Folk remedies for the heart. In the treatment of the heart, folk remedies are simply irreplaceable

Contents of the article

TO salmonellosis include all diseases caused by microbes of the Salmonella genus, except for typhoid fever, paratyphoid A and B. The name “Salmonella” is given after John Salmon, who described the first representative of this group of microbes.

Etiology of salmonellosis

The Salmonella genus consists of a large (more than 1800) number of serological variants. The assignment of a Salmonella strain to a specific serovar is based on its antigenic structure. Salmonella has somatic O-antigens and flagellar H-antigens. Depending on the presence of a specific O-antigen, Salmonella are divided into groups (they are designated by capital letters of the Latin alphabet). The serovar of the strain is determined by H-antigens. Thus, each salmonella strain has a specific antigenic formula, indicating which O- and H-antigens it possesses. Serovars differ in their pathogenicity for humans and individual animal species. Currently highest value have S. typhimurium, S. enteritidis, S. cholerae suis, S. derbi, S. heidelberg, S. newport and a number of others. More than half of human diseases are usually associated with S. tuphimurium.

The resistance of Salmonella in the external environment is quite high. They are well preserved at low temperatures and drying, remaining viable in soil and manure for several months and even years. Salmonella persists for a long time (weeks, months) in some foods. Salmonella can also accumulate in animal products at room temperature for some time. Salmonella is resistant to table salt, only significant concentrations of it (29%) have a depressing effect on salmonella. Microbes are sensitive to acetic acid - a 6% concentration can free products from salmonella within several days. Salmonella are relatively resistant to high temperatures: at 60°C they die in 1 hour, at 80°C - in 2-3 minutes. Disinfection solutions in normal concentrations quickly destroy microbes.

Pathogenesis and clinical picture of salmonellosis

Human infection occurs when the pathogen enters the mouth. The incubation period is from 4-6 to 48-72 hours. Salmonella affects the intestines, enters the blood, and is sometimes found in the bile and urinary systems. The clinical manifestations of salmonellosis are varied. In approximately 90% of patients, the infection occurs in the gastrointestinal form. Typhoid-like, dysentery-like, and septic forms occur much less frequently. Salmonella often causes an asymptomatic infection in humans.

Sources of salmonellosis infection

Sources of infection for salmonellosis can be animals and people. Salmonella were isolated from animals of various types and classes: arthropods, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. As sources of infection for humans, farm animals and poultry - producers of meat, milk, and eggs - are of greatest importance. Among farm animals, large animals are especially important as sources of infection. cattle and pigs, and among poultry - waterfowl (ducks, geese).

The clinical manifestations of salmonellosis in animals are varied: sometimes the disease occurs as an intestinal infection, in other cases as a septic infection, in others as postpartum diseases, mastitis, etc.

Salmonella is found in the internal organs of animals, in the muscles, excreted in milk, and in birds they are found in eggs. Salmonellosis in animals often occurs as an asymptomatic infection. In these cases, salmonella is most often found in the intestines. With the excrement of sick animals and carriers, salmonella enters the environment, which leads to infection of other healthy animals.

People with salmonellosis excrete pathogens in feces, vomit, and urine. After recovery, carriage in convalescents ceases after a few days. However, a small proportion of those who have recovered (3-6%) excrete pathogens in their feces for several weeks or even months. In isolated cases, carriage may last for several years. In this case, the pathogen persists and multiplies in the biliary system. Salmonella excretors can spread the infection through contact and household contact, as well as contaminate food products. Salmonella excretors working in enterprises pose a particular danger food industry.

Mechanism of transmission of infection

Salmonella can be transmitted through household contact, water and food. The occurrence of diseases is preceded by an obligatory massive infection, which, as a rule, is only possible through food products, since salmonella can accumulate in them. Only some groups of the population are children younger age, older people weakened by chronic diseases can become ill when a relatively small number of pathogens enter the body.
Food products such as meat, milk, eggs can be contaminated by the animals from which they are obtained (primary contamination). However, secondary infection is also possible. food products. A variety of products can be subject to secondary infection: those that become infected during life, vegetables, cereal products, cakes, and pastries. Thus, Salmonella can be transmitted through a variety of (almost all existing) food products, but they have unequal importance in the spread of infection. Approximately 60-70% of infections are associated with meat products. Less commonly, dairy, then fish and egg products can be factors in the transmission of infection. Infections associated with plant products, are much less common.

Food products contaminated with salmonella are not organoleptically changed. Since human diseases occur when massive amounts of Salmonella enter the body, the possibility of accumulation of pathogens is of great importance. This process is influenced by the chemical composition of the contaminated products (the sharply acidic reaction of the products prevents the accumulation of salmonella) and the temperature at which the contaminated product is stored.

Many food products are subjected to heat treatment during the cooking process. Depending on its duration and temperature, salmonella in food die or their number sharply decreases. A dish consumed immediately after heat treatment, as a rule, does not pose a danger even if a certain amount of salmonella remains in it, since it is not enough to cause the disease. However, if the dish is stored long time at a temperature suitable for the proliferation of salmonella, the number of pathogens increases and the product poses a danger.

Contact and household infections with salmonella from people occur in the same way as with other intestinal infections. These infections do not provide massive infection, so they pose a danger only to those most susceptible to infection.
With salmonellosis, water infections are also possible, caused by the excrement of sick animals and people getting into the water. However, since the pathogen does not accumulate in water and the infectious dose is small, diseases associated with water infections occur infrequently.
Infection with salmonellosis through airborne dust is possible. Thus, in outbreaks of salmonellosis in wards for young children, salmonella was found in the air. It is believed that salmonella can also be released into the air by spraying the excrement of pigeons that live in attics. The entry of salmonella into the room is facilitated by disruption of ventilation.

Salmonellosis susceptibility and immunity

Human susceptibility to different Salmonella serovars varies. For example, the minimum infectious dose for humans for S.pullorum was 1.5 billion microbial cells, for S.derbi - 6.5-15 million, for S.anatum and S.newport - 1.5 million. Accurate data on the resistance of immunity remaining after suffering from salmonellosis are absent. Recurrences are not uncommon, but may be caused by other serovars.

Characteristics of the epidemic process. In case of alimentary infections, the number of sick people depends on the quantity of the contaminated product and the characteristics of its sale. Contamination of food products at home leads to sporadic diseases. Often, during an in-depth examination of foci of “sporadic salmonellosis,” they turn out to be small intrafamilial outbreaks. If products contaminated with salmonella are supplied to public catering or sold in large quantities through commercial enterprises, then the resulting outbreaks cover large number people.

Outbreaks of food-borne salmonellosis in organized groups eating in the same catering unit are usually acute.
Since the consumption of contaminated products in public catering establishments occurs over a short period, all diseases are contained within 1/2-1 1/2 days, and subsequent diseases do not occur. The number of sick people can be in the tens and hundreds of people. In some cases, outbreaks may be more protracted, lasting several days. This happens in cases where the contaminated product is not consumed immediately, or if another product is contaminated from one product through inventory.

In recent decades, many large food industry enterprises have been created, the products of which are supplied to various localities, and in some cases even exported. As a rule, these enterprises are provided with good sanitary supervision, eliminating the possibility of contamination of products by pathogenic microbes. However, in some cases, sanitary accidents are possible at these enterprises. In this case, mass diseases may occur, sometimes affecting several thousand people in different localities.
In case of household contact infections, diseases occur in hospital medical institutions. Diseases follow each other with an interval of several days, and peculiar chains are formed. First of all, premature and bottle-fed children with various diseases get sick.

Global distribution of salmonellosis and morbidity dynamics. Salmonellosis occurs in all countries, although incidence rates are not the same and to a certain extent depend on the level of meat consumption, veterinary and sanitary practices. The actual incidence significantly exceeds the recorded one. Unlike typhoid fever, the incidence of which is gradually decreasing, an increase in the incidence of salmonellosis is observed almost everywhere. This depends on the gradual improvement in the detection of salmonellosis, which is associated with the improvement of laboratory techniques that provide microbiological diagnosis of salmonellosis. At the same time, there is also a real increase in human morbidity associated with an increase in animal morbidity. The rise of salmonellosis in animals is explained widespread use feeds such as bone and fish meal, which are often contaminated with salmonella. The transition to confinement of livestock can also lead to an increase in the incidence of salmonellosis.

Salmonellosis affects people of all ages, with only a slightly higher incidence in young children. Carriage of Salmonella is more often found in persons from such professional groups as livestock farmers, meat processing industry workers and catering workers.
Salmonellosis usually has a summer seasonality.

Prevention of salmonellosis

Measures regarding sources of infection are carried out primarily by zootechnical and veterinary services and are aimed at improving the health of the population of agricultural, domestic animals and birds.
An important part of salmonellosis prevention is proper organization slaughter of livestock: termination of door-to-door slaughter of animals: separate slaughter of healthy and sick animals (sick animals are slaughtered in a so-called sanitary slaughterhouse, and their meat is considered conditionally fit); prevention of infection of the carcass with intestinal contents during slaughter and cutting; laboratory control of products at enterprises. Meat obtained during forced slaughter is subject to disinfection. The rules for transporting and storing meat must be strictly observed.
In addition to meat processing enterprises, meat products undergo veterinary and sanitary examination in markets. Considering the frequent contamination of waterfowl eggs with Salmonella, their sale in trading network prohibited.

Activities in dairy farms are carried out by analogy with meat farms. The main method of disinfecting milk is pasteurization.
Deratization is of some importance, since rodents can contaminate food with Salmonella.
Considering the possibility of infection from humans, the medical service carries out a number of measures to identify patients and carriers. All patients with acute intestinal diseases of unknown etiology are subject to bacteriological examination for the presence of salmonella; children under two years of age admitted to somatic and infectious diseases hospitals; all persons in any hospital if they develop intestinal dysfunction. Salmonella carriers are identified among those entering work at food and similar enterprises, as well as among children entering nurseries, kindergartens, and orphanages.
Employees of food industry enterprises and equivalent persons are subject to mandatory hospitalization in case of illness. The remaining patients are hospitalized for clinical and epidemiological reasons.
Workers of food and similar enterprises, children preschool age, attending child care institutions, and children under two years of age (regardless of their attendance at child care institutions) are discharged from the hospital after clinical recovery and two negative bacteriological tests. All other recovered patients undergo one bacteriological examination. Some groups of people who have recovered from the disease are being monitored at the dispensary.

To prevent foodborne transmission of Salmonella, it is recommended:
- store perishable products in the cold, defrost meat products in the air, in a suspended state, have separate equipment for working with raw and cooked products, since re-contamination of heat-treated products from raw ones is the cause of many outbreaks;
- control the correct heat treatment of food products;
- store prepared dishes in conditions that exclude the possibility of their contamination and accumulation of salmonella, i.e. store them in the refrigerator or oven;
- reduce the interval between the manufacture of products and their sale.
When salmonellosis is detected in a children's hospital (departments), wards for newborns, in children's homes and nurseries, where contact and household transmission of infection is possible, in addition to measures to isolate the sick, it is necessary to assign staff to the wards (boxes) and care items for each child. Nipples, spatulas and utensils must be boiled; strict delineation of flows and storage places for dirty and clean linen is necessary; collection of laundry contaminated with secretions should be carried out separately from the rest; laundry is washed with boiling and ironing;
regular wet cleaning premises are carried out with separate cleaning equipment for wards, corridors, toilets; uninterrupted and correct work ventilation devices, wild pigeons were exterminated in attics and other rooms on the territory of children's hospitals.

Activities aimed at increasing the stability of the human body. Active and passive immunization for salmonellosis is not used. Salmonella bacteriophage, which is a mixture of bacteriophages to the 10 most common Salmonella serovars, is used among workers in the meat processing industry and livestock farmers. Indications for preventive use phage: identification of a group of salmonellosis diseases in one of the workshops of the enterprise or the simultaneous appearance of patients (carriers) in different workshops; detection of pathogens in washouts from inventory and equipment.
Bacteriophage is taken 50 ml once a week for a month. In some cases, phaging is extended for another 1 month. In some cases, bacteriophage is used in the event of nosocomial outbreaks of salmonellosis.

Measures in foci of sporadic salmonellosis

1. Hospitalization of patients (in some cases, carriers) is carried out according to clinical and epidemiological indications.
2. Registration and accounting of laboratory-confirmed diseases according to forms No. 60-lech., 60-SES and 85.
3. Thorough cleaning of the room where the patient was, destroying the remains of infected food (after taking samples for laboratory testing).
4. Measures regarding those in contact include monitoring them for a week with a visit to the outbreak on the 2nd, 5th, 7th day after identifying the patient. Persons who have been in contact with the patient, working at food industry enterprises and similar ones, children attending child care institutions, as well as children from orphanages and boarding schools are examined bacteriologically once.

Measures for group diseases of salmonellosis. During an outbreak, in addition to providing medical care to the sick, it is necessary to prevent new infections, for which you should stop using the catering unit where the sick people ate. If this is not possible (there is no other catering unit nearby), until the end of the examination, you should limit the menu to those dishes whose good quality is beyond doubt (usually dishes from cereals and vegetables).
In possible short term an inspection should be carried out and the contaminated product should be identified; establish the etiology of the outbreak; identify the mechanism of product contamination and factors contributing to the accumulation of pathogens.
The survey is usually carried out by an epidemiologist together with sanitary doctor, sometimes with the participation of veterinary specialists. To identify the contaminated product, all victims are asked in detail what they ate in the last two days before the disease.
Samples of suspected food products, washings from dishes, and kitchen utensils are subjected to laboratory testing. Material is also taken from patients (vomit, feces, blood for blood culture in the first hours of the disease, blood for serological studies at the end of the first - beginning of the second week from the moment of illness). The etiology of the disease can be considered precisely established if the serovar (and preferably phagotype) of Salmonella isolated from the sick and from the product that caused the infection coincides.

To identify the mechanism of contamination of products and factors contributing to the accumulation of the pathogen, the examiner, knowing the contaminated product, “moves along the path of the product” - from the place of receipt to the consumer, identifying all sanitary violations that occurred at different stages product promotion. Such an examination involves a personal inspection of various enterprises, checking documentation, interviewing employees food enterprises, various laboratory tests (examination of workers in catering units, washes from equipment, sometimes examination of rodents).
When eliminating group diseases of salmonellosis, in addition to the removal of contaminated products, it is necessary to carry out disinfection (premises, equipment) and, in some cases, disinfestation and deratization measures. If among service personnel carriers are allocated, then it is necessary to remove them from work.

The word “salmonella” is familiar to almost every person. Many housewives are afraid of these mysterious salmonella like fire. Some people have become convinced that salmonellosis (a disease caused by salmonella bacteria) is almost as bad as typhoid fever or at least dysentery. It happens that the housewife, for fear of becoming infected or infecting her household, cooks eggs for almost half an hour, but does not remove the poor chicken from the boiling water for two hours. In reality, this disease in most cases is not at all so formidable. We believe it will be useful to learn the basic facts about salmonella and the illness it causes.

Salmonella is a genus of bacteria of which there is only 1 species. But this species is divided into more than 2000 “variants”, or strains, or varieties, each with its own characteristics. Some of these strains can cause illness in people, some of them quite serious. For example, typhoid fever is caused by the so-called typhoid salmonella. Fortunately, typhoid fever is practically not transmitted from birds and domestic animals; it is, in general, a “human” disease, and it is transmitted from person to person (sometimes with the help of flies).

Salmonellosis usually develops within a few hours after infection and is accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders. Nausea, sharp (spastic) pain in the abdomen appears, diarrhea and sometimes vomiting are soon added. When salmonella enters the blood, the temperature rises (up to 38-39 degrees). The state of health is usually poor, and occasionally it can even resemble the sensations of typhoid fever (those who have experienced this can easily imagine this).

In the vast majority of cases, digestive disorders go away within 1-4 days, without causing much suffering to the person and leaving no noticeable consequences. This is how the disease ends. Although, of course, this does not always happen. Firstly, often a person, having seemingly recovered from the disease, for some time (up to a year or even longer) becomes a carrier of pathogens and can infect others. This is especially dangerous when such a person works in the public catering system. Secondly, if the person infected with salmonella already had other diseases or even “ weak points"in the body, it can get complications. For example, Salmonella bacteria can penetrate and multiply in individual organs and organ systems - the urinary tract, joints, heart valves, etc., further disrupting their function. In cancer patients, infectious agents can penetrate into the tumor itself and cause inflammation (abscess) in it.

Unfortunately, there are entire populations that are particularly vulnerable to complications. These, as you might guess, are small children and old people. For them, unlike most adults, salmonellosis can be very dangerous. Children under one year of age can be especially susceptible to salmonellosis.

Typically, treating salmonellosis is not difficult. For adults, it's enough strong people, it can go away without treatment, you just need to drink plenty of fluids and eat light foods (low-fat, no meat, no fried foods, etc.). Antibiotics are rarely prescribed because a healthy body can cope with bacteria on its own. But children under one year old and the elderly, as well as some “chronics,” may have to undergo a course of antibiotics.

As for the risk of getting sick, it is not too great. Almost all adults are highly resistant to salmonella. In order not to be unfounded, we present some facts. Salmonella is present in 5-10% of poultry, 10-20% of pigs, approximately every tenth egg, and so on. Moreover, note that they tolerate smoking and salting well. Now remember how often you ate fried eggs, or soft-boiled eggs, or smoked chicken. Surely, you have received a fair amount of bacteria more than once - and did not get sick. There are lovers of raw eggs who have never contracted salmonellosis.

But we should not forget that young children are much less protected, and therefore, when preparing food for them, we should never forget about the danger. Yes, and older children may well get sick if they eat not 1-2 raw yolks in the eggnog, but, say, half a dozen, and get an excessive amount of salmonella.

If you find signs of salmonellosis (see above for details), consult a doctor. Even if your illness is mild and you are counting on an easy cure, you need to make sure that you have caught salmonella and not something else. If you also have “your own” serious illnesses, consult a doctor without hesitation.

Well, the following recipes will help you alleviate gastrointestinal upset and other unpleasant symptoms:

Infusion of chamomile flowers.

1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of dried flowers, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 4 hours, then strain. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 4 times a day after meals.

Infusion of bird cherry fruits.

Pour 10 g of fruits with 1 glass of boiling water, put on water bath for 15-20 minutes, then strain and cool. Drink half a glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

A decoction of burnet roots.

1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of chopped roots, boil for 30 minutes, cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 5-6 times a day.

Antidiarrhea (diarrhea) remedy.

Take 200 g of walnuts, chop them and remove the partitions. Pour 300 g of alcohol over the partitions and leave for 2-3 days. Take 3-4 times a day, 6-9 drops, dissolved in 30-50 g of lukewarm water.

The first way to prevent salmonellosis is to pay attention to your own actions. It sounds like a hackneyed phrase about the dangers of eating in fast foods, but it is no less true. Bacteria multiply in food at normal temperatures, in the heat. The growth of the rod slows down sharply when the threshold of 40 degrees Celsius is reached. Epidemiology clearly shows that measures to prevent salmonellosis are ineffective.

We are talking about developing countries, industrial giants (USA). More than one SanPiN (SP has been issued in Russia. Official publications are available - everyone can learn about the pathogenesis and etiology of the disease. Salmonellosis can be treated at home. The body copes with the infection. Hospitalized for complications.

In medicine, SanPiNs contain useful information on the topic under consideration. A description of the problem status is provided. The first lines will be useful:

  1. Salmonella is a microbe.
  2. The disease is spread by Enterica bacilli.
  3. The epidemic is caused by domestic animals, poultry: chickens, cattle. A mechanism of transmission between people has been documented.
  4. The threat is posed by small animals living with humans: mice, rats, hamsters.

You can get infected from pet fish and turtles. Salmonellosis develops in representatives of the animal world. The first preventive measures are related to personal hygiene.

Proper education

Children get information from their parents, from TV screens, and via the Internet. The simplest analysis of films will quickly reveal those that are undesirable for viewing. This means that the behavior patterns used on the screen should not be repeated by children.

In the film Love and Doves, Gurchenko kisses the family dog. By repeating this, you risk catching an infection. The Old Testament says: after touching unclean animals, a person himself becomes like this until evening. It is recommended to wash your hands at all times.

The requirements of the Bible were created in the unsanitary conditions of a nomadic pastoral society. Pathogenesis of diseases and sanitary rules the ancients knew much better. Those who do not want to become a specialist in infectious diseases quickly disappeared, weeded out by evolution. Epidemics carried away people in villages. The first SanPiN from God is written down, everyone can follow it according to their will and understanding.


Let's leave anti-epidemic measures in the outbreak of the disease to government services, and instill the correct manner of behavior. Keeping animals at home is great, but it comes with increased responsibility. Salmonella is resilient, some other microbes are not afraid of sanitary treatment.

Worms in pets are practically a given. Readers guess: this also applies to bacteria.

Is a pet a member of the family? People quarrel, and when they do not find support, they resort to simple means find a friend. Parents believe that a pet teaches children kindness. Do not forget about the hygiene rules of the ancients. The first is hygiene after interacting with animals.

State supervision

Clinical examination for salmonellosis is carried out infrequently. Medical workers you have to monitor the situation. Doctors are interested in epidemiology - the ways of spreading the infection, the source of its occurrence. If someone gets sick in a kindergarten, the institution or group of the sick person will be quarantined.

The goal of government organizations is to predict the situation. Doctors estimate the number of cases depending on the criteria:

  • Age.
  • Place of work, study.
  • Area of ​​residence.
  • Risk factors.
  • Routes of infection.

The institution that identified the patient notifies the territorial state supervisory authority. If infection is suspected, the patient is isolated from the team. The problem is solved by hospitalization for epidemic reasons. Higher authorities evaluate the outlines of the lesion, and the etiology is identified.

At the center of the infection, people working in the food industry are examined: transport workers, storekeepers, personnel of production organizations.

If dishes or products suspected of being the source of an epidemic are detected, samples are sent to laboratories. The measure is known to the world. Due to an outbreak of salmonellosis in the United States, a batch of fruit juice that was not pasteurized nationwide was recalled. Heat treatment is important in production. The presented case is an attempt to save money by reducing production line costs.

Sick hospital

Clinic ( veterinary institutions) becomes a source of danger. SanPiN contains instructions for this case:

  • a notification is sent to epidemiological surveillance;
  • At the same time, the patient is isolated;
  • Newcomers will not be admitted to the ward where a suspicious case has been identified for 1 week;
  • at the same time, persons who were in contact with the patient are examined;
  • prevention of the listed persons using bacteriophages;
  • sanitary treatment of premises.

Whenever possible, an investigation is initiated. Doctors are interested in where the infection came into the clinic (hospital). The information will be transferred to epidemiological control. Experts will determine the cause.

Government services are committed to preventing the situation from repeating itself. Based on the detected errors, the documentation is adjusted to eliminate relapse.

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Irina asks:

I have two children, the eldest is 11 and the little one is 9 months old. Two months ago we were admitted to the hospital with a fever and diagnosed with ARV, then culture tests came and revealed salmonellosis in the little one, the local doctor put the older one at home, also having salnanellosis. Within a month the eldest was cured, but now the little one is For two months there is no treatment, we drink Salmonella bacteriofak, Kipferon suppositories. Tell me what to do next? Are there any other medications?

Treatment for salmonellosis is prescribed adequately and does not require correction. Please specify the duration of treatment with Salmonella bacteriophage. Please specify whether a repeat scatological examination was carried out during the treatment?

Irina asks:

when we were in the hospital for 5 days we drank antibiotics, on the sixth day we were given bacteriofak tablets. On the 8th day we were discharged, had repeated tests at home, again the same thing, began to drink salmonella bacteriofak only liquid and had an enema at night for 7 days. we take tests again, culture salmonella, it turns out this is the third time we are treated, we drink 1 bottle a day and again the same thing. For the fourth time, now we are drinking Salmanella bact.-fak.
Tell me please, is there any hope of recovery, and how soon, because we have been undergoing treatment for the second month already? .

The fact is that bacteriophages are almost completely destroyed in the stomach, under the influence gastric juice Therefore, for greater effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended that an evening dose of this drug be administered to the child into the rectum in the form of a therapeutic microenema.

Irina asks:

Tell me, is it true that treatment for salmonella itself takes up to six months, but the child will look healthy, gain weight, and grow?

Yes, even after the disappearance of clinical manifestations of salmonellosis, a child can be a carrier and source of this infection, therefore treatment should be carried out until negative laboratory diagnostic results are obtained.

Irina asks:

Please tell me how dangerous salmonellosis is for a child under one year of age, does he feel good???

Salmonellosis can pose a serious threat to a child's digestive and immune systems. Therefore, treatment under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist is necessary.

Tatyana asks:

Good afternoon. My son is now one year and 5 months old. We have been isolating Salmonella tiphimorium and Brandenburg for 10 months, as well as Staphylococcus aureus. Last year we were hospitalized with a temperature of 40 and diarrhea 20 times a day, the severity was relieved with gentamicin. With improvement, he was discharged after 16 days. Next, I underwent 3 courses of bacteriophage on an outpatient basis (liquid with enema, tried and dry), also treated with kip + bifiform, then treated with enterol + probifor, then normoflarin L B and lykopid, in the end they became sensitive to antibiotics and bacteriophages, drank Suprax antibiotics and bifiliz. . The child still excretes salmonella. Ultrasound is good. I kept the child on a diet for all 10 months. After the last course of antibiotics, the stool became brown and mushy. I tried to expand my diet, added boiled broccoli and zucchini, they are not digested and come out unchanged. There are no cats, dogs or mice at home. All residents have been tested for salmonella. Tell me a good institute, a good infectious disease specialist. The son is an excretor, a carrier of salmonella, at least that’s what his doctor says. I live in Moscow.

To our great regret, we do not have our own information base that would allow us to accurately answer your question.

Irina asks:

Thank you very much, the cause of solmanellosis was in the pacifier. I want to tell mothers who are faced with this disease to look for the reason, we were sick for 3 months. And the reason for us was simple: they just stopped sucking the pacifier.

We are always happy to help you.

Svetlana asks:

2 months ago I got sick with salmonella. treated with tsiprolet for 5 days, 2 times a day. I almost constantly drink Linex, etc. , but the stool almost always became liquid. It is not congested and the symptoms of the disease do not bother me, except for diarrhea. Can diarrhea become chronic? How to stop it? Thank you.

Vika asks:

Please tell me how can I cure salmonellosis? I was hospitalized with poisoning, underwent a course of treatment and was discharged by a therapist, but they didn’t take a second test! I decided to go to the infectious disease specialist myself and have a repeat test, after which I found out that I had Salmonella B again. What should I do now?

It is necessary to consult with an infectious disease specialist to prescribe adequate treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Self-medication is not recommended to avoid complications.

Rima asks:

Hello. tests revealed salmonellosis, treatment was prescribed with enterofuril and pancreatin. Is it enough to take only these drugs or do I need to add antibiotics?

Please specify the patient's age and severity clinical picture diseases (degree of health impairment, complaints). With this information it will be possible to at least approximately estimate the severity of the disease.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon Our clinical symptoms went away when we found out the test results - salmonellosis! There was no vomiting, there was frequent bowel movements (13-15 rubles per day - 5 days) and a temperature of 39 - 2 days. For the last three days I have not gone to the toilet very often - 2-3 times. per day. We started treatment with Salmonella Bacteriophage and Alpha Normix, the stool became more frequent up to 5-6 times, but not liquid. The child is 1.2. Is it normal that bowel movements have become more frequent or is something not right for her?

IN in this case, it is recommended to consult with a pediatric infectious disease specialist for a personal examination and, if necessary, adjustment of treatment. With proper treatment, stool should be of normal consistency and no more than 1-2 times a day. Read more about this disease and treatment methods in our series of articles by clicking on the link: Salmonellosis.

Elina asks:

Hello! My son, 6 years 10 months old, began to complain of abdominal pain on October 27. The complaints lasted about two days, then the temperature rose to 38.6. The doctor diagnosed ARVI. We had the temperature for two days, and on the third day frequent, foul-smelling stools appeared (about 20 once a day), at first greenish in color, then as the stool became more frequent, it was filled with mucus, foam, darkened and small pink streaks appeared. There was no vomiting at all. From this third day, without waiting for the doctor, I began to give Enterofuril (because I have a similar problem I already had it), along with it I gave Creon 10,000 and Normobact, gave me Regidron and water, gentle nutrition, small and often. On the second day of treatment I was tested for the D-group, but because... it was done for 5 days, by that time we had completed the Enerofuril course (the temperature disappeared on the third day of taking the drug), and it would seem that the child had recovered. I was only embarrassed by the condition of the stool: the color was dark and the “sausages” were still soft and thin, although formed. So, a week after the first symptoms, we received our culture, the result was Salmonella enteridis. The pediatrician did not prescribe anything, she sent us to an infectious disease specialist. That was yesterday, and today is the infectious disease day off and we will only see her tomorrow. The child is externally and in behavior, appetite, etc. completely healthy. Please tell me what I, as a mother, should know when making appointments for tomorrow’s visit, and what might be your recommendations? And also questions: can they prescribe hospitalization? Can this type of salmonella be killed by Enterofuril (i.e., should we get tested again before the next appointment, or is it useless and should be treated even after Enterofuril anyway)? Can salmonella remain in body with normal stool? Is it possible to do without antibiotics? (And what is Enterofuril? - I know that it is an antibacterial drug, but is it an antibiotic?) Your article says that if salmonella gets into the blood, you need to take antibiotics. I have We have general and biochemical blood tests on hand, how can we find out if this nasty thing is in the blood? What drug would you recommend to be sure to kill this nasty thing without prolonged treatment? Can antibiotics provoke a decline in intestinal immunity, as a result of which you can catch salmonella (two days before the illness we drank a course of antibiotics for chronic tonsillitis, and along with this, our intestines have been weak since infancy (dysbacteriosis was diagnosed), but the older we are, the better, pah-pah-pah + we strengthen with probiotics and prebiotics)? Regarding pain in the joints (again from your article). It is written that “sometimes pain in the joints remains for life.” What does this mean? That pain in the joint must necessarily be present with salmonellosis, or is it not a fact? It’s just that the child has pain in the legs, mainly when staying at home for a long time (under treatment) and during intensive growth (always only at night, in his sleep!). And this time, during the course of the illness, for two nights in a row there was severe pain under the calf behind and in front above top part feet (i.e., shingles. Required a massage, calmed down. Is this related to salmonellosis or are these the same reasons for us? And another question. The child is allergic in terms of animal hair. And over the last week, for no apparent reason, jumps have been appearing on the face single pimples in the form of urticaria and disappear just as quickly. Can salmonellosis give such an “effect”? And how long, with proper treatment, should it take until complete recovery (according to test results)?
There are a lot of questions, sorry, but we were really scared by this salmonella. I want to be the most important doctor for my child.
Thanks in advance, I'm really looking forward to your answer!

Please specify in what dosage you gave your child Enterofuril and for how many days? As a rule, during a course of therapy with Enterofuril, additional treatment is not required if Salmonella is not detected in a repeat analysis. In your case, it is recommended to consult with an infectious disease doctor and take a second test; only after receiving the results of the examination will it be possible to talk about the effectiveness of the treatment. If salmonella got into the blood, the child would have complications, a septic form of the disease. Enterofuril is an antibacterial drug and has an anti-salmonella effect. Decreased immunity does not lead to faster infection; the child simply ate a product contaminated with salmonellosis and as a result the disease occurred. The presence of an allergic reaction can also be associated with this disease, as well as joint pain; with adequate treatment, all signs of the disease disappear. An infectious disease specialist will determine the child’s condition and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. Read more about this disease in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Salmonellosis.

Elina asks:

I forgot to ask two clarifying questions: 1. What can a scraping for enterobiasis give in this situation, is it even relevant?
2. Is it enough to submit feces to the K-program during treatment, or is every culture required for the D-group? (I just read above that you advised passing the K-program during treatment. But, by the way, in a day Before the analysis for the D-group, I submitted stool to the K-program and the tests did not show anything bad. One correction, the stool was still normal then, but the abdominal pain and temperature had already been there for two days by that time.)

There is no need to be tested for enterobiasis, because This is a completely different analysis. It is recommended to have your stool tested for the intestinal group. After receiving the results of the examination, the specialist doctor will be able to accurately answer all your questions about the effectiveness of the treatment, whether you are a carrier of this disease, whether you need to be examined, because you have been in contact with a sick child. You can treat the apartment, floors and bathroom with a solution of 3% chloramine; this solution kills salmonella within 2-3 minutes. The child’s nutrition in the first week is gentle, and then normal, according to age. Most likely, based on the symptoms described, the child had a gastrointestinal form; all clinical manifestations of the disease: rash and joint pain will disappear after recovery. Read more about this disease in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Salmonellosis.

Elina asks:

And the last two questions: do my husband and I need to get tested for culture? What could be the reasons (as mentioned above about the pacifier) ​​that you need to pay attention to at home? everyday life, to eliminate them. That is, toys, things, almost boil? Or are these manipulations useless in case of salmonellosis?

Both you and your spouse definitely need to be cultured for pathogenic intestinal microflora, even if there are no complaints. In everyday life, there are no special restrictions - only general hygiene rules: mandatory hand washing before eating and after visiting the toilet; if the diagnosis of salmonellosis is confirmed, you will have to follow more stringent hygiene rules - individual cutlery, dishes, cleaning toys and cups with solutions detergents. You can read more about this issue in the section: Hygiene.

Elina asks:

Thanks for the detailed answers! Enterofuril was given for 7 days, 3 times a day, 5 ml (according to age). Today we saw an infectious disease specialist. She said that Enterofuril was not enough to fight this disease, despite the absolutely healthy condition of the child. And she prescribed levomiticin (7 days), and then Salmonella bacteriophage (7 days) and only two days after the course of treatment take a second test. He says that the treatment will not be unnecessary, but on the contrary, it will not allow the infection to spread to the organs, etc. I was a little doubted, based on your advice, that Enterofuril enough, but I still hesitate in favor of her appointments. What do you say to this, your opinion is interesting.
And a question about your advice on processing: is the 3% chloramine solution sold ready-made, or is it made independently from a concentrate? Do I need to wipe the same surfaces clean with water after it, or is it harmless to humans? And can it be used to process toys (and I’m afraid to ask, dishes)??
And what can you say about the darkish color of the stool? The stool itself is already fully formed, in its usual form. Could the color be the result of bile secretion? Or is it damage to the walls of the thin stomach?

1. For the treatment of salmonellosis (with a confirmed diagnosis), intestinal antiseptics alone are really not enough. If, during treatment with Enterofuril, signs of the disease persist, treatment should be supplemented with medications recommended by the doctor. Remember that Salmonella bacteriophage (like other bacteriophages) is almost completely destroyed in the stomach without reaching the intestines. Therefore, the evening dosage of the bacteriophage must be administered to the child in the rectum, in the form of a therapeutic microenema.

You can read more about bacteriophages and the principles of their action in our thematic section of the same name: Bacteriophages. You can read more about the indications and contraindications for the use of Levomycetin and how to use it in our section dedicated to this drug: Levomycetin.

2. Chloramine is available in the form of a dry powder, in bags of 100-500 g. Chloramine solution is suitable for treating hard surfaces, dishes, and toys. Dishes and toys are completely immersed in the solution for 1 hour, and then washed until the smell of chlorine completely disappears.
To prepare a 3% solution of chloramine (1 l), you will need 30 g of chloramine (per 10 l - 300 g), the solution can be prepared and stored in enamel, glass or polyethylene containers.

3. Dark stool in a child may be observed due to the use of Enterofuril, since this drug makes up a significant part of the feces. If nothing bothers the child, there are no streaks of mucus or blood in the stool, there is no need to worry.

Elina asks:

I understand. That’s the whole point, that there are no signs of illness after Enterofuril, the child is absolutely healthy. At my suggestion to take a test (and if salmonella appears, then treat with levometic and bacteriophage), the doctor said that we would lose 5 days (while we wait for sowing). Hence the question, ARE WE SCARED OF LOSSING THESE FIVE DAYS OR WILL THE PICTURE NOT CHANGE FOR THE WORSE? And she also said that in practice, Enteridis is not killed by Enterof alone. I’m all confused, should we wait another week, waiting for sowing, or not?
Levomethicin was prescribed based on the test for sensitivity to antibiotics attached to the culture results.
Regarding the microenema, if it doesn’t bother you, how to do it? A standard enema with a hose will not work? Do you need a small pump? Please describe in more detail the amount of water and the concentration of the phage, as well as the process itself and time...
Regarding chloramine. I realized that this is ordinary bleach, right?
And in the stool. As you write about streaks of mucus. But we have them in the stool, not a lot, but they are there. This has happened to us three times already after suffering viral intestinal infections (as the gastrointestinal doctor said, mucus after such diseases is a sign inflamed, infected, intestines), and after a week or two the mucus disappeared. Nothing bothers the child, every day the stool is more and more normal, but there is mucus in small quantities. What then is worth worrying about and is it worth it at all?
Thank you!

1. If in the tank. Stool culture for pathogenic intestinal microflora (in at least one of them) revealed salmonella - antibiotics are needed! The fact is that salmonellosis, with insufficient treatment, can develop not only into chronic form, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of. A child with untreated salmonellosis can become a permanent carrier of this infection. Therefore, it is better not to waste time and complete the course of treatment in full.

2. It is better to do microclysters not with a syringe. For this purpose, you need to take a sterile syringe (20 ml) and attach to it a sterile disposable gas outlet tube for children (sold in pharmacies). Draw the required dosage of bacteriophage into the syringe (if it turns out to be less than 10 ml, add saline solution to this volume). Lubricate the tip of the tube with oil (calendula oil or boiled vegetable oil) and place it into the child’s rectum to a depth of 5-7 cm. Carefully introduce the medicine into the rectum. The enema is done at night; it is advisable that the child already has stool before administering the medicine; a cleansing enema is not necessary.

3. In previous messages, we talked about Chloramine B - it is an antiseptic for medical purposes. It is better not to use ordinary bleach (household) for treating surfaces, dishes and toys - it is more toxic and less effective.

4. If there were streaks of mucus in the stool (this is not surprising with salmonellosis), their number should decrease, not increase. It makes sense to add drugs with normal intestinal microflora to the treatment regimen, for example Lacidofil or Bifidumbacterin - this will help improve the condition of the intestinal wall. You can read more about Bifidumbacterin, indications for use and its properties in the medical information section of the same name: Bifidumbacterin.

Elina asks:

Thank you very much for all the detailed answers and patience. Now my doubts have completely disappeared, because... I hesitated between the doctor’s recommendations, my instincts and your advice. But now everything has come together and we are starting a course of treatment. I will definitely write about the results!
Finally, I’ll ask a simpler question. Along with the treatment, we were advised to drink a decoction of Colgan root. Tell me, is this really not superfluous in the complex? And can it give an allergic reaction? (since we are allergic to chamomile, and I am wary of herbs, etc.). And if we have allergic reactions and we remove Colgan, will it be severe? will this affect the treatment?

In this case, this medicinal plant can really cause an allergic reaction and, as a result, a deterioration in the child’s condition. Before use, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. At the moment, it is recommended to carry out the main course of treatment and only after that start taking this decoction as an anti-inflammatory, choleretic and sedative. Read more about treatment regimens for this disease in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Salmonellosis.

Elina asks:

Sorry, we ran into a problem. The doctor prescribed salmonella bacteriophage, when asked about the dosage, she answered, look in the instructions, take it for 7 days. Today she went on vacation and can’t be found. And the instructions say 30 ml 3 times a day (one of them rectally). So, we found out at the pharmacy that the bottle is 100 ml. It turns out, a bottle a day???!!! The child is 6 years 10 months old, weighs 22 kg. But can a child have 7 bottles per course?! Not to mention total price at 8000 rubles!!!

The instructions describe everything correctly: 2 times a day you give the child this drug to drink, 30 ml, 1 hour before meals, and once perform a microenema with a volume of 30-40 ml. The course requires 7 bottles of 100 ml. This drug is really not cheap, but its use is justified and gives good results. Read more about bacteriophages in a series of articles by following the link: Bacteriophages.

Elina asks:

Yesterday I found an old friend of mine, whose child, about our age, recently suffered from salmonellosis. So, for health reasons, they could not take antibiotics, and she simply surprised me with their solution to this problem. She said that they can be treated for any diseases in at some center in our city using the bioresonance method. In general, he says, as soon as the salmonella cleared out, we went there for one session (without drugs!), and after one session we took tests - everything was clear! What kind of magical method is this and is it possible? And another question, does Salmonella enteridis have so-called “windows”, when it does not appear in tests, but is present in the intestines?

Elina asks:

And regarding the salmonella bacteriophage...7 bottles of 100 ml each for a child aged 6 years 10 months - will there be an overdose or some kind of poisoning, the volume is too huge! Or does the volume here not affect such moments (drug poisoning, etc.)?

Bacteriophage is safe and effective method treatment. Bacteriophages penetrate only certain cells and interact with their DNA, creating a lysogenic or lytic effect, i.e. destroying them. By influencing microbes in the lytic type, bacteriophages destroy them, which allows them to multiply quickly. The lysogenic type represents the penetration of the phage genome into the bacterial genome, their synthesis and further transition from one generation to another. That. The normal flora of the body is not disturbed, and the pathogenic flora is destroyed. This amount of bacteriophage is necessary to achieve maximum concentration and lysis of the pathogen. Read more about this drug and its mechanism of action in a series of articles by following the link: Bacteriophages.

Elina asks:

Thanks a lot! In the third line from the top, in the last post, they probably meant “bacteriophages destroy them, which does NOT allow them to multiply quickly.” ?
...we will give the phage in the required dosage...after antibiotics. If you have questions about rectal administration at this stage, I will consult with you.
Thanks again!

Yes, that's right. We will be happy to answer questions about treatment if you have them. Remember that after the course of treatment, you will definitely need to undergo a culture test for PCF (pathogenic microflora) and a stool test (coprogram). You can read more about this study in the section: Stool analysis.

Elina asks:

Yes, I understand and remember perfectly well about the tests after treatment. But there’s just one thing that’s interesting: the difference is in how different doctors call this analysis differently. In connection with this, another question has arisen: for example, you called it “pathogenic microflora “, the doctor said to test for “salmonellosis” directly, but initially salmon was removed. We have an analysis called “feces for the D-group.” Question: are these all different analyses, or the same? (in a paid laboratory they said over the phone that they were the same thing (though they doubted it for a very long time), the doctors say that they are different). Then if they are different, why does it turn out that we don’t care which one to do. I want to say that morphologically, I perfectly understand the name of each analysis (including “analysis for opportunistic flora” (another type of analysis)), but how does this affect the process, i.e. which viruses and bacteria are inoculated by each of these four tests: “analysis for D-group”, “analysis for pathogenic microflora”, “analysis for opportunistic microflora” and “analysis for salmonellosis”? I repeat that morphologically everything is clear to me. Or is it just that in reality it turns out to be a play on words and each doctor calls it differently, and there is not much difference? (I really want to use the information in the future to independently differentiate WHAT IS NECESSARY at one time or another in the analysis).
Thanks in advance!

1. Analysis of stool for group D - this is the name in standard laboratory research no, most likely, this is one of many diagnostic options “for a doctor” - i.e. for convenience. Ask your doctor what indicators are included in this analysis. Most likely, there are no special differences from culture for PCF (pathogenic intestinal microflora).

2. Bacteriological culture of feces for pathogenic intestinal microflora is the standard and simplest method for identifying pathogenic bacteria in the intestines. It is suitable for the diagnosis of any intestinal infections, including the diagnosis of salmonellosis. In other words, if there are salmonella in the crop, their colonies will grow on the nutrient medium.

3. Analysis of stool for salmonellosis is carried out according to the same principle as culture for PKF. The name is different - the meaning is the same.

Read more about various options stool tests, you can read in the thematic section: Stool analysis.

A urine test is not used to diagnose salmonellosis.. At least it has no diagnostic value.

Elina asks:

Can stool during treatment for salmonellosis be unusual in frequency for us. This means the following: the child goes to the toilet as usual, in the evening, after dinner, the stool itself is normal, also as usual, but once every two to three days, he goes to the toilet for the first time (at the allotted time), and then, about no more than one hour later (and the stool is also normal). This does not happen every day. But before there were no such fractional trips to the toilet, and the number stool for each time corresponds to the norm, i.e. In theory, the child should no longer recover. Maybe it’s from the medications? But I’m more interested in whether this is due to salmonellosis?

Changes in the frequency and nature of stool during treatment for salmonellosis are quite common. After 10-12 days, intestinal activity should be completely normalized. Continue treatment as recommended by your doctor. You can read more about this problem in the section: Salmonellosis.

Elina asks:

And another question about the tests. The laboratory said that when taking a test for salmonellosis after completing a course of treatment, it is necessary to submit not only feces, but also urine for culture. To the question “why urine?” Therefore, they ask for urine for an objective picture) I was told that no, not for this reason, but simply children who go to kindergarten test urine for salmonella along with feces, and those who do not go, only feces are enough. Based on the above (that it’s not a matter of the objectivity of the analysis, they say, it will be shown in feces) and from the information that salmonella does not have so-called “windows”, the question arises: why is a urine test needed in this case? And is there a kindergarten here?
By the way, yesterday I took a stool test for salmonellosis on my own initiative to find out whether enterof helped or not, but our treatment is still ongoing and we haven’t even gotten to the bacteriophage... so, I didn’t carry any urine (once in We’re not going to the garden yet (on sick leave)), and now I’m wondering if I should have carried it. - I associate this with kindergarten (as I was told).

Regarding urine, there was an answer in previous questions. Unfortunately, in our time, laboratories or doctors make money by prescribing additional examination methods. In order not to fall for the bait, see the recommended scope of examination in the treatment standards (every country has such standards). A urine test is not necessary to diagnose salmonellosis. Yes, Salmonella pathogens can be found in almost all liquids - vomit, blood, gastric and intestinal lavage, urine, however, for the diagnosis of salmonellosis, especially for a control examination, stool culture is sufficient.

Elina asks:

Hello, it's me again! So the time has come for us to be treated with Salmonella bacteriophage (after antibiotics). I asked the doctor (she was back from vacation) how exactly to do rectal microenemas. To which she took out large tolmuts of dosages and uses of various bacteriophages, where she found a sign in which it was written about dosages and the number of times a day, and I also noticed the column “rectally”. To a specific question about how exactly to do it “rectally”, she replied that in order to do microenemas, you must have a “hand full”, and that microenemas are done professionally in hospitals (she, by the way, also worked in a hospital and did them), with enemas specially dosed for this purpose, and at home it is enough for mothers to give it orally. Since incorrect administration rectally simply leads to the pouring out of an expensive drug into the toilet (because she says that it is poured out the same way as it is poured in). When asked about the fact that it (the phage) is destroyed in the stomach, she waved her hand and said that even if so, it still helps, because .To. She has been treating this for many years and there is an effective result. By the way, when we were babies, we treated Staphylococcus in the intestines with INTESTIBACTERIOPHAGE, also through the mouth, and after taking a course, we were cured. So, I’m not one of those who is looking for easy ways, and I think that I can cope with enemas. And I asked her how exactly they do this in the hospital. To which they answered that they take a “pear” and inject only the required amount of phage, without diluting with water. I read what you recommended a gas outlet tube, a syringe and brings the required dose to 100 ml with water. Hence three questions: 1. Please describe specifically, down to the child’s behavior (to lie down without getting up for half an hour, for example), how exactly to do a microenema according to your advice? 2. Is it still possible to achieve an effect by taking it only orally (in case something goes wrong, that is, if I don’t succeed, or the child somehow behaves differently, and the drug simply pours out) ? 3. Is it possible to get by with a “pear” enema?

To administer the drug rectally, you can use a syringe (a small pear-shaped rubber balloon) with a soft tip. The syringe must first be sterilized by boiling. You need to take the amount of the drug prescribed by your doctor into the syringe, lubricate the tip with boiled vegetable oil or baby cream, and release the air from the syringe.

The child needs to be placed on his left side, his legs bent at the knees, his buttocks spread apart and the tip smoothly inserted to a depth of 3-5 centimeters. When inserting the tip, it should be directed forward first - 2 cm, then slightly back another 2-3 cm, and after that you need to enter the contents of the syringe. The solution should be administered while the child is inhaling. It should be taken into account that if the child exhales air or screams, then the administration process must be paused.

After the liquid is completely introduced, the tip is carefully withdrawn, the child’s buttocks must be slightly squeezed and held in this position for about 1 minute. After this, it is recommended to place the baby on his back and then on his stomach. If you carry out the entire procedure correctly, then effectiveness is guaranteed; most importantly, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions regarding the dosage of the drug. You can learn more about salmonellosis from the thematic section of our website: Salmonellosis

Elina asks:

And yet, the doctor suggested, in addition to treatment with phage exclusively through the mouth, to do microenemas with colgan, they say it will give a local effect along with oral administration of the phage... only I forgot the dosage of this enema with colgan, because... At that moment, I immediately “dismissed” this option in my head, wanting to still make microenemas with the bacteriophage.

Kalgan is a natural drug that is effective for intestinal diseases, as an additional remedy to the main treatment. Depending on the age of the child, it can be given as a decoction orally. In this case, I recommend that you follow your doctor's instructions. You can learn more about prescribing medications for children in the section: Pediatrician

Elina asks:

So it’s still a syringe (not a syringe and a gas outlet, a tube), and without adding water to a volume of 100 ml?
and you can also clarify some points from the post about administering a microenema... In the first paragraph, the indicated chronology of actions is as follows (I quote): "... you need to take the amount of the drug prescribed by the doctor, lubricate the tip with boiled vegetable oil or baby cream, release the air from the syringe. "Those. first draw the drug into the syringe, and then release the air???
and further..."When inserting the tip, it should be directed forward first - 2 cm, then a little back another 2-3 cm, and after that you need to enter the contents of the syringe." Please explain this sentence. Do you mean the child should be directed forward 2 cm, and then a little back another 2-3 cm? How should this happen? Should it kind of bend and then straighten up? And it turns out that its final position corresponds to the initial one (2 forward, 2 back)? I just can’t figure this one out, sorry for the meticulousness.
And how long should you lie on your back and stomach after the drug is administered? Shouldn't the drug leak out after being lifted to the normal vertical position?

In your case, you can use a syringe, dilute the drug with water to 100 ml. Regarding the sequence - you understood everything correctly, that is, take the medicine, and naturally some air will get in, which then needs to be released. Regarding the introduction, the child is in the position that we described and does not change it during the entire procedure. When you inject the medicine, you should point the tip forward and then back. After administering the drug, it is advisable to lie on your stomach and back for 2-3 minutes.

Regarding the introduction, it may be difficult for you the first time, since this is a practical skill that requires training, so I recommend that you carry out the first procedure in a clinic or ask a health worker to come to your home. It's not difficult at all, but clear example much more effective than a description. After giving the body an upright position, the medicine cannot flow out, since it is injected behind the sphincter, so do not worry. You can find out more in the thematic section of our website:

Elina asks:

Enterofuril completely got rid of Salmonella enteritidis, but the doctor insisted on a bacteriophage and antibiotics... so, MedCollegium, you were right... I don’t even know if it was worth drinking the phage, or if it was unnecessary...

The use of a bacteriophage helped to completely cure the disease, because taking it and using antibacterial drugs leads to a potentiated effect and, as a result, a speedy recovery. Read more about bacteriophages in a series of articles by following the link: Bacteriophages.

Rima asks:

The child is now 2.5. Last summer I got sick with salmonellosis. Started with high temperature at 39-40. The local pediatrician came and said that the throat was red, prescribed appropriate treatment, the temperature was brought down with suppositories, because... The son spat out all the syrups. Diarrhea began, they decided to use suppositories, but the temperature did not subside. The doctor prescribed a/b clacid. They gave several. days, he began to complain strongly of abdominal pain, the temperature subsided, and the diarrhea gradually began to subside. A/b asked to give. But the child developed swelling. We ran to the doctors and sent us to the infectious diseases department. flood the hospital with saline solution. There, of course, based on the symptoms described, they started injecting a/b cefazolin or ceftriaxone (I don’t remember now), we stayed there for 4 days, etc. The swelling subsided and the stool returned to normal. They went home with a signature. On to the next the day they called and said that salmonella had been inoculated. Treatment with bacteriophages was prescribed. They only gave it orally. The whole apartment was washed, toys too, laundry washed. After treatment, tests were taken; Salmonella was not cultured. But I started having skin problems, allergies to everything. We treated the skin for a long time. And here in new year holidays The child has diarrhea and a slight temperature of 37.2-37.3. We took tests and found salmonella again! We have a sister who is a bacteriologist and does tests. She said that most likely it was the same salmonella, we couldn’t get infected anywhere, we all ate the same food and didn’t have much contact with anyone. We went to an infectious disease specialist, we were prescribed 2 courses of bacteriophages and after 3 days we started drinking sangivitrin. drank for 2 weeks. We took tests and went out again... I don’t know what to do anymore. The drug suggested by the infectious disease specialist is amikacin. Its side effects are terrible, but there is no sensitivity to the other a/b, there is one more a/b, but it is allowed from the age of 18. Do you think it is worth stabbing a child? Are there any other drugs that can help us? No one in the family has salmonellosis, they checked several times.

In this case, most likely, due to the initial inadequate treatment, Salmonella became highly resistant to antibiotics, and the child became a carrier of the infection. It is imperative to carry out a course of adequate therapy, under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist, according to the results of the obtained antibiogram. The choice of drug remains with the pediatric infectious disease specialist. With the correct dosage and correct use of the drug, side effects minimal. Read more about this disease and methods of diagnosis and treatment in a series of articles by clicking on the link: Salmonellosis.

Rima asks:

Thanks for the answer.
Do I understand correctly that if there is sensitivity to Amikacin, but not to others, then only this will help? Sensitivity to bacteriophages remains, but they do not help. Could it be a mistake that we only gave it orally. Maybe I should do an enema? Or it’s no longer worth experimenting and undergoing treatment with Amikacin. I really don’t want to give this a/b.
For 13 kg of weight, 45 mg 2 times a day IM was prescribed for 5 days.

In the event that there is a high sensitivity to the bacteriophage, you can repeat the course of treatment, however, the treatment must be complex, it is necessary to take the bacteriophage drug, both orally and rectally, in age- and weight-specific doses. Only after an adequate course of treatment will it be possible to evaluate the effectiveness and determine the need to prescribe an antibiotic. Antibiotic treatment was prescribed adequately. Read more about bacteriophages in a series of articles by following the link: Bacteriophages.

Elena asks:

Hello! The child is 1 year and 4 months old. A month ago, salmonellosis was diagnosed. We treated her with the antibiotic Cefatoxin, bifidumbacterin, and bacteriophage for 7 days. We pass the analysis - S.newport gr.S was sown. Doctors say he may be a carrier. No one in the family was sown. Is it possible to cure a carrier?


Olga asks:

On June 16, the child (5 years old) began to complain of a strong pain in his stomach. There was a single vomiting. Stool several times a day - literally a teaspoon. Temperature up to 39.2. The pediatrician prescribed smecta and acipol. Since June 20, the child has not been bothered by anything. On June 25, we received an analysis and showed salmonella. They prescribed to drink bacteriophage (liquid) 7 ml 3 times. per day. On June 26, the child woke up with spots on his body (urticaria) and his limbs began to swell. On the evening of June 27 we went to the infectious diseases hospital. They prescribed medicine for allergies and took bacteriophage tablets (2 tablets, 3 times a day). The allergy was completely eliminated. But the analysis still shows salmonella. The doctor says that it is not possible to continue treatment at home, since we cannot buy bacteriophage in tablets anywhere. Many people write here that they were treated for salmonellosis for several months. Is it that we will have to stay in the hospital for so long???? We are now on day 7 of treatment in the hospital.

A hospital stay is usually required for the first 7-14 days, depending on the severity of the condition, after which treatment can be continued at home under the supervision of a local pediatrician. You can obtain additional information on the issue you are interested in in the appropriate section of our website by clicking on the following link: Salmonellosis and salmonella. Additional information You can also get it in the following section of our website: Laboratory diagnostics and in the series of articles: Intestinal infection

Ekaterina asks:

I was in the hospital with my child and was diagnosed with salmonella! We were sent home with him! At home we took a course of bacteriology and again got salmonella. Then they drank ersefuril, bifiform, polysorb, ergoferon. The doctor said to take three smears, all 3 should be negative! We took the test on Monday, the result came back negative on Thursday, then we took the second test on Friday, and the third on Monday. The result of the second is negative, the third is positive! How is this possible? Nothing happened for a week, did it suddenly appear? Please explain, is it possible with 3 tests, the first 2 are negative and the last is positive?