, with which you can fix the foreskin to clothing. Soon, aristocratic friends and associates repeated the feat and popularized piercing. For a long period of time, when sewing trousers, London tailors specifically checked with the customer on which side it was more convenient for them to place the fastening for the ring.

The story is fluid and there is no documented evidence to support the urban legend, but it became a major one thanks to Hollywood businessman Richard Simonton, known to the public as Doug Malloy. He was interested in various methods of body modification and in the 70s of the last century he told the general public about the Prince Albert male piercing.

This type of piercing is also loved by men of the 21st century. According to the owners, the decoration enhances the pleasure of sex. During an erection, the earring is pulled into the flesh, creating a rigid frame that causes acute pleasure in the woman and its owner.

There is another subspecies called the reverse Prince Albert. The main difference in the location of the earring is the entrance and exit on the head of the penis. The foreskin and frenulum remain untouched.

Choosing a puncture site

The main purpose of the piercing is additional sexual stimulation, so everyone decides on their own where to place the earring. Traditionally, decorations are placed in areas that actively participate in sexual games.

Intimate piercings are varied and can be pierced in the following places:

  • head;
  • foreskin;
  • testicles;
  • bridle.

The procedure should be carried out in a salon by professionals who have experience working in this part of the body.

Before starting, the specialist will tell you about contraindications, care and complications that may arise.

Prince Albert piercing rules:

  1. The specialist examines the penis and, together with the client, decides on the thickness of the opening. This is necessary to select the needle diameter.
  2. Tools and decorations are placed in an autoclave for disinfection.
  3. Antimicrobial treatment of the future piercing site is carried out.
  4. The clamps grasp the genitals, which will ensure immobilization of the organ and correct passage of the needle.
  5. A special marker is used to mark the exit of the earring.
  6. A hole is made with a quick, precise movement. The needle should come out 2 cm on the other side.
  7. The decoration is inserted into the hollow part and inserted into the canal.
  8. The product is fixed and treated with a disinfectant solution.

Manipulations cause severe pain; it is suggested to administer anesthesia.

Is it possible to do it yourself

In the photo, sexy piercing looks impressive and exciting, but not every man will decide to make an extreme change in his self-esteem using this method. Most people are afraid of surgery - this is a really risky step. The penis is supplied with a considerable amount of blood and when pierced, heavy bleeding may occur.

Home conditions are not suitable for Prince Albert, this is a complex puncture with serious health consequences. Carrying out the procedure yourself, by amateurs or poor specialists can lead to disruption of physiological functions, scar formation, and other negative consequences.

A qualified specialist with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools should work with the intimate area.


Intimate piercing is a minor surgical intervention associated with violation of the integrity of the skin, and has a number of contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases that cause problems in the clotting process;
  • increased sensitivity to the metal from which the jewelry is made, to anesthetic substances;
  • mental disorders;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • decreased defenses of the immune system;
  • viral and infectious diseases.

Care and selection of jewelry

The key to successful recovery and healing is compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and cleanliness in the intimate area. A fresh piercing requires special care:

  • washing the hole twice a day with a special disinfectant prescribed by the master;
  • When showering, use soap or sea salt solution, and then be sure to dry the skin well;
  • do not take a bath, do not swim in open water or swimming pools;
  • Sexual activity is prohibited for 1 month, then use condoms for another month;
  • mandatory protection against pathogenic microorganisms.

At first, minor inflammation and swelling may be observed, but local infection develops extremely rarely. Urine acts as a healer; the damaged urethra is regularly treated and disinfected.

At first, some discomfort is felt at the point of contact of the foreskin with clothing, but as the skin heals, the sensations will become more pleasant.

If signs of infection appear, contact a medical facility.

To eliminate unpleasant sensations, Levomekol, baths and compresses with chlorhexidine, and tetracycline ointment will be prescribed. If symptoms persist for several weeks, you will have to abandon the product, remove it, and fill the canal.

To decorate the Prince Albert piercing, a curved or straight barbell, a ring that closes the ball, and a special product called the Prince’s Wand are used. The last type is unique and is a hollow rod inserted into the urethra with a ball at the end. To urinate, you need to unscrew the ring located on the frenulum.

If you are thinking about decorating a secret place, then carefully weigh the arguments for and against. Decide why and why a puncture is needed in order to be psychologically prepared for long-term rehabilitation. Only the bravest men risk their health for sexual pleasure and get penile piercings.